Changeling (Ranma 1/2)

Chapter 13 - Smile Like You Mean It
Chapter 13 - I had to split this one into two so Chapter 14 isn't that far off. It was getting to about 8K words though so I ended this one where I felt it natural and hopefully won't have long for the next chapter out.

Chapter 13 – Smile Like You Mean It


And someone is calling my name,
From the back of the restaurant.
And someone is playing a game,
In the house that I grew up in.
And someone will drive her around,
Down the same streets that I did.
On the same streets that I did.

Smile like you mean it.

-Smile Like you Mean It by The Killers


Ranko stares at Ranma, who gives her a wave. "You gonna say anythin' there, kiddo?"

"I… Y-You…" She stammers. "You're r-r-really here…"

He nods. "Yep. Only a part of me, and only kinda a… thin veneer? But still, here for your questions."

Ranko's eyes fill with tears. "Why?!" She chokes out, sinking to the ground near where her frozen self hovers, still at the moment of impact. "Why did you do this to me? To us?"

Ranma leans down and pats her head. "It's been hard for ya, ain't it?"

"Three weeks, Ranma!" Ranko wails. "Three weeks of being alone and treated like I was just an impostor! Three weeks of feeling like I was just a corpse that forgot to die! It was hard enough when I thought it was an accident but now I know we did it on purpose?"

Ranma squeezes her shoulder and wraps his arms about her. "Yeah, well, you know how our plans always work out, kiddo." He says softly. "I didn't think they'd be like that."

Ranko sniffles. "S-sorry, I know I'm a-acting like a w-w…"

"A 'weak little girl'?" Ranma asks. "Fine. It's your self, and that's Pop talkin' there, not you. I happen to like us as a girl, Ranko."

She turns and looks into his blue eyes. "What?"

He shrugs and pulls her to her feet, drawing her over to the imaginary engawa and sitting down next to her. "Your version of us is just as valid as this version of us, Ranko." He says, looking up at the illusory moon as she'd been doing with her sisters only scant hours ago. "Just like any other version'a us woulda been, if you'd been girly, a tomboy, decided to be a boy, it doesn't matter. I am I, and you are you and we are us. Sure, we share a body, but the Regeneration spell doesn't just affect your mind, but our spirit too. Aaaand I also kinda messed it up a bit." He rubs the back of his head awkwardly, chuckling softly.

Ranko stares at Ranma. "You messed it up?"

"Uh… Yeah. Didn't entirely do it properly, so it wasn't… Like it's supposed to be tabula rasa but… The way we did it… ain't. Y'still remember exactly how I felt, how we felt. So we're… Kinda the same person, and we're kinda not."

"Why do we have everything so complicated?" Ranko asks in a despairing tone.

"Saotome luck, I guess. Always bad."

Ranko shivers. "I c-can't imagine wh-what leads you t-to do that."

Ranma puts his hands behind his head and lies back. Ranko notices they're now on the roof and she automatically checks to make sure she wasn't showing off her underwear. She finds she's in the 'China' overalls she'd pretty much been given by Akane. Dream logic, she supposes.

"Well, it's difficult ta talk about, Ranko. You, you're good at talkin'. I'm proud of ya for it, but me? Look at how I talk with 'Kane. Just insult an' injury." He shrugs. "Guy gets tired'a bein' a moron I guess. Also I didn't entirely think it through all the way – I didn't think it'd be such a complete transformation, especially with how I messed it up, yanno? I figured if I did it right, we're entirely new and whatever I'd leave behind'd fade, and if it didn't work I'd just carry on an' see."

Ranko stares at him. "Ranma, you were never a moron." She chides. "And I should know."

He smiles and rubs his nose. "Well, I was when it came to 'Kane and all the chaos. Just… couldn't spit it out, no matter how I tried. And even if we were on the verge some new insanity would come. I used ta think sometimes… that I was under another curse, one that drew chaos ta me. Another reason to change our spirit, huh?"

Ranko shakes her head. "Still doesn't explain it." She says, bringing her knees up to her chest and resting her head on them. Ranma laughs a bitter laugh.

"Even now I'm shitty at talkin', and this is talkin' to myself." He says morosely, looking down. Ranko looks over at him, and her heart sinks. He looks sad. Unhappy, with that 'kicked puppy' look she knows she gets.

The world wheels about as she takes charge of the dreamspace, changing it to her room at her mother's house, her bed, the darkness where she'd sat and cuddled with Akane, where they were able to talk, to connect. This is her safe space, her sanctuary.

She sits up, cross-legged and pulls Ranma onto her lap, putting his arms about her neck, his head on her shoulder – like she had with Akane. Delicately, she puts her arms around him and holds him.

"Even if you're just a fragment, you're me. We're us. We can talk, Ranma." Ranko soothes. "So talk to me. You know I won't judge."

Ranma sighs. "Yanno, when we were doin' this with Akane, I really did like it. Felt right." He says. "Like me as a girl an' her like that just 'click', yanno?"

Ranko starts but doesn't say anything. Ranma carries on, wistfully. "Sometimes I used ta think it'd have been better if I'd just been a girl. You 'member our first meetin' with her?"

"I'm glad you're a girl."

"…Yes." Ranko says softly. "I suppose it was the start of it all."

"No kiddin'. But I mean, look at you. You've got so close to all of 'em. An' sure, it ain't the closeness with 'Kane that we wanted before but it's somethin'." He grins into her shoulder. "I dunno if it's 'cause you're a girl or what, but it's nice ta know it's possible. Even Ryouga." Ranko blushes and he leans back and grins at her. "Yeah y'can't hide shit from me, Ranko. No accountin' for taste, though I guess he's good lookin' enough. And he's been pretty sweet on ya, hasn't he?"

"Are we here to discuss my love life or why you made me in the first place?" Ranko hisses, face scarlet.

Ranma laughs. "Ha! She admits she loves him!"

"That's not…" She sighs as she sees his grin. "…Fine, Ranma, yes. I do love him. He's so lovely, so nice to me. Doesn't care who we were before, just sees me as me. As Ranko."

Ranma grins and boops her nose. "Good. Y'deserve happiness, and don't tell me you don't."

Ranko drags his head back to her shoulder, still embarrassed. "Fine, enough. So… did you want to become a girl?"

"Naw. Well…" Ranma ponders. "Kinda? S'complicated. You're hundred percent girl yeah? I know that from that horrible grey feelin' we get when you're in boy mode, that ants on ya skin feelin'."

"Yes." Ranko shudders.

"I'm… I guess, both?" Ranma wonders aloud. "Yeah. I was kinda both. Pop's bullshit really did a number on me. And Akane's constant yelling at me that I was a pervert really made me hate myself for it. But, I'm gone now, an' I can't deny it ta you."

Ranko squeezes him. "You know she doesn't really mind." She says.

"Well, yeah, I know that now, but that's because you can actually talk to her." Ranma says. "All I ever got was hit or called a pervert. Guess like me, she hides her stuff behind her anger and defensiveness."

Ranko nods sadly. "So you're both, it makes sense. Great-grandmother said our chi was always in flux between masculine and feminine."

Ranma nods. "I think it depended on the day, on the form, on how I felt. Hell, even I dunno how it really worked. But I realised it and… I realised I'd never be able to be me." He squeezes closer to Ranko. "Ever. Akane'd call me pervert, Pop'd do his stupid thing. Hell, if I'd known about Mom's dumb contract without knowing the truth about it, I'd'a probably been terrified worse'n you were."

Ranko shivers. The terror of that single moment of realising that seppuku contract had been for her still echoed in her mind. Ranma nods into her shoulder. "…Yeah." He says. "I spent months thinkin' on that spell. An' then I just… decided to set it up and it took another month before I actually triggered it."


Ranma sighs and pulls back. Something shifts in the room and Ranko finds herself swapped with him, her arms about his neck, her head resting on his shoulders and his arms about hers.

"The usual. A fight with Akane, but one where I was tryin'a tell her about me. Tell her I loved her. Fuck, I dunno, just talk without it devolvin' into a screamin' match." He shivers and she squeezes him. "I go to her an' I'm like 'Hey we gotta talk. It's about my curse an' us' an' she just skydives to some weird conclusion. I got her to calm the hell down, but then what happens but the idiot brigade showin' up to the house. Fuckin' Shampoo knocks a wall down, Ukyou throws a spatula. The usual knock-down-drag-out fight an' then she just calls me a pervert, slaps me an' pisses off."

Ranko sighs. She remembers that fight, though not the aftermath. Like everything before, it's kind of fuzzy.

Ranma sighs. "So I'm there in the crater caused by people dogpilin' on me and I realised there wasn't any hope. Not for me as I was. Not for us as we were. It wouldn't end, wouldn't stop, it'd keep gettin' more and more ridiculous. An'… it hurt. Like a stone in my chest, it wouldn't go away, wouldn't leave us alone. I just kept thinkin' that maybe it wouldn't hurt so much if we was someone else. Someone who could talk to people, who could admit their faults without bein' defensive about 'em. Who didn't put their foot in their mouth, and who could end all the stupid fiancée drama." Ranko's eyes fill with tears again and he brushes them away. "Someone who could cry and let the emotions out without feelin' weak because'a Pop's trainin'."

Ranko sniffles. "I'm s-sorry." She says. "I r-remember. I r-remember how we f-felt. And I don't f-feel much better." She buries her face in his shoulder.

Ranma runs his hand through her loose curls. "Yeah, well." His form shifts into female and she smiles at Ranko. "You're good. Some things didn't change. But you did end it all. You don't put your foot in your mouth." Her smile widens. "Ya can cry, ya can talk to 'Kane. It's amazin', and I won't ever stop feelin' proud of ya for that. Sure, we got problems. Everyone does, but you're tacklin' them 'cause you ain't afraid ta reach out and ask for help."

Ranko nods into her other self's shoulder and then giggles. "It's so strange to hear such rough speech from our own voice." She comments and Ranma laughs.

"Yeah." She says, "S'weird ta hear someone so polite talkin' in mine." She teases. "Anyway, when Akane was swingin' with that fryin' pan I realised that my own shitty attitude and her rage would make nothin' work so well. So I set it to trigger on hittin' my head. I think at that point I'd just… had enough, yanno?"

Ranko nods. "I'm sorry."

"I ain't. I mean that first day where ya hit your head again I had the chance to change back ta me. But I didn't. Because you'd done somethin' that day an' night – you defused Akane. You talked to her, about bein' a girl, an' she didn't yell, she didn't call us a pervert, she just… Took it. Badly, yeah, but only 'cause of her feelin's and not 'cause she thought it was perverted." He chuckles. "So I stayed in the back."

Ranko sighs and nuzzles into her other self's neck. "You keep muddling personal pronouns up."

Ranma laughs. "Well, that's just how it is, kiddo. We're both the same an' different an' I don't think there's a way ta explain it properly. S'like that dumb game Usagi were playin' that time ya walked inta class an' she was actually awake. 'I am I' an' all that, except I am us, an' we are you an' it's just really fuckin' weird."

Ranko sighs again. "Does that mean you can take over again?"

"Naw. Not without the coins, an' they're strictly time limited. Each one's about an hour; ya use 'em all an' ya have about a day where I can come out ta play. Once they're gone though, Kiddo, they're gone, an' this koban won't last forever. Once the coin-me's done with, it won't work anymore."

Ranko tears up. "But… It's your body, it's your life! I just stole it!" She wails. "I know we are us and you are me, but I stole it!"

Ranma squeezes her tighter. "Naw, kiddo, I gave it ya. Us. Whatever. We ain't different people an' we are. It's like bein' someone in a different light or under a different perspective. In one sense we're different, individual, an' I'd suggest listenin' ta your shrink when she asks ya to think of us like that. But don't forget, that a little part'a me is always gonna be a part'a ya."

Ranko smiles and snuggles closer. "You're warmer than I am." She notes.

"Ah, that's ya soul of ice actin' up again. Once ya stand tall an' let the warmth'a your family get'cha back up, you'll be warmer again, though maybe not as warm as I was, hey?"

Ranko nods. "I suppose. What do you think of us asking Ryouga out?"

Ranma grins at her, staring with blue eyes into the same blue eyes. "Aw, go for it. Ya don't get many chances an' he's kinda cute now he ain't tryin'a kill us."

Ranko smiles. "I'll try and see."

Ranma holds her close a while. Then the two are standing next to the pond again. The one against the rock still hovers there. Ranma smiles gently at her, back in boy-form.

"Hey Ranko?"


"Can you give me the full day?" He asks. "Next Sunday? I wanna take 'Kane out on a date in the mornin' before I talk to everyone. I figure I can give her some closure that way, then I can say my goodbyes. And… I wanna be the one ta explain. It ain't fair on ya to hafta to that."

Something clenches in Ranko's heart, the ice and he puts a hand on her shoulder. "I know. But you need closure too. I just figure it's best goin' out with a bang than a whimper. And…" Ranko looks down but he smiles at her. "Do me a favour? I know you an' Ma don't wanna see Pop. But he at least deserves the same closure, awright? Just for that day, bring him along?"

Ranko sucks in a deep breath, then nods. He smiles. "I'll do what I can, Ranma." She says. "Will we be able to talk again soon?"

"Ah there ain't much in here left, but tell ya what, Saturday night ya grab me, awright?"

Ranko nods and Ranma hugs her one last time before the dream dissolves. "Be seein' ya, kiddo."


Ranko wakes, and instantly she's filled with sadness. It's very early on Sunday morning and she's awake before anyone else, so she stretches and pads down the stairs in her pyjamas after putting the koban back with the letter. Ranma's words fill her mind as she absently starts preparing breakfast until Kasumi wakes and turfs her away from the stove to set the table with a hug and a "Thank you, imouto-chan."

Ranko sits on the engawa while the others filter in, then she joins them. Nabiki's sleepy, Akane's obviously raring for her jog and Soun is his usual taciturn self.

Ranko clears her throat as Kasumi enters and sits. "I spoke to Ranma." She says quietly. "H-he told me… wh-why he did it. What he did. And that he messed it up, but he'll… explain it himself. He asked me to let him."

Kasumi sighs and Akane looks curious. "Oh?"

"He… he asked me to use the coins all at once. Next Sunday." Ranko looks at her breakfast and eats in silence while the others process it. "He um. He asked…" Ranko shakes her head. "Never mind."

The others look concerned, but don't say anything more on the matter since Ranko seems unable to really meet any of their eyes.

The week seems to fly by. She can't seem to make time slow down – at the same time as it feels like she's rushing towards a new chapter, she also feels like she's a condemned prisoner, marching to her own oblivion.

School moves on in its own stately way as she and Ryouga settle in. Hibari hits on them, she finds plenty of notes on her locker and even, blushing and stammering, has to reject several boys (and a couple of girls) who ask her out.

Cologne and Doctor Toufu both teach her several medical pressure points and are astounded at how fast she picks them up.

Her mother's reaction to the fact that she's going to find her father on Sunday morning, early as the sun rising in the summer, isn't that pleasant. It's the first argument they have, if both of them raising their voices and not backing down can be called it. Ranko, in the end, persuades her mother not to gut her father and tells her that the moment Ranma's gone, Genma will be too.

Nodoka smiles at her daughter's resolve after that and the two hug before she advises her mother to head to the Tendou house, along with Ukyou. Shampoo and Ryouga as well, if possible.

Ranko finds Genma in an empty lot she remembers Ryouga staying in with his tent. It's just as lonely as when Ryouga was there, but her distaste on finding him slumped out overrides her sympathy for her father. Poking him awake, she folds her arms and stares at him.

"Father." She mutters. "I can't say I'm surprised. Come with me." Genma stares stupidly at her before getting into a ready stance. Ranko sighs. "You are lucky Ranma wanted you there." She says. "Come with me to the Tendou house. We'll at least feed you and then you can see Ranma one more time."

Genma sputters but she shushes him. "Be quiet, father. One wrong word and I don't know if Mother will gut you or not." She motions for him to follow her. "Come on, we'd better head off."

Genma follows her, mind a-whirl with questions. Chief among them why is she taking him back there when she was so cold before?

"Ranma, I-" She turns her gaze on him. He shuts up.

"Ranko." She says.


"That's my name now. Ranko. Ranma's gone. But he wanted to say goodbye, and that's why I'm here instead of ignoring your existence, Father."


In the guestroom of the Tendou household after delivering a shaking Genma to the breakfast table and likely spoiling a nice morning for everyone, Ranko stares at the clothes set in front of her. She sucks in a breath. She can do this. She braids her hair into the old pigtail and ties it with the dragon whisker. She doesn't need it, but it's better safe than sorry.

She sighs, picking up a flask and pours hot water on herself, changing into her cursed form. She lets herself shift and tries to ignore the wrongness that permeates her from it. This isn't for her, she can deal with it.

She picks the boxers up and goes bright red. These are boy's underwear and she's embarrassed to be simply holding them. As quickly as she can she slips into them, then the soft trousers, drawing the string. Next is her old black tank top. Finally one of her old favourite Chinese silk shirts and her old wrist guards and she stands, looking like her old self.

She takes in a breath and lets it out, trying to find her centre. Everything's subtly wrong about this body, but she needs to be calm and she needs to ignore it for everyone else's sake. The spell won't work if she can't balance herself.

She doesn't have to do this, but she wants to. For her own peace and for her family's peace. She picks the five coins and the koban up, slipping them into a pocket and then walks down the stairs, fighting the wrongness she's constantly feeling.

The family room is full of her friends and family, and she peeks through a crack in the shouji. Ranko sucks in a breath, remembering body language, remembering speech patterns. She subtly changes and shifts until she fully resembles her old self. And just like that, the persona settles over her, like a role in a play. It's not entirely her, and it's not entirely him until something clicks, the chi in the coins rushing through her body and it's like she's moved to the back, to sleep while something lingering in her mind takes over through the spell.

Ranma looks himself over, pats his chest a few times and grabs a handy pen, scribbling a note that he folds and puts into his pocket. He remembers the clothes that she'd taken off to put his old ones on and shakes his head. "Girly girl, really?" sighing, he then laughs. "Well, I guess it's better that way, feels more comfy. More right. Guess we always were inside…" He takes in a breath, clears his thoughts and prepares to say goodbye, even if it's not really goodbye, but he can't expect them to understand his head.

But first!

"Hey, Akane?" He calls through. "Could ya- you come here a sec?"

"Sure, Ranko!" Akane exits the family room and then stops as she closes the shouji behind her. She stares. "Ranko? Why are you…?"

Ranma stares at her hungrily, as if nothing else in the world was important. "Hey 'Kane." He says rubbing the back of his head.

Akane stands there, wide-eyed, staring at him. Understanding dawns in her eyes. Tears start pouring down her face. "Ranma?"

"Hey there 'Kane. Came back ta see ya one last time." Ranma says, holding a hand out. She takes it and he pulls her into his arms. "Got some things ta tell ya that I hadta before I went for good."

Akane grips the silk shirt and sobs into it, but he puts a finger under her chin and lifts her face to look into his. "Hey now, no cryin' awright? Ya had ta know I ain't back forever. This's just… Sayin' goodbye."

Akane stares as he wipes the tears from her face gently. "You know I love ya, ya uncute tomboy, right?"

Akane giggles despite herself. "Ranma no baka." She says softly, staring into those blue, blue eyes. She thwaps him gently on the forehead and he rubs it ruefully.

"Wish I'd been able ta say it while I was still around." He mumbles. "But life's funny like that, ya know?"

Akane nods, biting her lip.

"But I do. I love ya, even if ya hit me, even if ya assumed the worst all the time. You always forget how beautiful you are when you smile and how much you care."

"Ranma… I…"


"I… I love you t-t-too." She manages to say. "I'm s-sorry I n-never said it either."

"Eh, communicatin' weren't exactly either of our strong suit." Ranma grins. "Hey 'Kane?" He asks.

She looks into his eyes. "Yes?" She asks softly. Ranma leans his face close to hers, breath tickling her lips as he captures her lips with his.

The kiss is soft and gentle, demanding and wonderful as she's always imagined from when she realised she'd loved him and fantasised about it. It's a searching kiss, a kiss that communicates his love far more coherently than any of his words.

The kiss stretches on and on, but eventually Ranma gently teases them apart and looks in Akane's eyes. She's flushed, breath coming in gasps. She manages to collect herself after a moment, giddy as a thought that sours in her stomach. "But. Wait. Ranko?"

Ranma smiles at Akane, a joy on his face and a warmth she'd never seen. "She's in back, sleepin' while I'm here. Ya got me for the rest of the day." He leans in close and speaks into her ear. "Thanks for lookin' out for us. Her. Me. It's complicated, an' I'll explain it all to you first before everyone tonight before I… go." Akane chokes back a sob and he shakes his head. "Ain't no use runnin' from it, 'Kane. Borrowed time. An' it is borrowed. She's here to stay, and she loves you as much as me."

Akane nods. "Y-yeah. Sorry, I just…"

"Naw, I get it." Ranma leans back and stares her in the eyes. "So do I." He sighs. Then he brightens. "But you got me for a day. Wanna go on a date, just this one time?"

Akane stares at him. Bites her lip. Considers. He keeps a gentle smile on his face. "Ya don't hafta." He says quietly. "If ya think it will hurt more than it'll help, ya can just go back in there an' we'll just hang out with the family until I go."

Akane straightens and shakes her head, voice firm. "No. Let's do it."

"Ah, good, 'cause I told Ranko last night ta make reservations and woulda looked like a real asshole if ya hadn't."

"Idiot." Akane swats him with a smile and he yelps.


Akane shakes her head again. "Let me get dressed. You too, mister, I know you have a better dress shirt than that old thing."

"Aw but this looks good, 'Kane and you know she'll never wear it."

"Yeah well…" Akane shrugs. "Go get dressed or I'll not go on a date."

He sticks his tongue out at her. "S'a good thing you're actually a cute tomboy or I'd not do it on general principles." He says, leading her upstairs, then walking into the guestroom to change.

Akane closes the door to her own room and shudders as she sinks down against the door, hands going to her face. She hadn't been prepared at all for that. Kami, what an asshole as always. Her lips quirk as she stands, removes her pyjamas and changes into one of her nice dresses, then spends a minute or so putting on light makeup.

She exits to find that, shock of shocks, Ranma has a white dress shirt on and some actual, factual smart trousers on. He rubs the back of his head embarrassedly. "Don't look at me, they ain't ones I bought."

Akane laughs. "Ranko had you pegged alright." She says. Ranma grins at her, takes her hand and the two of them sneak downstairs. Akane goes to the family room to tell them she was just going somewhere with Ranko, while Ranma puts on a pair of black shoes he swears he didn't own before in the genkan.

On the way out, they almost get caught by Nabiki, but Ranma manages to get them out quickly and the middle sister shrugs and moves back to the family to join in the glaring at Genma.


They sit down at the fancy restaurant that Ranko had booked for them, dinner on a Sunday isn't exactly a normal evening date but they can't really make a choice as to when to have it.

Akane doesn't care. She can see in front of her the boy she loves. The boy she wishes was here as well as her sister. Part of her is boiling with guilt and with sadness and hurt as he explains what he did. What they did (and the personal pronouns that Ranma uses for he and Ranko are just as confusing to her as to them), and why, and the guilt boils in her.

When tears start falling from her eyes, he takes her hand. "Akane." He says seriously. "I chose to do this because I felt it was the only choice I had. And maybe I was wrong. But it's not only your fault. It's mine. It's everyone's. No one person really carries more blame for it than us." He squeezes her hand. "I drove myself here because I was weaker than I shoulda been. I shoulda been strong, instead I ran over and we had to have Ranko pick up the pieces. Which weren't really fair on her."

Akane nods, and he dabs gently at her eyes to help her, eyes alight. "S'a good thing we know how ta remove tears to stop makeup runnin'." He says, smiling. Then he leans forwards and kisses her again over the table and she melts a moment, before he leans back, grinning. "An' that these kisses are way better than that one you two had."

Akane laughs. It's almost hollow except that she sees the funny side. "You're a jerk, Ranma."

"An' you're a cute tomboy." He says with a grin.

The food is excellent, but the conversation is better for Akane. Just for now, even with a ticking clock on it, it's the happiest she's been for months. Years. She tries not to think how it'll end soon, and only in a few hours, or how she's going to deal with it afterwards.

Right now, she just wants to live in this moment.

She does make sure she borrowed Nabiki's digital camera though, taking photographs of the two of them as much as she can. Ranma teases her but she can tell he's touched.

Once they've had their meal, Ranma offers her his hand, checks the time and smiles.

He takes her down to the park, to the areas that couples frequent, and smiles as he draws a blanket from his chi space, putting it down under a tree and sitting.

They spend most of the rest of the afternoon that way, talking, his arms around her and her nestled up to him.

"I'm sorry it ain't fancier." He says to her, holding her close and kissing her neck. "I wish I could do more, have more time for ya."

Akane shakes her head, biting back her tears. There's no time for them here. Not right now. "No." She says, reaching her hands to clasp his and bringing them to her lips. "No, this is perfect."

She cuddles back up against him, and he holds her close. "Tendou Akane." He says softly into her ear, kissing her neck again.


"I love you." He says. It still sends a thrill through her and she reaches back to cup his cheek.

"I know." She says. "I love you too. I'll miss you."

"And there'll always be part of us missin' you too." Ranma says as they settle into a profound silence, with no need for words. Akane turns her head, grips his, and kisses him until they need to come up for air.

After a moment's respite, they kiss again.


So this chapter was getting REAL long, so it's split into two. That also means the next chapter shouldn't be very long as I'm still writing right now.

I hope the self-stuff is followable and that you enjoyed it!

Next time, more closure for everyone. I just wanted a cute scene.

Also jeebus, this fic including the bits not yet published is over 70K words.

I'm now working on chapter 14 of this two-shot! :D
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Chapter 14 - Let Me Not Die Unremembered
Aaaand chapter 14 done!

Chapter 14 – Let Me Not Die Unremembered

Every step we take,
Echoes in our wake,
For tomorrow's our fate to,
Forge ahead!

Should we lose our way,
Tire of all of this pain,
We won't be afraid to,
Forge ahead!

-Endwalker by Masayoshi Soken


Akane heads in before Ranma does at the end of the date. She's upset, but the long, passionate kiss he'd given her at the gate to the compound had left her weak-kneed, and she'd left lingering touches on his face, on his arms as she'd headed upstairs. He follows a short moment later, changing into his red silk clothes.

Akane heads to the family room when she's changed, tears running down her face. She tries to control it, to swallow the pain, but she can't. Not when he's still there.

Today was wonderful and terrible and frightening, yet it was reassuring and somehow, inside, she knows that this is exactly what she needed.

But it still hurts. It still burns inside, like churning, boiling anger, only this time it's sadness, not her usual anger.

She sits amongst her family, who seem to somehow understand what's happened. Nodoka simply passes her a handkerchief and Ukyou pats her on the shoulder.

Genma still sits on the engawa, far from everyone, not talking, wondering why the hell he's here with all these people who hate him.

Ranma walks to the shouji and opens it, affecting a cocky swagger as he strides into the room, grinning around with his hands on the back of his head.

"Hey guys, ya miss me?" he asks.

Jaws drop open as they all turn to look at him.

"Ranma?!" Kasumi drops the teapot she was carrying and lightning-fast Ranma's there, catching the teapot and setting it on the table.

"Watch it there, Kas, don't wanna spill it, hey?" He grins cockily and steps back. "Whatcha all starin' at?"

Ryouga stares at him, a worried, potentially heartbroken look in the lost boy's eyes and, Ranma's eyes flick to him the pigtailed boy nodding with a faint smile, mouthing 'she's here' tapping one finger gently on his heart in a gesture he makes sure only Ryouga can see. Ryouga seems to sag in relief.

"Boy." Genma says from the engawa. "That you?"

"Whaddya think, Pop?" Ranma drawls lazily. "Sure it's me. Just back one last time ta kick yer ass an' say goodbye ta everyone."

Nodoka stares at him, her face pale and he grins easily at her. "Hey, you must be my Ma. S'good ta meet ya. Ain't never met ya that I can 'member too good, so s'good ya here. Am I manly enough for ya?" His grin widens into a confident smirk as he shows himself off and then he cracks his knuckles. "If ya need it provin' I can kick the panda here's ass nine ways from Sunday."

Nodoka stares and then stands, moving forwards and embracing Ranma who flails a little. "My son." She says, choked up and holding him close. "Yes. You more than fulfilled your side of the contract. But it doesn't matter anyway, because I wouldn't have held you to it." She squeezes him and he swallows as she whispers a message meant for her not him. "Thank you for doing this for us."

"Aw jeez Ma." He steps back, embarrassedly rubbing the back of his head. "Ya gotta be like that? Ain't manly to be cuddled by ya mom."

Nodoka laughs and sits back down. "Thank you for letting me meet you."

Ranma grins and he turns to Nabiki. "Hey Nabs, get one last photo of me, will ya? No charge." His eyes twinkle as she shifts, then leaves the room, fetching her old polaroid camera and taking a photograph. He nods. "Cheers, Nabs. That's the last freebie – you treat her right an' only take photos she's awright with, else I'll come back somehow and kick your ass." He grins, "An' pay her modellin' fees fer heaven's sakes."

Nabiki nods, but seems oddly choked up as she shakes the photograph in her hand. "Alright."

Ranma turns to Kasumi. "Thanks for all the food and care, Kas. Your cookin's one of the few things I liked about my life. You've always been a big sis and I wanted ta thank ya one last time. Ya didn't need to treat me so well an' I sure as hell didn't deserve it, but thank ya." The eldest Tendou, tears in her eyes, grabs him in a hug and cries on his shoulder.

"Goodbye, Ranma." She sobs. "I'll… take care of my little sisters. All three of them. OK?"

"Thanks Kas." He says quietly. He steps away and looks to Soun, who is unsurprisingly crying his eyes out. "Hey old man Tendou. Thanks fer havin' me here. You're a good dad, but ya really gotta get back on with your life." Soun looks shocked, and Ranma smiles at him. "Don't gotta date anyone but maybe teach at the Dojo again, huh? Your youngest could really do with the help, more'n you're already doin' awright?" He holds a hand out and Soun takes it, the pigtailed boy shaking his hand firmly in the western style. "Trust me, I'm gone an' it's best not ta have regrets, hey?"

Ranma walks to Shampoo and Ukyou, who sit with tears tracking down their faces. "Hey, why the long faces girls?" He smiles gently at them. "Shamps, it's been fun. You hadta know I'd never've gone with you or married you but it was always fun ta fight ya. Ya never held back." He grins and nods. "'Sides I think ya lucked out with a Xiǎo mèi mèi ta call your own, huh?"

Shampoo nods, sniffs, then stands and puts her arms around him in a hug quite different from her old glomps. He pauses a moment, softens, and hugs her back. Akane nearby watches sadly, but the fire in her's gone out. Ranma pats Shampoo on the back and stands apart. "Say hi and thanks ta the Old Ghoul for me, huh? It was her spellbook that got me here, after all." She nods.

"Goodbye, airen." She sniffs and sits back down. Ukyou stands up and Ranma grins at her.

"Hey there onee-chan." He laughs. "I hope ya look after her well, Ucchan. I want ya to be happy, OK?"

Ukyou nods and grabs him in a hug. "Take care, sugar." She says softly into his chest. "You always did like to cause a lot of trouble, didn'tcha?"

Ranma laughs embarrassedly. "Yeah, well… Ya caused just as much. Take care a her for me, awright?"

Ukyou nods. "You bet, sugar. I'm gonna be the best big sis you ever saw." She says, then squeezes him one last time. "Goodbye, Ranchan." She sighs, then kisses his cheek and sits back down.

Ranma walks to the engawa. To Genma. "Hey Pop. You're a shitty father." Genma's face darkens but he finds himself unable to summon the anger to hit his son. Right at this moment, he realises why Ranko had brought him. "I mean jeez, the neko-ken is enough ta prove that. But somehow I still came out alright, I think."

"I… yeah." Genma says, his voice thick. "Sorry I wasn't so great."

Ranma nods. "Then I charge you to do better this time, Pop. Treat your daughter right and let her be her own woman. Else I'll have Ma gut ya, right? An' if they want you ta stay away, ya stay the fuck away, you hear?"

Genma swallows nervously. "Ah.. yeah." Ranma grins and suddenly Genma hugs him for the first time in years. He murmurs into his son's ear. "Ranma… I'm proud of you. I've always been proud of you. I just… I wanted you to know that, OK? Even when I couldn't say it, even when I wouldn't say it, I've always been proud to have you as my son."

"Aw jeez Pop, don't make me cry." Ranma sniffs a couple of times and pats his father roughly on the back. "See ya around, y'old fleabag." He moves apart and Genma's own eyes are shining as Ranma surreptitiously wipes his own eyes. He looks to his next person to speak to and finds the lost boy looking at him.

Ranma grins at Ryouga. "Hey pork breath." He laughs as Ryouga's face darkens. "I think a certain someone always knew ya secret and just used ya to mess with me to make me jealous, but ya really gotta come clean properly for both of their sakes, awright?"

Ryouga pauses in his anger and then breathes an explosive sigh. "I'll try," He laughs. "Asshole. As much as it pains me to admit, I'll miss you."

Ranma laughs. "Aw Ryouga, s'almost like ya care about me." He gives the lost boy a direct look and Ryouga for one dizzying moment realises that it's really not his Ranko talking but her old self. A message from him not her, that this whole scene probably was left there in her head, given so they could all have something resembling closure. One last gift to them all. It's so… so Ranma. His lip quirks. Asshole. "Ya take care of her, y'hear me Ryouga? Good care. She deserves ta be happy and so do you."

"I… I will, Ranma." Ryouga replies, throat suddenly thick.

"She's only now realisin' her feelin's, so ya gotta be gentle, alright? Not that you ain't been a perfect gent, but just… keep doin' whatcha doin' and I think stuff'll fall into place."

"I will." Ryouga repeats and then holds his own hand out. Ranma shakes it.

"S'been a privilege ta kick your ass from here to the other side'a Nerima all this time, Hibiki." Ranma says, grinning impudently.

"Likewise, Saotome. Are you prepared?" Ryouga asks. Ranma looks confused.

"Prepared for what, Pork Breath?"

"PREPARED TO DIE!" Ryouga roars and throws a bandanna that Ranma easily catches. The pigtailed boy laughs and hands it back.

"Gawd you're an asshole. I really don't know what she sees in you." He drawls. Ryouga grins and so does Ranma. "Well actually naw, I guess she's got good taste. Always did like bacon."

Ryouga thwaps him on the back of the head and Ranma grins as he moves away and approaches the final person there.

Akane looks at him, and he takes her hand, drawing her to her feet and embracing her. "Hey 'Kane. Thanks for today. It was probably the best few hours of my time as me." He leans to the side, and captures her lips again. She leans in, then against him.

"Ranma…" She breathes.

Both their eyes are filled with tears, but Ranma digs into his pocket and hands her a note he'd written before entering. "Give that to her 'Kane. She needs to read it. And be there for her. For me?"

Akane nods, choking out a sob and clutches onto his shirt like nothing else is holding her up. He keeps his arms around her. "I want you to move on, 'Kane." He says into her ear. "Don't sit and wait for me to come back. I won't. This is… momentary and I can feel it slippin' already. One last gift. I want you to look for love, find it, live and breathe it. Find a nice man or woman, settle down." He squeezes her tightly. "I don't wanna be an albatross about ya neck, OK? Don't stay stuck." His voice quietens. "Don't be like your dad." She nods into his chest and he smiles. "Good girl."

He gently sits the two of them down, Akane on his lap, arms about his neck his letter to Ranko clutched in her hand.

And he explains. He tells them of the chaos, and what he did. Why he did it. Why Ranko is not quite the same, but that same thought, that same promise they both made to protect the weak, to be kind. His feelings on being both male and female inside, never really fully one way, and how now he knows it's okay to feel like that, when before he thought he was broken somehow.

How proud he is everyone's move well enough to deal with Ranko.

When he's done, Ranma looks around at everyone and remembers something he'd heard on a TV show once while sitting with Nabiki on one of her western science fiction binges. The situation he'd seen on the screen strikes a chord with him now.

He'd be gone again soon, and someone else would walk away in his body. It'd still be him, but him viewed through a different lens, in a different mood. A different him. Well, a different her.

Ranma was never that good at words, so he figured why not use that man's words to try to get his thoughts across to his family before he left.

"It all just disappears don't it? Everythin' you are, gone in a moment like… breath on a mirror." He smiles cheekily. "Any moment now, she's a-comin'."

Nabiki snorts. "Alright, 'Doctor'."

Ranma laughs ruefully. "Nerd. But he was right. We really are all kinds of different people, all through our lives. And it's OK, it's good. Ya gotta keep movin' so long as you 'member everyone you were before."

He smiles softly at everyone, tears gathering in his eyes. "He had the right idea. I… She… We… won't forget one day of this. Not one moment. We'll always remember when Ranma was me."

Akane burrows her head into the crook of his neck and wails, and he shivers for a few moments, shuddering with sobs from his own throat. He tips Akane's face up and kisses her one last time, before he gently disengages her from his arms.

Remembering that show, he unbuttons his red silk shirt that he'd not worn since she'd turned up, and he puts it around Akane's shoulders, making to stand up. She grabs his hand. "P-please don't go." She says in a small voice. "P-please. I love you. Don't go."

He smiles at her, kisses her on the cheek and disengages her hand. "It's OK, 'Kane. You'll be OK. I know ya will. But I'm already slippin' away, and you don't wanna be holdin' me as I disappear." He takes her face in both his hands and kisses her one final time. "An' don't forget. Move on, 'Kane. Become everythin' I know ya can be."

Standing, he looks around at everyone, and gives one last confident smile at everyone. "Catch ya around, folks. Y'all take care of Ranko, awright?"

Nods, crying and other hurt movements answer him, and he reaches down for a glass of water. Sucking in a deep breath as the final dregs of the spell fade away, he pours it on herself.

And Saotome Ranma fades into light and memory.


But not entirely. He's got one last thing to do for themself.

He walks about the pond in their dream world, smiling at the redheaded girl who's napping while waiting for him. He sits down next to her and puts an arm around her, waiting for her to wake up. He feels thin, stretched, like mozzarella on the verge of breaking from a pizza. He's bleeding light, and holding what's left of himself from the koban by a thread.

Ranko wakes inside her dreamspace and sees Ranma there. He grins easily at her and waggles his (partly see-through) fingers. "Hey kiddo. We gotta talk before I go."

Ranko stares. "You're…"

"Yep. All done. You'll get the memories unspoolin', eh, give take a couple of hours, though most of it's snugglin' an' smoochin' so maybe you want to not quite think of 'em."

Ranko blushes. "Akane?"

"Akane." He grins. She blanches but says nothing else while he helps her up and the two of them look at the version of themselves floating above the rock at moment of impact.

"Hey Ranko?" He asks. "You're happy, right? We're happy?"

Ranko plays with her hands. "…I… suppose. Yes. I don't… like us very much, but that's… I'm trying."

"Good." Ranma puts his arms behind his head. "I don't think you'll be doin' any Hiryu Shoten Ha's anytime soon, but then again, I don't think you'll be doin' Shi Shi Hokodan either."

Ranko nods. "I'm trying to see the good, Ranma."

"Nice. I hope we do. See the good. And tell Ryouga how we feel, awright?"

"I will." Ranko promises. He ruffles her hair.

"Ya know what though, kiddo?" Ranma asks, looking up at the moon. "I'm proud'a us. Of you. I know our future's in good hands." He puts an arm over her shoulder and draws her close. "I'd love ta stay around and watch, whisperin' in your ear when ya feel shitty, but I know that ain't gonna happen. Still, whatever you do, Ranko; good luck."

Ranko sniffles and nods. "Thank you. Though… it sounds strange since it's coming from us. Me. You. Why is it so complicated?"

"I told ya, Saotome luck. Always bad."

"Mine isn't…"

"Well, yeah, that's 'cause you're channelin' the Himura blood."

Ranko giggles. "I suppose so. Goodbye Ranma. Thank you for being me."

Ranma grins as the area turns to day and the falling figure finally lands in the pond. "Back atcha, Ranko."

Ranma dissolves into light. She doesn't quite know why, but she still watches the motes fly into the sky as the version of herself in the pond mumbles about her head hurting.


Ranko opens her eyes to find herself in her tank top and trousers, confused as she's now standing in the middle of the room. She can sort-of remember everything that had happened and knows she'll remember properly later but right now she's confused and worried as everyone is staring at her.

"Um…" She looks. Sees everyone in the room looks upset. Blanches. "I… I…"

"That was…" Kasumi sniffles. Ranko looks around in horror.

"I'm sorry!" She says, looking down. "I d-d-didn't think it w-would…"

Ryouga, of all of them, stands and pulls Ranko down to sit down, then puts an arm about her shoulders. He doesn't say anything, his eyes are wet too, but he looks at her with such relief that she wonders what was said.

Akane, eyes still pouring tears, clutching the red silk shit around her like a lifejacket, clears her throat. "Ranko, I don't think you know. It was… it was beautiful." She takes in a long, shuddering breath. "All of it, all day, all of the time I had. I don't… I don't think I've ever had such a wonderful parting gift from anyone."

Nodoka smiles at her daughter. "I think I understand now why they're all so upset at his passing." She says, simply. "I don't know him. I'll never know my son. And that's okay, that's fine for me, because I have you. But I can see that core, that kindness running through him that runs through you. He said you're the same person, and in some respects, I can see that's true. But you're still different. To me, at least, dear." She nods.

Akane nods too. "It was terrible as well as wonderful, though."

Ranko looks at the floor. "I'm sorry." She says softly. "I didn't want to… I don't want to hurt people."

Kasumi kneels by her and pulls Ranko into a huge, keeping her close. "Ranko-chan, it's fine. It's good." Tears are still pouring from her own eyes. "I don't think you get it – to help us heal, we had to be hurt. We had to face Ranma and be forced to say goodbye. Else we'd be in limbo forever. And now." She holds up the polaroid photograph. "We have something for the butsudan."

Ranko sniffles, but manages not to burst into tears. "I'm still sorry."

"Don't be, sugar." Ukyou says, smiling at her sister. "It was the right thing to do. Right, Shamps?"

"Shampoo not mad at Ranko. Not even mad at idiot airen. Shampoo think was beautiful moment, but horrible too, but needed. Like lancing boil. Sometimes hurt come before heal." She smiles at Ranko. "As someone wanting to be doctor, Ranko should know this."

Ranko squirms, but still looks away, shame on her face.

Genma, sitting on the engawa, away from everyone and watching them all try to comfort Ranko who doesn't seem to be able to be comforted, sits up straighter suddenly. An idea occurs to him. He clears his throat and regrets it as several unfriendly pairs of eyes flick to him. He ploughs on. "I ah… Thank you, Ranko, for letting me be here. And say goodbye. But I think…" He frowns. "I think I've got an idea that might… I don't know, help. An ending to mark a new beginning is what tonight should be, right?" He sounds out. Ranko watches him think his idea to himself and sighs.

"Father, I think we both know how most of your ideas work out." She says, primly.

Genma shakes his head. "I know. I know that, and I can't… well. Anyway. We've had the ending. We've said goodbye, but we've not really said hello." He looks at Soun. "A new beginning. Like that first day…"

He looks around. No one's telling him to shut up and he senses he might have an opportunity to pay back some of what he owes his family. He starts to explain his plan to the incredulous stares of everyone around him.

Ranko watches and her eyebrows raise until he's finished and everyone else leans back. "Huh." Says Akane. "I wonder if it'll…"

Ranko shrugs. "I suppose we can try…" She says morosely.


"Everybody ready?" Akane's voice carries through the hall of the Tendou house.

"Yes." Kasumi says, everyone else nodding along.

"Alright, Genma-san, go."

A panda runs down the hallway of the Tendou household, following a running Soun and Kasumi, a redhead in pink overalls over an orange blouse sitting on its forearm, hanging precariously.

"Father! You're scaring them!" She scolds the panda.

Akane, Nabiki, Shampoo, Ukyou, Ryouga and Nodoka watch as it stomps in and sets the redhead down gently, patting her on the head with a 'Growf' noise.

Soun stares as she clasps her hands in front of her, then bows low. "Wait… Are you…?"

She smiles embarrassedly. "Saotome Ranko. I'm very sorry about all of this trouble. My mother said I should be her, and Father here agreed."

Soun smiles and gives the girl a hug. "You're finally here!" He says, then with an arm on her shoulder her motions to his daughters. "These are my daughters, Kasumi." Kasumi gives a wave, "Nabiki," Nabiki just pops a bubble on her gum and grins. "And Akane." Akane gives a slight smile.

Ranko gives a polite bow. "I'm very pleased to meet you." She says, a shy smile on her face.

Soun beams at her. "You're welcome to call me Uncle Tendou, Ranko, as your father is practically my brother." She nods and he laughs loudly, "We even had this deal going on where when his son was born, he'd marry one of my daughters!" There's an intake of breath and someone shakes their head at him, but he just laughs. "However, you're a girl, Ranko and I wouldn't ask you to do that unless you were interested!" He claps her on the shoulder and everyone relaxes. "Make yourself at home, sweetheart. I want this to be as much your home as your mother's house."

Ranko sniffles and nods. "Thank you, Uncle Tendou."

Akane walks over and puts a hand on her arm. "Hey there! I understand you learned some self-defence against bullying, Ranko-chan. Can I see if I can give you some pointers in the dojo? I'm pretty good."

Ranko nods, and the two girls walk out over the engawa and to the dojo, where they both bow to the I Ro Ha sign.

Back in the house, the group relaxes and Nodoka chuckles. "I… think that actually worked." She says. Everyone else nods. "For once you had a good idea, Genma."

The panda is replaced by Genma and he coughs embarrassedly, not used to a crazy scheme actually working. "Well, we'll see. But sometimes a dumb plan can reset things." He moves back to his place from before, waiting on them to tell him to leave, or at least the best time to do so.

In the dojo the two girls bow to one another and Akane steps forward in a ready stance. "I'm not going to go easy on you, OK? I need to gauge your speed."

Ranko smiles. "Okay, but can it be to simple touches? I don't really like fighting."

Akane shrugs. "Sure, we can make a game of it! First to five pokes?"

Ranko nods and puts her hands behind her back, a small smile on her face. Akane charges her and strikes fast. Ranko just dodges to the side and pokes her arm.

It carries on for a few minutes, Akane occasionally getting Ranko on the arm or leg with a poke, Ranko mostly dodging. Eventually Akane calls it after Ranko pokes her in the back of the head a fifth time and mops her forehead with the sleeve of her gi.

"Whew!" She says to Ranko, who is also breathing a little hard as she sits on the ground. "You're really fast, Ranko-chan! I'd hate to be a guy picking on you!"

Ranko smiles back. "And you're very good, Akane-chan… I can call you that, right?"

Akane grins at her. "Sure you can. I'm glad you're a girl though. I'd hate to be beaten by a boy."

That small, fragile, shy smile is back on Ranko's face as Akane offers her a hand up. "Woof, I'm sweaty and tired after that, want to take a bath?"

Ranko falters a moment in her role. "I… can't take a bath with you, Akane-chan." She looks down. "…You know why."

Akane sighs and just pokes Ranko in the side. "We're not supposed to act like we know each other." She hisses. Then a little louder, "I don't actually. It can't be that bad right? Embarrassing birthmark maybe? It's not acne is it?"

Ranko twists her hands together. "I, um, I was cursed in China… hot water makes me turn into a boy. It's horrid until I can get cold water again!"

Akane pretends to be shocked, but then she shrugs as if it doesn't matter. "Well, you're still a girl inside, right?" Ranko nods. "Then it's OK. Besides, we'll just wash and not soak, or we'll just have a cooler bath. I'll scrub your back if you scrub mine!"

Akane takes Ranko's hand and leads her back to the house while they try to pretend no one else is watching.

Nabiki and Kasumi have bright smiles, and Nodoka looks relieved. Shampoo nods approvingly and makes for the furo herself, while Ukyou considers things until she as well heads to the bath. The four of them should talk together, clear the air, she thinks. If this is to be a day of new beginnings, then make it so.

"Well!" Kasumi says happily after the girls are all gone, her smile dazzlingly bright. "Who wants tea? I'm thirsty after all that performing!"

Ryouga looks up. "That was a really dumb idea." He says, but he laughs. "I'm glad it seemed to work."

Nodoka smiles at him. "Time will tell, Ryouga-kun."

In the bathroom the four girls share a cool bath by mutual assent. It's not the least cramped the furo has been but it's certainly a little closer than some of them might like. Ranko looks shyly down at the water. Akane had made it as warm as she dares but it's still not the most comfortable bath she's ever had.

Ranko wonders if she'll ever be free of that curse. She wants to enjoy hot baths again.

Shampoo is the first to speak up. "Ahh, should introduce ourselves since we pretending not know each other."

Akane's eyebrow raises as Ukyou nods. "Yeah, sugar, I've not seen Ranchan for more than ten years!"

Akane laughs softly, she knows what they're doing and she appreciates it.

"Well, as you guys heard out there; I'm Tendou Akane." She smiles. "I'm the heir to the Tendou school of Anything Goes Martial Arts."

Shampoo beams. "I am Xian Pu of the Joketsuzoku tribe. Strong fighter."

"Nice to meet you, Xian Pu." Akane smiles, "You sound like you're pretty good, we should spar sometime."

Shampoo grins. "Can call me Shampoo as sounds close enough. My Japanese not so good but getting better. Maybe Ranko-chan and Akane-chan teach me?"

Ranko smiles shyly. "I'd like that, Shampoo-chan. I'd love to learn about your people too, maybe you can teach me your language too?"

"It a deal!" Shampoo beams. Ukyou laughs and looks at the two.

"I'm Saotome Ukyou, and I run an Okonomiyaki restaurant. Me and Ranchan go way back, don't we sugar?"

Ranko nods happily. "We were best friends when we were little!" She says enthusiastically. "Ucchan makes the best okonomiyaki!"

"Well, sugar, now we're sisters. Your mother adopted me into the Saotome family to restore my honour. How's that for a slice of pancake?"

Ranko beams. "I never had a sister before…" She says warmly. Ukyou grins and splashes her.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll be an annoying older sister by a couple months for ya, sugar. You'll be complainin' like a proper little sis should be!" Ukyou laughs, "If you're not, I'm doin' the big sister thing wrong!"

Ranko giggles and Akane laughs too. She nudges Ranko. "I can teach you the proper way to be an annoying little sister, too." She says, "Trust me, I've got loads of practice. She'll hate your guts when I'm done with you!"

They all laugh and Ranko speaks up. "I'm… I'm Saotome Ranko. I've got a little experience in martial arts," There's general giggling, "But I'm not really interested in it. I just want to be able to live my life and fall in love, get married and have a family."

Akane smiles at her and Ranko carries on.

"I'm um, I have a curse. If I'm touched by hot water I turn into a boy. It's really embarrassing and happens at the worst possible times. It's my fault we're in a…cold… bath…"

She turns to look at Shampoo who is sat there nodding along. Everyone else does too. "What? Something on Shampoo's face?"

"How are you in the bath without transforming into a c-c-c…" Akane puts her hand on Ranko's shoulder. Shampoo shrugs.

"Is just waterproof soap." She says. Then her eyes grow round and she grabs Ranko's arm, splashing out of the bath and taking her to the washing area excitedly, the redhead yelling in surprise as she's practically horizontal with the speed Shampoo moves at. "Akane put hot water into furo!" The amazon calls back, "Ranko and Shampoo be right back!"

Akane does so as Shampoo and Ranko disappear through the shouji to the laundry area where Shampoo had left her things, Shampoo chattering happily.

Ukyou laughs. "I'd forgotten that was a thing." She says, then looks around as the tub warms up. "Ahhh, that's so much better." She smiles at Akane. "Ain't this been nice? None of us are fightin' and we all have our own piece of the new Ranchan without hurtin' anyone. And we got to say goodbye too."

Akane nods. "I'm glad this weird… dumb and downright bizarre idea of her dad's seems to have worked. It really feels like, you know, an actual new beginning." She sighs sadly. "I still miss him, but Shampoo was right."

"Wasn't she just? That gal's way cleverer than she lets on." Ukyou shrugs. "I'm glad. I was getting' sick of the fighting."

"Me too." Admits Akane, "I still feel bad for how I treated her. No one deserves that."

"You were grievin'." Ukyou says gently. "We all grieve in our own way, and you've always expressed yourself in anger."

"I'm glad I'm getting help with that. I shouldn't let my temper rule me."

"Hey, good for you!" Ukyou says. "…You know; I miss him too. But I'm just glad she's here. And… It didn't end up how I'd imagine it, but I've got my honour back and my old man can go suck it. I'm Saotome Ukyou now and if being adopted as Ranchan's sister ain't good enough for him? I don't care. I'm happy. I got a family, I got a sister, I got good friends and I got my restaurant. Fuck that guy."

"Yeah…" Akane nods and the two spend a moment in companionable silence before the other two girls reappear, Ranko looking extremely nervous. Shampoo speaks to her softly the whole time while they walk, leading her by the hand until the two of them stand before the steaming furo.

"Will be okay, Ranko." Shampoo encourages. "Even if not work, we know you girl inside. We just put cold water on you to turn to true form again."

"Yeah, sugar! Go for it!" Ukyou cheers. Akane just smiles at Ranko as the nervous girl looks right into her eyes and she just gives a nod.

Ranko dips her toe, then her leg and finally steps in, shaking the whole time, her eyes closed and expecting the tingle and whoosh of the transformation. But nothing happens and she opens her eyes to see her petite hands and her true form sitting in the bath. She smiles broadly as Shampoo climbs in next to her and then the other three girls give her a hug.

"See sugar, that wasn't so bad." Ukyou says. "And if you'd transformed, we'd just put cold water on you. It ain't like you're really a boy."

Ranko looks down and nods, that same fragile smile on her face as the four of them relax and start chatting about more inane things like school.

Akane sits back and relaxes happily. Next to her, Ranko dozes quietly, not quite asleep but definitely not really awake. The day must have tired her out. It's tired Akane out, all that emotion, that pain, that healing.

It's a pity it can't go on all night – just… hanging out with everyone here has been the most relaxing thing she's had in… She can't remember the last time.

Wait… it can go on all night!

She sits up and Ranko lets out a surprised 'mou' as her pillow, namely Akane's shoulder, is moved quickly. She rubs her cheek and eyes and Shampoo and Ukyou both laugh at her sleepiness before Akane beams and points at the other two. "I have a great idea!" She enthuses.

Ranko keeps rubbing her eyes sleepily while the other two look to Akane. "Whatcha got brewin' in ya head, sugar?" Ukyou asks. Akane grins and motions at the once-again dozing Ranko and mouths the words 'slumber party in the dojo' at them.

Both girls brighten up. "Heck yeah!" Ukyou says and Shampoo nods.

"Shampoo go home, get night clothes, tell Great-Grandmother." The purple-haired girl jumps out of the bath and Akane snickers as she calls after.

"Don't forget to get dressed before you leave, Shampoo!"


Whew, two chapters in one night!

And so an ending to mark a new beginning. Now we're on the far edge of fate and finally, finally I'm going to take my reward and write some FLUFF.

Now everyone looks to the future
Hey, @Strawberry? Have you ever thought of having Ranko volunteer at the Hikawa Shrine? I think the ritual of purification rites and prayer would be grounding for Ranko. It would also give Ranko an alternative use for her spirit power. Using it to write charms, fortunes, erect barriers/sacred territory and exorcise spirits would be a way to use her spirit energy before it over-accumulates and hurts herself. Like an overfull battery, left connected to the charging cable. A little doesn't hurt, but eventually it's going to explode/catch fire. Or fail, and leak everywhere.

Also, as for Shampoo, what if she claimed refugee status, based on how the Chinese government is treating ethnic minorities like Tibetans and Uighurs in Tibet, Qinghai, and Xinjiang. Ranko and Nodoka can act as sponsors. That way she (and Cologne) could stick around instead of having to go back. Shampoo might even attend school in Azabu-Juban. I wonder what Shampoo would focus on in her studies?
Having blown through this and Vegas Rules in the past two days, I think it's more or less okay that there's a bit of distinction between Ranma and Ranko here. There are parts of Ranko that are Ranma, and there are parts of Ranko that aren't - or as close as they can come to not being Ranma.

(Also, from a writing fiction sense, I find it very interesting that Changeling and Vegas Rules are both about two different aspects of transition, and a clear separation between Ranma and Ranko here only helps with that.)

Ah, I'm glad someone picked up what I was putting down with regards to transitioning and the different aspects. I was also aiming for the 'The same and yet different', plus Ranko's being told by her therapist (likely used to Nerima Weirdness) to think of herself as separate for her own well-being if nothing else!

I did not expect Endwalker in there, but I'll take it! :p

I very nearly had Ranma paraphrasing G'raha Tia before he went:

Yours is a long road, my friend, and it stretches on to places beyond imagining. With your every step, these grand adventures shall grow more distant and faint. And there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way.

On that day, I bid you remember this…

That no matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there.

For in times of hardship, when you fear you cannot go on…

The joy you have known, the pain you have felt, the prayers you have whispered and answered - they shall ever be your strength and your comfort.

This I hope - I believe, here at memory's end

Still might on the next redraft!

On the other hand I felt that part of the song very appropriate for this chapter!

I'm also working on a weird Ranma fic named Wayward Daughter, with accompanying pretentious chapter names like "In Moonlight's Chill Shine Petals Pale", though this is one I'm writing in my 'writing downtime'. It also includes the song 'Tomorrow and Tomorrow', because I have an obsession with it.

Hey, @Strawberry? Have you ever thought of having Ranko volunteer at the Hikawa Shrine? I think the ritual of purification rites and prayer would be grounding for Ranko. It would also give Ranko an alternative use for her spirit power. Using it to write charms, fortunes, erect barriers/sacred territory and exorcise spirits would be a way to use her spirit energy before it over-accumulates and hurts herself. Like an overfull battery, left connected to the charging cable. A little doesn't hurt, but eventually it's going to explode/catch fire. Or fail, and leak everywhere.

Also, as for Shampoo, what if she claimed refugee status, based on how the Chinese government is treating ethnic minorities like Tibetans and Uighurs in Tibet, Qinghai, and Xinjiang. Ranko and Nodoka can act as sponsors. That way she (and Cologne) could stick around instead of having to go back. Shampoo might even attend school in Azabu-Juban. I wonder what Shampoo would focus on in her studies?

I mean the exploding/catching fire is entirely if that's how I decide it works in the fic. But it's not something I'd considered given most of this fic is very much an internal exploration of emotion, grief, loss and love rather than anything too over the top (weird Chinese spells based on Doctor Who aside). As to Shampoo well, again, not something I'd put a lot of thought into!
I'm also working on a weird Ranma fic named Wayward Daughter, with accompanying pretentious chapter names like "In Moonlight's Chill Shine Petals Pale", though this is one I'm writing in my 'writing downtime'. It also includes the song 'Tomorrow and Tomorrow', because I have an obsession with it.
I mean, it's an amazing song (as was Wayward Daughter, come to think of it), so I don't think anybody can blame you.

That said, the Endwalker trailer song's ever-present message — regardless of what life throws your way, strength of will can grant you the fortitude to keep going, to forge ahead — is just so fitting for these last two chapters.

(that said you added another 3 views from me to the trailer thanks to its inclusion… damn lalafell players, ya monsters.)
I mean, it's an amazing song (as was Wayward Daughter, come to think of it), so I don't think anybody can blame you.

That said, the Endwalker trailer song's ever-present message — regardless of what life throws your way, strength of will can grant you the fortitude to keep going, to forge ahead — is just so fitting for these last two chapters.

(that said you added another 3 views from me to the trailer thanks to its inclusion… damn lalafell players, ya monsters.)

We are sneaky!

I've been tempted to have Tomorrow and Tomorrow in Changeling at some point but I found Endwalker just suited more.

Perhaps earlier on, but I'll save it for the other.
Chapter 15 - We Move Forward
Oh boy am I productive now I get to basically write nothing but fluff.

I should probably warn that these last few chapters are going to be fairly tooth-rottingly-sweet.

Chapter 15 – We Move Forward

Sun in my eyes and the gold coast shining,
And the girl with the braids in her hair.
Steady breeze and oh I was falling,
I would follow her anywhere.

The sky turned grey in a flash flood warning,
She smiled and she took my hand.
She kissed my lips and the rain came pouring,
Swore I heard a marching band.

- WeMoveForward by The Midnight


Ranma nuzzles in the oversized turtleneck jumper that Ukyou had given her earlier when she'd noticed her new sister shivering a little. It's far too big for the petite redhead, the arms go way over her hands and it's more like a dress on her than a jumper.

She loves it though; it's soft and warm and when she's embarrassed, she can hide her face. And she's been embarrassed a lot tonight by her evil, evil friends.

The atmosphere is almost festive, and Ranko wonders at that. After the events of the day culminating in a group of farewells and then the bath, she feels like this could almost be a wake of sorts for her old self.

Her friends tell stories of Ranma, not really noticing that she's there and squirming in embarrassment at half of them. They laugh at some of her reactions and at other times they shake their heads and ask what on earth had been going through his head.

It's strangely heartwarming for them to treat her like this – like someone else, someone new. As if Ranma was her older sibling or something rather than a version of her she can still remember how it felt to be him.

The others are currently arguing whether they should play an American game, something called 'spin the bottle' or the king game and as to which one would be more appropriate. Shampoo is arguing for the bottle, but Ukyou's trying to defend her homeland's honour by stating the king game is far superior to any dumb foreign version. Naturally this doesn't go down well with the Chinese girl, who challenges Ukyou to a spar.

Ranko scoots back away from them, sitting next to Akane who's looking the two combatants over with an entertained expression. She puts her arms around Ranko almost automatically when the redhead sits next to her. "Hey Ranko, you OK? I know we're maybe being a bit much."

Ranko shakes her head as Ukyou leg sweeps Shampoo, knocking her to the ground. "No, it's fine. It's nice, in a way, even if those stories still feel embarrassing. I suppose I'll never not feel strange about it all."

Akane nods and sighs, keeping a hold of Ranko as Shampoo vaults to her feet and delivers a kick to Ukyou's sternum that makes them both wince. Ukyou flies back to land on her feet and bounces in place, a little winded.

"That's alright then." She looks at Ranko as the two girls get into a grapple that turns into an impromptu tickle fight. Over the squealing and laughing, Akane sighs softly. "What did you do with the coins and the koban? I had an idea… if you'd like."

"Hmm?" Ranko murmurs sleepily. The warmth of the jumper along with the cuddling from Akane is lulling her to sleep. "Oh, I have them, and his letter in my bag."

Akane bites her lip. "We're going to put that last photo on the butsudan next to Mom." She says into Ranko's ear. "I thought maybe… we could get an… urn or something, put those last things in and put them next to Mom's ashes."

Ranko tenses up. She looks to Akane, whose eyes are filled with a deep pain and she turns, wrapping her own arms about the short-haired girl. Akane lets her, but she's not crying, she's just sitting there breathing softly. Ranko smiles at her. "I'd like that." She says.

The tickle fight is broken up by a shadow on the entrance to the dojo where the four girls are. It's Genma, and Ranko eyes him. He looks tired and sad. He'd stuck around to the edge after Ranma's goodbye, and they'd at least fed him some food. He'd even shed some tears more than once, though no one moved to comfort him besides Soun, and even then it was half-hearted at best. They'd had a single game of shougi but it hadn't seemed the same.

It was like someone had punctured a hole in Genma after Ranma had told him goodbye.

Ranko stands and walks to the entrance. "I'm going." Her father says without any preamble. "I just wanted to see if you'd mind… walking me to the gate." He seems nervous, which is extremely unusual for him. Ranko is about to say no, when she catches sight of the look in his eyes and she sighs inwardly.

"Certainly, father." She says. She steps out of the dojo with him and they cross the covered path and back into the house. She changes into her slip-on shoes as Genma changes into his own and, surprising herself, she takes his arm as they walk the path.

Genma clears his throat. "I ah." He starts, then looks down. "I uh… wanted to apologise, Ranm-ko." She winces but lets him carry on. "I know… It's not forgivable, what I've done. And I know you won't want anything to do with me."

"Father…" She says softly. He shakes his head and carries on.

"But I do want you to know that if you ever need me. For anything at all, I'll be there when you do."

Ranko sighs and lets go of his arm at the gate. "Father, it will take a long time for me to forgive you. If I do at all. I can see you've tried but trying alone isn't good enough." He winces and she presses on. However, you are my father and there are certain bonds of blood that cannot be denied as much as perhaps I'd like." He winces again. "If you atone for all the wrongs you've comitted over the years, if you try to be better and I know you are… Perhaps we can meet again as father and daughter. And perhaps I will see you occasionally to… check in."

Genma lowers his head. "I suppose that's the best I can hope for, and more than I deserve. Thank you, daughter."

She leans up to peck him on the cheek. "You are still my father, even if you are ronin. Thank you for the idea you had earlier. If you do more things like that, well… Perhaps we can talk to one another faster than I think we will."

He nods, putting a hand to his cheek, then turns away. "Alright." He says. "Goodbye, Ranko."

"Goodbye, Father." Ranko says softly, watching him go. She feels complicated emotions churning through her on watching his shuffling gait. Annoyance, cold anger, some hate she feels a little ashamed at the intensity of.

Hate is always foolish.

Sighing, she bundles her hands deep into the sleeves of Ukyou's jumper (though she's definitely stealing it from her sister sometime) and makes her way along the path. She stops as something occurs to her.

Ranko looks onto the engawa first, hearing happy conversation from the family room, but her prey isn't there. Padding up the stairs, she turns to the balcony off Akane's room and spots Ryouga, looking up at the sky. Giggling voices come from the dojo and she smiles fondly at the happy noises of her friends.

"Here you are."

Ryouga turns around from his musing to see Ranko walking over to the balcony. She smiles at him, and he smiles back. The jumper she's wearing is like a dress draped on her form and he finds it suits her in a way he can't describe but which sends a flutter through his chest. "Hi, Ranko."

She joins him on leaning on the railing and looking at the sky. She sighs forlornly.

"Hundred yen for your thoughts." Ryouga says, leaning down next to her and looking at her with those lovely chocolate brown eyes.

"As if I'd sell for so little." Ranko smiles. "I have it on good authority from Nabiki-nee-chan that my thoughts are worth at least a thousand-yen per."

"Ha! More than that, I'd say. But perhaps I could have a friends and family discount?"

Ranko giggles, then her expression turns sad. "I was just thinking about Father."

"I heard you leading him out."

"Yes…" Her knuckles go white as she grips the railing. "I feel… all sorts of things. He's my father but… I hate him. But I don't. I shouldn't. Because hate is always…"

"'…foolish, and love is always wise'?" Ryouga asks. She stares.

"Y-yes… How did y-you…?"

He holds up an envelope. "He took the time apparently while waiting for Akane, to write me a letter. Everyone, a letter. But at the top of mine was that exact quote."

Ranko blushes. "He really l-liked it. S-so do I." She stammers. Ryouga turns to look at her, and she looks up into those eyes she's grown to like so much. "A-ah…" She says, eyes flicking back and forth nervously. He goes slightly red too, looking into her eyes.

"What's up?" He asks, trying to sound nonchalant and failing.

She smiles shyly at him while he tries to rebuild his composure, both of them are bright red, though she's managing somehow not to look away. "Um, I…" She says, breath catching. She remembers the words. "A-and… I r-really like you, R-Ryouga." She finishes, her hands wringing around one another. "I-I… Would you l-like to go on a d-d-d-date s-soon?" She manages to say it all in a rush.

Ryouga stares at her dumbly, a smile on his face that he's not sure when it appeared, but he can't get rid of it either. And it's kind of goofy. He manages to pull some of his mind together. "I uh… S-sure. W-when?"

"Um… I s-suppose n-next Saturday evening?"

"Um. A-alright. W-we could g-go for a w-walk or s-s-something after sch-school t-tomorrow as w-well to… t-talk?"

Ranko plays with her fingers a little. "A-alright." She says.

Ryouga leans forward and she closes her eyes expecting the kiss, but she feels his lips brush her cheek instead. "I-it's a d-d-date then." He says, trying to sound casual. Ranko goes bright red, a hand to her cheek. Heat fills her face, and she stares into his brown eyes with her blue.

Ryouga swallows as he looks down at her and smiles at her flustered state. She turns around, embarrassed and leans on the railing again. So does he, and his head's level with hers when lightning fast she turns around, puts her arms around the back of his neck and kisses him softly, shyly on the lips.

It's a chaste kiss, though a long one, and she's flushed and breathing heavily by the end of it, more out of embarrassment than passion, but she keeps her arms around the back of his neck as he opens his eyes and looks into her blue ones. "I… R-Ranko?" He squeaks. She smiles at him, leans forward and kisses him again.

She stays there, their faces inches apart, both of their minds a-whirl until a wolf whistle, some clapping and a few cheers from the dojo interrupt the two of them and they both go absolutely, one hundred percent as red as Ranko's hair.

"Woo! Go go my imouto!" Ukyou hollers and they look down to see the three other girls standing on the dojo steps cheering up at them. More wolf whistles come at them. "Do it again!"

The two beat a hasty retreat from the balcony, Ryouga following her down the stairs. She takes his hand shyly as they escape the evil laughter of their friends and squeezes. He squeezes back, and the two of them enter the family room. Ranko leaves Ryouga there and sighs, knowing she has to return to her friends.

Her evil, evil friends, who tease her mercilessly, but each one of them offers her a congratulatory hug on finally asking Ryouga out.


The walk after school, it turns out, isn't anything overly romantic. But it's nice to just spend some time walking together. Towards the end she manages to take his hand and they stay that way all the way home.

When they get home, letting a chorus of "Tadaima!" To Nodoka, Ranko and Ryouga find that Ukyou's there, still in her gakuran and munching on a bowl of snacks.

"Hey there Ranchan, Ryouga." She grins knowingly. "Good walk, lovebirds? Get some good snogging in?"

Ranko goes red and stalks off, muttering about annoying older sisters to herself and Ryouga watches her. "So, you've got that down pat then." He says, nervously rubbing the back of his head. Ukyou grins.

"I broke her 'fancy lady' mode, I'd say I'm doing good as an annoying older sis." She laughs. "I think it was the blue lines to your room, sugar."

He nods. "Thanks."

Ukyou waves him off and he makes his way. Nodoka comes out of the kitchen, tutting at her daughter. "Ukyou, dear, please don't tease them too badly. You know how shy Ranko is and poor Ryouga-kun certainly seems bashful."

Ukyou grins at her new mother. "Aw, Mom, don't sweat it. I'm only teasin' light. She can take it."

Nodoka shakes her head as she sits down. "Well, at least they finally did something about it. I suppose I should speak to Xian Pu to give Ranko the run down."

"The run down of what, Mother?" Ranko asks as she emerges into the family room in some denim shorts and a ruffled blue sleeveless blouse.

"Oh, I wanted Xian Pu to talk to you about womanly things, dear. I know youngsters like yourself can be very funny about such things being taught by an adult."

Ranko goes red. "Mother!" she cries, aghast. "We have some education about those things at school!"

"Well, I'm sure she can give you at least better advice, dear."

Ranko sighs as she sits down next to Ukyou. "Alright Mother, fine. I'll talk to Jiějiě. B-but I do kn-know how it all… w-w-works, Mother. I'm n-not that young."

Nodoka nods. "Well, I suppose you are of an age when you at least have had your menarche." Ranko blinks. Ukyou looks sharply at her a moment.

"Ya have, right sugar?"

"What's that?" Ranko asks.

Nodoka looks at her daughter and shakes herself. "Your first period, dear." She says gently. Ranko blanches slightly, but then looks thoughtful.

"Hmm. No, no I don't think I have, Mother." She says. "I think the curse resets every t-time I transform. A-and I've never spent a f-f-full month… E-even with th-the c-c-c-c-… tongue thing Great Grandmother did I was still t-transforming with h-hot water, it w-w-was just v-very painful."

"…I see." Nodoka says. "So as long as you have your curse you won't have them…"

"Lucky gal." Ukyou mutters. "I wouldn't mind auntie flo skippin' out on visitin' me, that's for sure."

Ranko shakes her head. "I suppose… It's j-just another w-way I'm d-d-different I suppose." She says, a tinge of bitterness in her voice. Her head snaps up. "O-oh. Oh no…" She whispers, looking pale, a hand to her mouth.

"What is it, dear?" Nodoka asks.

"…I-if I r-reset a c-cycle when I ch-change back… I c-can't have any ch-children… w-what if I t-transform while c-c-carrying?" Ranko looks near tears and Ukyou puts an arm around her.

Nodoka smiles at her daughter sadly. "Dear, I think the best person to ask isn't here. Elder Kuh Lon should be able to assist and answer your questions."

"Yeah, sugar, I'd bet there's been plenty'a people like you who wanted kids." Ukyou says soothingly, rubbing her sister's back. "You'll be fine. Tell ya what. Let's go visit the Old Ghoul tomorrow night? You make your way after school or somethin'. Or give her a call right now, you know how she likes gossipin' to you."

Ranko nods, relief flooding through her. If anyone knew about how Jusenkyo curses worked with bearing children, it would be Great Grandmother. And she might know more methods of locking her curse so she didn't change.

She stands and goes over to the phone, picking it up and setting a call to the Nekohanten.

Ukyou looks over at her sister, then back at her mother. "She's awful set on havin' babies." Ukyou comments. Nodoka smiles at her.

"If you can believe, daughter, it's not my doing. I haven't even given her the 'I want grandchildren' speech yet." She titters. "By the way, daughter, I want grandbabies sometime."

Ukyou laughs. "Not a lotta chance'a that, Mom, I might end up with a gal instead of a guy."

"Adopt then." Nodoka says, tittering. "I care not whence the babies come, only that they do. I have duties to uphold." She beams. "I want grandkids so I can spoil them."

Ukyou stares at her mother and then bursts into a fit of giggles.

Ranko returns from her phone call, looking confused but relieved. She waits for the mirth to die down before speaking. "Great-Grandmother says that Jusenkyo victims can indeed carry to term." She says, smiling. "And that the curse locks during. She also mentioned she's already researching ways of locking, and has ordered some casks of the Nyannīchuan water as I'd asked her to for some… friends." She pinks. "Friends like me."

Ukyou smiles gently, she knows at least one person that Ranko's referring to.

"Anyway, she says that I'm right about it resetting the cycle when I transform, so if I can fully stop then I should be fine." She sighs in relief. "Thank goodness."

"So ya really wanna have babies sometime, imouto-chan?" Ukyou asks. "Ain't that a bit stereotypical?"

Ranko flushes but has a small smile on her face. "I just… I do. Not because it's expected, but I just… I don't know. I just do. The idea of carrying a life within me… I just. I like it." She shrugs.

Ukyou smiles. "Well, I'll support ya when you do, but maybe leave off until you're a full doc hey? Takes a while to get all the stuff done for that and getting' preggers'll probably put a crimp in that."

Ranko nods. "Oh, I know onee-chan. I just… Better to be prepared. Oh…" She looks confused. "Great-grandmother asked if the two of us could come along tomorrow evening anyway as she has some very high ranking guests we might be able to help. Something to do with both of our 'situations', she said."

Ukyou shrugs. "Alright." She says.

"She also said to dress nicely. So… Another night in furisode." Ranko makes a face. "I always wanted to and now I'm ending up in them constantly. I suppose I should be careful what I wish for."

Nodoka laughs. "I'm sure that will die down soon, daughter." She says. "And you can enjoy formal dress again soon."

Ranko nods. "I hope so."


"Are you ready?" Ranko asks her sister as the two walk down the street. "I wonder why Great-Grandmother asked for you to bring sarashi and your boy's clothes. Very odd."

Ukyou nods. She, as well as Ranko, is in her formal furisode and the two of them have made an especial effort. Cologne had called again earlier that night as Ranko had arrived at Ucchan's and had stressed the need to be polite as it was visiting royalty she'd convinced to stay a night for help. "I'm good, sugar. Got all the stuff the Old Ghoul asked for."

Ranko nods and wonders what's going on. She reaches the dark restaurant and snickers. "It looks like neither you nor they will have business tonight. I hope Great-Grandmother knows what she's asking of you."

"Oh, Kona-chan knows her way around the place well enough for Ucchan's to still be open, and that friend of yours from school came by – Hibari was it? Yeah, Hibari, she's waitressin'."

"Oh dear." Ranko grimaces. "As long as Konatsu-chan can keep her from getting grabby I suppose Hibari-chan would be a cute waitress."

Ukyou laughs. "Ah, the two of them seem to be thick as thieves. Ever since you met up with me that time after school and I brought you and your friends okonomiyaki she's been poppin' up."

Ranko smiles softly. "That's nice." She says, reaching out to the door and knocking.

Cologne opens it and ushers the two inside, before locking the door again and motioning for the two to follow her.

"Are you alright, Great-Grandmother?" Ranko asks politely.

Cologne spares her a smile. "Yes, child, I'm fine. Though it has been trying this last night. My guest himself is somewhat on edge, but he at least is polite. His retainers on the other hand are something of a handful. I've had to subdue the two of them lest they assault people in broad daylight." She shakes her head. "What on earth are the youth of today up to?"

Ranko bites her lip, worried. "Are we meeting someone important?"

"Yes, child. It will be a prince. As I said, he's on edge but polite, so please try not to pick any fights. However, I know the two of you will empathise with his… issue, which is why I asked for you. But please, he is brusque and can be haughty. As all princes are, I suppose." She cackles to herself. "Stay strong but polite, I think is the best way. If nothing else, he reminds me of Ranma all ego and machismo."

Ranko blushes at her memories, but then smiles. "I think I can handle that. I'm not so hung up on things as he was."

"And thank the stars for that." Cologne says.

The elder leads them into the back rooms where they find a hooded figure in fine robes sitting at a table. Ranko and Ukyou pause at the entrance and Ranko gives the figure a formal saikeirei. "Greetings, your highness." She says politely. "I am Saotome Ranko."

"Saotome Ukyou." Ukyou says, giving a bow as well. The two of them make their way over and the figure regards them.

Cologne clears her throat. "Girls, this is Prince Herb of the Musk. We of the Joketsuzoku had thought that tribe extinct. However, he is proof that they are not. Prince Herb, these are the help I thought would be able to give you some perspective on your… predicament."

"These two women?" The figure asks incredulously. "Really?" His voice is harsh, condescending and somewhat higher pitched than the sisters expect. They look at each other a moment, before returning to look at the prince.

"Indeed, Prince Herb. I would ask you be more civil with them. Both have a good perspective and potential to help you in your predicament. Would you please remove your hood? Ranko. I'm afraid you will need to demonstrate."

Herb starts to protest but is shut up with a look, though he leans back and grumbles about nosey old women.

Ranko sighs. "Of course, Great Grandmother." She says. "Ucchan, can you loosen my obi?"

Ukyou does so and she watches as Herb looks on in interest as Cologne dumps some hot water over the girl.

Instantly she's in her male form, shivering and trying not to let the grey overwhelm her. Herb sits back with a curse, again in that almost-soprano voice so similar to Ranko's own. She nods. "I am cursed by Jusenkyo…" She says, somewhat pointlessly.

"I… can see that." Herb's tone is a mixture of horrified, interested and… somehow commiserating. He looks her over and then watches as she pours cold water on her head, instantly relaxing as her sister re-tightens her obi. The relief on her face is palpable, the pain that had been in her eyes so close to his own.

"Now, Prince Herb, do you see why I said they can understand?"

"…Yes." The prince's words sound dragged out, as if he's unwilling to admit. He reaches up and pulls his hood down. A pretty face appears, framed by two-toned hair, and Ranko instantly recognises the way he's holding himself.

"…Oh." She says, putting a hand to her mouth. "I see, your Highness." She bows low. "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

Ukyou looks between them. "I'm a bit lost, sugar." She comments. Ranko motions.

"His Highness is suffering from a Jusenkyo curse." She says. Herb stiffens and is about to speak, no doubt something cutting, when Ranko interrupts. "I can see his dysphoria, how much it's paining him. How horrible."

Herb starts. "Dys…phoria?" He asks, the word seeming to make him, well, not relax, but certainly calm down a little. He's still obviously taut like a wire though.

"Yes." Ranko nods, "It's a term usually used by people who are transgender. However in our cases it's because of our curses. Myself when I am in my boy-form, and you when you are… so." She motions. "For me it's like… everything's grey, and wrong and sort of… shifted out of place."

Herb nods, his eyes coming alive. "Y-yes!" He says. "That's what it's like! I thought I was going mad…" He sighs. "I've been very rude at times because it's just… overwhelming me. It's all the time. Like ants all over my skin."

Ranko sighs. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness. But… why not use hot water?"

Herb's eyes flash and then he masters himself, sighing. He can't get angry at this girl who seems to have cut to the meat of the matter and given him a word for the horrible feelings he's had since Jusenkyo. Even for a haughty and arrogant prince (and he's at least self-aware enough to realise that's what he is) there are limits to being rude. "It began with the Locking Ladle." He says.

Herb explains his people's history, and his own recent one in bitter, angry tones. He tells the sisters and Cologne how he had gone to Jusenkyo to view a woman for the first time, as his people are removed from their mothers once weaned. He tells them of putting a monkey in the spring and then being distracted by its body, so much so the monkey pushed him in.

Emerging in his female form, jumping out and the monkey splashing him with the Locking Ladle. As he talks, Ranko's heart goes out to the prince. Whenever he talks, he's clearly haughty, arrogant, a lot like Ranma had been, but at the same time that wounded, hurt nature after being stuck in a body he hates resonates with her. His story of his upbringing makes Ranko sad for some reason and gives her a pang of sympathy that she can understand how he feels. Then she realises; she too had been without her mother most of her life.

She doesn't wish that on anyone, though it seems like half of her friends and family have the same issue.

Herb finds his hands being taken by the dainty girl in front of him with red hair. The hair, so similar to that damned monkey, almost causes him to yell at her, but the compassionate look in her sparkling blue eyes stills his rage. "I'm sorry, your Highness. I'm so sorry you're stuck in that body." She shakes her head. "If I were stuck as a boy I would… I'd be very unhappy too. I don't know how I'd deal with it for so long."

Herb looks away, ashamed of his weakness and she squeezes his hands. "Your Highness, I think I know why Great Grandmother summoned the two of us here." She casts a glance to Cologne. "I can give empathy, as well as some advice on possibly dealing with this in a healthier way than getting angry all of the time. It can't be good for your image as a prince to lash out."

"It isn't." Herb says softly. "Even for a dragon, there are limits to rudeness."

Ranko nods. "And my sister… well, she is well-versed in… Ucchan, can you show him? You brought all your things right?" Ukyou nods. Ranko turns back to Herb who looks confused. "You'll see." She smiles. "May I sit while she changes?"

Herb nods as the petite redhead lets his hands go and sits next to him. Cologne stays quiet nearby, though there's a pride in her eyes as she watches Ranko talk soothingly to the prince.

"So, the first thing you have to remember: in every form you are in, you are you. You are Prince Herb of the Musk, and there is no one that can take that away from you." She smiles. "I have to think the same when I am forced into my boy form." Herb nods. Ranko's smile widens. "My therapist has experience with other transgender individuals, so she's given me some methods to cope. They don't always work the best, but they at least calm me down and let me think."

Herb nods again, looking sullen. She shakes her head. "Your Highness, you could at least talk. Please?"

"Fine." Herb snaps, his tone cold and angry. Then he sighs and runs a hand down his face. "My apologies, Lady Ranko, that was unbecoming." At her titter he looks at her. "What?"

"Oh, just 'Lady Ranko'. I know my mother's family is high ranked, but I'd never expected to be called so. Thank you. It's very complimentary." Her smile is bright, and Herb looks away, blushing. He coughs nervously.

"Well, you at least deserve it for your kind treatment of this cursed personage." He mutters.

Ranko shakes her head. "You apologised, and that is enough. It isn't like you struck, insulted or assaulted me."

"Any of which would have been a poor decision." Cologne interjects, and Herb flushes in anger, before cooling off again. "You're about three hundred years too young, sonny-boy." She says, stressing the pronouns.

Herb actually manages a smile. "Thank you, Elder."

Ranko nods. "And that's another lesson. Take the validation where you can, and never, ever let go of who you are. Trust me on this."

Herb looks over at Ranko, about to ask when a boy walks into the room dressed in a formal shirt and black slacks. "Hey." He says in a low voice. Long hair is tied back, and he grins easily. Ranko blushes at the sight. She'd forgotten how handsome Ukyou could be.

Herb stares incredulously. He turns to Ranko, then back to Ukyou, then to Ranko again. "Lady Ranko, please don't tell me that's Lady Ukyou. It's certainly her chi."

Ranko giggles. "It is, Your Highness." She says. "That's why Great Grandmother called her in. I think she can teach you to hide this curse and bind everything away to give you some semblance of your normal life."

Herb looks enviously at the dashing, handsome Ukyou in front of him and nods as she winks. "Hell yeah, Prince." She says. "Always happy to help someone like my sis out, even if it's kinda in reverse."

Herb shakes his head, looking a little overwhelmed. The cold haughtiness seems to have blown out of him, leaving a tired boy in pain sitting there. Rank takes one of his hands. "Your Highness, I'm glad you decided to stay and accept help. But you mentioned… This Locking Ladle?"

Herb nods. "It's… a relic of my people. They used it to lock a Jusenkyo curse to the cursed form." Ukyou gasps and looks at her sister. "I seek another old artifact – the Kettle of Liberation. It can undo what the Locking Ladle has done."

"And I can guide you to it. I'm glad I didn't tell you before you met these two." Cologne smiles. "Once they're done with you, we'll wake your idiots and bundle you three out to go and fetch it."

Herb nods and actually smiles at the elder. Suddenly he bows low, though he grimaces the whole time. "Thank you, Elder, for teaching this idiot prince the lesson to possibly listen to his elders and others. Sometimes, at least, they are worth listening to."

Cologne waves him off. "Oh, be quiet, sonny-boy, I don't like seeing people suffer. I see it enough in the children here, never mind you."

Herb straightens and still has that odd smirking smile on his face. Ranko clears her throat. "So… Ah…"

"What is it, Lady Ranko?" Herb asks.

"The um… The Locking Ladle?" She asks. He nods.

"What of it?"

"H-have you… um… Got it… with you?" She asks, the last words coming out in a rush.

"Yes, it helps me locate the Kettle." Herb sounds confused. Ranko looks at the floor. Ukyou picks up on her sister's distress.

"Ah, Prince? I think she's asking, terribly, I might add, if you can use it on her."

Herb eyes the girl next to him. "But she hates being a boy?" He asks, confused. "Surely locking her in that form would be as bad as my situation now?" Ranko looks down, ashamed and he looks more confused. "Lady Ranko, what is going on?"

Ranko grips her furisode and sighs. "I hate that I have to tell this story again."

Herb's eyebrows raise as she takes in a breath and starts talking. She doesn't tell the whole truth, more a heavily-edited-yet-not-a-lie version of her life and recent events. She leaves out the regeneration spell, or the pond trauma, and a few other things, and Herb can tell she's leaving some things out but lets her get on. His face darkens the longer the tale goes on, and at the end he looks like a thundercloud.

"That is… quite the tale." He says once she's done. Ranko looks into his angry face, and then looks away.

"Sorry." She says.

"What for?" The angry face changes to a confused one.

"You looked… angry." She says miserably. He softens.

"Lady Ranko, that was not at you, but at those who treated you poorly. It would be hypocritical of me to insult someone who has the same feelings I have, even if they are the opposite way around, and mine caused by magic. By merely giving this… dysphoria… a name, you've put to rest in my mind worries that the curse would take me over."

Ranko looks at him and smiles. "Th-thank you, Your Highness." She says. "I still have other things to give you for that, some ways to think, and perhaps just ways to make sure you stay calm and in control, and confident that you are you."

Herb laughs for the first time since they've met and shakes his head. "You certainly have bedside manner better than my own doctor already, Lady Ranko. I assume Lady Ukyou can teach me the art of appearing a boy on the outside as well as the inside while I am like this?"

Ranko nods. "I hope so."

Cologne watches the three and smiles. Thank the heavens she'd managed to subdue his idiots and make him wait for her wonderful sort-of-grandkids. At least there weren't any fights – gods, if Ranma had still been here…

She shakes her head. There'd be macho posturing, made worse by both their curses, then there'd be yelling and Ranma would probably get locked and go on a stupid adventure after the prince. With these two as they are, they might be able to teach this arrogant boy some humility as well as how to deal with his curse.

Ranko and Ukyou spend a few hours with Prince Herb. Ukyou shows him how to bind his breasts down with the sarashi and how to alter the cut of clothing to distract away from them. She give shim lessons on moving like a boy with his different hips and instructs him on lowering his voice.

Ranko's contribution isn't as physical but is no less potent. She gives him advice that her own therapist had given her on dealing with dysphoria when in the wrong form. On dealing with her own self-esteem issues (though admittedly for her it's a constant uphill struggle while Herb reminds her of Ranma with an easily bruised ego that can deflate), and she offers advice on how to maintain inside that He is Him, and He is Prince Herb of the Musk and no one else. Not 'Princess', Prince. She teaches him that if any of his subordinates or others he approaches misgender him, that the first recourse is to tell them he is not a woman. Only if they give grievous insult or consistently do so should the result be anger.

Herb snorts. Mint and Lime will probably end up getting beaten at some point anyway.

By the end of the impromptu 'how to be a guy' session run by two women, which he finds supremely ironic, Herb's confidence seems to be back, at least mostly and walking around the Nekohanten with a sure step and his face free of the cowl. Ranko and Ukyou, the latter back in her furisode, though sans makeup now, smile brightly as he comes to a stop in front of them. He doesn't look like a haughty prince right now, even with his cocky smirk, he looks like a young man happy to be somewhere. He bows low to the two of them.

"Lady Ranko, Lady Ukyou, thank you. I don't think I can repay what you have done for me tonight other than asking for one of your hands in marriage, I-"

"Pass." Ukyou says immediately. "I got my eye on this gal…"

"I already h-have someone…" Ranko says softly, bowing apologetically. "Though I am flattered, Your Highness."

Herb twitches a moment, then clears his throat, chuckling and trying not to let it get to him. "Very well. I will owe the two of you a favour, then. In addition to…" He looks Ranko over. "Lady Ranko, could you please stand here?"

Confused, she does so.

Herb walks to near Cologne, returning with a bucket and ladle. Without much flair, he scoops some of the water from the bucket, then gently pours it over her head.

"H-hey!" Ranko says.

Then she stops as he pours hot water on her.

And nothing happens.


Because I am now in the unadulterated FLUFF times. And our girl deserved a break like this.

I hope I got Herb right - I reread the manga chapters before writing him, and wanted him to come across as the haughty and arrogant prince, but only really lashing out because of his curse.

I figured without Ranma being... well, Ranma, then it probably would go a lot smoother and whaddya know, it did.

Also, she really deserved that ladle water.

Next time! A date and Dinner with a prince in which Ryouga is threatened by several people to treat our girl right!

As always, comments are lovely!

Berry, out!
Chapter 16 - No Regret
Woo! Chapter 16!

Chapter 16 - No Regret

I can see,
A world beyond the place that we wanna be.
Let me hold you,
With no regret, yeah.

Love - a different frame of mind.
We'll leave it all behind,
And never turn around.

Reach out and hold my hand.
I'll carry you, and then,
Together we will stand,
Without ever asking when.

- No Regret by Zircon


Nothing happens. The hot water drips from her head.

Nothing's happened. No tingle. No change. No boy's body.

No dysphoria, no grey.

"…Ranko?" Ukyou asks.

Ranko stands there, gaping. She numbly takes the cup of hot water from Herb and dumps it on herself. And again, nothing happens.

A hysterical giggle erupts from her.

"Ah… Lady Ranko?" Herb asks nervously. "I apologise for hurk!" She grabs him in a tight hug that Akane would be proud of, making the poor prince's bones creak dangerously, dragon though he may be.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She yells, jumping up and down. He makes another 'hurk' noise and awkwardly pats her on the head as she lets go. "Oh goodness, I'm so sorry!" She gasps, hands to her mouth.

Herb waves her off, panting slightly, flushed. "It's… It's fine… Heavens above you're strong."

Ranko goes red. "S-sorry, I was…"

He manages a smile at her. "I understand." He says, and looking at him, she knows he does.

Cologne clears her throat as Ukyou grabs her sister in a hug. "I suppose now is the time for me to take the girls home then."

Herb nods. "I suppose I should stay here?"

Cologne ponders a moment and Ranko shakes her head at the same time as Ukyou.

"Your Highness, my mother will probably wish to thank you for your kind deed." Ranko says, smiling. He shrugs.

"It isn't payback for what I owe you for the advice and help, that was simply something done for who I hope to have as a friend. The both of you, really." He looks awkward.

Ukyou grins and claps him on the shoulder. He glares at her a moment and she laughs. He joins in too, slightly embarrassed. "Aw, don't sweat it, sugar. We'd have done it regardless. Me an' Ranchan here are like that. Help the needy an' all that." Herb glowers and she pats his back again. "Ya gotta lighten up, Prince." Ukyou smiles. "Else you'll go through life doin' nothing but frownin', an' ain't no time for that!"

Herb nods sullenly as Ranko borrows the phone and asks her mother to set one more place for a very important guest. She also asks for her and Ryouga to try to dress nicely due to said guest's importance.

By the time they get back into Juuban, Cologne turning out to have a tiny three-wheel car that somehow fits all four of them (even if Ukyou is hanging out a window whooping the whole way), it's heading towards getting dark and Cologne finds somewhere to park while they head to the house.

Ranko waits and invites her in for dinner as well and the old woman graciously accepts as the group make their way in.

"Tadaima!" Ranko and Ukyou yell, their reply coming down from Ryouga and Nodoka.

They enter the dining room and Ranko notes that Nodoka's gone a little over the top, full makeup, full furisode. Ranko sighs, she shouldn't have stressed the importance of their guest so much. Of course, Mother would go a bit mad. Ryouga's in his smartest tunic and eyeing up Herb like a wrestler eyes up a challenger. Ranko walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder, standing on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Hello, Ryouga-kun. I missed you."

Ryouga starts at the obvious gesture and smiles at her. Then he kisses her cheek too. "I missed you too, Ranko-chan."

Herb watches them and doesn't comment, but his eyes are calculating. He smirks.

"Your Highness, this is Hibiki Ryouga." Ranko says, motioning to Ryouga. Herb nods coolly. "Ryouga, this is Prince Herb of the Musk."

Ryouga actually manages a very polite bow and a smile, somehow. "I am pleased to meet you." He says. Herb seems to soften a moment as Ryouga looks at Ranko. He can see the feelings the brown-eyed boy has for the redhead, and those same reciprocated feelings in her eyes as they look, then blush and look away, embarrassed.

So this was the boy who she refused him for. He must be special indeed.

Not much to look at though, aside from his size and the aura of density around him. But his looks to the girl are nothing but bashful love. He could lose to worse, he supposes, though he's at least intelligent enough to realise he was never even in the race.

Nodoka clears her throat and Herb feels embarrassed suddenly. He'd forgotten to greet the head of the house. Stupid!

He turns to the genteel lady with auburn hair and affects a deep bow. "My apologies, Saotome-Sama." He says with respect in his tones. "I meant no disrespect by not greeting the head of house first."

Nodoka titters and covers her mouth with her kimono sleeve. Looking at her, Herb can see where Lady Ranko gets her manners from. Every movement of the woman is elegant and unwasted, and she moves like a predator to his keen senses, though he's sure even her daughter may not have picked it up. A dangerous lady, then. Like the wind itself, not bending, but being.

Nodoka smiles and executes a formal bow in return to both Herb and Cologne. "Your Highness Prince Herb-sama, I am pleased to meet an august personage such as yourself and humbled you deign to visit my home. I am Saotome Nodoka, clan head of the Saotome Clan as well as Himura clan." She turns to Cologne. "Honoured Elder Kuh Lon, you are as welcome in my house as always. Please do sit and rest those bones of yours, lest you spend an hour complaining again." Her eyes gleam with mirth and Herb sucks in a breath.

The elderly woman laughs, however. "Again I see where Ranma inherited his sharp tongue from, young lady! Ancestors know it wasn't his idiot father!"

Dinner is polite and calm, occasional spouts of discussion between Cologne and Nodoka and the teens talking with Herb causing a comfortable noise. Ryouga watches his (maybe girl?)friend closely. Something bubbly seems to be in Ranko; a strange joy that makes her spirit light up like the night. He knows the others can see it, even Nodoka, which concerns him. She never seemed like a martial artist of any calibre, and yet… His mind casts back to the first meeting and her katana. Then he remembers the practice space near the garden.

It's certainly no dojo, but it is locked. Through a small window when he'd gotten curious, he had seen a few naginata in there. Perhaps she too has some training, especially if Cologne seems to appreciate her.

Shaking his head he smiles at Ranko. The girl's glowing in his (admittedly rudimentary) chi sight. Positivity is flowing through her and he basks in it. Something happened tonight, something to do with the strange prince among them. Something big.

A while ago he might have felt heavy jealousy that he'd have acted on by being an idiot and challenging the prince, but that's dispelled by watching her look at Herb. Ryouga's not entirely sure of what happened earlier, but he's at least observant enough to notice she gives Herb thankful looks, and sympathetic ones, but then her face changes when she looks at him. A blush adorns her cheeks, and he knows one is on his own face in response.

Herb takes a moment after dinner is finished and the youngest are clearing the crockery away to be washed to speak with Nodoka out of earshot.

"I do hope the meagre fare of my house was sufficient, Your Highness." Nodoka says warmly as the two retire to the small engawa of the house at his request. "Given the short notice for such an august personage as yourself to attend."

Herb smiles at her, and an actual smile rather than anything mocking. "It was fine, Lady Nodoka. I apologise for the short notice, but your daughter certainly insisted. I can see, however, where she gets her impeccable manners from."

Nodoka titters softly, hand over her mouth. "Thank you, Your Highness." She says.

"Herb will do whilst I am among friends. And I count the Saotome clan among my friends. Your daughters have done me much good tonight, and I always pay my debts. You have raised some fine young women."

Nodoka smiles at him. "Herb-sama," She says, "Thank you for your candid words. I would say I have raised my daughters right, but I'm ashamed to say that I did not have much hand in raising either until recently. Any fine qualities they have are all their own."

Herb nods. "Lady Ranko's story corroborates, but you still set an example for them, as I'm sure you have noticed." At her nod he continues. "I had offered my hand in marriage as strong, kind women are prized by my people, but alas I was refused." He smiles sardonically. "I could press the issue, but I sense it might be a mistake given the breadth and depth of the alliances I'm sure they have."

Nodoka titters again. "They certainly do not lack for friends and allies. I'm sure you would be a most wonderful addition to that list. My daughters lack not for compassion or decency. I'm very, very proud of them both."

Herb smiles. "So you should be. However, Lady Nodoka, I will give you means to communicate with myself as it is more appropriate for the head of household to communicate with one such as I, though if they… somehow…" He waggles his eyebrows, "Manage to find those ways to communicate I would have to respond to maintain propriety."

Nodoka smiles. "Ah, courtroom politics. I do not miss those from Himura clan gatherings. Still, I am sure my daughters will enjoy another friend."

Herb nods, and then looks thoughtful. "I would ask, I can see that the fang-toothed boy named Ryouga is likely the one your daughter has vested interest in. Is it a good match?"

Nodoka smiles warmly. "It is, Herb-sama. I do not know if it will last – they are, after all, still in high school. But they care for one another very much, and were friends long before they were interested in one another. Such a stable foundation can only build a stronger house."

Herb nods, approval on his own face. "Good. I noticed he had jealous tendencies – your daughters' assistance has helped clear my head somewhat so I can at least deal with the world without screaming." He takes a moment to explain his circumstances in a low voice, and Nodoka gives him a sympathetic look very reminiscent of her daughter. "As to the jealousy, it's a mark of honour for him that he did not take it further than thoughts."

Nodoka smiles at him and pats his hand in a motherly way. "Dear, I'm glad my daughter was able to help you. I suspect that this… ladle of yours, may be something dear Ranko is interested in."

He laughs softly. "Already done, Lady Nodoka. Why do you think she is so happy? She fair glows."

Nodoka surprises the prince by suddenly embracing him. He makes an odd squeaking noise as this is the first time a woman's touched him since his mother, and if this is how it feels to be just held by a mother he wonders if he might not be making changes when he ascends the throne, traditions be damned. "Thank you. So, so much." She says into his ear, her voice thick. "That is a debt I am not sure we can repay." She lets go and sits back. "…Apologies for the manhandling, dear." She surreptitiously wipes her eyes.

Herb laughs again and shakes his head. "No manhandling. I think I… needed that. And it was not a debt, nor repayment for her own actions. It was a gift and given freely. I do not like to see others suffer in the way I have."

Nodoka smiles more warmly. "I think, Herb-sama, you're on the road to become a great king of your people."

"Thank you, Lady Nodoka."

The rest of the evening is thankfully short, and near to the end Ryouga finds himself alone near the engawa and being approached by Herb.

"Your Highness." He says formally, giving a short bow. No need to be disrespectful in his (girl?)friend's house.

"Ah, Ryouga." Herb nods at him. "I had meant to speak with you tonight."

Ryouga motions to the engawa and the two head outside, sliding the shouji closed behind them. "What about?"

"Lady Ranko." Herb says bluntly. He waves a hand at the jealous look. "Oh, don't worry, I already proposed and she somewhat rejected me. Not as bluntly as Lady Ukyou did but enough to hurt my feelings somewhat." He laughed, though it was a little cold.

Ryouga tries not to get angry. But then he softens as he hears Herb's laugh. "I... see." He replies noncommittally. "Why did you wish to discuss her with me?"

Herb shrugs. "Ah, nothing I am sure you won't have heard ad nauseum by now. All I will say is treat her right, Ryouga, or I will bring the whole wrath of my people onto you." Ryouga swallows nervously as Herb gives him a direct look. "Lady Ranko and her sister have helped me, probably far more than they realise, out of nothing more than the goodness of their hearts and their compassionate natures."

Ryouga smiles faintly and Herb notices it. Ryouga looks to Herb. "That kindness is one of my favourite things about her, yes." He says, voice slightly dreamy. Herb clears his throat.

"That being said, while they may not realise the magnitude of their actions, I do. They've let me see, feel, think clearly for the first time in months since I received my curse. They gave me ways to reclaim my manhood even if my quest for the Kettle ends in failure. I will be a lifetime paying that back."

Ryouga nods. "I see. I'm glad."

"As I consider her and her sister good friends of the Musk now, I would ask how you feel for her."

Ryouga stops short, looking out onto Nodoka's small (relative to the fairly large Tendou compound) garden. "I-I…" He stops, takes a breath. "I'll be honest, Your Highness, I don't entirely know. All I know is that I like her far, far more than anyone else. I want to sit beside her, keep her beside me, move forward together and see her happy all that time. If that's love, then I g-guess I l-love her." He looks down bashfully. "I'm not sure how much she likes me… but she is the one to have asked me to g-go on a date."

Herb laughs, actually amused and friendly for the first time. "You can call me Herb. And I don't think I need spell her feelings out; it's quite clear she cares for you a great, great deal given the speed of her rejection to me."

Ryouga smiles at that.

"And she didn't change her mind, even when I also locked her curse." Herb says, giving Ryouga a sly smile. Ryouga snaps his gaze to the prince, who leans against the wall and folds his arms. "You heard me." He says. "She'll never transform again. If it had been old water from the Locking Ladle, it would have lasted only a few years. From the pail itself?" He laughs. "They could dig her bones up in a few thousand years and they still would not change back when applied with hot water."

Ryouga looks at Herb and then the prince has his hand grabbed by the larger boy. Shaking it like a westerner, Ryouga's eyes are full of tears as unlike his old rival he isn't afraid to show his emotions. "I… You don't know what it… How much that means to… to her."

Herb looks nonplussed. "You mean to you? I can't see a young man like you being happy married to someone who turns into a boy."

Ryouga shakes his head as he lets go and wipes his eyes. "No, that never mattered. Ranko is Ranko, regardless of her form. I don't mind her being a boy sometimes. But I know she hated it, so she must…"

"And still she refused me." Herb says, laughing at Ryouga. "So you had better treat her right, Ryouga. Or I'll find you and use the Ladle on you. Yakiton is one of the few delicacies from this land I enjoy. You hear me?"

Ryouga swallows and nods. "Herb, I swear to you now. I would sooner cut my arm off, hell, I'd probably turn up to your palace and use the damned ladle on myself if I ever hurt her in anything that isn't a normal quarrel between lovers."

Herb pats his arm as he slides the engawa back open. "Good." He says.

The rest of the night proceeds smoothly, until Herb and Cologne head back to the Nekohanten with a few happy goodbyes.

Ranko looks at the evening with a fond smile as she finishes cleaning up the family room and kitchen. She's ended a good night with no more curse and a new friend in high places.

And he evidently approves of Ryouga as well, despite his abortive and sudden proposal. After their private chat the two had sat together for some time discussing fighting and martial arts, drawing Ukyou in too.

Ranko had simply sat with her mother and Cologne, amazed at the back and forth between the two. It was obviously a game, and one they enjoyed. There was never a harsh word spoken and yet she knew half of what had been said were playful insults. By the end, Cologne had ceded defeat to Nodoka citing that it must have been her people's ability to insult without insulting words directly that led her to be so skilled. Nodoka preened at the praise.

The fact that she'd been 'cured' finally hits Ranko like a ton of bricks when she gets into the furo and doesn't transform. She looks down into the water at her own body, the body that would be permanently hers from now on.

Tears start dripping into the furo and she sniffles before breaking down into sobs. Nodoka, who had seen this coming, simply disrobes in the changing room, cleans herself off and then sits in the bath with her daughter, just holding her and revelling in the warmth and joy her daughter's feeling.


When Ranko emerges from school on the day of her date with Ryouga, she's immediately grabbed by the arms and dragged away by Ukyou and Akane.

"Hi Hibari-chan, Osaka-san, take Ryo-chan home for us thanks!" Ukyou calls as Ranko squeals and struggles. "My darling imouto needs a makeover before her date!"

"What? Help!" Ranko yells, struggling against the two of them.

Hibari and Naru take Ryouga's arms and Hibari waves. "Bye, Ranko-chan, we'll get your beau home with a minimum of kiss- ow!" She's interrupted by Naru thwacking the back of her head.

"Hibari! No kissing Ranko's date!" She scolds. Hibari grins.

"Aw, but Naru, we could be a threesome!"

"You're incorrigible."

"Don't know the meaning of the word."

"She really doesn't." Ryouga says, still blushing as he's led off by the two girls.

Ranko stops struggling and she, Akane and Ukyou make their way to the shopping district. "What do you mean, makeover?" Ranko asks, nervously.

Ukyou grins. "Exactly that, sugar. We're gonna get you a haircut, dress, everythin'."

"But I have a…"

"Ranchan, we're going to take you from 'cute' to 'knockout'. I've seen the dress you've chosen and it's cute, like something a young girl would wear and that's fine, but I want Ryouga to see you as a woman, and that's gonna take somethin' special Shamps has been cookin' up."

Ranko blushes. "I… but why?"

"Because, dummy," Akane says fondly, "We want you two to see each other and not be able to take your eyes from one another. We've got Auntie and Nabiki working on Ryouga while we've got you."

Ranko blushes again. "I… thank you." She says, happily.

"We're even making him use waterproof soap, so he doesn't get himself turned into P-chan." Akane smiles. Ranko blanches. "Yeah, I know. I always knew." Akane ruffles her hair. "I'm an idiot and did it to make Ranma jealous, though it was sweet how he kept trying to tell me without telling me. Ryouga was always very gentlemanly when I was changing and such, the only times he was against my chest was when he was being cuddled. Plus, he's nice to snuggle like that."

Ranko blushes. "Y-yes." She says, "I forget sometimes and just s-sit there and it's l-lovely."

Akane smiles. "I don't blame you for not telling me, Ranko. Ranma told me about it when he took me on the date last week, and I already knew, it was just… nice he did. And now it's your turn. Take care of my pet, Ranko-chan."

Ranko blushes. "I-I will."

Ryouga is having a similar discussion and sighs softly at the lecture he's having from the middle Tendou sister and Nodoka. But he follows them anyway.

All too soon, with a queasy nervousness in his stomach, Ryouga is led into the Saotome house, then to the Family Room where he's given the once-over by Nodoka and sent to change.

Once he's back down, he's given another once-over, a quick hair combing and a dab of some cologne. Nabiki and Nodoka look at each other and nod, satisfied. Nodoka gives him some money in a wallet, and Nabiki threatens him (seriously, he's getting fed up of people threatening him over Ranko, he'd sooner do what Herb threatened him with than hurt her, but he supposes that's the point).

Ukyou and Akane had returned some time ago, but they'd made him sit on the engawa while Ranko was led upstairs. They'd been up there since then, the occasional giggle and yell making it clear that they were preparing her as much as he'd been.

A thump on the stairs to the family room makes him look up to see Ukyou and Akane walking down, both grinning at him. "Oh, sugar." Ukyou says, brightening as she looks at him. "You look all grown up!"

"Really good work by Auntie and onee-chan there, P-chan." Akane sticks her tongue out at him, but the two sit nearby. "I hope our work blows your brain to itty bitty pieces though."

Ryouga looks up, mouth dry suddenly as a thump on the top step announces Ranko's descent.

He takes a look as she walks down slowly as her sisters had told her to.

Ryouga's breath catches in his throat and stays there.


I know, evil place to leave it, but the date deserves its own chapter.

As a note, we're almost done. I think the date chapter, then an epilogue.

I suspect I will do a sequel sometime that isn't going to be the spinoff from the start of Chapter 9 I've mentioned before (which is ready to start being released), but I think Changeling is almost finished. The next fic in the universe that isn't Athetos (the name of said spinoff) will be probably a lot happier and more about everyone around her as well as Ranko herself going through to reach her goals.

But that might be a while, I have other plot bunnies that attacked me and have about... I dunno at least five other fics.

Anyway, hopefully not long, I tend to be more productive when writing fluff (as I'm sure you've noticed).
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me without telling me. Ryouga was always very gentlemanly when I was changing and such, the only times he was against my chest was when he was being cuddled and I'm pretty sure you've found he basically becomes form when he's like that.
I'm really not sure where that sentence ends up.

Nice fluffy feelings this chapter!
Chapter 17 - Prom Night
Final chapter, guys

Chapter 17 - Prom Night

There's an open floor as the chorus soars,

And a pretty girl's hand beside yours.

Who knows what you'll find,

But the threshold shines,

Can you leap from the ledge and bridge the two halves of the world?

Hold her hand.

- Prom Night by The Midnight


Ranko descends the stairs and Ryouga has to remember to actually breathe before he passes out. She's taking the steps one at a time, unsurely, small steps so as not to show so much leg. He swallows.

Though her feet are not clad in shoes – those are hanging from her left hand, her right trailing the banister – she's wearing long, sheer stockings that end mid-thigh. He can tell it's mid-thigh because the slit on the left side where her leg peeks out goes just a little higher than the socks.

The dress is a long, jade green cheongsam, not that that's a surprise. Even now she's taken by Chinese silk clothing and he's found her recently wearing more feminine versions of her old blouses and some outfits Shampoo had obviously given her before. It's decorated with purple orchids and is so sheer it hugs her figure.

Ryouga's eyes trail up as she steps down, hand on the banister. Her hair is unbound, cascading about her in the usual curls, only styled so it falls perfectly around her and across her, leaving her with a fringe. On the hand on the banister he sees green nail varnish but her arms are bare save for a shrug trailing across her shoulders.

The collar of the cheongsam is at her neck, but while there isn't anything showing up top, the way the cheongsam clings to her shows Ranko's bust off in ways that he'd normally be nosebleeding at. His eyes travel up to her face. The unsure smile is there, but she's wearing exquisitely applied makeup – a hint of green eyeshadow, faint eyeliner and a little blush on her cheeks, but it all accentuates her sparkling blue eyes. Jade green earrings dangle from her ears.

Looking at her hair, he can see it's not entirely down – there's a long, green ribbon tied into a bow keeping some of the curls out of her face, letting them cascade down her back instead. On one shoulder is a small handbag in matching jade green to her dress.

His heart just about detonates in his chest when she smiles at him, her eyes lighting up as she looks him over. She finally hits the bottom step and her own heart beats faster as she looks Ryouga over.

He's wearing smart black trousers that are clearly fitted to him. On top he's wearing a smart white shirt, crisply ironed and perfectly sized for him. At some points when he moves his arms it almost looks painted onto his arms and shows off his muscles in ways that make heat come to her face. Over the shirt is a waistcoat in a deep forest green and somehow he even has a pocket watch. He's wearing a green tie to match her dress, perfectly done in a Windsor knot, and this too has a faint pattern of orchids on it.

Nearby is a jacket for the suit, though she's captivated by what's been done to his hair. Gone is the messy fringe, instead his hair is still fluffy, still a little longer than short but shorter than long, but his bandana is gone from it and it's been combed back, though not slicked. He looks… Well, he looks like a man, and not a boy.

He looks at her and his mind shatters into itty bitty pieces. She looks at him and hers does the same. They stay like this, lost in each other for a fair few minutes.

Around the family room, Nodoka, Ukyou, Nabiki and Akane look at each other, then the couple, then each other and all of them grin. Success!

"R-Ranko." Ryouga finally manages to say after taking some minutes to scoop up the pieces of his brain just scattered around and put them into something resembling working order.

"Ryouga." Ranko says, maddeningly calmly. She plays with her fingers. "You look amazing."

He goes more red. "Th-thanks. You look…" He trails off, drinking in the sight of her. "You look…" He pauses, trying to find the words. "Incredible."

She blushes brightly, but her eyes sparkle as she looks at him with a happy smile.

"Awww." Akane says, her heart melting. Nabiki nods her head and picks her camera up as the two jump and remember there are other people in the room. Nodoka's smile is so bright and wide it's almost blinding.

"Alright lovebirds, I need you against the wall over there." Nabiki commands, holding her camera, a high-end model. The two stand awkwardly next to each other and Nabiki takes one photograph and tuts. "Come on you guys, dead fish have more chemistry in photos. Ranko, link arms with him and both of you smile like you mean it."

Ranko timidly takes Ryouga's arm, and finds the smile coming to her face automatically. Ryouga smiles warmly too, and Nabiki snaps a photo. She makes them take a couple more poses before she's satisfied.

Nodoka looks to the two of them and her hands go to her cheeks as she beams, envisioning bouncing grandchildren on her lap with bright red hair and little fangs and a sunny disposition. "Oh, you two make such a lovely couple!" She exclaims and Akane takes Nodoka's arm.

"Auntie, you're getting excited." She scolds and Nodoka calms down a moment, but still beams. "Well, you two, best be off!" She shoos them to the genkan, where Ryouga dons a pair of smart, black shoes and Ranko puts on the green heels. She wobbles a moment, then her natural grace kicks in and she stands more firmly. One of her legs peeks out through the slit in the cheongsam and with the heels Ryouga can't help but admire it a moment before looking away nervously.

Ranko notices and blushes but as they walk down the street, she takes his hand and smiles up at him. "I don't mind." She says quietly.


"You looking." Ranko smiles, "At me, I mean." Her face goes more red. "B-because it's n-nice to kn-know you l-like looking. A-and I like l-looking at you, t-too."

Ryouga goes red, too. "O-oh. I l-like that t-too."

She squeezes his hand, but the rest of the journey is silent as they walk along. Ranko sighs happily as they board a train and make a quick hop to the shopping district where the restaurants are. This part was Ryouga's choice, hers is later on and she hopes he'll like it. He'd had to let her know where to go because of his direction curse, but she's kept hers a surprise.

They almost pass by the restaurant, secluded and out of the way as it is. As they enter, the maitre d' bows and they're escorted to a booth that's already set up for them with candles and a single rose in a glass. As they sit down, Ranko looks about. She's still a little flushed – the stares on the train as they sat together, both from men watching her with Ryouga and women watching Ryouga with her, had been somewhat envious and part of her enjoys the attention, even if she's embarrassed by it.

Ryouga's choice of restaurant is perfect for two people who are both fairly shy. It's out of the way, it's tastefully decorated, and every booth is situated so there's a minimum of interaction between anyone sitting at different booths.

They make their orders of food and talk of small things, inconsequential things. The big things are always said through little things, and they've already said so many big things that the small things are a blessing in and of themselves.

She smiles at him. He smiles at her.

Their hands touch across the table, caress, hold. His large thumb strokes the back of her hand absently.

Small, shy, chaste kisses are made across the table which is large enough to seat the huge amount of food they have both ordered and yet small enough that leaning across to kiss is not uncomfortable.

They talk of simple times – of fights that Ryouga had with Ranma. Of Ryouga's travels, of the Path that Ranko is learning from her mother. Ryouga wonders about his own mother and Ranko smiles at him. She tells him they should go and see her, and Shirokuro too.

She wants his mother's approval, she realises, she wants to see him happy with his family too, as she is with her own.

The staff of the restaurant watch the shy couple, taking those tentative first steps of reaching out to one another while they eat.

And how those two can eat. The staff are frankly boggled that the lovely, petite young lady somehow puts more food away than the tall young man. And even then, that they don't see her eating with anything other than polite speed and mannerisms. The boy's a little rougher, but even so…

They finish their meal and simply sit there a while, looking into one another's eyes, trying to see to the other person's heart. It's not difficult, neither of them is used to hiding from the other, not as they are now.

Ranko smiles at Ryouga as the wait staff clear their plates from dessert away. "Thank you, Ryouga." She says happily. "That was lovely. How did you find this place?"

He smiles embarrassedly. "I cheated." He replies, blushing.

"You cheated?"

"I asked Nabiki-san."

Ranko giggles. "Well, I'd hardly call going to the cleverest person we know for advice cheating. It's just good sense." She reaches over the table and takes both his hands in hers.

"Thank you again, though. Even if she told you of it, you knew I'd like it." She leans over and gives him a short kiss, then stands. "And it's my turn now."

"Where are we going?" He asks as he stands and she links her arm with his.

"It's a secret." She says, "But it's not far."

They emerge from the restaurant and blink as it's starting to head towards sunset, but it's still bright after the low lighting of the restaurant. They look at each other, laugh and then start walking.

"Excuse me young miss, young man, I don't suppose you could tell me if this is Nerima?" A voice calls and the two turn to see a woman with long black fluffy hair tied back in a bandana, and fangs as she smiles softly at the two. "…Ryouga?"

"M-mum?" Ryouga looks at her and she smiles, grabbing him in a hug, sniffling.

"My baby boy! It's been so long!"

Ranko steps back a moment, smoothing down her cheongsam and checking her hair, then her makeup surreptitiously with a compact in her handbag. She watches the two and smiles.

Ryouga's mother's wearing similar travelling gear to her son, though more feminine. She too gives off that same aura of stability and immovability, and she even has his fangs. She's tall, very tall, taller even than Ryouga. She too has a pack on her back and an umbrella that gives off an aura of weight, and she also has the grace any martial artist gives off.

"M-mum." Ryouga says, tears in his eyes. "I missed you." Ranko's heart softens as she sees the genuine joy in his eyes. Joy that up til this point today had been entirely directed at her. She doesn't mind though; this is as joyous for her to watch as it is for him to feel.

His mother beams, sniffling. "I missed you too. Are we in Tokyo, then?"

"We are!"

"You're not lost yourself, are you?" She asks, worriedly. "I know you were chasing that friend of yours. Did you catch him?"

Ryouga laughs softly as his mother steps back and puts her hands on his shoulder. "I uh… guess you could say that."

His mother smiles at him and then looks him up and down. "Ryouga, did you lose your pack? Where are you staying? And why are you dressed so… smartly…?" Her glance casts over to the redhead standing nearby, a shy smile on her face. The dress she's wearing is enough to indicate the two of them are headed somewhere formal.

The girl is standing shyly, but she can see that the redhead is definitely a martial artist of some sort. Her training's definitely not complete but she's standing like the wind itself wouldn't touch her. Poise and grace, and she nods approvingly, turning back to her son.

"I'm staying with a friend. And ah… I'm on a date." Ryouga rubs the back of his head.

"I… can see that." His mother says, looking Ranko over, who squirms. Ryouga takes her hand and squeezes, bringing her closer to the two of them.

"This is Ranko, Mom. Saotome Ranko." He introduces her and she bows nervously.

His mother blinks. "Saotome… This is your friend? But I thought he was a boy?"

Ryouga laughs. "It's… a long story, Mum. This is his sister, kind of." His gaze flicks to Ranko.

His mother can see the love in those eyes, and the same from the girl's. She smiles warmly at the girl. "I see puberty hit you like a truck, young lady, especially in that dress." Ranko blushes bright red. "I'm Hibiki Emiko. Thank you for taking care of my son." She bows and Ranko's blush grows more pronounced.

"I-it's nothing, Hibiki-san." Ranko bows as well. "I'm v-very pleased to s-see you a-again."

"I didn't know we met…" Emiko says, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I'd certainly remember your hair if nothing else."

Ranko looks down. "It's a long story, Hibiki-san." She says softly. "A very long story, and I haven't the time right now to tell it. We're on a date and limited on time to get to our next destination."

"Call me Auntie, dear. At least for now, though something tells me you'll be calling me 'Mum' some time soon." Emiko giggles. Ranko looks at her and blushes. Ryouga looks sad.

"Ah… Mum!" Ryouga whines, but he's smiling at her. His face falls. "I really want to see you at home." He says sadly. "We never see each other, and I love staying with Auntie… But you're my Mum."

Emiko nods. "It's a shame. I could wait here for you, but you know our family and directions. I could go to the bathroom and I'd be gone…"

"Y-yeah." Ryouga says.

Ranko clears her throat. "Excuse me a moment." She says sweetly, stepping back. She looks over near a building. "Akane, I know you're there!" She calls. Ryouga looks sharply at her, and then in shock as Akane and Ukyou emerge from a café nearby.

"Jeez, imouto-chan, how do you always know?" Ukyou grumbles.

"The breeze told me." Ranko shrugs. "Anyway, Akane, you know the way back to Ryouga's house, right?"

Akane nods, smiling. "I think we can leave you be now we know he's a gentleman." She says, hugging Ranko and then turning to Emiko. "I'm Tendou Akane and this is Saotome Ukyou, Ranko's sister."


"We'll get you home, Hibiki-san." Akane continues.

Emiko smiles at the two of them, tears standing out in her eyes. "Oh, thank you. Give me a moment."

She walks to Ryouga and hugs him, whispering in his ear. "She seems lovely, dear. I'm so happy for you."

"M-me too, Mum." Ryouga says, hugging her back. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bring Ranko-chan with you." She instructs and he nods. Emiko then takes a surprised Ranko in a hug. "Oh, you're so petite and cute I just want to take you home!" She exclaims. Ranko's blush grows more pronounced. "Good luck tonight, Ranko-chan. I hope you have a lovely night!"

She stands back and smiles at Ranko, winking. "And if he gives you any trouble, kick him for me."

"R-ryouga's a gentleman, Auntie." Ranko says, blushing. "He'd never hurt me on purpose."

Emiko smiles. "Good."

Akane, Ukyou and Emiko wander off together, Ranko and Ryouga watching with amusement as Emiko almost immediately nearly gets lost until Akane and Ukyou take a hand each.

"So that's what that looks like from the outside." Ryouga mumbles. Ranko takes his arm again and starts leading him away.

"I like your Mom." She says, giggling. "She's nice."

"Yeah, Mum's… Always been like that. Bubbly." Ryouga smiles. Ranko boops his nose with her free hand.

"Not like you, mister grumpyguts. We used to worry so much about you, you know."

Ryouga purses his lips. The pronoun weirdness when Ranko talks about her old self still makes him a bit uncomfortable, but it's his own discomfort more than anything. Still, he appreciates the thought. "I'm a lot better now. I'm not even sure I can pull off Shi Shi Hokoudan anymore unless I force it."

"No doing that. I don't want you poisoning yourself with depression chi." Ranko warns, a sharpness in her tone, a steel he knows is always there under the surface. It only comes out when she's truly worried, though. He smiles at her and leans down to kiss her cheek.

"I won't." He promises. "Unless I have to, and even then… I'll think twice."

Ranko smiles at him and his knees weaken a moment before he manages to not stumble.


They make it with plenty of time to spare, even with their slow going punctuated by the occasional kiss. Ranko doesn't want the walk to end, even though the date still has many hours left, hours to while away in company she loves.

Finally, they stand in front of the hall and Ryouga looks at it. "Dancing?" He asks, suspiciously. Ranko nods, a smile on her face. "B-but I can't d-d-dance!"

Ranko's smile widens. She feels suddenly bold. This was the right decision, she just has to sell it to him properly. "Neither can I." She admits softly. She interlaces her fingers with his, takes his other hand and stands in front of him, standing close so they're touching, hands between each other. "I thought… We fought all the time. We know each other so well. Our strengths." She kisses one hand. "Our weaknesses." She kisses the other.

Ryouga blushes again. But he squeezes her hands back gently. "I guess." He says. He's still not sure.

Ranko's smile stays on her face, warm and inviting. "We don't fight anymore, Ryouga. Haven't you noticed? And yet, I still want to do things with you like that. Not sparring, but moving. Around you, with you. And I don't mean… All that." She goes red, but soldiers on, "I mean… something we can do together that lets us move together, lets us anticipate each other. Dancing can be that – we're both graceful, and I know there's one thing that you have over any other dance partner I could choose."

Ryouga looks into those deep blue pools and can't help but smile at the enthusiasm there. "What's that?"

"You know me. You know how I move, how I will always move. And I know you, I know the same. Dancing, sparring, anything like that – it doesn't matter. Rhythm Gymnastics, remember that? By the time we finished practicing we were able to anticipate. So, why not try it?"

She beams. "And it's not just… waltzing. I signed us up for a mixed class of all kinds of styles. And the great thing about this?" She lets his hands go, looking up and standing on her toes to kiss him. "We can keep coming back and learning more." She giggles. "It's like the 'Anything Goes' of dancing, though it isn't a martial art. That I know of."

Ryouga's smile stays warm but it settles into quiet confidence. "Alright." He says. This sort of thing he can do.

They go in, and at first, as with many things between them, it's awkward. Holding Ranko by the hand, by the arm, the rare times they've sat together or when he had to hold her away from her father – those certainly are times he's held her, but this is holding her in a completely different way.

At first, he treats her like glass, not wanting to hold her or move quickly lest he hurt her, and it spoils a few different dances for them. Throughout, she grumbles at him. Loudly, and angrily.

Finally, exasperated, she takes his hands during a lull. She puts one on her hip, and he can feel the line of something under the cheongsam, going red. She pushes his hand down on it and glares. "Hold me." She commands. "Ryouga, I am not made of glass, a lady though I might be. As Mother is fond of saying, a lady is silk hiding steel, and I have steel in me. I know." Her glare softens as she puts one hand on his own hip, making him jump, her free hand taking his. "I know you'll never hurt me." She leans forward and pecks his lips. "Never. So hold me!"

Ryouga swallows. He wants to treat her like a delicate flower, a glass sculpture. Over the past month or so he's built an image that she's like that. But he knows, and he's always known, she's still got that core of steel inside her. His hand grips her hip with more force, and she smiles warmly at him, her annoyance forgotten. She wonders how she's being assertive here and realises that the two of them are so shy, someone must take charge. Might as well be the lady if the gentleman isn't doing so!

The two of them circle, slow dancing until it's time to change styles. Ryouga finds himself getting into the groove as they're shown a tango, and he and Ranko grow more confident together in moving.

He realises she was right. They do know each other. How they're moving at the moment, it's instinctive. When she makes a movement, he moves with her right at the same time. When he moves, she follows. And it's not just then, they each know how the other will move, unspoken as they decide the moves they take in from the instruction.

His smile grows and grows, and he watches as that same nameless joy he's feeling builds in her own eyes. Kami, he'd missed this sort of thing. It isn't martial arts; it isn't combat and yet it's just as thrilling to him. The girl in his arms, the challenge of learning new steps, the heat of her body against his when she performs a layover movement – he'd be surprised, but he's seen it coming five moves ago and simply moves with it, stealing a kiss. Her own smile brightens as they separate.

During a break, the two of them move off the floor to some applause, both red-faced and sweating. They collapse onto a loveseat on the side of the room, Ranko leaning her head onto his shoulder as he slumps. Up to this point, neither had taken breaks even when there were no others on the floor and no style being shown off. It's not as exhausting as one of their longer running battles, so they had energy to spare.

Sitting on the seat, both of them red-faced and panting, Ryouga feels that wonderful ache of a workout. Who would have known that dancing could induce that great burn?

He wants to carry on, to keep this girl in his arms forever, spinning and twirling and moving and just holding one another. Like the two prodigies at martial arts they both were, they take in the styles as they're shown, they adapt and then add them to their own repertoire. They've not been perfect, and they've both stumbled more than a few times, but it's the least embarrassing thing in the world, wrapped in their own little world as they are.

Ranko leans her head from his and looks up at him. He looks down at her. Her makeup has run a little from the sweat, lines across her forehead where it's rubbed away. Breathing hard, still, flushed.

She's never been more beautiful to him than in that moment, and the look in her eyes shows a reciprocation of those feelings. Her hands grip his collar and pull his head down to her level, smiling into his eyes and daring him to take advantage of the moment. He grins back, fangs showing, and then leans forwards to take her lips. Her tongue touches his lips, and he parts them to let it past, feeling as if fireworks are running in the back of his head.

He doesn't want the moment to end, doesn't want it to finish, and yet it must. They separate, though her arms around his torso don't move as she puts her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat and taking in the scent of the clothing, of the earth, of the pine, of the cologne he had on, all mingling into the scent she knows so well of Ryouga, that mix of earth and home.

He wraps his own arms around her, leaning his head and kissing her hair, taking in the jasmine and orchid perfume she's wearing, and underneath it the lotus-blossom smell she always seems to have. The cherry scent of the conditioner he occasionally borrows when his own is out.

They stay that way while they rest, drawing comfort and heat from one another. Dance styles and offers come and go and eventually Ranko raises her head and smiles at him. He smiles back, kisses her once and they disengage.

Quick as a flash, she's mopped her forehead of sweat, handed him a handkerchief and touched her makeup back up. He looks in awe as she suddenly seems refreshed. He mops the sweat from his own brow and tucks the handkerchief away to wash and return.

Standing, he offers her his arm. "Fair lady." He intones in a mockery of Kunou Tatewaki. "It would pleaseth me most if thou wouldst join me for more dances, lest your card be filled afore I receive the glory of thy presence on the floor."

Ranko giggles and slaps his hand. "Stop that." She laughs, "I don't want to think of that idiot here, I only want to think of you!"

Ryouga grins. "Alright. More dances? I think they said this was a waltz."

Ranko takes the hand, and he leads her back onto the floor to dance the night away.


"So where to now?" Ryouga asks her as they emerge, tired and elated and bubbling and wonderful from the dance hall. Ranko smiles at him, leans up to kiss his lips quickly and takes his arm.

She knows exactly where to take him.

They take the train, but instead of getting off at their home station, Ranko keeps them on the train until they reach the outskirts of Nerima.

She leads him along a road, a familiar road she'd blurred down before. Now she and Ryouga simply walk, the click of her heels and the soft thud of his shoes the only sound at this time of night aside from the city's night sounds.

As they come in sight of the bridge, Ryouga's face changes. Shock, and a strange nostalgia fill him as they move up the slope of it, and then at the top, Ranko stops leading him and hops onto the railing, holding on as he does the same.

"In a way," She says to him, looking at the water below. "I died here." Her voice is soft, sad.

Ryouga looks to her. "I saw you. You looked like everything had ended – that white dress of yours stained, your bearing was like… I'd never seen you miserable like that before."

"And then I fell."

"And then you fell, yeah. And I just… I had to catch you."

Her small hand intertwines with his. She scoots closer to him and rests her head on his arm, being a little too short for his shoulder.

"In a way, my life ended at this place, at that time. Perhaps even more than on the rocks of the koi pond." Ranko murmurs, still looking at the water a moment, before she raises her head to look at Ryouga's wonderful chocolate brown eyes. Her free hand reaches up and runs down his face, the pads of her thumbs press against his fangs and he kisses her hand absently as she rests it on his cheek. "In a way… My life started here, too."

Ryouga smiles at her, love in his expression – a dopey, goofy smile on his face, a grin of nothing but happiness so far removed from the boy who could conjure perfect Shi Shi Hokoudan that she remembers despairing for him ever not being depressed and sullen.

That boy seems gone; as gone as Ranma is, which is to say, somewhere deep inside the memory of that boy still lives, still makes smart-alec comments, still whispers occasionally even though he's gone.

But in his place is the boy refined – the sweet side, the caring side. The kind side, the kindness she remembers being the one core thing she too inherited from her former self, along with love. So much love for her friends and family.

Love that nearly broke her with weeks of being ignored, of being treated like a corpse that forgot to die.

But love is love, and love means different things to different people, in regard to different people. Ranma's love for Akane was a burning, shining bonfire of emotions he couldn't have hoped to hide, as was the short-haired girl's own love the twin of that raging inferno.

Ranko's love for Akane is no less potent, but is more a stormy breeze, potent and refreshing, but not that same intensity.

Her love for Ryouga isn't even that – she feels as intensely as Ranma did, but her own spirit, her own chi is always more muted, more controlled than Ranma's ever was. Ranko keeps herself tightly veiled, and not just because she's learning the Path of the Silken Breeze. For her control is victory, and she'll never, ever let her fears control her like Ranma's did.

Ryouga's love for Akane had been bumbling, probably false and definitely not reciprocated. His love for Ranko matches her own. It's no less intense than the bonfire between Ranma and Akane, but it's more controlled, more muted and all the more genuine from him for it.

He looks at Ranko's sparkling blue eyes and sees the depths of that love; so much more like a placid lake than what he'd probably have seen from Ranma. He knows that he can take a dip in those waters and never emerge squealing.

"I guess," He says, "In a way my life started here, too. I saw you fall, and I had to catch you." He smiles awkwardly. "At the time I couldn't let my chief rival die." His voice turns wistful. "And then, in the family room when you woke; I met you for the first time. And you were so broken and hurt, and I… I just watched. And then, even after that, even terrified, without even thinking about it, you comforted your mother. And I think… that's when I fell in love."

Ranko blushes. She looks at him, then the water, then the sky and then back to him. "I love you, Hibiki Ryouga." She says, seriously, calmly and entirely truthfully.

He smiles at her, bashfulness gone, simple knowledge of the fact washing over him. "And I love you, Saotome Ranko."

Ranko circles her arms about his neck, reaching up and kissing him passionately, pressing herself against him and letting every barrier down. She has no fear she'll fall from the bridge railing. Her own reflexes are too good, and even if she does…

He'll catch her.

And at that moment, Saotome Ranko finally realises one thing:

She's glad to be alive. She's glad she's here, right here, right now, kissing the boy she loves. She's glad she has a home to go to and people who love her. She's glad her older self gave her their body to use.

At this moment.

In this place.

She feels fine. She finally knows that she's not a corpse that forgot to die, that she's not a jibakurei hanging around where it died.

She's not a changeling left in place of the child that was wanted; she's still the child that was wanted and she never was a changeling. Never was left by the fae, never was taken. She just changed herself, and that's fine. Everyone changes. Everyone is different people all through their lives. Most people just take the scenic route between people while she took the express.

Ranko lets the final parts of her worries about having been Ranma before go, dissolving on the wind like he had into light in her dream. And he'll still be there, and she'll still relapse sometimes, she knows this; the damage she took to her mental health will never really fully recover. But that's fine, too. She has family to help, she has Ryouga. She has friends. And even with all that possibility for bad things to happen swirling about her she knows one thing.

As long as she has her family and friends.

As long as love surrounds her.

As long as she loves as much as those around her love, and as long as she stays kind.

She's going to be fine.


...And that's the final chapter, folks. A short epilogue will follow but this is the last proper chapter of Changeling.

I can't believe it. I've not finished a fanfic in years. And here I am, with something finished. I'm going to... go and cry to myself for a bit now.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you for sticking with me to the end here.
More happy tears here. This fic has been...powerful. Thank you so very much for writing it.

On a sillier note, this occured to me while reading:

Akane nods, smiling. "I think we can leave you be now we know he's a gentleman." She says, hugging Ranko and then turning to Emiko. "I'm Tendou Akane and this is Saotome Ukyou, Ranko's sister."

Ranko: "Akane, if he isn't a gentleman and I don't want him not to be, I'll fight him off. I'm still just as strong as I used to be. I don't like fighting, that doesn't mean I can't."

Akane: "Oh, fair."

Akane, ten minutes later: "Wait what was that second part."
Changeling Epilogue - Because the World Still Continues
and the silly epilogue. Nothing big but I had it written and it was cute.

Epilogue - Because the World Still Continues

And so, life goes. And goes.

A clinic in Nerima, a sign, newly painted. "Ono, Ono and Saotome. Moxibustion, Acupuncture, Pressure Points, Midwifery, Therapy and General Practice."

A redheaded woman puts a box down on a desk upstairs in the office part of the clinic and looks about the place.

Nostalgia fills her as she unpacks her gear and she smiles softly to herself as she remembers scrapes and bruises, pats on the back and other advice in a clinic with the same atmosphere as this one.

Another box is put down near to hers and she frowns. "Kasumi-nee-chan, no carrying heavy boxes. You're six months in. I'd have thought you'd remembered that from last time."

Tendou Kasumi, gravid in her second pregnancy already, sighs exasperatedly at Saotome Ranko.

"Ranko-chan, you know I know what I'm doing. I did specialise in midwifery after all." She chides. Ranko smiles at her.

"I know. And I'm not sure how you managed all of that while also pregnant and raising a newborn. Then you went and did it again right near the end."

"Mostly by taking a year out and joining you, dear." Kasumi says, smiling at her sister. "Though the residency was certainly a headache."

Ranko laughs, "I suppose, but I'm glad I've waited this long as Ucchan advised. I don't think I could have dealt with it like you."

Kasumi giggles. "Well, when you've helped raise two girls as troublesome as Akane and Nabiki, not to mention dealing with Father I suspect a newborn was easy. Certainly, Mirai cried a lot less than father ever does."

Ranko laughs. "Isn't that the truth." She says, shaking her head. "At least he finally passed the dojo down. I heard Akane took out another dojo destroyer the other day."

Kasumi nods. "Oh, yes. Humiliated him, really, but it was his own fault. It was that Kumon boy again, the one who pretended to be Ranma that time."

Ranko giggles. "Oh, we really tricked him that time." She says. "At least he didn't destroy anything this time…" She sighs. "I wonder if Ranma would have liked him…"

Kasumi puts a hand on Ranko's shoulder. "I'm sure they'd have fought like demons."

Ranko laughs and nods. "Yes…" She sighs and reaches into one box, and then another, bringing out their licenses, their doctorates. She smiles warmly and runs a hand down the glass frame of her own.

"We did it, Ranma." She whispers softly. "Just you watch us go. No one else like us in this area will suffer like we did again."

Kasumi smiles as she helps Ranko set the office up, though the younger woman insists she takes it easy.

When they're done, the two women look around their new clinic. It's not the same one Toufu had before – with the three of them practicing together now, they'd decided to open a larger premises close by, but a little closer to Juuban.

Between the three of them being somewhat known, they'd already had patients hammering on the door before they'd opened.

"Well then." Kasumi says, moving to the kitchenette that's just out the way of the office part of the building. "I think some tea."

"Sure, Kasumi-nee-chan." Ranko smiles. She walks to the window and looks out across the street below. She sighs happily, looking at her hand on the sill adorned by a ring with a small gem set into it. "We'll have to change the sign sometime soon." She murmurs, a happy feeling inside her.

"Yes." Kasumi says, making Ranko jump. She hands the redhead a cup. "When you two decide to finally tie the knot."

Ranko blushes. "Well, now I'm all licensed and practicing, I suspect Mother's going to want that to move on fairly quickly. She wants grandbabies." Ranko laughs. "I suppose I wouldn't mind starting our family now, either."

Kasumi moves to stand next to her. "There's something to be said for having all the noise around you." She says, sipping her tea. "Though it's hard work, it's rewarding."

Ranko turns and leans against the windowsill, looking out over the office of their clinic. "Like many things, I suppose." She smiles and takes a long drink of her tea.

Kasumi does the same. "Yes."

Ranko rolls her neck to work out any stiffness from moving the things in. She smiles and looks around at her clinic. Her best patients have been patient, and with the items she ordered from China, she's ready to start proper practice and figure out how the water did its job.

But right now, she's just happy to have succeeded


Ranko stares as the vision in the ball clears. She straightens her kimono out and blushes. "Wow." She says a smile on her face. "Kasumi-nee-chan was glowing." She looks up at the owner of said crystal ball and looks hesitant. "I… is that what will happen?" She asks, nervously.

The girl behind the ball has pink and curly hair bouncing in twintails from her head. Dressed in a two-toned waistcoat with a floofy skirt, long white socks and pink mary-janes, she looks like a youngster playing magical girl. But what did Ranko expect of a tent on the edge of the festival offering looks into the future; normalcy?

"Well…" She says, finger to her mouth in thought. "It's an odd magic, but no, it's what could happen. Life, after all, is what you make it, Ranko-chan. Nothing is ever set in stone."

Ranko blinks and then laughs. "You're right." She says. "Thank you for the entertainment, though."

The girl inclines her head and Ranko leaves the tent, joining up with Ryouga and taking his arm. "How was it?"

"It showed me being a doctor." Ranko says, laughing softly. "So like all of those fortune telling things, it showed me what I wanted to see I suppose."

Ryouga laughs. "Well, if it lights a fire in you to do what you want, all the better?"

Ranko smiles at Ryouga. He leans down to kiss her, and they spend a moment that way until they let go and return to walking. Looking forwards now and only backwards to smile at times gone by.

The future's still unwritten, after all.


Aaaand that's it for Changeling, at least this one. Coming up is Athetos, spinning from Chapter 9 but that won't be a happy story until quite late.

I'm very tempted to do a sequel sometime, but I'll let this particular playground rest while I work on another project.

Thanks everyone for sticking with it to the end if you have, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Regards to Athetos - I'm not sure whether to post it in this thread or start a new thread for it. it spins from Chapter 9. Any thoughts?
More happy tears here. This fic has been...powerful. Thank you so very much for writing it.

Thank you. It's been powerful to write to be honest, and I've always been amazed because it was supposed to be a two shot 8k word story, and became... this.

On a sillier note, this occured to me while reading:

Ranko: "Akane, if he isn't a gentleman and I don't want him not to be, I'll fight him off. I'm still just as strong as I used to be. I don't like fighting, that doesn't mean I can't."

Akane: "Oh, fair."

Akane, ten minutes later: "Wait what was that second part."

Blah, I'll add that to my redraft things to do!

Thank you very much for reading! ♥
Hi folks, felt it best to ask (unless marking a story as complete locks a thread? Don't think it does) - I'm releasing a spinoff of Changeling called Athetos. It moves from Chapter 9 where Ranko wishes she could bring back Akane's mum. It's also kinda... really bleak. At least until the latter parts where it starts to get better, though it's far more of a struggle that canon(?)Ranko has.

I'm not sure whether to use this thread or to post it on its own, any thoughts?
I really don't have any thoughts. It makes some sense here, since it's a spinoff from Changeling, but it's also its own fic?