Changeling (Ranma 1/2)

Chapter 8 - The Winds of Change
Woo! Chapter 8. This was a hard one to write!

Chapter 8 – Winds of Change
Last revised 06/06/2021

And if those threads you made do fall apart,
You know you'll always have my heart,
And when the mountain peak seems too high to climb,
I will pull you every time.


"Nihao!" Shampoo's voice is cheerful as she steps through the entrance to the Saotome house and takes her shoes off. "Shampoo brought guest for talk to Ranma!"

Akane steps onto the genkan and Nodoka watches her, eyes tightening. "Tendou-kun." The auburn-haired woman says coldly. "I do believe I told you to await us at your home, not invade mine and my family's."

"Saotome-sama." Akane replies, respect in her voice, fear crushing the anger down. "Shampoo told me I should come. I had no choice but to follow if I didn't want a chúi to the head."

"Shampoo sorry Auntie, but this not continue!" Shampoo says, bowing. "Shampoo sick of two of them not talking, so she making them talk!"

Nodoka raises an eyebrow. "Is that so? Well then, I'm sure I don't need to warn you that you won't harm another hair on my daughter's head, Tendou-kun?" She says it sweetly, but a chill runs through the room as if she'd made an overt threat. "When you're done with Ranma, I wish to speak with you. Alone." The words carry an awful finality to them.

Akane stares evenly at Nodoka, and though her body trembles her voice is steady. "You are not the one I have wronged, Saotome-sama." She says in the most formal speech she can muster, "Only after I have made things right with your daughter will I submit to your mercy."

She bows, a formal saikeirei and moves to the stairs, Shampoo grabbing her arm and moving with her up the stairs. Nodoka watches her go impassively and once she's gone, Ryouga lets out an explosive breath as Nodoka visibly relaxes, letting out a long sigh.


Nodoka shakes her head. "Teenagers," She sighs disgustedly, "You all take things so seriously. I think she actually thinks I'm going to kill her."

"You, um, you did actually threaten to kill Ukyou-san. And you uh… kind of… heavily implied just now, with Akane-san." He points out and she laughs, rolling her eyes.

"I suppose I did for Ukyou-chan, but that was family honour, not childish squabbles. As angry as I am with Akane-kun for hurting my daughter so, I am not so foolish as to expect it to tarnish my family's honour, Ryouga-kun. Besides, they love each other, and the power we wield over those we love is incredible. The ability to hurt or heal is magnified with that. You should know that, dear."

Ryouga looks confused. "I should, Auntie?"

She titters, "Yes, though of course, love is blind." She smiles and ruffles his hair. "You're a good boy, dear, but please do let her know how you feel soon."

He looks down. "I don't think she really wants me, Auntie. I turn into a pig."

"And? It's a very cute form and we have plenty of hot water here. She doesn't seem to mind, anyway. You're a good boy, Ryouga-kun, even if you're impulsive at times and let your anger get the better of you. But you're also gentle and kind, and you've treated my daughter with such respect since you caught her. I don't think you understand how little I can pay you back for what you've done for the both of us."

Ryouga blushes. "It wasn't anything big, Auntie, I just… I didn't want her to die. When I saw her falling I just… I had to act."

"You brought my baby back to me, Ryouga-kun. As far as I'm concerned, the Saotome clan owes you a great debt." She takes his hand and squeezes it as she sits next to him. "If you wonder if I approve of you wishing to date my daughter, let me tell you now – there is no one I'd approve of more."

"I don't… think I… Wish to…"

"Ryouga-kun." Nodoka's voice is sharp. "Please, don't lie to me or yourself. Tell me your intentions. How do you feel for my daughter?"

Ryouga swallows and looks down. "I… I…" His hand shakes in Nodoka's. "I… really like her, Auntie. I think I… really like her." He swallows again, forcing the confession past his thick tongue.

Nodoka squeezes his hand. "There now, dear, it wasn't so hard to admit was it?"

"It was… because it's Ranma… And sometimes I see her old self there and it makes me feel… funny."


"Like… I don't know. Shampoo thought there was something between us before, Auntie and I just… I'm not into boys."

Nodoka shrugs. "We love who we love, Ryouga-kun. Perhaps you knew who she was already."

"What do you mean?"

Nodoka purses her lips. "I mean hitting your head and suddenly becoming an entirely different person isn't exactly… ordinary. Some small differences, perhaps, mood swings and such, but a whole personality shift seems like magic."

"Auntie, she turns into a boy with application of hot water." Ryouga points out. Nodoka nods and concedes the point. "But I… I want to wait…" He says, looking down. "It's only been a few days. I want to be sure. I don't want to get hurt and…" He smiles gently. "I don't want to hurt her."

Nodoka nods and pats his hand. "You're a good boy, dear." She repeats. "You should try to believe it, too."


Shampoo half-drags Akane up the stairs towards Ranma's room. She slams open Ranma's door and practically throws Akane in, slamming the door shut behind the short-haired girl and leaning against the door.

Akane takes a moment to look around the room. As expected of a recently moved-into room it's sparse, without the soul a well-lived-in room has. The curtains are a dark green, the furniture is all fairly standard and there's a western-style bed in one corner. There's a few plushies around but otherwise it looks like a guest room, aside from the wardrobe which looks to be bursting.

The short-haired girl looks around and sees a lump on the bed, Ranma on her side facing the wall, hair unbound, red curls splayed out behind her, shuddering as she silently cries. She's changed into marginally oversized green pyjamas with a small flower pattern on them.

Akane sighs softly to herself and walks over quietly, not sure if Ranma's aware that she's there. She sits on the bed and looks at the back of the girl's head.

"Hey Ranma." She says quietly. Ranma doesn't reply, just stays on her side facing the wall. Akane can almost hear the pouting. "Shampoo's locked us in here."

"Go away." Ranma says, ice in her words, her voice thick. "I don't want to talk to you. I told her already."

"Well, I'm afraid that's too bad, because I want to talk to you." Akane says, voice heating. The girl lying next to her flinches to the wall and Akane's anger is flushed with the hot, liquid shame squirming in her gut. "…I'm sorry." She adds, softly.

"You're sorry?" Ranma hisses, voice choking up. "Oh, it's all fine now that you're sorry, none of what happened, happened, did it? None of the hitting and the yelling and the insults and the telling me to die!"

"W-well… I am sorry!" Akane snaps, then bites her lip. She forces the irritation down.

Ranko's voice is chilly. "That's just it, Tendou-san," Akane winces at the coldness, "You're always sorry after you hurt me. And you hurt me a lot."

Her rage snuffs out like a candle. Akane's head hangs low and she sighs. "Yeah. Yeah I did."

Ranma shuffles until she's turned around, staring up at Akane's defeated tone. "…Tendou-san?"

"Akane." The short-haired girl says, looking away.

"No." Ranma's gaze is cold. "Tendou-san." Her voice is colder, an undercurrent of something Akane'd never felt from Ranma before, at least, not directed at her. Rage. Pure and undiluted. "You've made it clear how you feel about me."

Akane feels a shiver run down her spine. Sure, Ranma had been angry with her before, but there'd never been more than annoyance and it cleared up quickly. This speaks of an anger that runs deeper than she'd ever seen it run.

What's worse for Akane is that she realises how justified that anger is. She can't imagine her own response to someone treating her like she'd treated Ranma. The old Ranma would have done something to deserve it, but Ukyou was right. She'd abused the new Ranma. The girl hadn't done anything other than be overly feminine in Akane's eyes, and she'd reacted angrily. Like she always did.

"…I'm a monster, aren't I?" Akane asks eventually, breaking the deepening, awkward silence. She looks down at her hands and flexes them. "I'm just… I'm just an angry, awful monster. I just… I'm… I'm angry all the time."

Ranma shifts at the defeated, tired tone in Akane's voice as the short-haired girl carries on talking in a dead voice. "I don't know how to stop it. It just… churns and churns and… It makes me hate myself. It makes me hate everything when it goes red. It makes other people hate me. Like you. Even though I love…d you, it makes me hate you. Then I wake up and everything's grey again until it flashes red… And then I'm standing there and I've hurt you and you're looking at me, and I don't know how it's happened except that I got so angry…"

Akane can't stop the babbling words as they pour out of her. "And I hate myself because all I'm doing is cycling round… It's like violence leading to violence, but I can't break it. I c-can't even stop it. When I promise myself I'll stop, something breaks my control and then when I'm not angry I'm just grey. Grey all the time and now I've made everyone hate me." Akane's eyes squeeze shut. "I don't want to live like this. I don't want to hate everything." Her hands squeeze into fists, tight and white-knuckled. "I don't want to make you hate me any more than you already do." The last sentence is said in such a tiny voice Ranma can barely hear it.

A small pair of arms circle's Akane's waist from behind and squeezes gently. A muffled voice speaks into the small of her back as Ranma moves herself closer.

"I don't hate you." The petite redhead says gently. Akane can feel dampness through her blouse from tears. "I can't hate you, Ten… Akane."

Akane looks at the small hands on her waist, feels the warmth of them. Not as warm as she used to be, but warmer than Akane has felt for weeks. She feels like a guttering candle being blown around by a wind. "…You don't?" She asks, disbelief in her voice. "After all I've done? Shampoo told me she saw all the bruises. I-I can tell you're enraged at me. I… I all but told you to… to kill yourself…" Tears drip onto Ranma's hands and Akane buries her face in her own. The small arms around her squeeze Ranma closer.

"Yes." Ranma says softly. "You did a lot of bad. I don't think… I don't think I'm ever going to be completely okay again." The girl gives a shuddering gasp and the liquid, burning shame runs through Akane's body again. "But… it wasn't just you. It was father and Tendou-san and Nabiki as well. While I was still… forming. Cooking, I suppose."

Tears soak the back of Akane's blouse again. "And part of me knows, it knows I should resent you. Maybe even hate you for what you've done to me. I can't heal like I used to, Akane. And everything's cold, like I've got ice in my chest. And I can't… I can't like myself like I used to. I can't understand why I'm valued."

Akane's sobs grow ragged, deep breaths choked off. Ranma's arms squeeze closer and the red-haired girl moves around so she sits on Akane's crossed legs, arms around Akane's neck. "…Perhaps I should hate you. But I don't. I can't. I can't hate you, Akane because I love you so, so much." She squeezes closer to Akane, holding her neck tightly. Tears drip onto the front of Akane's blouse as the short-haired girl wraps Ranma in her arms and holds her close.

Shock runs through Akane's whole body. "You… what?"

"Do you think I let just anyone actually hit me?" Ranma shudders in her arms. "No, I let you hurt me because I know you hurt as much and it's the only way you know how to let it out. I always understood that, even… before. I know how it feels when it's choking everything you are. It's ice for me, ice that clenches and spreads and hurts until I can't feel anything but misery but I know what it's like to be overwhelmed, and you need that outlet." She shudders and winces as Akane's arms touch one of the bruises from slamming into the bridge. "And… and I don't think I should have let you, I should have sat you down and talked and made you listen to me, but the world was new and wonderful and scary and I could barely hold down who I was, let alone anyone else and I'm sorry. I let you down."

Akane squeezes her tighter, holding her close and trying to give the cold redhead warmth back. "No. No, this isn't your fault. It's on me. I should be better. I have to be better. For your sake, and for my sake, too." She puts a finger under Ranma's chin and makes the blue eyes stare into her own. "I will be better." She promises. "And if I'm not, then you hit back. You give as good as you get, if I'm pathetic enough to lose control again."

"I don't like violence." Ranma says, frowning. "But mother says a lady sometimes must wage war. If you hit me again, I won't stop with hitting you back. I will defeat you."

Akane shivers at mention of Nodoka. "…Why did you hide how much I hurt you?" She asks. "I know you told her some, but if you told her the full extent, I'm surprised I'm not in about fifteen pieces on the genkan."

Ranma looks uncomfortable, and moves her head to Akane's shoulder, resting it there. "I told you. I love you. I don't want you to be hurt by Mother."

Akane flinches. "…You love me?" She wonders. "After all I've done to you, before and after you changed?"

Ranma nods into her shoulder, then leans back to stare directly into her eyes. "I don't love you as he loved you, Akane. I'm sorry." Akane's heart clenches painfully, and fresh tears track down both of their faces. "Changing ourself… We had to sacrifice things."

"…'We'?" Akane asks. Ranma doesn't seem to notice the slip or the words she's saying.

"To change, to… regenerate, we had to give things up, and it was hard, so hard, but we couldn't carry on as it was…"

"I don't under-"

"I'm sorry that what came out was just… just a changeling. A jibakurei, hanging around. Walking-talking corpse." Ranma's tone is defeated. "…I probably should have just died. Then you'd have the body and could mourn…"

"Don't… don't talk like THAT!" Akane snaps, anger boiling up in her that extinguishes itself when Ranma cringes away on her bed, hitting the wall in her desperation to avoid being hurt. Akane swallows, takes a deep breath. Forces away the red mist creeping into her vision.

It's hard, one of the hardest things she's done. But she manages it. Controls it. Masters it. Forces it down and into the darker parts of her soul to bleed into concrete later, not into her friend who needs her right now.

Akane speaks more calmly, taking Ranma's arm and gently pulling the redhead back to her side. "…I'm sorry, Ranma. I wasn't thinking, I was acting again. It wasn't anger at you, it was at me and I need to control it better."

Ranma eyes her but Akane pulls her back down into the position she was in before, laying the girl's head on her shoulder and running her hands through Ranma's loose red curls. "I'm sorry." Akane says, softly. "You don't deserve to bear the brunt of my fucked up temper." She closes her eyes, trying not to let more tears spill out of them. "But please. Please. Don't hate yourself. You're not a jibakurei, you're here. You're you."


"A changeling isn't wanted, Ranma, a changeling is left by faeries when they take a child. But that's not what happened. You're still you, but in a different light." Akane tries desperately to think of how to put it. How to fix what she's done to the girl. "But look at everyone around you. They've changed everything in such a short time and it's for you. Don't… don't think like you're not wanted."

Ranma shivers. "But…"

Akane shakes her head. "No buts. Please. Please don't say that again… I get angry, but it's not at you, I get angry at me, I get angry at Daddy and your father and Nabiki. I get angry at all of us for treating you like you were invisible, but you were right that day you snapped, you're here and we just didn't see you and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry…" Akane squeezes the petite redhead closer.

They stay like that for some time. Comfortable silence rings out as the two of them cry quietly, holding onto one another. Eventually Ranma speaks up, her voice soft and choked.

"Akane… Do you… think you know why you're always angry or sad?" Ranma's arms tighten the embrace about Akane's neck, holding the short-haired girl closer. "Do you… think there's anything you can… do about it?"

Akane looks up at the ceiling. The room's darkened since they came in, the faint light from a lamp on the sideboard the only thing illuminating it. "…I don't." She says, trying to search back in her life. When had she started being so angry at everything?

The hentai horde?

No, she was angry before that.

When Daddy refused to train her anymore?

No, she was angry before that, too. Was it because he refused after…?

"…Oh." Akane says softly. A few more tears run from her eyes, though she'd been certain she'd cried them all out over this. "Oh, kami-sama."

"Oh?" Ranma asks. Akane looks down to see the blue eyes looking at her. Akane nods, and just says one word.

"M-Mom." It's quiet, and choked out, and Ranma's eyes soften. She sits up straighter and draws Akane's head down to her own chest, wrapping her arms about her friend.

"When… when Mom died, I just r-remember being so angry that she was g-g-gone. It w-was like breathing nothing but r-rage for m-months." Ranma squeezes her tighter. "A-and then I was just… sad. Burnt out, like I'd been a candle and the flame got blown out, but then it kept coming back to life wrong." She shudders. "You know those birthday candles that you blow out, and then they burst back into flame? It was like that, it's always like that."

Ranma rubs her back as she cries and a thoughtful look crosses her face as something occurs to the redhead. "Your f-family." She says, swallowing. "I d-don't think… any of you ever really… r-recovered."

"D-daddy didn't." Akane replies.

"And b-because he c-couldn't, y-you didn't. Kasumi-nee-chan had to be your m-mother and sh-she's put everything of herself away and N-Nabiki…"

"Became the I-Ice queen…" Akane breathes. "And Daddy really can't… move on… So, he's just… stuck."

Ranma holds Akane closer to her. "I'm s-so sorry, Akane, I n-never realised."

Akane shakes her head and moves back so she's looking at Ranma directly. "No." She says sharply. "No. It's no excuse for what I've done. Or how I've b-been. Or Nabiki. Or Daddy." Ranma blinks as Akane's voice grows stronger. "I can be better. I will be better. No one deserves what I put you through, Ranma. The old Ranma might've been insulting, but even so it doesn't excuse abuse. I shouldn't have instincts to hit you. You deserve better."

Ranma bites her lip, her inner thoughts telling her she doesn't deserve better, that she doesn't deserve to be treated well at all, that she's just a corpse that got up after it died, except that this talk jarred something loose. A memory of a moment of clarity, of pure, unadulterated sight. It's gone, fleeting memory, but something in her tells her to seek Cologne's help. She knew weird ki tricks for memory.

Eventually she nods, forcing the words out, even though she feels unworthy, even though she feels like she should apologise just for existing. "Okay. I will hold you to that, Akane." Then she makes a face.

Akane eyes her questioningly. "What?"

"…Everyone keeps saying 'Old Ranma' or 'New Ranma'." Ranma's face falls. "…We're the same person, some keep saying, but I don't feel entirely the same even though I do. It's very confusing. Being a boy is all… fuzzy, and I am different, but there's a core of me that isn't…"

Akane wipes at her eyes with her sleeve, drying her tears and shrugging. "What do we do about that then?"

Ranma shrugs. "I don't know." She thinks back over the day, to the warmth, the tears, and some characters on an okonomiyaki, made with love. "…Ucchan made me an okonomiyaki." She says, throat thick. "She- She put a name on it. I think… I think she was being… Nice, trying to comfort m-me." She swallows, "But… the name was Ran-ko. Kanji for 'Orchid' and 'Child', rather than a wild horse…"

Akane laughs. "Well, we could try using that as a new name for you?" She says, smiling. "It'd stop people going 'Old Ranma' or 'New Ranma'. It'd just be… Ranma and Ranko. Like two sides of a coin or something."

Ranma thinks. "…I could still use the kanji for 'Wild'." She says, smiling a watery smile.

"'Wild Child'. It would have to be ironic." Akane says, amusement tugging her lips into a smile as she teases. "Seeing how you're so ladylike now. A real Yamato Nadeshiko." She tries not to let the pain and annoyance that causes her show. She knows. She knows that's all in her own heart and it isn't fair to blame her friend for it.

Ranma purses her lips. "W-well… I think the Orchids are still wildflowers, like the nadeshiko."

"So… You want to be 'Ranko'?" Akane smiles, and again pushes the pain down. "It's cute."

Ranma nods. "I can try it, I suppose." She says, shrugging. Akane smiles at her.

"Go for it. It might help with all this. We all know you're the same person, but you're very different at the same time. It might help separate it." She closes her eyes and this time does let the pain show. "It might help us move on."

The newly named Ranko looks at Akane and her eyes fill with tears. "I'm sor-" She begins, intending to apologise for killing her old self, but Akane's hands grab the side of her head, anger and self-loathing simmering in her brown eyes as she stares at Ranko. The anger bleeds out, but it isn't directed at her. It's at everything, the whole situation, the damage, the fathers, the family. The shitty communication, their inabilities to spit anything out like how much they mean to each other.

"Saotome Ranko you are not to apologise for being who you are again, do you hear me?!" Akane says, loudly. "Never again! Our crappy dealing with the loss of your old self is not your fault! That's all on us. It's on me, and it's on Daddy, and it's on Nabiki. It's on Kasumi and it's on everyone that treated you badly!" Tears start flowing again and Akane finds herself filled with that burning shame again. "I will make it up to you, Ranko. I will. I'm going to make sure you're happy. I'm going to make sure everyone gets the fuck in line or there'll be hell to pay!" She's yelling now, and Ranko flinches slightly at the anger, even if at the same time there's something uplifting about Akane's anger being directed for her rather than against her.

"You're going to get what you want in this stupid life. I'm going to promise you now that I will never abandon you again. And I won't hit you unless we're sparring, because that's not what a friend does for her friends! I've been a shitty friend and that's stopping right now!"

Akane is breathing heavily after her yelling and Ranko's face crumples as something inside her starts to melt the ice that's been clenching in her chest. It isn't completely gone; there's still a ball of hollow pain there that grows if she thinks about it, but Akane's angry, heated words bring the pain down, they put the ice away. She has her friend again, her best friend, and in Akane's eyes she sees that understanding she glimpsed on that trip when Akane had bought her the dress that became her favourite.

Something in that look brings her a joy she can't name, a glad feeling that everything might be okay.

Akane gently brings Ranko closer and hugs her again. "And I mean it. I-I'm sad I never got to… tell your old self how I felt. I wish we were… better at communication."

Ranko shivers. "I… It would have been better. I… don't have those problems…" She sighs softly. "I'm sorry, I took him away."

"I think perhaps we drove him away. You said something about changing, not being able to… Carry on."

Ranko's tone is genuinely curious. "I… did? I can't really remember that time, everything before is… fuzzy."

Akane sighs and finally lets go. The two girls separate, both kneeling on the bed and looking at each other.

"So, what now, Ranko?" Akane asks quietly. "You said you love me, but it's not the same?"

Ranko nods. "In here." She presses a hand to her heart. "I love you, but he loved you as a boy should. I… don't know how I love you. I just know I love you."

Akane blinks, then she laughs ruefully. "Wow. I guess you really don't have those problems saying how you feel now."

Ranko looks away. "W-well… m-maybe not with you…"

Akane's eyebrow raises and then something clicks in her mind. Ryouga. Her hand goes to her mouth and she can't tell if she feels angry, sad or amused, or some strange combination of all three. The part of her in love with Ranma still feels fractured and hurt and bleeding, but the shy look on Ranko's face makes her realise something.

Love is just that, it's love, and love can transmute.

"…Ranko I… Can we…"

Ranko looks curiously at her. "Yes?"

"I-I mean… You don't… l-love me in the s-same way, but…" She swallows. "C-could we… I don't know… t-test it?"

Ranko looks more confused and Akane goes bright red. "I m-mean. C-could we tr-try…" The short-haired girl fumbles with her fingers. "C-could we…?"

Ranko plays with her own fingers, going red too. "Y-you want to…?"

"A-ah.. a kiss?" Akane says. "T-to see. I kn-know you say you d-don't love me th-the same, but a g-g-girl loves in a d-different way… S-so maybe it's…" She swallows, trying to push the feelings down, the awkwardness and inability to talk. She's so close. "M-maybe it's worth a sh-shot." She looks Ranko directly in the eye.

Ranko is as red as her hair now and shaking slightly. "E-even though… I'm a g-girl?"

Akane closes her eyes and bites out her next words, admitting something she'd never even told Kasumi or her best friends about. "I d-d-don't mind… g-girls." She says harshly. She softens at Ranko's 'deer-in-headlights' look. "I… d-don't mind k-kissing g-girls at all."

Ranko gives a slight shake to her head. "But I don't think I… love you l-like that, Akane…"

Akane sighs. "It's f-fine. I just thought…"

Ranko watches her friend and looks down at her hands. Then back up. Her jaw works. "I suppose… if i-it's you… and w-we should m-make sure…" The redhead says, moving closer on the bed and leaning over. "I c-could…"

Akane stares, heart hammering in her chest. Part of her, the ugly part, telling her it's wrong, the other confusedly cheering her on. She looks into Ranko's eyes and sees those sparkling depths she'd wanted to get lost in when Ranko had been Ranma and tries to think it will be OK.

Her train of thought dies as Ranko captures her lips with her own. It's soft, and warm as Ranko's hands grip the sides of her head gently, eyes closing. The kiss is searching, but there's something about it that doesn't feel right to Akane. Flashes of a black-haired boy go through her mind, and it feels a little like cheating.

They separate and Akane looks away while Ranko sits back on her legs and frowns. Akane looks up and Ranko sighs.

"It was uh… nice?" Ranko tries.

"And… kinda soft, I guess?" Akane replies.

"I suppose."

"Okay, fine, it was so much worse than I thought it would be…" Akane sighs. Ranko nods. "Well, I guess we're not in love in that way, Ranko-chan." Akane gags slightly and Ranko giggles.

"I already told you, Akane-chan." She says.

Akane laughs and then kisses her on the cheek. "No, I suppose… this is more our kind of kiss." She says, smiling, trying to cover the fracturing in her heart, the disappointment she feels. She desperately wishes the kiss had been something wonderful, that would bring them together, but it wasn't and it hasn't.

Like Ranko, she can recognise that the love in her heart for Ranko is not the same love she held for that black haired, constantly rude and egotistical boy. She'd do anything to make Ranko happy and she knows, somehow, that Ranko would do the same for her, but it doesn't feel like romantic love in the slightest.

Ranko blushes but smiles. "Yes." She says softly. "You're right. I love you, but not like I like…" She clams up and Akane raises an eyebrow. She doesn't dig on that though.

"Well, that's that." The short-haired girl says into the awkward silence. "I'll take whatever love you do have for me as far more than I deserve."

Ranko smiles softly at Akane. "Ditto." She says, and the two lapse into a companionable silence quite different from the awkward one before.

After a short while, Akane clears her throat. "So what now?"

"What do you mean?"

"What happens now? Are you going to stay with your mom?"

Ranko looks down and plays with the covers on her bed. "I don't know."

Akane smiles at the redhead. "I think you should. You're part of our family, but…" Her face falls in remembered grief. "If I h-had a ch-chance. To s-see my mom again, I'd…" Her breath hitches and Ranko clambers over to hug her again. "I'd take it in a h-heartbeat." She wraps her own arms around Ranko. "You sh-should too."

Ranko nods. "Th-then, I w-will. But I'd l-like to stay o-over sometimes. I'd… I'd miss you guys."

Akane nods and wipes her eyes dry again. She sighs. "Kami-sama, feels like I've done nothing but cry today."

Ranko nods. "I f-feel like I've let all my emotions be wrung out of me, like a mop." She sighs. "I feel… a b-bit better, but I'm so tired."

"Me too." Akane admits. "A lot better actually. I'm glad we can talk now."

Ranko rests her head on Akane's shoulder and sighs. "…Yes." She says.

Neither notices when they drift off, still hugging one another. Akane's back is against the wall, Ranko's head on her shoulders and their arms about each other.

The door opens and Shampoo looks in to see the two of them, and she smiles to herself. Guarding the door as she had, she'd overheard most of it, except when they quietly spoke. Part of her's glad that their kissing didn't work out in a romantic way, part of her further heartbroken at more proof of the new Ranma.

No… what was it? Ranko.

Shampoo laughs softly to herself and closes the door back behind her, going down the stairs and whistling tunelessly. She enters into the family room where Ryouga and Nodoka are sat watching the television. Shampoo gives an appropriate Cheshire cat grin. "Akane and Ranko made up." She says happily.

Nodoka starts and looks up the stairs. "Oh? 'Ranko'?"

"Auntie not miss a trick! Is name Ukyou put on okonomiyaki for her earlier. She talk to Akane. They fight and argue but Shampoo think they kiss and make up now." Her grin is mischievous as she looks to Ryouga. "Emphasis on kiss!" She cackles as his face goes stricken. "Lost Boy not feel so anxious! They have same experience as time Shampoo accidentally kiss Mousse!" She makes a gagging noise. "Probably make exact same face."

Nodoka titters. "Well, it sounds like it worked out for them, dear."

Ryouga glowers at Shampoo. "You could sound a little less entertained."

Shampoo laughs again. "Worry not Lost Boy! Still in with chance, Shampoo thinks! But Akane maybe-rival to your affections!"

Nodoka laughs again and shakes her head. "I will have words with Tendou-san when they come down. Are they ready?"

"They sleeping together." Shampoo says with a teasing grin.

Ryouga sighs. "That's bait. You're baiting me."

Nodoka titters again. "Well then, shall we make food for when they wake up? I know how much my daughter eats, and emotional upheaval tends to make one rather hungry." She stands and the two other teens follow her into the kitchen.


This took some writing and went places and ways I didn't expect. Honestly I was expecting a slap fight when I started and it turned into... that. I hope I did the situation and feelings justice.
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So, a little housekeeping! There's going to be a sequel/spinoff from this fic which I'll be releasing at some point bouncing off this part of it. Ranko wishing that Akane's mother hadn't died. It'll likely run to the side of Changeling, and if you're wanting to know the emotive sense from it, the main theme for it will be "Crystal Ball" by Keane, particularly:

I don't where I am,
And I don't really care,
I look myself in the eye,
There's no one there.

I fall upon the earth,
I call upon the air,
But all I get is the same old vacant stare.

I'm also in the middle of some redrafting of the older chapters but I'll release those redrafts with the next chapter to come along.

Would you guys like to see a sample of the spinoff from this point?
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Alrighty. So this'll spin off Chapter 8 or 9, probably during the nap Ranko and Akane have.

Still WIP though!

It also involves a few characters from a magical girl RP I ran several years ago, because I just wanted to use them.


Ranko can't stop thinking about Akane's anguish over her mother's death. She sees it clearly; how the death of Tendou Kimiko all but ruined their family. It turned Soun into a manchild. It turned Kasumi into a housewife and Nabiki into a mercenary with no feeling, and it turned Akane into an angry, awful mess.

"I wish it were her that was here, not me." Is her first thought on realising this. It's not the first time she's wished not exist, in favour of someone else. For the past three weeks she's wished she could bring Ranma back and make everyone happy. She knows it probably isn't right, but the wish is still there.

She could do something useful with her life, rather than hanging around like a corpse that forgot to die.

"You could, you know?" The voice is bubbly, bright, and Ranko finds herself sitting at a table. Which is very strange, because she was just in bed. She looks around, and the room is bright and cheerful, though the details are fuzzy.

Sitting across from her is a tiny girl, barely two thirds her height, with curly bright pink hair tied up in two long tails. She's wearing a chef's outfit with many badges down one side. A halo of pink fuzz hovers over her head, and behind her stretch wings that appear to be made of cotton candy, drifting slowly in a non-existent wind.

Ranko stares and the pinkette smiles at her warmly, the pink eyes set into her cute face suddenly ancient. "You can call me Berry." She says.

Ranko starts. "You said… I could. I could do what?"

"Do something useful with your life." Berry beams. "Like live!"

"…Did you read my mind?"

The pink-haired angel shrugs. "Perils of being a goddess. But I did hear your wish to bring your friend's mother back. It's a stupid wish."

Ranko blinks at the strange magical girl, who waves a hand. A small… thing that looks like a plushie wearing a two-toned waistcoat floats over with a cake it sets in front of Ranko and the girl urges her to eat.

"I am a goddess of desserts. And magical girls. But I'm not here to hire you; I'm just doing someone a favour. Well, more like community service. There was an incident involving a moon and, you know how the bureaucracy is." The pinkette rubs the back of her head. "You know how many neutron-star density fruitcakes it takes to blow up a moon? Wellllll, Turns out one. At sufficient velocity."


"Yeah, don't test your powers in an unfamiliar universe."

"What." Ranko eats the dessert, and to her lack of surprise it's delicious.

"Anyway, as currently I'm doing community service as a wish-fulfilment goddess, I could bring your friend's mother back, amend everything that happened after that by fixing that one thing."

Ranko stares. "Why don't you? Why are you trying to convince me otherwise?"

The goddess frowns. "Because the price is too high. Things like this, they always come with a price. Trust me. I wish it weren't so, but the power has to come from somewhere for a wish like this."

Ranko swallows. Makes a decision. "I'll pay any price. I want my friends happy."

Berry smiles softly. "You're a sweet girl but hear the price first before agreeing. The price… is you."

"What do you mean?" Ranko asks.

"I mean that… the price is your existence. Everything in this world that is you. Ranma and Ranko Saotome won't ever have existed. In that hole in the world, Kimiko Tendou will not have died, leaving her family broken. And maybe it does help her family. But it's too high a price."

"I'll do it. I'd die for them."

"I never said you'd die." The pinkette says sadly. "You will still be there. Alive. But alone. You won't be a part of a family, no one will know you. You won't exist anywhere officially. It'll be like you just," She snaps her fingers and a cloud of pink smoke appears as if from nowhere, another Berry sitting in a chair that wasn't there before. The two speak at once. "Appeared from thin air fully formed. Just your own memories."

Ranko swallows as she sees the whole price. The horror, tenfold her current horror. Then her heart hardens in resolve. "I'm already dead. Just a corpse walking around." Berry's face falls at that and she shakes her head.

"You're going to do this because you don't feel like you're worth anything. But what's it going to accomplish?" The second Berry gets up and wanders off.

"Will they be happier?" Ranko asks, sharply for her. Berry winces.

"…They won't be as damaged, so… yeah. They will be… better I suppose." The words are dragged out, as if the pinkette doesn't want to say them. "You've got to remember though, child, it's not a be-all-end-all fix. People are flawed."

"I'm doing this." Ranko says, stubbornly. "I want them to be happy, and if me being gone rather than a jibakurei will not make them happy, perhaps I can do something good with my existence."

Berry looks sorrowful. "…So be it." She claps her hands, and a ball of energy erupts from Ranko, coalescing in her hands. Ranko sees it – everyone's knowledge, the very existence of herself barring her own memories and physical self, wrapped up.

Berry smiles softly at her, gently, like her mother does. There's a deep sadness in it, though, a disappointment. "I will take this from you too, but I suspect that's a blessing." She grips a thread on Ranko's spirit and pulls. A black haired boy made of thread slams into the energy. "No more transforming. Least I can do when you're being an idiot and so selfless." One final pause. "Oh, and you're going back to the start of the school year. Call it… a gift from me. More time."

The goddess' eyes blaze, and the halo above her head expands.

Ranko opens her mouth and then Berry claps her hands around the mass of energy. And.



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Heads-up folks, should have the new chapter out today. Just finishing my redrafting of the other chapters - starting Chapter 5's redraft now (1-4 have been updated already here and on AO3, I'm waiting until done for FFnet updates). I've finished the text for Chapter 9 but I'll run through it after doing the other chapters first, then clean Chapter 9 up and post it.
Chapter 9 - Hex
OK, ALL chapters revised and cleaned up.

Chapter 9 - Hex

I want to be a ghost now that we're strangers,
I want to be close when your eyes are wayward,
I know I'm not right but it's so wrong,
To be in your sight and know that I'm still gone,
I want you the most now that we're strangers.

It goes into a VERY in-depth description of a full-blown panic attack. If that's not something you can read, skip the last section of the chapter


Ranko comes to wrapped in warm arms and stretches. Her room by now is dark, the only light the lamp on the side table. She wriggles slightly and manages to disentangle herself from Akane's arms. She smiles at Akane and sighs, then walks to the door of her room, leaving Akane to sleep. She'd already napped after Shampoo had left, right up to the Chinese girl all but throwing Akane into her room.

She pauses after opening it and looks over to Akane. "I wish I could bring her back for you." She says softly. "All of you. Just… have her instead of me."

She exits her room and pads down the stairs after using the bathroom to remove the worst of the effects from crying, though without a proper wash she's still a bit of a mess. Her hair's still unruly on her head so she's quite a sight for the group waiting in the kitchen.

Ranko yawns as she enters and then stops, staring. Ukyou, Shampoo and her mother are in the kitchen cooking, and her stomach suddenly gives a loud growl. Everyone in the kitchen turns to look at her and her face turns absolutely beet red, nearly matching her hair.

Nodoka titters and then everyone laughs.

"Hello dear." Nodoka says warmly, walking over and enveloping Ranko in a hug, then kisses her forehead. "You're a little bit of a mess." She smiles and uses the sleeve of her kimono to wipe some of the tear stains away. Ranko pouts a little but feels better once her mother stands back. "Now, we're cooking dinner and it won't be long, but there's not room for you in here, so please go and sit with Ryouga-kun. Take these to tide you two over."

Nodoka hands her daughter a bowl of oranges and Ranko smiles warmly at her mother, her soon-to-be-sister and Shampoo who she wonders might one day be like a sister.

"Hey, Ranchan?" Ukyou grins impudently at her. "I love the PJ's. They look comfy as all get out."

Ranko beams at her soon-to-be-sister and nods, cradling the bowl of oranges as she heads to the family room to sit with Ryouga. He looks up as she enters and there's relief in his face. She smiles warmly at him and, daringly for her, sits right next to him, putting the oranges in front of her on the table.

"Hey." He smiles. "Glad to see you're okay. Did your talk go well?" She sighs softly and nods, taking an orange and peeling it.

"It was good. But difficult." She says, teasing a segment away and popping it into her mouth. He nods.

"I'd bet. Akane-san can be, um… stubborn." He smiles ruefully. "S-so can you."

Ranko laughs, putting a hand to her mouth. She starts playing with one of the curls running down from the side of her head and he's distracted a moment. She smiles at him and eats another segment of orange. "What's so interesting, Ryouga-kun?" She asks, a faint blush on her cheeks.

He snaps his gaze away. "Oh! Uh… just… N-never seen your hair down in that form!" He scratches the back of his head. "It's uh… It's really nice. I didn't know it curled l-like that!"

Ranko laughs softly again and separates another segment. "Thank you, Ryouga-kun, that's very nice of you to say."

He shrugs, going red. "It's the truth!"

"Hibiki Ryouga, complimenting anyone with the name 'Saotome'. This really is the weirdest week of our lives." Akane walks into the family room, yawning. Ranko gives a little jump, but schools her expression quickly. Akane winces but she doesn't react other than that. It'll probably be some time, and, she reasons, is probably better than she deserves.

"A-akane-san…" Ryouga goes red again, and Ranko looks between them, an expression on her face that Akane can only call jealous. But she'd caught the expression when Ranko had been Ranma, and this was differently targeted. Oh kami-sama, this is going to either be hilarious, heart-warming or go horribly wrong. Or all three.

Ranko just picks another segment of orange up and eats it, sighing to herself. Akane smiles at her as she sits on the other side of Ranko from Ryouga. "Did you tell him, yet?" She asks.

Ranko pauses with another segment halfway to her mouth and stops. "Tell him what?" She asks.

"You know, the… er…" Akane wracks her brain for how to remind Ranko without telling Ryouga. "The wild flowers thing!" She grins. Nailed it!

Ranko blushes. "Oh! Oh, no I haven't. Thank you for reminding me, Akane." She offers across one of her oranges.

Akane looks at Ranko. The girl's smiling at her. She takes the peace offering as it's meant and smiles back. "Go on then, tell him. I'm sure he's the first you want to tell."

Ranko clears her throat and turns to Ryouga. "O-oh. We were… we were talking about the okonomiyaki that Ucchan made for me, and the name that w-was on it." She swallows. "A-and… I w-was thinking m-maybe I could u-use that n-name for myself. To… you know, differentiate me between the old Ranma and myself…"

Ryouga nods, "Alright. Sounds good. What's the name?"

"Ran-ko. 'Orchid Child' with the kanji."

Ryouga smiles softly. "That's cute." He says. Ranko goes beet red. "O-oh, I-I…"

"U-um, thank you, Ryouga-k-kun!" Ranko's voice is higher pitched than usual, strangled.

Akane laughs at both of them, and there's a fondness there that Ranko had missed. "You dorks." She shakes her head affectionately. "What am I going to do with you?"

Ukyou enters the room, propelled slightly with an annoyed expression. "Saoto- I mean," She pinks, "Mom's kicking me and Shamps out, sugar." She says. Nodoka appears behind her as Shampoo happily bounds into the family room.

"Well, you girls should talk together. Well, I suppose you girls and Ryouga-kun. I can handle the rest of dinner. Play nicely, dears." Nodoka says, then returns to the kitchen to finish cooking.

Ranko beams at her friends, happily, leaning into Akane slightly. Shampoo laughs at the two of them.

"Shampoo glad to see you make up. Was kiss nice?"

Ukyou spit-takes from the bottle of water she'd been drinking; and the chef spends a minute or two choking while Shampoo pats her back.

Ranko and Akane are beet red, and Ryouga looks at them, jaw working wordlessly. Eventually Ranko clears her throat.

"It was… um… Alright?"

Akane humphs, calming down. "It wasn't." She makes a gagging noise. "It was like I was necking Kasumi."

Ranko looked at her, offense on her face a moment. "Hey!" She says loudly, "I didn't hear you com…" She's cut off by Akane's snickering and Ranko bites her own lip, then starts giggling.

After they're done, Akane wipes a tear from her eye and shakes her head. "…Yeah I can say with certainty that I won't be doing it again."

"Nor I." Ranko says, still giggling somewhat. Ryouga, looking between the two of them, seems relieved. Everyone except he and Ranko look at each other, look at him, and then start giggling again.

Ranko looks confused but then catches Ryouga's eye and shrugs, wide-eyed.

Thankfully, it's at that moment that Nodoka calls the four of them in for dinner and they sit down to eat in a companionable atmosphere. Ranko relaxes in a way she'd not for a long time, and randomly has to wipe her eyes at times. Everyone else pretends not to notice.

They're all somewhat amused to see Ranko eating politely. Nodoka less so at the politeness and more still wondering where all of the food goes when Ranko eats it. Everyone else because it appears that the redheaded girl is eating her food at a rate that doesn't look like a blender on full.

When she's gone, placing her chopsticks over her bowl and thanking her mother for the food, she clears her throat. "U-Um. Can I… tell you all something?" She asks.

Nodoka smiles and nods. "Of course, dear, what is it?"

"I um…" Ranko plays with her fingers. "I… W-well, Akane-chan and I were t-talking and… I was getting t-tired of it b-being 'Old Ranma' and 'New Ranma' as it gets very confusing."

Nodoka nods. "I can certainly see how."

Ranko nods. "A-and, well, Ucchan gave me an okonomiyaki earlier with a name o-on it that I r-really liked…"

Ukyou beams, and Shampoo grins.

"S-so I was wondering if I c-could be… could be 'Ranko' f-for now. M-maybe longer if I like it."

Nodoka purses her lips. "I see." Then she smiles a sunny smile. "I suppose it would make things easier for school if you don't have a boy's name. And it's pretty, though perhaps a little ironic." She titters. "You're hardly a 'Wild Child'."

Ranko blushes. "I-I was going to g-go for the… other kanji."

"Oh, 'orchid'?" Nodoka nods approvingly. "That is much better, dear. Ranko. R-an-ko." She rolls it around her mouth a little and then smiles again. "I like it, Ranko dear."

"It work for Shampoo!" The Chinese girl beams. "But she already overhear!"

"And I gave ya the name, sugar, so I'm better'n all'a this lot by default!" Ukyou buffs her nails on her blouse.

Ranko blushes happily and bows. "Thank you all so much."


When the rest of them have retreated to the family room, Nodoka catches Akane's eye. Ranko stops at the doorway, turning around.

"I'm not going to hurt her if you two have made up, Ranko dear. Run along, please." Nodoka says, with a soft smile. Ranko feels a shiver run through her at her mother's use of her name and then nods. Akane stays seated at the table while her friend moves into the family room to watch TV with the others, sliding the shouji closed behind her.

Nodoka sets down a teapot, then pours the two of them a cup each, and Akane tries not to squirm. She knows whatever's coming next won't be fun, and she deserves every bit of the shouting at she's likely about to take. She takes the cup and holds it in her hands, trying to keep the warmth flowing to her.

"Now, Tendou-kun." Nodoka says softly. "This is going to possibly involve some unpleasantness but I do ask you maintain your calm. Your elder sister has told me you have something of a temper, and having been somewhat of a firespitter myself when I was your age, I know how those can be. Trust me, I know well how addictive and poisonous anger can be."

Akane stares. How can this genteel lady in front of her possibly have been as angry as Akane can get?

Nodoka titters. "Mayhap you find it difficult to believe, dear, but it is true. Now. Business first and foremost, Tendou-kun."

"U-um." Akane says, taking a sip of tea and swallowing. "C-call me Akane, Saotome-sama." She says, trying not to sound too nervous. Ranko's mother has quiet intimidation to an art form. Even more so than Kasumi.

"Akane-chan, then. Please, call me Auntie. For all the bad impressions I have of you; it's clear there's no small love for you in my daughter's heart."

"A-ah. Alright, Auntie." Akane looks curious a moment but shelves her question for later as Nodoka carries on speaking.

"For business. I will be informing your father of this, but I find it inappropriate to be forcing any child into an arranged marriage. Traditionalist I might be, but there are limits. And I will not force my daughter to marry anyone she does not love. And the same for you. I've had this talk with both Ukyou-chan and Shampoo-chan, and so far, satisfactory arrangements for all parties appear to have been met."

"You m-mean, Shampoo seems to think she's getting a sister? She called Ranko Xiǎo mèi mèi during dinner a few times which I think means 'little sister'."

Nodoka nods. "Yes, and I will be adopting Ukyou-chan into the Saotome clan as Ranko's sister."

Akane nods. "That makes sense, and I guess it satisfies her honour too. Poor Ukyou…"

Nodoka smiles gently. "Having two daughters and no son is… odd. But I will do my best for my girls." She says, warmly. "It's very nice to have more people in the house, and I think Ukyou-chan will bloom brighter for having a real family look after her. The Kuonji clan has definitely left a poor impression on me."

Akane swallows as she senses that ice in Nodoka's tone. "I um, I hope the Tendou family hasn't…"

Nodoka gives her a direct look. "We will be speaking of your actions anon, Akane-chan, do keep that in mind. And those of your middle sister. Ranko hasn't spoken much, so I want to pry for more information from you."

Akane flushes, but shakes her head. "Why would you think I'd say anything further?"

"Because you seem to be someone who is good. If prone to anger and violence. Ranko wouldn't like someone horrible."

Akane blushes again but looks down. "I-I'll tell you what I c-can."

Nodoka smiles. "Good, thank you. As to the Tendou family, Kasumi-chan," Akane blinked at anyone calling her older sister by the cute honorific, "Has told me a lot of what has happened, and she has not pulled any punches. It's why I know my daughter left a lot out, because she loves you." Akane flinches, her shame and guilt boiling in her and Nodoka nods. "So you see, I was well aware already of you and your other sister's shortcomings when it came to my daughter's treatment."

Akane mumbles something. Nodoka leans closer. "What was that, dear?"

"I said, why am I not in fifteen pieces on the genkan?" The short-haired girl asks softly. Nodoka leans back and makes a disgusting noise.

"I don't know what's been said about me, dear, but I won't kill a child for arguing with my daughter." She pauses. "I… may have outrightly threatened Ukyou-chan into accepting my counter-proposal for adoption, but it doesn't necessarily mean I'd have taken her head." Nodoka's face becomes cold, hard. "Her father's head on the other hand…"

Akane shivers at the look, which disappears as suddenly as it came. "…Oh." She says.

"Oh, indeed." Nodoka replies. "It doesn't excuse what you have been like to her, Akane-chan. Nothing does."

"I know that." Akane says, the bubbling, churning guilt in her gut making her feel sick. "Believe me. It's down inside me like… liquid fire, twisting and bubbling."

Nodoka nods. "That's how it can be. I have the same for… a contract I made to control my husband." Her eyes tighten. "My husband who I might force to fulfil it for what he's done to my child over the years."

Akane nods. "I'll help." She says, trying to smile. "Need a new rug for the family room."

Nodoka shakes her head and sighs. "Tell me your side of your time with my daughter, when she was my son."

Akane does. The meeting. The spar. The furo. The hentai horde. Kuno. All of the batshit crazy things that started happening.

The punch. The fall. The rock. The last few weeks.

Tonight. Perfect, wonderful, terrible tonight, where she realised that the one that had broken long ago wasn't Ranko but herself, herself and her whole family. All because one person was gone. Because her mother died, her father practically died. Because of him, Kasumi became a housewife at an age she should have been thinking of school. Nabiki became cold and ruthless, mercenary and always, always unrepentant.

Akane became a raging bitch. Angry and sad and angry and sad, round and round. Red and grey and red again.

Her malleting Ranma, and Ranko, Nabiki's photographs. The rage and the hurt that her sister would do such things to her.

Talking through it all, she's forced to examine her own actions, and once more the hot, bilious shame rises in her gullet. She's not even aware she's crying until the end when she's talking how Ranko told her she doesn't hate her, can't hate her, and loves her so so deeply.

The kiss and the death of the last hope in her heart. The break, the fracture that might never be healed.

The worry, the horror that she can't stop thinking the same thing that Ranko thinks of herself, the guilt for thinking that she can't grieve that black haired boy. That macho, cocky, fun and kind black-haired boy, now replaced by a girl damaged during her formation. How do you grieve without a body? How do you move on when the person's body is walking and talking and so real a person?

Nodoka listens with a quiet ear, murmuring a question to bring Akane into focus again if she goes off track again. She feels like the only one who has no skin in this game. Everyone around hurting so much.

Her son is a distant memory to her. A child she loved with all of her heart, that she entrusted to her husband, definitely mistakenly, but she was young and in love and hadn't yet realised the depths Genma could sink to.

Her daughter is here, warm and vibrant and damaged on delivery, but she's here and here to stay. Regardless of everything, Nodoka has her child and she will kill to protect that girl's happiness.

She just wishes that her daughter didn't come with such an exceptional amount of baggage.

Shaking her head, Nodoka sighs. "It really is an insane story, every time I hear it."

"You didn't live it, Auntie." Akane says, looking at the table. "I'm not sure any of us have come out of it alright." The auburn-haired woman nods.

"I feel that makes me best suited to look after my daughter." She says. "I don't… remember my son well."

Akane sighs. "I'm never, ever going to tell Ranko how much I miss Ranma. How hard it is to not see him in his girl form in her. Because… at her core there's that same… Well, kindness. Ranma might have been a pushy, macho jerk, but underneath all the boasting he could be so kind. He'd do little things for anyone, the moment someone needed help he'd jump in. I think he genuinely believed that a martial artist's role is to help those weaker than them."

Nodoka smiles in pride of a boy she didn't know. "He sounds wonderful. Rough, but wonderful."

"And Ranko has that kindness, too. I was watching her earlier – every time someone else laughed, or smiled she'd have this look of satisfaction. When I went to the bathroom I saw all of the string she's tied up for Ryouga."

Akane laughs ruefully. "Honestly, I think it might be the good points she still has left over from Ranma that make it the hardest to move on." Nodoka puts a hand over hers.

"Someone once told me some very good advice, Akane-chan. 'This too, shall pass'." She smiles at the younger girl. "It means that nothing, not even grief, lasts forever."

Akane looks at the table. "Tell that to Daddy." She mumbles bitterly. "His grief has poisoned the family because he couldn't step up."

Nodoka squeezes her hand. "Then may I offer some advice, dear?" At Akane's nod she continues, "Set a better example than him. Let him wallow, you can and will be better than him."

Akane nods, fire returning to her eyes. "Y… Yeah. Yeah! You're right!" Nodoka beams and then unexpectedly draws Akane into a hug.

Quietly, she talks into Akane's ear. "I will be seeking a… therapist. For my daughter. To… at least try to help her fix her damages. I'd consider it a favour and part of your atonement if you accompanied her, and sought help with the same doctor for your anger and sadness." Akane freezes up and Nodoka squeezes in warning. "Swear to me on your honour, Akane-chan. Please."

Akane's mind grounds to a halt. She can't force it out. The shame and horror and guilt churn in her. Nodoka's arms about her tense again and in fear of a steel katana blade she can swear she hears being drawn she speaks. "I swear on my honour, Auntie."

Nodoka lets go and stands back, hands on the short-haired girl's shoulders. "Good." Her jaw works a moment, the words being ground out slowly. Like her child, Nodoka hates admitting weakness. "Traditions are useful. Pride is useful. But reaching for help is not shameful. It's more shameful to lock it all away." Brown eyes stare into brown eyes. "It took finding my baby again, to find her so changed, to see that."

Akane nods dumbly, and she shivers a moment, looking away. "A-are you… really okay with Ranko being your daughter, Auntie? I don't want to sound… Um, mean? I guess. You're very…"

"Traditional? Stuffy? Prim and proper? Yes. All that and more." Nodoka says. "But one thing I believe in is that I should love my family. Ranko is Ranko and wishing for a son I never knew to appear in front of me is fruitless. My daughter is here to stay, and that is what matters. She's alive, and I intend to keep her that way."

Akane smiles at Nodoka, warmly, for the first time. "You and me both, Auntie."


Shampoo leaves the house first, to get home. Nodoka tries to object to a young girl making her way home from Juuban to Nerima but Shampoo whips one of her chúi out and grins evilly at the Saotome matriarch. "No man get hands on Shampoo!" She declares confidently. Nodoka smiles and lets her go with a hug.

Akane makes to leave with Ukyou, but Nodoka shakes her head at the two of them. "You two should probably be here tonight. I have a spare room and I will be heading to Nerima to speak with your family tomorrow, Akane-chan."

Akane tries to object by saying she's got no spare clothes or nightwear and Nodoka shrugs at her.

"Ranko has some spare nightwear and I'm sure some of her larger clothes will fit you, taller than her as you are." She titters. "If she doesn't clean them for you. She's definitely been following Kasumi-chan around."

Ranko smiles softly from where she stands. One of her hands has taken Ryouga's absently, though neither of them is talking about it. She lets go as the trio of Ukyou, Akane and Nodoka make their way back into the house proper and smiles.

"I'll find you some clothing, Akane." She says, nodding and disappearing back up to her room.

Some hours later, Akane readies herself for a bath by washing herself down and then slides the door to the furo open, only to get an eyeful of a male-form Ranko just getting out of the bath, a look of horror crossing her face as she flinches and falls back into the furo. She emerges, spluttering and cringing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't hit me!"

Akane closes her eyes and counts to ten, the poisonous anger sending tendrils up her spine. Not her fault. Not her fault. Not her fault. No red, no grey, just push it down.

She holds the towel in front of herself and makes a decision. She shrugs, dropping it. "Ranko…" She says softly.

"I'm sorry please don't hit me it was an accident!" The girl babbles, still cringing. Akane sighs, takes her arm gently and pulls the currently-boymode-girl out of the hot bath and pours cold water onto her head, turning her back into her true form. Ranko is still babbling, but calming down as Akane puts her arms around the redhead. Ranko squirms as she realises both of them have no clothes on.

"We're both girls, Ranko, even when you're in that other body, OK?" She asks. "We've both got nothing we haven't seen before. I told you – I'll never ever hit you again unless we're sparring, and only if you want to spar like that. I'm keeping that promise." She squeezes Ranko closer.

"I hate this curse so much." Ranko sobs. "I hate having a boy's body when I'm bathing, why can't I just be a normal girl?"

Akane soothes her, rubbing her back until the hiccoughing sobs calm down and Ranko is left feeling drained from another crying fit. Both girls stand and Ranko disengages, blushing brightly as she realises again that they're both naked.

Akane makes a decision. Part of her is still trying to be angry that there's Ranko in the bathroom with her, but rationally she knows the girl is a girl. With that in mind, she starts getting into the bath after putting her towel nearby, trying to control herself to look absolutely natural, as if she doesn't care. Anything else could shatter the fragile peace, after all. Ranko tries to cover herself, and Akane laughs softly after she's sat down to soak, ruefully realising that her planned words are entirely correct, but would have been even if it was still Ranma, given how often they'd walked in on one another.

"Ranko, I told you. We've not got anything the other hasn't seen before. It's not unusual for girls to bathe together. Your curse makes that more complicated, but we should see about getting that sorted."

Ranko grabs a towel and wraps herself in it, still red. "…H-how?" She asks, looking away from her friend.

"Well… I mean, technically…" Akane grimaces as she realises how insensitive this next bit will sound. "The form you're in is the original curse, right?"

Ranko shivers and sits on one of the stools. "S-so?"

"So you always had trouble staying in male form." Akane says, smiling as she leans her head back to look at the ceiling. "I've noticed the curse doesn't seem to mind you being in girl form, you've hardly been splashed the whole time I've seen you like this."

Ranko nods. "…I wonder if Granny can do the c-c-c-c-c-feline tongue thing on me again, or if there's a way to lock a technically-a-cursed form?" She brightens. "Thank you, Akane!" She beams. "I might… b-be able to actually b-be normal…" She sighs. "I'm n-not looking forwards to school if I h-have the c-curse still."

"Everyone at Fuurinkan knows you've got it, Ranko." Akane points out. Ranko shakes her head.

"I'm going to stay with Mother." Ranko says quietly, fidgeting with her hands. "Which is here in Juuban."

Akane looks over. Then she realises. "Oh…" She says, softly. "Oh, right. You'll probably go to… another school." Something in her stomach drops out. "Oh."

"Y-yes." Ranko says, grabbing another towel and trying to dry her hair to keep herself busy. "I think… it's a good idea. Especially if I c-can be mode locked."

"Yeah." Akane says. "I'll miss walking to school with you though."

"W-well… yes. But I won't miss randomly being splashed in the locker rooms. And… I don't think anyone will believe I am a new person. They'll… just see Ranma."

Akane purses her lips and nods, then her brain screeches to a halt. "Wait, they splashed you in the locker rooms when you were Ranma?!"

Ranko nods, shame on her features. "Yes…" She said, going red. "I don't think I can face them. My old self was embarrassed but used to beat on them. I won't do that, but I don't think they'd let me into the girls' locker rooms."

Akane sighs. "…No. Maybe it is best you start somewhere else."

Ranko smiles sadly at her friend. "We're still friends, Akane. And you might even be able to come visit my new school. Maybe I can…" She looks down at the floor. "I just want to be a normal girl."

"Oh, Ranko…" Akane breathes softly.

The redhead stands up, realising rather belatedly she's still in the furo with Akane. "Well, I better get dressed. I'll put the spare pyjamas in the washing area."

Akane sighs and lets herself untense. Trying not to get angry, even though she knows the anger is irrational, is hard when she can still see that black-haired, macho jerk she loved so much. But she needs to keep trying for Ranko's sake.

Because she loves that gentle, sweet red-haired girl just as much, even if it's not the same kind of love.


The next morning dawns bright and shining and Akane gets up from her futon, rubbing her eyes. Ukyou seems to be taking advantage of the excuse to have a day off and is still snoring while Akane just pads down the hall, goes to the bathroom and then heads down the stairs. She stops at the entrance to the family room and spies Ranko sitting and talking earnestly with Ryouga while behind them she can see Nodoka's shadow moving around the kitchen.

She watches the two interact and smiles softly, even though it hurts a little to see those blue eyes looking at anyone but her that softly.

Yawning, she walks in, tugging the pyjama top down again. It wasn't the best fit – Ranko was bustier than she was, but also much shorter, so the pyjamas were at the same time both too large and too small. It's limp over her bust but not long enough so she's showing her midriff. Ranko smiles and moves slightly away from Ryouga, who nods to her.

"Good morning Akane." Ranko says. Akane eyes the girl. She's still in her pajamas too, though Ryouga is fully dressed.

Ranko gets up. "I'd cleaned and set your clothes from yesterday to dry, Akane, let me go and fetch them." She smiles and walks up the stairs towards the balcony.

Akane sits down next to Ryouga and gives him what she hopes is a cheeky grin. "Well, well, well…" She says, teasingly nudging him. "You and Ranko-chan, huh? You don't wait around to make a move!" Ryouga goes scarlet and starts stammering and Akane laughs. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. And everyone else who can see it." She pretends to think. "Which I think so far is everyone we know except the girl herself!" She nudges him again.

Ryouga hangs his head. "It's not funny, Akane-san." He says plaintively. "I don't wanna be a Kunou about it."

"Oh, you're crushing on two girls is it?" Akane asks, obliviously. Ryouga sighs.

"I was… then some things… happened recently… that've made me kinda… reconsider the other one. And Ranko… deserves a bit better a person than me."

It's only then that Akane realises he's talking about her. She sighs inwardly. At least his awkwardness prevented anything from happening, though probably would have been better had it been in the open. With a jolt she realises why he was reconsidering.

She's not surprised. Blind to his crush she might've been, but he always had seemed to have blinkers when it came to her many faults. She supposes how she treated Ranko was enough to remove the scales from his eyes. She nudges him again, gentler this time.

"You had to know I don't like you back." She says quietly, so only he can hear. "I am sorry, Ryouga-kun, but I really only see you as a friend. A good friend, but only a friend."

Ryouga flinches and looks up at the ceiling with a pained expression. "…Yeah, I always knew that, I guess, but it still hurts to hear. I don't think Ranma ever did though. Remember 'Yoiko'? That was him trying to crash what we both saw as a kind of date…" Akane's eyes go wide and then she hears Ryouga laughing softly. "I'm an idiot." He says quietly. "But that's no surprise either."

"Ryouga…" Akane leans over and kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you for rescuing her. You're not an idiot. But treat her right, OK?"

Ryouga rolls his eyes, though he rubs the cheek. "Everyone keeps telling me that. I don't really even know what I feel. Other than that I like her."

Akane slaps the back of his head gently. "Then tell her that, idiot."

"I'll… try." He says, rubbing the back of his head.

Ranko returns then, forestalling further conversation as she hands Akane's clothes back to her brightly. "Here you go. I get to spend another day in furisode." She makes a face. "I love dressing so prettily and formally but it's such a hassle two days in a row when I've got a whole new wardrobe and makeup to wear!" Akane starts to laugh. Ranko pouts. "Don't be so mean, Akane-chan!"

Akane wipes tears from her eyes and shakes her head. "Kami-sama, if I needed more proof you're really a girl…"

Ranko's face goes from annoyed to a shy, happy smile at the validation. "…Thank you, Akane." She says.

"What're friends for?" Akane replies as Nodoka calls them in for breakfast.


Akane feels a bit intimidated again by the time they reach her home at the Tendou compound. Ryouga's there, standing in his usual tunic and trousers, but that aside…

Ranko, Nodoka and Ukyou are all formally made up. Matching furisode, formal makeup, hair up with ornaments. Nodoka has the Saotome family honour-blade in her arms. All three walk with a stiff, formal gait though it's obvious Ukyou and Ranko are studying Nodoka for cues on how to move. So far Ranko's done the least stumbling of the two of them, though it's clear neither is used to the geta.

"Well, we had best go in." Nodoka says after looking at the place a moment. She knocks, and Kasumi answers the door, beaming. The rest of the group sans Ryouga, Akane and Ranko walk in, the other three behind them.

Ranko had been feeling off the entire journey – the stares the three formally dressed women had walking through the train stations didn't help. But as they moved closer and closer to the Tendou compound, she finds herself flushing with heat, and her heart feels like it's leaping in her chest. Her stomach flips, and her mouth goes dry.

Ranko eyes the building with trepidation. As the others start to step in, she hangs back, hands clutching at her skirts. Her breath comes in hitches and she wraps her arms about her midsection as the world starts going grey around her.

She can't catch her breath, everything spins and spins and she can't stop feeling faint. Grey and red bleed into everything, staining, colouring, filling until she can only see down to a pinprick. Heat washes over her, then cold, then heat, over and over. Prickling runs down her skin and time seems to bend and stretch in her mind. How long has she been like this? Seconds? Minutes? Years?

Why can't she breathe? Why is everything so small and far away? The noises of civilisation around her muted and distant. A bell strikes, or is it something hitting something else? Everything almost sounds like she's underwater. She can hear her heartbeat, racing, racing.

There's a sharp scent in her mouth, in her nose, metallic and coppery, like blood only she's not bleeding.

Her head is stuffed with wool, with cotton, with pain, with liquid, the blood feeling like her heart is pumping molasses through her brain, like her veins have turned to concrete, the blood flow syrupy and thick.

There's a voice, insistent, ongoing, it's saying something indistinct, that still sounds like it's underwater.

"-ko? Ranko, c'mon." The voice is familiar, and she takes a moment to place it. Ryouga. She clutches onto that lifeline, gasping as he rubs his hands up and down her back. "C'mon. Come back to us."

Slowly, she comes back to herself, shaking in his arms. Everything tastes of ash, or metal. Her head is spinning still, but the world's colour bleeds into the red and grey. Her breathing pattern starts to make sense and she gulps the healthy breaths down like someone who has just drowned. Her legs feel weak, and she can barely focus.

Ryouga looks at her from above where he has his arms about her. They're still on the street outside of the compound, their only accompaniment Akane, who's looking over with concern from close by but otherwise leaving Ryouga to comfort her.

"You back with me?" He asks, voice low, and she nods faintly. Then she looks at the compound again and her vision greys slightly. She closes her eyes, breath hitching again, and clutches onto Ryouga tightly to get it out of her head. It doesn't go the whole way it had before she's back in reality and listening to his heartbeat on her ear. "Ranko?" She nods again, the small movement setting her brain ablaze before it settles again.

"I'm… I'm…"

"Ranko, focus on my voice." Ryouga says softly to her, in her ear so only she and Akane can hear. "Name me three things you can see."

Why is he asking? "Um… Your tunic. Your eyes. Your fang." She says.

"Name three smells." He continues. She blinks.

"Um… Your soap… Your um, your 'you' smell. That smell of concrete after r-rain." The reality of the words starts sinking through her molasses-brain, touching, grounding, setting her feet on reality again.

Ryouga nods. "Name me three things you can touch."

"Y-you. The ground. A-akane." She breathes, the thoughts bringing her back down.

Ryouga lets go and looks into her eyes, worriedly. "You back with us?"

Ranko nods, the world returning to her in force and she winces and rubs her head. "What… happened? What was that?"

Ryouga sighed. "Something I never thought I'd see you of all people have. It's called a panic attack. Everything went grey and red, right?" She nods. "Yeah, and everything was at the same time far away and too close?" She nods again. "Panic attack."

"What about the things?" She asks.

"Grounding. It's something I was taught helps."


"I get them." His admission comes in a small voice. "S-sometimes. It's your body's fight-or-flight response going haywire, was how I was taught about it."

"Oh, Ryouga…" Ranko says softly. He smiles at her.

"I've not had one in a while. But they come on suddenly, and sometimes the trigger's obvious, other times it's not."

Ranko nods, refusing to look at the house again.

"Dears, is everything alright?" Nodoka's voice calls out to them softly. Ranko doesn't look. She feels hot shame flushing through her. Her mother would be so disappointed that she'd panicked just from coming back here, to this place. She could even figure out why it had hit her – those last two weeks, feeling like a bodysnatcher.


Ryouga calls over. "Ranko had an… issue." He says. Nodoka's face clouds and she looks between the compound and Ranko.

"Ranko, dear, you don't have to come in if you don't want to." She says gently. "if it hurts too much."

"N-no, I'll… I'll be… I mean I'm…" She looks at he house and her breath catches. She shakes her head and then is surprised when she's lifted into strong arms. Arms that aren't Ryouga's. The person has her in a bridal carry, just like he had when he'd rescued her. Ryouga looks just as surprised as she is.

"Come on, Ranko-chan. Let's get you in." Akane says. "Put your head down and look at me, not the house. OK?"

Ranko nods and Akane carries her over the threshold of the genkan. Slipping her own shoes off messily, she calls to Ryouga to put her and Ranko's shoes neat before putting her own house slippers on and leaning down to grab some for Ranko, handing them to the girl.

Ranko tenses when the cross the threshold, but she manages to keep it together. She wonders a moment why her mother's still hovering in the genkan, but ignores it as Akane carries her into the family room and sits her down. Ranko looks nowhere around her but the floor at her knees. She knows Akane is one side of her, and a heavy sigh and thump indicates Ryouga on the other side.

There's a familiar intake of breath and then a stern voice. "Well, boy, what have you to say for yourself? Running like that, trying to throw yourself from a bridge. You're a disgrace to the Art."

Ranko looks up into the eyes of her father, who eyes her with disgust. She flinches, and looking at the room, everything starts to go grey again until two hands touch her shoulders. One small and light, the other large and grounding in its weight.

"If anyone's a disgrace to the art," Nodoka's voice is truly, deathly cold, and there's the snicker of a blade being drawn from its scabbard. "It is you, husband."
"If anyone's a disgrace to the art," Nodoka's voice is truly, deathly cold, and there's the snicker of a blade being drawn from its scabbard. "It is you, husband."

While I've always enjoyed Ranma fics where Ranma is forced to acknowledge that maybe they aren't strictly cis-het-male, what I've really been looking forward to with this fic is seeing Genma get exactly what he deserves for being an abusive, exploitative, misogynist pig panda.
Ah, karma, how nice to see you come home to roost. Pitty the fools here won't understand it in any way, shape, or form. Hopefully Nodako can resolve this without starting a clan war, because we know Genma will try and roll on his contract. Clan wars are always ugly, even short ones like this would be.
Chapter 10 - The Bad Apple
Sorry this one took some time!


Chapter 10 - The Bad Apple


Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night?
Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?
Am I hurting am I sad? Should I stay or should I go?
I've forgotten how to tell, did I ever even know?

This time You're not hurting me! This time I will take a stand!
All the hatred in my eyes building up an evil plan,
Standing lonely in the night, with the darkness by my side,
Looking deep inside myself, and revealing only fright,

If I make another move, if I take another step,
Then It would all fall apart, there'd be nothing of me left,
If I'm crying in the wind, if I'm crying in the night,

Will there ever be a way? Will my heart return to white?
~Bad Apple, by Nomico


"No-chan?" Genma's voice is faint as the katana points at his throat with unwavering stillness.

"Don't you dare 'No-chan' me, you disgusting man!" Nodoka hisses, the point pressing in. A trickle of blood dribbles down Genma's neck and he steps back, only to find the katana following him, staying stubbornly against his throat.

He steps back again as she snaps and lunges.

"No-chan this is -hurk!" The point of the katana buries itself in Genma's shoulder. Only tip deep but it's enough to start blood pooling on his gi.

"You dare speak to me after all you've done to my child?!" Nodoka's eyes are wide, crazy, rage boiling off her in a battle aura the likes of which Ranko has never seen, or never would have thought possible from her genteel mother.

"It was all for the Art!" Genma babbles. "All of it!"

"The CAT FIST?!" Nodoka shrieks. Ranko didn't remember her having this visceral a reaction when Ranko'd told her mother. She realises that Nodoka had kept her reactions down for her benefit and she feels both warmed and sad by it. "You made her dig a pit, tied my baby up in fish sausage and put her in that pit with starving cats, all for the 'Art'!?"

"W-well you s-see…"

"And you've tried to KILL her numerous times!"

"W-well a martial artist's life is fraught with peril…"

"Thieving! Lying! Stealing!" Nodoka yells.

"We had to eat!"

Nodoka shrieks and rants through everything Ranko had told her. The memories stir in Ranko, but she'd told them mechanically to her mother when she had gone through everything. Memories of her time as Ranma are all kind of fuzzy, as if they happened to someone else though she suspects the trauma is still there. Especially the c-c-c-c-cat fist.

The only things she'd held back were Akane's real level of violence, and that was her issue to sort. Which she had, because otherwise she'd not have had the short-haired girl comforting her right now along with the boy she maybe-sort-of-kind-of likes.

Ranko looks up, trying to fight the grey as the hands on her shoulders turn into arms wrapped about her from two sides. She watches her mother try to kill her father.

And she's surprised and disappointed in herself when she doesn't care.

Her father has made it clear he doesn't want her like this. He'd made it clear over her entire life as Ranma that he didn't really care about his son so much as his heir and now she wasn't even worth being that.

Her mother has shown her what familial love is. The Tendou family, well, Kasumi and Akane and to a lesser extent Soun had, too. Even Nabiki, though she was the least of them.

She'd had no idea what it was like to love unconditionally and be loved unconditionally before coming here. Even if she doesn't deserve it. Akane and Ryouga's arms tighten around her as she draws in a shuddering breath.

Soun makes his way into the room and immediately tries to intervene. Ranko watches the proceedings with absolutely no expression on her face. She feels tired, empty, like she should feel something for her mother trying to kill her father. Genma's admittedly incredible skill at dodging really does appear to be the only thing allowing him to keep his head. That and Nodoka's pure, blind, vicious rage making her form sloppy.

The katana is put aside in favour of the auburn-haired woman grabbing Genma by the throat and starting to squeeze. The group in the house can hear his bones actually creak and he gasps as he tries to escape. A gasp and she turns to see Ranko looking at them, absolutely blank but for the surprise on her face. For a moment she softens.

The momentary distraction lets Genma grab Nodoka's hands and wrench them away, heaving for breath. Then he backhands her purely to get her away from him. It's the last mistake he makes before he goes through the open shouji and cracks against the rocks next to the pond.

He lies there dazed and snaps to only to see Ranko's foot rushing down into his face. He rolls out of the way and the kick craters the ground. Incoherent screaming comes from the redhead as she punches him in the ribs and he feels them cracking under the strength of his child's fists and the speed she can go.

Great kami above, she is so fast, her punches are blurs and every single one a hammer-blow. Any normal person would be dead by now.

He makes a half-hearted attempt to defend himself and earns a cracking of bone from his wrist for his troubles. He's about to try to hit back when someone grabs Ranko from behind and hauls her away. She's screaming wordless rage while Ryouga grabs her arms, her legs flailing until Akane grabs those too. Even between the two of them it's a struggle to keep the redheaded girl from breaking free.

In the meantime, Nodoka stands up; the katana is in her hands again. Genma stares between his hysterical child and now arctic cold wife and collapses onto his backside, grunting at the pain in his ribs and wrist. Tendou Soun stands there, a hand on Nodoka's shoulder, keeping her still by force of will, Ukyou standing next to her soon-to-be-mother, an expression of disgust on her face.

Ranko struggles in Ryouga's arms, hands wrenched into claws as over a decade of ill-treatment of her previous self and three whole weeks of her father trying to kill her new self boil through her like the pyroclastic flow from a volcano. "Let me go!" She shrieks. "I'll kill him! He hurt my mother; I'll KILL HIM! let me GO!" She scrabbles at Ryouga's arms with her hands, nails leaving bleeding scratch marks on them despite his normal invulnerability. Ryouga hisses in pain as he grabs her hands during one flail and keeps them held still.

"Ranko!" Akane yells, keeping her hands on Ranko's legs. "Calm down! Calm down, come on!"

Ranko twists, flailing her arms as best she can until Ryouga tightens his arms around her, his prodigious strength making even her bones creak. His expression is deeply unhappy as she gasps in pain, but he doesn't let up the pressure on her.

"Ranko, come on. Don't lose your head. Don't be like me. You're better than me." He whispers into her ear. "I know how you'll feel if you did kill him, come on. Calm down…"

Ranko's struggles grow feebler as she feels the pressure of him, the unyielding strength holding her and eventually she slumps bonelessly, her rage finally burnt out. Ryouga stays with her like that as Akane lets go of her legs and Ryouga slumps to the ground, putting her on his lap and then his arms are gone from around her as he checks her over for damage. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asks softly, worry in those chocolate brown eyes she loves so much. She closes her own eyes, exhausted once again.

Soul of ice, soul of ice.

She takes in a gulp of air. "N-no. No you couldn't hurt me, R-Ryouga." She says softly. He winces as she puts her hands on his arm and then puts her hand to her face, seeing blood. She gasps, looks faint and her eyes fill with tears. "B-b-but I can hurt you, oh I'm s-s-so sorry!" She blubbers.

Akane shakes her head. "Kami-sama, Ranko, I have never seen you lose it like that." She says while Ranko tries desperately to stop the hiccupping breaths. Ryouga takes Ranko's chin in hand and tilts it up to look at her.

"Ranko, you were insane with rage at the time. I don't blame you. You were totally out of control." He says gently.

I don't deserve this. I don't deserve friends like this.

"You do." He says and she puts a hand to her mouth. She said that out loud?

Ranko stares again into those eyes and she sees only care, a kindness she doesn't feel she deserves but she knows somehow that he does feel she deserves. She looks at her hands, stained with his blood. She doesn't, she did this to him. Reaching into her kimono she withdraws a small medical kit she's taken to keeping on her ever since Akane had sliced her finger that time and seeing the blood had made her feel dizzy.

Unwrapping it, she pulls a medical swab and takes Ryouga's hand. One thing she does know to do is take responsibility when she messes up and this is one of those times. He hisses as she runs the alcohol-laden wipe across the scratches she's made in his skin, but even as she watches thanks to his ridiculously speedy healing they're barely there anymore. Still she wipes the blood away – it's the action that matters.

Ryouga goes still, but a blush adorns his face as she smiles at him, wrapping a small bandage around the injuries. Again, it's probably not needed, so she does make it a light wrapping to soak blood more than anything, but it's the act itself that matters to her and she hopes, to him. Then she does something that surprises her as well as him. She kisses his arm; not where the blood was but close enough for it to at least show what she means by the action.

"I am sorry, Ryouga-kun. I will try not to do it again."

"It's… it's alright, Ranko…" He says, trying not to blush so hard. "As I said, you were out of control with anger. I would be the same. I almost was, seeing that animal strike Auntie so."

Ranko feels a flare of the same anger, but she masters it. She's already in enough trouble for not acting properly as a lady should.

Akane rubs Ranko's back gently and smiles softly as the redhead turns to her. "You do better than I do keeping it down, Ranko, but everyone has a breaking point and I'd kill someone who hurt Daddy so I know how you must feel."

While the three of them sit nearby, Genma stays on his backside as Nodoka's sword points at him. Soun's hand on her shoulder tenses and she casts a glance to him. "Remove your hand, Tendou, or I will remove it for you." She says, ice crackling from her words. He looks at her, swallows. Nods, and then removes his hand, stepping back.

Genma watches. He'd question why Soun's face flashed with fear but given the lesson in his wife's lethality he'd just had, plus that Soun had to realise that the moment he touched Nodoka in any way approaching inappropriate or violent it might set their child off again, not to mention the ugly way the Kuonji girl is looking at him.

Ukyou stares at Genma like he's a piece of dung on her shoe, like he's little more than an annoyance. She pats her soon-to-be mother on the arm. Genma realises that all three of them – Nodoka, Ranma and Ukyou are in formal women's furisode and again the anger at his child boils up. Mastering it as he can, he frowns. He can talk with his worthless child later. Right now, there is an angry and extremely dangerous woman in the house, looking at him with evil intent.

"Saotome Genma." Nodoka's voice is once again visiting the arctic.

"N-no…doka…" Genma stutters.

"You are a disgrace. To the Art. As a father. As a husband. As a person." She states flatly. "You are an abuser of children, an honourless cur who shames the clan Saotome."

Genma bristles. "N-now you just listen h-h-" A boiling aura kicks in behind him and he turns, ribs creaking painfully, to see his child staring at him evilly, hate boiling off her in a battle aura. Ryouga's tightened his arms about her though he's gentle enough. Genma blinks. Even with the disturbingly negative emotions boiling off his child, the tenderness of that embrace and the acceptance of it as she sits on his crossed legs throws him off. Then he gulps as he sees the boiling aura joined by another next to it from Akane, and Ryouga's own steadily burning battle aura.

A hand catches his face and his head spins around with a crack as Nodoka's hand strikes him. "You will pay attention to me!" She yells. Then she steps back, composing herself. The katana, the Saotome family honour blade is still drawn, and he looks into the point set between his eyes before Nodoka returns to where she had stood before, looking down on him.

"As I was saying. You are an honourless cur who brings shame to the clan Saotome. You lie. You cheat. You steal. You make promises you have no intention to keep and as such you tarnish all of our honour. I would not be surprised if the name Saotome has become a curse in the places you have visited." She stares him down, daring him to disagree. "You promise my daughter's hand to the lowest bidder. For pickles and rice, for a yattai."

Soun starts guiltily at some of the things she says, but he stays silent as Nodoka lays out everything Ranko had told her about her life before. "You treat my child's life as if it were coin for you to spend to make yourself able to grow fat and coddled. Even before she was born this was so. I had always intended the joining of the schools to be a choice our child would make, after a suitable introduction and potential dating period. I wanted my child, more than anything, to be happy with their new spouse." She advanced. "And I think they would have been. Akane is a lovely girl, perhaps with… some issues, but if you hadn't done such a poor job raising Ranma and forcing the issue, they would probably be well on the way to being wed by now and we wouldn't find ourselves in this situation."

Akane bristles slightly, but Ranko's hand shoots out and takes hers. The short-haired girl looks at Ranko, who smiles softly at her. The small hand in hers squeezes. She squeezes back, calming down.

"But no. You took my baby away from me. You neglected his education, you put all kinds of awful ideas in his head. You took food from him, attacked him in his sleep. You tied fish sausage around him and threw him in a pit of starving cats. Three times. You gave my baby trauma I don't know if she can recover from entirely." Her voice isn't hysterical this time. It's cold and foreboding and carries a very real threat.

"You took him to training ground after training ground, lied, cheated, stole your way through life. You are a disgrace and, I repeat, an honourless cur. You do not deserve the name Saotome." She looks to the side. "Ranko."

"M-mother?" Ranko asks.

"I know this will be painful. But I need you to state, for everyone in this place, everything that has been done to you as you grew up. Can you do this?"

Ranko stands from Ryouga's arms on shaky legs. The house looks greyed out when she catches sight of it, but she closes her eyes, steadies her breathing and bows formally to her mother. Her glance goes to her father and he quails under the hate he sees there, boiling just below the surface. "I can, Mother."

"Tendou-san." Nodoka calls across to Soun as she sheathes the katana with a click but makes no move to re-wrap it. "I believe we should sit for this."

Soun nods as Kasumi emerges. "Auntie? I've prepared tea." She says. Nodoka's demeanour changes to a kind smile.

"Thank you, Kasumi-chan. Do me a favour and bring your middle sister. Today's business includes her."

"I will."

A few minutes later finds the entire lot sat in the family room. Soun sits next to Genma, who cradles his injured wrist. Soun managed to stop the gi-clad man from performing the Saotome secret technique, and already twice he's tried the Crouch of the Wild Tiger on Nodoka, only to find her staring impassively at him as if he were something on her shoe.

Ranko needs help getting into the house again, closing her eyes as Akane gently lifts her and sets her back down. She feels bad that she needs such help, and Akane picks up on it, giving her a quick hug. "It's okay, Ranko. After… everything, it's no wonder you associate the place with bad memories. We'll just have to fill it with more good ones instead." She whispers, and Ranko gives her a watery smile, before she looks to everyone.

Nabiki's looking bored but when she catches sight of Ranko in the furisode her hands seem to itch as if looking for a camera to take a photograph. Ranko's insides churn, she knows exactly what Nabiki would do with the photograph and it sickens her to think of anyone like Kunou Tatewaki staring at it and lusting over it as he would undoubtedly do so.

Kasumi smiles warmly at Ranko, and she gives a shy smile back. Soun looks at her as he sits next to Genma, though he has a kindness in his eyes. As much trouble as he has caused, she can trace much of it back to the animal sitting next to him and the rest to his wife's death. Not that that excuses it, but it does explain.

Nodoka sits next to her daughter and one of her hands takes her daughter's much smaller one as Ranko looks, really looks into her father's eyes. She sees disdain and disappointment in there, and also the endless greed she's always associated with him. She swallows and looks to her mother on one side, Akane on the other, and then to Ukyou and Ryouga who both nod at her.

Ranko looks at her father again and then her spine straightens as fury boils in her. This man, this awful, evil man, who put her through so much has the audacity to be disappointed in her?!

She adopts the same pose as her mother, the cold, cruel haughtiness that a lady adopts when she speaks to a man much lower in station and honour than herself.

"Ranko, dear." Nodoka says, her hand withdrawing back into her own kimono and Ranko nods.

"Yes, mother." And so she starts. In a flat, cold, emotionless tone she tells her story.

Growing up with little food. Having much of it stolen from her in the name of training speed. Genma's habitual lying, cheat, stealing, even when it wasn't needed for just surviving. The swathe of broken, failed promises.


The neko-ken. She spends a while describing the horror in that same flat voice.

Ryouga. How Ranma had been taken.



The amazons. She acknowledges her own guilt where it lies.

Returning to Japan.

The past time she has spent, meeting Akane, living here, fighting, hurting, never able to escape.

Akane and her fights. Akane and how much her old self loved the short-haired girl, and how much she herself loves her, in a different way.

Kasumi and her never-ending kindness.

Nabiki and her greed, her tricks, her photographs. The bob-haired Tendou sister quails under the furious glare Nodoka gives her for the photographs, a glare that indicates that particular subject is to be settled later and not in a way that Nabiki will like.

The punch. The rock. The clarity.

Waking up as herself.

Three weeks of misery as she tries to form who she is from shattered fragments amongst an ongoing funeral for a corpse that forgot to die.

It's how she describes herself more than anything that sets Soun off crying silently, not great sobs as he usually does but tears do start falling. Nabiki's face too has tears on it. Ranko's cried herself out over it already, and Akane and Ryouga are too busy holding her hand to react. Kasumi is pale and unshed tears stand on her face.



She tells them how she feels, how she felt that they'd be better if she'd just died. The responses from Ryouga and Akane had been emphatic before but now the two of them hold onto her as everyone else just silently cries.

Except for one. Genma stares with disappointed, haunted eyes at her, clearly warring inside himself.

Ranko's voice carries on. The explosion and her running away. The bridge.

"I did not throw myself off." Ranko manages to say to them. "Not on purpose. But then I fell, and I realised it would be better if you had your corpse to mourn."

The story starts changing, more upbeat. Ryouga saving her. Meeting her mother. The talk regarding her curse, the decision on the stupid contract.

Her fainting and her mother telling her in the most emphatic terms that she loved her daughter regardless of who she was.

Ryouga and her mother's kindness and Kasumi's too, the shopping trip.

Then visiting the Amazons, how it came out better than anything she had a right to expect, and instead of a blood enemy or a constantly pursuing fiancée she now has a big sister who might actually be physically younger than Ranko but shows a maturity she hadn't expected.

Seeing Ukyou -here the chef shifts uncomfortably but stays silent- and the decision and that one, wonderful moment with the okonomiyaki with her new name.

Seeing Akane. And Shampoo forcing the issue, forcing the two of them to confront one another and that one wonderful, scary, amazing moment where they connected, truly connected.

Her name, her new name, given to her by her wonderful soon-to-be-sister, a name which sings to the deepest part of her heart and the love she's felt since she became herself and met her mother.

Ranko finishes her story with this morning and her panic attack not even an hour ago.

"You know the rest." She says softly, looking down, and wrapping her arms about herself. "You know. I was thinking earlier, father." Her voice is dead again. "I don't think I ever knew unconditional love before I met Kasumi-nee-chan or my mother. Your love was always conditional. 'Be a man amongst men'. 'Be the best martial artist'. 'Make me proud'. You never, ever just told me you loved me."

Genma stares at his child. Though the words are dead, there's a kind of hate there he can't even begin to understand. He starts to speak but is cut off by Nodoka's voice.

"Genma. I am going to give you a choice. As matriarch of the Saotome clan – a position you gave to me given your wandering status and which has since been officially ratified – I am stating one thing. You and I are through. I am going to divorce you, but I will keep the name. At least until Ukyou-chan has been formally adopted. Then I will consider being a Himura again and formally dissolving the Saotome clan."

"Y-you can't just…"

"I can, and I will if I deem it necessary." Nodoka says harshly. "With your wandering the position as clan head fell to me. As such…" She casts a disdainful, disgusted glare at him. "I hereby, as matriarch of the Saotome clan, strip you of your position within the family and declare you ronin."

Genma leans back, jaw working in shock.

"You have a choice now. You can leave this place, Nerima and wander to atone for your sins, and never see myself or my daughter again, or you can do the honourable thing." She places a tantou on the low table. "If you do, I will be your second."

Genma's jaw keeps working. "Nodoka, I-"

"Silence!" Nodoka yells. "You will call me Saotome-sama and never address me so informally again."

He turns to Ranko. "Ranma, you c-can't let her…"

"My name is Ranko. Ranma is dead, Genma." Ranko says, voice cold. "You brought this on yourself."

"But you can't just let her kill…"

"I don't care." Ranko says, voice still cold, eyes still hateful. "Whatever happens to you, I don't care anymore. You've tried to do nothing but kill me since I became myself. Why should I care about a man who tries to kill his daughter just for existing?"

She doesn't even move, but he rears back as if slapped.

"I raised you to be more respectful of me than that, boy!" He yells.

Ranko stares at him. She's about to stand when Soun puts a hand on Genma's shoulder. "Genma… I think it best you leave. Now."

Genma stares at his oldest friend and shakes his head. "I can't believe you're buying into this madness."

Nodoka picks up the family honour blade again and there's a click as she starts drawing it. Genma gulps.

"Genma-san, I suggest you do as she suggests and make your choice." Kasumi says, her voice cold as Ranko's. "Either leave or use that tantou."

"Onee-chan…" Nabiki says, shock on her face.

Realisation dawns on Genma that this time nothing he says will save him from either fate. He swallows. "I… I never meant for it… I mean, I didn't…"

"No one ever does, do they, father?" Ranko asks, contempt in her voice. "But it did go that far. And now you have to live with the consequences."

"Your choice, Genma." Nodoka says, eyes flashing, katana still half-drawn. Genma swallows. He stands up and bows formally.

"I will… I will go."

Nodoka's lip curls. "Even now, an honourless cur. Begone, then. Pack up and leave." She says. "Darken not my doorway or my life, or my daughter's life again." She glances to Soun. "Though if the Tendou family will host someone like you again then I will not at least begrudge it."

"We will not." Kasumi says, steel in her voice. Her own family turns to her and she glares at them all. "Not as long as I am here. We will talk later, once there are just us family here. We have things to discuss and reparations to make." Her eyes cast to Ranko. "I would appreciate it if Saotome Ranko-san would attend." She bows formally to Ranko and the redhead's eyes widen.

As Genma leaves the room dejectedly, followed by Soun, Ranko gives Kasumi a formal saikeirei. "Tendou Kasumi-san I would be honoured. May I have my mother present for it, however?"

"Of course." Kasumi has a faint smile on her face. "Ryouga-kun should not be present however much you like him." Ranko goes beet red and laughs softly. "Oh my, what an interesting shade you've gone, Ranko-chan."

Ranko stammers out negatives to the amusement of her family and the interest of Nabiki who eyes the two up before Nodoka catches her eye and she quails under the strict matriarch's gaze.

Kasumi smiles gently. "We'll have you in one of the guest rooms, Ryouga-kun, alright? I'll guide you there, but you must stay there except to go to the bathroom. We don't want you getting lost."

Ryouga nods, not even bothering to try to feel insulted at Kasumi's words.

Genma and Soun reappear and Genma crosses to the genkan without so much as a word. Ranko watches him impassively, and though there's an amount of anger running through her at him, he's still her father. Watching him turn, about to say something, then slump down in defeat and leave without another word still hurts. A few tears spill down her face and she gently wipes them away. Shaking her head, she resolves not to waste any more tears on the man.

Soun sits down heavily, and Ranko sees her mother bowing formally to him. "I apologise for my earlier display and threats, Tendou-san." She says. "I was quite distraught and it was unbecoming to threaten a host."

Soun smiles. "It's forgiven, Nodoka-san. I understand exactly why now." He sighs heavily. "I… had not thought it so bad. And… I truly am sorry for my recent actions, Ranm- Ranko-chan." He bows to her. "Your father had me quite caught up in his nonsense."

"It's alright Tendou-san." Ranko says softly, though the undercurrent of dislike makes him wince. "I forgive you."

"Well, it is best to business as I have other things to attend to with adopting my daughter." Nodoka indicates Ukyou, who's stayed quiet the whole time, though her face shows some tear stains from hearing Ranko's story.

"I assume this is to do with joining the schools?" Soun asks. Nodoka nods.

"Yes. Aside from that my child is a girl – granted, a girl who is cursed to turn into a boy, but a girl, nonetheless. I know you are aware of her doctor's test results."

"Yes. Female chi, female aura." Soun nods and bows again. "That should have been the end of our meddling. I'd like to apologise again for my actions."

"I have had it backed up since by Elder Kuh Lon and her great granddaughter Xian Pu of the Joketsuzoku, so there is plenty of corroboration and I will be making efforts to have all of Ranko's official documentation changed over. However, with regards to the joining of the schools, this is unlikely to happen with this generation."

Ranko nods and so does Akane. "Tendou-san, I love Akane, but it is not romantic love. I have no interest in her in that way, and she does not for me. I do not wish to wed Kasumi-nee-chan, for she is my older sister in all but blood, and…" Her gaze casts to Nabiki, who shifts awkwardly, "I certainly do not wish to marry Nabiki-san in this lifetime if I wish my modesty or finances to remain intact." Nabiki winces but Akane snickers, not expecting Ranko to be so blunt about it.

Nodoka indicates her daughter. "As such I will not allow this issue to be forced, for that would simply result in unhappiness all around."

"I have a suggestion, Mother." Ranko says, interrupting Nodoka. Nodoka starts in surprise but smiles at her daughter.

"Do tell, dear."

Ranko stands and bows to Soun. "Tendou-san, I will not wed any of your daughters. Kasumi-nee-chan and Akane-chan are very special to me." She purposefully leaves out Nabiki. The girl had made her bed, she could lie in it is the uncharitable thought she has before crushing it. "And Nabiki-san has treated me like she treats her family." That is, like a combination bank account and unwilling model.

"However, while I will no longer be practicing the Art excepting katas and to keep myself in shape, or studying my mother's forms, I will be passing on my knowledge to any children I might bear."

Akane starts at that, looking at Ranko who, while she has a slight blush along her cheeks, is serious. Nodoka smiles, imagining bouncing grandchildren on her lap a moment and knowing where her daughter is going with this.

"I propose what my mother indicated she wanted for the original agreement. When any of my children with interest in the Art are old enough, we will introduce them to any grandchildren of yours, whether Akane's, Nabiki-san's or Kasumi-nee-chan's, and we will see if they like one another. If there are sparks there, we will tell them of the agreement and if they then wish to continue then it is then, and only then that the schools will be joined."

Soun stares at her a moment, and Kasumi looks impressed. "You've thought about this, haven't you Ranko-chan?" She asks. Ranko smiles at her.

"I want to have children someday, Kasumi-nee-chan. All I want is to have a normal life, to grow up and fall in love. Get married, and yes, bear children. So yes, I have thought about it." She nods, "And I know at least one of you is likely to have children at some point too. As such it's a victory no matter how we look at it if that becomes the amended agreement."

Soun looks thoughtful and then nods. "Ranko-chan, I have done you a disservice and still you are so thoughtful of my wishes." He kneels and bows low, and she blushes. "Again, I apologise, and I thank you for your kind consideration of my family's honour."

Ranko smiles at him. "Please get up Tendou-san, you've apologised enough. I know you truly regret your actions. And it's the role of a lady to make sure that her clan prospers. Joining the schools would indeed do so for both of our clans."

Soun smiles at her, some tears falling from his eyes that he wipes away. "Well. I do have one thing that might flummox even you." He says. "What about now? Who inherits the dojo until then?"

Ranko gently pulls Akane to her feet and hugs her, then pushes her forward to Soun. "You have an heir already, Tendou-san. A wonderful heir who deserves her family dojo, not to be married off and her spouse own it. With some issues, certainly, but limitless potential if she tapped it and was taught properly." Akane blushes bright red and looks down. Ranko smiles fondly at her. "I do not practice to fight anymore but I still remember much, and I will teach her some of what I know, and otherwise train her if I can, but you need to do so too. She is a fine heir, Tendou-san, and you need to acknowledge that."

Nodoka smiles and Kasumi looks to Ranko with shining eyes.

"Th-thanks, Ranko..." Akane says. "W-well, Daddy?"

Soun looks his youngest daughter over, the protective way she stands next to Ranko, the challenge in her look directed at him and he feels a sudden wave of pride so intense it leaves him reeling. She's looking at him like a challenger would have once looked on his dojo, like she wants the sign right now. He stammers a moment and Ranko takes it as a negative.

"If you feel she isn't ready because she does not know more than the basics of the Tendou school then you are going to have to teach her, Tendou-san." Ranko says, her words cold. "You will have to put aside that she is your little girl and yes you will have to hit her. Why would you treat her more carefully than any other student just because she is yours? As far as I would be concerned, that is a failure on your part."

Akane looks at Ranko, shocked that the now-generally-demure-and-polite girl is saying such insulting things. She sees the small smile on Ranko's face and realises the redhead is manipulating her father. This has to be related to the lessons her mother's been giving her.

"But I…"

Ranko tuts to herself. Then she brightens as an idea comes to her. "Tendou Soun-san. I challenge you." He bristles. "Not to a fight, a lady does not fight her allies, but I give you this challenge nonetheless, in the hope you fulfil the honour of Anything Goes's relation to challenges. I challenge you to teach your youngest daughter as if she were a full student, physical harm and all, the Tendou branch secrets and then if you are satisfied with her progress that you declare her your heir."

Soun gapes at her and then closes his mouth. "I…"

"Don't you think I'm good enough, Daddy?" Akane asks, her voice hurt. He looks to her and that pride rises again. She's not upset with tears in her eyes, but standing relaxed, hands in fists.

Soun swallows and makes a decision. "I will. Saotome Ranko-san, I will accept this challenge. I will… try to not let my paternal feelings interfere with training my heir."

Ranko smiles at him softly. "Do or do not, there is no try." She says.

Nabiki snorts, then turns it into a cough as Ranko gives her a smile that lets the middle sister know that Ranko knew exactly which film she took that from.

"Very well." Soun says. He bows to his youngest. "I greet the heir-to-be of the Tendou School of Anything Goes Indiscriminate Grappling. We will begin tomorrow, Student."

Akane blinks. Goes red. A few tears run down her face before she bows low. "The student greets her sensei." She manages to say.

Ranko's smile widens into a beaming grin and she hugs Akane. Nodoka's smile is proud and Soun turns to her while Akane and Ranko jump in place, hugging and crying and celebrating all in one noise.

"You have a fine daughter, Nodoka-san." He says. "She certainly cuts to the heart of things. Thank you for bringing her back here." He bows low, touching his forehead to the floor and she swats him.

"Enough of that, Soun." She says, tittering. "She told you she forgives you and she does. My daughter always means what she says."

Akane holds Ranko in a crushing hug, jumping on the spot. "Ranko, thank you, thank you, you don't know how much this means to me, thank you so much!"

Ranko wraps her arms around Akane and squeezes her back. "Yes, I do, Akane." She says softly. "It's why I did it."

Akane kisses her cheek. "Then thank you."


While Akane, Ukyou and Ranko head up to Akane's room to freshen up – the two furisode-clad girls are still going to have Ukyou formally adopted after all, and the emotional events of earlier have led to makeup issues – Ryouga is directed to the bath to have a soak and Nabiki is given the chewing out of her lifetime.

Neither Nodoka, nor Kasumi, nor Nabiki herself ever tell Ranko or Akane what Nodoka had said during that tense, hour-long conversation, but it ends with Nabiki walking into Akane's room and blinking at the impromptu makeup and hairdo party it's become before clearing her throat.

Ranko looks over, eyes flashing a moment, before reverting back to their normal, pleasant look. Akane stays looking annoyed and Ukyou just looks bored at the bob-haired girl. Nabiki's face has tear tracks on it, and her eyes hold a haunted pain, and a shock.

Nabiki kneels on the floor and presses her forehead to it. "I apologise for my many acts against you, Saotome-san. And you, Imouto-chan. I have wronged you both, and for my transgressions I know I will never be fully forgiven. Nonetheless I crave that forgiveness, and for that reason…"

She looks up, sits up straight and holds out two envelopes. One for Ranko, one for Akane. They take them and open them up. Inside each is money. A lot of money. Nabiki coughs.

"This is what I calculated I owed based on standard modelling fees for photography models, multiplied by 'session' and photographs taken, as well as an additional twenty-five percent on top of that." Her face looks like she swallowed something horrible. The money had been more than half of her savings. "As reparation money. It doesn't absolve my sins against you both, but I hope it at least assuages some of the damage I have done."

Ranko looks at the money, then to Nabiki and then to Akane, who she finds is looking at her. "Hmm." Akane says. "I don't know. What do you think, Ranko-chan?"

"I think it's a start." Ranko says noncommittally. "But the real thing is what she's going to do with our images after this."

Nabiki sweats a moment and then slumps. "You mother took all my negatives and some, though not all, of my digital copies." She winces and then to both of their surprise, looks ashamed. And not the pretend-ashamed that Nabiki could pull off – Ranko and Akane were too familiar with it by now to not see it as the genuine article. "You mother is the scariest woman alive, Ranko-chan. She showed me what I was becoming."

"And what was that?" Ranko asks in an arch tone.

"Little more than Yakuza, really. And I didn't like how that felt to see from either inside or outside." Nabiki bows again. "I promise now, I will use my talents for good."

Ranko nods. "Good." She says. "You're a very good photographer, Nabiki-san. Perhaps direct your talents to that, or to business."


After all of the drama of the Tendou household, having Ukyou formally adopted into the Saotome family is almost insultingly easy. They sign all the papers, give their stamps, put everything in and swear in front of witnesses.

Ukyou has to spend a little more time away from the others to formalise name changes and other important paperwork, but the three find themselves outside of the building with slightly bewildered faces.

"So that's… that's it. I'm Saotome Ukyou now." Ukyou shakes her head. "That was… so... easy."

She manages a shrug before Ranko smiles and grabs her newly-minted-sister in her arms and holds her close. "Onee-chan." She breathes into Ukyou's ear and squeezes her closer.

Ukyou puts her arms around Ranko and holds her close as well. "Imouto-chan." She says warmly, that warmth multiplied as a pair of arms encircles the two of them, and Nodoka holds the two of them close, kissing the tops of their heads.

"My daughters." She says, warmth and pride and love, so much love in her voice. "My wonderful, lovely daughters." Tears splash onto the two's heads and they turn to hold her and each other.

"Mother." Ukyou sobs, burying her face into Nodoka's kimono. "I have my honour back."

"You never lost it. Not where it counts, in your heart." Nodoka murmurs, but she kisses her daughters' heads again. "I'm so happy to have you both with me." She finishes, and Ranko beams to herself, the warmth of the event cascading through her.

"Kasumi-nee-chan says she wants us to celebrate at the Tendou house tonight." Ranko says and Nodoka nods, before looking at Ranko.

"Will you be alright going in? I saw that attack you had." She worries. "I don't want you hurt, dear."

Ranko bites her lip but shakes her head. "I shouldn't let it bother me so."

"I'll getcha inside, sugar." Ukyou smiles at her new sister. The three separate and make their way back to the Tendou house.

Ranko's breath starts going the moment they get onto the street this time, but a warm hand takes her much cooler one and holds it, and Ranko forces her breathing into a regular, meditative rhythm. The world does start to grey, but the redhead determinedly looks at the house, keeping as tight a lid on her emotions as she can.

It doesn't help entirely, things do feel far away, but the attack this time isn't as crippling as it had been before, and when she manages to emerge, shakily, from it, she finds herself in the genkan, Ukyou's arms around her and the chef's hands rubbing the small of her back.

"There we go, sugar, come on back to me now Ranchan. Attagirl." Ukyou whispers.

Ranko remembers earlier with Ryouga and speaks softly to herself. Touch. "Hands. Ground. Wood."

Ukyou blinks. "What?"

Smell. "Flowers. Polish. Perfume."

"Oh!" Ukyou nods, she remembers hearing about this. "Groundin' right?"

Ranko nods, grits her teeth and slumps slightly, but reality snaps back to its more normal state and she manages to take her geta off and slip into house slippers with some relief.

The sisters, plus their mother, make their way down the hall to the family room, only to be stopped by a wall of noise.

"Surprise!" Comes the shout. Ranko and Ukyou see every one of their friends in the family room. The Tendou family. Ryouga and Konatsu. Shampoo, Cologne and a surly-yet-celebratory-looking Mousse. Sayuri and Yuka are there, and Hiroshi and Daisuke.

A large banner that says "Congratulations!" Hangs on one wall, with a smaller one saying "Happy Nameday to Saotome Ukyou and Ranko!"

Ranko stares in disbelief while Ukyou just laughs as Nodoka breezes past the stunned sisters with a smile.


Well, that was quite the chapter to write. I didn't want to bash Genma too much but honestly, his stuff in canon doesn't lend him any good way out of this, especially with a screaming Nodoka who loves her daughter that he's basically been trying to kill off for three weeks. Given that and Ranko's really poor mental well-being and it's not surprising they didn't really give him opportunity to defend himself.

I believe at this point, Ranko's had her external problems (IE fiancée drama) mostly sorted except maybe the Kunous, and they will be dealt with, but I'm hoping this is the turning point where things start going better.

Because dammit I want to get to the fluff but the story keeps derailing me!

Next up! A party! School! And a cure?!

As always comments and reviews feed my pathetic need for validation!
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"You know the rest." She says softly, looking down, and wrapping her arms about herself. "You know. I was thinking earlier, father." Her voice is dead again. "I don't think I ever knew unconditional love before I met Kasumi-nee-chan or my mother. Your love was always conditional. 'Be a man amongst men'. 'Be the best martial artist'. 'Make me proud'. You never, ever just told me you loved me."

Oof. That's the cherry on the shit sundae that's Gemma Saotome. And hits a little close to home for me. My paternal grandmother believes that the reason my parents divorced when I was a kid was because my mom didn't know how to handle being unconditionally loved; and knowing what my maternal grandparents were like, I can't say she was wrong. And with the benefit of age and hindsight, I can see the lengths Mom went to to not raise me and my brother the way her parents raised her and her siblings.
Oof. That's the cherry on the shit sundae that's Gemma Saotome. And hits a little close to home for me. My paternal grandmother believes that the reason my parents divorced when I was a kid was because my mom didn't know how to handle being unconditionally loved; and knowing what my maternal grandparents were like, I can't say she was wrong. And with the benefit of age and hindsight, I can see the lengths Mom went to to not raise me and my brother the way her parents raised her and her siblings.

I'm sorry if it brought any bad memories, and I'm glad your mum seems better than her parents at it though.

As to Genma, it wasn't much of a stretch to see that's how he is.
Did Nodoka put him though the-

Ah. We found the one thing that would set off our girls true fury.

Yeah, I wasn't expecting her to go absolutely nuts, but I guess lots of frustration plus Genma hitting her mother (even technically in self-defense) equals her losing her rag.

Granted I'd expected her to lose it with Akane but that all changed.

And this chapter's changed some of the future ones I'd had planned so I've now got to account for Genma's absence.

Still, with Ranko living and going to school in Juuban I get to at least make dumb Sailor Moon references!
At least Akane knew and admitted she was at fault. Genma is allergic to taking responsibility.

That's probably what cinched it. Ranko here seems absolutely able to forgive someone if they're actually regretful and taking responsibility which as you've said, Genma is thoroughly allergic to.

Actually one of the early things I wrote for this was an altercation between Akane and Ranko, well before I did that chapter:

There's a crack like a gunshot and Akane's head snaps to the side. She feels a livid pain across her cheek; a burning she's not felt since...

Ranma had slapped her. Ranma had slapped her and she hadn't pulled back her prodigious strength.

Ranma had slapped her.

"You… You hit me!" She yells and Ranma's face contorts in rage. "You never hit me! How dare you hit me!" A mallet glows in her hand. "RANMA NO BA-"

Ranma's hand shoots out again and she feels dizzy as she spins in place from the impact of that tiny hand on her face.

"Fine! If you want your boyfriend's corpse then fine! I'll go and get it for you!" The words are shrieked, pain and anger and raw emotional hurt making her voice crack. Ranma runs out of the door, faster than any of them can catch and she's halfway down the street before Ryouga starts.

"Oh kami-sama." He yells. "She's going to the bridge! I'll get her!" He jumps out of the window and runs down after her.

Kasumi freezes at the doorway to the kitchen and stares at the scene. Akane has her hand to a livid red print on her face and is staring at the door with wide eyes. Everyone else is looking in shock. It's almost like that first day she ran and Kasumi feels her knees weaken as she knows where Ranma has run to.

The eldest Tendou daughter looks at her youngest sister and her face sets in rage. "There are going to be lessons after this." She hisses. "You are going to learn to control yourself, Akane, or you will no longer be welcome in this home."

Nabiki goes pale and Akane's mouth drops open in shock as Kasumi sprints out of the room and the front door after Ranma. She is not going to fail the girl again. Not on her watch.

She spots Ryouga ahead of her, somehow, miraculously still on Ranma's trail and heading directly for her, but he turns a corner and is just… gone. She stands on the corner, panting hard as she wonders how supernatural his direction sense is

Honestly there were a few parts of this I've written way ahead and while some are able to go in (especially the bit with some closure) others are going to need some thorough rewriting to accommodate what has actually happened. Some of them were a little dark, too, like the original plan was for her to basically be accidentally killing herself with the soul of ice

I think once I'm done with it, I'm going to have an omake chapter with all the parts that have been cut.
Chapter 11 - New Days, New Faces
New chapter! And a new, yet familiar face? Well, it is Juuban that Nodoka lives in...

Chapter 11 – New Days, New Faces

So we rise!
Receive the pain, but this isn't where this ends,
Don't you forget that you are perfect,
Don't you forget just who we are,
We're strong enough!

Wherever the flame in your heart burns strong,
We may not be brave so let's start,

Remember and the spirits will collide!

~Devin Townsend – "Spirits Will Collide"


"Surprise!" Everyone yells, and a few party poppers go off. Ranko and Ukyou stand at the entrance to the family room in the Tendou house, and see all their friends crammed in. Mousse and Shampoo are there in the back, both grinning (Ranko didn't think Mousse would ever smile at her), Cologne looks over her with an oddly fond smile.

Nodoka sits next to Soun, the two beaming. Akane, Kasumi and even Nabiki beam at them as well, pride of place in the middle. Ryouga looks at Ranko, and he has a small blush on his cheeks, a warm smile decorating his lips and crinkling those lovely eyes. She can just see the tip of one of his fangs.

Konatsu's next to Ryouga, smiling demurely and looking fantastic in a furisode almost as formal as the ones the sisters are wearing. Yuka and Sayuri beam at Ranko and she blinks – she didn't know what she'd done to earn their friendship, they tended to the periphery as it was and more often than not had decried Ranma a pervert along with Akane. Hiroshi and Daisuke are sat, looking like they feel somewhat out of place but both grin broadly at Ranko and she blushes, knowing the likely stuff to be going through their heads.

"Guys?" Ukyou asks, wonderingly.

"We thought we'd celebrate your adoption and Ranko's naming!" Akane says brightly. "After all, it's not every day that either of those happens!"

Ranko beams, sniffling a little and Ukyou puts her arms around her new sister. "Hey there Ranchan, don't cry."

Ranko's breath hitches and she tries to wipe her eyes. "I'm happy, Ucchan." She says, beaming through the tears. "Really. I'm just surprised…"

Ukyou smiles and guides the redhead in, the two sitting together as everyone splits into groups.

"Congratulations both of you." Sayuri smiles at Ukyou and then at Ranko. "And welcome to the sisterhood, Ranko. Akane told Yuka and I about you, I hope you don't mind."

Ranko shakes her head. "It would have gotten out eventually, and I don't mind. It isn't like I was hiding my curse before, this is just becoming who I am."

"Well, us, Hiro and Dai are still the only ones who knew. We kind of tagged along, all four of us, because we were worried. We'd not seen you for a few weeks at school and Akane hinted there'd been some trouble." She looks Ranko up and down in her formal furisode with her hair braided and up in ornaments and sighs. "You look more than alright, though. You're really cute in all that!"

Ranko blushes as Yuka nods. "Yeah! Glad to see you're finding yourself!" She beams. "It's nice to have another ally who can kick pervert ass!"

Ranko squirms and wrings her hands a little. "…I don't like to fight. A lady doesn't fight unless she absolutely has to."

"Well, even then, we can still count on you, right?" Yuka smiles.

"…I'm moving schools." Ranko says quietly. The two exchange a look.

"Why?" Sayuri asks. "We can talk to the other girls. I don't think they'll somehow have a problem with you changing with us and taking PE with us."

"I'm… um. I'm going to live with Mother." Ranko says. She points to Nodoka. "I finally found her and Akane-chan said I should, because she'd give anything to be back with hers."

Sayuri nods, a sad look on her face. "Ah, well, she's right." The two of them hug Ranko, unexpectedly tightly. "I'm so glad you found who you are, and you found your Mom again, Ranko. You deserve happiness."

Yuka nods and Ranko smiles warmly as the two disengage. They turn to Ukyou.

"As for you Kuonji..."

"Actually," Ukyou drawls with a grin, "It's Saotome now, girls."

"Saotome then, you better take care of our little Ranko. She needs a big sister. And you'd better let us know how she's doing in posh Juuban land!"

Ukyou grins at her. "Sure thing, sugar."

Hiroshi and Daisuke grin at Ranko while the girls talk to Ukyou. "Good to see you, man." Daisuke says. "Glad you're alright."

"You're really a girl all the way through now?" Hiroshi asks, looking puzzled. "How do you know?"

Ranko blushes and looks away. "I j-just do." She says softly. They blink at her speech pattern and Daisuke laughs.

"Wow, you really talk like that too. Well, I mean, good for you. But we're still buds, right?"

Ranko looks confused. "I suppose…? Why wouldn't we be?"

Hiroshi laughs. "We aren't exactly popular among the ladies!" He brightens. "Hey maybe you could give us tips now you're one!"

Ranko blushes more. "U-um… I suppose I could? B-but I don't really see why?"

"So we can get dates, duh!" Hiroshi laughs and Ranko giggles.

The two stare at her after the noise and she looks nervously at them. "W-what?"

Daisuke shrugs. "Never heard you giggle like that before. Wow."

Hiroshi nods. "It's cute!" He looks her over in her furisode. "But we all knew you were."

Ranko's fierce blush is interrupted by the two girls grabbing the boys. "Alright, perving time's over boyos!" Yuka says and they drag the two off, smiling at Ranko en route out.

Konatsu sits next to Ranko, smiling and flicks out a compact. "Here, Ranko-chan." The kunoichi says. "You've got a couple of tear tracks and it's a shame with such a lovely kimono."

Ranko takes the compact and Konatsu smiles as the waitress runs her through applying the makeup herself, before he turns to Ukyou.

"Ukyou-sama." The kunoichi bows. "Congratulations."

Ukyou smiles at her waitress. "Thanks, Konatsu. And thanks for bein' nice to my imouto-chan, I know you guys didn't used to get on, but it's important that the three most important folks in my life get on."

"Three?" Ranko asks.

"Mom, duh." Ukyou says, smiling happily at saying the word. Ranko smiles too and Konatsu laughs.

"I'm just glad everything's working out." The waitress says. "Hey, um, Ranko?"

Ranko looks up from where she's been applying the last powder and blinks. "Yes?"

"Can I… speak to you privately?"

Ranko blinks again as she closes the compact and hands it back. "Um, alright."

She stands up and follows Konatsu out the family room, then up the stairs to the room she had shared with her father. Staring at the sad room, now empty of Genma's things, she sighs and kneels on the floor. "What did you wish to speak about?"

Konatsu kneels in front of her and bows. "Can you tell me how I can become like you? More… ah… feminine?"

Ranko blinks. "But Konatsu, you're already more feminine than I am, even now!" She says, looking flustered. "I w-w-wanted tips from you!"

Konatsu sighs. "I… don't mean it like that." The kunoichi blushes. "I mean… You know… physically." A gesture over the chest and hips and Ranko's eyes widen.

"Oh. You mean like… Jusenkyo curse?"

Konatsu blushes and nods. "Y-yes. I w-was raised as a g-g-girl and… Well I didn't want to ask Ranma as it wouldn't have been nice, but you are a girl. And… so am I. On the inside." She admits, looking down. "I just… want my body to match."

Ranko stares in bewilderment before considering. She stands, kneels again by Konatsu's side and then draws her into a hug. "I will find a way, Konatsu. Even if I have to beg obaa-san…" She gasps and stands up again. Then she walks to where some of her own things still linger and rifles through them, pulling out several packets of powder.

She goes over and hands them to Konatsu. "It is instant Jusenkyo powder. This is nyanniichuan powder, which will give you a temporary locked form, Konatsu-chan." The kunoichi brightens at the honorific. "As long as you avoid hot water you will stay like that. I only have these five…" She pauses. "I bought them for…" Her face falls. "I can't remember. I only bought them a month ago… why can't I remember why?"

Konatsu looks concernedly at her, but she shakes her head and carries on. "The instructions are on them… Let's go and use one!" She beams and draws Konatsu to her feet. Then before the kunoichi can move, Ranko has her in another hug. "Thank you so much for being brave enough to tell me, Konatsu-chan. I'll talk to obaa-san about seeing if we can import some real water from the nyaniichuan and then have your curse locked when mine is."

Konatsu smiles at Ranko as she lets go, taking the kunoichi's hand and leading her to the furo, fetching one of the buckets nearby.

"Um…" Ranko says, blushing brightly. "Y-you probably should disrobe…" She hears the rustle of the kimono being taken off and concentrates on filling the bucket with cold water, then pours one of the packets in. She closes her eyes as she turns around, but finds Konatsu standing with a towel wrapped around her torso and breathes a sigh of relief. "Here."

She hands over the bucket and Konatsu looks at it. Then without much preamble, takes the towel off and pours the bucket over herself.

Ranko watches as where Konatsu had been standing with an undeniable, unfortunately flat chest, now she stood in front of Ranko with somewhat of a not flat chest. Konatsu covers herself up with the towel again. Aside from the shape of her body, she's not had any changes to hair colour. Ranko supposes that hers is probably the colour it is due to her mother, which warms her slightly.

Ukyou walks in bold as brass. "You two better not be mackin'… in… here…" She stares at Konatsu, then looks at Ranko, then back to Ukyou. "…Wow, Konatsu." She comments idly. "Really uh… really packin' there." Konatsu blushes but beams brightly and Ukyou sighs. "Man, if I had any more ways to realise I'm bi…"

Ranko stares at her sister, shocked, and Ukyou grins. "Ya look lovely, Kona-chan. Now get dressed again or people will talk."

Ranko and Ukyou leave the room while Konatsu does so, and Ukyou hugs Ranko before they make their way back in. "That's a good thing you did there, Ranchan." She says.

Ranko nods. "I know. But she looked hurting and I thought if I have something to help… A lady should help her friends."

Ukyou beams. "That's my imouto-chan alright."


The party lasts well into the night, and Ranko finds herself going from person to person, friend to friend. It helps heal some of her issues with being in this house. No one calls her 'Ranma' or gives her the look that says they were grieving him being gone.

Instead they celebrate her being her, and Ukyou being her sister, and if one or two disappear at a time to privately talk to one another, that's their business.

As the night begins to wind down and guests start getting sleepy, a warm, happy Ranko finds herself sat next to Ryouga. His arms are still bandaged and a flush of guilt runs through her before he catches it and smiles. "It's alright, Ranko, you were out of your mind. It happens. Used to happen to me with you." He chuckles and she blushes, looking down. After a moment she raises her head and watches him unwind the bandages and reveal skin with a few faded pink lines on it. "Plus, you know how fast I heal." He says.

She nods. "I still feel bad. You were trying to stop me from hurting Father…" Her face flickers.

"It looks like all… that… doesn't sit too well with you." He observes.

"N-not all of it. I don't really know what to feel. He was my father but… I don't think he loved me. Not as me." She laughs bitterly and picks at the dress she'd changed into partway through the night when people got rowdier. She didn't want to damage her furisode. "Like a lot of them, I think he loved the idea of Ranma, his heir. Ranko didn't even factor in."

Ryouga sighs. "After everything he did to you as well. Well, it's no more than he deserves." Ryouga smiles at her. "You deserve to be happy, Ranko. Whatever happens, you need to start believing that. I do." He has the faint trace of a blush on his cheeks and she stares a moment, then looks down.

"I'll… try." She says. "I can't promise anything."

Kasumi sits down next to Ranko, across from Ryouga and smiles gently at the redhead. "Hello, Ranko-chan."

"Kasumi-nee-chan." Ranko says warmly.

"Thank you for what you did for Akane earlier, Ranko-chan. I don't know if you know how much it means to her, but it is a lot."

Ranko smiles. "I know. That's why I did it. A lady supports her friends and pushes them forward, so they gain more honour."

Kasumi laughs gently. "I see you've been paying attention to your mother. She's a strong woman." Her face goes wistful. "Akane told me you'll be staying with her from now on?"

Ranko nods. "Yes… I want to be with my mother. I missed her. And… I need a new start, Kasumi-nee-chan. I can't go back to Fuurinkan…"

Kasumi sighs. "No, I suppose not." She puts her arms about Ranko and pulls the short girl into a motherly hug. "I'll miss you, Ranko-chan. Having someone appreciate my cooking as you do, with such gusto, was always nice even if it could be hard on the budget."

"I'll come visit, Kasumi-nee-chan." Ranko says, putting her own arms around Kasumi. "And you know you're always welcome to come visit. I always worry you're stuck in your homemaker role…"

Kasumi giggles. "Ranko-chan, don't you worry about me. I've been studying for years, just waiting for my sisters to grow up. Once Akane is in second year I plan on studying medicine."

Ranko smiles warmly. "Good! I want you to be happy, Kasumi-nee-chan. You're my big sister in all but blood and you always treated me so well." She pauses. "I think… Something in me says I want to be a Doctor too." She whispers the last part, blushing. "I want to help heal people. Make them better."

Kasumi squeezes her. "It will be hard work, Ranko-chan. I'd talk to Toufu for some ideas, and with your chi abilities you probably can learn more medical pressure points."

"You're right!" Ranko says, beaming. "I will… I have to visit obaa-san anyway, so I'll ask her then."

Kasumi lets go and ruffles her hair. "Well, my darling imouto-chan, I will leave you in the lovely company of your young man here. Good luck in your dreams and come and visit our poor house sometime."

Ranko nods and blushes as Kasumi walks off.

Nabiki sits next to Ranko after a moment, looking unsure. Ranko looks at her, scoots a little closer to Ryouga and then sits back down. "Nabiki-san."

The middle Tendou winces, but she tries a smile. "I was thinking about what you said earlier." She says quietly. "Thanks."

Ranko bows her head. "You are welcome. Is it about a career?"

"Yeah. I'm thinking I'm good at photography and business. I might go into photoshoots with models, or managing an idol or something."

Ranko smiles with a bitter edge to it. "I hope it will be tasteful this time."

"Oh, yeah. All above board. Your mother she… Well let's just say I got motivation to do better." Nabiki shudders.

Ranko sighs. She can imagine her mother was somewhat forceful. Still, it's better than Nabiki being yakuza or something.

Nabiki smiles her usual half-lidded smile at Ranko. "You know, you are extremely pretty, Ranko-chan." She laughs, "I bet you could be a really good model. Let me know if you're ever interested in tasteful pictures."

Ranko purses her lips. "I'll… think about it." She says.

"More than I expected. I'll leave you to it, kiddo." The bob-haired girl stands.

"See you later, Nabiki-nee-san." Ranko says after a moment, a smile flitting across the mercenary girl's face a moment before it's banished.

Ranko sighs and looks at her drink. She sips at it and Ryouga lets out a yawn. "Ugh, I'm tired. It's been a really tiring few days."

Ranko nods. "Yes. But good ones…" She smiles at Ryouga and his blush intensifies. "Don't you think?"

Ryouga nods, a fond smile on his face as he looks up at the ceiling, playing with his own drink. "…Yeah. For the first time I feel like I really belong somewhere, you know? I don't even think I felt that at home… No one there half the time…"

Ranko pats his arm. "You've got us, Ryouga-kun." She says warmly. "I want you to stay with us. I don't mind guiding you around."

He sighs. "I wish I didn't need it."

"I wish I didn't turn into a boy, but if wishes were horses…"

Ryouga sighs again, but he smiles softly at Ranko. "I guess. We make do with what we got, huh?"

She nods. "And look how much better things are now." She beams. "I have a new sister. I don't have all that… that chaos around me anymore. We succeeded."

"'We'?" Ryouga asks.

"It worked, so I suppose…" She shakes her head. "Where was I? Oh! Well, look how good things are!" She points around the room. "Everyone getting along, not fighting. I have my mother and my father has been given his due punishment. I made up with Akane-chan. Even Nabiki-nee-san is on-side." She puts her free hand on Ryouga's arm. "And I have you. Ever since you rescued me, things have been up and down and side-to-side, but they've all led somewhere wonderful." Her smile is bright, almost blindingly happy. "Thank you."

Ryouga gives her a fanged grin. "You've been good too. I've got a place to call home, and I think… I think I can find it whenever I'm lost. Not that I plan on getting lost." He rubs the back of his head embarrassedly. "Maybe I can go to school and not be afraid and stuff."

"I said I could guide you." She nods, "I will do. We can go to school together."

Ryouga blushes and ducks his head. "…I'd like that, Ranko."

Ranko blushes too as the connotations of what she'd said occur to her, but she smiles anyway. "Then here's to a brighter future." She holds her glass up and he clinks it against hers. "Kanpai!"



Nodoka and Kasumi are wandering the house, looking at all of the work that'll need doing to put everything back to normal tomorrow and sighing slightly, though both have wide smiles on their faces.

Passed out in the family room, the other members of the family are in various places – Nabiki's against the wall, only lightly snoozing, a blush on her cheeks as she had been drinking some light beer someone had given her – or that she'd extorted.

Akane, Ranko and Ryouga are by the table, Ranko leaning on Ryouga while Akane leans on her. Ryouga is only partly asleep, but he's got a gentle smile on his face. Kasumi picks Nabiki's camera out from somewhere and snaps a photo.

Soun is sat on the engawa, looking out at the koi pond. He's not asleep, but brooding, and Kasumi knows he's missing his friend.

She feels a thread of anger at that but quashes it. Her father has the right to miss his friends, no matter how reprehensible they are.

The rest of the guests have made their way home except for Ukyou who they find in the kitchen washing the dishes. "Ukyou-chan, you don't have to…" Kasumi says and Ukyou smiles at her.

"Was getting' sick'a the cute display, Kasumi-san." She pointed at the family room. "Besides, this clears the old noggin'."

"It does help me think, too." Kasumi smiles. "How are you doing?"

"I'm… good." Ukyou says, sounding surprised. "I'm… I've got a family for the first time I can remember in a long time…"

Nodoka smiles as she exits the room to let the girls chat. She heads up to Ranko's room and looks about. She finds hints of Ranma everywhere. A few photos here and there, a lock of hair she recognises as Akane's given the very deep blue-black colour. Why would he have had that?

Some of Ranma's old clothes, Chinese silks and baggy pants. She sighs. She loves her daughter, but wouldn't have minded meeting Ranma just the once. As little baggage as she has compared to everyone, it feels like she's missed out on an entire life. One gone before she knew.

But Ranko's here, so she needn't worry, she reminds herself.

Instead she busies herself setting the room up for herself, Ranko and Ukyou to sleep, then heads to the other guest room to ready a futon for Ryouga. She smiles at the memory of him and Ranko sleeping there cutely, along with Akane.

Nodoka's glad Ranko sorted her issues with Akane out. She can tell it's not perfect, and Ranko's strange episodes she keeps having when approaching the Tendou house will need to be dealt with, but she's still happy her daughter has so many people who love her.

If only she could love herself, too. It's with a pang that Nodoka realises she's going to need to get Ranko to see a therapist at the very least. She doesn't like the idea, but Ranko's problems are just too great for her to fix alone. She resolves to look some local ones up when they return home.

Nodoka looks back on the past few days, the topsy-turvy way her life has flipped and breaks out in a smile. She has her baby back. She's free of any marriage obligations, and her daughter is… well, maybe not happy, but certainly getting there.

If only everyone else was as well as she was. People kept having to leave to talk to one another, and Nodoka suspects the hole that her son left in his passing will be there for a long time. Especially given that Ranko's here reminding them of it. Poor girl, just by existing she's tormenting people without wishing to.

It's one reason she's insistent on Ranko living with her, aside from wanting to be close to her daughter.

Still. Life, right now, is good. And she needs to make sure it stays that way.


The next day passes by in something of a flurry of activity. Ranko, Nodoka and Ryouga head home while Ukyou heads for Fuurinkan High.

Nodoka takes a detour with her two charges and enrolls them in Juuban Municipal High School, purchasing several uniforms for the two of them.

It's a complicated visit, made more complicated for Ranko by her having to demonstrate her curse for the teachers. She shudders the entire time she's forced to be a boy until her mother takes pity and pours the cold water on her, returning her to normal.

The shocked teachers agree to discuss her curse and request she let her class know of it straight away so as not to surprise anyone.

Ranko reluctantly agrees, though she's ashamed the whole time and the only thing stopping her from telling her mother that she doesn't want to come here is Ryouga's large hand taking hers and squeezing it gently. She draws strength and warmth into the ice ball in her chest and tries to stay strong while looking at the floor.

Once they're safely back home, Ranko tries on the seifuku for the high school, while Ryouga tries on his gakuran and the two walk down the stairs to show Nodoka, who smiles brightly and claps.

Ranko's uniform is a sailor-style top with wide collar, trimmed in blue, with a pleated blue skirt that goes to Ranko's knees. Ranko opts to wear black tights under the skirt rather than the white socks she'd seen other students wear, with black mary-janes on her feet.

Ryouga's gakuran is sans the jacket for now, given it's the summer term, but otherwise is fairly unremarkable as these things go. Ranko still thinks he looks very smart in it, though he's kept his bandanna in his hair.

Nodoka fusses with Ranko's bow and Ryouga's tie before smiling at the two of them. "Don't you two look just lovely." She comments, taking her own camera out. "Now, both of you stand there and I'll make sure to capture this."

The two try a few poses, the final picture being Ranko on her tiptoes giving Ryouga 'rabbit ears'. She's laughing while he's giving a fanged grin.

"Alright you two, go and put those away and get changed into some normal clothes. We'll have a guest tonight for dinner – she's going to be one of your schoolmates and lives nearby. I asked her mother to have her help you two settle in." Nodoka frowns and gives Ranko a sympathetic look. "I am afraid you might need to demonstrate your curse again, but only for a moment, dear."

Ranko sighs but nods understandingly. Starting off on the wrong foot with a new friend would be bad, as painful as being a boy is for the short times she is.

Both of them head upstairs and change again, Ryouga back into his tunic and trousers, and Ranko into one of her longer, more loose summer dresses. If she's going to have to demonstrate her curse it might as well be with something that isn't tight. She chooses one of her short bolero cardigans to go over the dress and ties her hair into a high bun so it's out of the way.

As Ranko heads to the kitchen to help her mother cook, Ryouga sits in the family room waiting until the doorbell goes and Nodoka shouts out. "Oh, Ryouga-kun, could you go and let her in? It'll be the green string to the front door."

After Ranko's strings upstairs proved a success for keeping the lost boy in the house without ending up in Hokkaido, Nodoka had set something a little more professional looking along the house, with colour-coded strings leading across walls.

The thoughtfulness her mother displayed with that warms Ranko's heart and she knows Ryouga was a little choked up by it.

The fanged boy makes his way to the genkan and opens the door to see a girl standing there with very light red, more strawberry blonde, hair up in a bow, but down to her shoulders. She has blue eyes and is wearing a yellow long-sleeve tee shirt with a green skirt, pale green tights and black mary-jane shoes.

"Good evening." She smiles at Ryouga. "I'm Osaka Naru, pleased to meet you. I'm here to see Saotome Nodoka-san?"

Ryouga bows. "Hibiki Ryouga, I'm pleased to meet you too, Osaka-san." He smiles and lets her in as she changes shoes and then follows the string back to the family room.

Nodoka emerges from the kitchen into the family room and smiles at Naru. "Hello, Naru-chan. Thank you for coming by."

"It's no problem, Saotome-san, I'm looking forwards to your cooking!" Naru giggles. Nodoka titters.

"It won't just be my cooking, dear." Nodoka says. "My daughter will be cooking too."

"Your… daughter?" Naru looks at Ryouga. "I thought he was your son…" Ryouga laughs.

"No, I'm just a friend of her daughter's, Osaka-san."

Nodoka smiles. "You'll meet her soon. I'd best get back to the kitchen. Please make yourself comfortable and dinner won't be long."

Naru looks at Ryouga, then at Nodoka's retreating back. She shrugs. "I thought Saotome-san had a son."

"No, she has a daughter." Ryouga says, shrugging. "I suspect Auntie asked you along to help us at school."

"Probably." Naru smiles at him. "Where was your last school anyway?"

"It's… Been some time." Ryouga admits. "I have a… very bad sense of direction, Osaka-san."

"Please, call me Naru if we're to be schoolmates!" Naru says. "Well, I don't see how bad it could.. be…" She looks at the complex string system dotting the walls of the otherwise traditional house. "…Oh."

Ryouga nods, going red. "Very bad sense of direction. I can… get lost anywhere. But Ranko, she…"

Naru perks up. "Ranko? Is that Saotome-san's daughter?"

Ryouga nods, face still red. "Yes, Saotome Ranko, she's my friend. We've known each other since middle school. We used to fight a lot but haven't lately."

Naru smiles at him knowingly, and he blushes more, but before they can say anything Nodoka calls them in for dinner.

Ryouga stands and determinedly follows Naru to eat.

Naru stops on the threshold of the dining room and sees Ranko standing there in her dress with an apron on, happily moving pots in between the counters and the low table.

Naru gives the redheaded girl a bow and Ranko smiles shyly at her. "Hello, you must be Osaka-san. Mother has told me about you." She bows. "I am Saotome Ranko, but please call me Ranko. I hope we can be friends."

Ranko looks at the floor a moment before Naru returns her bow again. "Hi Ranko-chan, I'm Osaka Naru, call me Naru!" She smiles. "And Saotome-san has told me very little about you so you start from a place of strength there!" She sits down at the table, followed by Ryouga.

Ranko nods and finishes putting the food on the table, then hangs her apron up.

As with the few times Naru's visited Nodoka, the food is excellent, though she finds some of it different due to Ranko having helped cook. The impression she gets of the girl is someone quiet and demure, though when Ryouga mentions something from before she has a nice laugh.

There's also a twinkle of mischief about the girl at times as she talks or remembers something. All in all, she's definitely Nodoka's daughter.

Once dinner is eaten and the dishes washed, they retreat to the family room. For some reason, Ranko brings in tea, but then another tray with two cups on it. One steams slightly, the other is cold.

"What are those for, Ranko-chan?" Naru asks. Ryouga doesn't look happy about something, and he hovers near Ranko protectively. Ryouga seemed a nice boy, a little shy, a little curt, but definitely fiercely protective of Ranko. She can't tell if they're going out or not, but won't pry.

"I… need to show you something before I go to school." She says, and there's a misery on her face Naru can't place.

"Oh?" Naru asks. "Surely it can't be that bad."

Nodoka straightens and gives Naru a soft smile. "Naru-chan, this is serious, and I'd like to ask you not to judge my daughter too harshly for this. But it's not really something that can be well-hidden if she gets splashed at school. More to the point, there is also Ryouga to consider," The boy flinches, "But I will let him explain afterwards."

Ranko holds the hot water cup and looks at Naru, and there's shame on her face. "I used to travel with my father around the world… He's a martial artist and was trying to teach me to be the best. We went to a spring named Jusenkyo, where I was cursed." She takes a breath and pours the hot water on herself. "As you can see." She says to the now-faint-looking Naru. "It isn't a very nice one. I turn into a boy if I get splashed with hot water." She pours the cold back on herself and returns to the petite, buxom redhead she had been before. "Cold returns me."

Naru's breathing quickened slightly and she spent a few moments hyperventilating with Nodoka rubbing her back before she was calm again. Ranko was looking at the floor, face miserable. "I'm sorry." The redhead says in a tone of pain. "I won't be able to keep it a secret… So people should know, and I need someone to corroborate."

Ryouga clears his throat. "Hers isn't really the worst." He gives Ranko a kind look as she nods in agreement. She gives him a questioning look and he sighs, then nods. "Might as well, Ranko. Gender's one thing… Species is another."

Ranko nods and returns with a new tray. She walks to Ryouga and holds the cup out. He nods at her, and Naru's eyes widen as he disappears into his clothing. A few moments a tiny black piglet in a bandanna snuffles out of the clothes, and Ranko promptly picks him up and cuddles him to herself. The pig looks happy enough, though Ranko isn't holding him as tightly as she had been before. She turns to Naru.

"My curse at least lets me stay human." She says. "Poor Ryouga is trapped like this. If you see him, we arranged with the faculty to take him to the nurse's office where there will be hot water and spare clothing for him until I can return his correct clothing. I'm happy to do so but I might not always be around."

Naru nods weakly. "I… see." She manages. "I'll… do what I can." She sounds faint and Nodoka pours her some tea to calm her down while Ranko takes Ryouga's clothes and the piglet into the kitchen with the glass.

There's a splash as she emerges, then a rustling, and a red-faced Ryouga joins Ranko at the low table.

Ranko looks at Naru, "I'm sorry, this must be very strange." She says.

Naru surprisingly shakes her head. "Not really, Juuban has some odd goings on. I'm used to strange."

Ryouga rubs the back of his head. "I'd… also appreciate the occasional navigational aid. I am not joking when I say how lost I can get."

Naru nods, while Ranko puts her hand on his arm. "I will be with him most of the time but there will be times I'm not able to be, so I would like him to have another friend to help him." She smiles sunnily at Ryouga, then turns to Naru, eyes downcast. "That is, if we're not imposing too much…"

Naru gives the shy girl a smile. "Not at all. Trust me, I have weirder friends than you."

Ranko smiles brightly at her fellow redhead.


The next morning dawns too quickly for Ranko to be entirely happy, and she plods to the bathroom to clean herself up for the day. Taking the time to have a hot shower as she really wants to be clean this morning, she laments the curse once again as the wrongness that pervades everything when she's in the form makes her feel like tearing her skin off.​

Once she's out of the shower, she's better when she splashes herself with cold water and returns to herself. Putting a towel around herself, she hums a moment and slides the door open, only to come across Ryouga doing the same.

Ranko blinks.

Ryouga blinks.

Both of them go beet red and apologise profusely, before Ranko actually starts giggling at the ridiculousness of the scene, making sure her towel is securely fastened. "I'm sorry, Ryouga, I forgot to put the sign up. That's my fault."

"No, no I should have checked."

"No I insist, it's my fault."

"I don't care whose fault it is." Ukyou interjects, looking annoyed, "Is this a queue to get warm or what?"

Ranko keeps blushing, but rushes out of the room to go and get dressed, missing the pat on the back Ukyou gives Ryouga and the guffaw she lets out once her new sister's fled to her room.

"I swear this happens to you guys way too often."

"No kidding." Ryouga says, still red. "At least she had a towel on and I'm still in my nightwear."

Ukyou snickers. "That's true." She shoves the lost boy forward. "Now get in and out, I need to get ready too."

Breakfast finds them downstairs, Ranko in her seifuku and both Ukyou and Ryouga in gakuran. Ranko's brushed her hair and put a hairband in it, but otherwise leaves it down.

"Gotta say, Ranchan, that uniform's cute as heck." Ukyou comments, smiling at her sister. Ranko blushes as Ryouga nods. "Not that your beefcake here ain't good lookin' either." It's Ryouga's turn to blush.

Nodoka smiles fondly at her little family and sighs in contentment. Then she sees the clock. "Ukyou, dear, if you want to get to Nerima you'll have to leave now."

Ukyou finishes her breakfast and stands up, slinging her battle spatula over her back. "Well guys, I'll be at the restaurant the next couple of days, so I'll see ya then. Give me a call if you need me, but I'm guessin' Juuban ain't quite as insane as Nerima when it comes to the school." She walks over, pats Ryouga's shoulder and gives both Ranko and Nodoka a kiss on the cheek before heading to the genkan to change her shoes, and from there out the door.

As she's leaving she lets in Naru, who bows to Nodoka and her charges. "Good morning. I thought we might start early so Ranko can remember the way home."

Ranko smiles at Naru, echoing her good morning. The girl looked smart in her uniform, though she was wearing short white socks. Ranko looks at her tights and back up. "Um…. Are tights allowed?"

"Of course, Ranko-chan, socks and hosiery are the only items allowed to be different. Why, some girls make it a competition to come in with the prettiest socks."

Ranko nods and smiles happily. "I'll stay with my tights thank you." She says, standing up and embracing her mother. "We'll get going now, Mother." She kisses Nodoka on the cheek. "See you later."

Nodoka rises, picking her camera out. "Come on, dear, just the one this morning of all three of you. For the scrapbook?"

Ranko smiles and moves next to Ryouga, and motions to Naru who joins her. The three mug a little for the camera on some photos and finally Nodoka's satisfied with four different ones. "Thank you, dears." She says, then embraces Ranko, kissing her daughter's forehead. "Have a good day." She says, before walking to Ryouga and surprisingly, hugging him as well as kissing his cheek. The poor lost boy is left blushing and stammering by the end of it, but she lets him go and smiles kindly. "And you too, Ryouga dear. Don't get lost now."

"I won't, Auntie." He promises and follows the other two out of the door to the first day at the new school.
OK now I've got Vegas Rules on the way to caught to where I want to get to I'm now working on the next chapter for Changeling, looking at hopefully being done by the end of the weekend though I'm going to make an effort tomorrow evening after work to finish this next chapter as it'll be partly first day of school and partly finding out just what Ranma did to himself.

Currently about 2.5K words into what I'm looking at probably being ~5.5K update!
Chapter 12 - Arms Open Wide
Chapter 12!

Doctor Who references among a whole bunch of others, and some familiar faces from Vegas Rules too!

Chapter 12 – Arms Open Wide

Breathe, breathing serenity,
Into the aura that surrounds me,
With arms open wide I feel light flowing through,
Embracing this calling that I never knew.
The whispering of the trees sounds a name,
Awaken the hum of life again.

-Arms Open Wide by Zircon


When they reach the gates of Juuban Municipal High School, Ranko finds herself subconsciously preparing for some kind of altercation. She remains tense the entire time they walk through the gates and only realises halfway to their classroom that she'd been expecting Kunou Tatewaki to be at the gate, proclaiming his love for her and Akane.

She giggles to herself and Ryouga looks over. "Kunou." She says, snickering and he nods understandingly.

"Yeah I thought it was weird not to have him waiting there like a bad omen for the day." He comments. Naru looks between them.


Ranko giggles again. "An upperclassman at my old school. He was obsessed with myself and my friend Akane and would always accost us. It got so routine, walking into school this morning without him being uncouth and ungentlemanly felt a little strange."

Naru 'hmm's a moment. "I suppose that is one way that Nerima is weirder than Juuban then." She says, shrugging. "Ah, here we are."

They enter the class to find not many people there yet. Ranko looks nervously around, sticking close to Ryouga who looks just as nervous. Right, he's not been to actual school proper since… Well probably since middle school when they fought. She pats his arm gently and walks in further, some of the others in the room looking at the redhead and lost boy curiously, but not saying anything.

Naru approaches a girl with long blonde hair hanging in two long tails from odango, who currently is sprawled out across her desk from her chair, eyes shut and groaning as Naru talks to her.

"Good morning, Usagi-chan!" She says brightly, and the apparently-named-Usagi groans again.

"Naru-chan, not so loud, I've been up all night."

"Oh, your magical girl thing?" Naru asks, still brightly. Usagi raises her head and glares.

"No, not my 'magical girl thing'." Usagi replies with what sounds like long-suffering denial of a particularly insane friend. "I was playing a new shooter and forgot the time. Then it was five AM and Mom was yelling at me."

Ranko hovers nearby and Usagi looks at her and Ryouga, then back at Naru. "New friends?" She asks.

Ranko bows. "I am Saotome Ranko, pleased to meet you." She says, trying to be polite. Usagi gives her a smile and nods.

"Hibiki Ryouga." Ryouga says bashfully and Ranko scowls slightly for just a second, though it's long enough for both Naru and Usagi to see. They give each other a knowing glance and then Usagi nods to him too.

"Pleased to meet you both. Now, please let me sleep. My grades are bad enough without sleeping in class." Her head hits the desk with an audible thunk. Ranko winces.

Naru shakes her head. "She'll sleep through the class as well." She stage-whispers.

"I heard that."

"Well, I mean you will, Usagi-chan, don't tell me you won't!"

Ranko and Ryouga share a glance at the bickering, shake their heads and head to the front of the class to wait for the teacher. Ranko sees the glances being cast their way and tries to look anywhere but at everyone else.

When the teacher enters, he indicates them and asks them to introduce themselves. Ranko looks down shyly while Ryouga does his usual hovering-protectively thing. Ranko can hear the whispers.

"She's cute."

"Never mind her, look at him! Mmm!"

"Hibari, is it just everything with a pulse or is that not even a problem?"

"Another one with a weird hair colour."

"What's the betting she's a magical girl?"

"Enough with that, you're obsessed, Naru."

"I'm tellin' you man, they're real."

"I'd hope those things are real!"

"Kensuke shut up about boobs for one second."

"Actually I second that-"

"No one asked you, Hibari!"

The teacher sighs long-sufferingly, sparing the two a commiserating and sympathetic look. Then he raps his desk and clears his throat. The room goes silent.

Ranko steps forward and bows. "I-I'm Saotome Ranko, pleased to meet you all. Ah, we just transferred from Fuurinkan High. I will say to start with that I have a horrible curse that turns me into a boy when I am splashed with hot water. Please don't judge me too harshly; it's very uncomfortable."

Murmurs and whispers abound at her admittance and she looks up, expecting recrimination or disbelief, but the boys in the class just look confused, while the girls look sympathetic. And none of them seem to believe her either.

Ranko pulls a flask from her bag and dumps the water on her head, assuming her male form. She closes her eyes as the wrongness hits, and the murmurs become outright talking as she pours the cold water back on herself and closes the flasks tight. She grips her hands together, knuckles white and tears standing out in her eyes.

"I am sorry if this makes you uncomfortable."

The teacher sighs as Ranko steps back and looks anywhere but at the rest of the class, shame on her face again. She'd hoped that she wouldn't have to demonstrate, but her mother had said it would eventually come out and it'd be better to have it in the open.

Ryouga steps forward and bows, though less politely than Ranko did. "I'm Hibiki Ryouga, I have a similar curse but it's cold water that turns me into a piglet. For obvious reasons I'm not going to demonstrate, but please, if you do find me around, take me to the nurse's office so I can change back." He frowns as Ranko looks at him and nods, not liking what he has to do next. "I also have a second curse – my sense of direction is very, very poor. I tend to get lost easily, so if you do find me getting lost on the way I would appreciate the help getting to where I need to. Thank you."

He steps back and the teacher assigns them seats near the still semi-comatose Usagi and the chirpy Naru.

Ranko doesn't talk to anyone, simply paying attention in her lessons. She's going to do better in this school. A lady doesn't do poorly, and her mother asked her to try her hardest.

It's when the lunch bell rings that the cacophony starts. A load of the boys congregate around Ryouga, while the girls swarm about Ranko.

"Ne, Saotome-san does it hurt to change?"

"That was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen, and we live in Juuban. I mean we get freakin' magical girls in short skirts and that was by far weirder."

"What's it like being a boy sometimes?"

Ranko looks at her desk. "U-um. The transformation doesn't hurt, it's l-like a tingle. But being a boy hurts really bad, like my skin is c-crawling. I'm sorry that I'm weird."

The girls look at each other as they see her obvious misery with the form and the leader speaks up; a brunette with her hair in twintails. "Don't you worry, Saotome-san, we'll make sure no one bullies you about it. Thank you for being so upfront, I know it can't be easy."

Ranko looks up, shocked, and the brown-haired girl gives her a grin. "I don't mind having cold showers in the locker room, either, until you can get it sorted, though if you could before winter that'd be nice!"

The other girls giggle and nod, introducing themselves and Ranko smiles warmly at them all, being drawn into the chatter.

"…Your hair is so nice, Ranko-chan! What dye do you use?"

"O-oh, it's n-natural…" Ranko says. One of the girls giggles.

"I suppose we'll find out in gym if you're telling the truth!"

Ranko goes red as the brunette, Emi, elbows her compatriot, a girl with black hair in a bob. "Reina, let the poor girl alone, she's shy."

"Is Ryouga your boyfriend? A-grade hunk material there!" A girl with bleach-blonde hair. Hibari, Ranko remembers. She'd been eyeing both Ranko and Ryouga "Because if he ain't I'm havin' that! Or You! I ain't picky!"

"U-um… W-well I…"

"Hibari!" Emi scolds. "Don't make the moves on the new kids before everyone else gets a chance!"

Hibari settles down, pouting, and Ranko sighs. At least it's not Kunou and Hibari seems nice, if intense?

A slightly rounded girl with brown hair in a pageboy cut smiles at Ranko. "Hi, I'm Ogata Rei."

"Hello." Ranko smiles back. The girl giggles and motions to the others around her.

"If they ever get too much, I know a few hidey-holes. Especially Hibari – watch out for her, she's relentless!" Rei giggles and Ranko looks to the blonde who rolls her eyes.

"Yeah well…"

"Don't you 'yeah, well' me, Hibari!"

Hibari rubs her head and shrugs. "Sorry Rei."

Ranko watches the two of them bicker good-naturedly for a moment as a boy sits nearby. He and Rei look almost identical and he grins.

"Ogata Kippei. Rei's twin brother." He says, introducing himself. "The boys are giving your friend the usual grilling, but I'd rather talk over here where it's easier and less about testosterone. Not that I mind testosterone, but sometimes I get tired of hearing about boobs and butts."

Ranko blushes, but laughs. "I see. I hope he's making a good impression."

"Well, I'd bet they're yanking his arm about his entrance with you."

Ranko smiles at Kippei. "Ryouga-kun can take it, he's almost impossible to hurt."

Her hands wring as she remembers the scratches she'd left on him when she was out of her mind, but she shakes her head and looks over.

Over by Ryouga, he's being accosted by the boys. Like with Ranko, he's expecting recrimination and ostracization for his curses, but the guys seem to be more commiserating.

"Man, you look tough! Must suck to turn into a tiny pig."

"Um… yeah. It does. Add it to getting lost and…"

"Yeah man, I can imagine. We've got your back anyway." A boy with spiked black hair grins easily, clapping an arm around Ryouga. It's difficult given Ryouga's size comparitively.

Ryouga smiles. "Well, even as a pig I'm still pretty tough. Have to be when you don't know whether the next corner will be Cairo or Sapporo."

"And how are you with that cutie there?" One of the boys, a slightly heavyset one with a bowl-cut points to Ranko, who's smiling as she talks to the other girls swarming about her – no longer looking overloaded, but happy. He smiles to himself. "Hey! Earth to Hibiki, you're catchin' flies!"

Ryouga starts and looks over, blushing slightly. "…Sorry. I just gotta watch out for her. She's had a rough time recently."

"Well," Another says, looking between them, "Sucks that a cute new transfer student came in with her boyfriend all ready. Here we were ready to ask her for a date and everything."

Ryouga clears his throat. "We're not dating." Yet. "So, I mean, ask away I guess?"

"Really, man, you're sure?"

Ryouga shrugs. It isn't like he thinks she'll say yes to any of them. He should really follow everyone's advice at some point, though. Plus, maybe it'll help her self-confidence return a little to know people like how she looks?

He still thinks he'd do better but he's still processing his feelings.

And so their first day goes. Ranko finds it odd how quickly she and Ryouga slip into the school. And she's warmed by the regard of her classmates for the both of them. There'd already been a couple of incidents for Ryouga involving water when she hadn't been nearby, and they'd been dealt with nice and quickly. For herself, hot water tended to be more difficult to attract, so she's had no inconvenient splashes, and during gym her classmates indeed have cold showers.

She's surprised that, at the end of the day, when Naru wanders by her desk and asks if she had a good day, she's answering in the positive. Fuurinkan always had something crazy happening, but this feels…

Well, it feels normal, if normal is having a school day where people treat you kindly and not like a freak show. Even Ryouga seems happy as the two of them walk home with Naru and a still-sleepy Usagi who seems not to really notice the world around her and keeps bumping into things.

After they've split off from their two new friends, Ranko looks up at the sky with a smile. "That was a good day." She says softly to Ryouga, who nods.

"Not what I expected."

"No. But I'm happy. No one mocked us or splashed us on purpose and everyone was very nice." Ranko's smile widens. "I'm glad. I was worried it would be like Fuurinkan, but I suppose they're a little stricter here. I suppose they must have a better community spirit or something."

Ryouga nods again and the two carry on home in a companionable silence only broken as they call out their greetings to Nodoka.


"Ah." Cologne smiles as Ranko makes her way into the Nekohanten on her own, a week or so later on a warm Saturday afternoon. Ryouga stays behind as Ranko had been told to come on her own, though it obviously rubbed him the wrong way. Shampoo beams, too and even Mousse cracks a smile at her, even if he is looking at a nearby wall. "Hello there, child."

Ranko smiles at Cologne. "Hello, great-grandmother." She says politely, eliciting a smile from the elder.

"I see you didn't waste time. Did you come straight from school?" Cologne asks and Ranko nods.

"Yes, I had my friend Osaka-san take Ryouga home."

Shampoo whistles at Ranko. "That a pretty uniform, Ranko, not frumpy like Fuurinkan one!"

Ranko gives a twirl and smiles for Shampoo. "I never wore a seifuku before, though I do like the dress of Fuurinkan even if it's a bit boring."

"Well, Ranko make anything look good. Is not fair…" Shampoo grins at her teasingly. "Could make silly ribbon-girl's leotards look good, unlike silly ribbon-girl herself." She sticks her tongue out at Ranko. "Remind Shampoo to get Xiǎo mèi mèi more clothes like Shampoo's."

"I will." Ranko giggles and then turns back to Cologne. "What did you want to see me about, great-grandmother?"

Cologne makes a motion for Ranko to follow her into the back and Ranko does while Cologne yells at the two teens in Mandarin to get on with keeping the place running.

Following cologne, Ranko wonders what this is about until they enter a study and Cologne takes a seat heavily, putting a book down, but not opening it as Ranko sits on a rickety chair.

Cologne makes a few gestures with her hands and looks at Ranko. "I see you're still festering a little inside." She says sharply. "But," She sighs, "Not as badly as before. Be careful, child, because if you let it go too far you will hurt yourself physically. Especially with soul of ice training."

Ranko nods and looks down. "I'm sorry, grandmother, it's difficult to keep it at bay. Mother has me going to a… therapist. To talk."

"Good." Cologne says approvingly. "Your mother has an excellent head on her shoulders. A mind-healer can only help. I don't understand your culture's disgust with people who need them."

Ranko blinks and nods. "Okay." Cologne's blithe acceptance and tacit approval actually soothes her worries about shaming her mother. If a proud elder such as Cologne approves, it must be a good thing.

Cologne smiles at Ranko. "Good girl. I knew you had a good head on your shoulders. Make sure your friend Akane goes with you."

"I do, grandmother." Ranko promises. "What is the book?"

Cologne looks at her. "I found what you… the old you, did." She opens the book. "This is a book of spells designed to use your own chi. I'm not sure how he found out about it, but when I'd thought about it, this was obvious. And… once I found the right page…" She flips through the book and comes to a specific page. "I found these." She holds up several hairs, five black and seven red. "On this page, after all this happened? No coincidence."

Ranko shifts. "What did we do?"

Cologne eyes her. "'We', child?"

Ranko looks curious and then blinks. "…Why did I say 'We'?"

"Because of this. This is called the Regeneration Spell. I think the original researcher was a western science fiction fan; it's not a very old spell."

Ranko blinks. Something hits her subconscious, something she'd watched with Nabiki once. She shakes her head. "What… does it do?" She asks.

Cologne clasps her hands. "Like its name, it 'regenerates' you. I think the researcher was inspired by an old television program where a character turns into someone else when they get killed. It takes your chi, your aura and effectively makes you a blank slate. More or less; no one is truly a blank slate with memories. What it does is gives you the choice to become someone else, when a specific trigger is activated."

Ranko cocks her head to one side. "…A trigger like a head injury?"

"Hoho, you are a clever girl. Yes, child, just like that. It's a difficult spell to pull off – at that moment, at that point your old self, and the new self must be in agreement. And if there is any regret on the old self, they come back if it is within a few days."

Ranko blinks. "S-so I'm… a replacement?" She asks, looking down, voice thick. "Just… someone new?"

Cologne smiles kindly at the girl. "Child, Ranma chose to become you. And he didn't have any regrets, so he approves. The old self stays there for a short while, whispering and watching."

Ranko looks up. "Can't you bring him back then?"

"It's too late, I'm afraid." Cologne says sadly. "There will be but the barest traces of him there now, disappearing into the light of your soul as you settle into that body."

Ranko squeezes her eyes shut. A memory assaults her, a focus and a conversation she can't quite remember that was held somewhere not quite real.

"I-I… I don't know… Why w-w-would he do that?"

Cologne looks at her not unkindly. "Dear child, only you can answer that. Besides," She chuckles, "After the work we've all put into you this past week or so? No thank you, dear, I'll take you over your egotist former self any day."

Ranko blushes. "Th-thank you, great-grandmother." Ranko looks at the spell, reads what little she can with her minimal mandarin. "Wait, how did he know how to do the spell properly, great-grandmother? Neither of us could read Mandarin well."

Cologne turns the page and there's a translation into Japanese. "I thought that until this. And finally," The old woman turns the pages more and settles on a spell that states it's a companion. She puts a small bag on the book with five 500-yen coins in it. "And he left these. Look at them with your chi sense."

Ranko peers and then starts. It's her chi. Or rather, it's Ranma's chi. Cologne nods. "This is his chi, saved in the coins... Why?"

"Indeed. As to why, this is a companion spell to the Regeneration spell." Cologne says. She smiles at Ranko. "It allows you to bring him out or talk to him. Each coin is a set amount of time. He's also left you this." Cologne puts a letter down, addressed to 'Ranma or Whoever Is Ranma" in Ranma's old messy writing.

Ranko starts. "…It seems like he planned this. A lot of this. Why?"

"Again, dear child, only you can answer that. No one uses this spell lightly."

Ranko squirms. "…What if he doesn't like me?"

"The chance for the old self to come back is minimal, and he has to want it. So do you." Cologne says gently. "You're here to stay."

Ranko takes the coins and the letter and puts them away in her book bag. She looks down, wringing her hands. "Thank you for showing me, great-grandmother. I'm sorry to have caused such a fuss."

A pair of elderly arms encircle the sitting girl and she's shocked to find the diminutive elder hugging her gently. "Dear child, you're not causing a fuss, your old self is. And I suspect he had his reasons. He never did anything without one."

Ranko hugs Cologne back, the warmth of the elderly woman helping calm her nerves.

"The choice whether to talk to him or not is yours. He's likely giving you the choice to hear his explanation." Cologne says in her ear. "If you don't, then simply put the coins away somewhere and don't use them. The choice is all yours"

Cologne smiles as she returns to her desk. "Now, I know you've had a busy week. Please indulge an old lady and tell me some of it; I miss the girls gossiping back home."

Ranko beams at the elder and launches into an explanation. How nice it is to go to a school where everyone treats her as normal. How nice it is to see Ryouga making friends, warming up to people. She'd always been worried about him, even when she was Ranma – he seemed so lonely, but having friends, even if they could be a little… overt… warmed her heart and made it flutter.

She tells Cologne how lovely it is that everyone in the school seems to have her back, and Ryouga's. Anytime there has been an incident someone is on hand either with hot or cold water as needed or to take Ryouga to the nurse's office to change back.

She tells Cologne about the friends she's made – Naru and the ever-sleepy Usagi, Kippei and Rei who seem intent on her showing them some moves. The two of them are apparently somewhat obsessed with martial arts. She talks about how Hibari keeps flirting with both of them, her and Ryouga and while it makes her blush, it's always meant in a friendly manner.

She tells her of the evenings where Akane comes over, or the few times she's managed to make it to the Tendou home, though she still needs help getting in. She talks about the therapy they've been going to.

"It's nice, great-grandmother." Ranko finishes, warmly smiling. "Just… I get to be a normal girl, with normal friends. No insane martial arts duels, no Kunou waiting to pounce on me, no one glomping me or grabbing me or treating me like a toy." She sniffles and rubs her eyes. "I'm just… really happy. Everything's going so well..."

Cologne clasps her hands together and passes a tissue over. "It's alright, child, you can cry when you're happy, too. I'm pleased you've found a place. Especially with your mother – as you can imagine, the bond between mother and daughter is somewhat sacred to my people."

Ranko nods and wipes her eyes, then smiles. "I would think so." She turns serious. "What do you think I should do with the coins, great-grandmother?"

"That, child, is your choice. But perhaps think on this – if he made them, he might not have made them for you, but everyone else. For closure. Read his letter, I haven't, but I bet he'll say the same. He always was a kind boy, even if he had an ego the size of a barn."

Ranko giggles. "He did, didn't he. Sometimes I wish… I could have half his confidence. I don't feel confident at all…" She shrinks on herself. "My therapist says it's because I was treated so poorly as I was 'forming' after the accident."

Cologne nods. "I would judge that likely, too. But you must look to yourself with more care, Ranko. You are a wonderful young lady. Respectful to your elders, friendly to everyone, forgiving of slights and you have that same kindness that Ranma had. Maybe a little more." The elder's eyes glitter at her intently as Ranko blushes more and more, but Cologne then sighs. "But the damage was done, and only a mind-healer will really help you overcome it." Ranko nods morosely. She opens her mouth. Then she closes it. "Something else, child?"

Ranko wrings her hands again. "…Can you teach me pressure points, great-grandmother?" She asks.

"Hm? Child, you already know many."

"Yes, but they're… for combat. I want… I'd like to become a Doctor." Ranko says, "A-and I know you know many of the medical ones… I'm going to talk to Doctor Toufu but you're so wise I thought… you might be able to teach me some, too."

Cologne inspects Ranko a moment, then chuckles. "I see the maker of the spell wasn't the only one inspired by that television show." She shakes her head. "Child, I would be happy to. You would be better studying under your doctor but there are points you can use that only my people know."

Ranko looks up, beaming. "Yes! Thank you, great-grandmother!"

Cologne smiles at her. "You're welcome, child. But do you think you have it in you to study so hard? Your older self was not stupid but certainly unfocused."

Ranko nods. "Yes. I am. More than anything else I want to help people. Make them feel better. I don't know if I want to be a physical doctor or someone who helps people… like me." She shivers, looking ashamed a moment, but schools her expression again. "Or perhaps both, but I would like to be someone who makes people better."

Cologne looks fondly over at the girl. "I'm sure you'll be fine."


Ranko closes her eyes as she crosses the genkan to the Tendou house; Kasumi holding her hand and drawing her in, giving her a quick hug.

"It's fine, Ranko-chan, you're in. My, I've not seen your uniform before; that's very cute."

Ranko looks up at her honorary big sister and beams. "Isn't it? I never thought I'd ever get to wear a proper seifuku, the Fuurinkan uniform is nice, but so boring!"

Kasumi smiles as Ranko follows her; the two chatting. As close as Ranko and Akane are, Kasumi and she have more crossover in their interests now, too. Especially as Ranko's found she really likes to cook.

Whenever she's at the Tendou household these days she's trying to help Kasumi as much as she can, as well, to give the older girl a break. Though Kasumi certainly doesn't approve of her vegetable slicing methods (a holdover from Ranma, she muses, but one she at least enjoys, even if it makes Kasumi a little faint and people in her home economics class raise their eyebrows a little).

"Ranko!" Akane bounds to her feet and rushes the redhead, grabbing her in a hug and beaming. "Daddy sparred with me today and he hit me!" The short haired girl bounces in place.

"He hit you?" Ranko echoes. "How is that a… Oooooh!" She bounces with Akane a moment. "Congratulations!"

"He said he was 'impressed by my fortitude'." Akane says proudly and Ranko beams.

"Good for you, Akane!" She lets go and looks about. "Is he here?"

"He's cleaning himself up. It's really nice; I've not seen him look so alive for years." Akane bubbles.

"Good. I wasn't lying when I told him he had a good heir as it was." Ranko sits at the table as Kasumi brings in a tray of lemonade.

It's a few hours later, and Ranko's watching the koi in the pond jump a few times, their silver and red bodies glistening. Both her and Akane have retired to the engawa to watch the sunset, and they're half dozing, leaning on one another. Nabiki sits herself down nearby, to Ranko's surprise, and starts talking to her about nothing in particular.

As usual, the mercenary girl has a snack to hand, though Ranko's surprised when she holds out two other ice creams for Akane and Ranko to take, which they do gratefully with this heat. Kasumi sits down with one herself, and the four girls sit in a companionable silence for a while. Ranko half-drowses on Akane's shoulder until she remembers the coins in her book bag.

"Um…" She says, trying to think how to word it. "I have… a q-question."

"What is it, Ranko?" Akane asks, yawning.

"It's… an o-odd one. So p-please hear me o-out."

"Alright." Nabiki says, stretching and looking over. Kasumi notes Ranko's discomfort and puts a hand over the smaller girl's, interlacing their fingers.

"I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think." She says gently.

Ranko nods and looks up at the sun, which dips below the wall. "I-if you were given the option for… some c-closure with Ranma… w-would you take it? To s-see him again, e-even if it's for a short t-t-time?"

Akane moves as if zapped with electricity. "Y-you aren't thinking of going away?!" She exclaims. "No, you can't!"

"Akane…" Kasumi warns. "She asked us to listen to her."

Akane shuts up and looks down, putting her arm about Ranko gently. "Sorry, Ranko. You know me."

Ranko's actually warmed by Akane's reaction. It shows she cares for Ranko. "It's fine, Akane. I do. No I… visited great-grandmother today and she told me… what he… I…. We, I suppose. What we did to ourselves. Myself. Uuuugh." She scrunches up her face. "It's complicated."

"With you it always is." Nabiki quips.

"Y-yes, well…" Ranko looks down. Then she tells them what Cologne had told her, of the spell and the accompanying one. "S-so I could… bring him back for a d-day. Maybe. I need to read his note but… I just wondered."

Akane picks at her skirt and then looks up. "I…"

Nabiki shrugs. "I mean… If we're gonna be candid, Ranko, it's hard to deal with loss. And it's not your fault, but I can't deny that seeing you here can be… a little painful, I guess." Ranko winces and looks down. "I told you it's not your fault!" She snaps. "Don't blame yourself, blame that idiot Ranma for forcing you into this situation."

Ranko sighs softly. "I'm sorry for bringing it up… I just… I don't know what to do."

Akane and her sisters look at one another, then Akane squeezes Ranko close to her. "Ranko, of course I'd love to see Ranma once more. Even if it's just to… say goodbye. I don't know about my sisters but I could do with some damned closure. That idiot caused a lot of trouble, and I want the explanation from his own dumb mouth."

Ranko shivers. "Please no malleting, Akane…" She says. "Even if it's him, I don't heal like him."

Akane smiles. "I won't. But like Cologne said, the choice is yours. If you don't want to, then don't. We're all big girls here. We'll survive. We'll heal. That's how life is."

Kasumi squeezes Ranko's hand again. "Ranma-kun was a nice boy. Most of the time, and very kind, but I've said my goodbyes. It would be nice to see him one more time, but for me it isn't necessary. But I would like to say, Ranko-chan, thank you for considering all of us."

Ranko blushes. "I'll read his note and see what it says. And… maybe I will give him the opportunity. I have to think about it."

"Don't rush yourself." Akane says. "We all love you, you know that? Regardless of what that idiot did, you're here now, and we love you, so don't beat yourself up for his idiocy, okay?"

Ranko nods and smiles. "I don't know what I did to deserve such lovely sisters." She closes her eyes, expecting a rebuke for calling them that. "I-if that's… okay to s-s-s-s-say…"

"Oh, Ranko-chan…" Kasumi says, smiling at her. "You are our sister." Nabiki nods, and Akane just nods and holds her close.

The four of them stay on the engawa, watching the moon rise and the koi jump, again in that companionable silence. Soun joins them after cleaning up, but he too says nothing, just sits nearby.

Ranko feels like part of a family here, as much as she does at home. She feels blessed by the people she knows, that she has so many friends and family here who all treat her as a person now. Soun gives her a fatherly smile as she looks at him, and nods.

Kasumi suggests she stays the night after that, as it's very late and the trains back to Juuban have long since stopped. Ranko accepts and she finds herself on a futon in the guest bedroom, staring at the sealed envelope with Ranma's writing on it.

She shakes it and something rattles inside; a large coin.

Sighing, she finally gives in and opens the letter. The coin drops out and she notices it isn't yen but a koban, or at least something mocked up to look like a koban. It feels warmer to her than the other coins, more vivid in its aura.

Then she unfolds the letter.

Hi Me. Or the me that will be there if I do the thing with the thing.

I hope you're doing good and that Pop ain't doing too many bad things to you.

We need to talk, if this has happened. I need to explain to you why I did it. And what better way than in person?

I set the spell so there is a portion of me there in the back until you use the second spell, but you can talk to me through the coin.

It'll be in dreams, but you'll remember them.

All ya gotta do is fall asleep with the coin against your heart, ain't it simple? Guess modern spell makers like it quick rather than complex!

I hope you ain't too mad at me.

See you soon!

-Saotome Ranma

The letter's in his old messy scrawl and Ranko smiles softly to herself. Her own handwriting is neat and precise, which she finds strange given they're using the same hands. She wonders if it's her generally calmer nature or something else – either way it's one way for her to prove to herself that she is someone else and not just a jibakurei. Her therapist tells her it's good to focus on their differences to keep herself in mind.

She sniffles as she rereads the note and then curls up, the coin against her heart.


She's walking through the Tendou grounds to the koi pond. Is she awake or dreaming now? She can't tell, it feels so real.

There's a figure by the pond; red silk top, drawstring pants. Bare feet, and he's tall; taller than she likely ever will be. She knows she's dreaming at least as she comes up to stand near him. He's staring at the pond.

She looks down. Against one of the rocks she sees herself, face at the moment of impact. She winces and rubs her head. That had hurt.

The figure standing by the pond turns around and Ranko finds herself face-to-face with a familiar cocky grin. She gasps as she takes in the pigtail and black hair, the blue eyes and Chinese silk shirt. The defined muscles and the easy grace with which he holds himself.

"Y-you are here." She whispers.

"Hey there, Ranko." Says Saotome Ranma. "Good to meet'cha."


See if you can tell me the references!

I couldn't help myself with the VR ones, though I think Rei and Kippei might be less enthusiastic than for Vegas Rules Ranko since she's not so much of a martial artist here.

At least not until her mother may teach her some of her path~

Next time! Meeting Ranma, talking it over, closure and new beginnings!
I am... Unsure as to how I feel about this development.

I think that however this proceeds it will be well-written and entertaining but treating them so completely as two separate people rather than one person becoming another just... Doesn't sit right with me for some reason. I can't explain why. Sorry.
I am... Unsure as to how I feel about this development.

I think that however this proceeds it will be well-written and entertaining but treating them so completely as two separate people rather than one person becoming another just... Doesn't sit right with me for some reason. I can't explain why. Sorry.

I'm sorry :(

I'm trying to get it across that there's a lot more going on in it, especially since it's not really either way - it's a little column A and a little column B. Maybe I should've finished the scene with them talking; it's fleshing that out a bit more.
...given that's the only comment I've had since I've posted I think I'm going to redraft otherwise it's just going to intrusive thoughts me the whole time and that's just not fun.

Edit: I'll leave it as-is for now as I think the next chapter explains how it's not entirely the case. I think I had a brain melt day for no reason, which... happens unfortunately.

Sorry to whinge like that :(
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Having blown through this and Vegas Rules in the past two days, I think it's more or less okay that there's a bit of distinction between Ranma and Ranko here. There are parts of Ranko that are Ranma, and there are parts of Ranko that aren't - or as close as they can come to not being Ranma.

(Also, from a writing fiction sense, I find it very interesting that Changeling and Vegas Rules are both about two different aspects of transition, and a clear separation between Ranma and Ranko here only helps with that.)