Chakra: The RPG: Leaf-nin Edition

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"Alright, I'm going to give you one more chance, but I'm going to make it much harder on you."...
Game Start!


Armed and Ready
"Alright, I'm going to give you one more chance, but I'm going to make it much harder on you." Kakashi said, fully turning to face the three depressed Genin-hopefuls. "You'll have 3 hours to get the bell, eat lunch now to build up strength, but! Naruto doesn't get any. It's your punishment for trying to eat by yourself." He explained over the bound Prankster's groans of protest. "And if anyone tries to feed him, that person immediately fails." Came the cautionary tone.

"Ah." Naruto mutters in resignation. 'I know he's just punishing me for breaking the rules, but damnit! I haven't been able to afford any groceries besides Instant Ramen for a week now & as much as I love the stuff, even I know it's not good to survive on. Oh well! I've gone longer...'

Sasuke looked at his would-be-Sensei in contemplation. "Hmph…" 'Something feels off here. Kakashi JUST said teamwork was the key to this test. So why is he going back on that and excluding Naruto? Unless…'

"I make the rules, you follow, got it?" Was Kakashi's final warning as he vanished behind the typical smoke-cloud of the Shunshin. Leaving Sasuke & Sakura to pick up their bento boxes.

Just as they started eating, Naruto's stomach started rumbling. "This is no big problem, I can go without eating for days, for weeks! Believe it! This is no big deal!" He proclaimed to reassure both the others and himself.

Sasuke glanced at his teammate's resigned form and sighed, holding out his bento reluctantly. "Here." He begrudgingly offered in reply to the orange-clad pre-teen's shocked face.

"Wha?! No, Sasuke, you can't do that, you heard what the Sensei said!..." Sakura frantically reminds her crush.

"Kakashi's gone, we need to get those bells as a team." Sasuke countered, going on to explain. "If Naruto's hungry, he'll be weak and ineffective, that hurts the team and jeopardises the mission."

Looking down at her own bento in thought, Sakura wonders. 'That makes sense, but wouldn't the same go for Sasuke as well? I'm the only one here who can run properly on so little food. Should I offer mine instead?' Giving a nod of resolution, she presents her box over Sasuke's.

Now thoroughly shocked at both of them offering to feed him, Naruto could only stutter out in shame. "E-Even if I wanna eat, I can't, I'm tied up remember?"

At this, Sakura growls. "Grr! Okey, I'll feed you, but remember Naruto, this is a one time thing, understand?!" while saying this, she was gathering a clump of rice to offer.

"Yeah, totally Sakura, don't worry!" Naruto assured her gratefully. Opening his mouth to take the proffered bite.

No sooner did he swallow, that a massive gale exploded in front of them, heralding the re-arrival of Kakashi who seems quite angry. "YOU!" he roars, causing all three students to recoil. "You broke the rules, I hope you're ready for the punishment." after running through 3 hand-seals a heavy storm materialises above them all. "Any last words?"

Even though he's shaking in fear, Naruto manages to force a reply. "You said there was three of us! That's why Sakura & Sasuke helped me out! Despite your dumb plots!"

Here, Sasuke takes over. "We're all on this team, and we're all in it together."

Finally, Sakura adds her two cents. "Yeah, that's right! We gave our lunch to him because the three of us are one!"

"The three of you are one? That's your excuse?" Kakashi asks, stalking forward to cast an ominous shadow over the three. When no one rejects the claim, his uncovered eye crinkles in happiness as the summoned storm fades. "Good you three are the first to really get my message about teamwork; 'those who abandon the mission are trash, but those who abandon their teammates are worse than trash.' So, congratulations I guess, you all pass."


The moment the words passes his lips, a chime rings out from nowhere & strange screens made purely of light appear, one for each of the four.

You have completed the Route Ignition Quest:
{Squad Up!}
As such, The {Ninja} Route has been locked in.]

[Team 7 has been formed.]

[Team 7 has gained the Faction Trait: {Once More!}]

[Team 7 has gained the Faction Trait: {Three As One.}]

[Team 7 has gained the Faction Trait: {Screw The Rules!}]

Here, each individual screen diverged, showing a different message.

[Kakashi has gained the Trait: {Sensei.}]

Seeing the strange phenomenon calling him a sensei causes Kakashi to chuckle.

[Sasuke Uchiha has Ranked Up!
Please choose an available {Lawman} Class Advancement:
[] Soldier: Those who stand on the front lines in any conflict, weapon in hand & steal as their hearts. Soldiers will not shy away from laying down the law even on their closest friends, if the opposition has a few broken bones by the end of it...well...they shouldn't have resisted should they? {Gains One (1) Kenjutsu Specialization, +5 Strength (STR) & Gains Trait: {Call Of Duty}}
[] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}
[] Detective: Whether it's a 'Kage's Assassination or just some chick's husband having an affair, someone always needs to know the gory details, so they call a detective in to find those details. Only problem is; finding them tends to lead to some sticky situations, but, with a sharp mind & enough supplies, they can get through anything. {Gains One (1) Bukijutsu Specialization, +5 Perception (PER) & Gains Trait: {Looking Underneath The Underneath.}}]

Seeing his own message, Sasuke links his hands under his nose, appearing for all the world to merely be examining his options, however, on the inside he is freaking out. 'Ohmygod! Is this what I think it is? Are we all Gamers now?! Ok! Ok! Sasuke, think! How do you want to minmax this?''

[Sakura Haruno has Ranked Up!
Please choose an available {Student} Class Advancement:
[] Medic: When a person gets injured on the field, a Medic sees to them, making sure they can finish whatever job they were doing. But just because they're healers doesn't mean they are easy targets, as their famous Chakra Scalpels can just as easily kill as they can heal. {Gains One (1) Iryojutsu Specialization, +5 Charisma (CHAR) & Gain Trait: {Don't Mess With The Medic!}}
[] Analyst: Strength, trajectories, speed, an Analyst can tell all this & more from a single glance, helping to organise their cells to produce flawless victories again & again against even the harshest enemies. {Gains One (1) Tactics Specialization, +10 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {An Eye For Detail.}}
[] Scribe: "Words have power." To most people this is just a figure of speech, but to a Scribe this phrase is an absolute truth. Be it the Runes of the Civilians, the O-mikuji of the Monks, the Inscriptions of the Samurais or the Fuinjutsu of the Ninjas, Scribes can rewrite the laws of physics with a single piece of paper. {Gains One (1) Fuinjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {Write It All Down.}}]

Screaming, Sakura stares at her screen in fear, she starts to panic. 'Huh? What's this? Some kind of illusion? But wait, the Academy didn't even hint about multi-target Genjutsu!'

[Naruto Uzumaki has Ranked Up!
Please choose an available {Performer} Class Advancement:
[] Magician: How did you do that? Where did it go? What's the trick? Are all questions Magicians hear daily. The answer is, to kids, a highly sought after secret, but any half-competent adult could probably tell you it's 50% Chakra application & 50% Sleight-of-hand. {Gains One (1) Genjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {For My Next Trick…}}
[] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}
[] Jester: If ever a King was feeling down or off, the Court Jester would have just the right joke or prank to get him back on his feet. But abandon hope all ye armies who enter their domain, for not a single soldier shall leave there sane. {Gains One (1) Trap-Making Specialization, +5 Agility (AGI) & Gains Trait: {Why So Serious?}}]

Seeing his options, Naruto yelled. "Oi! Kakashi-Sensei! Let me down so I can pick something cool!"

Turning to inspect his bound Genin, Kakashi replied. ", I still need to punish you for sneaking off to eat lunch earlier, direct one of the others to select it for you."

Hearing this Naruto pouted. "Fine! Yeash! I pick…
[] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."
[] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."

GM Notes: GOOD GOD! Just over 3 & ½ pages! Damn! Anyway, this quest might seem somewhat familiar to some of you, that is because this is, I hope, the spiritual successor to Mealstrom Games - The Questioning, a now dead Quest by @Probellum & before you ask, yes, he is aware of this, whether he plays or up to him.
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}

[X] Scribe: "Words have power." To most people this is just a figure of speech, but to a Scribe this phrase is an absolute truth. Be it the Runes of the Civilians, the O-mikuji of the Monks, the Inscriptions of the Samurais or the Fuinjutsu of the Ninjas, Scribes can rewrite the laws of physics with a single piece of paper. {Gains One (1) Fuinjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {Write It All Down.}}]

[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}

[X] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."

Looks interesting. I want to see what a Scribe with Sakura's brains can do, I like the Judge's description, and the only role for Naruto that I like is Gladiator.
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}

[X] Scribe: "Words have power." To most people this is just a figure of speech, but to a Scribe this phrase is an absolute truth. Be it the Runes of the Civilians, the O-mikuji of the Monks, the Inscriptions of the Samurais or the Fuinjutsu of the Ninjas, Scribes can rewrite the laws of physics with a single piece of paper. {Gains One (1) Fuinjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {Write It All Down.}}]

[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}

[X] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."

Kinda what I wanted. Made it easy to copy-paste.
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}
[X] Analyst: Strength, trajectories, speed, an Analyst can tell all this & more from a single glance, helping to organise their cells to produce flawless victories again & again against even the harshest enemies. {Gains One (1) Tactics Specialization, +10 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {An Eye For Detail.}}
[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}
[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."

Soldier is bad for Sasuke, he needs to remember that Vengeance at the cost of the innocent makes him no better than Itachi, what he needs is JUSTICE! I AM THE LAW!

But true judgement requires Analysis, and Sakura is at her best when thinking. thus we have her choice.

Gladiator!Naruto is awesome. but his obsession with Sakura was one of the worst parts of his characterization, and Sasuke needs a bro. (I also feel that Sasuke is less prone to joking around when things get serious, and judging by his narration he should know how serious class choice is)

Thus was born team JUSTICE!
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[X] Judge

Starting with a Ninjutsu specialization is great for Sasuke, and that trait sounds interesting.

[X] Analyst

Sounds right up Sakura's alley.

[X] Jester

Sounds like a great use for Naruto being very hard to predict.

[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."

I'm not really leaning either way.
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}

[X] Scribe: "Words have power." To most people this is just a figure of speech, but to a Scribe this phrase is an absolute truth. Be it the Runes of the Civilians, the O-mikuji of the Monks, the Inscriptions of the Samurais or the Fuinjutsu of the Ninjas, Scribes can rewrite the laws of physics with a single piece of paper. {Gains One (1) Fuinjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {Write It All Down.}}]

[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}

[X] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."
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[X] Soldier: Those who stand on the front lines in any conflict, weapon in hand & steal as their hearts. Soldiers will not shy away from laying down the law even on their closest friends, if the opposition has a few broken bones by the end of it...well...they shouldn't have resisted should they? {Gains One (1) Kenjutsu Specialization, +5 Strength (STR) & Gains Trait: {Call Of Duty}}
[X] Medic: When a person gets injured on the field, a Medic sees to them, making sure they can finish whatever job they were doing. But just because they're healers doesn't mean they are easy targets, as their famous Chakra Scalpels can just as easily kill as they can heal. {Gains One (1) Iryojutsu Specialization, +5 Charisma (CHAR) & Gain Trait: {Don't Mess With The Medic!}}
[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}
[X] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}

[X] Scribe: "Words have power." To most people this is just a figure of speech, but to a Scribe this phrase is an absolute truth. Be it the Runes of the Civilians, the O-mikuji of the Monks, the Inscriptions of the Samurais or the Fuinjutsu of the Ninjas, Scribes can rewrite the laws of physics with a single piece of paper. {Gains One (1) Fuinjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {Write It All Down.}}]

[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}

[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}
[X] Analyst: Strength, trajectories, speed, an Analyst can tell all this & more from a single glance, helping to organise their cells to produce flawless victories again & again against even the harshest enemies. {Gains One (1) Tactics Specialization, +10 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {An Eye For Detail.}}
[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}
[X] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."
[X] Soldier: Those who stand on the front lines in any conflict, weapon in hand & steal as their hearts. Soldiers will not shy away from laying down the law even on their closest friends, if the opposition has a few broken bones by the end of it...well...they shouldn't have resisted should they? {Gains One (1) Kenjutsu Specialization, +5 Strength (STR) & Gains Trait: {Call Of Duty}}

[X] Medic: When a person gets injured on the field, a Medic sees to them, making sure they can finish whatever job they were doing. But just because they're healers doesn't mean they are easy targets, as their famous Chakra Scalpels can just as easily kill as they can heal. {Gains One (1) Iryojutsu Specialization, +5 Charisma (CHAR) & Gain Trait: {Don't Mess With The Medic!}}

[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}

[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."
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[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}

[X] Scribe: "Words have power." To most people this is just a figure of speech, but to a Scribe this phrase is an absolute truth. Be it the Runes of the Civilians, the O-mikuji of the Monks, the Inscriptions of the Samurais or the Fuinjutsu of the Ninjas, Scribes can rewrite the laws of physics with a single piece of paper. {Gains One (1) Fuinjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {Write It All Down.}}]

[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}

[X] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."
@Xalgeon Shouldn't Sakura get the option for Genjutsu instead of naruto? while Naruto gets the Fuinjutsu options. naruto has to much chakra and shit control to use Genjutsu.
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}
[X] Analyst: Strength, trajectories, speed, an Analyst can tell all this & more from a single glance, helping to organise their cells to produce flawless victories again & again against even the harshest enemies. {Gains One (1) Tactics Specialization, +10 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {An Eye For Detail.}}
[X] Magician: How did you do that? Where did it go? What's the trick? Are all questions Magicians hear daily. The answer is, to kids, a highly sought after secret, but any half-competent adult could probably tell you it's 50% Chakra application & 50% Sleight-of-hand. {Gains One (1) Genjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {For My Next Trick…}}
[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."
@Xalgeon Shouldn't Sakura get the option for Genjutsu instead of naruto? while Naruto gets the Fuinjutsu options. naruto has to much chakra and shit control to use Genjutsu.
If we were going purely of Chakra, yes, but the classes are generated 50% of Chakra & 50% of life experiance, at this point in time Sakura doesn't have the mental fortitude to use Genjutsu, while Naruto doesn't have the patiance to learn all the finer details of Fuinjutsu, plus as you should know; foxes in Japanese folklore are Shape-shifters & Illusionists, since Kurema is Fox-shaped Chakra, Naruto should in theory pick up Genjutsu faster than most...if you can fix his control issues.
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}

[X] Medic: When a person gets injured on the field, a Medic sees to them, making sure they can finish whatever job they were doing. But just because they're healers doesn't mean they are easy targets, as their famous Chakra Scalpels can just as easily kill as they can heal. {Gains One (1) Iryojutsu Specialization, +5 Charisma (CHAR) & Gain Trait: {Don't Mess With The Medic!}}

[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}

[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."
[X] Soldier
[X] Medic
[X] Magician
[X] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."

I like beings bros with Sasuke and all, but I need my Naru/Saku fix dammit.

As for class choices....I didn't want to go with the regular set up, Bu Nin Special, Fuin Special and Gen Special is not a balanced set. This way, Sasuke covers the frontline, Naruto takes up the midline as a support, running interference and messing with people (And we also shore up his biggest weakness) and Sakura takes up the back as a medic, which we've seen from canon can later be turned into a pretty good frontline contender.
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}

[X] Scribe: "Words have power." To most people this is just a figure of speech, but to a Scribe this phrase is an absolute truth. Be it the Runes of the Civilians, the O-mikuji of the Monks, the Inscriptions of the Samurais or the Fuinjutsu of the Ninjas, Scribes can rewrite the laws of physics with a single piece of paper. {Gains One (1) Fuinjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {Write It All Down.}}]

[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}

[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."
[X] Detective: Whether it's a 'Kage's Assassination or just some chick's husband having an affair, someone always needs to know the gory details, so they call a detective in to find those details. Only problem is; finding them tends to lead to some sticky situations, but, with a sharp mind & enough supplies, they can get through anything. {Gains One (1) Bukijutsu Specialization, +5 Perception (PER) & Gains Trait: {Looking Underneath The Underneath.}}]
[X] Medic: When a person gets injured on the field, a Medic sees to them, making sure they can finish whatever job they were doing. But just because they're healers doesn't mean they are easy targets, as their famous Chakra Scalpels can just as easily kill as they can heal. {Gains One (1) Iryojutsu Specialization, +5 Charisma (CHAR) & Gain Trait: {Don't Mess With The Medic!}}
[X] Gladiator: In the Ancient days of Rome, the accursed were not simply belittled in the streets like today, no, they were forced to fight in giant arenas as Gladiators, bereft of armaments & armor, all for the amusement of the upper class, hoping to one day gain enough fame so the crowds may release them from their shackles. {Gains One (1) Taijutsu Specialization, +5 Endurance (END) & Gains Trait: {Sine Missione.}}
[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."
[X] Judge: Separating the guilty from the innocent is not an easy job, nor is it always a clean one, as some criminals get away free, requiring Judges to take to the field and deliver the correct verdict using their advanced Ninjutsu skills. Now, how do you plead? Innocent...or Guilty? {Gains One (1) Ninjutsu Specialization, +5 Intelligence (INT) & Gains Trait: {The Verdict Is…}}
[X] Scribe: "Words have power." To most people this is just a figure of speech, but to a Scribe this phrase is an absolute truth. Be it the Runes of the Civilians, the O-mikuji of the Monks, the Inscriptions of the Samurais or the Fuinjutsu of the Ninjas, Scribes can rewrite the laws of physics with a single piece of paper. {Gains One (1) Fuinjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {Write It All Down.}}]
[X] Magician: How did you do that? Where did it go? What's the trick? Are all questions Magicians hear daily. The answer is, to kids, a highly sought after secret, but any half-competent adult could probably tell you it's 50% Chakra application & 50% Sleight-of-hand. {Gains One (1) Genjutsu Specialization, +5 Wisdom (WIS) & Gains Trait: {For My Next Trick…}}
[X] ...Sakura, she won't lead me wrong."
[X] Judge
[X] Scribe
[X] Jester

[X] ...Sasuke, he looks like he knows what he's doing."

Even Sasuke is a Gamer.