- Location
- The Temple of the Winds
Yay!No he became one with it and achieved perfect harmony. Tsunade would be green in envy if she ever finds out... good choice of music @Ayashi
I love that music, i'm very glad it got such a positive effect
Might i suggest adding a little bit on how that video's "Sasuke" is only one possible future version of him ?Do you truly wish to know about the snakes? That knowledge may lead to knowing something disturbing about yourself and your drive for power and how far it can drive you....
Yeeeah, that looks like more trouble than it's worth. i'm not going to touch that issue with a twenty feet pole...Connection now stabilized... You can now send one Item through.only one Item... Discuss among yourselves... The administrator will let you know when another can be sent again...the administrator also has the final decision on what may or may not be sent.. .
As for a message... i think Sasuke is going to be getting enough crap thrown at him right now, so i'll wait a bit. Probably at least up until he acts on my last advice (aka: prepare for the incoming fight).