Cerulean Stars: An Asari Security Officer in Commander Sisko's Court

Rando officers handing you things and telling you to plug it in and run the program, sure sounds great go hog wild. Ensigns are the dumbest
... Raine. Raine! Real world social engineering of hacking works in the 24th century! You're in charge of security for DS9 and you've just figured this out! Forget the changelings! You need to start making sure Ensigns don't plug random USBs into the station!
Its a shame you've established that Raine and janeway weren't very close at the academy. Janeway's fictional autobiography has some fun anecdotes that would also fit Raine's character like some fun pranks and disasterous romantic encounters.
Didn't even know that was a thing after you mentioned it, I kind of fell off the novels after the writers decided to collectively destroy the novel universe I had been following for around a decade due to the release of Picard. (Yes, I am just a tad bit salty about that.)

Is she giving them an Asari version of the Mass Effect game, or is just her as a psychologist matron?
The main quest-line is a Noir style sci-fi action/detective story built around the main character encountering a Quarian who a crimeboss is trying to kill for discovering information a third party really doesn't want getting out.

From there it takes some inspiration from Mass Effect, but it's a more realistic conspiracy story instead of "suddenly giant space cuttlefish".

Not an issue to me. What is an issue is said speed-limit. Are you arbitrarily deciding that going over Warp 5 doesn't damage space-subspace or do you have an actual source?
Technically? The episode only really proved that it damaged subspace in that very specific area of space where subspace was already wonky. Which was enough that the Federation in one of their few non-head in the sand moments set an immediate limit and started studying the effects to see if that was a universal problem or just a localized one.

By Voyager they kind of stopped paying lip service to idea entirely with some of the people behind the scenes suggesting that the problem was essentially solved by altering the warp field geometry used for warp travel.

Here, it's a combination of the effect not being uniformly equal, IE it can happen in some places but not others, and figuring out a way around it in those places it can happen via introducing a new more efficient warp field geometry.

She made up the game specifically to disguise the psychologist matron so presumably it is the full game.

Presumably Raine hopes that Kim the Voyager crew will take a liking to the character and spend time with her, which is a pretty safe bet considering the character seems to be programmed specifically to draw them into confiding in her. Plus, Asari just seem pretty popular in the Alpha Quadrant.
The holonovel was already something that was being worked on, and was started some time during her Academy days, Raine just asked Felix if he could tack Korra on top of the Beta for it as a present for someone who might or might not be going on an extended deployment.

Rando officers handing you things and telling you to plug it in and run the program, sure sounds great go hog wild. Ensigns are the dumbest
And that was how a Changeling spent Voyager's entire seven year trip back to the Alpha Quadrant pretending to be knickknack on the wall of Janeway's ready-room.

... Raine. Raine! Real world social engineering of hacking works in the 24th century! You're in charge of security for DS9 and you've just figured this out! Forget the changelings! You need to start making sure Ensigns don't plug random USBs into the station!
Sadly due to the wide breadth of Trek technology it's functionally impossible for a ship or station to protect against direct access attacks by preventing them from occurring in the first place.

So instead they just come at the issue from the automatic assumption that they will occur and have automated programs defend against it accordingly.
So instead they just come at the issue from the automatic assumption that they will occur and have automated programs defend against it accordingly.
Congratulations! You managed the amazing feat of getting access to our physical hardware and hacked into the system. You even bypassed the authorisations needed. Unfortunately for you, you did not bypass the protections looking for something bypassing the authorisations and even if we can't stop your access to the network, we can arrange what you see first. As such please watch this five hour long video precisely describing the Usage Agreement for access to this network, including the legal agreements on what our duties to you are, what you are allowed to do and more!

We have excitingly made sure said information is presented in the form of Vogon Poetry written by one of their greatest masters of the art.
Sadly due to the wide breadth of Trek technology it's functionally impossible for a ship or station to protect against direct access attacks by preventing them from occurring in the first place.

So instead they just come at the issue from the automatic assumption that they will occur and have automated programs defend against it accordingly.
The joys of living in a world when there are machine programs capable of directly altering or scanning electrons and photons mid-stream makes it functionally impossible to prevent literal direct hardware vulnerabilities from cropping up.
And that was how a Changeling spent Voyager's entire seven year trip back to the Alpha Quadrant pretending to be knickknack on the wall of Janeway's ready-room.

Jokes aside this would make for a humorous OC/SI story where the changeling is trying to keep the stupid solids from getting them all killed without being caught out as a shapeshifter who's rotating through 8 different IDs to do it all.
Congratulations! You managed the amazing feat of getting access to our physical hardware and hacked into the system. You even bypassed the authorisations needed. Unfortunately for you, you did not bypass the protections looking for something bypassing the authorisations and even if we can't stop your access to the network, we can arrange what you see first. As such please watch this five hour long video precisely describing the Usage Agreement for access to this network, including the legal agreements on what our duties to you are, what you are allowed to do and more!

We have excitingly made sure said information is presented in the form of Vogon Poetry written by one of their greatest masters of the art.
... You know what the awful thing I just realised after checking on this because of all the reactions?

What I just described probably would be legitimately classed as one of the greatest masterpieces of Vogon Poetry of the century, if not millenium. Because it is Vogon Poetry describing bureaucratic legalese, and even better it's intended audience are beings attempting to work their way around the proper procedures!

What the hell brain? And is that something even legal for Starfleet to use, let alone commission the creation of?
To reconcile this, you sorta have to come up with some consistent-with-canon explanation for why - with zero onscreen fanfare - this apparently major issue suddenly became a non-issue.
Or just dismiss the discrepancy as a continuity error. I don't take a good view in ruling in favor of continuity errors like this, but I can accept it under these circumstances.
By Voyager they kind of stopped paying lip service to idea entirely with some of the people behind the scenes suggesting that the problem was essentially solved by altering the warp field geometry used for warp travel.

Here, it's a combination of the effect not being uniformly equal, IE it can happen in some places but not others, and figuring out a way around it in those places it can happen via introducing a new more efficient warp field geometry.
I accept your headcanon and assimilate it into my own.

Too bad that means that Mass Effect™ Superluminal travel is no longer competitive with Warp in terms of performance or after-effects.
And that was how a Changeling spent Voyager's entire seven year trip back to the Alpha Quadrant pretending to be knickknack on the wall of Janeway's ready-room.
Why not both?
Ensign Kim remains just as flat a character as in canon, doing nothing either positive or negative to make himself stand out for quite a long time, right up until the Voyager crew reestablishes contact with starfleet. When Janeway transmits a list of surviving crew members, Admiral Ross replies in confusion that they already have Lieutenant Kim in the alpha quadrant, he was promoted after successfully organizing a breakout from a Dominion prison camp around a year after Voyager was presumed lost...

Ross's speech cuts off as in two quadrants, the implications hit everyone simultaneously and the entire Voyager bridge crew tries to back away from "Ensign Kim."
The actual Harry Kim back in the alpha quadrant got promoted faster than the changeling infiltrator aboard Voyager for the following reasons:

• Changeling!Kim was actively trying to do nothing, positive or negative to draw attention to himself.
• Real!Kim successfully organized a jailbreak from a Dominion prison camp and that sort of thing tends to draw promotions. In fact, borrow from Detox and have Lieutenant Kim be ludicrously badass in general.
• All higher ranks aboard Voyager were already full. Short of adopting mirror universe measures, nobody was getting promoted.
• Janeway.

Once Changeling!Kim is found out, I can see the following potential plotlines:

• He and the crew team up due to a shared goal of getting home. Changeling!Kim has really bought into his own society's propaganda and is smugly certain that if what he's seen of starfleet is standard, the Dominion will be running things by the time he gets back to the alpha quadrant and the wormhole to the delta quadrant. Over time as more news from the alpha quadrant arrives and he interacts with the crew, he starts losing hope and starts acquiring empathy/stockholm syndrome with the solids.
• He quickly transforms to ooze and vanishes into a convenient jefferies tube or ventilation duct. The rest of the episode is a ripoff of The Thing and ends with Changeling!Kim getting phasered to death.
• He quickly transforms to ooze and vanishes into a convenient jefferies tube or ventilation duct. The rest of the episode is a ripoff of The Thing, only it turns out to have all been pointless. Changeling!Kim's first order of business after being discovered was to flush himself out the airlock, transform and set course for the delta quadrant independently, to arrive in a couple centuries. All the paranoia of the crew was just paranoia.
• He quickly transforms to ooze and vanishes into a convenient jefferies tube or ventilation duct. The rest of the episode is a ripoff of The Thing and the crew never find Changeling!Kim. For the entire rest of the show, sometimes random objects when nobody's in a shot will be seen to transform and when the Hirogen try to board the ship, they have a really bad time of it as Changeling!Kim doesn't like people interfering with his ride home.
Obvioulsy, Hirogen boarding is also The Thing ripoff that mirrors original discovery episode, but with way more fatalities.
Also, people talking to air and then calling Kim best counsellor they ever know.
The Ferengi would certainly argue it should be illegal (to let your mark see the user agreement before fleecing them for all you can) and make noises about "war crimes" (Vogon Poetry).
It's just the terms of usage, not any of the licensing minutiae. That's where all the actual money is decided on, so it's a pre-negotiation assault to make terms more agreeable. :V
Also, if the Federation wants to be bad at capitalism that's just an advantage for them.
The Ferengi would certainly argue it should be illegal (to let your mark see the user agreement before fleecing them for all you can) and make noises about "war crimes" (Vogon Poetry).
No, remember: this is what Starfleet has arranged as mandatory viewing before you access the rest of the system after you bypass the system lock outs, authority permissions and the rest of the things preventing you from accessing things on the network after you achieve access to said network's hardware. But you failed to bypass the things looking for people doing all that, and so they're going to make you regret that whilst also likely lighting up some Computer Specialist's board that said video file has been triggered for further investigation.

... I am now imagining that it's one of those notorious 'oops moments' for engineers and technicians, that first time they thought they could do something sneaky or faster by just overriding network restrictions and the like. Something to ensure in future that you either do a better job of it (and thus when whatever you did finally getting uncovered, causing the cyber-security specialists to have something to ask for so they can close it off) or receive the permission of your superiors to attempt whatever you are doing.
Chapter 87 - Second Skin Part 1 New
Chapter 87

Stardate 48327.3 - April 30, 2371 - 11:08:00​

"Anti-grav sailing, really?" Raine asked Jadzia with a skeptically raised eyeridge as she briefly looked up from the simulation she was running on the Ops's tactical station.

"Really." Jadzia confirmed with an amused nod as she looked up from her science station to meet Raine's eyes. "And you have no idea how hard it was to convince Kira to even join me for that."

"I can imagine." Raine returned, fully aware of the Bajoran woman's distaste for holosuites. "But what I don't get is how anti-grav sailing of all things was what finally convinced her to give it a try."

"Maybe she just likes boats." Jadzia returned with a shrug as she turned back to her work.

Raine shook her head ruefully before turning back to her own simulation. "Funny thing is, I could actually see that. Because she seems like the type who would enjoy sitting on deck and just enjoying the sea breeze."

"Meanwhile something like that would bore you to tears." Jadzia added.

"I'd last five minutes before pulling out a padd for something to read." Raine confirmed, frowning slightly to herself as the results began coming in. "Any word on when the Chief will have the third defense sail's capacitor banks up to snuff?"

"It's on the list."

Raine sighed. "So it could be tomorrow or it could be a–"

An alert sounded on her console, and the simulation results immediately fell to the background as a real time display of local space came up.

"Yellow alert!" She yelled out, the station computer responding immediately to bring the shields online and send out a station wide alert.

Less than twenty seconds later Sisko and Kira rushed out of the station commander's office.

"Report!?" Sisko ordered, as Raine tracked their rapidly approaching problem.

"Three Cardassian warp signatures on an intercept course from the direction of Amaleth." She said as the two took their positions at the central station. "ETA four minutes for the first and five minutes for the other two. We've got intermittent weapon fire passing between the first ship and following pair."

"That's well inside Bajoran space." Kira muttered unhappily.

A recognizable flash lit up the station's short range sensors.

"Photonic shockwave detonation." Raine informed those in the room. "No noticeable effect on any of the three ships."

"We're receiving a tight band transmission from the leading vessel." Jadzia announced as her brow furrowed noticeably in concentration. "It's barely making it to us through the pursuing ships jamming."

"On screen." Sisko ordered.

A flickering static filled image of a battered looking woman at a control station appeared on the central monitor.

"This is… Ensign Sito… ID code… Gamma three seven… Emergency assistance…"

The screen went dead.

"Is the Defiant ready?" Sisko snapped as Raine shook herself out of her momentary shock at hearing the voice of someone she had been completely sure was actually dead.

"The ready crew should have started launch procedures the moment we went to yellow alert." Raine told him as she checked her readouts, Sisko already moving to the transporter pad as she did. "Confirmed, they're separating from the docking port now."

"Beam me directly to the bridge." Sisko instructed with a look towards Jadzia.

"Energizing." The Trill confirmed as he disappeared in a swirl of yellow sparkles.

"You both recognized that officer?" Kira asked as Raine switched the monitor to a real time view of the Defiant as it accelerated away from the station.

"Classified sector briefing." Raine explained with a grimace as she continued tracking the quickly approaching warp signatures. "I can't get into any specifics without the Commander's okay, but we were told to be on the lookout for an officer with that name."

Nobody Raine had talked to actually thought the Bajoran ensign was alive of course, but Starfleet was nothing if not eternally optimistic, so the watch warning had been issued to senior officers on places she might reasonably try and escape to nonetheless.

"She was speaking Bajoran." Kira pointed out as she shot Raine a suspicious stare.

Raine winced, the ubiquitousness of universal translators having actually caused her to forget that particular tell. "I'm sorry Major, that's really all I can say."

Kira turned her look to Jadzia, and the Trill gave a helpless shrug. "I know as much as you about this."

"The Defiant just reached the lead Cardassian vessel and they're relaying an ID to us now." Raine said a minute later as both ships dropped out of warp and moved into transporter range of each other. "It looks like a Hidiki class shuttle."

"The favored class of dissidents and escaped prisoners everywhere." Kira muttered, sounding more than a little annoyed at the whole situation. And Raine suspected there was a long lecture in the future for the captains of whichever Bajoran vessels were supposed to have been paroling that portion of the Bajoran system's border.

"Given Starfleet's record with similarly sized vessels being stolen, we're probably not in the best position to taunt the Cardassians about how often they lose theirs." Raine put forward with an amused smirk at the thought

"The Brooks rule seems to be remarkably effective in keeping cases of that to a minimum." Jadzia offered in a teasing tone. "Maybe we should send a suggestion to the Cardassians that they implement it themselves.

"Don't you dare call it that." Raine snapped, shuddering slightly as terrifying visions of that name being memorialized for all time danced through her brain.

"What's wrong with the name?" Kira asked, sounding more than a little amused at the thought.

"If it sticks Starfleet will award me a plaque." Raine told her. "And then, a thousand years from now when I'm retired on a tropical beach somewhere all anyone will remember is…"

She trailed off mid sentence as the alert on her console announcing an incoming encrypted message began to blink, and she quickly entered her command code to bring up the message. She took a moment to read through the hastily typed up message, then read through it again in hopes that doing so would help make sense of what her eyes were telling her.

"Major." She finally said as she reached down to rest a hand on her phaser.

"Commander?" The Bajoran woman asked in confusion, seemingly sensing from the Asari's tone that something was seriously wrong.

"I just received a secure communication from Commander Sisko to take you into temporary custody." Raine explained apologetically as she stood up and carefully took a few steps towards the woman. "So if you'll please remove your weapon and set it on the console we can get whatever the problem is sorted out without any trouble."

For a moment it looked like Kira was going to argue, but something she saw in Raine's eyes must have made her decide better of it because she carefully reached down to unclip her holster and set the entire thing down on the central console.

"Okay Commander." Kira said as she held her hands up and took a step away from the weapon. "But this explanation better be good."


The nervousness that was eating at Kira only intensified as Raine escorted her into the Infirmary, though there was at least some small comfort in the idea that their destination suggested she might be able to avoid spending any time in the Cardassian holding cells given how much of a recurring nightmare waking up in one had been for her since moving onto the station.

"Major." Odo greeted them with a severe nod. "Commander."

"Odo." Kira returned with a half hearted smile.

She took a moment to shoot a brief glance over her shoulder to the still tense looking Brooks "Do you have any idea what this is about?"

"No." Odo growled as he glared at Raine.

"I'm really sorry about all this." The Asari apologized for what felt like the dozenth time in the past few minutes. "But it's kind of important we not tell you till we know something for sure."

"Know what?" Kira asked, looking around the otherwise empty medical bay for any clues about why she might have been brought there.

"Just a quick blood test, Major." Doctor Bashir offered as he walked in from the operating theater. "So if you'll hop up on the biobed we can get this entire business over with."

"You think I'm a Changeling!?" Kira exclaimed, not quite able to believe it as everything that had happened slotted together in her head.

Bashir motioned to the biobed as he grabbed a hypo-extractor from a nearby tray. "Major, please."

"All right." Kira said as she walked over to the biobed and hopped up, not seeing any reason to fight the request given she knew she wasn't a Changeling. "Left arm or right?"

"Right please." Bashir instructed as he walked over.

With a sigh Kira rolled up her sleeve, preparing herself as she did for the slight pinch of the extractor.

The pinch came.

"She's clear." Bashir offered with a small nod to Raine before the ampule even finished filling. "No sign of Cardassian implants on the scan."

"Cardassian implants!?" Nerys repeated in confusion as she looked between the pair. "Someone needs to explain what's going on here."

Raine tapped her combadge. "Brooks to Defiant, we've cleared her of any immediate risk, you're clear for transport to medical."

The sound of a transporter filled the room, and four forms materialized, three standing and the fourth laid out on one of the open biobeds.

The most noticeable of the group was, as always, the Emissary, who was supporting a blond Bajoran woman with a young face who looked like she'd been on the wrong end of one too many Cardassian disciplinary reprisals.

In the biobed was a young Cardassian man who appeared to be somewhere around Kira's age, with an energy weapon wound on his side that looked like it had already been somewhat treated, while holding his hand with a very clear posture of worry was…

"Not again." Kira muttered as she stared in shock at the woman who, outside of the long hair and slightly gaunt appearance, could have been her identical twin.

"Kira Nerys." Sisko began as he helped the blond Bajoran over to one of the remaining biobeds. "Meet Kira Nerys."

"But I'm…" Nerys began, glancing between Kira and Sisko with a look of confusion nearly mirroring Kira's own. "How can she be…"

"Is she like the Intendant?" Kira asked, the events of the past half hour suddenly making a lot more sense outside of a single glaring exception.

"Scans confirm both of your quantum signatures match our universe." Bashir offered as he deposited the blood he had drawn from her in the analyzer and moved to check on the blond Bajoran.

"I ended up in Elemspur ten years ago after a botched intelligence gathering mission." Nerys offered with a haunted look in her eyes that Kira had seen more than enough in others to know that at least was the truth. "I was only there for about a week however when a Cardassian Gul by the name of Dukat showed up and had me transfered to the Amaltha detention center."

Something in the tone of Nerys's words made Kira suspect there had been a good deal more personal attention from Dukat during the other her's transfer then the brief summation otherwise suggested.

"Should have slammed his head into the bulkheads harder." Raine muttered almost too softly for Kira to hear.

"As the only two Bajoran women at the camp we spent the last year sharing a cell." The blond offered, grimacing slightly as she removed one of her boots to reveal a clearly swollen ankle. "So I can confirm she's been there that long at least."

"And I can confirm that your ankle is broken, Ensign Sito." Bashir followed up as he closed his tricorder and began gathering up a number of medical devices from one of the storage units.

"You should be focusing on Tarnek." Sito protested with a worried look to the Cardassian. "We wouldn't have been able to escape without his help."

"Robert already stabilized your friend." Bashir informed her as he began running a glowing device over her ankle. "And loath as I am to admit it, his skills are superior to my own when it comes to emergency care."

Kira had to hold back a cringe at the thought, for as much faith as the Federation might put in the technology, experience during her time in the resistance had taught her that at the end of the day holograms like the Defiant's doctor were no more than easily manipulated computer programs.

"Why did he help you escape?" Raine inquired, an admittedly good question given that in Kira's experience Cardassians assigned to places like Amaltha were the last kind who'd save a pair of women out of the goodness of their hearts.

"He's a member of the dissident movement." Nerys said, still clutching the unconscious man's hand in a way that was starting to make Kira just a little uncomfortable given the implications.

Raine crossed her arms under her breasts, and Kira could see her visibly fighting the urge to begin pacing like she often did when thinking over a problem. "So probably one of Natima's people then."

"That's interesting." Kira put forward as she began to feel like that they were getting distracted from the more important matter at hand.

"But why does she," She pointed at Nerys. "look like me.

"That's what we were hoping to find out." Sisko admitted as he turned a questioning look over to Bashir. "Doctor?"

The man in question looked up from his treatment of the ensign and glanced over to the still running analyzer's display. "I'm not seeing any immediate differences from the sample Robert took of the other Nerys on the Defiant."

"Which leaves the options of one of them being a genetically altered infiltrator, a clone, a transporter duplicate," Raine put forward before tilting her head slightly and grimacing. "or maybe a genetically mimetic shapeshifter."


Author's Notes: So who saw this series of butterfly effects coming?

Also shameless plug time, for those who don't want to wait, the next chapter of this story is already available on my Patreon at the lowest level. A link to which can be found in my signature.
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So Ilyana appears.

Oh man, this probably going to serve as shocking reminder the depravities that Dukat can sunk since the novels where she appears her stay 15 years on prison were not kind to her.
"I can't get into any specifics without the Commanders okay, but we were told to be on the lookout for an officer with that name."
Missing apostrophe from "Commander's"
there was a long lecture in the future for the captains of whichever Bajoran vessels were supposed to have been paroling that portion of the Bajoran systems border.
Missing apostrophe from "system's".
"The Brooks rule seems to be remarkably effective in keeping cases of that to a minimum."
Possibly should have an apostrophe after "Brooks' " ?
I had to wiki that. A medical scan should show the difference it if is her, though?
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Oh, this is delightful. The Obsidian Order would know by now that they can't get DS9 command staff in a shuttle alone. So, of course, instead of giving up on this plot, they've just switched to a different fishing pole to reel Kira in.

I admit I'm kind of curious about the howdunnit, this time around. Seems like a harder trick to set up than "a spy impersonates Yeln and falsifies some records".
So i guess we got the real Illiana here, i remember that after seeing the episode i thought that if the character ever show up, it could have been interesting but she was only mentioned and never show up in ds9.
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Oh, this is delightful. The Obsidian Order would know by now that they can't get DS9 command staff in a shuttle alone. So, of course, instead of giving up on this plot, they've just switched to a different fishing pole to reel Kira in.

I admit I'm kind of curious about the howdunnit, this time around. Seems like a harder trick to set up than "a spy impersonates Yeln and falsifies some records".

I think this is Illyana in a novel it was explained what happen to her, apperently the Order was not successful in replacing Kyra so the entire operation was scrapped however Dukat interfere and bribe the guards to transfer her to another prison complex where she was maintained in isolated containment and drugged. Apparently Dukat was holding her as his trump card against her father, however at some point he decided to... vent his frustrations on her every time something make him mad, including some of the events in DS9.
"Which leaves the options of one of them being a genetically altered infiltrator, a clone, a transporter duplicate," Raine put forward before tilting her head slightly and grimacing. "or maybe a genetically mimetic shapeshifter."
The worrying one? They are also a perfect mental copy. So, telepathy can't tell the difference either. Does this mean you need time technology to figure stuff out???
I'm a bit surprised that Kira doesn't know about Ensign Sito. I would think a bajoran joining Starfleet would be front page news. Well, unless there were several hundred of them or something.

Normally, I'd bet on transporter duplicate, but if that were the case, then Kira would have remembered the botched mission Other Kira spoke of.

From the few comments I read, I get the impression she's a cannon character from the books, so please do not tell me what her deal is. I stopped reading the comments specifically to avoid the potential spoilers.
I'm a bit surprised that Kira doesn't know about Ensign Sito. I would think a bajoran joining Starfleet would be front page news. Well, unless there were several hundred of them or something.

Normally, I'd bet on transporter duplicate, but if that were the case, then Kira would have remembered the botched mission Other Kira spoke of.

From the few comments I read, I get the impression she's a cannon character from the books, so please do not tell me what her deal is. I stopped reading the comments specifically to avoid the potential spoilers.
I don't know about several hundred but refugees, children of refugees, immagrents and non-citizens joining starfleet is entirely normal. Given that Sito didn't grow up under occupation its likely her parents, grandparents or ancestors got out at some point in the thousands of years that Bajor was a warp capable civilisation but before the cardassian occupation.
Author's Notes: So who saw this series of butterfly effects coming?
An effective Natima network is very interesting. You've got knock on effects with Sito and Mariner but the Ghemors are a much larger deal.

I never knew about the book stuff for Illiana Ghemor, and just reading memory-beta about it I'm wondering how the Obsidian Order doesn't just gives Dukat an accident over all this. Dukat kidnaps one of their agents, locks her up for his own personal depredations for over a decade. Meanwhile her father Tekeny Ghemor is still powerful and his loyalties to Cardassia are only suspect at this point and not proven. Now has his real daughter with her suffering to tell to the right people, "Why else would I sound like I had dissident sympathies here is proof."
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