Alright, that's that. SV votes for violence!

I would like to take a moment to say I'm proud of you, voters! Not one of you even thought to run away, and you even pick the option I was hoping for.
Unintended results.
It might become sympathetic if you point out what you have in common, but it also could attack you for those similarities. Or for the little differences. Or for having spoken at all. Impure spirits were predictable that way. You weren't taking chances here, and you wanted that Core. This situation called for force.

You couldn't destroy it outright, that had every chance of breaking the Core as well, especially considering how close it was. Impure spirits could be very… messy, when they died. Your best bet would be to stun it first, acquire the Core, then run off, hopefully before it recovered.

Spells of pure force were not your specialty. Magic of the elements came much more naturally to you, but those spells had a tendency to be temperamental. With the spirits changing nature, you could easily overwhelm it before the Core was safe in your hands, or far worse, hit to lightly.

You concentrated, slowly building the spell in your hands. You thought of throwing a punch, kicking a ball, and swinging a club, the force bending these actions flowing to your hands. You needed to hit it at a distance, and imaged a slingshot being stretched with it's load.

You stepped out from behind the corner, and brought more tension to the imagery weapon. You took aim, pointed to a spot just above the center of the spirit. Remember, you told yourself, it needs to be stunned. A slight bit more tension, draw it back as far as it could go...

The spirit shifted. The distorted space underwent a sudden changed. An image appeared in it's place, a rockslide. There was a rumbling. The ground shifted, and you felt the dirt beneath you start to draw up.

Your aim was being thrown off. You felt the images in your mind fade. The power behind them fade. Your time was up.

You release the tension.

The magic shot from your hands, much faster than you intended. It wound through the air, and struck the spirit dead center of its projected rockslide. The image snapped out of existence, as did the magic it was working as the spirit was thrown backwards into the cliff face.

You did not take the time to think. You rushed forward, diving for the Core and scooped it up in one hand. You think of a rock flying through the air and hurled another bolt of force where you thought the spirit landed, not taking the time to look.

You start to run when the ground once again leapt up in front of you. You spun on your heel, then ducked under the stone aimed right for your head. The spirit is up, and is advancing on you, jets of flame and water spurting out as it begun to break apart.

The spirit didn't have long. You just needed to outlast it. You thought of a barrier, and of rock. You smacked the canyon wall with a hand and a boulder trust out, blocking the spirit from you. You weren't sure if it could climb,

Fortunately, it did not climb. Unfortunately, it simply settled for ripping your makeshift barricade from the wall, the enormous rock tumbling down and away. The spirit dangerously unstable now, the entirety of it swing down into itself, becoming dense and thick.

You tried to ready another spell, something with earth and water, a solid spell that could force it away from.You thought of a river, of rapids, of solid rocks and long stalagmites. You tried to be fast, you didn't need a great deal of control, you just needed-

To late. Spirit, in its dying moments, rush straight at you. You pressed your eyes shut and tried to force the magic, hoping if you wait for the very last moment you could at least deflect it, send the charge off course. You would feel the impact any moment now as the air rushed to you.You would just for that brief moment of contact…

You cracked open an eye, and saw nothing. Where the spirit hovered before was empty air, nothing beneath it but the torn up remains of the trail. Checking behind, the dirt wall was intact. There were a few wet spots, a scorch mark or two, but that was it. You looked yourself over and found your condition much the same, though your cloths were considerably disheveled.

What happened? Did the spirit fly by you? Did it dissipate in the midst of its attack?

A moment of fear gripped you, and you quickly checked the Core. The fear turned to relief in short order. It was still in your hand, with the same dull glow it had before. The shine is no longer so dull, it's brightness slightly stronger.

Feeling every reason to get off this trail, you scale the loose dirt wall, the soft earth making for easy purchase. You briefly wondered why before there's another rumbling. At first you thought the spirit returned from wherever it disappeared to, but the vibrations were… muted, somehow.

You looked to Karrandou. It seemed as if more smoke was rising from it's peaked, at first. Then you followed the trail of rising ash down, and found another column rising out of the canyon. From its position, you feared the worst. That the volcano had erupted early and destroyed the village.

You could see the village from here however, and the smoke was not from there. Instead, it seemed to be beyond it, coming from a nearby ravine. A ravine that had a path up to it.

[] Head straight to the ravine. You're sure this started after you got the core. That can't be a coincidence.

[] Stop by the village first. Don't assume anything, find out if anyone knows what's going on.
[X] Head straight to the ravine. You're sure this started after you got the core. That can't be a coincidence.
[x] Stop by the village first. Don't assume anything, find out if anyone knows what's going on.

Talk to them, first. Folks are our friends and know the area better.
[X] Stop by the village first. Don't assume anything, find out if anyone knows what's going on.
[x] Stop by the village first. Don't assume anything, find out if anyone knows what's going on.

Bring the Core right to them. If it's anything bad, they would have a vested interest in solving the problem!
[x] Stop by the village first. Don't assume anything, find out if anyone knows what's going on.
Vote Closes when I wake up. In the mean time, any thoughts on how to make the quest better? Anything you'd like to see or know about?
[X] Head straight to the ravine. You're sure this started after you got the core. That can't be a coincidence.

Vote Closes when I wake up. In the mean time, any thoughts on how to make the quest better? Anything you'd like to see or know about?

Give us the option to romance the volcano!
Nah, I've got nothing.
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Vote Tally : Original - Certain Death Quest | Page 4 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[x] Stop by the village first. Don't assume anything, find out if anyone knows what's going on.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Head straight to the ravine. You're sure this started after you got the core. That can't be a coincidence.
No. of Votes: 4
Ridiculously Average Guy

Total No. of Voters: 10

Village it is! Meet the people you're trying to save!
In which there could be food.
It was more than three hours before you reached the village outskirts and you were long out of breath. You knew you were out of shape from cushy university life, but not this badly. You weren't dumb enough to run all the way back, but you tried to jog at least part of it. Which turned out to be more than you could handle after five minutes.

Still, you were here. As you'd seen before, the village was mostly composed of wooden structures. Some were simple home, but going by the large windows and open stands, you'd seemed to have arrived at a sort of market. Much smaller and far less grand then the you'd grown used to back home, but it wasn't poorly by any stretch. Just a little on the small side for the number of people you saw about.

Speaking of, you thought they seemed awfully calm. While it had considerably thinned out, the dark plume of smoke continued to lazily waft out of the ravine. Yet this market was fairly busy. Every storefront was manned, carts full of goods pondered up and down the dirt streets, you even saw a few children running around.

You went over to a stand that was less busy than most, some kind of food stall. It was well past noon, so the lack of customers didn't surprise you.

There was a little bar to sit at with a red and white sunshade overhead. The woman behind it gave you a rough smile and swept her long brown hair out of her face. "Hey there, you want something?" She asked. She sounded fairly nonchalant.

"Are none of you worried about all that smoke? Even a little?" You might have let a bit of exasperation creep into your voice, but you thought it understandable.

She gave a slight shrug. "We live under a smoking volcano, we're used to it. Unless it's coming from the village or fields, there's no reason to get excited."

"But isn't there a danger of that volcano erupting soon? What if that's a flood of lava coming through?"

She locked her suddenly wider eyes on you, some amount of confusion in them. "How do you know about that? Outsiders shouldn't know about…" A light seemed to go off in her mind, and she leaned in very close. Your noses were almost touching even as you backed away.

"You're the Hero!" She nearly shouted. She grabbed you by the shoulders and forced you into a seat. "You must be tired from your journey! Take a load off, rest! Would you like anything? Food, drink?"

"I just-"


"I'm sorry?"

"Ah wait, my husband would end himself in grief, never mind. Still, anything you want?"

You needed to change the subject. Quickly. Preferably to what had you rush back here in the first place. "I just want to know what that smoke is, please! A little space wouldn't hurt either!"

She looked disappointed, then embarrassed. She collected herself before she spoke again. "Sorry sir, I'm just so glad someone came to save us. After all, it's not everyday you find someone willing to throw themselves into a volcano for the sake people they've never met."

She placed a curled hand to her chin, eye searching the air for nothing in particular. "I'm honestly not sure what it is. Could just be a fire, there's plenty of dry brush up in that crag. However, now that you mention the timing…"

Her hand came away from her chin, instead supporting her as she leaned on the bar. "That would explain why the Domnah took a few men to investigate. I don't think Karrandou would erupted early, but…" she let the statement trial off.

The part about the chief caught your attention. "I actually have something for him. He sent me to get a spirit Core and return it to him."

"Huh." she said. "Well I don't think he'll be gone long. I could direct you to his home, wait for him there if you like. Or if you really can't wait, there's a path up to the ravine. It's a little out of the way, but I could show you where it is."

You were a bit surprised. "Don't you need to mind your stall?"

She shook her head. "Business always drys up this time of day, and everyone knows better than to try and steal from me." Her smile had never left her face, but it did grow brighter. "Of course, you could just wait here with me, keep a lady company. Heck, I'll even throw in some free food."

That did sound good. The woman was attractive, if forceful, and you had not eaten anything but road food for weeks now. The smells from behind the counter were unfamiliar, but pleasantly interesting.

"In fact, I say you deserve a free meal no matter what. Have whatever you like, it's on the house. I have some walking around food if you don't stay, soups and stews if you do. What would you like?"

[] "Take me up the ravine, I won't be at ease until I know what's happened."

[] "I'll wait at the Domnah's home. I've had a busy day, I'm tired, and no one else thinks the smoke is worth worrying about."

[] "I'll stay with you. It'll be nice to have a sit down meal with a pretty woman after everything that's happened. I'll even tell you about it."

[] "If you are offering... " Be gracious, have a free meal.

[] "No, I'll be fine." Don't take advantage of her generosity, turn her down.

Votes for what to say and the whether to eat or not will be counted separately.
[X] "I'll stay with you. It'll be nice to have a sit down meal with a pretty woman after everything that's happened. I'll even tell you about it."

[X] "If you are offering... " Be gracious, have a free meal.
[X] "I'll stay with you. It'll be nice to have a sit down meal with a pretty woman after everything that's happened. I'll even tell you about it."

[X] "If you are offering... " Be gracious, have a free meal.

Does it count as throwing ourselves into a volcano if the volcano comes to us?
[X] "Take me up the ravine, I won't be at ease until I know what's happened."

[X] "If you are offering... " Be gracious, have a free meal.

So this isn't what's supposed to be happening. Make haste.
[X] "Take me up the ravine, I won't be at ease until I know what's happened."

[X] "If you are offering... " Be gracious, have a free meal.
[X] "I'll stay with you. It'll be nice to have a sit down meal with a pretty woman after everything that's happened. I'll even tell you about it."

[X] "If you are offering... " Be gracious, have a free meal.
[X] "Take me up the ravine, I won't be at ease until I know what's happened."

[X] "If you are offering... " Be gracious, have a free meal.
A pretty girl and a free meal. Are we sure we haven't already jumped the volcano? It sounds suspiciously like hobo-heaven. :V

[X] "I'll stay with you. It'll be nice to have a sit down meal with a pretty woman after everything that's happened. I'll even tell you about it."
[X] "If you are offering... " Be gracious, have a free meal.
Does it count as throwing ourselves into a volcano if the volcano comes to us?
Maybe! But considering your location, it's still far from ideal.
So this isn't what's supposed to be happening. Make haste.
Most likely not, but do keep in mind that this woman wasn't around the last time someone jumped in. She doesn't have the details.
A pretty girl and a free meal. Are we sure we haven't already jumped the volcano? It sounds suspiciously like hobo-heaven. :V
I can guarantee you that you haven't jumped in, nor are you dead just quite yet.