[X] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.

[X] Woman
[X] The Evnan Protectorate, a small south-eastern free state once part of the original Empire of Gavosnu. They parted ways before it collapsed, and have remained stable since. They retain the Gavousun love of machinery, but have taken to applying enchantments and other magicks to them.

[X] Man
[X] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.
[X] Woman
[X] Gavosnu. You've heard it's cleaned up a great deal since you left, going so far as rebuilding an empire while you were away. What you remember are dirty people in dirty tunnels, working hard for each other, and for the machines that keep them alive.

[X] Woman
[X] Kingdom of Laccice, a small country to the north with an isolationist attitude. Their is a land of magic, though more restrained than Boha. Theirs is a martial culture, a nation of soldiers endlessly fighting against northern giants of fire and ice. They fill out their small army with mechanical drones, and tinkering is something of a national pastime.

[X] Man
[X] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.

[X] Man
[X] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.

[X] Man
[X] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.

[X] Woman
[X] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.

[X] Man
[X] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.
[X] Man

Our choice of homeland, too, should be a surprise to no one. :whistle:
[X] Kingdom of Laccice, a small country to the north with an isolationist attitude. Their is a land of magic, though more restrained than Boha. Theirs is a martial culture, a nation of soldiers endlessly fighting against northern giants of fire and ice. They fill out their small army with mechanical drones, and tinkering is something of a national pastime.

[X] Man
[X] Kingdom of Laccice, a small country to the north with an isolationist attitude. Their is a land of magic, though more restrained than Boha. Theirs is a martial culture, a nation of soldiers endlessly fighting against northern giants of fire and ice. They fill out their small army with mechanical drones, and tinkering is something of a national pastime.

[X] Man
[x] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.

[x] Man

If we can't be a rogue out for redemption, then at least we could have previously been a smelly hobo.
[X] Boha, born and bred. You fondly remember the towering spires and bustling streets. Magic was everywhere, in both premade casting tools anyone can use and in the powerful mages that ruled the nation.

[X] Man
[X] The Evnan Protectorate, a small south-eastern free state once part of the original Empire of Gavosnu. They parted ways before it collapsed, and have remained stable since. They retain the Gavousun love of machinery, but have taken to applying enchantments and other magicks to them.

[X] Male
[X] Kingdom of Laccice, a small country to the north with an isolationist attitude. Their is a land of magic, though more restrained than Boha. Theirs is a martial culture, a nation of soldiers endlessly fighting against northern giants of fire and ice. They fill out their small army with mechanical drones, and tinkering is something of a national pastime.

[X] Man
[X] Kingdom of Laccice, a small country to the north with an isolationist attitude. Their is a land of magic, though more restrained than Boha. Theirs is a martial culture, a nation of soldiers endlessly fighting against northern giants of fire and ice. They fill out their small army with mechanical drones, and tinkering is something of a national pastime.

[X] Woman
I did in fact remember, but was to tired to care. Sorry about that.

Vote Tally : Original - Certain Death Quest | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Man
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.
No. of Votes: 8
Dark Ness

[X] Woman
No. of Votes: 6
Dark Ness

[X] Kingdom of Laccice, a small country to the north with an isolationist attitude. Their is a land of magic, though more restrained than Boha. Theirs is a martial culture, a nation of soldiers endlessly fighting against northern giants of fire and ice. They fill out their small army with mechanical drones, and tinkering is something of a national pastime.
No. of Votes: 5

[X] The Evnan Protectorate, a small south-eastern free state once part of the original Empire of Gavosnu. They parted ways before it collapsed, and have remained stable since. They retain the Gavousun love of machinery, but have taken to applying enchantments and other magicks to them.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Gavosnu. You've heard it's cleaned up a great deal since you left, going so far as rebuilding an empire while you were away. What you remember are dirty people in dirty tunnels, working hard for each other, and for the machines that keep them alive.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Vagabond
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Boha, born and bred. You fondly remember the towering spires and bustling streets. Magic was everywhere, in both premade casting tools anyone can use and in the powerful mages that ruled the nation.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Male
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 18

In another unexpected turn, SV wants to be a dude. This pleases me. SV also wants to be a hobo, which tells me unfortunate things about what you lot want to do with the homeless population. Update will be in a few days, I'm having a bout of gaming madness. Unless tomorrows concert inspires me. Entirely possible, it is Steely Dan.
A little about yourself
"In truth, I know nothing of my birth place." you began. "I was raised on the road, never settling down in one place for long."

The Domnah thought only for a moment. "That would have been a hard life, I would say."

"At times, but usually not so difficult. It was the life my parents had chosen, and one they were adept at. And I am glad of it, I would have never seen so many of the world's wonders had they not…"

As you walked down the gently inclined trail, you spoke of everything you had seen in your young life. The great Shield Pikes of Old Gavosnu, The Flowing Towers of Ivela, even the Grave of all Heros. The little wonders as well, the everlamps of Laccice and hovercarts of Evnan. You spoke of long days under dirty skies and cold nights brightly lit. But also of warm inns and bustling markets, full of people more then happy to trade food and goods for news and stories. A life both complex and simple, hard yet easy, completely dependent on where one was.

In a way, you supposed this trip was a way of getting back to that. You had traveled so many places, and beheld many majestic sights. But never here. You had never been to these lands. You'd barely even heard of this place. To you, it was a spot on the map, one that would have been of no interest save for the volcanic mountain to its north. One last wonder to be seen.

You took in the sights as you went, noting how quickly the land changed from rocky slopes to inclined fields. And fields a plenty there were. The first few you passed through were untamed, free to grow as they wished and what they wished, with a smattering of usual sorts of animals around. Deer, goats and so on. You thought you might have spotted something large and repetition, but was only a glimpse before you lost track of it. Seems the monster problem reached even this remote place.

Further on, the fields changed from wild grass and trees to more thoroughly grazed a land, with a river running through them. Some were given away to corn, barley and wheat, but most were being use by a variety of farm animals.

When the village came into view, you were somewhat surprised. You had been expecting huts with straw roofs and a few tents for storage. Instead you were greeted with wooden homes and glass windows, well worn but well cared. Far above it is the volcano, plenty smoking.

You take it all in. The fields, the river, the village. The canyon walls and the mountain of fire. You would not call this canyon beautiful, but it had a certain rugged charm.

You stopped and scratched at the scruff on on your chin. 'Just like the old days' you thought. Back at the universities, they had expected a level of cleanness you had not been accustomed to. You learned quickly enough, but had always felt it was rather fussy. Now that you were back on the road, you don't put in as much care. It felt good, another way of coming back to your roots.

A man approached from the village, and the Domnah put up his hand. You stopped and waited for him, and when he did arrive he spokes quickly to the Cheif. The Domnah nods, and the man leaves. You were about to ask if something was the matter when he spoke.

He said "There are four spirits in this Canyon with Cores. I will need to retrieve one if you wish to see the path up the Karrandou safely."

You're a bit taken aback by that. "What? Why? I do not think a spirit necessary-"

"You do not require a spirit, only it's Core. There is an important task ahead of you, and the world has grown dangerous of late. This Core is necessary for you protection." He says. "They are gentle for their kind, and will know of your journey."

He does not seem to be willing to move on this.

[] The River Spirit. A water sprite that has a good reputation for being arid land to bloom, and a poor one for drowning those that displease it. It's Core is mostly likely to be along the water's edge.

[] The Field Spirit. An easy-going being that has little in the way of awareness, but a remarkable level of endurance. It's mere presence acts to fertilize the land, yet rot and gangrene set in with horrifying speed. It's Core will be among the grasses and trees.

[] The Volcanic Spirit. A fiery thing born of the volcano, they burn everything they touch. But a fire that burns is a fire that is warm. It is mostly likely lost, as these spirits do not enter the Canyon often. It's Core will be in a small gorge that was once a lava tube.

[] The Canyon Spirit. Born of the collective energies of everything in the Canyon, it is of everything within it, the fields and river, people and animals, even the volcano. However, such a being is impure, and it will soon dissipate. This makes more likely to be violent then the other three. It's Core could be anywhere, but the location is likely where all of it's aspects meet.
[X] The Canyon Spirit. Born of the collective energies of everything in the Canyon, it is of everything within it, the fields and river, people and animals, even the volcano. However, such a being is impure, and it will soon dissipate. This makes more likely to be violent then the other three. It's Core could be anywhere, but the location is likely where all of it's aspects meet.
[X] The River Spirit. A water sprite that has a good reputation for being arid land to bloom, and a poor one for drowning those thatdisplease it. It's Core is mostly likely to be along the water's edge.
[X] The Canyon Spirit. Born of the collective energies of everything in the Canyon, it is of everything within it, the fields and river, people and animals, even the volcano. However, such a being is impure, and it will soon dissipate. This makes more likely to be violent then the other three. It's Core could be anywhere, but the location is likely where all of it's aspects meet.
[X] The River Spirit. A water sprite that has a good reputation for being arid land to bloom, and a poor one for drowning those that displease it. It's Core is mostly likely to be along the water's edge.

With our magic, perhaps we can convince/bind him to deal with our volcano problem, even if temporarily.