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In a boxed canyon sits a small village. To either side of the canyon were vast empires on the...
To die not in vain


Altman be praised
USG Ishimura
In a boxed canyon sits a small village. To either side of the canyon were vast empires on the brink of war. Sightings of wild and powerful monsters were sharply rising. And the gods speak to their followers less and less.

This mattered little to the people of the village. They saw little trade with either empire, monsters had a difficult time reaching the base of their canyon, and the communion with their spirits continued unhindered.

Truly, the only thing they fear is Karrandou Mountain.

The large volcano was perched on the canyon's edge, and was inhabited by a powerful spirit. This spirit had provided for them for as long as any can remember. Fertile ground, wards against demons, and protective guards against magical beasts and berserk machines. Many would dream of such luxuries, but it comes at a price.

Karrandou demands sacrifice, or else promised destruction. Once, every one-hundred years someone, of their own free will, must dive into the lava filled crater and perish.

It has been 99 years, 10 months and 3 days since the last sacrifice, and yet none of the villagers are willing to jump into the volcano. In a move of tired desperation their chief, the Domnah, has issued a request to the mercenary guilds.

To find someone, anyone, who will die for his people.

To that end, they found you. You're are going to die. You have tried many times and many ways to prolong your life, but to no avail. You do not want to die, but the fact is that you are living on borrowed time. The details matter little.

As it stands, you have four months left, if you're lucky. Three of those will be dignified. So, you thought, as the mercenary band departed from your humble abode, if that's how it must be, if you have no paths left, isn't better to die saving someone else?

That's what heroes do, right?

So that's what you'll do. You have lived your life as many do. You will end it as no other will.

You're facing certain death, and you'll go to it a hero.

So what were you before this story begins?

[] Mercenary. A warrior for hire, lacking honor or featly. You have never fought for a higher ideal than your next paycheck, or thought beyond the next battle. Now with the end coming for you clearer than any sword trust or magical fire, you wonder what use your skills are. The road to the mouth of Karrandou is harsh, and fraught with danger. If any have a chance at seeing this quest through to the end, it's you.

[] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.

[] Technician. You have traveled the ruins of the Gavosnu, picking through the remains of its last two great empires before they fell, fixing machines both great and small to provide for yourself. Yet for all your technical skill, it will not save you from your encroaching demise. Rather than fritter away your last days tinkering, you will use the tools of your trade to ascend the mountain. One last trip, one last investigation.

[] Rogue. You have tricked, swindled, stolen and murdered your way through life, the rare selfless act usually only done to gain trust you would soon betray. Now you see death coming for you, and every misdeed feels like wasted effort. It's too late for true redemption, but you won't let it be said your life was nothing but waste.
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[X] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
[x] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.

Perhaps this way we might have made some research on spirits and anything related to them. Hopefully.
[x] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
[X] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
[X] Technician. You have traveled the ruins of the Gavosnu, picking through the remains of its last two great empires before they fell, fixing machines both great and small to provide for yourself. Yet for all your technical skill, it will not save you from your encroaching demise. Rather than fritter away your last days tinkering, you will use the tools of your trade to ascend the mountain. One last trip, one last investigation.
Sightings of wild and powerful monsters were sharply rising. And the gods speak to their followers less and less.

I believe it should be

, and the god spoke to their followers less and less.

You normally, don't start a sentence with "and", plus spoke is past tense to fit the other verbs in your list: "were" and "were"

. Fertile ground, wards against demons, and protective guards against magical beasts and berserk machines

This is an incomplete sentence.

It has been 99 years, 10 months, and 3 days since the last sacrifice, and yet none of the villagers are willing to jump into the volcano. In a move of tired desperation their chief, the Domnah, has issued a request to the mercenary guilds.

You need to add a comma after 10 months. This is a list.
I don't think you need 2 conjunctions here either "and" or "yet" is good enough.

Your are going to die.

You're going to die.
You are going to die.

Your are going to die. You have tried many times and many ways to prolong your life, but to no avail. You do not want to die, but the fact is that you are living on borrowed time.

This is a style thing not a grammar, so you can ignore this. Three sentences starting with "You are", "You have", and "You do" are kind of repetitive. Especially when the last sentence "You do not want to die" is kind of obvious.

Again this is style not grammar, so you can ignore it.

So, you though, as the mercenary band departed from your humble apode, if that's how it must be, if I have no paths left, isn't better to die saving someone else?

Internal Dialogue needs italics or quotes, I believe.

You will end it as no other will.

I can not put my finger on if there is a grammatical incorrectness here or a style.

You're facing certain death, and you'll go to it a hero.

It should be "you'll go to it as a hero."

[x] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
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[X] Rogue. You have tricked, swindled, stolen and murdered your way through life, the rare selfless act usually only done to gain trust you would soon betray. Now you see death coming for you, and every misdeed feels like wasted effort. It's too late for true redemption, but you won't let it be said your life was nothing but waste.
[X] Technician. You have traveled the ruins of the Gavosnu, picking through the remains of its last two great empires before they fell, fixing machines both great and small to provide for yourself. Yet for all your technical skill, it will not save you from your encroaching demise. Rather than fritter away your last days tinkering, you will use the tools of your trade to ascend the mountain. One last trip, one last investigation.
[X] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
[X] Rogue. You have tricked, swindled, stolen and murdered your way through life, the rare selfless act usually only done to gain trust you would soon betray. Now you see death coming for you, and every misdeed feels like wasted effort. It's too late for true redemption, but you won't let it be said your life was nothing but waste.
[X] Technician. You have traveled the ruins of the Gavosnu, picking through the remains of its last two great empires before they fell, fixing machines both great and small to provide for yourself. Yet for all your technical skill, it will not save you from your encroaching demise. Rather than fritter away your last days tinkering, you will use the tools of your trade to ascend the mountain. One last trip, one last investigation.
[X] Technician. You have traveled the ruins of the Gavosnu, picking through the remains of its last two great empires before they fell, fixing machines both great and small to provide for yourself. Yet for all your technical skill, it will not save you from your encroaching demise. Rather than fritter away your last days tinkering, you will use the tools of your trade to ascend the mountain. One last trip, one last investigation.
[X] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
*sigh* Technomagical magitech is at it again. No appreciation for backstabbers. :(

Let no one say we went down without a fight!!

[X] Rogue. You have tricked, swindled, stolen and murdered your way through life, the rare selfless act usually only done to gain trust you would soon betray. Now you see death coming for you, and every misdeed feels like wasted effort. It's too late for true redemption, but you won't let it be said your life was nothing but waste.
[X] Technician. You have traveled the ruins of the Gavosnu, picking through the remains of its last two great empires before they fell, fixing machines both great and small to provide for yourself. Yet for all your technical skill, it will not save you from your encroaching demise. Rather than fritter away your last days tinkering, you will use the tools of your trade to ascend the mountain. One last trip, one last investigation.
[X] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.

Perhaps he/she knows how to bind spirits.
Perhaps this way we might have made some research on spirits and anything related to them. Hopefully.
In an academic sense, yes. For practial use, everyone else is better.
I believe it should be

, and the god spoke to their followers less and less.

You normally, don't start a sentence with "and", plus spoke is past tense to fit the other verbs in your list: "were" and "were"

This is an incomplete sentence.

You need to add a comma after 10 months. This is a list.
I don't think you need 2 conjunctions here either "and" or "yet" is good enough.

You're going to die.
You are going to die.

This is a style thing not a grammar, so you can ignore this. Three sentences starting with "You are", "You have", and "You do" are kind of repetitive. Especially when the last sentence "You do not want to die" is kind of obvious.

Again this is style not grammar, so you can ignore it.

Internal Dialogue needs italics or quotes, I believe.

I can not put my finger on if there is a grammatical incorrectness here or a style.

It should be "you'll go to it as a hero."
While I'm always grateful for a critique, I ask that you spoiler it in future. Thank you anyways, I'll review this and incorporate the fixes.
*sigh* Technomagical magitech is at it again. No appreciation for backstabbers. :(

Let no one say we went down without a fight!!
You think you're disappointed? I was hoping for some swording action and not a one of you has voted for Mercenary!
Perhaps he/she knows how to bind spirits.
I really hope you aren't thinking of binding the mountain...

Anyway, closing vote in about... 12 hours. Next we'll be meeting with the Domnah and voting on your homeland.
[x] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
[X] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
[X] Rogue. You have tricked, swindled, stolen and murdered your way through life, the rare selfless act usually only done to gain trust you would soon betray. Now you see death coming for you, and every misdeed feels like wasted effort. It's too late for true redemption, but you won't let it be said your life was nothing but waste.

I want to play someone who'd actually go up the mountain.
Vote Tally : Original - Certain Death Quest | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Spellcaster. Spending your life studying at any one of Boha's many academies was enough for you. You always told yourself that one day you'd take everything you'd learned about magic and change the world. Well time demands you do it now or not at all, and you have not the connections or skill to even begin truly long term plans. This is your chance to do something with what you know, to make a difference, however small.
No. of Votes: 10
D King Hecht
Dark Ness

[X] Technician. You have traveled the ruins of the Gavosnu, picking through the remains of its last two great empires before they fell, fixing machines both great and small to provide for yourself. Yet for all your technical skill, it will not save you from your encroaching demise. Rather than fritter away your last days tinkering, you will use the tools of your trade to ascend the mountain. One last trip, one last investigation.
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Rogue. You have tricked, swindled, stolen and murdered your way through life, the rare selfless act usually only done to gain trust you would soon betray. Now you see death coming for you, and every misdeed feels like wasted effort. It's too late for true redemption, but you won't let it be said your life was nothing but waste.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Technician.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Spellcaster.
No. of Votes: 1
Wheel of time

Total No. of Voters: 21

Votes closed. Shocking nobody, Spellcaster won. Shocking the GM, 21 people want to play a quest where you die at the end. Update will be sometime tomorrow, depending on how much sleep I get.
Meet the chief
You take the last few steps down the winding path that leads to the valley floor, and pause to catch your breath.The trek to this land has been hard, the last leg more so than the rest. You had come with caravans most of the journey, but there are none that come to this canyon.

Understandable perhaps. Simply navigating the narrow crags and edges that make up the so called path was exhausting, you can't imagine doing this with a pack animal or motorized cart. Heaven forbid any try while carrying a heavy load. Your own sparse belongings nearly sent you tumbling down more than once. Free of the pass, you're glad to lean on a scraggy tree for support.

"You are the one they found?" Speaks a large voice.

You spin in surprise, looking for the source of the mystery voice. You find it right next to you, in the form of a large man. Large of stature, large of chest, large of gut. Extremely present, even without speaking. How you missed him is beyond you.

You quickly compose yourself, "Uh, yes! Yes, I'm here to… Well…" You trail off.

"Throw yourself into a volcano and save my village?" He asks, though there is no question in his tone. You nod, and his tired eyes angel up to the sky, judging the position of the sun.

"Midday" he says. "You are early. I expected you in the evening time. Walk with me." He slowly walks on down the path, and you follow. You honestly find the man to be slightly rude, but given his situation you find his behavior forgivable.

"I am the Domnah," he continues. "The chief of these lands." His silence invites your own introduction. "I am…" You start, then pause. "Forgive me, but did you not get my letter? I sent it with the mercenaries you hired."

"I did" he says, "but between the poor penmanship and water damage it was unreadable. All I could make out was that you had magical training."

"Ah, yes. General elemental casting and esoteric rituals. I was a graduate of many schools." You say proudly. Your skill in the academics of magic was gaining you some notoriety back in Boha.

"You have done a great deal work then?" He asks.

You wince. "Not as such, no. I was more studying-"

"So you have never fought with magic." He states matter-of-factly.

Your shoulders slump. "No, I've barely done any casting at all. I would say the trip down here saw more practical use of my skills than my entire career before now."

The man gives a nod. "You are honest. I can appreciate that. Do not be concerned, whatever skill you posses should matter little. Tell me more about yourself."

You shift around a little, feeling awkward. "Not that I mind, but why do you want to know? After all…" you trail off again, giving a meaningful look to Karrandou. The mountain is clearly visible from where you stand, and given the shape of a canyon, you believe there is nowhere in this place you can't see it. It looks much like you imagined it, tall with a cut off lightly smoking top indicating the crater.

"It would be disrespectful at best to not at least try to know the person about to sacrifice themselves for our sakes." He says, not letting the question hang. "You soon go to your death, you should speak to someone of your life. Please, tell me of your homeland."

There's a certain logic to that, and you really don't mind talking about your home. You come from...

[] Gavosnu. You've heard it's cleaned up a great deal since you left, going so far as rebuilding an empire while you were away. What you remember are dirty people in dirty tunnels, working hard for each other, and for the machines that keep them alive.

[] Boha, born and bred. You fondly remember the towering spires and bustling streets. Magic was everywhere, in both premade casting tools anyone can use and in the powerful mages that ruled the nation.

[] The Evnan Protectorate, a small south-eastern free state once part of the original Empire of Gavosnu. They parted ways before it collapsed, and have remained stable since. They retain the Gavousun love of machinery, but have taken to applying enchantments and other magicks to them.

[] Kingdom of Laccice, a small country to the north with an isolationist attitude. Their is a land of magic, though more restrained than Boha. Theirs is a martial culture, a nation of soldiers endlessly fighting against northern giants of fire and ice. They fill out their small army with mechanical drones, and tinkering is something of a national pastime.

[] Vagabond. You and your family traveled many places and met many people. You've seen wonders both magical and technological, as well as a few things you'd rather forget.

Man or Woman?

[] Man

[] Woman

The vote for homeland and gender will be counted separately.