Muhkat Lomorki

Draconic Sorcerer
IC Thread

This is a Freeform Roleplay where you play as cats in a house. There is little story, if any, besides those that you wish to create as you explore your surroundings and the world.

However, what is most important is that you have fun and aren't afraid to get silly!
1) Be a decent person.
2)Try not to godmod.
3)Cats, while close to perfect, still have their limitations. Keep that in mind.
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Name: Mozart
Gender: Male
Race/Breed: Chausie
Personality: Mozart love to interact with people and is always up for some good-natured play.
-Supernaturally Athletic

I think 'Type of Cat' should be replaced by 'Race or Breed' its more easy to get across.
I like Chausies, they have a wild jungle cat ancestry and they are pretty big! Like small tigers. They can reach up to 10kg in weight.
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Name: Mozart
Gender: Male
Race/Breed: Chausie
Personality: Mozart love to interact with people and is always up for some good-natured play.

I think 'Type of Cat' should be replaced by 'Race or Breed' its more easy to get across.
I like Chausies, they have a wild jungle cat ancestry and they are pretty big! Like small tigers. They can reach up to 10kg in weight.
Do note that this is fairly silly and may include robot cats...
..Know what? Okay. These guys count as cats, technically. I wanted to push my luck with a robo-mecha tiger, but eh.

Name: Hobbes
Gender: Male
Race/Breed: Bengal Tiger
Personality: Laid back, listless, and generally amused at everything that comes his way, to the point of implacable. Little to none of the pride usually attributed to his breed, instead, taking examples from his cousins in the Sunday Comics like Hobbes and Garfield. Despite his overwhelming gluttony and sloth, if somehow coaxed into some inane hijink or deed, he's sure to see it through regardless. (Favours and bribes work wonders.)

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Name: Mistyk
Gender: Female
Race/Breed: Bombay
Personality: Cynical
-Bringer of Bad Luck (Qrow's Semblance from RWBY)
-High on Catnip

@OrmusTheZeebra You NEED to see this thread.

Name: Zips
Gender: Female
Race/Breed: Ragdoll

Personality: Easily startled, affectionate but shy
- Clumsy
- Builds up Static Electricity in fur
- Can move surprisingly fast

..Know what? Okay. These guys count as cats, technically. I wanted to push my luck with a robo-mecha tiger, but eh.

Name: Hobbes
Gender: Male
Race/Breed: Bengal Tiger
Personality: Laid back, listless, and generally amused at everything that comes his way, to the point of implacable. Little to none of the pride usually attributed to his breed, instead, taking examples from his cousins in the Sunday Comics like Hobbes and Garfield. Despite his overwhelming gluttony and sloth, if somehow coaxed into some inane hijink or deed, he's sure to see it through regardless. (Favours and bribes work wonders.)

-Reliable (Honorable?)
All approved!
Can I be a dog? Make myself the butt-money/antagonist of this RP?

Because if I can, that would be marvelous...
Also, the owner looks like a mixture between Velma and Daria, but a college student who has to drink a lot of coffee to get through the day.
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