Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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There is a reason submarine captains were treated like fighter aces in Germany. It took hell of a lot of courage and a fair bit of guile to survive, let alone succeed, as a merchant raider.
Still- that's also why all the stories are of the sort of daring rakish young officer out on the hunt, from Master and Commander on through to Das Boote.
5-7: Last Charge of the Kamome
"Turn back towards the convoy, we need to find another target," you order the helmsman. The cruiser was dead in the water and the convoy was moving away, so if it was still a threat it would only be for a short time, especially considering the prevailing weather. You had more pressing issues. You leaned forwards to your speaking tube.

"Wireless! Update the convoy--enemy cruiser hit, listing to port. Any reply to our message?"

"We've been acknowledged--Yodo and her destroyers are on their way." The light cruiser and her destroyers had been standing further away from the convoy to screen it--somehow the enemy and slipped past them.


The deck shifted under your feet as the helmsman turned, water spraying up as the boat crashed through a wave and back toward the convoy. Ishinari kept an eye on the cruiser retreating into the distance behind you, still sending shells scattering down towards your position with increasing inaccuracy, but you weren't particularly worried. The odds of a hit were low, and dwelling on it wouldn't stop it from happening if it did.

"Ensign, port and starboard tubes." You ordered, giving him a task to keep his mind in the game. He nodded and descended the bridge towards the tubes, getting the men together to run out the torpedoes. Hopefully they'd be in place in time: the rear tube was awkward to use and you didn't want to have to rely on it.

Something burst quite near the ship, close enough that you heard something patter off the side of the hull. A shell from the stricken cruiser in a near hit. The Caspian gunners were still incredible. You walked up to the helmsman and quietly ordered him to make some gentle evasive turns for the final stretch. Couldn't hurt.

Finally, the convoy came back into sight as you emerged from a fog bank and into summer sunlight that seemed far too bright after groping through fog and rain. Four ships now, and one of them had a fire in the superstructure, soldiers rushing to and fro on the decks to help put it out. There were still shells coming down into the water nearby, and you watched the prow gun on the Okinami fire at something unseen in the fog. You followed its trajectory as best you could, and sure enough, it revealed an enemy vessel bearing down on the convoy. It was a destroyer of some kind, sleek and fast as it emerged from a squall of rain, forward guns banging away towards the Okinami. The outline of its prow torpedo tubes stood out from the jagged, swirling paint scheme, and you felt a jolt of anxious panic. If it got those to bear on the Okinami, it was going to the bottom, no question.

"There's our target! Torpedoes?"

"Tubes one and two are ready!" Ishinari shouted back from the deck.

"Get us lined up with that destroyer!" You shouted to the helmsman. Decorum could wait. You glanced back to your former posting as a shell burst against the loading crane on its superstructure, bringing the assembly crashing down to the deck. There wasn't much time. "Range to target?"

"1500 meters, captain!" The rangerfinder replied. You could see the men aiming the torpedoes on the Caspian deck. There was nothing for it. It would be the extreme edge of your effective range, the angle on the target was all wrong, but you had to do something.

"Tubes one and two, fire!"

To the credit of your crew, there was no second guessing. With the usual 'whoosh' of compressed air the torpedoes leapt from their tubes and began racing toward the destroyer. You watched their trails speed through the waves. You focused your binoculars on the oncoming enemy.

"Helm, put us across her bow. I want us between her and the convoy--!" There was a moment of hesitation next to you and then you felt the boat heel over to one side as the wheel was cranked hard over. The range was closing rapidly and you knew, with a chill deep in your heart, that they might well ram you--run you over and crush you into scrap. Forward and on the starboard side, your little guns went into action, firing as fast as they could at the enemy destroyer despite the range. There were puffs of water forward of her and then--then the enemy turned hard away in an effort to avoid your torpedos. That left you just the two for the aft tube. The wireless operator's voice sounded far away and tinny through the tube.

"Captain, Kamome reports that she has sighted the enemy." One of your fellow torpedo boats.

"Which enemy?"

"They are not clear."

Great. Wonderful. Excellent. Fucking useful. You wondered sometimes how some of your fellow officers even breathed with brains so small, clearly-

"Thank you. Good luck to them." You replied. Now wasn't the time for that sort of thing. The destroyer was twisting away, your torpedoes going wide. You managed to bite back a curse, slamming a hand down on the compass stand next to you. You still had decorum to worry about.

"Get the boys to run the aft torpedos up front. We're only going to get one more shot at this, and I'd rather not do it while running away." You ordered Ishinari, gesturing the action widely. "Double time now! Helm, get us set up for another attack, I want to come in straight on from the side!"

The boat started shifting under your feet again as every available member of the crew rushed back to manhandle the torpedo. There wouldn't be room to pass it by the stacks properly, so instead they were going to have to form a chain and shuttle it along man to man. The gunners on the forward cannon even joined in as the turning boat obscured the destroyer. The men stumbled, having to keep their feet on a spray-slicked deck as the boat heeled hard over into her turn, and for a moment everyone ducked onto the deck as a shell thundered so close overhead your ears popped.

"That was a big one." You muttered to yourself, pulling your binoculars back up. They'd almost hit you with their forward gun, which they ought to have been pointing at the convoy. They were either scared or furious with you.

That was your job here, though, wasn't it? The voice tube whistled again and you bent to listen.

"Kamome reports: 'I am attacking enemy destroyer. May the Empress reign for ten thousand years.' Her spark is so loud, she has to be right on top of us, ma'am!" You looked up, scanning the sea around you, and then one of the other men on the bridge spoke up.

"There, captain!" You followed his pointing finger and spotted the other torpedo boat crashing through the waves on an approach to attempt an attack on the other side of the destroyer, lean and low in the water. She was a more modern design with a jagged prow like a sawtooth bayonet and a triple set of forward tubes, and you were briefly envious of her.

"Do your best, Kamome." You said quietly, watching as the guns focused on you started to pivot and face the new threat. It was a heart-breakingly beautiful moment. The little torpedo boat charging forward in the face of overwhelming odds, all banners flying like a mounted warrior. As it closed, the side launcher tubes on the superstructure sprayed white phosphorous around it, haloing it in smoke and dancing lights in an attempt to conceal its course until the final moment. The boat's captain was holding his course, closing in on the destroyer even further than you'd dared. 1000 meters. 800 meters. He had to fire, didn't he?

The destroyer's side erupted in smoke and light and you heard an eerie screaming noise carry across the waves as a barrage of small rockets hurtled out across the waves, matching and overpowering the smokescreen laid by the Kamome. The battle was obscured a minute, the smoke drifting back over the destroyer, and you shared a glance with Ishinari as he stepped back into the bridge, the torpedo nearly loaded in.

"Helm, start us on a course to attack the destroyer's last position. Just in case." You ordered. You held out hope the Kamome had hit them, but if not, you had to move now, while their guns were facing the wrong way and the smoke in their eyes. You lifted your binoculars again, trying to get a glimpse of the action. You had swung away--you were perhaps 3000 or 4000 meters from the battle now, far enough away that the enemy wasn't worried about you. For now.

The smoke cleared and the Kamome was in view again, listing heavily and her deck seeming completely ablaze with a bright, intense flame that hurt your eyes to stare at for too long. Munitions were cooking off, including the remaining smokescreen tubes which flashed into the sky like fireworks. Then the forward tubes went in a huge blast of smoke and water, and the rest of the boat vanished in seconds.

Ishinari leaned against the bulkhead of the bridge with a wordless moan. You wanted to lecture him for such demoralizing behavior, but you simply couldn't muster it.

"Ensign, is that torpedo ready?" You needed to focus. Giving him something else to think about would keep him from worrying about such things.

"Y-yes. Yes ma'am." He said.

"Go make sure. We can't afford to miss." You ordered. He nodded, looking pale but motivated now with something to do. You settled down to examine your target one more time.

"Helm, bring us in on an attack course again." This was it. Your last shot. "Stand by, port and aft tubes!"

"All stations report ready for attack," Ishinari reported a few moments later. His voice sounded strained and reedy, but he was reporting. That was the important part. You were still moving at flank speed, so there was no need to make an adjustment there. You lurched forward, skipping across waves as you moved in one the enemy again. 2000 meters. This was where things would get risky again.

At least their main turrets were still coming around. The first of their lighter guns were already firing ranging shots, yellow tracers lazily passing overhead.

"Range, 2000." The man at the rangefinder reported.

"Helm, hold this course."

"Aye, captain."

"1500 meters." It seemed like you had blinked and your target had come closer. You had fired at this distance before and hit nothing. You needed to be more sure.

"Steady." You said. Was that for yourself or your helmsman?

There was a machine-gun on their deck shooting at you. You were far out of effective range for it, it was just spraying rounds uselessly into the air.

"1200 meters."

Something pinged off the railing of the conning tower and whined as it whirred on to splash into the sea. A bullet was still a bullet even if it hits you without purpose. There, you were starting to get into a range where they had a hope of hitting you. A shell rumbled overhead to explode aft in a shower of yellow dye. They were trying to find the range.

"900 meters."

"Steady," you repeated. You weren't going to miss this time.

"700 meters!"

"Tubes one and two, fire!" You dropped your hand in a chopping motion and you heard Ishinari:

"Torpedoes running, ma'am!"

"Helm, hard to port!" The boat heeled over, crashing through a wave as you turned away from the destroyer. A shell exploded where you would have been a moment ago if you had held your course. You turned to look aft at the destroyer, gauged the angle. Ishinari glanced back to you nervously.

"Do you think we might have missed, ma-"

The side of the destroyer burst into smoke and flame, the same eerie screaming noise carrying over the water. This time even more bone-chilling because it was getting louder as whatever the destroyer had fired barreled directly towards your retreating boat, then it merged with the sound of the impacting torpedo, a cacophony of discordant noise that overran your senses. You looked up, following the trajectory of the incoming rockets as they spread wildly across the sea, at least four dozen of them sailing towards you, and your eyes locked with one that was making a perfect arc. It was just a flat, unmoving circle in your vision, growing larger.

Then it clattered off the side of the bridge onto the deck, and you glanced down to see the spent tube lying inert, smoke trailing from the exhaust vent. It sounded like at least one other had hit the boat somewhere aft. You were about to order a man to kick it overboard when your vision went suddenly, painfully blank, like staring at the bulb of a camera flash, and it felt in just a moment like you were in an oven.

"Incendiary!" You called. "Fire!" You pulled yourself away, shielding your eyes with your remaining sleeve, and when your vision blinked back and you were far enough way that most of the heat had dissipated you found the fabric burning, ignited despite you standing at least a meter from the device. Horrified, you attempted to pat it out as it spread up your arm, the heat growing unbearable, before switching to using your hat to pad it out. That resulted in a smoldering, useless piece of headgear that you discarded to the deck, and crisp fabric coming away in strips as you tried to pull it off your skin.

You noticed only now there was screaming on the deck behind you, and the men rushing to put out the fire stopped as petty officer Ono pulled them aside, knocking the buckets of seawater from their hands.

"What's going on? Sailors, put it out!" You ordered.

"Ma'am! Water just makes it flare up!" Ono said, turning to you. "The other one exploded the moment we tried!"

His face was already caked in ash and soot. You glanced back aft, and sure enough there was a blaze burning behind the stacks, far larger than it ought to be.

"What do we do?"

What do you do?
Well, sand works but honestly, getting a pole and pushing it overboard might be the best bet.
IIRC, to deal with incendiary bombs, you spray jets of water at the burning materials, but ignore the bomb itself. Splashing water on the incendiary bomb makes it explode, which happened here.

Sand will work as well if we have lots of it.

However, I'm not sure about how useful that'll be on this sub.

Edit: I think the best thing we can do for the bomb itself is find a way for it to burn out faster.
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Let's see.

We have a few options:

1) This is a rocket. That means that the warhead is relatively small. This means that it has relatively little thermal energy, and a limited burntime. If it doesn't get to ignite anything else on the ship, it's useless.
1a) Based on the fact that it managed to set our clothing on fire(which should been quite damp, given that fact that this a torpedo boat doing high speed maneuvers in the fog), it must have a very high energy output.
1b) This means that it dangerous, but for a very short time. There's descent odds that by the time we've finished discussing this, the bomb has already burnt itself out.

2)If it hasn't, we have a few options .
2a) If it's not lying on anything flammable, we can just let it burn itself out.
2b) If it is lying on something flammable, then we should turn it non-flammable asap. Just wet the deck. Some water will touch the bomb, but it won't be enough to trigger an explosion. In addition, the faster reaction is beneficial to us, because the faster the bomb reacts, the faster it burns itself out. As along as we can keep the deck wet, it can't burn through.
2c) If burning through the deck is a problem, then we need to move the incendiary. We have brooms on this boat right. Just push it over the edge of the deck. These things are tiny, their explosion can't harm the ship

Here's an interesting document about incendiaries btw.

Put an empty bucket over it to smother the bomb itself?

That may be a bad idea. We don't want to concentrate the heat on the deck.
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This is bad. Very bad. Firefighting on a vessel is hard. And we probably don't have much in the way of firefighting equipment, since we're an expendable torpedo boat. And we're dealing with multiple incendiary devices.

Okay, good things: We should have most of our crew available, since they won't be trapped below decks (what decks) or immediately incapacitated. Bad things: everything else.

We are out of the fight. Our goal now is to keep the fire from overtaking the boat or reaching enough ammo to cook-off and destroy the boat. To do that, we need to 1. dump or dampen our ammo stores, 2. contain the aft fire, and 3. get rid of the bow device before it can start a fire. We have three guns, one on the bow and one on the each side (I believe.) None of these should be trapped behind the aft fire, so we should be able to protect them. Thankfully the aft is torpedo-less now, or we'd all be dead.

The bombs are a serious problem. We won't be able to do anything immediately about the aft one, but we need to get rid of this one. We need a safe area to coordinate firefighting from and treat wounded sailors in. Look for something to push it over the side with. If it starts spreading, dampen the area around it and put the fire out with buckets.

Putting the aft fire out is an eventual goal, but right now we need to hold it back from the bow. Send some sailors to fight the fire with buckets.

Most of the crew was forward manning the tubes or the guns, but there may be crewmen in the engine spaces trapped behind the fire. Assign a petty officer to get a headcount and (if possible) bring all the crew from the boilers forward to the 'safe area.'

Dump/dampen as much of our ammo as possible to avoid explosion, get this incendiary off the boat, fight/hold off the blaze, look for crew. Anything else I'm not thinking of? This is a very bad situation. It's very likely we'll be unable to contain the fire and have to abandon ship, but we can at least hold it off for a while.
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To be honest, I'm a bit confused as to why there's a fire aft.

The incendiary exploded, but such an explosion means that all the combustible material is dispersed. Without sufficient heat in one place, the combustible material surrounding the incendiary will not reach ignition temperatures. An incendiary that explodes is bad for the person who set it of in his face, but it's also ineffective at setting things on fire.
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But seriously, if water doesn't put this shit out then I have no idea what to do.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.

What else?
My not-so-inner USN sailor is yelling at me to hit it with firemain.

Problem one: We're probably too small to have a pump and hose system. Alas.

Put out the secondary fires with buckets and use a pole - maybe a gun barrel, maybe wooden hull braces (even today, DDGs carry big, treated wooden poles for shoring up holes and buckling in the hull) - whatever works to get that nasty shit in the water.

[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.
[x] Try to keep the fires from spreading, but ignore the bombs themselves.
[x] Make sure everyone is doing something and not standing there shell shocked!
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.

@Shadows IIRC fire on ships is as bad as fire on planes: get that shit put out ASAP, and if you can't get it off the ship and into the environment. Is that accurate?
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.

@Shadows IIRC fire on ships is as bad as fire on planes: get that shit put out ASAP, and if you can't get it off the ship and into the environment. Is that accurate?

Highly accurate. Class D ( Explosive Metal) fires have precisely one way of dealing with them: drop the damn ocean on them and shove them over the side.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.

What real weapon were the incendiary rockets based on, or is it a Gayaverseism? Either way, those things are nasty.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.
[X] Push the bombs over the sides with something that can be thrown over.
[X] Dampen or dump all munitions or anything that can go up dramatically and terribly thanks to the fires.
[X] Create some sort of safe area/command area and make sure all the crew are alright.
[X] As much/when possible, get out of there. The boat's clearly through with fighting even if you succeed in stopping the fires.
Voting is open