Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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I am legit impressed we managed to wrap this up right quick. I thought we were gonna be doing some long event, but nope, bing bang boom, all done.
Yeah, we lucked out. Now I really hope we aren't immediately reassigned. I want to stick with our sub crew for a while, and staying on the same ship to see (and have to deal with) the fallout seems like it could be interesting.
Yeah, we lucked out. Now I really hope we aren't immediately reassigned. I want to stick with our sub crew for a while, and staying on the same ship to see (and have to deal with) the fallout seems like it could be interesting.
There is this new submarine we are supposed to pick up so...
Yeah, we lucked out. Now I really hope we aren't immediately reassigned. I want to stick with our sub crew for a while, and staying on the same ship to see (and have to deal with) the fallout seems like it could be interesting.
We kinda have to. We did kinda do a mutiny against our CO and cousin. Best to avoid any personal issues and shuffle us off boat. Along with any potential supporters of the late CO, ideally to a dead end spot.
We kinda have to. We did kinda do a mutiny against our CO and cousin. Best to avoid any personal issues and shuffle us off boat. Along with any potential supporters of the late CO, ideally to a dead end spot.
I mean.

It's not a mutiny when the XO has sealed orders from the admiralty to monitor the captain closely and supplant him if he commits any further illegal activities.
I can certainly see why the navy might wish to put us somewhere else after this, maybe even intentionally split up the "mutineers". On the other hand, we didn't actually do anything wrong from the perspective of the non Purity Club portion of the navy leadership, and the fascists might not exactly mind us staying on a ship full of purity club officers with a grudge, assigned to a tiny deathtrap sub full of people they may still think want us dead who aren't linked to them.
[x] Was that a shop that just sold ice cream? It sure looked like it, and furthermore it appeared there were multiple flavours! A rotund man in a white apron was currently in the process of opening. A few children came up to the window with handful of coins, and came away with a ball or two of colourful ice cream in a cone. Wait, was that child eating the cone?
[x] Nearby was a bakery selling something you'd never seen before. They looked like little square slices of bread, atop which was a mass of melted cheese and assorted vegetables. Looked tasty
3-12: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Justice & New Orders
As amazing as all of this sounded, ice cream sounded even more amazing. You'd never really had it yourself though you had read of it and seen it and had similar things, you think. But never real ice cream. You pointed towards the line of children.

"There. Let's go there."

"With the kids?"

"Kenshin, you asked me to choose. We're going there." The pair of you awkwardly shuffled into the queue behind a few kids. One or two of them openly gawked at you in your white uniforms and sleepless, rumpled look. You did your best to try and look dignified, even if you knew it wasn't quite working.

You realized as you moved up to the window that you were still wearing a sword. Oh well!

"Two ice creams, please! In the little cones." You said. The shopkeep looked at your suspiciously, then gestured to a chalkboard beside him.

"What flavours?" He said. You looked it over, explaining each to Kenshin, who couldn't read Tiber characters to save his life.

"That's vanilla, lemon, strawberry, orange, pineapple, grape, chocolate, coffee, and pistachio." You listed. It seemed like an overwhelming selection. It looked like there was two scoops per cone, of any flavour you wanted.

"Coffee sounds good." Kenshin said. "And… pineapple, I guess?"

"Okay. One of coffee and pineapple, and one chocolate and strawberry." You'd had a little bit of chocolate, but it wasn't common back home. You knew it was amazing, if a little bitter. Strawberries, meanwhile, were simply the best edible fruit there was, and anyone who disagreed was objectively wrong.

The man scooped the ice cream into the cones and handed them over. Now that you had them in your hands, they were huge, much too large for any one person. Well, that was New Alleghany for you! You handed over a few yellowish bills of local money and sat down at a local bench to enjoy it. You took a cautious lick at the chocolate blob resting atop the cone.

Oh wow. It was much, much sweeter than you were expecting, almost acid, but nice and cold in the heat and the taste of the chocolate was simply amazing. You tore into it, perhaps a bit messily.

-2 Stress

Kenshin, for his part, was a bit more hesitant. "Do you think it's supposed to be this sweet? I feel they added too much sugar." You shrugged: it was a lot, no question, but it was also amazing, so who cares?

You were about finished the chocolate and moving on to the strawberry when you were interrupted by a small voice.

"You have ice cream on your shirt."

You looked down and saw that, indeed, you'd ruined your nice white uniform with a streak of chocolatey goodness. If your mother saw you like this, she'd probably disown you.

The source of the voice was a little girl, maybe seven or eight. She had on one of those soft brimmed caps you saw the baseball players wearing back home pulled down over thick black curls, and had a little leather mitten and one of those baseball sticks to match.

"You're from those Aki ships, ain't you?" She said, pointing down the hill. Now that you were distracted from your ice cream for two seconds, you could see that the steep hill this bench was atop had a perfect view down into the bay. The two little white ships down there looked so small next to the giant black battleships besides them. "Can you understand me, huh?"

You nodded. "Yep! I can. My friend can't. I'm Arisugawa Haruna, and this is my friend Kusakabe Kenshin. We're both lieutenants."

She looked you over suspiciously, then held out a hand for a tiny, absurd shake. "Wendy." She said simply. You took her hand and smiled: she didn't offer the same to Kenshin. "What you doing here? You here to stay?"

"Just visiting. Picking up a submarine!" You said. You doubted that anyone would drill this kid for classified information. "Where are your parents?"

"Dad's sleeping 'cause he works the night shift and mom's at work or something. That a real sword?"

"Very real," you said with a laugh. Kenshin frowned.

"What is she talking about?"

"She wants to know if my sword is real. It's cute."

"Cute." He's quiet for a moment. "...You got ice cream on your uniform."

Before Wendy could ask another question, someone called her name and she went running off with a shouted 'Bye!' You watched as a game of street baseball in miniature began to unfold. When you were her age, they didn't let you outside without a guard, nevermind to play in the streets. You felt almost bitter about that, maybe.

You started crunching through the cone, finding it had become deliciously soaked with ice cream. There was shouting and you watched as one child hit the ball down the street and took off for the first base, then had to hold up as a delivery truck came puttering down the street. All the children scurried for the sidewalk and jeered at the driver, who good-naturedly told them to count it as a 'home-run' as she drove by. You stifled a laugh and Kenshin shook his head while he crunched through his own cone.

"I don't know why they don't sell ice cream like this back home." You said, smiling as the game resumed. "This is amazing."

"It's too sweet. I mean, it's good. But I couldn't eat this more than once a month if they sold it back home." Kenshin was still finishing off the bottom of the cone. You think that was maybe the best part, where all the melted ice cream had pooled.

"Still, whoever gets clever enough to do that would probably make a lot of… urgh." That was weird. Stomach ache?

"Urgh?" Kenshin asked.

"I kinda feel weird." You said.

"Told you, too much sugar."

"Eh, it'll probably be fine."


It was not fine. You were never eating that much ice cream again.

You took solace in the fact that Kenshin was also not fine.


A few days later, it seems like orders finally got sorted out. Commander Yajima, who was originally going to take command of the newly-purchased submarine, was instead going to helm the Hachinosu for the return journey. To everyone's surprise, yours included, the task of commanding the submarine on the way back would go to Kenshin. You'd be coming along, as would all the other minisub captains and crew and, it appeared, everyone that assisted in foiling the conspiracy. They were probably hoping that would prevent you from having any unfortunate accidents on board, in case there were more conspirators who hadn't been caught. That just so happened to be all the officers and men you needed to crew the damn thing for the trip home (5 officers, 22 men. Normally the complement was 6 officers and 40 men) Kenshin was in command, while one of the other more senior miniature submarine officers, Lieutenant Kanbayashi, was the executive officer while the rest of you split up the other duties.

The submarine was cramped, sure, but having spent so much time aboard the mini-subs, it didn't seem so bad. Besides that, it was bigger and more powerful than any of the submarines Akitsukuni had developed domestically. You could see why the Admiralty had snapped it up when the Alleghanians had decided to offer it up for sale.

It was a single deck laid out like a long hallway, with the conning tower above. From front to back, you had the forward torpedo room with its four tubes, officers quarters (which were each tiny closets of sorts with just enough room for a too-small bed), a tiny wardroom and galley, then the main control room and conning tower, crew quarters, engine room, battery room, some various engineering spaces, and a rear torpedo room with a single tube. Sailors slept wherever there was room, though there really wasn't, with stacked berths scattered about through most of the ship.

Atop the ship there was a gun aft of the control room, and a bulge ahead of it that was supposed to be external torpedo storage. All told, the boat carried ten torpedoes internally and another two in the deck locker, which would be enough for some pretty impressive raiding. There was some work to be done: the tubes needed converting to accept Akitsukuni-built torpedoes (which, apparently, were actually much better than the New Alleghany ones), the deck gun would need to be replaced, and of course she would need repainting from that midnight black to a respectable white and sea gray and all the information labels would need to be translated and the various gauges and dials replaced, since for some reason the New Alleghanians used Albian feet instead of the much more sensible meters. You suspected it would probably be in the yard a month or two once you got back. They'd probably also want to study it to build copies.

Most importantly, it had something none of the Akitsukuni subs back home had yet: a diesel engine. All of the domestic submarines had petrol or kerosene engines and you suspected that the Admiralty were eager to get their hands on a fine example of New Alleghanian engine design. It's engines gave it some lovely legs. According to the chief petty officer who was running the engine room, it could make 3,000 nautical miles on its own tanks, which would get it all the way to Katuroa and another 400 nautical miles past that before it would need to be refueled. Of course, you'd top up in port there, but still. That was impressive. Even a full tank wouldn't get you all the way home to Tokei once you left Katuroa, but that was why Hachinosu had filled its tanks with diesel fuel before you had sailed out of Shimazu.

Ken immediately implemented some rules that the new crew complained about and the experienced submariners were very thankful for, no smoking being a big one. The duties were pretty slap-dash, seeing as the sub had about half the crew it needed and wasn't using most of its functions. Mostly, you yelled at sailors to stay out of the middle of the hallway and took shifts on the top of the conning tower communicating with your tender and scanning the horizon with binoculars, though as you weren't at war everyone was pretty lax about keeping an eye out for other ships. Plus the Kaiyo could and would see see any approaching vessels long before you would with her tall superstructure and masts. You also sat in your cabin reading and writing letters to be sent when you got to Katuroa.

At Katuroa the mail finally caught up with you. A sealed envelope containing The Right to Well-Being with a "reader's guide" that poked holes in all the arguments within (though a brief glance at that showed a serious deficiency of academic rigour), as well as a variety of others. One was from your mother, the longest she'd sent yet, which… you think might have been amonishing you for interfering with the honour of another Cadet branch, though it may have instead (or, perhaps additionally) been intended to congratulate you. Her letters were indirectly written and so dense with hidden meaning that, frankly, it was impossible to tell.

Another was from Aiko. You tore it open and huddled up in your cabin to read it. It was long, but surprisingly restrained coming from her. That said, a lifetime of reading your mother's letters had prepared to for extracting her meaning, and…

Look, Aiko was a lot of things, but subtle wasn't one. Everywhere there was possibly a chance, she used a suggestive word or turn of phrase. There was one page of nothing but dots and dashes that spent a rather long time describing how badly she wanted to embrace you and be able to smell your perfume again.

Okay, she probably got the message.

It ended thusly.

I understand that your job and your position often leave you rather tied up. However, now that I understand how important our friendship is to you, I want to do my best to keep it alive. If your job happens to bring you by Tokei in the future, I would love to meet and catch up. Maybe we can get some tea or maybe have dinner sometime? I would love to host you at the dorm, too, since every girl there would LOVE to meet our Navy princess in person. I can cook for you there, too! Let me know.


Well. That wasn't exactly subtle either. She pretty much ended the letter asking you to step out with her and you rather badly wanted to accept. Thankfully, she constrained herself to being mildly suggestive and to talking about how pretty you were but anyone who read this would immediately be able to tell the depth of feeling there. You read and re-read the letter and finally folded it neatly and tucked it into the inner pocket of your uniform so it would be next to your heart. Mostly because you're a big romantic idiot and you couldn't imagine doing anything else.

Finally, as you set out on the final leg of your journey, you set down your terrible pulp fiction for the final time (Aiko mentioned that Gallian classes were a part of the curriculum, and you were curious now if there was a subtle and deniable way to mail a girl foreign erotica) and picked up the two pieces of political literature you had sitting around and gave them a read.

Into a Heroic Age was not a complicated book. It was barely even a mission statement. It took you maybe an hour to read, and Kenshin's summary did it fair justice. The author, now-Rear Admiral Tahara Utamuro, had basically poured his contempt for not just the people of the colonies but the people of his homeland into a slim volume that called for 'heroic individuals' like the reader to band together and enforce a new and just order with absolute authority. The only thing surprising about it was the sheer level of vitriol, as well as the weak ties made to some works of political and moral philosophy you hadn't read. One of the people he kept coming back to was some Europan writer with a theory about "master" and "slave" moralities, and the author posited that Western influence was an attempt to impose a slave morality on Akitsukuni, which could only be countered by dynamic, powerful, prideful people taking back what's theirs, which apparently included pretty much everything in and touching the Auroric Ocean.

Also, the dude loathed women. To a degree that was, even after all the shit you'd gone through at the Academy and in the fleet, actually still a little shocking. And the 'about the author' blurb indicated he was married. Poor woman.

The Right to Well-Being was a different thing entirely. Originally written by a member of the Caspian gentry, it posited that the world was abundant with resources to a degree that the average worker produced huge amounts of wealth much less and less labor than in the past. This was due in large part to the advances of science, mechanization and industrialization. The workers, of course, saw none of that extra value they produced--it all went to those who owned businesses and ran governments. As she put it:

We, in civilized societies, are rich. Why then are the many poor? Why this painful drudgery for the masses? Why, even to the best paid worker, this uncertainty for the morrow, in the midst of all the wealth inherited from the past, and in spite of the powerful means of production, which could ensure comfort to all in return for a few hours of daily toil?

While her examination of the problems seemed sound enough, her solutions were radical to say the least. An abolishment of monarchs and even of governments and states as they were understood in the modern world and the collusion of people in radically democratic fashion. There would be no taxes, no government except that which was directly responsible to the people who elected it. No police, no real legislature or laws. No courts! It sounded all well and good on paper, but thinking about it in practice made you shudder in horror.

It would be chaos, of course. Absolutely unworkable. Total idealistic trash that, if it managed to function at all, would do so until a neighbouring state noticed and their leaders and government organized an army to come and take it. Besides, what would stop some local strong man from simply organizing his own gang of toughs to simply seize control of this "stateless" society and reform some sort of new feudal order with himself (or herself, you supposed) at the top? While the rule of the Empress was, of course, divine providence, that was pretty close to how the shoguns had done it, when the old Empresses had grown so inwardly focused that they ceased to govern.

No, it could never work. You could see the appeal to someone like Ota who came from a working class family of former peasants, though. The thought of a world where everyone worked together in harmony and produced what was needed according to the democratic direction of their communities sounded a lot like the sort of thing some of the ancient peasant rebellions had demanded, too. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same…

If the problems laid out by this book were to be addressed, and you were at least fairly convinced that they ought to be, in some way, it would have to be through strong governance. What these anarchists really needed, basically, was an Empress.


You did end up back in Tokei, but there was no chance to make good on Aiko's offers, as you found yourself rapidly pulled into a months-long nightmare of legal proceedings. While about half the conspirators ended up offing themselves in the brig, as was right and proper, your cousin and Lieutenant Yaginuma decided to fight the charges instead, which meant a lot of waiting in courtrooms, explaining things to the family lawyer and the prosecuting attorneys, writing out a variety of reports, and so forth. At one point, you were placed under house arrest in a hotel while they investigated if you had, in fact, conspired to commit mutiny.

Eventually, however, they let up, and the cases came to a close. The enlisted members of the conspiracy who were determined to have been ordered to participate were shuffled off to prison for obeying illegal orders, the volunteers were shot, and Lieutenant Yaginuma finally took the honourable way out the day before his sentencing hearing. Your cousin, on the other hand, skated through most of the charges on the backs of some of the best lawyers in the navy, convincing the court he was mostly ignorant of the intentions of the conspiracy and so forth. Ridiculous, but he still got out relatively unscathed, at least legally. While he wasn't imprisoned or even cashiered out of the service, the whole ordeal had ruined his reputation within the military.

You were unsurprised to hear he planned on "wrapping up loose ends" and then retiring to politics as soon as he was able, though he still technically had another four years left on the mandatory decade of service that came with graduation from the Academy, all expenses paid by Her Majesty. You were sure his family was in the process of finding a way to wiggle him out of that. In the meantime he was placed on "shore duty" which meant he was put in an office somewhere with nothing more dangerous than a set of pens. He would never be at sea again and you weren't surprised that he was shuffled into some staff position where some admiral's staff could keep a very close eye on him.

Finally, finally, you were able to visit home for a few days before you got your new orders. Unfortunately, your eager visit was somewhat ruined by the discovery of a black and gold envelope on the shelf in your room. You promptly dropped that off with the Imperial Guardsman who watched over the house and went back to hotels. You would be surprised if the Purity Club actually had anyone inside the house staff who would be up for any action greater than leaving you an anonymous threat, but you weren't taking any chances.

While you were there, you took advantage of the hotel's free newspaper service to try and catch up on things. The scandal was very much in the news, and every paper had their own narrative on it. Dawn Star cast you as the hero, while most of the others named Kenshin as the driving force in breaking up the conspiracy. Your name simply wasn't mentioned in Our Way, which danced around the issue with a variety of excuses, deflections, and pictures of undressed women, the latter of which was the only reason you picked up a copy on your last days in the hotel.

Eventually, though, your orders did come. You learned that Kenshin had been promoted to Lieutenant Commander on account of his history of good service and his initiative breaking up the conspiracy. He had, in fact, been named as the commanding officer of the new Long-range Submarine Type 14, I-02, which was just re-entering service following an extensive overhaul, refit, and study. Your orders placed you on that boat as well.

What position are you taking on the submarine?

[ ] Signals Officer: You'll be put in charge of the radios and other communication equipment, which includes the hydrophone. You'll be the first to hear of anything that happens, and you'll also be informally in charge of managing incidents with the crew.
[ ] Torpedo Officer: You'll be responsible for the technically intense work involved with the torpedo tubes, where absolute discipline must be maintained lest a misloaded torpedo flood the boat. You'll also be responsible for the deck gun, if and when it's employed.
[ ] Engineering Officer: You're in charge of the teams that keep the engines running, the batteries working, and the diving mechanism from filling the ship with water. You're also in charge of damage control.
[ ] Logistics Officer: You're in charge of making sure the submarine has everything it needs. You've got experience in this field, and it gives a lot of authority, for all that it's once again being shuffled off to a logistics position.​
What are our strengths? Talking and sneaking. mfw politician or spy

What is the significance of each?
1. Crew relations and Info. Probably builds Diplomacy, possibly T/S. This is useful anywhere. Great flexibility.
2. Weapons. Probably leads to more weapons positions, or more sub positions. Probably builds P/T, with possible D/S.
3. Engineering. The most important of these. You literally make the ship move. Definitely builds/relies on T. Possible D/S. If there's DamCon transfers, we'll be with familiar people. Also, DamCon is important.
4. Logistics. Staff, again. OTOH, we feed everyone. Importance is perhaps just after ChEng. Probably builds/relies on D/S.

Pre-post edit: ... and I just realized that there's multiple T/S. Eh. I'm too tired to fix this. Assume I'm brilliant and I picked the right T/S's. :p

[X] Engineering Officer

This rounds us out.
New Alleghanians used Albian feet instead of the much more sensible meters.
I thought FCNA metricized early, since a certain pirate attack didn't happen.

This was mainly so that I didn't have to convert back into imperial when using Flying Circus for Barnstormer Quest. (Update coming Real Soon Now)

[X] Signals Officer: You'll be put in charge of the radios and other communication equipment, which includes the hydrophone. You'll be the first to hear of anything that happens, and you'll also be informally in charge of managing incidents with the crew.

I am convinced that if we go for Engineering or Torpedo we personally will be the reason something goes wrong, explodes, and kills us all. Kwon had better be in engineering though.
One of the people he kept coming back to was some Europan writer with a theory about "master" and "slave" moralities
Oh goody. That's exactly what this situation needs. A misreading of Nietzsche.

Hell, even a correct reading could end badly with this wackjobs.

Well, glad to see this is dealt with for now. I have no doubt our cousin is going to cause hell in government in a few years, but he's mostly neutered for now.

[X] Torpedo Officer: You'll be responsible for the technically intense work involved with the torpedo tubes, where absolute discipline must be maintained lest a misloaded torpedo flood the boat. You'll also be responsible for the deck gun, if and when it's employed.

Let's blow some shit up.
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[X] Torpedo Officer: You'll be responsible for the technically intense work involved with the torpedo tubes, where absolute discipline must be maintained lest a misloaded torpedo flood the boat. You'll also be responsible for the deck gun, if and when it's employed.

I don't want to be in logistics again, and we have notably poor technical such that putting us in engineering or signals would be a bit farcical. Torpedos are damn important not to mess up too badly, but the majority of ways to fuck things up are of the "torpedo misses or doesn't go boom" kind rather than the "flood or explode the ship" kind, and we at least know a bit about this from our minisub.
[x] Torpedo Officer: You'll be responsible for the technically intense work involved with the torpedo tubes, where absolute discipline must be maintained lest a misloaded torpedo flood the boat. You'll also be responsible for the deck gun, if and when it's employed.
I like the idea of signals officer, maybe we can get our old crew to give us some pointers on hydrophoning. Though I do remember being described as "unable to make anything out on the damn thing" or similar. And I like the idea of being in a position of informational advantage.

[X] Signals Officer

I will note that the top-post describing our Stress hasn't been adjusted from 8 to 6 yet.
[X] Torpedo Officer: You'll be responsible for the technically intense work involved with the torpedo tubes, where absolute discipline must be maintained lest a misloaded torpedo flood the boat. You'll also be responsible for the deck gun, if and when it's employed.

I don't want to be in logistics again, and we have notably poor technical such that putting us in engineering or signals would be a bit farcical. Torpedos are damn important not to mess up too badly, but the majority of ways to fuck things up are of the "torpedo misses or doesn't go boom" kind rather than the "flood or explode the ship" kind, and we at least know a bit about this from our minisub.

Worth noting, preparing torpedoes for firing and so forth is a highly technical process.
[X] Signals Officer: You'll be put in charge of the radios and other communication equipment, which includes the hydrophone. You'll be the first to hear of anything that happens, and you'll also be informally in charge of managing incidents with the crew.
Worth noting, preparing torpedoes for firing and so forth is a highly technical process.
Coming from a GM, I take this to mean something like "given your stated reasoning, you are in the process of screwing up."

[X] Signals Officer: You'll be put in charge of the radios and other communication equipment, which includes the hydrophone. You'll be the first to hear of anything that happens, and you'll also be informally in charge of managing incidents with the crew.

If we're going to do something where technical maters, maybe better to make it a thing less likely to get us killed.
Misreading the hydrophone could still get us all killed by misidentifying a contact... Still. Less likely.
[X] Logistics Officer: You're in charge of making sure the submarine has everything it needs. You've got experience in this field, and it gives a lot of authority, for all that it's once again being shuffled off to a logistics position.

We dont have good technical.
[X] Signals Officer: You'll be put in charge of the radios and other communication equipment, which includes the hydrophone. You'll be the first to hear of anything that happens, and you'll also be informally in charge of managing incidents with the crew.
[x] Torpedo Officer: You'll be responsible for the technically intense work involved with the torpedo tubes, where absolute discipline must be maintained lest a misloaded torpedo flood the boat. You'll also be responsible for the deck gun, if and when it's employed.

Will torpedoes be technical and hard? Yes, but, weapons are a much better path to command than signals or logistics are, in my opinion, and it probably requires less technical knowledge, and more making sure our subordinates know what they're doing, than the Engineering Officer post.
Voting is open