
Hm... could you tell us which one is the most similar to Altria in her will and belief? I prefer to choose that, but if you can't tell us, then I gues...

[X] She was a grey-haired woman with a cane of some sort.

The wheelchair girl seemed too nice for her, so someone who seemed to be broken and old but still have a strong purpose in her might be better (just guessing here).

edit: holy shit, I only realized now that your name was Mortifer and not Mortifier. That was truly... mortifying.
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The wheelchair girl seemed too nice for her, so someone who seemed to be broken and old but still have a strong purpose in her might be better (just guessing here).

Hm... Well, I can't find anything on her age, but the Master you voted for doesn't really seem like an old person...

If you're only voting for her because of that, you might want to change.
Hm... Well, I can't find anything on her age, but the Master you voted for doesn't really seem like an old person...

If you're only voting for her because of that, you might want to change.
Oh, okay. Wasn't really aware it's an official character... but then again, "official" has been messy as of late (okay, it was always messy, but F/A and F/GO took it to another level).
[X] She was a kind-faced girl in a wheelchair, with a figure lurking in the shadows behind them.
[X] She was a kind-faced girl in a wheelchair, with a figure lurking in the shadows behind them.

She is considered by Darnic (the leader of the Black Faction) to be the only Magus in the entire Yggdmillennia family to have real talent.
[X] She was a kind-faced girl in a wheelchair, with a figure lurking in the shadows behind them.

I have no idea who any of these people are, so I'm going with this one.
[X] He was a small boy, with curled hair and innocent eyes.

If I remember correctly, the wheelchair girl managed to summon Chiron as her Rider in the original timeline.
Meanwhile, the kid managed to summon the progenitor of the Kabbalists... and turned him into a golem core in the end.

Memory's fuzzy on Apocrypha though.
But THIS will be interesting enough when Saber of Red is who I think it is.
Archer, actually.

Also, Caster isn't the only class who has been AU'd. There are a few Canon Servants, but not many.
Well. THAT changes things.

*rubs hands like a greedy yet stereotyped racist caricature*

EDIT: And how stupid of me to forget that the original Rider of Black was a pretty awesome... guy... girly guy... whatever paladin of Charlemagne.