[X] Fiore. She is your Master, yet you have barely spoken. That isn't a wise thing to let happen.
As Morgan prepared to transfer the Grail to Accolon, she thought on what Darnic had said.
He was right. She really did need to get to know Black Team better. She wasn't inherently someone trustworthy, after all. Her legend was one of betrayal, after all.
But, before she spoke with any of her fellow Servants, there was someone much more important to speak to. Someone who was endlessly loyal to another member of Black Team, and if that other member betrayed her, would be able to end her instantly.
Her loyalty to Darnic, and her Command Seals, made her dangerous. If Darnic ever mistrusted her, Fiore would be able to remove her leverage of the Grail, and another to force her obedience, or worse.
As unlikely as the situation was... Trusting people wasn't something Morgan was known for. Even if Darnic was trustworthy, it couldn't hurt to ensure that Fiore had reason not to listen to him, should he prove otherwise.
Which was why it was important that Caster got to know her Master. If the two bonded enough, then Fiore should prove to be loyal to her.
Which was why, when Morgan decided to take a break from her ritual, she sought out Fiore first.
Stopping before Fiore's door, Morgan gave it a knock. A moment passed, and the girl opened the door.
"Ah, hello Caster." She said. "Can I help you?
"It had occurred to me, that we barely know each other." Caster replied. "And since you're expending your Prana to keep me maintained, it would be rather rude of me to continue neglecting out relationship."
Fiore nodded. "I see. Come in, then."
Wheeling back from the door, Fiore left room for Morgan to step in. As she entered the room, the witch looked around.
Throughout the room, there was the faint sense of dispensing Prana. Not Mana, the magical energy in the atmosphere, but the energy after it had been used in a spell of some form.
"Have you been practicing your Magecraft, Fiore?" Asked Morgan.
The girl nodded. "I've been trying to figure out how something new, in case I end up fighting another Master in the War."
Internally, Morgan made a note. If Fiore was figuring out new spells to fight Masters, then was she not confident in her current selection?
After a moment, she pushed the thought aside. While she was going to ask about it, it was best to wait until after she made more of an impression before pushing the girl.
"I see..." Morgan continued. "Have you been having much success?"
"Not really." Fiore sighed. "I've been able to do what I want, but it takes so long to set up, it wouldn't be viable in combat."
Sensing an opportunity, Morgan stepped around Fiore. "I see... Why don't you tell me what you're trying to do, and I'll see if I can help you with it?"
"It isn't much." Fiore said. "It's just... I thought I'd try and summon a minor spirit, and manipulate it's form into a sort of kamikaze unit. Smart enough to circle around to hit a Magus' blind spot, strong enough to pack a punch, and weak enough to be easily summoned."
"And you've been having trouble summoning them quickly?"
Fiore nodded again. "Making them stable enough to not explode immediately takes a moment, and then they need to be set to identify a target and move to where they're vulnerable. I could create something that could match one of those criteria easily enough, but both? It's... Difficult."
Morgan pondered on the topic for a moment. "Hm... Fiore, how difficult would it be for you to craft a spirit that is able to transfer it's own energy into an item?"
The Master frowned, not understanding the question. "Simple enough, I think. Why do you ask?"
With a simple motion, Morgan created a small pebble, before putting another spell on it. "Simple, really. If you can have them do that, then you could simple enchant an object to explode when infused with Prana. Just give that item to the being you have evoked, and let when they approach their target..."
Morgan flicked the pebble across the room, and activated the spell. A small explosion rippled out, before hitting a barrier erected by the Caster herself, who then turned back to Fiore.
"You'd be limited by how many pebbles you have enchanted, but it could still make a difference."
"And since the spirits would only need to exist for a short time, they could simply be given a basic hypnotic instruction, without having to worry about it fading over time..." Fiore continued, clearly inspired. "But... I'm not really the best with enchantment, Caster. I'm good at Spiritual Evocation, and I have a good grasp on most other subjects, but I've never had to get in a fight before, so my combat-based enchantment..."
Nodding at the girl's worries, Morgan stepped towards the window, and called another pebble through it. This one would need to last, so projecting one that would be erased by Gaia would not do. With a muttered incantation, Caster enchanted the pebble, and gave it to Fiore.
"Have a look at that." The witch said. "I've simplified the enchantment on it, so you should be able to work it out by looking at that."
Fiore took a moment to examine the rock, before nodding. "Thank you, Caster. I... Might be able to do something with this."
A moment passed, before Morgan judged it appropriate to move on to the topic that had been bugging her. "Fiore... You said you weren't used to combat-based enchantments, right?"
The girl frowned again, but nodded.
"And... Well, to put it simply, most Magi going into a Grail War wouldn't be figuring out new tricks. They'd be focusing on preparing tricks they've mastered already. If you're still learning new techniques now, then you mustn't be confident in what you already have. Am I close to being right?"
Fiore looked down, and nodded. "...You're right, Caster." She said, taking a breath. "I... I have my Bronze Link Manipulators, but all it takes is one person who knows how to counter them, and I'm done."
A moment passed, and as Morgan kept quiet, Fiore continued. "I was told, once, that there are two types of Magi. There's the typical kind, who expand on all sorts of techniques. They look at a basic fireball spell, and expand on it, before they can light candles in another room and cook meals in moments. And then there are those who take the fireball, and practice with it until they could kill dozens without breaking a sweat.
"No matter how you look at it, I'm the first kind. I'm not a bad Magus. Even Grandfather thinks I have potential. But if I go up against one of these combat monsters, what can I do? My Bronze Link Manipulators let me stay ahead of the weaker Magi, but this is a Grail War, and the Clocktower won't be sending anyone except the best."
She paused for a moment to take a breath, before she continued. "I just... I don't know if I'm ready, Caster. And all I can do is hope that what I know will be enough to let me keep up with whatever monsters the Association sends."
Another moment passed, as Morgan confirmed that Fiore was done, and thought out her next move. Reaching a decision, Morgan began to act.
"Fiore." She started, sounding sympathetic. "You're worried... I know that. Maybe you can't beat your opponents. But that doesn't matter, because you have everyone else standing beside you. All the Masters, all the Servants... Your brother, and your Grandfather, both value you immensely. And worse come to worse, you have your Command Seals. If you ever need help, I'm just a moment away."
Smiling softly at her Master, Morgan continued. "And besides... There's always Accolon. If you feel like you're not safe, I can simply take you there, and you'll have nothing to fear."
Mirroring her Servant's smile, Fiore responded. "Caster... Thank you. I appreciate it. But I shouldn't need Accolon.. It'll just make the others ask questions, and Grandfather wouldn't like that. But... Thank you."
"Anything for my Master." Morgan replied.
Another moment passed, before Morgan stood. "Anyway, I've been here a while. I need to return to the ritual, and you undoubtedly want to work on recreating that enchanted rock, correct?"
Fiore looked at it, as if she had forgotten she was holding it, before she nodded. "Yeah... I suppose I should do that. I'll speak with you later then, Caster."
"Until then, Master." Morgan replied, as she left.
As she returned to the Grail, Morgan mused on her Master for a bit.
She was a simple enough person. When someone lacked confidence, all that was needed to keep their trust was to give positive reinforcement. No, Fiore shouldn't be causing any problems anytime soon.
And so, as she reached the stairway down to the Grail, Morgan began to think of who else she needed to talk to.
[X] Darnic is the most important member of Black Team, and a positive bond with his Lancer should ensure that the others are less likely to antagonize you.
[X] You don't need everyone's trust. Just those who you would interact with often. And as Fiore's brother, Caules and his Servant are definitely going to be people you spend some time with.
[X] Gordes, the moustached man, has requested that you look his Homuncoli. As such, you have an excuse to spend some time with him.
[X] Rider wants to talk to you about something. You aren't sure what about, but her Master doesn't seem to dislike you, so perhaps it would be easy to earn their trust.
[X] Even if spending time around Celenike and Gawain is rather foolish, they are the most antagonistic, and trying to build a working relationship there could be wise. Maybe you should ask the Knight about his opinions on your Sister.
[X] ...No, you've wasted enough time. Transport the Grail to Accolon as soon as possible (Timeskip to Ruler's arrival).