To keep to biology, how about retractable claws, wolverine-style? Alternatively there's poison, fire breath (dragon-style), or maybe a bioelectric shock?
No much like the rival vote even if the chose is obvious there is still value in choosing it. I do hope that the vote won't be kept open long though. I really want to see our first god for this quest. I expect this one to really like Leviathan.
Really if this wasn't a merchant quest we might even become one of her Holy Women.
Mostly I don't feel that we should try and jump though loads of hoops to try and make biology do everything when we could just train the other sciences. Retractable claws? Seems like a whole lot of work for a shitty knife who's only advantage is that it's hard to take away.
A glider? We can just get and use a glider without having to carry it around in our body at all times.
Quality of life seems like the way to go with biology. Take anything that humans can do and make ourselves better at it. Super strength*, super vision**, super dexterity***, super digestive system****. Everything can basically be sumed up with Super Health.
Basically we are like a cultivator expect that we use a lab and get elbow deep in ourself instead of just mediating.
*Model our muscles after other Apes that got luckier on that part of the evolutionary lottery.
**Plenty of problems with the human eye. We could put in better lenses and more precise focusing. Also make it so that there isn't a blind spot from the retina being in backwards.
***Sensitive skin, but also likely comes with muscle improvements.
****Make ourselves a specialized gut flora.
Edit: I guess that there is no reason that Leviathan couldn't do a lot of cosmetic surgery on herself as well. At a certain level of biology everything about your body is a lifestyle choice.
@JayTar : Have to say although I have a fairly easy time thinking of biology improvements to do on ourselves. I have a very hard time fitting it to the skill system.
Friends, do not abandon your dreams of becoming the best there ever was! Make powerful critters to fight for us so we don't have to use our awful combat skill!
We would not sully our hands with combat, and enhancements related to such will be a way to escape.
Hey Jay, what would it take to adapt the neuroplasticity enhancer for use with Jörmungandr? Having a more powerful ally as a backup might not be a terrible idea.
Friends, do not abandon your dreams of becoming the best there ever was! Make powerful critters to fight for us so we don't have to use our awful combat skill!
Yes powerful critter. To make it is our real test to train it our cause! Although maybe multiple critters. The big advantage of bio monsters over robots is that they can self replicate.
This is sort of an issue, yes. But luckily combat here is based on skills rather than dots and Weight, so minions are actually pretty legit in a fight. Assuming the minion is strong enough to get a big flat bonus to compensate for perhaps not being the fastest learner, that is. Later on we can lend our Weight to minions by using army mechanics, which is fuelled by the Tactics skill instead... which our other untalented skill. Welp.
What Science Specialty would let us build Rayguns (our Combat Specialty is pistols) in a manner where the Effects those rayguns use could be Integrated to give us and/or our creations elemental breath weapons?
This probably won't be relevant until 20 turns from now at the earliest, when we choose our third course of study, but I'm curious.
What Science Specialty would let us build Rayguns (our Combat Specialty is pistols) in a manner where the Effects those rayguns use could be Integrated to give us and/or our creations elemental breath weapons?
If you want lasers then light, but lasers lose power too fast in an atmosphere. What you probably want is high-energy physics. I'd personally favour a gyrorocket pistol or plasma pistol over a laser gun.
We started with 1 weight. We should get a weight from getting bio 4. Doctor Infinium's contact is worth 2 weight. So just 1 more weight and we hit 5 and our course of study becomes even faster.
The general courses probably go until 5 or 6. (Which is kinda absurd when you consider 5 is supposed to be "world expert" level, but well *gestures at the city*)
Higher then that will probably require drawing the right attention to be let into a more exclusive class.
@JayTar : Have to say although I have a fairly easy time thinking of biology improvements to do on ourselves. I have a very hard time fitting it to the skill system.
Not everything has to be a direct mechanical bonus. Some things can just be discrete abilities. Or give bonuses to more specific situations.
All your ideas seem possible. Bonuses to perception, athletics or various combat stats.
Well, I'm not sure what improved gut flora would do. Resistance to disease? Ability to reduce the negative effects of meal plans? Bonus to certain survival checks? What did you want from it?
Hey Jay, what would it take to adapt the neuroplasticity enhancer for use with Jörmungandr? Having a more powerful ally as a backup might not be a terrible idea.
What Science Specialty would let us build Rayguns (our Combat Specialty is pistols) in a manner where the Effects those rayguns use could be Integrated to give us and/or our creations elemental breath weapons?
This probably won't be relevant until 20 turns from now at the earliest, when we choose our third course of study, but I'm curious.
Science (Energistics). I think I will be combining Science (light) and Science (high energy physics) into it.
Implanting/integrating it though would require something a little more then what you have though. Artificial Organ only works with pure biology.
I feel like the thing most likely to teach us about Weight is a doing a course of study on Academics (Gods), but... that's a pretty big time investment. I do want to do it at some point regardless of whether or not it would teach us about Weight, so that we can learn of the more obscure gods worshiped throughout this world, though. I really hope this world has a cool water god, Levi deserves it.
I guess survival checks. Maybe making it so we don't have to spend money on food with no penalty. We can just eat wood chips if we wanted to. Or no penalty for eating only ice cream.
Naturalism 2 + Animal Training 0= 2 dice
2d6 = [5, 6] = 11+9 (Auditory training aid) =20
DC = 10/20
Gain partly trained pet crow. Known commands: Come
It works. A little bit of food. A little bit of noise. You have a crow sitting on your arm. Waiting for the peanut you hid in your other hand.
"Ahahahaha!" You laugh. You laugh. You laugh. You laugh-
You almost miss a sharp hissing sound behind you. You spin around to look at what should have been a blank wall. Your new avian friend caws and takes to the air.
Cut into the wall is a perfectly rectangular doorway. As you watch a thick slab of concrete drops out to form a ramp, its edges glowing with heat. The sharp smell of ozone fills the air. For a split second you catch a glimpse of an impossible immeasurable machine. Gears spin. Vats boil. Lighting sparks. A celestial harmony of science edges into your hearing range.
The first thing you see is a robot leering out of the gap. Centipede-like in shape, laser diode steaming. Quicksilver mechanisms, moving as a living being.
The second thing you see is a beast. Bat shaped wings disperse the dust with a sharp motion. Perfected biology, moving as a machine.
The third thing you see is yourself.
"Six out of ten, I've heard better" she says walking down the impromptu ramp. Every step made with the supreme confidence of someone who knows the world will part before them.
Your heart freezes. They look like you, if you mastered every field of science you could imagine. If you had a million years to work and make things perfect. Biological augmentations. Mechanical augmentations. Cybernetic augmentations. Hard light augmentations. Beyond even your most speculative understanding.
"And this. A simple derivation off of basic principles. Did you think it clever?" Your doppelganger says, tapping your newest invention.
"If you are here then it was good enough." you counter.
"True." She pulls a oddly plain remote with a single red button from her coat and gives you the clearest 'what are you waiting for' look you have ever seen.
You scramble and flip your notebook open to a blank section. The instant you do she presses the button. A flicker of light lances out from the robot and onto the page, searing on a familiar contract.
You sign before it even stops smoking.
Doctor Infinium
You, the contracted, must spend at least 1 action a week on inventing or experimenting. In exchange Unshackle Your Inspiration!
Leviathan Grimm
Effective weight increased by 2 to 3
Gain access to the Inspiration! Mechanic. The following actions are known to grant inspiration:
Reverse engineer something you acquired under stressful circumstances: 1 Inspiration
Reverse engineer something a rival made: 2 Inspiration
Demonstrate your superiority to the masses: 1 Inspiration
Have a confrontation with a rival: 1 Inspiration.
Field test a new invention under stressful circumstances (Once per encounter): 1 inspiration.
Gain successes in stressful circumstances via the merits of your invention (Once per invention): 1 inspiration.
Decisively prove your superiority to a rival: 5 Inspiration
When starting a science project you may spend x points of inspiration to divide the AP cost by x.
"Good." Your clone pauses for just long enough for a hint of tension to fill the air. "Now I don't normally do this, but your dedication has been... acceptable."
She presses the remote again and a spark of light shoots out. Directly at you.
Doctor Infinium uses a (very) minor miracle.
Retroactively gain 1 point of inspiration for your confrontation with Angela Bright.
Flickering visions of possibility overwhelm you. A window cracks opens in your mind. Through it you can see everything.
When you look up Doctor Infinium is already walking back up the ramp. At the edge of the boundary she half turns and looks at you. A grin. Wide and mad. "Do better." She presses the button a third time.
The beast flicks a splatter of multicolored liquid across the room to land in your notebook. It boils and writhes, shifting into words. Then, the beast spears its claws into the fallen concrete and lifts it back behind itself. The rectangle seals in place, erasing any sign of the encounter.
Any sign except the new writing in your notebook.
Doctor Infinium
You the contracted will create a device with a complexity rating of at least 30 points.In exchange, pick a scientific effect of T5 or less. Forevermore you may incorporate it for one third of its usual cost.
Three decent dots subtracted for debt payments
Six low dots subtracted for food payments
Three low dot subtracted for lab use expenses
Turn actions:
You have 4 TAP, 9 AP:
1 AP must be spend on "inventing or experimenting". Label the action with: (Experiment).
Current assets:
1.25 high dots
1 Basic Habitation Cube.
Repurposed Garage:
-Space: 17/25
-Amenities: Power
-Rooms: Decent Laboratory (16)
-Neuroplasticity enhancer: Gain +1 to learning dice size. (1)
Current expenses:
Debt repayment 3.9 High dots remain - 1 decent dot per turn.
Simple Packaged meals - 2 low dots per turn.
Available trainers:
Jörmungandr Grimm: Can train Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols) and Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings) along with their respective general skills. Provides +3 dice.
Leader: Can train Combat (Firearms) along with its respective general skills. Provides +2 dice.
University: Can provide +2 to any Scientific or Academic skill for 1 decent dot.
University (Biology) Provides +3/+1 to Science (Biology). 7 turns left.
Old Jack: Can "provide" +1 to Precision, or a random Precision specialty.
-[] Skill training (Trainer) (Skill or Skill (Specialty)) (x TAP)
[] Work: You have a clinic to run now. Pay based on Medicine + Surgery + Pharmacology roll (2 AP)
[] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
[] Purchases: Buy something at previously known shops. (Current options: The Clown Club) (1 AP)
-[] (Write In Purchases)
[] Declare a course of study (Skill): Gain access to +3/+1 tutoring for a skill for 10 turns. Expected to spend at least 2 TAP per turn on it and take exam at the end. Cost: 1 high dot. (1 AP)
[] Tag along on a mission. Pay 5+ decent dots. Note: Ability to survive in or avoid combat is highly recommended. (2 AP)
[] Have a confrontation with Angela Bright (3 AP)
-[] Show off your new device.
-[] Some other plan?
[] Read research papers (Topic): Gain an Effect you can learn. Roll to see how close the effect is to what you specify. The more specific you are the lower the chances. The higher tier the lower the chances. Cost: 1 decent dot (2 AP)
[] Look into publishing. You have original research now, and academic acclaim is needed to open certain doors. (3 AP)
[] Draft a schematic (Write in schematic) (1 AP)
[] Start crafting. Requires lab. (Variable AP, must be at least 30 in total)
[] Start Experimenting. Requires lab. (Write in desired effect) (Finishing AP: Write in) (Variable AP)
[] Come up with a name for your new avian friend (Write in) (0 AP)
[] Teach your avian friend a new trick. Rolls Naturalism (Animal Training). Examples: Fetch, Go, Guard, Attack, Speak. (Write in) (1 AP)
[] Recruit more animals to serve you. Rolls Naturalism (Animal Training). (Write in target animal type. Some may require resources or rolls to access) (2 AP)
[] You are far too dignified to show off your new contract to your brother. That doesn't mean you can't hang out and act smug. (3 AP)
[] Perhaps instead of confronting your rival directly you should gather more information first? Approach your rival in a less confrontational manner and try to figure out what they have been up to. (3 AP)
[] You still see your mercenary associates from time to time, but a more personal visit to see how they are doing might be worth it. It would give you a second shot at deciphering their augmentations too. (3 AP)
[] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
[] Dive deeper: Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places. Some may even contain treasures. Go out and find them (3 AP)
[] You found a strange building containing clown vending machines. Who uses it and why? Investigate it to satisfy your curiosity. (3 AP)
[] The expeditions will be starting soon. Get involved in the preparations. Figure out what will be needed and how to prepare. (4 turns remain) (3 AP)
Gods Research. Roll Academics (Gods) to learn more about the god and what contracts they offer:
[] Steve. Annoyingly you still don't know his first contract. Find it. (3 AP)
[] Doctor Infinium. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] MD Old Bones. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Professor Tweed Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Supplemental Research: Write in. Perhaps there is some other question you want answered? (2 AP)
To contact Gods:
MD Old Bones:
[] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
[] Start the marathon. (Consumes all AP until 20 have been spent.)
Professor Tweed:
[] Go looking for a student. (Write in skill/specifics) (3 AP)
[] Teach! (2 AP)
[] Look for a hidden place to build in. See if the Under Market has any leads. Likely to cost at least 1 high dot. (2 AP)
[] Look for a hidden place to build in. Go looking yourself. Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places, and that is exactly what you need. (3 AP)
[] Acquire explosives. The Under Market should have something. Likely to cost at least 1 high dot. (2 AP)
[] Acquire explosives. Maybe you can make them yourself? Requires Science (Chemistry). Requires Lab. (? AP)
[] Start building. Requires location. (Write in what you plan to build) (10 AP)
[] Write in. Perhaps there is something else? (?? AP)
Time skip. If your plan for multiple turns is going to be exactly the same you may include the following line in your vote:
-[] Duration of plan: x Turns (Current maximum of 3) AN: And the prologue is done! I hope I did Doctor Infinium justice. A god of mad science needs a certain level of Presentation.
Some new options should be opening up. Now and in the near future. Mention if there are any actions you want to take that aren't on the list.
You the contracted will create a device with a complexity rating of at least 30 points.In exchange, pick a scientific effect of T5 or less. Forevermore you may incorporate it for one third of its usual cost.
Can we come up with T5 version of T3 Artificial organ? Because honestly the yellow text of this contract is fairly trivial the real test is coming up with a worthy scientific effect that we want to include in every invention.