Ooh, shiny!

I've been worried about the pacing and how they would fit all of this into a single movie. But if they actually do focus on only a few key characters, maybe they can pull it off.

I presume they're holding off on introducing Spiderman in the trailers yet, to build up hype? I hope they don't feature too many other characters besides him. It looks like there'll at least be Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Bucky, Falcon, Rhodey, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, and Spiderman. And a few others were casted for the film too, including Hawkeye, Ant Man, and Vision.

*crosses fingers*
Looks decent, though to be honest I've started to feel a bit over saturated with Marvel Superhero movies. That said, I'll still probably see this one because they're reliable entertainment.
Captain America movies never disappoint.

Also, glad to see there's no super human registration act going on. It's basically Cap, Falcon, and Bucky against the Avengers. Cap just wants to save everyone, but we all know where that goes. He saves no one.

Tony's line at the end hit me in the feels
The 5 seconds of tag team action we saw at the end was pretty sweet, with Bucky and Steve taking shots at Tony while tossing the Mighty Shield back and forth between them, keeping Iron Man off-balance and unable to retaliate. Also, the combination heartwarming/tearjerker moment where Steve defends Bucky with "He's my friend" and Tony replies "So was I."
The 5 seconds of tag team action we saw at the end was pretty sweet, with Bucky and Steve taking shots at Tony while tossing the Mighty Shield back and forth between them, keeping Iron Man off-balance and unable to retaliate. Also, the combination heartwarming/tearjerker moment where Steve defends Bucky with "He's my friend" and Tony replies "So was I."

That ending was sad if you take into account what Tony says. Realize he's getting beat the shit out of by his supposed friend and his supposed friend's 'real friend'.

Devil's advocate of course. I've given progressively lesser shits about Iron Man every time he pops up on-screen, and I'm Team T'Challa here all the way, with a side-helping of Team Cap.
They did a much better setup for the Civil War in any case. After the events of Avengers 2, of course Tony Stark would want more government supervision of metahumans, to prevent another Ultron incident. After the events of Winter Soldier, of course Steve Rogers would be tremendously leery of government supervision of metahumans, due to the massive Hydra infiltration of SHIELD. Doing so creates much more believable conflict than Side "heroes have a right to be Collateral Damage Man" and Side "let's hire villains and toss heroes into the Phantom Zone because reasons".
Captain America: Winter Soldier: "Unregulated government power/surveillance is bad!"

Captain America: Civil War: "Unregulated, super-powered vigilantism is good!"

Captain America: Winter Soldier: "Unregulated government power/surveillance is bad!"

Captain America: Civil War: "Unregulated, super-powered vigilantism is good!"

Well the issue is that the proposed solution to unregulated superpowered vigilantism is unregulated government power/surveillance. Well less "unregulated" and more "the last one failed to notice that it has been infiltrated by thousands of jetpack Nazis for decades".
Well the issue is that the proposed solution to unregulated superpowered vigilantism is unregulated government power/surveillance. Well less "unregulated" and more "the last one failed to notice that it has been infiltrated by thousands of jetpack Nazis for decades".
True, but maybe Captain America should team up with Tony Stark and his legion of lawyers to argue for a better regulatory body rather than fighting each other.

I mean he's Captain America! He should have some sway in congress and shit.
I'm surprised that captain America is the one going against increased control, seeing as he's from the military and is very by-the-books. But after watching the trailer, it does make sense the more you think about it, since iron man is getting paranoid over a new threat, captain America saw SHIELD get infiltrated and barely stopped them killing a bunch of people, then throwing bucky into the equation, it seems logical that they would take those sides. I'm interested to see how this will play out, and if Robert Downey is leaving after this film, how they will handle it. Maybe Marvel will let a major protagonist die? (as shocking as that may sound)
All because his love for Bucky is 2stronk

Says every Yaoi fan girl ever.

I know you're joking, but it does seem to be a major character flaw for him. Take Winter Soldier, for instance. Look at all the shit he took trying to break Bucky's brainwashing, putting the city at risk in the process. Now imagine him seeing that Bucky has changed back (ish) and trying to save him again, without considering that the powers that be have major, legitimate issues with him and a criminal case so massive that they could use it as the foundation block for any skyscraper. Now, obviously part of it is once more Hydra or another group playing behind the scenes, but the center conflict of Cap fighting to keep Bucky out from behind bars when the world is trying to legit regulate the supers for valid concerns and start trying to get a handle on crap like that to prevent another Hydra incident, or brilliant ideas like Ultron or bringing the Hulk on anything other than 'the world is fucked anyway' missions is likely going to play a big part of the cap vs. tony conflict. And they're both right to an extent, and Cap is very clearly in the wrong. Bucky does need to be arrested and brought in for his crimes. Yes, by any reasonable court of law he should also get off as well, but he still needs to at least answer and talk for them, not get to walk away without ever getting arrested. There does need to be regulation and oversight because holy shit they're all crazy-dangerous. There does need to be oversight of the oversight and a spotlight cast on the whole goddamn government just to make sure they didn't miss any Hydra bits.

But on the core issue of the movie, Cap's undying loyalty to those he thinks have earned it (even if they've changed, or have done something that needs answering for) is one of his biggest flaws. Been there since the beginning, easily seen in Avengers, Winter Soldier, AoU, etc. And then you've got Tony, who while willing to trust needs to know that you'll do the right thing. Not the unconditional trust, but probably more healthy relationships than Cap. He trusted Cap to do the right thing, to try and help bring Bucky in peacefully, and he's getting burned. Again. He's probably honestly sick of Cap's shit and disrespect to the idea of 'maybe we shouldn't have to fight 24/7' and to the idea of trying to ensure that the crap they've been getting up to becomes unnecessary, and the general disrespect towards him. He's got plenty of completely valid personal reasons to not deescelate as well.
The movie's success will depend a lot on how they progress from Age of Ultron. There's a pretty big change from "I have privatized world peace" to "You can't have vigilantes running around" and while the way it should be handled is pretty obvious, what with Tony's major fuckup with Ultron and everything, it does need to be handled, or else the whole thing is going to fall apart.
A thought occurs: isn't Iron Man considered the most popular part of the general line up? So could they be pushing a bit of a dishonest trailer thing by cutting things to make Cap look in the wrong against the franchise favourite? Another thought is that the next trailer will make Tony seem the unreasonable one to play up the "Whose side are you on?" angle. As it is, I certainly feel like we are missing key context in this. Like possibly Cap tries to bring Bucky in for trial but they get attacked asking the way and he refuses to cooperate until that is dealt with, but that makes him in violation of the Accords so Tony steps in to try to deal with the situation peacefully, only for this to fracture the team.