If you're talking about anime, then they're Japanese, not white. If a white person shows up, then they'll likely have blond hair and blue/green eyes and a crazy name like Sallyopera Flowerbrusselpantz or something ridiculous like that. I agree with you about not having dark-skinned characters and the gross implications of a "race-less" default skin tone being lighter skinned, but the suggestion that anime characters are white and not Japanese when most of them have very Japanese names is just flat out wrong.
If that is, y'know, what you meant. Because your comment cut off there and the title/context of this thread implies to me that this is supposed to be about anime. So.
Meh unless they're not, Attack on Titian being one example, or maybe FMA.
Side note the live action versions of these are moderately hilarious with Misaka being the the only Asian left in the world in a sea of pseudo German Asian people.
but I guess that's just " (white)X" washing from the other side.
Edit flag tattoo beats flag bandanna, because tattoo.
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