C&C Generals: The Liberation is At Hand [Quest]

[X] Veekie

A solid plan all around. After the training finishes and our tankers are freshly baked is the best time to attack. We are of course playing it safe, but having better tankers means more chances of not dying horribly. Infinitely more agreeable than attacking now.

Nice rolls too.
Turn 12
Turn 12

As luck would have it, one of your contacts in Odessa, Ukraine has secured an excellent deal for you. As the two of you chat on the phone, you're informed that his corpulent superior was a part of a local group of military overseers who ran the smuggling network. One Major General Dimitri Volokov discovered that a General was on his way for a surprise inspection. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but as it happens Volokov has quite a few military equipment and hardware that the warehouses shouldn't be housing.

Thus a need to get rid of them quickly.

To this end, your contact has decided to send you six Tu-4 Bombers filled to the brim with:

Choose one:
[] Armored Vehicles
- [] Tanks
- [] IFVs
- [] ???
[] Yak-38 VTOL Strikecraft (24 fighters will replace the Bombers)
[] Infantry Small Arms & Heavy weapons (AKs, RPKs, RPGs, etc)

[X] Build a Large Powerplant (Can power up to 10 structures) Cost: $2 Million, 3 Turns
Need: 40
1d100: 77
Result: Success! +10 Power Slots.

Success at last! The powerplant is up and running! There's enough electricity to power at least ten more structures, even far from the city if need be!

[X] Research an AWS (Affordable Weapons System). (Can use to bombard enemies at least 2 Turns away) Cost: $5 Million, 3 Turns
Need: 45
1d100: 66
Result: Success, 1 Turns remaining.

The first test flights of the V1 cruise missile was set for a target some seven hundred miles away. Recorded airspeed was a subsonic five hundred miles per hour. The basic guidance system was able to avoid most of the anti aircraft and anti missile fire being thrown up at it. A lucky pair of bullets from a Quad Cannon truck managed to destroy a wing before the missile crashed just short of its target.

Several more flights with increasingly improved versions allowed the inexpensive missile to evade enemy fire more effectively thanks to the cheap, but reliable guidance systems.

[x] Build a Defensive Wall. (+1 to Ground Defenses) Cost: $1 Million, 1 Turn
Need: 10
1d100: 21
Result: Success.

A eight foot tall, two foot thick concrete wall is built, reinforced with sandbags and scrap metal barricades. It won't hold against anything more than infantry attacks, but it'll do in a pinch!

Choose one:

[] No, this will suffice. We have other priorities. Drill the defenses to raise their alertness and combat readiness. (+1 Alertness, +1 to Combat Roll)

[] No, put the men to use and have them patrol in Technicals and Buggies. (+1 Alertness, 1d100 Training Roll)

[] Repair the abandoned Chinese Gatling turrets (+2 to Ground and Air Defenses) Costs: $4 Million, 1 Turn. Needs 1 Power Slots to function.

[] Research Rocket Artillery Site (+2 to Ground and Air Defenses) Cost: $1 Million, 3 Turns

[] Reinforce the Defensive Wall. (+1 to Ground Defenses) Cost: $2 Million, 2 Turn

[] Build SAM sites. Cost: $1 Million, 1 Turn

[X] Pilot Training (Can crew Aircraft) Cost: $200,000, 6 Turns.
Need: 30
1d100: 54
Result: Success, 2 Turns remaining.

There was an awful lot of buzzing in the air, namely due to the trainees getting used to hovering in the air with their VTOL helicopters and moving them around. There's quite a lot of appreciative talk regarding the excellent stability of the aircraft. You might want to look into getting more gunships of this type in the future, or even develop your own.

[X] Combat Medic Training (Infantry are more effective and die less often, +1 Morale) Cost: $100,000, 4 Turns
Need: 45
1d100: 79
Result: Critical Success, 2 Turns remaining.

An unusual training practice is brought to your attention as recruits are given a monkey that has been shot and told to save it while being shot at by rubber bullets and blanks.

It's surprisingly effective, with no monkeys dead at any rate. Cruel, but effective.

[X] Tanker Training (Can use non-GLA Tanks) Cost: $100,000, 2 Turns
Need: 50
1d100: 87
Result: Critical Success. +2 Tank Regiments^

In a surprising move, both armor regiments graduated early, having impressed their older veteran tankers with their hard work and skill. Even the idiot that destroyed the two workshops a few weeks ago managed to graduate; though not as driver.

[x] Sniper Training (Can form Sniper Teams)Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns
Need: 60
1d100: 56
Result: Failure, +10 to next turn

Even the best of the 'Not Spetnaz' and the 'Sons of Anatolia' had to offer couldn't do the shots that Kell pulls of regularly. The man brings Battlefield 4 to real life; almost effortlessly shooting targets out of the sky, be they in a helicopter or a technical a mile away in the dunes. They're having a hard time even believing it despite seeing it for themselves!

So far, not good. Jarmond Kell isn't impressed with any of them.

[x] Train the army hard. They may have survived their first big battle, but they'll need to survive this war! Cost: $1 Million, 4 Turns
Need: 50
1d100: 56
Result: Success, 3 Turns remaining.

The army is sweating as many bullets as they are putting into the skulls of cardboard enemies. So far, things are progressing well.

Choose one:

[] Advanced Infantry Training (Rebels promoted to Veteran, does not apply to new recruits) Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

[] Advanced Tanker Training (Can use Exotic Tanks) Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

[] Advanced Pilot Training (Can crew Exotic Aircraft): $400,000, 6 Turns

[] Advanced Medical Training (Combat Medics can become Doctors) $500,000, 8 Turns

[] Advanced Engineer Training (Engineers can become Combat Engineers) $500,000, 6 Turns

Due to Jarmond Kell personally training his new Snipers and the Army, there will be no more military options until training is finished, a war interrupts, or if either the snipers or the army dies unexpectedly.

[x] Search, Secure, Salvage. This port has got to have something lying around we can use. Send out search parties and poke around for something valuable. Cost: $2 Million, 1 Turn.
Need: 10
1d100: 1
Result: Horrible failure, -$1.5 Million

Those sent to look for salvage ended up setting several buildings on fire by accident, when a lone half crushed cigarette sets an old storage room alight. As a result of this farce, you end up having to pay to get the fire contained and the (fortunately empty) structures torn down.

You are reminded once more that while you have been lucky enough to have some very capable subordinates, you also relying on whats basically a group of barely trained farmers who are no more skilled than children.

No, wait, the children would probably be more skilled.

[x] Explore Cave System. Cost: $50,000, 6 Turns
Need: 60
1d100: 196
Result: Critical Success! +$20 Million, +Classified Documents

Your people manage to crack the combination lock on the blast door. What's inside is pretty much a gold mine. There's gold, there's gemstones, hell there's even a bust of Joseph Stalin in there!

And a bunch of dead guys in soviet uniforms. Look like most of them were locked in and eventually committed suicide or died of starvation. They look like KGB assholes. What were they doing down here of all places? Surrounded by bling, raw riches, and boxes of paper? Huh.

You're pretty sure most of the gold can be sold for a pretty penny, along with the raw ore and mined gemstones. The vintage wine and brandy, however, you're keeping.

[X] Build a Large Mosque. Cater to their religion and use that to calm them down. It might also have a positive effect on your army. (+2 Morale, +1 Loyalty) Cost: $1 Million, 2 Turns
Need: 35
1d100: 62
Result: Success! +2 Morale, +1 Loyalty

The opening of the mosque is one that is anticipated by many. Indeed, the morale is high when the doors are opened and the faithful file in to begin their prayers. With the new mosque to allay fears and kindle hope, all is well for now.

Kallen would like to remind you that there is only a month or less left on the intelligence gained from the GLA regarding two of their upcoming operations.

[] Launch an attack on General Danko's supply base. (2 Turns remaining on this opportunity)

[] Plan an attack on the GLA assault on the Global Armament Europe base. (You can attack the GAE as well, as they aren't very nice people anyway) (4 Turns remaining on this opportunity)

4.5 Million

Funds: $25.7 Million

Population: +18,250 (11,800 Civilian/6,450 Military)

Infrastructure: (+2 to Defensive Combat Rolls.)

1x Ore Refinery: +$200,000 per turn.
1x Large Power Plant: 10 Power Slots Available.

2x American MCVs (Deployed), 6 Power Slots taken, No Power Slots available
- Radar Dome
- Airstrip
- Desalination Plant
- Hospital
- War Factory

Hidden Soviet base + 1 small Power Plant, 3 Power Slots taken.
- Hidden Railway
- War Factory
- Submarine Pen (Damaged)

Mines, IEDs, Tank Traps, Pitfalls, BBs, Barbed Wire
Stinger Sites, Bunkers, HMG Nests, AT-Rocket Sites, Artillery Sites


Sons of Anatolia
2x Infantry Regiments^^
1x SpecOp Regiment*

Not Spetnaz
1x Combat Engineer Company*

Infantry Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
6x Infantry Regiments^ (Rebels & Insurgents with Technical & Buggy Support, Experienced)

Vehicle Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
1x Armor Regiment^^ (Crusader, KV Heavy Tanks with Technical & Buggy Support, Veteran)
2x Armor Regiments^ (Scorpion IIIs with Technical & Buggy Support, Experienced)
2x Mammoth Tanks (no crew)

Artillery Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
10x MRLS Trucks
2x SCUD Launcher Trucks

Air Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
1x Tu-4 Bomber (1 pilot, minimum of 2 needed)
1x C-130J Super Hercules (no crew)
1x Air Regiment (Comanche Helicopters, no crews)
1x Gunship Regiment (VTOL Gunships, no crews)

Naval Forces: n/a
2x Victor-Class Submarines: (no crew)

Civilians: Happy (8) / Loyal (6)

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[x] Train the army hard. They may have survived their first big battle, but they'll need to survive this war! Cost: $1 Million, 4 Turns

Choose one:

[] Advanced Infantry Training (Rebels promoted to Veteran, does not apply to new recruits) Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

[] Advanced Tanker Training (Can use Exotic Tanks) Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

[] Advanced Pilot Training (Can crew Exotic Aircraft): $400,000, 6 Turns

[] Advanced Medical Training (Combat Medics can become Doctors) $500,000, 8 Turns

[] Advanced Engineer Training (Engineers can become Combat Engineers) $500,000, 6 Turns

Due to Jarmond Kell personally training his new Snipers and the Army, there will be no more military options until training is finished, a war interrupts, or if either the snipers or the army dies unexpectedly.
did something go wrong here?
[x] Infantry Small Arms & Heavy weapons (AKs, RPKs, RPGs, etc)

Got plenty of tanks and not enough drivers but...as the upgrade voiceover for this goes...AK-47s for EVERYONE! *Cheers*

[x] Repair the abandoned Chinese Gatling turrets (+2 to Ground and Air Defenses) Costs: $4 Million, 1 Turn. Needs 1 Power Slots to function.

We have power, we have dosh. Go for this.

[x] Advanced Engineer Training (Engineers can become Combat Engineers) $500,000, 6 Turns

Fill another lack

[x] Launch an attack on General Danko's supply base. (2 Turns remaining on this opportunity)

Tanks are ready, go time.
Tanks are ready, go time.

This is General Danko's supply depot. It is the source of all his funds and military force. Take this out and you effectively cripple his ability to reinforce and resupply his forces in the region, as well as force him to either withdraw or accelerate his plans; whatever they may be. Your forces are as listed in the current update.

Make a plan. i hope to hell it works, because Danko isn't stupid and he has plenty of defenses onsite.
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Jfc that roll man that roll so good so great.

[X] Veekie
This is General Danko's supply depot. It is the source of all his funds and military force. Take this out and you effectively cripple his ability to reinforce and resupply his forces in the region, as well as force him to either withdraw or accelerate his plans; whatever they may be. Your forces are as listed in the current update.

Make a plan. i hope to hell it works, because Danko isn't stupid and he has plenty of defenses onsite.
how dense is the shrubbery? is it currently a dry month? and is there much wind?
Shrubbery is rather dry, and the wind comes and goes. And when the wind goes, it blows harshly indeed.
huh so making a wildfire then having our artillery tanks and assorted heavy weapons fire through the smokescreen may be viable, though we'd be just as disadvantaged as them when it comes to mobile targets.
the mountains are an obvious vantage point, have our scouts noticed any downsides or traps?
That is a fair bit of dakka, but setting fires won't help us that much. He has a radar dome on site.

I THINK we want to move infantry(who don't show up on radar, right? We just got them a large upgrade in gear) in from the top side under cover of shrubbery, then assault from the top right with our tanks and artillery. The infantry then breach the walls and take out their radar dome while their tanks and quadcannons are tied up with our tanks, and go on to wreck/jack any undeployed vehicles.

No plan for this until I get home to study it in detail though
the mountains are an obvious vantage point, have our scouts noticed any downsides or traps?
If we can get stuff up the mountains they got a relatively easy breach point. I know in the game doing a GLA bike assault pouring over steep terrain is a legit tactic, but that might also leave attackers strung out and exposed to fire if noticed.
That is a fair bit of dakka, but setting fires won't help us that much. He has a radar dome on site.

I THINK we want to move infantry(who don't show up on radar, right? We just got them a large upgrade in gear) in from the top side under cover of shrubbery, then assault from the top right with our tanks and artillery. The infantry then breach the walls and take out their radar dome while their tanks and quadcannons are tied up with our tanks, and go on to wreck/jack any undeployed vehicles.

No plan for this until I get home to study it in detail though
wait he has two tunnel openings inside his base right beside each-other. where are the other openings?
Probably should cut those off ASAP then. Artillery to take out the Stinger sites, then collapse the tunnel entrances.
Forgot to add in the crucial weaknesses. Namely the power plants. Image was edited.
I'm guessing the tank factories helipads(?) and radar dome are the only things using power.
I'm guessing the tank factories helipads(?) and radar dome are the only things using power.
Pretty much. The war factories can work without power, but things are slower. That said, however, the power plants are old finicky things that run on coal. And you know how much coal dust there is in such old buildings. And GLA's regard for general work safety.
Pretty much. The war factories can work without power, but things are slower. That said, however, the power plants are old finicky things that run on coal. And you know how much coal dust there is in such old buildings. And GLA's regard for general work safety.
How are our artillery ranges relative to their stuff?
Tell me, how difficult would it be to get info on what vehicles the supply convoys have, send a convoy of our ow filled with high explosives and have them blow up in the middle of the turrerts on that entrance?