C&C Generals: The Liberation is At Hand [Quest]

Hospital (Damaged) Cost: $100,000
Radar Dome (Damaged) Cost: $250,000
Ore Refiner (Damaged) Cost: $50,000
200 Civilians killed.

None remaining. All destroyed. Cost: $2.5 Million


Vehicle Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
1x Armor Regiment^^ (Scorpions with Technical & Buggy Support, Veteran, 10% Capacity)
1x Armor Regiment^^ (Crusader Tanks, Veteran, 10% Capacity)
2x Mammoth Tanks (no crew)

Recruit at Training Center, 2x Cost per Regiment for Non-standard GLA vehicles.

Are there any other action you all would like to take before I begin Turn 9?
I presume repairs are automatically handled unless we're particularly low on funds, so that looks about it.

We're looting the wrecks right?
I presume repairs are automatically handled unless we're particularly low on funds, so that looks about it.

We're looting the wrecks right?
There will be several 1d100 rolls for it. Wasn't it your plan that won the day? If so, I would like 10 1d100 rolls, and two 1d10 rolls.

Additionally...what will you be doing to your prisoners? You have several stealth saboteurs and three americans to date; two pilots and one CIA agent.
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Lets see:
Saboteurs - Interrogate, attempt to flip
Pilots - Interrogate, attempt to flip
CIA Agent - Does he know anything important about us? I could see ransoming him back.

And here goes the dice.

EDIT: Double 75s huh
veekie threw 10 100-faced dice. Reason: May The Loot Be With US Total: 461
75 75 54 54 35 35 52 52 75 75 10 10 27 27 23 23 48 48 62 62
veekie threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: What Does The Lootbox Say Total: 16
7 7 9 9
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Wait, what?

I thought our Infantry survived? Tabi, WTF?

"Withdraw now!" You order. Just in time too.

Even as their vanguard of Scorpions were destroyed, the TOG-type tanks were already firing into the valley incline. Some had Quad Cannons, spraying the foliage with a hail of bullets meant for killing armored aircraft. A few puffs of red were their reward as unlucky infantry turned into so much mist.

[X] Deploy Sons of Anatolia Infantry Regiments with 2 Infantry regiments to the valley sides on the side of the traps to prevent enemies from bypassing the traps via the valley sides. Retreat to defensive line if main enemy force is more than 60% through the traps. 1x Sons of Anatolia and 1x our own on each valley side.
Need: 60
1d100: 64
Result: Success, minimal casualties.

Fortunately, most of them were already gone by the time the KV-VI's rocket barrage set the valley incline on fire.

Your tank regiments were effectively decimated, even with combining the remnant of both tank regiments, you were still only at 20% capacity. Your defenses were nonexistent, and several buildings suffered damage from enemy fire.

The only mentions of our Infantry is that they succeed in pulling back with minimal casualties, that they struggled in the final push. They completely weren't mentioned in the damage final, despite mentioning that the Tank Regiments suffered all that terrible terrible damage.
The only mentions of our Infantry is that they succeed in pulling back with minimal casualties, that they struggled in the final push. They completely weren't mentioned in the damage final, despite mentioning that the Tank Regiments suffered all that terrible terrible damage.
Then why am I only mentioning the damages done, Xeno? If I didn't mention any infantry in the damage report, then there were not enough infantry casualties to matter.

Honestly, I have no fucking clue where you getting this Xeno.
You know, it would be totally possible to make a mod for Generals based on this quest. Kinda fun to think how I'd make the different units and powers for something like that.

Pilots - Interrogate, attempt to flip
CIA Agent - Does he know anything important about us? I could see ransoming him back.
We should probably take them at prisoners of war/hostages. Might keep things from going too nasty. We're the revolutionary, not the butcher. Flipping them would be optimal, but I'm not sure how likely that is to work with well indoctrinated american soldiers.
The saboteurs I think it would be a good idea to interrogate and attempt to flip them to our side. If they decide that they would rather die for their cause, oblige them.

The pilots I think it would be a good idea to interrogate and try to flip them to our side, if not, just let them go or just keep holding onto them. They're flying humanitarian missions, they can't be all bad.

The CIA agent we should definitely try to get more info out of. I don't trust these spook types but killing him probably wouldn't end well for us. Interrogate him and try to flip him to our side or at least try to get more American info on the GLA. If he doesn't convert, put him on the next flight to Somalia.
Well, in the case of the CIA agent I wouldn't be able to trust if we actually flipped him. Best to just question him and then ransom him back(sure, releasing him would keep the heat off, but we could always use more money/assets)
Well, in the case of the CIA agent I wouldn't be able to trust if we actually flipped him. Best to just question him and then ransom him back(sure, releasing him would keep the heat off, but we could always use more money/assets)
Just ransom him back, I doubt we can break him without resorting to less than advisable means, which would lower his ransom value.
Yeah, I'd say ransoming the CIA agent back, see if we can flip the pilots and saboteurs.
On the upside..... Who wants to see if Dad's up for some body doubling?
Unfortunately, most of our people already know our face thanks to the speech we did earlier, if not that, then our voice. It'd only be a matter of time before word were to get out from them to the general public.
I mean, we could try it if you guys want, but I don't see much worth in it.
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Okay, so if I have this correctly, you all want to see if you can turn the prisoners, and if not kill the GLA prisoners and/or ransom the americans back?
Turn 9
Turn 9

Though the battle had been a success, it was one that resulted in nearly wiping out almost all your tank complements. You cannot help but wince at the list of casualties taken; though most of them had been defenders manning machine guns and rocket launchers or crewing the tanks, there had been also plenty of civilian deaths.

Fortunately, there were ample funds to repair and rearm. Rakshasa managed to help compile a complete list of the salvaged scrap and wrecks.

Though the artillery strike had been what broke the armored push, it was the fires and the poorly protected ammunition cooking off that caused a chain reaction within the tightly packed armored vehicles. None of the crews of those things got out alive and the ones that didn't outright explode were intact enough to either restore or be used as additional resources.

All in all, despite the losses, it could become a great haul.

Salvage Roll
Need: 45
veekie threw 100-faced die for: May The Loot Be With US Total: 461
veekie threw 10-faced die for: What Does The Lootbox Say Total: 16
Result: Failure, Success (+$10 Million), Critical Success(+1 Salvaged TOG/KV-VI regiment, 25% capacity), Failure Failure, Failure, Success (+$4 Million), Critical Success (+1 Salvaged Scorpion Mk.II Regiment, 25% capacity), Critical Success (Intelligence Windfall), Critical Success (Captured General Al'Rahid)

Aside from the deluge of funds, your troops digging through the wreckage managed to find a slightly toasty, but very much alive General Al Rahid. The GLA General had somehow managed to survive the artillery strike on his command tank, instead he had managed to escape the barrage and the explosions had merely flung him clear of the machine's shrapnel.

Largely uninjured, he is being held in a interrogation cell. In an attempt to save his own skin, he let your interrogators discover the location of General Danko's supply base, where he had topped off his tank's fuel supply and ammunition stores to get to your base. If you manage to hit that supply base, you can act on that CIA agent's information you got some weeks previous. As far as you know, Danko's attention is on that UN base, not on his exposed backside...

[] Launch an attack on General Danko's supply base. (5 Turns remaining on this opportunity)

In other less riveting news, Rakshasa also believes that he can improve on the design of the Al'Rahid's custom built Scorpion tanks; with the appropriate funds of course.

[] Research the Scorpion Mk III. Cost: $ 1.5 Million, 2 Turns

Most of the damage to your infrastructure is superficial, and has been repaired this week. Consider the amount of funds at your disposal, it comes to no surprise to anyone that few new options are now available to you.

Choose one:

[] Build a Large Powerplant (Can power up to 10 structures) Cost: $2 Million, 3 Turns

[] Repair the Hidden Submarine Pen that Jarmond Kell discovered some time ago. Cost: $4 Million, 1 Turn

[] Build an Naval Yard (Access to ships, Need 1 Power Slot) Cost: $5 Million, 3 Turns

[] Build Tunnel to Ore Site. Cost: $2.5 Million, 2 Turns

[] Build Underground Bunkers for civilians. Cost: $2 Million, 2 Turns

While mourning the loss of family and friends, your workers and civilians ask to be trained to fight your enemies in a fit of vengeance.

Choose two:

[] Infantry Training (Rebels are more effective) Cost: $100,000, 2 Turns

[] Advanced Infantry Training (Rebels promoted to Verteran, does not apply to new recruits) Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

[] Tanker Training (Can use non-GLA Tanks) Cost: $100,000, 2 Turns

[] Advanced Tanker Training (Can use Exotic Tanks) Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

[] Sniper Training (Can form Sniper Teams)Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

[] Pilot Training (Can crew Aircraft) Cost: $200,000, 6 Turns.

[] Advanced Pilot Training (Can crew Exotic Aircraft): $400,000, 6 Turns

[] Combat Medic Training (Infantry are more effective and die less often, +1 Morale) Cost: $100,000, 4 Turns

[] Advanced Medical Training (Doctors become available) $500,000, 8 Turns

The Tactician reports that though it comes too little too late, artillery has been finally built.

[x] Research Artillery Site (+3 to Ground Defenses) Cost: $500,000, 1 Turn
Need: 50
1d100: 67
Result: Success

Too little too late, the attempts to build stationary artillery has mostly seen success due to the deluge of salvaged equipment from the Armored General's broken tanks. Salvaged 156mm Cannons now act as your main artillery sites.

Still, with no new defenses aside from artillery, the General urges you to reinforce them with an intent to make them stronger than ever before...

Choose two:

[] No, this will suffice. We have other priorities. Drill the defenses to raise their alertness and combat readiness. (+1 Alertness, +1 to Combat Roll)

[] No, put the men to use and have them patrol in Technicals and Buggies. (+1 Alertness, 1d100 Training Roll)

[] Repair the abandoned Chinese Gatling and American Missile turrets (+4 to Ground and Air Defenses) Costs: $4 Million, 1 Turn. Needs 2 Power Slots to function.

[] Research Rocket Artillery Site (+2 to Ground and Air Defenses) Cost: $1 Million, 3 Turns

[] Research Anti-Air Missile Site (+2 to Air Defenses) Costs: $250,000, 1 Turn

[] Build a Defensive Wall. (+1 to Ground Defenses) Cost: $1 Million, 1 Turn

Jarmond Kell points out that he would like to increase the current infantry regiments' effectiveness, not to mention the overall number of them.

Choose two:

[] Recruit an Infantry Regiment. (Must be taken with Infantry Training) Cost: $50,000, 1 Turn

[] Recruit a Tank Regiment. (Must be taken with Tank Training) Cost: $150,000, 1 Turns

[] Train the army. "The harder they sweat now, the less they'll bleed when the time comes..." Cost: $100,000, 1 Turn.

[] Train the army hard. They may have survived their first big battle, but they'll need to survive this war! Cost: $1 Million, 4 Turns

[] Search, Secure, Salvage. This port has got to have something lying around we can use. Send out search parties and poke around for something valuable. Cost: $2 Million, 1 Turn.

[x] Explore Cave System. Cost: $50,000, 6 Turns
Need: 60
1d100: 65
Result: Success, 4 Turns remaining.

Signs of artificial excavation continue to be obvious as your troops carefully explore the caves. They have part of the initial cave tunnels mapped, but so far, nothing out of the ordinary.

Kallen reports that though the civilians are furious at the GLA for their attack on the city, that anger can easily turn on you for not acting sooner. She thinks she knows a few things that might prevent that...

Choose one:

[] Propaganda! Emotions are running high amongst the populace. Reassure them with a speech or two. (+1 to Morale) Cost: Nothing, 1 Turn

[] Educate Them. There is a distinct lack of educated personnel to take advantage of. You need skilled workers to run things. Best get started ASAP! (Basic Education for all, +1 Civilian Morale, Allows Training Center to recruit from the local population and cut costs in training) Cost: $1 Million, 6 Turns

[] Distribute luxury items (new clothes, beds, etc). The UN had a lot of these things, they should keep people quiet for a bit. (+1 to Morale), Cost: Nothing, 1 Turn

[X] Have Kallen hack the hard drives to find out if any intelligence is available. Cost: $50,000, 2 Turns
Need: 80
1d100: 87
Result: Success.

Kallen cracked the rest of the files on the hard drives and shes discovered what the GLA want with the corporate base in the area.

"Global Armaments Europe have a secret project called 'TRIDENT' in the area. There isn't much detail on it, but from what I can tell, it's some sort of prototype weapons technology being developed there. The GLA want it, of course."

On the note of your prisoners, aside from Al'Rahid, the CIA agent Willis Huntley was given a ride on a Technical to the nearest UN Base. The two C-130 pilots refused to work with you, so were given a ride to the same UN base; though at a different time.

The GLA personnel that were captured earlier on were completely indoctrinated. No salvaging them. They were executed, quickly.

Funds: $20.45 Million

Population: +10,000 (3,800 Civilian/6,200 Military)

Infrastructure: (+2 to Defensive Combat Rolls.)

1x Ore Refinery: +$200,000 per turn.

2x American MCVs (Deployed), 6 Power Slots taken, No Power Slots available
- Radar Dome
- Airstrip
- Desalination Plant
- Hospital
- War Factory

Hidden Soviet base + 1 small Power Plant, 3 Power Slots taken.
- Hidden Railway
- War Factory
- Submarine Pen (Damaged)

Mines, IEDs, Tank Traps, Pitfalls, BBs, Barbed Wire
Stinger Sites, Bunkers, HMG Nests, AT-Rocket Sites, Artillery Sites


Sons of Anatolia
2x Infantry Regiments^^
1x SpecOp Regiment*

Infantry Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
3x Infantry Regiments^ (Rebels & Insurgents with Technical & Buggy Support, Experienced)

Vehicle Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
1x Armor Regiment^^ (Scorpions with Technical & Buggy Support, Veteran, 10% Capacity)
1x Armor Regiment^^ (Crusader Tanks, Veteran, 10% Capacity)
1x KV-VI Regiment (KV-VI Tanks, 25% Capacity)
1x TOG-III Regiment (TOG Tanks, 25% Capacity)
2x Mammoth Tanks (no crew)

Artillery Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
10x MRLS Trucks
2x SCUD Launcher Trucks

Air Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
1x Tu-4 Bomber (1 pilot, minimum of 2 needed)
1x C-130J Super Hercules (no crew)
1x Air Regiment (Comanche Helicopters, no crews)
1x Gunship Regiment (VTOL Gunships, no crews)

Naval Forces: n/a
2x Victor-Class Submarines: (no crew)

Civilians: Satisfied (7) / Loyal (6)

4x GLA Saboteurs (Enemy)
1x CIA Agent, Willis Huntley (Enemy)
2x UN Pilots (Enemy)
1x GLA Stealth Rebel (Enemy)
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. . .

You know what I want to do?

I want to turn our GLA guest over to the UN.

The reactions should be fun.
@Tabi you copy and pasted the research artillery action from the last post.

[X] Build a Large Powerplant (Can power up to 10 structures) Cost: $2 Million, 3 Turns

[X] Research the Scorpion Mk III. Cost: $ 1.5 Million, 2 Turns

[X] Tanker Training (Can use non-GLA Tanks) Cost: $100,000, 2 Turns
[X] Pilot Training (Can crew Aircraft) Cost: $200,000, 6 Turns.

[X] Research Anti-Air Missile Site (+2 to Air Defenses) Costs: $250,000, 1 Turn
[X] No, put the men to use and have them patrol in Technicals and Buggies. (+1 Alertness, 1d100 Training Roll)

[X] Recruit a Tank Regiment. (Must be taken with Tank Training) Cost: $150,000, 1 Turns
[X] Train the army. "The harder they sweat now, the less they'll bleed when the time comes..." Cost: $100,000, 1 Turn.

[X] Distribute luxury items (new clothes, beds, etc). The UN had a lot of these things, they should keep people quiet for a bit. (+1 to Morale), Cost: Nothing, 1 Turn
[] Launch an attack on General Danko's supply base. (5 Turns remaining on this opportunity)

We're going to want to rebuild our shit first. This will keep.

[X] Research the Scorpion Mk III. Cost: $ 1.5 Million, 2 Turns

Very useful, and gives us a cheap source of tanks at least.

[X] Build a Large Powerplant (Can power up to 10 structures) Cost: $2 Million, 3 Turns

I THINK we need power next before any expansion can be powered.

[ ] Advanced Medical Training (Doctors become available) $500,000, 8 Turns
[ ] Advanced Tanker Training (Can use Exotic Tanks) Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

Hospital without doctors is just sad, and I want the Mammoths to move.

[X] Infantry Training (Rebels are more effective) Cost: $100,000, 2 Turns
[X] Tanker Training (Can use non-GLA Tanks) Cost: $100,000, 2 Turns

Derpness fixed

[X] No, put the men to use and have them patrol in Technicals and Buggies. (+1 Alertness, 1d100 Training Roll)
[X] Research Anti-Air Missile Site (+2 to Air Defenses) Costs: $250,000, 1 Turn

AA is a gap we need to fill.

[X] Recruit an Infantry Regiment. (Must be taken with Infantry Crash Course) Cost: $50,000, 1 Turn
[X] Recruit a Tank Regiment. (Must be taken with Tank Training) Cost: $150,000, 1 Turns

Replenish everything

[X] Distribute luxury items (new clothes, beds, etc). The UN had a lot of these things, they should keep people quiet for a bit. (+1 to Morale), Cost: Nothing, 1 Turn

Ease tempers first. Don't want them to stew too long while they're mad.

4.15 million
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