By the Light of Darkened Stars: A Star Wars Villains Victorious Idea Expansion

Uhh, I do this here for the exact purpose of not having to use the Docs as I dont' fully understand it.

Hence why I do it here.

If everyone's okay with doing it here I'm okay with it.

So as long as we keep some things organized I'm fine doing it here.
Then it's best you copy+past the content from the docs here then threadmark it.

I'm cool with it.
Starbird Liberation Front
Then it's best you copy+past the content from the docs here then threadmark it.

I'm cool with it.
Alright now that that's out of the way.


The Good Guy's are on the Backfoot but they are not fully incompetent nor dumb.

I am going to give an example of what a Good Guy Faction looks like

Starbird Liberation Front:

The Largest Remaining Remants of the Republic Military that haven't surrendered or been disarmed by local territories

They are SOME of the Military Assets of the Old Republic's Military, The Grand Army of the Republic's Units that didn't go through with Order 66 due to being from Legends, not Disney Canon, the Rebel Alliance Forces, the New Republic's forces and the GFFA Units that wanted to not betray everything they fought for.

They are a disorganized scattered force, across the Galaxy, they have no port of call, supply and Logistics held together by a Unit's commander's force of Will and if they were lucky the Jedi Officer along with them.

They have no centralized leadership but Garm Bel Iblis claims to be in charge, a matter of dispute, for all involved, even the Sith don't think he's really in charge.

And Without a Unified High Command...They will likely remain a LOCAL annoyance to be stamped out by the Larger warlords.

The Jedi In their Ranks are...

Rahm Kota, The Legendary General from the Clone Wars and one of the Most Outspoken Offensive oriented Officers.

Kyp Durron, A Jedi in the New Jedi Order, giving a Moderates approach to war.

And Finally Nomi Sunrider, Jedi Knight and a Defensive Oriented build up approach.

None of the Jedi actually like each other...and their forces despise each other almost as much as the actual sith, the Clones just want to fight and defeat the Sith.

This Faction is held together by tape and spit.

Note Three Jedi in a faction is considered an anomaly by this world's standards.

Two is a Master Padawan pair...One is a curiosity

King: Alliance High Command?

They have no centralized leadership but Garm Bel Iblis claims to be in charge, a matter of dispute, for all involved. With the Holonet Black outs the screaming of a Dozen other systems and petty warlords chipping away at the Factions manpower and resorces.

Without a Leader, they are nothing more then a band of pirates with a cause.

They have no hope. No Base...and clearly no future.

Rule: A Dream Dashed to be reborn

The Republic is Dead. Long Live the Republic.

With the Sith Once More Ruling the Galaxy and the Core coopted and the rest of the Rims fragmented and being carved up for a kings territory, that dream is no more then a page in the history.

25,000 years of history gone in a single span of time.

They cannot, they will not let this stand, for as long as the Fleets move, attack, and continue to draw from the Population.

The Republic was alive.

As long as they fought it will remain an idea worth fighting for.

AN: This is the largest Faction of Rebels.
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The Death Words of the Revanchist (AKA: What happens when a Hero Dies)
The Death Words of the Revanchist (AKA: What happens when a Hero Dies)

In the world of Darkened Stars, Evil has already won.

The Dark is Generous and it is Patient and it always Wins.

And the death of hero's of grand light spells echos into the Force…a howel of broken promises and dispair.


Depending on the Hero's Path, Alignment and sometimes who kills them a Special quote will be said to signify the small death of Hope within the galaxy.

Within the Aura of Death, a key Insight can be gleaned into the Hero's Greatest thoughts and desires as the light leaves them for good.

The Death Words are flashes of key moments that signify the moment that doomed them if not led and cared for properly.


Death Words on the Path: These are Words spoken when the character has passed (or not even started) certain Milestones in the Hero's journey to heal and save the Galaxy.

"Look upon what you have done to the Galaxy…LOOK! Worlds have burned and millions have died and for what, to keep a corpse going for a few more years…It was for nothing Revan..IT WAS ALL FOR NOTHING! Its time to let it burn and prey something is left." -A Order 66 Survivor to Revan on his deathbed (The Path of Dispair) Reasoning and Meaning: Revan has died in a pit of Dispair from his injuries, alone and frightened, his life's work all for nothing. Leaving only a sad and confused survivor blaming him for the world they live in.

"All I ever wanted was to Walk the Galaxy as a man, not a symbol, to see the universe and to be just someone willing to help people." -Revan to his Spirit as he enters the force (The Path of Healing) Reasoning and Meaning: Revan has died in battle after somewhat recovering, he hasn't come to terms with his life, but he understands some of his regrets and sorrows.
"I'm forever alone. Out of all the beings in the universe I, out of all the beings in the force, am the only one that can feel all of life's energy while still being completely alone. Thats an interesting paradox isn't it?"-Revan to his allies. (The Path of Resolve) Reasoning and Meaning: Revan has somewhat come to terms with the life he has, and while not happy with dying, is content that he lived somewhat interestingly.

"I am Revan, Savior, Villian, Hero, Jedi, Sith…I am the Prodigal Knight, and that is who I will always be. I love you now and forever."-Revan to whoever kills him. (The Path of Life) Reasoning and Meaning:Its hard to love yourself when all you are is a weirdo in a Mask with issues, but the Universe makes it work.


Special Charecter Moments: Revan like most hero's is Unique in that he has touched the lives of so many people…so he gets a lot of unique moments.

"LOOK at me Revan! Surely somewhere deep within the pits of Malachor V, when you were surrounded by nothing but despair and the worse hell of life, you thought in your heart of hearts there was no true benevolence in the Force at all, that this sick joke was its dark entertainment! Tell ME Have you truly abandoned ALL you believed in SO EASILY? FOR a Power unearned for a cause ladened with contradictions and Hypocracy for what? Some degree of false peace, your arrogance has caused you nothing but pain, despair and your untimely death…Was any of your fruitless actions even worth it?"

"Given all, I have seen it was something worth dying for, even if it was for nothing…and that is something you will never take from me." Kriea to Revan as he Lay dying, having battled her with all he had. Meaning: Revan has been killed by Kreia, and she more or less admonishes and belittles him for abandoning his principles once again to face a fools crusade. And Revan rather correctly assess that she's mad he abandoned her teachings and ideology for his own resolve and convictions…and in doing so rejecting all she has taught him again.

"It was always going to be me or you Malek. Its just how it goes…now go on, you've beaten me…now learn to live with it." Revan to Malek after the later has given him a killing blow. Reasoning: Revan Taunts the shit out of Malek as he dies, and rather fittingly its a challange.

"Revan…I won."

"Dry those tears Canderous…We both know this was as good as it gets for me. Thanks for giving me a kinder death then what I deserve."-Canderous to Revan after battling each other to protect a faction. Mandalore the Preserver gives Revan a Warrior's Death he doesn't feel like he deserves.

"You've grown so Strong Juhani…I'm Proud of you."

*Crying and sobbing.* "Don't go please! I don't want you to die! You're my Hero! Your Revan! You Saved me!"

"And you Saved me…Smile little Cathar, It was never for nothing…I've made so many mistakes, caused so much pain…but saving you proved to both the Galexy and myself that I did some good with the life I had…and it was enough."Reasoning: Juhani has caused Revan's Death and blames herself, Revan, being the man he is, tells her exactly what she needs to carry on.

"Was It all for nothing? They never let me love you, they never let me hold you when you cried. I spent Two Years and Nine Months with you building your heart and then I spent the other Twenty-Seven years watching the world tearing you apart. And I couldn't do anything about it."

"Was the love you ever had for me real?"

"Loving you destroyed me, All I ever wanted more than being a Jedi was to be your mother. And they never even let me tell you your real name. All I ever wanted was to tell you I love you. But not like this."

"Say it…I want to hear it, just this once, before I pass on forever."

"I love you Revan Sunrider…I always will."

A Sad Smile flashed on his tired lips. "I've always wanted to hear someone say that…thank you Mama." -Vima to Revan.Vima and Revan finally say the words he's wanted to hear his whole life. And Vima finally gets to be what she's always wanted…at the last possible moment.

"Your letting it happen?"

"After everything? Nothing would make me happier then to be by your side when it happens. You saved me…and destroyed me…and were the best thing to ever happen to me."

"Everything…You feel safe with me killing you? Being the killing blow!"

"Bastilia, if I had to choose one way to die…it would be looking at you when it happens."
-Bastila to Revan Reasoning: Revan and Bastila share a moment before Revan's death, as he leaves her confused.

AN: So this is a weird thing I wrote for Darkned Stars, Let me know what you think of it.

Could be fun.
Faction:The Jedi Apostates
Faction:The Jedi Apostates

The End of the Galaxy as we know it does not mean the End of Jedi Politic, the only evil Greater then the Sith that remains against us.-Jedi Operative describing JUST how bad things are.

Betrayal, scandal, Religious Upheaval, Ideological Factionalism and the sheer weight of the Darkside upon the Galaxy… and just plain bad luck all plague the Order but none so great are the tragedy of the Jedi Apostates.

Apostates are those who have compleatly and utterly have been forced out of the structure of the Jedi Order to an extent that their names, rank and identity are stricken from the Archives, and spoken memory, only to be told as a cautionary tale to frighten children.

Exile…is a cruel kindness, forced to wander, but are still in some ways protected by Watchman, and Seer's who keep the weather eye on them for a time of forgiveness ,or crisis to drag them back to the fold in all but the most dire of crime and circumstances.

Apostates, are hunted as traitors, betrayers, Monsters and Sith in Waiting.

Old Traditions …Old bindings and protections are cast aside, and they are not considered Kin…but political and spiritual inconveniences to the many peoples of the galexy.

The Pius Dae started the tradition of Apostate Jedi, and the Order Continued it for various terrible reasons.

Fear of the Sith…Fear of Ideological Contamination.

Fear…of the Future…

All mistakes inherited all mistakes to drive an order to Ruin.

King: Vima Sunrider, the Fallen Grace

Vima has always been marked by tragedy , the loss of her father, the loss of a future of happiness, Her mentor, and the destruction of her family in all but name.

She was named an Apostate to Hurt Nomi, by a rival Council of Jedi, consumed by fear of the darkness.

But without a council to rescind the effect, she is now worse then being an Exile.

A homeless Jedi, leading a band of Homeless Soldiers, Civillains, doing her duty even if she is forced to be something less than a Jedi in order to do it.

So is she more the Jedi or Less ?

Is anything so certain anymore?

She'll never know…Thats for other people to decide

Rule: Drifter's Lifeboat

Apstates arn't Jedi…

So why do people still believe in you?