By the Light of Darkened Stars: A Star Wars Villains Victorious Idea Expansion

By the Light of Darkened Stars: A Star Wars Villains Victorious Idea Expansion

The Galaxy Lies Broken...scattered and ruined.

The Light of the Universe lies broken...consumed and destroyed at long last by the Forces of Darkness and the Sith.

From Galladran to Tatooine...From Korriban to Coruscant. Each broken and divided in their own ways by the forces of the Sith.

The Republic, once the Masters of the Galaxy lies broken and Defiled, either by Intrigue or by Conquest from within and without.

Their Armies Broken, their People lost and divided, their Hero's Gone and reduced to nothing.

But greatest of all losses, is The Jedi...they are gone...reduced to nothing more then ghosts and memories to be told around the fire.

Now comes the Age of the Warlords, the Age of Darkness.

The Age of the Sith…

This is not the Age of Heroes and Rebellions, Armies of Light against Shadows.

The Sith rule all….The Sith and those who rule like them, rule all.

And very little remains to do except fight and pray that you become a master of your own fate.

Though you're probably going to need some friends...god knows you'll need it.


The Galactic Empire of the Core (Time span: The Galactic Civil War)

King: Darth Sidious, AKA Sheev Palpatine, The Dark Emperor

The Sith Lord of Deception, the Sith'ari of Bane and the FIRST GALACTIC EMPIRE!! Is a man with many titles and many victories. Most of them actually earned over a long and distinguished career of manipulation and forward thinking and a layer of intrigue and utter control of the situation at large.

He presents himself as a scared, but wise, just and even handed ruler to the public, and while having a very frightful appearance to many of his subjects, he is above all presents himself to the hero's as the Just and even handed , if one tried to speak rumors of his more, shady dealings, he would first be diplomatic, then use thugs.

If thugs fail, use police and military forces...should THOSE fail, use the Royal Guard.

If the Royal Guard fails, and he's forced to come after you personally...hope that you are prepared to die painfully.

Land: The Galactic Core, the Bleeding heart of what was once galactic civilization, it is the Industrious heart of the Galaxy...but one with a people who see the erosion of Freedom in real time, Palpatine shall save them as he had in the past. And while the Humancentric government makes being an alien difficult, one must look at the bright side of the universe, He brought peace and order to the galaxy once, he'll do it again.


The People of the Core have bought into the Message of Palpatine Once...they did so again, and life does not forgive weakness, even if your here to save the people from the Evils of Sidious, your half as likely to find those same citizen's willing to sell you out for bread, help in this time, and help from within, DOES exist, but such matters are behind closed doors and in quiet moments.

Its the Perfect police state, one that has the entire world under boot, always searching, always hunting for rebels and traitors.


The Death Watch (Time span: The Great Peace of the Republic)

King: Pre Vizsla

Pre Vizla, to many people he carries different titles. To His own, He is Mand'alor the Warmaker, the one who brought the great warrior ethos back to the forefront of their society. To the Sith he is known as "The Roulette Wheel" He fights for the strongest side and yet betrays them at the first sign of weakness, he knows of the treachery of the SITH to well and lets the infighting and their own lust for power control them.

To the Galaxy at large he's just another warlord, believing in strength and looting, pillaging and other such acts of human cruelty that the Mandalorians are always known for. He's also a hands-on bastard if you belive it, leading war after war, after war...He's been quite successful at it too. But he is one thing, strong dedicated and above all ruthless..He will find out if those are against him...

And Silence them.

Land: Mandalore, The Scared Worlds of War: In the Mandalorian Sector there is one Rule, the Strong Rule, the Weak Serve...this is the Way told by the False Mand'alor and his Death Watch. War and Battle, Conflict and Victory are the currency of a person's social worth. To fight and battle is to be useful to the Mandalore.

The battle is everywhere on that scared and broken sector, from brawls to skirmishes, armor is necessary, shields are better.

Plans of Coups...and a Civil War, not as likely, the Warrior class lord overall, the arms are there, the will is not. After all why would you replace something that's worked?

Sure Ignore the Nite Owls, The Preservers and the other Clans that are Rebelling they aren't strong enough to actually make a difference..No matter how many times Canderous said the Revanchist will return to kill the Usurper. He's only saying that because he doesn't have the manpower to fight in battle.


Vizsla is more like a Feudal warlord then the leader of a massive crusader empire. His Hold is put in place by his Seconds and his army. He's running things like Tor would have, piracy is rampant, people are raided on a whim and people lack the spine to even stand against them...mostly because he made sure organizations are loyal only to him and him alone.

That is not stable,and people CHAff under it. But they don't have the equipment, legitimacy or the strength to actually resist.


The Revanchist Empire (Time Span: Jedi Civil War)

King: Darth Malak The Sword of the Revanchist

The Sith Lord of Dedication has survived the betrayal of his Master Darth Revan the Lord of Revenge. In spite of said betrayal, his disfigurement and his general lack of tact when it comes to ruling the Empire his master created, he is still a capable and dedicated leader of men.

If a lesser one compared to his master, but one should not say it to his face.

He rules abelly if cruelly with his officers and apprentices working to make his will done...but get his attention and he will come upon you with the wrath of an angry god.

Land: Lehon and the Star Forge: A unstable and well positioned World, the Star Forge is...broken, and can only work at 2% of its true strength, and it is a fortress that few can navigate. Being a Dark Side powered entity it sees all attempts to disable it as well a threat.

It is ever shifting ever growing as the Power of the Lord of Dedication works to repair and maintain his holdings.

Now with a Powerful Battle Meditation by his side in the form of Bastila Shan. Very little can hope to stand against him.

Rule: A Darker Rule of Law?

The Empire Left by Revan is a warped twisted mirror of the Republic they once served. But it was one forged in Revan's Image for an enlightened age. Its Lord all ruling but guided by hand selected senators as the all powerful autocrat.

The Sith are held in line by Fear of Reprisal...The Citizens protected by a sensible and fair court. Food is plentiful and Citizen's while not truly free, are protected.

Revan left the Frame of a Truely enlightened autocracy that would in theory be immune to the failings of men.

The Problem was Revan's empire was built by a flawed man...and like any flawed man, it was filled with corruption, embezzlement...Mandalorians and the unstable ruling class of force sensitive children trying to play god.

The Force helps us All if Malek loses control.

But with the Loyalty of the Army and a designated Successor, he won't have to fear that…

It's not as if Lord Revan was...still alive, Bastila hasn't felt anything through the Forcebond in a LONG time, The Revan is obviously dead.


The Imperial Military Correction Zone (Time Span: Galactic Civil War)

King: Grand Moff Tarkin

Land: The Outer Regions and the Death Star

The Technological Terror of the Universe, a Planet Killer and Epitome of Imperial Might is broken. BUT just because the main weapon is broken does NOT mean it is useless as a force projection platform capable of conquering worlds.

It was built with that express purpose in mind after all, and Tarkin is in many ways still a competent military officer surrounded by skilled officers.

To destroy such a terror, and the Man that commands it...Is near impossible, the Exhaust port is now more protected then a god and they have frequent patrols, and are surrounded by capital ships.

You'd need a Jedi or a Miracle to pull off the shot.

Rule: Fear, Shall keep the Local Systems in Line

The Tarkin Doctrine has been purged of a MAJORITY of its flaws, following a sensible review and Tarkin runs a True military autocracy filled to the Brim with his will and disire for a peaceful galaxy...but force.

The Force of the Imperial Navy and army.

Its not as if Rebellion was Inevitable, it must be show as a terrible idea...and the fear of reprisal, for all will keep them in line.

AN: What Is this I hear you say, ANOTHER idea, I thought the ONE YEAR WAR idea was what you were working on?

No this is another Idea born from Love and Disney Villians Victorious again.

This Is Primarily Legends Based...there is no Sequels here...

Though the Mandalorian is Fine...

So why did I make this?

Because this is what I do to Relax...World build ideas and spend time Chilling with you guy's...

Now...I want to help me pour love into this...let your Love of Star wars flow.

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Interesting idea.
Though I am kinda surprised that Thrawn is not here, nor Vader.

Also, could you put a page break between the choices?
Though I am kinda surprised that Thrawn is not here, nor Vader.
Thrawn is here I just haven't finished writing his thing yet.
Also, could you put a page break between the choices?
I don't know how but remember this is only a rough draft and by NO means finalized.
...Not sure how it could fit, but the Legions of Lettow could be a very interesting group, being kind of dark but at the same time very not sith
Sure put them in.

ANd I'm doing this as a way to relax and make a cool idea.
...Welp. I guess they would be hermits, and/or a group that stumbled on artifacts that survived the great purge and are now, well, having very negative views of both sides of the ideological conflict, unless it would be set back in the first heresy...

Not sure how exactly to write them, but one factor which helped lead to their downfall was their individualism, as they refused to use battle meditation( and also, that is why they would not look kindly to their so called successors, the Sith).
Why would you refuse to use Battle Meditation!! BM is OP.
Very fierce individualism. To do so would mean putting yourself directly under the influence of the caster...
And yeah, it almost certainly played a major factor in their fall to the Jedi.
And as far as the Sith. They would not look kindly to the group who gets so high on emotions, they tend to lose themselves to it...
The Chimera Fleet (Time Span: The Post Imperial Era)

King: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Land: The Chimera Fleet

Rule: The Empire is A GOVERNMENT

@edboy49 wanna help me make Thrawn's Sheet.
Can HK-47 be a king? Like, here, when he was reactivated on Mustafar during the Galactic Civil War and built up an army, they actually won the Battle of Koseyet.
The Legions of Lettow (Time Span: The first Split)

King: Xendor
"Even now, you refuse to understand. There are as many truths to the Force as there are hearts within which the Force manifests itself. The existence of the triad has no more bearing on the reality of the Force than the Ashla and the Bogan, or anything I tell you, or anything you tell others. Any philosophy, creed or religion that opens the heart to the Force proves itself to be true. My legions follow the dictates of such a creed. But that is only a demonstration of the application of power, Arden. It says nothing about the rightness of our beliefs, or the universality of our faith."
An exiled Jedi, he was forced out of the order due to being outspoken against the stagnant rigid council, and wanting to teach the darker aspects of the force, which was ignored since the Jedii era. He wanted to avoid war, but as his order grew, the Jedi, fearful of the threat he and his group could become forced a war on the galaxy in an attempt to end it before it began, and forcing Xendor to take command to protect his order.

Land: The outer rim(?)

Rule: The Sanctity of the individual shall be preserved(?)
The order Prizes individuality to a near ludicrous degree, going so far as to not use the battle meditation technique, which they knew, against the Jedi, who were because of how it worked. Their force which consists mainly force users, due to their origins have learned many different techniques in their quest to understand the force, and does not ignore either main branch, like the jedii of old.
The main issues is the jedi and those they tricked into aiding them.

The Torchbearers (Time Span: ???)

King: ???

Land: ???

Rule: The Sanctity of the individual shall be preserved(?)
The order Prizes individuality to a very high degree. Their force users, due to their origins likely have learned many different techniques in their quest to understand the force, and does not ignore either main branch, like the jedii of literally ancient times.
Now if only the outsiders are not waiting for some of the members to go force lightning on everything...

The lands of both are blank as well, not sure what they would have, and otherwise, the one for the actual time period is much more fleshed out considering any time after that, short of things getting really wacky in that time, would require a group stumbling on really well hidden artifacts, or miraculous survivors of the extermination whom kept the tradition alive without attracting something to blow them up like the rest of the order...
No matter how many times Canderous said the Revanchist will return to kill the Usurper. He's only saying that because he doesn't have the manpower to fight in battle.
....Well, guess things are not quite as I first guessed...
Cause it seems like this is referencing Canderous Ordo, and he is probably ancient compared to Pre Visla...

Well, at least that means the Legions of lettow probably could actually talk with Jedi without them going Lettow Delenda Est.... In exchange for being surrounded by enemies who very much would rub them the wrong way, and those seeking their knowledge, in the classic Sith manner...( if I am somewhat right...)
....Well, guess things are not quite as I first guessed...
When are things ever quiet on Mandalore...In fact when has Mandalore ever had true peace.
Cause it seems like this is referencing Canderous Ordo, and he is probably ancient compared to Pre Visla...
No one Respects the Preserver...they think he's out of touch and out of his mind for following a Jedi...for all the Jedi are dead or being Hunted and killed off.