[X] Actually, two of the city's members, a Leomon and an Ogremon, have gone missing on the Gear Savanna. It's not necessarily a Gear-destroying mission, but you never know... (Travel time: Three days uninterrupted. Medium possibility of at least one Champion level opponent. Possibility for multiple opponents. Medium chances of success.)
-[X] Also, give Kari the pink thing with the sun on it. It feels like her digivice so it's probably her's.

I'd rather get these two on the same side asap.

Also, the fact that Maki was friends with Myotismon... he either ruthlessly exploited her inferiority complex, or she managed to circumvent whatever it was that made him actually Evil.
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[X] Apparently, a lone Gear has gotten hold of the Andromon that lives in the 'factory' to the northwest. Not a lot of Digimon go out that far, so you're unlikely to have too much competition. (Travel time: Five days uninterrupted. High possibility of one Ultimate level opponent. Takes you through Gear Savanna, so high chance of interruption by Leomon and Ogremon. High risk, high reward.)
Hmm... I don't see why we can't do more than one of these. We need to get ourselves situated supply-wise, but since some of these are only a couple hours away, and the others take multiple days time, then if we do a shorter one would we be able to do a longer one later?
[X] The Drimogemon often come across clusters of Gears in their tunneling, but are afraid to touch them, and for good reason. You may as well take them out before they can activate, according to Digimon around town, it's a routine job. (Travel time: Two hours uninterrupted. High chance of success, lower value rewards. High chance of at least one party member getting lost in the tunnels.)
-[X] Also, give Kari the pink thing with the sun on it. It feels like her digivice so it's probably her's.
[X] Visit the Overdell. You're interested in what stories the Bakemon have to tell, and they don't seem strong enough to fight anything possessed. However, they likely have the ability to quickly destroy lone Gears, so if there is a fight to be had, it'll be a tough one. (Travel time: Six hours uninterrupted. Get to talk to the Bakemon about things. Low chance of finding anything, any opponents would be in a large group of low- to middling Champion power.)
-[X] Also, give Kari the pink thing with the sun on it. It feels like her digivice so it's probably her's.

The Bakemon are chatty and so make a good source of intel I think.
[ ] The Drimogemon often come across clusters of Gears in their tunneling, but are afraid to touch them, and for good reason. You may as well take them out before they can activate, according to Digimon around town, it's a routine job. (Travel time: Two hours uninterrupted. High chance of success, lower value rewards. High chance of at least one party member getting lost in the tunnels.)
Gonna be Tai isn't it?
[X] The Drimogemon often come across clusters of Gears in their tunneling, but are afraid to touch them, and for good reason. You may as well take them out before they can activate, according to Digimon around town, it's a routine job. (Travel time: Two hours uninterrupted. High chance of success, lower value rewards. High chance of at least one party member getting lost in the tunnels.)
-[X] Also, give Kari the pink thing with the sun on it. It feels like her digivice so it's probably her's.
[X] The Drimogemon often come across clusters of Gears in their tunneling, but are afraid to touch them, and for good reason. You may as well take them out before they can activate, according to Digimon around town, it's a routine job. (Travel time: Two hours uninterrupted. High chance of success, lower value rewards. High chance of at least one party member getting lost in the tunnels.)
-[X] Also, give Kari the pink thing with the sun on it. It feels like her digivice so it's probably her's.
her friend Myotismon
...WHAT?! :o

i mean, it was already implied before but still... WHAT!? :o:o:o

Also, the fact that Maki was friends with Myotismon... he either ruthlessly exploited her inferiority complex, or she managed to circumvent whatever it was that made him actually Evil.
i wonder which one's more likely... Maki does have a huge weakness to exploit, but we don't really know much about myotismon past...

[ ] Go back to the jungle. From what you've heard, the Kuwagamon was clearly infected, so there may be others nearby. Of course, with how close it is to the city, it's more likely to have been just a lone Gear. (Travel time: Less than an hour uninterrupted. Low threat level, low chance of success.)
[ ] The Drimogemon often come across clusters of Gears in their tunneling, but are afraid to touch them, and for good reason. You may as well take them out before they can activate, according to Digimon around town, it's a routine job. (Travel time: Two hours uninterrupted. High chance of success, lower value rewards. High chance of at least one party member getting lost in the tunnels.)

these two are both pretty close and low risk, maybe we could split and try to do both of them? We already have 4 digimons capable of going champion, let's split them between two parties.

Things to consider:

1)Matt and T.k need to be together. Same for Tai and Kari.
2)we have four champions, 2 for each group would make sense.
3)We might try to train each partner to go champion before starting those quests. Gabumon did learn pretty fast after all, and it would give us more flexibily in how and how often we could split.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Sep 20, 2018 at 2:07 PM, finished with 1284 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] The Drimogemon often come across clusters of Gears in their tunneling, but are afraid to touch them, and for good reason. You may as well take them out before they can activate, according to Digimon around town, it's a routine job. (Travel time: Two hours uninterrupted. High chance of success, lower value rewards. High chance of at least one party member getting lost in the tunnels.)
    -[X] Also, give Kari the pink thing with the sun on it. It feels like her digivice so it's probably her's.
    [X] The Drimogemon often come across clusters of Gears in their tunneling, but are afraid to touch them, and for good reason. You may as well take them out before they can activate, according to Digimon around town, it's a routine job. (Travel time: Two hours uninterrupted. High chance of success, lower value rewards. High chance of at least one party member getting lost in the tunnels.)
    [X] Actually, two of the city's members, a Leomon and an Ogremon, have gone missing on the Gear Savanna. It's not necessarily a Gear-destroying mission, but you never know... (Travel time: Three days uninterrupted. Medium possibility of at least one Champion level opponent. Possibility for multiple opponents. Medium chances of success.)
    -[X] Also, give Kari the pink thing with the sun on it. It feels like her digivice so it's probably her's.
    [X] Apparently, a lone Gear has gotten hold of the Andromon that lives in the 'factory' to the northwest. Not a lot of Digimon go out that far, so you're unlikely to have too much competition. (Travel time: Five days uninterrupted. High possibility of one Ultimate level opponent. Takes you through Gear Savanna, so high chance of interruption by Leomon and Ogremon. High risk, high reward.)
    [X] Visit the Overdell. You're interested in what stories the Bakemon have to tell, and they don't seem strong enough to fight anything possessed. However, they likely have the ability to quickly destroy lone Gears, so if there is a fight to be had, it'll be a tough one. (Travel time: Six hours uninterrupted. Get to talk to the Bakemon about things. Low chance of finding anything, any opponents would be in a large group of low- to middling Champion power.)
    -[X] Also, give Kari the pink thing with the sun on it. It feels like her digivice so it's probably her's.
Well... this is going to go either really well or really poorly... but then, it was always going to be that way, wasn't it?

-Vote Closed!-

At least the tunnels don't have that much in the way of living hazards... but even easy jobs have their pitfalls.
To the Tunnels!
You and your friends talk for a while, and you quickly come to the agreement that, while adventure is fun and all, you'd really rather not go trekking across the entire island without some form of supplies. Of course, getting supplies requires money, but that's not as big of a problem as most would think, for one reason alone.

The Drimogemon. Large mole-like Champions with drills for horns, they are proficient diggers, preferring to live their lives mostly underground. And Machinedramon's Black Gear stash is mostly underground, though the largest clusters are on Infinity Mountain, hence why nobody digs there.

According to the Digimon, they don't actively search for the Gears, they just show up. And Drimogemon are close-contact fighters, which really doesn't mesh well with an insidious object that implants mind control through direct contact.

No, they are not suited for destroying those Gears at all, which is where you come in. Every now and again, someone has to go down the tunnels and clear out the deposits before they activate, and with your Digivices, it may as well be you.

You're all in agreement on that part. It's just that the general definition of 'you' is significantly more difficult to decide on.

"But you're letting TK go with you!" Kari complains. Her brother sighs.

"TK has Angemon, and besides, he's Matt's responsibility, not mine. If you find your Digimon, or we leave the island, you can come around, but you can't do anything right now."

Kari waves her Digivice in front of her brother. Tai doesn't budge.

"It's probably not going to be that much fun, anyway," Biyomon points out. "I mean, we're going to be in a dark cave for most of it. Where's the fun in that?"

"I can think of a few things," Gabumon volunteers. "Of course, most of them would likely get one of us lost..."

"Yeah, let's not do that," Matt tells his partner. Meanwhile, Kari sighs, having given up on getting to explore the tunnels.

"Don't worry, Kari! I'm not going, either!" Bukamon points out. "So you aren't the only useless one!" You sigh. Once Joe meets his partner, he's going to have to teach the little thing the meaning of the word 'tact'. You don't envy him.

Still, you sort of feel bad for her. She has just as much stake in this world as the rest of you, yet doesn't have any say in it due to her lack of a Digimon.

Your hand slips into your pocket, and suddenly, you have an idea. The object you found at camp feels a bit like Kari's Digivice, and giving her something to look after would probably make her feel better.

"Hey, Kari," You start, and she turns to you, still pouting a little. It'd be more effective if you didn't know just how smart she is for her age. "I found something earlier, and I only just got it clean. Taking it into the tunnels would just make it dirty again, so..." You slip the object out of your pocket and hand it to her. It's glowing faintly.

She takes it, staring at it with wide eyes. "It's so pretty!"

You smile. "It is, isn't it? So take good care of it, okay?"

She nods fiercely. "I will!" And that's the end of that. Tai shoots the two of you a betrayed look. You just grin at him and try to look innocent.

All things considered, you probably fail.

The first two hours or so in the tunnels pass mostly without incident. The Gears closest to the surface on this part of the island have all been destroyed, as far as anyone could tell, but as the things seem to have minds of their own, there's no way to know for sure.

Of course, telling exact time in these tunnels is difficult. You are in almost complete darkness the whole way through due to Drimogemon having sensitive eyes, the only tunnels that are lit up being the ones that Digimon use to travel to Gear Savanna. And you aren't exactly planning on heading there at the moment.
(Safe tunnel navigation DC: 50. Tai, Matt, TK: Pass. Sora, Izzy, Mimi: Fail)
Of course, it doesn't last that way for long. Mimi pauses to talk to Izzy for something, you turn to tell them to keep up, and suddenly the other three have disappeared.

"We should keep going down the tunnel," Tentomon suggests. "They can't have gone far!" But maybe you take a wrong turn somewhere, because at some point the ground gives out from underneath you and you fall to the next level down.

Still unlit, of course. Which doesn't make things better. Not that there's a way for them to be good, what with the pain you're feeling from your arm right now. Still, you're not the worst off. That one probably goes to Mimi, who you're pretty sure is trying to stand up and failing.

Tentomon and Biyomon fly down to meet you. "Sora! Are you okay!?" Your partner asks, panicked. And for good reason. You've never fallen from a great height before without Birdramon to catch you, and there's just no room for her in these tunnels.

"I'm fine," You lie, and you doubt she's able to tell, what with the total darkness and all. "But we need to get out of here."

How, though?

Sora's HP: 28/35

Izzy's HP: 23/28

Mimi's HP: 20/28

[ ] Wait around. Somebody's probably going to come this way eventually, right? (Doesn't strain Mimi's leg. Decent chances of rescue. Loses a good amount of time.)

[ ] Suddenly, room constraints don't matter to you so much. Is Birdramon available? (Results depend entirely on your Trigger check. Izzy and Mimi may also make Trigger checks, but there is very little that Togemon would be able to add to this situation.)

[ ] Try and find your own way out. (Just as likely to get you even more lost. Strains Mimi's leg. Good chance of finding or doing something cool either way.)
[X] Try and find your own way out. (Just as likely to get you even more lost. Strains Mimi's leg. Good chance of finding or doing something cool either way.)

High risk, high reward. Plus we might find more shinies. Shinies are love, shinies are life.
[X] Try and find your own way out. (Just as likely to get you even more lost. Strains Mimi's leg. Good chance of finding or doing something cool either way.)
-[X] Ask Tentomon if he can run a continuous current between his claws to create light for you all.
-[X] Help support Mimi as you go.

Yeah, I don't know if the others are going to find us.
[X] Try and find your own way out. (Just as likely to get you even more lost. Strains Mimi's leg. Good chance of finding or doing something cool either way.)
-[X] Ask Tentomon if he can run a continuous current between his claws to create light for you all.
-[X] Help support Mimi as you go.
Are we not allowed to try and help Mimi's leg? I thought we had the medicine skill?
You're sort of in the middle of a dark cave. Good luck applying medicine in that, I'm not even sure your medical supplies have the things you need for a bad leg. Either way, it wouldn't be an instant fix- moving would still aggravate it, amongst other things. So it wouldn't matter that much in the long run.
[x] Wait around. Somebody's probably going to come this way eventually, right? (Doesn't strain Mimi's leg. Decent chances of rescue. Loses a good amount of time.)
-[X] Ask Tentomon if he can run a continuous current between his claws to create light for you all.
--[x] see what you can do for Mimi's leg in the meantime (while Tentomon makes light)

All things considered, i think in this case the smart thing to do is to wait for help. If we move around we're as likely to find something interesting as to miss our would-be rescuers.

I do understand the temptation to go and find something cool, so I'm not really against moving around... but it doesn't seem smart, as we could get more lost or find ourself in danger with a wounded to protect.
[X] Try and find your own way out. (Just as likely to get you even more lost. Strains Mimi's leg. Good chance of finding or doing something cool either way.)
-[X] Ask Tentomon if he can run a continuous current between his claws to create light for you all.
-[X] Help support Mimi as you go.
You're sort of in the middle of a dark cave. Good luck applying medicine in that, I'm not even sure your medical supplies have the things you need for a bad leg. Either way, it wouldn't be an instant fix- moving would still aggravate it, amongst other things. So it wouldn't matter that much in the long run.

Can we at least determine if its broken (and if its swelling significantly)? While it would be painful, careful poking of the area would determine that.

And I guess they wouldn't have thin enough cloth to bind it if we were lucky enough for it to be just a sprained ankle
Hmm. Mimi having a bad leg IS a problem... don't want to aggravate it, because there's likely to be a lot more walking in the future, and we don't have the necessary resources or time to fix it if it breaks completely or the like. Birdramon could get us back up, but not really out. Moving Mimi in general is going to be difficult without the room for a champion Digimon to help. Garurumon might be able to do it; if Drimogemon can fit down here then he certainly can...

...though, does Izzy have his laptop? With the help of early knowledge of digicode, he may be able to boot up a map of this place or something, in which case we can get out of here without more strain on Mimi's leg than necessary. As for light, besides Tentomon's electricity, Spiral Twister is technically fire, so it might help light up the place too.
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