When SaberLeomon told you how old Jijimon was, you sort of expected some kind of impressive figure. He's not
entirely a disappointment on that front, you do feel power from him, but he's... shorter, than you'd imagined he would be.
The little old man glances around from behind a stack of paperwork as tall as Biyomon, slipping out of his chair and drawing himself up to his full height- again, not very visually impressive, though Biyomon tenses behind you, and you can tell that Bukamon and Agumon are doing the same thing.
"Humans," He greets you. "And partner Digimon. Welcome to File City. Is there anything that I can do for you?"
"It is good to be here," You reply. "We come seeking shelter, and answers to our questions." This
was the form you were supposed to use, right? Daigo only really glossed over how to deal with powerful Digimon like this, more than likely due to the fact that he never expected you to end up in this kind of situation. Even Haruka only taught you Digicode as preparation for an absolute worst-case scenario.
Or maybe it's due to the fact that all the Mega Digimon he'd ever met were either enemies or partnered. It could be either, really.
(Sora's Diplomacy roll: 62+20= 82)
Either way, Jijimon nods and accepts your answer. "Then ask, children. If the three of you are truly DigiDestined, it is an honor to assist you." Okay, now that's out of the way... priorities, right.
And you consider keeping with your main priority of surviving long enough to find a way home, but there's something you're curious about. "Well, first of all, I have heard tales about there being a human in this world besides myself and my friends. I am wondering how much of that is true."
"Well, unless you tell me which stories you've heard, I cannot confirm or deny them, but yes, I do know of another human in this world, though I have not seen her in quite some time. Her name is Maki Himekawa, and it is through her efforts that this city stands today."
Maki Himekawa. Daigo's friend Maki. The one that helped you contact the other DigiDestined, before vanishing into a portal, never to be seen again. Someone that your older friends still miss, though they seem to have moved on, for the most part.
The same Maki that sent a distress call to your Digivice back at the start of February, and likely everyone else's.
"Do you know what happened to her?" The question comes out of your mouth before you even know what you're saying. He sighs and looks to the side.
"Unfortunately not. The last I saw of her, she was leaving for Server to assist her friend Myotismon in his experiments. She is quite the capable young woman, however, so I wouldn't worry too much. Most likely, she finally decided to go on that world tour she kept joking about!" All things considered, you doubt that.
Not that you say so out loud. This Digimon clearly holds a great deal of faith in his friend, and you wouldn't want to ruin that.
"Well, that's
something, at least..." Tai mutters. You make a move to shush him, but Kari gets there first, so you turn back to the mayor and continue.
"Thank you for the explanation. I am sure that Maki's old friends will be glad to hear that she was doing alright the last time you saw her." If you
can see them again.
No. No, you're not going to let yourself doubt. You
will get home, no matter what.
But to get home, you need resources, and that ties in to your next question. "Moving along, the six of us are actually part of a group of fourteen- sixteen counting Kari's and Bukamon's partners, who are not present in this city. Having arrived in this world yesterday afternoon, we don't really have much in the way of supplies, and no currency accepted by your world. We wish to know if there is a way we can rectify that."
"Hmmm.... You want to make enough Bits to get by, yes?" You don't like that tone.
would be nice," Agumon agrees. "Roast mushrooms are good, but I
left the jungle! I don't want to go back!"
"Well, in that case, perhaps we can help each other. You see, long before I hatched from my DigiEgg, several evil Digimon would roam freely. One of them, a Machinedramon, came up with something called a 'Black Gear', able to sink into a Digimon's skin and turn it feral. In addition, he- or likely any Digimon of a Virus Attribute with a proper affinity for the code of the world- could control any Digimon under the gear's thrall."
"That sounds awful!" Biyomon remarks.
"It is. And the residents of File City know this all too well, as this island is where he
stashed all of them. It's not that big of a problem, most of the time- individual Gears are easily found and quickly destroyed. However, sometimes the earth opens, and a large number of Gears comes spilling out, controlling any Digimon within reach. And even lone Gears have the power to possess Ultimate level Digimon."
(Sora's Knowledge: Digital World skill has increased!)
"How do
we play into this, though?" Tai asks before you even get the chance.
"Well, Digivices have the power to exorcise Black Gears from the controlled Digimon, which is a
lot easier than trying to just smack them around without killing them. And they can destroy Gears on their own as well. A large number of rifts have opened up recently, and it would be greatly appreciated if you would help to contain the threat."
(Sora's Digivice skill has increased!)
Honestly, you're not really sure about this, but it
does seem like a good way to earn money. You'll have to think on this later.
The rest of the meeting goes smoothly. Jijimon doesn't know where Kari's partner might be, but promises to keep an eye out, SaberLeomon bids you farewell as you walk out the door, and you meet up with everyone else near the fountain in the center of town.
They've got some good results as well- Matt can Digivolve Gabumon to his Champion form of Garurumon, Izzy was able to swap some of the poisonous mushrooms you'd kept as a diversion for wild Digimon in exchange for a checkup for Tentomon- completely healthy, and Mimi and Palmon apparently had a blast with various market stalls and their free samples.
Still, what you said earlier was entirely correct. You can't really do much of anything without money. And while you
could, technically, attempt to find employment the regular way, you can all generally agree that hunting and destroying evil gears would be a lot more exciting.
But where to search?
[ ] Go back to the jungle. From what you've heard, the Kuwagamon was clearly infected, so there may be others nearby. Of course, with how close it is to the city, it's more likely to have been just a lone Gear. (Travel time: Less than an hour uninterrupted. Low threat level, low chance of success.)
[ ] Visit the Overdell. You're interested in what stories the Bakemon have to tell, and they don't
seem strong enough to fight anything possessed. However, they likely have the ability to quickly destroy lone Gears, so if there
is a fight to be had, it'll be a tough one. (Travel time: Six hours uninterrupted. Get to talk to the Bakemon about things. Low chance of finding anything, any opponents would be in a large group of low- to middling Champion power.)
[ ] The Drimogemon often come across clusters of Gears in their tunneling, but are afraid to touch them, and for good reason. You may as well take them out before they can activate, according to Digimon around town, it's a routine job. (Travel time: Two hours uninterrupted. High chance of success, lower value rewards. High chance of at least one party member getting lost in the tunnels.)
[ ] Actually, two of the city's members, a Leomon and an Ogremon, have gone missing on the Gear Savanna. It's not
necessarily a Gear-destroying mission, but you never know... (Travel time: Three days uninterrupted. Medium possibility of at least one Champion level opponent. Possibility for multiple opponents. Medium chances of success.)
[ ] Apparently, a lone Gear has gotten hold of the Andromon that lives in the 'factory' to the northwest. Not a lot of Digimon go out that far, so you're unlikely to have too much competition. (Travel time: Five days uninterrupted. High possibility of one Ultimate level opponent. Takes you through Gear Savanna, so high chance of interruption by Leomon and Ogremon. High risk, high reward.)