Okay, let's tell a story.

-Vote Closed!-

Let's talk about the giant bird and hope Poromon doesn't get any silly ideas.
Retelling Your Roots
"Well..." You think back, about all the adventures you've ever been on, the friends you've ever made, all of the ways that life and the good things you've found have gone up in flames, and sometimes those flames are entirely literal. "How about I tell you about what happened when I first became a DigiDestined?"

A crowd of little Digimon gathers around you, already enraptured by the promise of a story you have yet to even begin. "Tell us, tell us, da'gya~!" Upamon chants, and the rest of them are quick to join in.

"A-all right, calm down!" You laugh, and they quickly settle down. The power of storytime compels all, it seems. "So. It was... a long time ago for me, and an even longer time ago for you, when a strange egg came out of my parents' computer. It hatched into Nyokimon, who digivolved into Yokomon, and I... hadn't thought much of it, at first." To be fair, you had just been a kid at the time. "But a device came out of the computer, too, and using it, I was able to find other people like me, and two who would be like me eventually, but..." Honestly, thinking about it, it was probably a good thing that Tai and Kari didn't yet have their Digivices.

If they had, you wouldn't have put it past them to follow Maki to the Digital World, probably without even realizing what they were doing. And with how sick they both got after that... You aren't sure you would have ever seen them again.

"They... would be?" Chibimon repeated. "They weren't yet?"

"No, Tai and Kari wouldn't get Digivices for a while after. But that didn't mean they weren't involved, or anything. Somehow, they'd managed to get an egg of their own, which hatched into a Botamon. Within a day, Botamon had Digivolved into Koromon into Agumon."

"Ke-to?" Ketomon just sounds confused. You glance at Biyomon for a translation.

"He's asking if that's healthy. I don't think it is." You agree with her.

"Yeah, it probably isn't. Anyway, Kari, being three years old, decided that now was the time to try and hitch a ride on the back of a dinosaur. This was... concerning, for a lot of reasons, so I decided to call the first number I could see on a list of DigiDestined phone numbers, before following after them. Daigo Nishijima agreed to help me, and on the way, he met up with Maki Himekawa."

"Oh, I've heard about her!" Chibimon speaks up, his voice filled with excitement. "She has a dragon!"

You have no idea whether any of her partners' Digivolved forms look like dragons or not. You're just going to take his word for it.

"Well. She didn't have a Digimon with her at the moment." Technically, but you aren't going to go into the details surrounding her partnership to that Agumon when you don't know most of them herself. "But with their help, we were able to convince the Agumon that maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to run around Nerima setting things on fire." Okay. So it was mostly Daigo. That's not the point. "Yokomon even became Biyomon in the process. And... that's when something else appeared in the sky. A portal of some kind. And a Parrotmon stepped out."

"What's a Parrotmon?" Minomon asked.

"It's a big, green bird," Biyomon explains. "That one was mean." You can't even bring yourself to disagree.

"This Parrotmon... was not a fan of the Sovereigns," You state, quietly. "And, as a result, he wasn't a fan of the DigiDestined, either. In order to fight him, Biyomon became Birdramon and Agumon became Greymon. Individually, they didn't stand a chance against such a powerful Digimon, but together they could... well, they could do something, but..." Honestly, you aren't sure you could call what happened a victory.

"Y-yeah, we kinda broke a bridge..." Biyomon laughs, as if it were just a minor mishap instead of a massive amount of property damage that is still considered the worst terrorist attack in a decade. "Nobody really... they didn't like that..."

"They really didn't." You're not sure you could make this any more of an understatement.

[ ] Continue by talking about how much trouble you got into for that.

[ ] Continue by talking about Maki's disappearance.

[ ] See if you can't get away with ending the story here. Sure, the Digimon might get upset, but...
[X] Continue by talking about Maki's disappearance.

Maki's disappearance can be mitigated by how she went on to help with File City, but I'm not sure how we'd get the trouble option to be a happy ending.
[X] Continue by talking about how much trouble you got into for that.

Consequences and a care for them seems like something they'd need to handle the current situation.
Storytime's Over
"So. The bridge broke," You continue. "It... wasn't just because of our attacks, though. That Parrotmon came to the Analog World through some kind of portal, I'm not sure where he found it..." Not that there's anyone left who could answer that question, probably. "And that portal was still open behind him."

"It had a sort of... gravity, almost?" Biyomon mentions. "Like... it wanted to pull me in, but I didn't let it, because I wanted to stay with Sora."

"...Not everyone wanted to stay in that world, though," You point out. "Parrotmon, Greymon... they both disappeared through the rift. Like they were pulled through it. Maki... wasn't pulled, but... she decided that she'd rather be a part of the Digital World. I don't know why... but whatever the reason was, it was enough for her to follow them."

At first, immediately after it happened, you'd wondered how it could have been possible for her to cross between worlds. More recently, you've realized that she was probably able to use her Digivice for that.

You're not sure why it surprises you, really. Sometimes, it feels like those devices can do anything.

The little Digimon blink up at you, Minomon especially. "And then what happened?"

"In the Analog World? Nothing much, really." Sure, you were grounded for a while, but you aren't sure that's interesting enough to include in the story. "For your world? That's how File City got started. A girl arrived with an Agumon and just... started to build things." Come to think of it, you aren't really sure how that happened, either. "It became the biggest settlement on File, and I think... I think if things were better, some of you could have lived there." It seemed like the sort of place they would like.

"Not that you can go there now..." Elecmon grumbles, returning to the area with a large amount of berries. "Before the Dark Masters happened, something sealed it away from the rest of the world. Can't blame them, given what happened next... But when Spiral Mountain happened, the Dark Masters decided to just leave the city where it was, and now it's in the sky."

Or. It was, the last time you checked. You aren't sure Elecmon's been looking at the sky lately, or if the city's even still there.

"In the sky?" Poromon sounds really excited by that. "You think I could fly there?"

"I wouldn't try it. While none of the Dark Masters, individually, are able to fly, they definitely have ways to shoot down a little Digimon getting too far ahead of himself." This is another thing that makes you wonder what happened to the city.

"Even if you could, I wouldn't try it until you're at least a Champion," You tell him. "It's... really high. Getting down from there is enough to exhaust Birdramon." And your ability to keep her Digivolved, but that bit doesn't matter so much right now.

You can feel Elecmon's questioning gaze. You guess this is one of the things that would have to come up eventually.

[ ] Tell him about your time in File City.

[ ] Let Rikuto do it.

[ ] Just hope that he forgets about it.
[X] Tell him about your time in File City.

It's not a happy topic, but it feels wrong to NOT tell Elecmon about File City. I'm not even sure why I feel that way since Elecmon can't get to File City anyway.
Admitting A Truth
Technically speaking, as powerful as Elecmon's questioning gaze may be, it's just that- a gaze. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. The information probably isn't even all that important.

Still... you also don't see a lot of reason not to say anything to him. "We... ended up in File City for a bit, when we came back to the Digital World. And then we fell off." You aren't sure if it's still there or not, or what shape it's in if it is, or where all of your friends ended up, but you can at least say that you were in the area relatively recently.

"You... fell off?" It sounds sort of like he's trying to figure out whether he believes you or not, in which case, you understand completely. You wouldn't believe it, if it hadn't been you that it happened to. "I suppose that's why I haven't seen any other DigiDestined around?"

"Probably. I was in a different part of town from them at the time, so... for all I know, they could still be up there." Your Digivice hasn't exactly been providing you with a lot of help recently. Wherever they are, it's not anywhere in your range. "At that height, it'd... probably be better if they still were."

From outside your little shelter, you hear Rikuto pushing his way through the bushes, right before you are showered by a large number of apples.

"I found a tree full of them," He grins, as you pick up the ripe fruit in your hands. "This should be enough to last us through today. And then..." He trails off.

It comes to mind that you never really asked him what he wants to do next. Somehow, you doubt that babysitting duty is exactly what he has in mind. Sure, it's nice being here, but... you'll have to leave eventually. If only because the Dark Masters will be looking for you, and you wouldn't want to lead them here.

[ ] Ask Rikuto what he wants to do next.

[ ] Ask Rikuto where he thinks the other DigiDestined are.

[ ] Ask Rikuto if he has any idea how to make this place safer from Puppetmon.
Priority Check
"We should try and make this place safer," You speak up. "Even if we leave, Puppetmon could still find it." Assuming, of course, that he doesn't know where you are already.

That's the problem with opponents who just like to mess with you. You have no idea what they are and aren't capable of.

Rikuto looks down. "Puppetmon's whole thing is control," He agrees. "Even if they weren't around us, not being under his control is something he wouldn't really like. And for the Dark Masters, not liking something means..." Means it gets destroyed first, as they continue to wreak havoc throughout the Digital World. It's a story you've heard several times.

"So do you have any idea how we can help? There... has to be something we could do." This would be so much easier if you had Izzy around... Just a bit of quick coding, and you're sure he or Haruka could make the place effectively invisible, at least after a certain amount of experimentation time.

Of course, while you have some basic knowledge of Digicode, it's... probably not enough to pull off something that impressive. It seems like the sort of thing that would need a spark of true genius, born even before the Digivice. A spark that you don't have.

"There's... a few options. Of course, some of them would make it harder for everyone living here to get food... and with Impmon around, that could be a real problem."

The Rookie crosses his arms. "I'll have you know that's just a stereotype. And I don't particularly plan on Digivolving in that direction."

Biyomon blinks. "You can decide which way you Digivolve?"

"World's just data, isn't it? Not about to go poking around with it right now, but... there's ways to affect how it happens. File Island used to have a lot of them, back when there was a File Island. Just have to find the method I want, and... there I go."

Somehow, you get the feeling that, whatever his chosen life path is, Impmon has his work cut out for him in getting there.

"Anyway, whatever you plan on doing with your life, two Rookies can't really do much against a Mega," Rikuto finishes. "But I guess leaving is out of the question for you, so... we'll have to work out something else. Some kind of defense, and, if necessary, a way to get food while in hiding."

You don't doubt that the food situation is solvable. In places like this, meat is a root vegetable. The problem is, time spent solving it is time that could have been spent on defense, and vice versa. So you have to decide which one's more important.

[ ] All the food in the world won't mean anything if they're attacked by Puppetmon. You'll focus on finding a way to give them defenses.

[ ] Being safe from the Dark Masters doesn't mean anything if they starve while they're hiding out here. You need to find a way to fix the food situation.