Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

[X] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.

We can build our own wargear with relative ease. Building chances to make nice with the first founding chapters is a bit harder.
[x] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.
[X] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.
[X] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.
[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.
[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.
[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.
[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.

If the Ravens want their combat gear back, they can file a formal petition.
[X] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.

We have a good techmarine base and the ability to pump out equipment if we focus on the smaller scale instead of vehicles. The opportunity to reinforce a first founding chapter is of higher value. Sure we might be able to make insights into the wargear and develop variants, but political support and oaths of gratitude are more valuable in the 41st millennia.
WWVD? (What Would Vulkan Do?)

[X] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.
[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.

We're mercenaries, not a charity.

No, wait, wrong quest.

But still, in a perfect galaxy with unlimited resources, yeah, we'd just escort the relics back across the galaxy for honor. But we don't have a perfect galaxy with unlimited resources, we're barely keeping a lid on Orks on our doorstep.
[X] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.

As the newest Sons of Vulcan, it doesn't feel right to use the fallen's armor. We should return all of it.
[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.

Terminator armour is not to be sniffed at.

Also, our Chief Librarian and the Scout Captain are currently tied for the title of most badass staff officer. Awesome work.
And we're back! Yay, was getting worried.

[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.

I'm not inclined to turn down Terminator armor, if it's there!
[X] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.
[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.
[X] You will honour Armageddon's defenders, and their wargear shall serve once more in her defence. You will agree to Talamacchius' proposal.

If the Ravens want their combat gear back, they can file a formal petition.
It's not Raven Guard gear, aside from the few Relics from their founding that Talamacchius wants to return. It's Twilight Crows gear, and the last of them is offering it to you in exchange for help.

"Honour is its own reward" is basically just going an extra mile. "We are not accepting payment for this. We're doing it because it's the right thing to do."
How crazy would it be to ask Talamacchius to join us instead of us taking the wargear? I know it would be highly unusual, but we desperately need warriors with his kind of experience.
[] Accept his request to take the relics back to the Raven Guard, but offer a place for Talamacchius with the Dragons, if he should wish it. Explain Armageddon's continuing need for defense and your own lack of veterans.
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[X] Honour is its own reward. You will agree to bring the Twilight Crows relics and geneseed to Deliverance, but refuse the offer of salvage.

We've got plenty of tech and the capacity to make stuff, meanwhile closer relations will be of far greater importance over time
How crazy would it be to ask Talamacchius to join us instead of us taking the wargear? I know it would be highly unusual, but we desperately need warriors with his kind of experience.
I was just thinking that.
I was wondering if this would come up, and spent a good while thinking about it.

This is N'Varr's Master Diplomat Trait speaking: You do not ask Space Marines to switch Chapters, especially when they've just met you right after watching their entire homeworld and every last one of their brothers die before their eyes. To do so would be a grievous insult.

It's not unheard of, for sole survivors to join another Chapter, but it needs to come at the initiative of the Marine in question.
I was wondering if this would come up, and spent a good while thinking about it.

This is N'Varr's Master Diplomat Trait speaking: You do not ask Space Marines to switch Chapters, especially when they've just met you right after watching their entire homeworld and every last one of their brothers die before their eyes. To do so would be a grievous insult.

It's not unheard of, for sole survivors to join another Chapter, but it needs to come at the initiative of the Marine in question.
Understood, I'll remove my vote for that then.