Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

Seriously, actually trying to save the civilians has to be among the hardest challenges the Salamanders face.
There's a reason they're still understrength ten thousand years later. :p

Well, its not just the salamanders, its just how much they take to the task, and how much they get portrayed, because there are others. Its just never talked much.
[X] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]
Glad we aren't trying to do @Swordomatic style blood angle quest. Doesn't mean it was bad just, don't want to get a comparison to that. Hope you enjoy this quest your making @Blackout . And hey, if y'all want a actually semi decent chapter, you can make them one. It doesn't need to come from the Salamanders to be a decent human being.
You definitely can make a "humanitarian" Chapter with any of the choices, it's just easiest with the Sallies since they start out that way.

Hey, um, how long will this voting last for? 24 hours? 48 hours?
Voting will be open for at least 48 hours from when I posted the thread.
[X] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]

If this is traitor legion stock, I hope it will be one of the less explored ones.
[X] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]

Unknown Primarch! Unknown Primarch!
[X] XVIII Salamanders

Reject mystery box, embrace chad dragon-bois
[X] XVIII Salamanders

Mystery boxes are boring. Also the better gear and better interactions with the regular humans is pretty great. Together I think this will be able to get us a lot more independence from the red tape of the imperium. We'll be able to make our own war gear and through easier diplomacy supply ourselves better.

Also, I pray we just ignore the Codex's size limit of 1000 marines, ain't no one got time for the nonsense right now. I always thought a clever way to get around it is to put any surplus marines on ice by having them hibernate, which a Marine can do for centuries and possibly millennia, in a secret section of the Fortress Monastery. That way we can constantly recruit but maintain the illusion of the size limit.

Can cycle them in and out so they all get experience while also being a good way for letting injured Marines heal while pulling in some fresh guys to keep up our combat capable marines up at 1000.
[X] XVIII Salamanders

Mystery boxes are boring. Also the better gear and better interactions with the regular humans is pretty great. Together I think this will be able to get us a lot more independence from the red tape of the imperium. We'll be able to make our own war gear and through easier diplomacy supply ourselves better.

Also, I pray we just ignore the Codex's size limit of 1000 marines, ain't no one got time for the nonsense right now. I always thought a clever way to get around it is to put any surplus marines on ice by having them hibernate, which a Marine can do for centuries and possibly millennia, in a secret section of the Fortress Monastery. That way we can constantly recruit but maintain the illusion of the size limit.

Can cycle them in and out so they all get experience while also being a good way for letting injured Marines heal while pulling in some fresh guys to keep up our combat capable marines up at 1000.
It's rarely a problem. Most Chapters are perpetually understrength. Also it seems like your solution to the manpower shortage is to take Space Marines out of combat? 🤔
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It's rarely a problem. Most Chapters are perpetually understrength. Also, your solution to the manpower shortage is to take Space Marines out of combat? 🤔
If we have over the 1000 limit. While manpower can be an issue at times if they've really been in the thick of it for a while it's also true that if they're at limit they would naturally stop recruiting lest they go over and the Inquisition gets on their ass about it.

With this if we find ourselves in a lull and able to build up to the limit we can keep going, keep recruiting, without issue. Also, by constantly making more Marines whenever possible it's only natural we'd end up with more geneseed as more Marines = more geneseed produced which would mean we could make even more marines in a positive feed back loop.

That's the hope anyway.

Also remember that all chapters maintain a geneseed vault/bank where they store their extra geneseed. That, in my opinion, is geneseed not in use when it could be. So I don't think making extra marines and getting above 1000 would be as big of an issue as it would initially appear.

If we get big enough we can pull a Black Templars and scatter a sizable amount of our Chapter among multiple fleet operations so trying to get an actually accurate head count on our numbers is nigh impossible.