Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

To be fair, these would be a bit more high qualiy than the traitor soldiers seen in Astartes. These are elite Naval Armsmen equipped with carapace armour, naval shotcannons and grenade launchers.

Sure, they're still not going to compare to Astartes, but it's a numbers game. They can protect your fleet even while the marines are away.

It's up to you guys whether you find them to be worth more than the other options, but I wouldn't put in an option that wouldn't provide more than red paint.
I'm assuming that we can train and equip our serfs to the extent that they act as extra defense.
I'm assuming that we can train and equip our serfs to the extent that they act as extra defense.
You can, anything and everything on the list is achievable with enough hard work over the course of the Quest if that's what you want to focus upon.

It's just a matter of what you want to get a head start on.
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[X] Salamander Legacy
-Relic Battle Barge
-Masterwork Arsenal
-Armoury Staff
-Apothecarion Staff [extra]
-Cruiser Focus
-Expanded Armoury

This should give us a strong base for rapid growth. Battlebarges are great, but cruisers are more efficient for projecting force.
You know, I think you should trade the Masterwork Arsenal for Armored Focus. A Relic Fellblade Superheavy Tank would be pretty nice.
I'm inclined to vote for Play To Our Strengths but... mildly leery about the armsmen. A dedicated auxilia force could be very helpful, but against the caliber of foes that would go out of their way to try and board an Astartes vessel? I worry they might just be a cheap coat of paint on the decks. (Orks aside)

And we've all seen Astartes. The day our marines need mortal help during an offensive boarding is probably a very bad one.

My inclination is to spring for another Strike Cruiser or get ourselves earmarked for a Battle Barge. More shipscale guns are always handy, and we'll be able to cast a wider net throughout our region of responsibility.
The Space Marines of a Chapter are always in great need somewhere, which is why they have support forces which we rarely see in the form of chapter serfs. They serve in every function needed for a chapter, medicae, artificers, etc even as defence forces on their ships and monasteries. In the case of an invasion of their Chapter Monastery or a ship, the chapter serfs are trained to Guard levels to aid in defence.
And about them not being able to slow down chaos space marines, that is very true.
However they can slow down the disposable fodder the traitors often throw at Loyal Space Marines to weaken their defences. The traitors use thousands or millions of disposable troops to break through before engaging themselves. For this having dedicated armsmen to defend or in cases where there are to few Space Marines present or the situation does not require their presence would be a good thing.
[x] Plan Dreadnoughts
-[x] Dreadnought Focus
-[x] Mastercraft Armory
-[x] Armoury Staff
-[x] [Extra] Apothecarion Staff
-[x] Future Promise
-[x] Expanded Defenses

I just really like Dreadnoughts. I'm less enthused about the Relic Battle Barge because we chose Armageddon. We'll be projecting force, sure, but I anticipate ground combat to be more important than space. Also chose Expanded Defenses because... Armageddon.

@Blackout is there any way we could start with Dreadnoughts? Filled ones I mean.
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[X] Lords of the Wastes
-Mechanized Focus
-Armored Focus
-Armoury Staff
-Apothecarion Staff
-Cruiser Focus
-Expanded Apothecarion

I would be more on board with monofocusing on naval upgrades if we were a purely fleet based chapter, but we aren't. We are tied to Armageddon. A planet on which vast continent wide wars simply will be waged, no matter how many Battle Barges we have.

Mechanizing our tactical squads and backing them up with Predators as heavy weapons platforms should give us massively increased survivability and impact in such theatres. They also give us the mobility to make sure our forces are always where they are needed most.

Extra apothecary and techmarine specialists further work to up our survivability, getting damaged tanks and wounded warriors back in the fight sooner and getting new Initiates into battle plate faster.
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@Blackout is there any way we could start with Dreadnoughts? Filled ones I mean.
No, sorry.

Tu'Shan will not command one of the Venerated Dead to leave their resting place and go serve another Chapter, even if it is their Successor. They've earned their rest.

Dreadnoughts are resistant to changes around them at the best of times, and you have to remember Salamanders are more attached to Nocturne than most Chapters are to their homeworlds. If you were Iron Hands then perhaps, but as things are no.
[X] Lords of the Wastes

We are on Armageddon, a place specialized in producing the Armageddon Steel Legion, troops for mechanized and armored warfare.

Leaning into that type of warfare might help coordinate with mortal defenders and make training recruits easier, what with taking advantage of the MASSIVE amounts of infrastructure and doctrinal experience accumulated on the planet.
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@Blackout, where is our Fortress Monastery located on Armageddon?

Map for reference;
[X] Lords of the Wastes

We are on Armageddon, a place specialized in producing the Armageddon Steel Legion, troops for mechanized and armored warfare.

Leaning into that type of warfare might help coordinate with mortal defenders and make training recruits easier, what with taking advantage of the MASSIVE amounts of infrastructure and doctrinal experience accumulated on the planet.
I would say the exact opposites actually. With the planet already geared for that it means we can focus on another aspect of warfare. Fill a role that's empty rather than squeezing into one already filled.

Plus I've always found Space Marines making heavy use of vehicles that aren't troop transports kind of… wasteful I guess? Like, what's the difference between a Space Marine operating a Tank and a normal human? Besides the faster reaction time and skill at operating the machine it's the same thing and given how slow and methodical most of that kind of combat is the benefit a Marine brings to it is rather minimal.

Better, yes, but not enough that I would say it's worth sticking a Marine behind the wheel rather than on his feet as the super infantry they are where he's obviously worth exponentially more than a regular human.
No, sorry.

Tu'Shan will not command one of the Venerated Dead to leave their resting place.

So we would have suits but no pilots? Would we be in a similar situation if we took the 30 suits of terminator armour without also picking the option to take in some First Company Veterans? Or could we kludge around the codex and have our regular Initiates wear them?
Plus I've always found Space Marines making heavy use of vehicles that aren't troop transports kind of… wasteful I guess? Like, what's the difference between a Space Marine operating a Tank and a normal human? Besides the faster reaction time and skill at operating the machine it's the same thing and given how slow and methodical most of that kind of combat is the benefit a Marine brings to it is rather minimal.
For this? The tank model. Space Marines have tanks different from those used by the Guard.
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[X] Lords of the Wastes
-Mechanized Focus
-Armored Focus
-Armoury Staff
-Apothecarion Staff
-Cruiser Focus
-Expanded Apothecarion
Plus I've always found Space Marines making heavy use of vehicles that aren't troop transports kind of… wasteful I guess? Like, what's the difference between a Space Marine operating a Tank and a normal human?

Honestly, I always thought most of the crew of Marine vehicles were Neophytes, giving them a chance to experience combat alongside their mentors.

As for what they bring, well you're looking at an alternative to Devastator squads that moves faster, takes hits better and provides a stable firing platform for weapons too hefty for even a Marine to carry in the case of a Vindicator. The super-heavy battle tank on offer is just icing on the cake.
Honestly, I always thought most of the crew of Marine vehicles were Neophytes, giving them a chance to experience combat alongside their mentors.

As for what they bring, well you're looking at an alternative to Devastator squads that moves faster, takes hits better and provides a stable firing platform for weapons too hefty for even a Marine to carry in the case of a Vindicator. The super-heavy battle tank on offer is just icing on the cake.
I'm aware. But as mentioned Armageddon already has a speciality for heavily mechanized army's. We don't need to bring that kind of heat because the Steel Legion already has it.

If we were Talovon then I would consider it as we'd be the only source of such assets on the planet.
Armageddon Map
@Blackout, where is our Fortress Monastery located on Armageddon?
I will be using this fan-made map for reference, with the exception of the scale because that's silly.

The Fortress-Monastery has been built on and around Ork Mountain which is to be renamed, as a sign of victory and dominance over the Xenos.

So we would have suits but no pilots? Would we be in a similar situation if we took the 30 suits of terminator armour without also picking the option to take in some First Company Veterans? Or could we kludge around the codex and have our regular Initiates wear them?
Yes to all. You would have Dreadnought suits but you would have to wait to suffer the right kind of casualties to intern people in them.

Yes, the Terminator suits don't come with Veterans. You could distribute some of them among your leaders or train initiates in wearing them, though it goes against the Codex and could be seen as disrespectful by other Chapters.
[X] Plan Play to our Strengths
[X] Plan: High Tech

Edit: gotta be honest, it kinda chaps my ass that people are double voting (ain't it supposed to be one checkmark at the voting box per loyal imperial citizen? Yes to the governor or no to the opposition?) but if it's gonna be the done thing here then I'd rather join em than hold a nonexistent high ground.
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