Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

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Chapter Creation Part 4
The forging of a new Chapter is a long and complicated process, as laid down in the Codex Astartes by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. Though for the infamous Second Founding it sufficed to simply carve the battered Legions into chunks of even size, he foresaw the need to raise new Chapters entirely.

First, once the nascent Chapter's progenitor, purpose and homeworld have been determined, sufficient gene-seed must be drawn from the vaults of the Adeptus Mechanicus, millenia of tithed gene-seed faithfully stored and catalogued. A Fortress-Monastery will be constructed, outfitted with formidable defenses and all of the basic facilities required by Space Marine Chapters to function. Serfs and warships are assigned to support and carry the new Chapter to war, many volunteering for the honour and perceived safety of serving the Adeptus Astartes.

Aspirants are drawn ideally from the Chapter's new homeworld to maintain a continuous identity, but other compatible sources can be used should the need arise. They are implanted and augmented until their numbers reach the half-way mark to a Chapter's full strength, at which point it shall be judged combat-effective.

Yet, though these fresh recruits will be girded for war with weapons and armour stamped fresh from the factoriums and trained in their use, they lack the most important quality of all, experience.

It is for this that the Adeptus Terra most often turn to the Progenitor Chapter and their Successors, to infuse the new Chapter with a part of the enormous wealth of experience and skill within their possession. The Codex Astartes specifies that whenever possible the new Chapter Master should be drawn from the ranks of Company Captains, to ensure they possess the full foundation of martial and administrative skills they shall require in their new duties. The new Chapter is also bequeathed Captains raised from Sergeants, to ensure each Company shall have a veteran leader of their own, and a Techmarine, Librarian, Chaplain and Apothecary, to ensure that they are not left entirely without guidance in these critical areas.

Now, the Chapter stands ready for action, yet the High Lords and Progenitor Chapters are often loathe to simply leave the new Chapter to fend for themselves with the bare minimum, for each founding is an investment of incredible resources, each Chapter fallen to ruin because they were not properly prepared for the tasks ahead a momentous loss. As such, it is common that new Chapters are granted several boons to kick-start them on their journey.

Chapter Master N'Varr
Master of Forge
Chief Librarian
Master of Sanctity
Chief Apothecary
Captain for every Company
500 Marines
500 Gene-seed
Battle Barge and attendant Escort Squadron
4 Strike Cruisers and attendant Escort Squadrons
Sufficient serfs to staff out the above ships and facilities

You get to pick ONE choice from each category, except for the Artefacts category, for which you get to pick TWO because Salamanders. Also, you have ONE "floating" extra pick you can use to double or triple down on any category, or acquire more powerful boons not otherwise available.

-Relic Battle Barge
Infernus-class Battleships have been out of commission and use since the days of the Heresy, specialized for Astartes use yet judged too powerful to be permitted to remain in their hands. Yet, these are dark times, and the Salamanders have secured an agreement for this relic of the Eighteenth Legion to be re-commissioned from the mothball reserves and refurbished for use. Instead of a normal Battle Barge, you receive an Infernus-class Battleship, a substantially larger and more powerful Heresy-era ship.

-Armored Focus
You have been granted several squadrons of Battle Tanks, both Predators and Vindicators, as well as a Relic Fellblade Superheavy Tank drawn forth from the depths of Prometheus' armories.

-Mechanized Focus
You have been granted multiple squadrons of Rhinos and Razorbacks, as well as a Relic Mastodon Superheavy Transport, a mobile command bunker and assault transport all in one.

-Aerial Focus
Though any new Chapter must possess sufficient Thunderhawks to transport your Chapter, you have been granted several additional gunships as well as squadrons of Stormhawks and Stormtalons to provide fire support and seize the skies from the enemies of Man. In addition, a Relic Stormbird Gunship has been entrusted to your care, outfitted with command and control facilities as well as banks of void shields.

-Artillery Focus
You have been granted several squadrons of Whirlwind artillery and Thunderfire cannons, as well as a Relic Falchion Superheavy Tank whose Twin Volcano Cannon can core a Titan if it gets the drop on one.

-Dreadnought Focus
You have been granted several squadrons of empty Castraferrum Dreadnought suits, for use by your Chapter's fallen heroes, as well as a single Leviathan-pattern Siege Dreadnought.

-Terminator Focus
Tactical Dreadnought Armour is some of the hardest wargear to produce in the entire Imperium, each suit a work of art. Nonetheless, the Salamanders have decided to part from no less than thirty suits, to be added to your armouries.

-Masterwork Arsenal
No Chapter in the entire Imperium possesses more Master-Crafted weapons than the Salamanders, and so Tu'Shan has decided to grace you with a substantial cache of high-quality power weapons, fists, thunder hammers, combi-weapons, storm shields, artificer armour and more.


-Armoury Staff
Instead of a single Techmarine to become your new Master of the Forge, you will be granted one of the three Salamanders Masters of the Forge, as well as a small cadre of junior Techmarines to assist your forges, for it can take many years until you will be able to train more of your own.

-Librarius Staff
Instead of a single Librarian to become your new Chief Librarian, you will be granted an Epistolary and a cadre of Codiciers and Lexicanum to form the basis for your nascent Librarius, for it can take many years until you will be able to train more of your own.

-Reclusiam Staff
Instead of a single Chaplain to become your new Master of Sanctity, you will be granted a senior Chaplain and a small cadre of junior Chaplains to attend to your Chapter's spiritual needs, for it can take many years until you will be able to train more of your own.

-Apothecarion Staff
Instead of a single Apothecary to become your new Chief Apothecary, you will be granted a senior Apothecary and a small cadre of junior Apothecaries to aid with the implantation process of new aspirants and attend all matters related to the physical health of your Chapter, for it can take many years until you will be able to train more of your own.

Two squads of the Salamanders' fighting elite have been granted to your new-found Chapter, to kick-start a Veteran Company that would otherwise remain non-existent until your initial intake of recruits reaches veteran status.

-Sergeants [Consumes both a regular and extra pick.]
A mighty boon indeed, for Tu'Shan has drawn marines from all of the Salamanders line Companies to provide squad sergeants for your new Chapter. Such an infusion of skills, ensuring that each squad is led by a warrior that has seen combat, will be of substantial aid for your early years.

-Additional Recruits
The initial recruitment process was expanded and accelerated, leaving you with six hundred Marines and four hundred gene-seed.


-Cruiser Focus
An additional Strike Cruiser and its corresponding Escort squadron will be added to the ranks of your new Chapter's fleet.

-Escort Focus
Additional Escort craft have been added to your fleet, bolstering each squadron from four ships to six.

-Future Promise
Acquiring Battle Barges is not easy, but you have secured a priority position in the production queue, a new hull earmarked for your Chapter, though it will take many decades for it to arrive.

-Battle Barge Focus [Consumes both a regular and extra pick.]
Acquiring Battle Barges is not easy, but with enough favors called in and knowing the right people, many wheels can be greased. With Tu'Shan and N'Varr's combined influence, you have been able to acquire a second Battle Barge, a void-borne bastion of Imperial might.

-Boarding Teams
Crews of elite Naval armsmen drawn from Battlegleet Armageddon and inducted as Chapter serfs, added to each of your ships, to assist in defensive and, should the need arise, offensive boarding actions.


-Expanded Armoury
Though your Fortress-Monastery already possesses basic forges, they have been expanded further and staffed with skilled armourer serfs, including the facilities for limited production of vehicles.

-Expanded Librarius
Though your Fortress-Monastery already possesses a basic Librarium, it has been expanded into a true repository of knowledge, copies of many tomes and data-crystals transferred to your care. It also contains improved facilities for the detection and training of psychically receptive Aspirants.

-Expanded Reclusiam
Though your Fortress-Monastery already possesses a basic Reclusiam, it has been expanded to house many spiritually important relics and sigils of the Salamanders history, and a chapel in which the whole Chapter might gather together for meditation and the ceremonies of the Promethean Cult.

-Expanded Apothecarion
Though your Fortress-Monastery already possesses a basic Apothecarion, it has been expanded with additional laboratories, surgical suites and fortified bio-vaults, staffed with trained medicae serfs.

-Drydock [Granted automatically due to Chapter Master pick]
Though the orbital facilities of Armageddon lie in ruin, the repair crews have been able to salvage a small dry-dock station, capable of repairing minor damage to ships of up to Cruiser size. Although by rights it belongs to Battlefleet Armageddon, Admiral Parol has relinquished it over to you, as a personal favor to Chapter Master N'Varr, who saved him and his flagship during the Third War commanding the Strike Cruiser Forge Sentinel as a Sergeant.

-Expanded Defenses
Reinforced with ringed bastions and banks of void shield generators, defence laser batteries and anti-ship missile silos, your Fortress-Monastery shall provide a hard target for all but the most dedicated of attackers.


[] Plan Heavy Metal
-Armored Focus
-Mechanized Focus
-Artillery Focus
-Armoury Staff
-Cruiser Focus
-Expanded Armoury
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[x] Plan for the Future.
-Relic Battle Barge
-Terminator Focus
-Armoury Staff
-Apothecarion Staff
-Future Promise
-Expanded Librarius

Edit Terminator focus added as extra artifact pick.
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[X] Plan: Ready for Battle
- Relic Battle Barge
- Masterwork Arsenal
- Sergeants
- Cruiser Focus
- Expanded Defenses
[X] Salamander Legacy
-Relic Battle Barge
-Masterwork Arsenal
-Armoury Staff
-Apothecarion Staff [extra]
-Cruiser Focus
-Expanded Armoury

This should give us a strong base for rapid growth. Battlebarges are great, but cruisers are more efficient for projecting force.
[X] Salamander Legacy
-Relic Battle Barge
-Masterwork Arsenal
-Armoury Staff
-Apothecarion Staff [extra]
-Cruiser Focus
-Expanded Armoury
No, that plan is correct.

Sergeants takes up the floating pick, but you still have the double Artefact pick for being Salamanders.
"Because Salamanders..." had me in stiches, its known that Salamanders have a great deal of artefacts and their armoury is larger than any chapter. Every Salamander has basic to moderate training in technological matters. Their Tech Marines are some of the best in the Imperium and with the time spent not having to see to their brothers gears they can create a lot more artefacts.
I'm inclined to vote for Play To Our Strengths but... mildly leery about the armsmen. A dedicated auxilia force could be very helpful, but against the caliber of foes that would go out of their way to try and board an Astartes vessel? I worry they might just be a cheap coat of paint on the decks. (Orks aside)

And we've all seen Astartes. The day our marines need mortal help during an offensive boarding is probably a very bad one.

My inclination is to spring for another Strike Cruiser or get ourselves earmarked for a Battle Barge. More shipscale guns are always handy, and we'll be able to cast a wider net throughout our region of responsibility.
[X] Plan: High Tech
-[X] Relic Battle Barge
-[X] Terminator Focus
-[X] Masterwork Arsenal
-[X] Armoury Staff
-[X] Cruiser Focus
-[X] Expanded Armoury

[X] Salamander Legacy
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I'm inclined to vote for Play To Our Strengths but... mildly leery about the armsmen. A dedicated auxilia force could be very helpful, but against the caliber of foes that would go out of their way to try and board an Astartes vessel? I worry they might just be a cheap coat of paint on the decks. (Orks aside)

And we've all seen Astartes. The day our marines need mortal help during an offensive boarding is probably a very bad one.

My inclination is to spring for another Strike Cruiser or get ourselves earmarked for a Battle Barge. More shipscale guns are always handy, and we'll be able to cast a wider net throughout our region of responsibility.
To be fair, these would be a bit more high qualiy than the traitor soldiers seen in Astartes. These are elite Naval Armsmen equipped with carapace armour, naval shotcannons and grenade launchers.

Sure, they're still not going to compare to Astartes, but it's a numbers game. They can protect your fleet even while the marines are away.

It's up to you guys whether you find them to be worth more than the other options, but I wouldn't put in an option that wouldn't provide more than red paint.