Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series; Ideas, discussion & fanfic recs!

2- They could have been tracking the Soviet swim coach and scooped up the fishpeople as they escape, smashed the mantis eggs that get left behind, recruit that Caine guy, nab Marcie, have someone doing recruitment at career day. They don't ever hve to be noticed early by the cast.
I feel that, while the soldiers first instinct would be to destroy the eggs, if Walsh found out about them before that then the eggs would be kept to study.
Cue months/years later when the Initiative has been trying to train giant mantises into attack dogs.
A threat? That is a hard one; possible in a very old fic wherein Xander peggy sues back into his younger body. I think the judge was the final threat in the fic?
This is the one that you mean, I believe. It did have a unique solution for the Judge.

TtH • Story • I Am What I Am

A "BtVS/AtS Non-Crossover > General" fan-fiction story. Xander inadvertently tells destiny to go F itself.. "I Am What I Am" by MMcGregor
Twisting the Hellmouth is still around? I haven't heard that name since the days of buffyfanfiction.com which is long since gone.
I'm totally willing to get into an objective evaluation of the main characters screw ups that don't get brought up. But I need to know first, is this just a attack/defense on Xander screw ups (because honestly, half of the other main characters do worse things.), or are we going to compare the other main characters?
I was referring to a specific claim:
They literally all of fucked up multiple times that have led to deaths, and Xander has got called on it the most. But its one of those things that gets glossed over.

I called bullshit, because I'm pretty sure Willow got called out on her fuck ups more than Xander did. But if you want to go episode by episode to do a numeric tally, feel free.

"buttmonkey moments" are completely unrelated and I'm frankly unclear on why anyone would think they were.
Yes, I know.

Long ago I knew of it. Back when it was new and the world was young. :V

Never got around to posting on it though.
Xander isn't called on his shit often, but also, few characters are, period. Despite the serialization, there's a lot of plot developments that are dispensed with offscreen. For instance, Buffy's anger at Giles on the Cruciamentum, Faith and Buffy being angry at each other over Gwen Post, Anya robbing a bank, etc. etc. etc. Willow is the exception, not the rule.

As for Giles not showing up for Xander's wedding, I'm content to make excuses for the character for that. We know the real reason - Anthony Head wanted to spend more time with his kids, which is a completely fair and legitimate reason to be less in a show. I'm content handwaving that. Maybe flights were expensive that weekend.
I was referring to a specific claim:

I called bullshit, because I'm pretty sure Willow got called out on her fuck ups more than Xander did. But if you want to go episode by episode to do a numeric tally, feel free.

"buttmonkey moments" are completely unrelated and I'm frankly unclear on why anyone would think they were.
So the specific claim is that Xander gets called out for his screw ups less than Willow? Because I actually put them pretty close by the time we hit S7. I think both are pretty middle of the road on getting called out. Wesley/Buffy/Angel/Spike/Faith are the ones who get called out the most, with Gunn and Doyle sliding into that middle group with Xander/Willow. The ones almost never called out are people like Anya/Joyce/Giles.

Willow got called out for a lot of her big ones early on. But it was a lot of little things the show/fandom has overlooked. Stuff like how willow was going to alter Xander's mind when they couldn't stop cheating without asking/telling him. This is after he did the love spell and she was okay with just messing with his mind instead of staying away from him. Xander makes impulsive bad decisions because he feels he knows better. Willow thinks hers through and does them anyway because she thinks she knows better.

They aren't always unrelated, like I mentioned with the Praying Mantis Lady. They are the writers choosing a character to embarrass/torture with those moments. The narrative of the story is punishing him. It's not nearly as effective as actually have a confrontation about his behaviour, but it is an artistic style used by many series as shorthand for giving a character come uppance so the slate is mostly cleared for the next episode.
The next installment of Valhalla Can Wait is now sitting at ~6k words. Everything in it has been on my OC Slayer/her partner and set-up/building the world around them, and their trying to get ready for this week's Looming Threat, and I feel like... I dunno, maybe the readers are going to need something to break up the 'monotony' at this point? Like, something that takes the narrative camera off the leads for a few minutes, but still helps highlight the stakes/build the tension/showcase the inherent conflict and contrast of these two (and a handful of support adults) knowing they're going to be facing a group of 8th-century Vikings looking to do Viking things to their town and its residents... when nobody else around them does know or even can know!

If anyone has any suggestions....
I'm sad to say I don't have any suggestions but damn does that sound interesting.
So this falls under the ideas category. I have neither the time, money, talent, or patience to write on my own but if anyone wants to borrow this idea, be it as a main theme or filler material or whatever, have at it.

Two general ideas brought to you by everyones favorite(or not) prototypical dumb blonde(no not Buffy).

I'm talking about Harmony.


Harmony Kendall

↳ Note: This article is about the vampire. For other uses, see Harmony. “You just can’t stand the fact that I'm my own person now. There comes a time in a woman's life when she realizes she has to take that next step. I've taken it. I've found the real me, and I like her.” ―Harmony Kendall[src]...

Harmony was a typical high school dumb blonde character, turned into a vampire at graduation, loved anything and everything about unicorns even without a soul, and was generally such a bad villain that on at least one occasion caused Buffy Summers to publicly burst out laughing when told that Harmony supposedly had minions.

By her own words in at least one episode of Angel she was a lousy villain, but the whole lack of a soul and any moral compass also made her a terrible heroine.

But what if. What if everybody's favorite member of the Cordettes took a different path.

One of my ideas centers on the end of Buffy season 3, after Buffy and Faith throw down, but before the graduation battle. Unbeknownst to the Scooby Gang until after Buffy unveils her plan to kill Mayor Wilkins, but before the battle, Faith codes in the hospital. Thanks to being in a well equipped trauma unit and Slayer healing powers, she survives, albeit still in her coma as in canon, but clinically dies just long enough for a new Slayer to be called. As in universe it's implied that Buffy had a day or 2 to prepare the Class of 1999 for the battle after the fight with Faith, Buffy and everyone finds out Harmony(God help us all), apparently got an upgrade after accidentally ripping a door off it's hinges and knocking several people over. Everyone is shocked, horrified, and in the case of Giles probably in dire need of multiple good stiff drinks.

The battle goes largely same as canon, maybe a few other odd random extras not dying, though now Buffy in Sunnydale and Angel in LA are blessed, or cursed, with having Harmony as a Slayer bouncing between towns depending on either who needs the most help, or depending on who is has a lesser migrane at the time.

Harmony The Vampire Slayer. The hero we neither needed, nor wanted, nor asked for, but sadly the one most of us deserve.

My other idea of the character centers on Harmony being turned into a vampire as in canon. This doesn't have a specific plot or focal point to it, but I figure it can be anytime in season 4 or 5 of Buffy at any point after it's discovered that Harmony is a vampire.

Basically, for one reason or another, be it accidentally or intentionally, Willow, Tara, and/or Anya for whatever reason, end up using the spell that Willow used to reinsoul Angel, but for whatever reason, be it to get information on Spike, or some other reason, they successfully use it on Harmony. Harmony is still the typical blonde cheerleader type, and still a vampire, but now like Angel and eventually Spike, she is weighted down with a soul, and everything that entails for Buffyverse vampires.
Ensouled Harmony doesn't entail much for Harm because she hasn't had two+ centuries to be irredeemably evil and she already laments how much vampirism sucks. Like, sure, she eats, but that's one of those things the mind (or demon spirit, whichever you prefer) will justify.

Hell, she's one of the few vampires to survive the events of either show and goes on to be a political activist for vampire rights, like, Harmony sucks so much at being evil that she pivoted back to good even while evil.

As to Harmony the Vampire Slayer, that is a lethally funny idea.
Ensouled Harmony doesn't entail much for Harm because she hasn't had two+ centuries to be irredeemably evil and she already laments how much vampirism sucks. Like, sure, she eats, but that's one of those things the mind (or demon spirit, whichever you prefer) will justify.

Hell, she's one of the few vampires to survive the events of either show and goes on to be a political activist for vampire rights, like, Harmony sucks so much at being evil that she pivoted back to good even while evil.

As to Harmony the Vampire Slayer, that is a lethally funny idea.

As far as Slayer Harmony, one thing I've thought of, maybe a running gag in the time frame of Buffy season 7, every once in a while 1 or 2 Bringers sent by The First Evil attempt to kill her, only for her to not notice it or not fully realize who or what it was, only for the Bringer(s) to meet an embarrassingly deadly end.

A Bringer lunges at her, she bends down to pick something up, the Bringer goes right over her and right through a window or over a cliff or something that results in a lethal fall. Or one lunges to attack her near a street corner, she moves at the last second, possibly talking on a cellular phone or some other inane task, the Bringer is struck by a semi truck or bus. Or at some point 2 Bringers decide to attack with swords, she moves at the last second, the 2 attacking Bringers stab each other by accident.

This happens at least half a dozen times in various embarrassing incidents, all of which Harmony is completely oblivious of, or doesn't realize what truly happened. At some point thanks to Buffy or someone else being present during yet another attempted killing of Slayer Harmony, she finally catches on, and we then learn of at least 2 or 3 other incidents that might have happened but never got the details. Harmony takes the whole situation in stride, Buffy, Faith, and everyone else aren't sure what to think, and as an unintended consequence of numerous Bringers dying while attempting to kill Slayer Harmony, several Potentials that we saw killed at different points throughout early to mid season 7 end up surviving and making their way to Sunnydale on account of the Bringer(s) that would have killed them having been diverted to deal with Harmony.
Honestly, the last season of Angel rather implies that Harmony is a lot more clever than other people realize. She has survived quite a lot, after all.
So this is an idea involving Xander Harris. It takes information from the (in)famous season 2 Halloween episode, but isn't directly related.

Following high school, possibly starting the process before graduation, or maybe shortly after the graduation battle at the end of season 3, Xander enlists in the US Navy. His soldier memories help him in boot camp, he enjoys getting out of Sunnydale and even out of California for a while as long as Uncle Sam is paying for it, and he's really got no long term goals of purpose, maybe a short 3-4 year tour in the Navy will help him.

Instead of being stuck on a ship sailing the world's oceans Xander gets assigned to a Seabee Unit in California.


Seabee - Wikipedia

Xander did make a passing reference in canon season 4 that his abortive American road trip ended around Oxnard, California. Now his attempt to serve his country and get away from the Hellmouth has him joining the ranks of the Navy's famous "dirt sailors". And literally less then a couple hours from Sunnydale, if you buy into the idea that Sunnydale either is the Buffyverse version of Santa Barbara, or is located in that region of the state.

Thanks to leftover Halloween memories of being a soldier, plus being a rather decent construction worker as he turned out to be in canon, Xander does surprisingly well in the Navy, quickly making 3rd class Petty Officer around season 5 timeframe, and 2nd class around season 7.

His Halloween memories don't fade since he's made a career choice that would actually put some of that to use in a practical, realistic way that doesn't see him turning into a Jedi or James Bond or HALO Spartan or anything, and it builds on the character's canon showing as being somewhat successful in the construction business.
His Halloween memories don't fade since he's made a career choice that would actually put some of that to use in a practical, realistic way that doesn't see him turning into a Jedi or James Bond or HALO Spartan or anything, and it builds on the character's canon showing as being somewhat successful in the construction business.
You'd have to give Xander an interest in boats earlier, maybe even just sailing Cordelia's dad's boat. Because in S4, he has forgotten his info. So if you're using the roadtrip as the point of divergence, he already lost most of his army memories.
You'd have to give Xander an interest in boats earlier, maybe even just sailing Cordelia's dad's boat. Because in S4, he has forgotten his info. So if you're using the roadtrip as the point of divergence, he already lost most of his army memories.

A specific POD would likely take place early to mid season 3, or depending on the plot, possibly some point in mid to late season 2.

I was thinking Navy Seabees as it would combine military skills and training with Xander's canon success in construction. By season 6 he wasn't exactly the top person at his construction company, but seemed to have enough pull to get Buffy a job and wasn't automatically fired because of her, and did seem to have a degree of authority over other workers in later seasons when seen at work.

Love of boats isn't a necessity or requirement for the navy either. I've met former Navy folks before who simply picked that branch at random, or they tried to enlist with the other military branches and the navy folks where either the only people to make an offer, or simply the first ones to call.

Sunnydale is big enough it likely had at some sort of recruiting office somewhere in a strip mall or downtown area store front, maybe even a setup at the Sunnydale Mall. A possible POD at some point between the season 2 Halloween episode could be Xander just happens to be in the right/wrong spot when one or more vampires decide that some enlisted sailor or even a junior officer assigned to or having business at the local recruiting office, someone who isn't a Sunnydale local and doesn't know the unwritten rules of Sunnydale after dark, gets jumped by one or more local vampires. Xander just happens to be passing by, and ends up deciding to help.Thanks to a combination of the vampire(s) being nowhere even close to the likes of Angel or Spike or other higher profile vampires, Xander and the recruiter manage to tagteam the vampire(s) and kill or otherwise knock them out.

Xander and the recruiter chat, Xander gives the person a cut and dry rundown on what just happened, and they part ways, but not before the recruiter hands Xander his or her business card with contact information. The recruiter figures since Xander just saved his/her life, might at least owe the kid a small favor or two off the record at some point.