Breaking the Status Quo [Fantasy]

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Snip One:

A void. That's all there is after death. Not heaven or hell, not reincarnation, and...
Snip One
Snip One:

A void. That's all there is after death. Not heaven or hell, not reincarnation, and not complete oblivion.

You know this because you are dead. You've seen what happens after death. Hell, you're still seeing what happens. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing. At. All!

If you still had a physical form you'd be tearing your hair out from sheer boredom.

You have to do something, and soon! You'll lose your mind soon, and your mind is the only thing you have left.

Suddenly, you feel a warmth spread throughout your previously nonexistent body, starting with your heart and moving outward.

This warmth, it almost feels like…

You wake. You feel the stone floor beneath your back, and the feeling is so intense that you pause a second to adjust.

Sound rushes back into the world and the sound of clanking metal rings loudly nearby, nearly deafening you just as soon as you get your hearing back.

A few seconds later, sight returns. The stone, torchlit ceiling seems vibrant and colorful to you.

With intense effort, you push yourself up and see something rather surreal. In the periphery of your vision, you see what appears to be the ancient remains of a human, with random scraps of flesh just barely stuck to a set of brittle-looking bones. Right where your chest would normally be.

You're used to the modern world. For all it's flaws, it's not a bad time to live in, and, what's more, it's all you've ever known.

What you're not used to is reanimated corpses being able to think and move. Or being one of those reanimated corpses.

But before you can react to the new body you've found yourself in, your immediate situation reminds you of its existence.

When you turn to look, you see before you a scene right out of a fantasy novel. Five steel-clad knights hacking at a group of eight or nine reanimated skeletons. As you watch, one of the knights smashes a skeleton to pieces with a strike to its ribs.

The rest of the skeletons don't even react, they just continue growling and clawing at the knights.

The knights themselves are wearing armor covered in sigils and seals that are reminiscent of some kind of religion in their numbers and condition. As they slash at the skeletons, some of the decorations on their armor light up, and some kind of force extends from their swords to hit the undead from a distance.

What the actual fuck is going on?

[ ] Watch the knights defeat the undead.
[ ] Approach the knights afterward.
[ ] Let them come to you.
[ ] Run away afterward.​
[ ] Call out to the knights.
[ ] Warning.
[ ] Greeting.​
[ ] Get up and fight.
[ ] Fight undead.
[ ] Fight knights.​
[ ] Run away.
[ ] Door on knights' side.
[ ] Door on undeads' side.​
[ ] Write-in.
Last edited:
Snip Two
[X] Run Away
-[X] Door on undeads' side

Snip Two:

You decide that you'd rather avoid the knights. After all, they are fighting the undead, and you definitely appear to be undead as well. Actually, you're going to avoid all the fighters altogether. You're not really sure what the other undead would do to you, either.

You push yourself to your feet, catching the attention of one of the knights, a tall man holding a simple sword and shield. He yells something you don't understand, and you take off. In order to keep distance between yourself and the only combatant who has noticed you, you decide to head through the door on the opposite side.

Luckily for you, the knight is quickly preoccupied by another skeleton attacking him, so he can't chase after you immediately.

As you sprint down a series of rooms and hallways, you notice something rather odd. The place looks almost brand new—the stone is unweathered, the fabrics look new, and the torches are fresh. However, anything breakable is broken. Tables are smashed, pottery and glasswork lay in shards, and you can't see a single unburnt book.

Did those undead destroy this place? Are the knights protecting a castle or something?

Actually, that brings up another question. How are you going to get out? You'd rather not be around when those knights defeat the rest of the skeletons.

They'll probably kill you.

Now… where to go?

After about fifteen minutes of running through a long, straight series of rooms, ignoring any branching paths, you arrive to an undamaged door. It's the first unsmashed one that you have seen so far, despite having passed through tens of rooms by this point. You do kinda wonder why this place doesn't seem to have any hallways, instead preferring a series of identical rooms to branch other rooms off of, but that's a thought for later, when you aren't being chased by a bunch of people with swords.

The room is massive and heavily decorated. There's a luxurious-looking carpet that starts at your feet and leads straight to a massive pair of doors covered in gold filigree. The whole chamber is an irregular octagon, more like a square with a little bit of the corners cut off. All the walls have doorways, but only the one directly across from you is ornamented. The room itself is unusually empty.

The pair of doors are the most eye-catching part of the room. They are made out of some kind of dark wood, with big stained glass windows inset into them. The glass is a solid sheet of opaque blood red. There's no doorknob or handle to grab, so they are probably push doors. Symbols and runes made of gold cover them. They're also about three times the size of the other doors each; not big enough to prevent you from opening them, but still heavy-looking.

The sight of the doors comforts you for some reason. You feel slightly stronger in their presence.

Now you have a choice. The big doors might be the exit to this place, or they might lead further in. Or they could be a trap. Who knows?

Meanwhile, the other doors are definitely not the exit, but they are also definitely not a path to some sort of shrine to Cthulhu or something, so that's a bonus. It's a choice between high-risk/high-reward and low-risk/low-reward.

Seemingly as if to prevent you from carefully considering your options, the sound of metal clanking echoes from behind you. You've got to make a choice now, and you won't be able to go back on it.

[ ] Go through the big doors.
[ ] Go through the door on your left.
[ ] Go through the door on your right.
[ ] Go back. Maybe the knights will turn out to be friendly?

-15 minutes
Snip Three
[X] Go through the big doors.

Snip Three:

There's no time to keep wandering around this place! You'll just have to hope that the big doors are an exit or something. You don't want to wind up even more lost than you already are.

You sprint across the room at top speed and press your hands against the doors, ready to throw them open. What you're not prepared for is the doors flying open like they're made out of Styrofoam, and then slamming into the walls with a deafening bang!

The sound of shouting and hurried clanking fills your ears, and you rush through the opening. You turn, about to try and close the doors behind you, when you see something rather odd. The doors seem to be embedded in the walls. There's nothing to get a grip on—they form a seamless barrier that you have no hope of shifting in any reasonable amount of time.

You decide that getting away with your life is more important than closing a fancy pair of doors, so you turn around to figure out where to go.


Those are stairs… going down.

You went exactly the wrong way. Well, unless you're in a tower. But based on the lack of windows, and the prevalence of torch lighting, you're probably actually underground.

There's no time for regretting your decisions! You sprint down the stairs, hoping that there'll be something worthwhile down them. When you arrive at the bottom of the stairs, you hear cries of shock, and the sound of armor clanking quiets down.

You take off, not even staying still long enough to take in your new surroundings. However, you do notice that there are no torches, or any other lights for that matter, at all. All of the furniture and doors appear to still be intact. In fact, this place looks like an intact replica of the upper floor. What kind of structure is this place? A castle? A fortress? A tomb? Actually, the random rooms filled with luxury items does kind of remind you of the descriptions of pyramids and stuff…

Anyway, you've got to get away from those knights!

A few minutes later, you finally come to a stop. Those knights have got to be far behind by now. This place is practically a maze—you have no idea how to navigate your way out of here.

Well, whatever. There's no use complaining about it now. You'll find a way out somehow.

You examine the room that you've arrived in. It's… oddly decorated. There's a huge bookshelf that completely covers one wall to your right. The books on it are all gilded and covered in jewels, except for a single plain one. Directly across from you is another doorway. On the left side of the room is a plain, vertical, stone coffin. Your fingers start to twitch with barely restrained desire just looking at it. Desire to rip and tear and kill…

No. There's no time for that. You have to get out of here.

[ ] Examine bookshelf.
[ ] Examine plain book.​
[ ] Examine decorated books.​
[ ] Examine coffin.
[ ] Attack.​
[ ] Restrain yourself.​
[ ] Leave.
[ ] Go back.​
[ ] Advance.​
[ ] Write-in.

-15 minutes
Snip Four
[X] Examine bookshelf.
-[X] Examine plain book.​

Snip Four:

You pointedly ignore the coffin and head over to the bookshelf. A cursory examination draws your eyes to the single plain book amongst the gold. It's a bit dirty and beaten up compared to the golden books, which are in perfect condition.

You pull it off of the shelf.

The cover is plain and brown, just like the spine of the book. The entire thing is a bit beaten up and worn. It's also a bit on the thin side. The title is written in some sort of language that you can't und—

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain behind your nonexistent eyes. Your world is filled with darkness and agony.

After what could have been seconds or years, you return to lucidity. The book in your hands is now comprehensible.

The Book of Soul Arts

You suddenly feel curious. Might this book hold the answers to your condition? You suppose that necromancy could be considered a soul art…

You hear a crashing behind you. You turn to look, and see that the coffin that you saw before is now rattling and shaking, and something is banging to get out.

Faster than you can react, the coffin lid shatters without warning. What steps out of the box disgusts you.

Its body is covered in dessicated flesh, all dried and stuck to its bones. It stands at a good six and a half feet tall, and moves with a disturbing grace. It stalks toward you, its claw-like hand raised in the air, as if to strike.

It's almost close enough to hit you.

Time seems to stop. You can tell that this thing is much more powerful than you. Its presence feels much stronger than the skeletons that you saw before.

You look down at your hands. The tips of your bones seem way too sharp to be normal, now that you look at them properly. Maybe you can fight it? You definitely want to. There's a desire deep inside of you… a longing. You want to kill it. You want to tear it apart. And then… and then you'll…

You'll do what?

You aren't entirely sure… but you feel like you should take this thing on. You feel like doing this will make you stronger. You're not sure how… but… the feeling is definitely there.

Should you follow your instincts? Will they lead you on the right path? You aren't sure… but you know that the time to decide is now.


[ ] Fight.
[ ] Resigned.​
[ ] Angry.​
[ ] Regretful.​
[ ] Joyous.​
[ ] Bloodthirsty.​
[ ] Dispassionate.​
[ ] Disgusted.​
[ ] Run.
Snip Five
[X] Run.

Snip Five:

No. You can't fight it. You aren't strong enough. This thing is way too much for you to handle. You grab the book and take the only path open to you: forward. You charge past the zombie-thing and slam your clenched fist into the closed door in your way.

It doesn't budge.

You feel a slight surprise. All of the doors so far have been either push or pull doors, and this one doesn't seem to have a handle. It should have opened with a simple push, so it not responding to a full-on strike is unusual.

The growl of the creature sounds behind you. You've only got a few seconds before it's on you again. You're lucky that it doesn't seem very fast. But how are you going to open the door?

You press your hands against it and push, hoping that the resistance before was just a fluke. You feel… like you can do something. But what?

There's some sort of pressure on the other side of the door. But you have no choice. You push against the door with all of your might and it bursts open at last. You feel suddenly drained, and the prospect of fighting that thing seems even more appetizing now. No! You aren't strong enough! You can't let your instincts rule you! That's what separates you from that thing in the first place!

You sprint through the doorway and slam the door itself closed behind you, and it seems to seal, with the pressure reappearing on the other side of the door. You take your hand off of it and the pressure disappears, but the door does not open. The zombie's cries have also been silenced, but you don't know if that's because the door is soundproof or because it calmed down.

Turning away, you examine the room that you have arrived in. It's pretty much the same as all of the rooms you've been in so far. It's a square room, with a table in the center, and some chairs around it. Embedded in the table is some kind of handle.

You examine the handle. It appears to be some kind of dial, covered in hundreds of tiny symbols, set in four main rings. There is an arrow pointing inward on one side. It seems that you can rotate the various rings into a series of four-characters. The current input seems to have two of the symbols slightly off-center, but you can definitely tell which ones the dial was supposed to be set at.

You don't know what this thing does, but it could help you. Or it could be incredibly dangerous. There's no guarantee for anything.

Or you could just leave.

[ ] Leave.
[ ] Randomly spin the dials.
[ ] Fix the current setting.

-2 hours
+The Book of Soul Arts
Snip Six
[X] Fix the current setting.

Snip Six:

Well, maybe if you just shift those last two dials back into place. After all, it's not like the previous user wouldn't know what they were doing, and why would they set it to a dangerous setting?

You reach out and touch the dials, carefully turning them into the desired position with a satisfying click. There's a whirring noise, and the walls of the room begin to glow.

Suddenly, you feel the entire room drop, like if it was an elevator whose cable snapped. The whirring grows into a roar—and then it all stops. Which means that you slam painfully into the floor. Luckily, it didn't seem to actually injure you.

Just as you stumble to your feet, the room begins silently gliding to the right. It starts out slow at first, but it begins to accelerate almost immediately. It's fast enough that you have to clutch the table in order to stay upright.

The dials begin to glow and spin around at speeds faster than you can follow. They sink into the desk, forming a tiered set of glowing, spinning rings descending into the table. Water starts to spray from holes that line the lip, covering the depression with a thin mist.

After a couple of seconds, you notice an image forming on top of the mist. It's a couple of words, simply saying "Arriving at Getig Outpost" in the language that your book is in. As soon as it does so, the room completely shifts its acceleration in the exact opposite direction, throwing you into the right wall as it slows down even faster than it sped up.

You feel like this thing wasn't made for people like you.

After what feels like an eternity of being held in place, but was probably only a couple of seconds, the weird elevator-thing slows to a halt and then, after a brief pause, rises at a comfortable pace.

You stumble over to the table, and the dials rise back up into their previous places, slightly damp now. The room shudders to a halt, finally.

The whole thing was probably less than a minute.

One of the doors, specifically the one that you had come through, hangs open, revealing a solid stone wall. You can't go that way. There's only one way to go.

Your bones ache and it's difficult to stand because you're too dizzy.

Maybe you should figure where and what this "Getig Outpost" is, and what's in the next room. Or, you could read this book you have. It might actually tell you something about the world you're now in. It might also be useless and waste your time.

Or maybe you should just lay down a while. That floor looks very inviting...

[ ] Explore next room.
[ ] Read The Book of Soul Arts
[ ] Rest.
[ ] Write-in.

-30 minutes
Snip Seven
[X] Read The Book of Soul Arts

Snip Seven:

You should read this book. It might contain secrets to your new body's origins, or maybe you can figure out what's going on.

And besides, you aren't feeling up to exploring right now. A nice relaxing sit-down would probably be best.

You stumble over to the table in the center of the room, still a little off-balance from that rollercoaster before. Being careful to avoid touching the dial in the center of the table, you slump down into the nearest chair. Well, more like a throne, being made out of some kind of stone, and seemingly being more an extension of the floor than furniture.

But you're not here to ogle furniture. You lean back in the chair and bring out the book. Now that you have time to examine it, you notice little details that you hadn't before. It seems to be made out of some kind of leather, and the title is written in a style that you'd associate more with a horror story. The book itself isn't very thick, so you suspect that it's probably more an overview of the subject than an actual compendium on it.

Well, whether it's a textbook or a pamphlet, it'll still have more information than you currently know. You open it up and begin to read the contents.

Soul Arts, colloquially known as 'magic', are an animating force… they can only be used to grant life-like qualities to inanimate objects, or increase life-like qualities in that which already lives… over time, the essence of life that is crucial to the act of enchanting decays… releases energy into the environment…

While this book contains quite a bit of interesting information, none of it stands out too much to you. Until you come to the last section.


The title of the section is unusual compared to the others. While they had been written in such a way as to only stand out a bit more than the normal text, this one practically screams at you. Which is lucky for you, considering it seems to be the section that pertains to you most. You eagerly dig in.

While this author does not condone the act of necromancy, this author cannot help but include what information about it is known, in the attempt to increase the public's general ability to deal with necromancers and their creations. To preclude any assumptions to the contrary, all undead beings still adhere to the general behaviors exhibited by enchanted objects and phenomena. To review, this author will briefly address these behaviors.

First, the enchantment lasts until the life's essence is depleted to either a preset point, or to the point that there is no longer enough essence to power it. Second, the essence slowly decays over time, and this process can be sped up with strenuous activity or damage to the physical container. And third, the complexity of the enchantment inversely correlates to the enchantment's natural duration.

However, necromantic creations have several features that most enchanted objects do not. They have an instinctive desire to destroy all things that contain the essence of life that are not connected to their "network". Any magical creation or life form that is not directly or indirectly controlled by their necromancer is a valid target to these beings. They also possess the ability to absorb life's essence from that which they destroy. This provides a simple method for a necromancer to lengthen the natural duration of their creations: mass murder.

Another difficulty with the absorption ability of necromantic creations is their apparent ability to increase their own enchantment's complexity. Undead have been known to, after sufficient energy, change forms into another form of undead, one far more powerful than the one they previously assumed. This does, however, decrease their natural duration again, due to the increased complexity of their magic. No undead has ever been observed to revert to a form less powerful than their current one.

Finally, advice on fighting the undead. This author cannot, in good conscience, advise anything of the sort. When encountering undead in any number, this author instead advises retreating and contacting a practitioner of the Soul Arts. Such people are the only ones capable of consistently defeating undead in any situation.

Please note that not much information can be guaranteed about undead, due to the fact that a skilled necromancer could conceivably develop a new form of necromancy with different properties. However, most occurrences of necromancers use a variation of this basic form of necromancy, as it has been the work of generations of practitioners. It is difficult to improve upon.

Well… that's certainly concerning. If you don't kill things… you will die? You don't know how much time you have until you run out… but you don't feel like you're about to run out soon. And maybe you can just subsist off of undead and enchanted objects?

You aren't really sure what to do.

[ ] Explore the next room.
[ ] Spin the dial.
[ ] Write-in.

-15 minutes
Snip Eight
[X] Explore the next room.

Snip Eight:

You need to do something, anything. You stand up and close the Book of Soul Arts. Maybe you can find something small to… eat? You wonder if that's even the right term.

After that time spent just reading, you feel much less dizzy. You can even walk around without stumbling now. Using your newly recovered abilities, you make your way over to the still-closed door in front of you. Upon reaching it, you push it open, revealing the room beyond.

It's the largest room you have seen so far, with a multitude of doorways lining the walls. Six, to be exact, including the one you just came from. All of them have had the doors removed except for the one you already passed through. The whole place is well-lit, with liberal amounts of torches placed everywhere, but there is no other sort of decoration.

On the same wall as the way back to that elevator-thing is a simple doorway with nothing to mark it as special. The room beyond it appears to be some kind of dining hall, though it is completely empty. The room is a bit small, and it doesn't seem to have any decorations besides the plain stone table and chairs in the center of it.

Directly to your left is a pair of doorways. One seems to lead to a smaller room, with a blockaded doorway on the other side, but with no other apparent significance. The other doorway leads to a very small room, almost closet-sized, with a single stone pedestal placed at the other end. A massive black stone tablet is covered in chains that hold it in place. The sheer amount of chains is absurd, making it near impossible to make out any details of the tablet.

On the wall across from you is a single archway. It leads to a completely empty room with another doorway on the other side of it. You can't tell what's in the next room, though. All you can see is one of the walls of the room. There's nothing apparently significant about it, but you feel your eyes being subtly drawn to it.

To your right is a room that doesn't seem to be lit by torchlight. Instead, it has characteristics more like the sun than fire. It doesn't flicker, it's less red, and it's brighter. Your vision into that room is blocked, however, by a massive pillar that seems to take up most of the room. It's covered in what appears to be random scrawlings. Some of the carvings seem to glow from within, with blue, red, and green light scattered around with no apparent pattern. The pillar feels like the massive doors from way before, comforting and empowering at the same time, but to a much lesser extent. You want to touch it.

You really want to touch it.

It's almost calling out to you…

Maybe you should…

[ ] Enter a new room.
[ ] Pillar room.​
[ ] "Plain" room.​
[ ] Tablet room.​
[ ] Blockade room.​
[ ] Dining room.​
[ ] Go back.
[ ] Rest.​
[ ] Spin the dial.​
Snip Nine
[X] Enter a new room.
[X] Pillar room.​

Snip Nine:

That room with the pillar… you wonder why it looks like it's lit by sunlight. And you want to know why the pillar looks so comforting. You decide to investigate it closer.

You walk closer to the room, making sure to peer in before you fully enter. Seeing nothing too suspicious, you enter, still wary. The room appears quite cramped with the massive pillar in the center, which takes up most of the room. The only entrance to the room appears to be the way that you entered. The room itself, while not very wide, is extremely tall. Looking up, you see that it stretches up several stories, maybe two or three, with a skylight at the very top. The pillar stretches all the way up to the ceiling. You can just barely see the edge of the sun framing the pillar, like it does the moon during an eclipse. That must mean that the current time is somewhere very close to noon.

Examining the pillar, the main fixture of the room, reveals a slight depression on the side facing you that vaguely resembles a handprint. Basically, it seems that placing your hand on that spot might activate something. Perhaps, you think, it might open up an exit? Of course, you aren't really that optimistic, not after what's happened so far, but it might help, as unlikely as it is.

You decide to examine the room before doing anything stupid or reckless. Circling the pillar reveals some places where it looks like the pillar was attacked. In several places, the pillar is marred by gouges and cracks. At first, you dismiss them as more of the random carvings that cover the pillar all over, but then you notice a few little details. These ones are a different shape from the rest of the carvings. The gouges are straight and sharp, and the cracks are jagged and chipped, but the rest of the carvings are curvy and worn. The regular carvings also almost unnoticeably glow in a variety of colors, but the wounds do not.

Why would someone waste their time attacking a random pillar, you wonder? And why would they give up? Is this thing maybe important?

Still lacking answers to your questions, you return to the front side of the pillar. It's massive bulk seems to promise to protect you, no matter what. You aren't sure where you're getting this idea from, but it's obvious… somehow. Despite being an inanimate pillar, it still communicates an intent to protect you. Which implies that it is not an inanimate pillar.

That hand-shaped depression tempts you, but you know that it would be a gamble. You'd have to hope for an outcome that isn't directly detrimental to your continued existence. You could just… leave. But that would definitely not get you anything you want.

[ ] Go back.
[ ] Dial room.​
[ ] Rest.​
[ ] Spin the dial.​
[ ] "Plain" room.​
[ ] Tablet room.​
[ ] Blockade room.​
[ ] Dining room.​
[ ] Activate the pillar.
[ ] Stay still (Within touching distance).​
[ ] Stand back (Just out of spear distance).​
[ ] Remove yourself from the premises (Behind the doorway).​
Snip Ten
[X] Activate the pillar.
[X] Stay still (within touching distance).​

Snip Ten:

You've made a decision. You step forward, reaching your fleshless hand toward the perfectly-shaped mark on the pillar before you. The moment you make contact with it, the many symbols carved into its surface blaze with light. Seams appear in the pillar, and the section immediately in front of you slides backward into the pillar, and then up, perfectly melding with the ceiling of the small room inside the pillar.

You think perhaps 'room' is misleading. The place would be better described as a hollow. It's bottom is high off the ground, reaching to about your waist. The chamber itself is only big enough to comfortably fit your upper body.

The inside doesn't resemble the outside very much. Where the outside of the pillar is made out of a black rock with an uneven texture, the inside is a smooth tan stone cut into a near perfect cylinder.

The bottom of the hollow is decorated with concentric circles and mysterious runes. The thing glows faintly. You wonder what it—PAIN! You collapse to the floor, clutching your skull with your bony hands.

<<NC-001-00036375, STATE INTENTIONS>>

You attempt to stand, do anything, but—


Τhe voice is in your head, blaring agonizingly into your thoughts, tearing apart your concentration. When it speaks, it's all you can think of. When it stops, you're too busy recovering to respond.


You don't understand what the voice attempted to say there, but somehow the broken thoughts it continues to send are even more painful than the regular ones.


You try to say something, but you can't. The aftereffects of the voice are too much for you to recover from. You can't do it.


You brace yourself, finally just barely pushing yourself up to your knees. You force yourself to look around the room, prepared to escape the room at any moment despite the pain.

But nothing happens.

You force yourself to your feet as the effects of the voice speaking disappear. Just in front of you is the mysterious chamber that you opened in the pillar. At the bottom, the runes are glowing and the circles are spinning, by all appearances like some sort of complex machine. But the lights are flickering, and the circles are faltering and stuttering. It looks as if it's… dying.

You hunger.

You crave.

The lights dim and the circles sputter to a halt. But you can feel energy inside it. It's life is running out, but it's resting to conserve energy. You must… you must consume it.

You could restrain yourself.

But what would the point be? What would it accomplish?

You don't know. But you also don't know what consuming it would do to you.

[ ] Consume it (+2 Life Essence, 24 hours; +???).
[ ] Go back.
[ ] Dial room.​
[ ] Rest.​
[ ] Spin the dial.​
[ ] "Plain" room.​
[ ] Tablet room.​
[ ] Blockade room.​
[ ] Dining room.​