Breaking the Status Quo [Fantasy]

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Snip One:

A void. That's all there is after death. Not heaven or hell, not reincarnation, and...
Snip One
Snip One:

A void. That's all there is after death. Not heaven or hell, not reincarnation, and not complete oblivion.

You know this because you are dead. You've seen what happens after death. Hell, you're still seeing what happens. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing. At. All!

If you still had a physical form you'd be tearing your hair out from sheer boredom.

You have to do something, and soon! You'll lose your mind soon, and your mind is the only thing you have left.

Suddenly, you feel a warmth spread throughout your previously nonexistent body, starting with your heart and moving outward.

This warmth, it almost feels like…

You wake. You feel the stone floor beneath your back, and the feeling is so intense that you pause a second to adjust.

Sound rushes back into the world and the sound of clanking metal rings loudly nearby, nearly deafening you just as soon as you get your hearing back.

A few seconds later, sight returns. The stone, torchlit ceiling seems vibrant and colorful to you.

With intense effort, you push yourself up and see something rather surreal. In the periphery of your vision, you see what appears to be the ancient remains of a human, with random scraps of flesh just barely stuck to a set of brittle-looking bones. Right where your chest would normally be.

You're used to the modern world. For all it's flaws, it's not a bad time to live in, and, what's more, it's all you've ever known.

What you're not used to is reanimated corpses being able to think and move. Or being one of those reanimated corpses.

But before you can react to the new body you've found yourself in, your immediate situation reminds you of its existence.

When you turn to look, you see before you a scene right out of a fantasy novel. Five steel-clad knights hacking at a group of eight or nine reanimated skeletons. As you watch, one of the knights smashes a skeleton to pieces with a strike to its ribs.

The rest of the skeletons don't even react, they just continue growling and clawing at the knights.

The knights themselves are wearing armor covered in sigils and seals that are reminiscent of some kind of religion in their numbers and condition. As they slash at the skeletons, some of the decorations on their armor light up, and some kind of force extends from their swords to hit the undead from a distance.

What the actual fuck is going on?

[ ] Watch the knights defeat the undead.
[ ] Approach the knights afterward.
[ ] Let them come to you.
[ ] Run away afterward.​
[ ] Call out to the knights.
[ ] Warning.
[ ] Greeting.​
[ ] Get up and fight.
[ ] Fight undead.
[ ] Fight knights.​
[ ] Run away.
[ ] Door on knights' side.
[ ] Door on undeads' side.​
[ ] Write-in.
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???, the Skeleton

1 The Book of Soul Arts
1 Mysterious Tablet

Note: Abilities are written from the point of view of an undead. Anything that not all undead possess is considered an ability. Anything that all undead have will not be listed.
  • Sentient - You are capable of responding to your environment. You do not require orders to perform any actions.
  • Sapient - You have the ability to plan and reason. You are capable of functioning as an autonomous entity.
  • Dirt-to-Stone Durability - At the cost of doubling your consumption of life essence, you can increase your durability by an order of magnitude similar to that of dirt to stone. You can also reinforce other objects, and the expense will be calculated for the specific object.
  • Charge - At the cost of 15 minutes of essence, you can enhance your speed. Control over your direction is impossible, but you will travel at a speed that is impossible for normal humans to dodge head-on. Can damage your body without extra reinforcement.
Essence Remaining:
8/10 (88 hours, 45 minutes)

Mental: Addicted
Physical: Strained
Magical: Oversaturated
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[X] Run away.
-[X] Door on undeads' side.

Knight's are smashing Undead.

We're Undead.

Let's do like Sir Robin.
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In this order:
[X] Get up and fight
-[X] The Undead

[X] Run Away
-[X] Door on the Undead Side

Help the knights to let them get at least an inkling that we aren't mindless, then run so they don't kill us.
[X] Run away.
-[X] Door on undeads' side.

Not really keen on attacking other undead since we'll be venturing into an area with presumably even more undead. Wouldn't want our kin to come after us so soon.
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[X] Call out to the knights.
-[X] Greeting.

Hi guys, what is going on? Why are you looking at me like that? Hey, watch out where you point that sword! NOT THE COLLARBONE!

[X] Run away.
-[X] Door on undeads' side.
Snip Two
[X] Run Away
-[X] Door on undeads' side

Snip Two:

You decide that you'd rather avoid the knights. After all, they are fighting the undead, and you definitely appear to be undead as well. Actually, you're going to avoid all the fighters altogether. You're not really sure what the other undead would do to you, either.

You push yourself to your feet, catching the attention of one of the knights, a tall man holding a simple sword and shield. He yells something you don't understand, and you take off. In order to keep distance between yourself and the only combatant who has noticed you, you decide to head through the door on the opposite side.

Luckily for you, the knight is quickly preoccupied by another skeleton attacking him, so he can't chase after you immediately.

As you sprint down a series of rooms and hallways, you notice something rather odd. The place looks almost brand new—the stone is unweathered, the fabrics look new, and the torches are fresh. However, anything breakable is broken. Tables are smashed, pottery and glasswork lay in shards, and you can't see a single unburnt book.

Did those undead destroy this place? Are the knights protecting a castle or something?

Actually, that brings up another question. How are you going to get out? You'd rather not be around when those knights defeat the rest of the skeletons.

They'll probably kill you.

Now… where to go?

After about fifteen minutes of running through a long, straight series of rooms, ignoring any branching paths, you arrive to an undamaged door. It's the first unsmashed one that you have seen so far, despite having passed through tens of rooms by this point. You do kinda wonder why this place doesn't seem to have any hallways, instead preferring a series of identical rooms to branch other rooms off of, but that's a thought for later, when you aren't being chased by a bunch of people with swords.

The room is massive and heavily decorated. There's a luxurious-looking carpet that starts at your feet and leads straight to a massive pair of doors covered in gold filigree. The whole chamber is an irregular octagon, more like a square with a little bit of the corners cut off. All the walls have doorways, but only the one directly across from you is ornamented. The room itself is unusually empty.

The pair of doors are the most eye-catching part of the room. They are made out of some kind of dark wood, with big stained glass windows inset into them. The glass is a solid sheet of opaque blood red. There's no doorknob or handle to grab, so they are probably push doors. Symbols and runes made of gold cover them. They're also about three times the size of the other doors each; not big enough to prevent you from opening them, but still heavy-looking.

The sight of the doors comforts you for some reason. You feel slightly stronger in their presence.

Now you have a choice. The big doors might be the exit to this place, or they might lead further in. Or they could be a trap. Who knows?

Meanwhile, the other doors are definitely not the exit, but they are also definitely not a path to some sort of shrine to Cthulhu or something, so that's a bonus. It's a choice between high-risk/high-reward and low-risk/low-reward.

Seemingly as if to prevent you from carefully considering your options, the sound of metal clanking echoes from behind you. You've got to make a choice now, and you won't be able to go back on it.

[ ] Go through the big doors.
[ ] Go through the door on your left.
[ ] Go through the door on your right.
[ ] Go back. Maybe the knights will turn out to be friendly?

-15 minutes
Snip Three
[X] Go through the big doors.

Snip Three:

There's no time to keep wandering around this place! You'll just have to hope that the big doors are an exit or something. You don't want to wind up even more lost than you already are.

You sprint across the room at top speed and press your hands against the doors, ready to throw them open. What you're not prepared for is the doors flying open like they're made out of Styrofoam, and then slamming into the walls with a deafening bang!

The sound of shouting and hurried clanking fills your ears, and you rush through the opening. You turn, about to try and close the doors behind you, when you see something rather odd. The doors seem to be embedded in the walls. There's nothing to get a grip on—they form a seamless barrier that you have no hope of shifting in any reasonable amount of time.

You decide that getting away with your life is more important than closing a fancy pair of doors, so you turn around to figure out where to go.


Those are stairs… going down.

You went exactly the wrong way. Well, unless you're in a tower. But based on the lack of windows, and the prevalence of torch lighting, you're probably actually underground.

There's no time for regretting your decisions! You sprint down the stairs, hoping that there'll be something worthwhile down them. When you arrive at the bottom of the stairs, you hear cries of shock, and the sound of armor clanking quiets down.

You take off, not even staying still long enough to take in your new surroundings. However, you do notice that there are no torches, or any other lights for that matter, at all. All of the furniture and doors appear to still be intact. In fact, this place looks like an intact replica of the upper floor. What kind of structure is this place? A castle? A fortress? A tomb? Actually, the random rooms filled with luxury items does kind of remind you of the descriptions of pyramids and stuff…

Anyway, you've got to get away from those knights!

A few minutes later, you finally come to a stop. Those knights have got to be far behind by now. This place is practically a maze—you have no idea how to navigate your way out of here.

Well, whatever. There's no use complaining about it now. You'll find a way out somehow.

You examine the room that you've arrived in. It's… oddly decorated. There's a huge bookshelf that completely covers one wall to your right. The books on it are all gilded and covered in jewels, except for a single plain one. Directly across from you is another doorway. On the left side of the room is a plain, vertical, stone coffin. Your fingers start to twitch with barely restrained desire just looking at it. Desire to rip and tear and kill…

No. There's no time for that. You have to get out of here.

[ ] Examine bookshelf.
[ ] Examine plain book.​
[ ] Examine decorated books.​
[ ] Examine coffin.
[ ] Attack.​
[ ] Restrain yourself.​
[ ] Leave.
[ ] Go back.​
[ ] Advance.​
[ ] Write-in.

-15 minutes
Snip Four
[X] Examine bookshelf.
-[X] Examine plain book.​

Snip Four:

You pointedly ignore the coffin and head over to the bookshelf. A cursory examination draws your eyes to the single plain book amongst the gold. It's a bit dirty and beaten up compared to the golden books, which are in perfect condition.

You pull it off of the shelf.

The cover is plain and brown, just like the spine of the book. The entire thing is a bit beaten up and worn. It's also a bit on the thin side. The title is written in some sort of language that you can't und—

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain behind your nonexistent eyes. Your world is filled with darkness and agony.

After what could have been seconds or years, you return to lucidity. The book in your hands is now comprehensible.

The Book of Soul Arts

You suddenly feel curious. Might this book hold the answers to your condition? You suppose that necromancy could be considered a soul art…

You hear a crashing behind you. You turn to look, and see that the coffin that you saw before is now rattling and shaking, and something is banging to get out.

Faster than you can react, the coffin lid shatters without warning. What steps out of the box disgusts you.

Its body is covered in dessicated flesh, all dried and stuck to its bones. It stands at a good six and a half feet tall, and moves with a disturbing grace. It stalks toward you, its claw-like hand raised in the air, as if to strike.

It's almost close enough to hit you.

Time seems to stop. You can tell that this thing is much more powerful than you. Its presence feels much stronger than the skeletons that you saw before.

You look down at your hands. The tips of your bones seem way too sharp to be normal, now that you look at them properly. Maybe you can fight it? You definitely want to. There's a desire deep inside of you… a longing. You want to kill it. You want to tear it apart. And then… and then you'll…

You'll do what?

You aren't entirely sure… but you feel like you should take this thing on. You feel like doing this will make you stronger. You're not sure how… but… the feeling is definitely there.

Should you follow your instincts? Will they lead you on the right path? You aren't sure… but you know that the time to decide is now.


[ ] Fight.
[ ] Resigned.​
[ ] Angry.​
[ ] Regretful.​
[ ] Joyous.​
[ ] Bloodthirsty.​
[ ] Dispassionate.​
[ ] Disgusted.​
[ ] Run.