So, as a reminder for those who haven't seen the author's notes of Part 2, here is how the rolls for Part 2 will go.
Every Exigent will have a number of important events in their life, depending on their overall lifespan they might have more or less. They will have a soft limit of
3 (for those with a normal human lifespan),
5 (for those who live centuries) or
8 (for those who live millennia) events to roll for. There is the possibility of events past this soft limit, but for each event that occurs this way, there will be a +20 increase in difficulty thresholds across the board. I'll get into what that actually means next.
In general, events do not have an actual DC, instead the higher the number rolled, the better the Exigent does. However, if the die rolls a 10 or lower, then the Exalt must make a recovery roll. Recovery rolls represent the Exalt needing to recover themselves after a long exertion. This could be recovery from injuries (from Fight events) to regaining trust or population among their followers (from Lead events) to familiarizing themselves with new discoveries (from Make events) to going to ground when their cover is blown (from Sneak events) to spending time making up for a serious faux pas (from Talk events).
Recovery rolls use a straight 1d100 with the following thresholds: 51 or higher, the recovery is quick and does not count as an event. 11 to 50, the recovery is slow and takes up an entire event slot. 10 or less, well the Exalt's journey ends there. This doesn't mean they automatically die, it could just mean that they stop doing anything important in favor of remaining safe for the rest of their lifespan. The recovery system is basically a safety net in case an Exalt rolls particularly poorly.
All of those thresholds I mentioned get increased by +20 for each event past the soft limit, as old age and exhaustion creep into the Exalt's life.
There's always an ending, after all. This means that for practical purposes there is no point in me coming up with more than 4 extra events past the soft limit, because a 5th extra event would require rolling higher than a 110 on a 100-sided die, it's just impossible. But, as compensation,
the Exalt will recieve an ongoing +10 bonus per non-recovery event past the soft limit, as they become Elder Exalted. This won't help with the straight die rolls, but it will make any successes they have more impressive.
Speaking of which, how do I come up with events? Out-of-thread, I roll a 1d6, with each event type (Fight, Lead, Make, Sneak and Talk) having a 16% chance except for the Exalt's main focus, which gets a 33% chance instead. After all, they would likely pursue things that fall into their specialty. Because of this, the first event is ALWAYS something which aligns with their focus, because that's their Exaltation event. For the events which fall into their soft limit, I also came up with descriptions of what happens, which bonuses apply, etc. I haven't done this for the extra events because there's no guarantee that they'll happen (which means that I'd just waste time coming up with stuff that won't be used), and if they do, then I'll just come up with what happens there later.
Finally, there is the matter of bonuses. The Exigent of course gains a significant bonus from their main focus (in Rosa's case it is Fight), and a smaller bonus from whatever Gifts they recieve. They
also, however, gain bonuses from their Charm Themes. Using the list I provided in Part 2, but with full disclosure this time:
Charm Themes:
- Agriculture: The Exalt will be talented with growing and harvesting crops. (Athletics, Awareness)(Gained From Patron)(+20 to events involving Agriculture)
- Community: The Exalt will be an expert when it comes to talking with, leading or defending a small community (Town-sized or less). (Awareness, Presence)(Gained From Patron)(+10 to events involving the defense of, leading of or talking too smaller communities)
- Anti-Fae: The Exalt will have improved prowess when fighting against the forces of the Wyld. (Presence, Resistance)(Gained From Situation)(+10 to events involving Creatures of the Wyld)
- Physical Strength: The Exalt will have great strength. (Athletics, Resistance)(Gained From Situation)(+10 to Fight events)
As you can see, I did not reveal what these bonuses did initially, because I wanted to avoid getting too meta-gamey here. This isn't supposed to be about designing a big number, but a
character, and I'd rather be a tad unoptimized if it means that the resulting character will be interesting. Generally speaking, these bonuses aren't going to be very big unless they're very specific, as is the case with Agriculture. However, I do guarantee that
every event within the soft limit will benefit from one of these bonuses. After all, it would be unfair of me to not use them when they're available. Bonus events however, I make no guarantee for, because Elder Exalted don't always get the pleasure of dealing with something in their wheelhouse.
With all of that being said, it is now time for the rolls themselves! Our first event is our Exigent Rosa's Exaltation event, where she fights the encroaching fae army by herself. It is guaranteed to be a Fight event thanks to her focus, and benefits from the following bonuses:
Event 1 Bonuses: +20 (Main Focus), +10 (Gift), +10 (Physical Strength), +10 (Defending Community), +10 (Anti-Fae) = +60
Yeah, Exalted in their field of focus can be
terrifying. In any case, let's get started with the rolls!
Event 1 Roll: 20 + 60 = 80, not a bad showing overall, though the bonuses carried it here. I'll reveal the full details of what each event does in the character post once this is all said and done.
Next is Event 2! I rolled a Lead event here, which means that this event will be about Rosa having to take charge of her village in order to ensure the otherwise ruined harvest and food supply is salvaged, on top of providing for those who no longer have fields or income to sustain themselves.
Event 2 Bonuses: +20 (Agriculture), +10 (Helping Community) = +30
Event 2 Roll: 72 + 30 = 102, a great result!
Next is Event 3, which is a Fight event. After bloodying, but not annihilating the original fae army, a new one headed by their Noble Raksha leader, has been organized to get some revenge. Rosa will have to do her best to put down these monsters before they harm anyone else.
Event 3 Bonuses: +20 (Main Focus), +10 (Gift), +10 (Physical Strength), +10 (Defending Community), +10 (Anti-Fae) = +60
Event 3 Roll: 19 + 60 = 79, more or less the same result as last time. There won't be any more fae armies showing up after this point, so I guess she did well enough.
Event 4 is a Talk Event. After the 2 Fae Incursions, Rosa decided that having to deal with more and more attacks just wasn't worth it, and decided to see if a lasting peace agreement with the local forces of the Wyld could be reached.
Event 4 Bonuses: +10 (Defending Community), +10 (Anti-Fae) = +20
Event 4 Roll: 91 + 20 = 111, another great result! How is it that Rosa does so well in peace-time for a fighter like her?
Event 5 was another Talk Event. This time, as we are currently located on the Blessed Isle, the Realm Civil War is in full swing, and a battle is coming that would have Rosa's village squarely in the center of it all. This is definitely not good, while she might be a strong fighter, she can't possibly fight armies of Exalted by herself. So, she is instead going to try and force a temporary ceasefire so that she can avoid her village getting destroyed in the crossfires.
Event 5 Bonuses: +10 (Defending Community) = +10
Event 5 Roll: 19 + 10 = 29, a poor result. Sadly, the attempts at peace talks likely did not go well (Again, 1 Exigent against how ever many Dragon-Blooded, it probably wasn't going to go well in the first place.) So, Rosa and the village would likely have to evacuate the area.
Now we get to the bonus events. I'm not going to apply most of the more situational bonuses for these right now, since I don't have a clear picture of what they will look like, I will just roll for them until we get a recovery roll we can't pass. Again, +20 to the thresholds for each of these that occur.
Event 6 Type: Talk
Event 6 Roll: 30, Recovery Roll Triggered
Event 6 Recovery Roll: 80, success, no event slot consumed
Event 7 Type: Make
Event 7 Roll: 49, Recovery Roll Triggered
Event 7 Recovery Roll: 21, End State Triggered
No more events after 7 will occur.
And that's Rosa's life. Now, I am going to start working on the summary post for her achievements and how her Exigent type would work on the Tabletop, but for now we can stop things here.