Brave New Frontier

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Guide the burgeoning Conglomerate, a profit-driven, vile megacorp organization that is slowly infesting the earth to further increase margins!
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Turn 0
Civilization is a curious beast. Developed from creatures realizing the futility of individual effort in the face of regional, continental and eventually, global enormity cooperating by agreement, familial relation, violence and ever more complex ideals, twisting individuals together in unity, whether cohesive or not.

Technology developed, bringing the world closer with the wheel, the draft animal, the oar and sail. All these bound existence as far as it was understood into contact and conflict. Further worsened as steam, gasoline and eventually, the atom bound everything in a web of power.

But there are many ways the world can develop past this mark, too many to count or comprehend, however, this time it was a little more predictable.

[X] At Eleven-Twenty-Three AM Pacific Standard Time, ICBM's breached the North American defence grid at multiple locations, it's unknown whose exactly they were. It took six hours after that for the world to mobilize, a few days later and militaries were exchanging fire across the globe. Chains of command shattered as nowhere was safe. It took years for a government to form from demoralized remnants of military forces on the shattered hulk of a formerly civilized world. Now, a coalition government of generals, officers and other remaining ranking leaders decide the course of the world, with nothing to restrain them.
Service By Requirement: The state demands service and the citizen provides. The society is organized in a totalitarian model, individual freedoms are near-nonexistent where they interfere with efficient use of resources.

Total Mobilisation: The industry of this society is entirely controlled by the state, currency isn't. Mechanically this means that you have a certain amount of "Basic resources", "Rare Resources" and "Manpower" each year.

The Dream of Liberty: Most of your citizens remember a significantly more democratic time, and a fair few of them want a return to it, due to current conditions and surveillance they are unable to do anything, but the dream is alive.

[X] No one could tell you exactly how it went, some think a conglomerate formed from a single night of secret bargains, others will tell you a single assassin did one last job and brought together the largest corporations, further still you will get stories of a slow, inevitable joining based off economic factors alone. The truth of the matter is that somehow, someway, private interests outcompeted nation-states and became tremendously powerful. Now a board of directors has sway over the majority of wealth, and via that wealth, control everything.

The Gears of Industry: The power of a fully profit facing economy cannot be underestimated, products are pushed out at a breakneck pace and things are the next best thing to free, dirt cheap and easily accessible in every major retail establishment! This keeps the citizenry in line with the promise of a better future with work, just out of reach.

Capitalism Ascendant: Government-controlled industry isn't, everyone needs to be paid handsomely for anything. Mechanically this means that you have a single resource. Profit Factor, and every time you attempt to have something funded, roll against its value, roll lower or equal and the money to succeed is found, roll higher and the money just never appears.

Competition: The world is a product born of thousands of different interests, all intertwining into a functional system, but those different interests can sometimes mean that things happen unintentionally. Corporate scandals and embezzling are the most minor of these events.

[X] The advent of globalisation was a paradigm shift unlike any other in human history, ideas of unification thought ridiculous by previous generations were becoming hopeful ideals in the minds of the young. Though growing pains were present and unification is a very strong word for the federal union that currently exists. The EASE, Earth Agency for Solar Exploitation, is the newest project from the world, an agency for extra-terrestrial exploration and utilization as a response to Earth resources beginning to fade, a civilian agency at heart, its led by a director, a position with a ten-year term, and does not decide global policy.
Liberal Foundations: The world came together because of globalisation and the exchange of information, the EASE is cut from the same cloth. Your methods are light, authoritarianism may still live in some parts of the world, but you are a civilian government with a military arm, not the other way around.

Traditional Economy: The economy is a free-market capitalist scheme, thus meaning money is king. Mechanically this means you pay in currency. You have a certain amount of it every turn and must decide where it goes.

Free Will: Everything is based on elected officials and campaign promises, funding varies wildly from election season to election season and even your personnel will move on to greener pastures if it seems like things are going downhill.
Welcome to a new game! This one is set in an entirely original science fiction setting, so get ready to
explore everything with fresh eyes!

The various options are indeed various playstyles, The first affords you complete control of the entire civilization that is popular on forum games, every aspect of it carefully directed. Different projects benefit from differing amounts of resources, how much exactly varies and is usually hard to predict.

The second is something a little bit more hands-off, you don't directly control things, but rather incentivize and fund endeavours that increase profit factor, which gives you more points to assign to various projects. How it works is that the amount of "profit factor" you sink into an endeavour is the roll on a d100 die you need to get equal to or under to succeed.

The third is a little more familiar, your purpose is very direct and won't involve you all having an influence on the world around you directly, but rather are influenced by management, election results and funding shifts. Mechanically, it functions similarly to the first system, but with only one resource to keep in mind and a clear goal.

This will be cover ground fairly quickly, turns take place over five-year increments to maintain the pace of progress, slowing down with specific instances that may come up.

Voting is immediately open, go right ahead!
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Total Profit Factor Extracted-1230/turn
Economic Sector One-Sol
Sol Industry-670/turn

Total Profit Factor Extracted- 915/turn
Consumer Product Sale-625/turn
Military Product Sale-140/turn
Orbital Industry-150/turn

Total Profit Factor Extracted-185PF
Consumer Product Sale-85PF
Military Product Sale-40PF
Orbital Industry-60PF

Total Profit Factor Extracted-90PF
Orbital Industry-90PF

Total Profit Factor Extracted-50PF
Orbital Industry-50PF
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With the PMC overhaul, things have become somewhat more complex than simple contingents. Now, with new organizational methods, they are categorised into Armies, representing an exceptionally large number of combatants, enough to matter in say, a continental scale conflict each. Each Army is specialized in a unit variety as listed below.

Infantry Armies-The bread and butter, the anvil to any hammer and those who hold ground. They are supported by light armoured vehicles and the occasional main battle tank, with artillery in acceptable quantities and air elements to allow the foot mobile infantry to push forward and hold ground.

Armoured Armies-Something much more aggressive, primarily focused on decisive strikes with their heavy armour supported with mobile infantry and other lighter vehicles to crush opponents in a rigorous, mobile advance, they have minimal artillery and air elements with most of their maintenance capacity focused on their steel beasts.

Air Armies-A more modern advancement, this army is entirely built around supporting and allowing large amounts of aircraft to deploy and cover advances as well as deploy pinpoint force with air-mobile infantry and vehicles. It is fantastic in a supporting role, but it cannot hold ground.

Naval Fleet-This is what is referred to as a Carrier task group. It has well over four-dozen ships in it, all surrounding two super-carriers in the centre of the formation, capable of deploying unholy amounts of firepower on any target it can find, it is, however, water-bound.

If you add the Drone tag to an army, it is now a unit entirely controlled from a distance, constructed and paid for entirely by the Conglomerate or a corporation directly under you. It is operated by cheap wage-slaves that do not need much pay, rendering them significantly cheaper than PMC's, if far less skilled.

Drones can be purchased directly as Armies rather than purchased in PMC's, representing your direct control over them, though most PMC's contain Drone Contingents.

Optionally, for an additional 10 PF per Army, they can entirely be AI-driven. This means they have no possible information leaks, but also don't have a fully sapient mind behind their actions, perhaps a benefit?

Drone Infantry-15PF an Army.
Drone Armour-20 PF an Army.
Drone Air-20PF an Army.
Drone Naval-35PF an Army.

Current Available Military Forces

Avalon Private Security Force-65 Profit Factor/turn
8 Infantry Armies
3 Armour Armies
2 Air Armies
3 Drone Armour Armies
The best in location defence, with over five hundred operations and not one failure on record, Avalon has been at the peak of protection services for its entire lifetime! Avalon, because life's complicated enough.

Outback Security Conglomerate-55 Profit Factor/turn
4 Air Armies
6 Drone Infantry Armies
Oy, if you are lookin' for the finest in the business, then get us! An esky full of coldies and good pay is all we need to get the job done, and only a drongo would let someone else hire us!

Coalition de la Légion Etrangère -70 Profit Factor/turn
6 Infantry Armies
10 Armoured Armies
4 Air Armies
6 Drone Infantry Armies
Throughout all time, there has been a legion, always the best fighting force in all of existence, its history stretches millennia of perfection in war. Would you want that against you?

"SeaBarons" Private Naval Co-operative-45 Profit Factor/turn
4 Naval Armies
3 Drone Naval Armies
2 Air Armies
Millions of tonnes, hundreds of guns and thousands of brave souls form the heart of our company. Community-focused and with a grassroots founding, we know what it's like to have to give it your every last drop of effort. If you are looking for loyalty, accountability and effectiveness, come on down and let us give us a-talkin' to someone!

Small Drone Force on Mars
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Current Technology and Special Features

SpaceOrbital Ring Mid-Construction, many shipyards made within it.DEUS-Sourced Naval AcademyDEVELOPED TECHNOLOGIESMan-Portable filtration systems.Effective aquaponics and hydroponics.Thorium Reactor designs. Nuclear Thermal Propulsion. Orion Drive Nuclear Pulse Propulsion developed. ...
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Prometheus Armoured Cruiser
A two hundred and fifty-metre craft, it sits at cool ten-thousand tonnes, most of the weight being the ultra-dense pusher plates. Organized in a fairly "alien' setup, it is built around the All-or-Nothing scheme of armour, the engines serving as the plating. Its armament is primarily missiles with Casaba Howitzer technology, more or less manoeuvrable atomic particle spears that can penetrate deeply into an opponent. Its interior is filled with Gee-reduction fluid, allowing massively superior acceleration to a ship without such an enhancement.
Armour-All-or-Nothing Pusher-Plate Alloy. "May need a better name soon"
Weaponry-Missile Silos/Direct Fire Casaba Howitzers
Manoeuvring-Nuclear Pulse Thrusters-Manoeuvre configuration.
Special Traits: Agile
Cost: 45 PF a ship
Maintenance: 10PF/turn

Standing Navy

6 Prometheus Armoured Cruisers with Casaba Missiles.

60PF/Turn Maintenance
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Turn 1
8:34 AM

A group of people sit in a room, shadows growing long from lights seemingly a decade out of date, flickering over them. Silence pervades as screens unfold from the table, revealed to be an entirely metallic object, lighting up with blue light, casting the faces of individuals clearly. Men and women from every part of the world looking at the shifting numbers and moving wealth in front of them. Trillions of credits slipping in and out of their personal bank accounts.

The discussion starts up, voices calmly stating facts on the current world situation. Continuing deep into the timesink that this chamber is making itself to be, no sun nor moon, only the artificial light. The world is decided upon in this chamber, no one to curtail their will or interfere with their decisions.
North America

North America sits as the second most urbanized continent, behind Asia, with by far the most high-tech industry.

Divided into four corporate zones, its old governments fell some years ago, causing it to be a total corporate takeover with no substantial issues.

Currently, dissent is at an all-time high with nuclear terrorism on the rise against corporate headquarters, food supplies consistently low and filtered air a luxury. Multiple megacities are in open anarchy with murder rates quadruple the rest of the planet. All told, it's a profitable environment, military equipment sales are at an all-time high as gangs and corporations equip themselves to wage war.
South America

South America is still poorly urbanized, only a third of it covered in urban terrain, widely known as the hydroponic breadbasket of the world, harsh national militaries along with one of the highest employment rates on the planet renders the continent as a whole peaceful and productive. Just as is needed for greater interests.

Currently, the local governments are intact and taxing heavily on businesses to support themselves and maintain the iron grip they maintain on the people and land, bucking corporate interests for survival. Secondly, the local governments are also stopping the expansion of strip mines to tap the valuable Chilean mineral reserves.
Currently a haven of national governments, the local European Union has proven admirably resistant to extreme urbanization, only one megacity taking up the majority of England, as well as economic influence or under the table dealings, rendering it a veritable haven of possible customers, resources and opportunities lying entirely untapped.

Currently, the European Union is federalizing, local situation and quality of life are reasonably high, militaries are extremely loyal and intelligence services are making any manoeuvres a significant endeavour.

A centre point of corporate influence, the megacities are vast, production facilities and colossal wealth exchanging hands, fueling the worlds needs. The national government has faltered and given way to complete corporate rule.

Currently, there are guerrillas in the still present jungles, loyalists of the former regimes, as well as the massive competition between proper corporate interests and the local Yakuza criminal bosses. This renders Asia a hot battleground for anyone looking to take the giants down a peg or three. Finally, the last complication is the rapidly degrading air quality. It's getting to the point that without rebreather equipment, suffocation occurs.

Africa remains non-industrialized, rendered a battleground for PMC's to make a quick buck and always have reliable work. It's a minor profit source, as the PMC's rarely use heavy equipment, preferring to keep it cheap, easy and not too lethal.

Currently, there are continent-wide minor skirmishes, local warlords armed with heavy equipment providing resistance to exploitation as well as what remains of local governments barely able to to provide for their peoples at the mercy of aforementioned warlords.
Currently, it is filled with the movement of vessels mining small amounts of loose wreckage and salvaging highly valuable materials from nearby asteroids. Not much occurs up here as every individual is tightly checked for any sort of dangerous materials.

Hidden, deep inside a wreckage field, lies the headquarters of the Conglomerate, the union which commands a vast amount of power in the current world. A fake corporate meeting station floats as well, half space casino, half office building, all for the benefit of those not in the know.
Current Profit Factor-350

This will be a plan-quest, which means the voting should be organized in a format like this.

[X] Dapperlad's Plan
-Engage oppression matrix-100 Profit Factor
-Annihilate all resistance-100 Profit Factor
-Make tea-150 Profit Factor.

I will reiterate exactly how Profit Factor works, its the target on any roll you make, put 100 PF into something, it cannot fail on a d100. Put 101, it will critically succeed on a natural 1.

Various factors will affect this roll, for example, trying to build a factory in a warzone may suffer a malus of -50, making it so 100PF would barely make it a 50/50.

The current technology base is about 21st-century standard, fusion is still a dream, fission powers most places since coal ran out, slugthrowers are the name of the day and people use cars to get around. Unless they have public transport.

Feel free to ask questions, I will answer them when I see them, pings are best for that purpose.
Also, toss a glance up to the Informational posts, they will inform you of a lot of fancy things! Such as how militaries work, and what PMC's worth the name are currently available for work.
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How Profit Factor Works
Here, let me see if I can explain profit factor better.

Profit factor is more or less the money capacity of the faction. Every point of it dedicated to an action increases the success chance of the action by 1% on a d100 roll.

This means an action with 10 profit factor dedicated to it succeeds on a 1-10.

Additionally, if you dedicate more than 100 profit factor to a task, you can critically succeed. If you dedicate 120 profit factor, you can succeed on a 21-100, and you critically succeed on a 1-20.

Finally, environmental factors reduce profit factor effectiveness, an example of this is an ongoing war, it would apply a malus of -40 to most activity, causing 100 profit factor to only succeed on a 1-60.

Did that help?
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Turn 1 Results/Turn 2
8:34 PM

After hours of discussion, there seems to be a consensus, billions are transferred over to accounts as millions of minds are put to work. The room darkens once again as screens fold into the table, executives standing up quietly and seeing their way out.

The world shudders into motion with their decisions.
Develop Orbital Launch And Construction Capabilities-100 Base-40 (EU Interference)
Roll=53 (Success)

Billions of credits pour into the construction of launch pads, construction facilities and assemblage yards. All to manage an even greater feat, the launch of assembly equipment into orbit.

As thousands of rockets go up, carrying their cargoes into orbit where private astronauts attempt assembly. With some initial errors causing damages, it otherwise goes well. And then EU regulations on astronaut training, satellite launches and space safety requirements, reinforced by harsh penalties for those that don't follow them are enforced.
However, capable management, hush money for the few accidents there are and general competence leads to most efforts skirting just past the regulations, allowing the goal of substantial orbital infrastructure to be achieved by the end of the half-decade.

The orbit of Earth is growing heavy with humanities achievements.

Orbital Assemblage Complete
Profit Factor for Orbital Industry increased by 25. Further orbital actions are available.

Develop Air Quality Management Technologies-100+30 (EU Support)
Roll=23 (Critical Success)

Initial research seemed sluggish, no real way to develop a cheap solution was immediately apparent until government grants started rolling in. Access to high-tech laboratories, resources for nothing and even military gas mask and rebreather designs sky-rocketed research years.
With the support of European Union resources, the rebreather produced is incredibly effective at cleansing airflow into a subject, very slim and minimalistic to suit civilian needs, and finally, costs only a hundred credits! Affordable and usable by even the poorest customers. With a 24 hour time per stick-on filter, 48 hours for the deluxe model, anyone can easily afford to breathe fresh, filtered company air.

On the less than perfect side, the European Union has these designs as well and is currently iterating on them for their own use, competition may form.

Workers are unaffected by current air quality.
Profit Factor for Consumer Industry increased by 50.

Develop Alternative Food Sources-75+60 (EU Support)-0 (South American Influence Strangled by EU)
Roll=90 (Success)

Development funds are granted to agricultural corporations as alternate food sources are researched. Some South American politicians attempt to speak out against it, but find strange happening occurring, sensitive information released, sudden retirements and even a surprising heart attack!

With the influence halted, government grants once again come in, supporting efforts and providing information that corporate assets would have difficulty collecting.

Eventually, by the end of the half-decade, multiple efforts are commencing, but the primary one developed is aquaponic supported hydroponics. Spreading throughout the world as a bolstering influence to local food supplies.

Though current production isn't replacing all of South America's supplies, it has struck a mighty blow against their economic health and is causing upheavals as entire local economies falter, their export made worth far less. The chaos leads to greater PMC profits.

World food supply somewhat secured. South American economy damaged.
Consumer Product Sales profit factor increased by 10. Military Product Sales increased by 5.

Increase control of power generation and distribution companies-75-15 (EU Interference)-10 (Yakuza Interference)
Roll=85 (Failure)

Billions of credits are funnelled into stocks, ownerships and security around thousands of powerplants across the world, an attempt at corralling and controlling them. Initially, it seems to be going well, until resistance is encountered as Asian communities boycott power stations, under the probable influence by local leaders, and then the hammer blow comes in the form of harsh anti-trust motions by the European Union, supported by South American governments looking for a scapegoat to distract their peoples.

At the end of it all, no progress is made on this front, though thankfully, severe failure is avoided and present gains are kept.

No Changes.
North America
The introduction of local food supplies does reduce the burden on public services, however, this does not reduce the revolutionary tendency amongst the American public, as is seen by the annihilation of another corporate tower and CEO with a nuclear weapon.

Security forces are beginning to struggle to keep order in the streets as lawlessness becomes ever more present all across the continent.

Additionally, a fashion movement becomes popular, involving the FilterMasks developed by a subsidiary, frantic colours, LED surfaces and more are becoming the norm.
With the recent introduction of local foodstuffs, the situation has improved as world anxiety is felt less keenly by many Europeans. The governments have begun exercising their power to increase economic conditions in poorer member states.

In scientific news, the Union has invested significant research into Thorium reactors, attempting to replace ageing uranium-based plants with something more advanced and productive.
The project sees great success and the first plants are being constructed with government grants in Germany, France and Italy. Corporate interests are attempting to acquire scientific data, but it has been declared of Vital Union Interest.

In military news, the European Union has recently reorganized the ideals of NATO, forming a military union as well as an economic one, central command structures and a capable command staff being the hopes of this project.
With the recent filters, Asian stability has increased massively as healthcare facilities are less strained. Indeed, people are developing a significant amount of goodwill towards the companies that sell filter products.

Socially, it seems communities are being knit together tightly by the harshness of their environs, and possible outside influence.

Thefts and robberies of corporate facilities are increasing, though insurance covers the costs, several cutting edge research notes have been taken, corporate, criminal or national espionage?
Wars continue to be fought with no real change as the continent continues its broiling chaos, national efforts in the region crushed by warlords or PMC's looking to keep money coming.

No changes are apparent.
Orbital construction has been extremely successful, private interests have begun leasing out the facilities to experiment with orbitally assembled vessels and even zero-G metallurgy.

The tight regulations counteract the possible profit from the entrepreneurs however, most of them having to hire European workers due to higher general education.
South America
With the recent destabilization of the continent, governments are viciously attempting to put forth a strong face whilst economies are barely kept alive.

Generally, control is still in government hands, but if the situation continues as it is, there will be upheavals on a continental scale.
Current Profit Factor-440
Congratulations on your successes and better luck next time on your failures. The world is moving around you at a rapid pace as nations adapt to the world as it is.

This is both Turn 1 results and Turn 2 beginning, so feel free to start discussing based on the current results, and of course, ask questions. Perhaps wait a moment before making any plans.
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Turn 2 Results/Turn 3
10:15 PM

Another meeting, another set of individuals. Money transfers and discussion commences, a clear goal set in the minds of the administrators. Ideas bounce around before finally, a consensus comes together.

With the consensus, the room filters out again, dust falling as the room lapses into more disuse.

Develop and Expand Orbital Resource Acquisition-100 PF-25 (EU Regulations)+19 (Independent Investors)
Roll=48 (Success)

Already present infrastructure is turned to mass production as several new plans are commenced. Some companies attempt the dream of in-orbit mining and refinement, meeting some success, others attempt to simply break the minerals apart and send the raw ore down.

The most success is had by the risky, experimental, but quickly rewarded efforts of one independent investor. Their methodology involved simply attaching thrusters to the asteroids nearby, quickly turning them into meteorites with careful adjustments, and slowing their descent down with incredibly precise computer sourced manoeuvring.

The first few smash into sparsely populated desert, annihilating kilometres of nothing important as well as themselves, but eventually, the process is refined to the point that asteroids can be brought down slowly enough to be intact and mineable.

Basic and Technological Resource Shortages pushed back decades.

Civilian Product Sale Profit Factor reduced by 20. (Newfound mineral wealth causes planet-based firms to suffer as the economy readjusts.)
Orbital Industry Profit Factor increased by 25.

Secure the Water Supply-100PF-0 (South American Influence strangled)+70 (EU Cooperation)
Roll=5 (Critical Success)

Initially, it seems that South American governments are still attempting to interfere in vengeance for previous indignities. However, once again, European influence is heavy, extending even to peace-keeping missions in South America due to "fears of civil unrest affecting food supply."

The military presence quells any sort of political dissidence from the locals, and they seem to have orders to protect corporate holdings specifically.

This allows independent investors to begin massive water pumping operations from local rivers, securing extensive amounts of potable water for global use, sold in bottles and kept in massive tanks to be transported.

In addition to this, all across the world, similar projects begin, from solar desalination plants in the Middle East to river cleansing programmes in Asia, all told, the global water supply is well-kept and taken care of, corporate interests holding some 60% of the total supply. The rest belong to nation-states.

Water supply secured.
Civilian Product Sale Profit Factor increased by 15.
Military Product Sale Profit Factor Increased by 20.

Improve Education Efforts-75 PF-25 (Yakuza Interference)
Roll= 79

The educational efforts do not bear fruit, some focus is placed on South America, but even there, interference is had by local guerrillas inciting violence against educators. The worst examples, however, are in Asia, the locals refusing to attend schooling and even burning down the pre-fab buildings in some more rural portions of it.

Education efforts failed.
Expand and Develop the Power Sector-70 PF+90 (Thorium Reactor Designs Released)
Roll=24 (Critical Success)

Efforts are slow-going in this field for quite a while, resources idly spent probing connections into the Union in an attempt to acquire their technological advances. Some success is had in purchasing local power grids and acquiring powerplants.

However, as if the sky opened up to rain blessings down, after some ethical questions raised by the European Union Ethical Concerns and Human Rights Council on the morality of keeping Thorium technology from global use.

After debate aplenty was had, the decision of careful global distribution was reached. And as such, the blessing of complete designs and engineering guidance was spread to multiple companies across the globe.

After this, the goal of controlling the global power supply was far more palatable. Massive construction took place across the globe, powerplants rising high above the ground in all major cities, multiple in megacities. All are marked clearly with various corporate interests as well as "Built in the EU" on the towers and many components.

All told, this has pushed back the consumption of power materials for centuries, allowing the world to rest easy in that sense.

Thorium Reactors are in widespread use.
Civilian Product Sale Profit Factor increased by 30.

Combat Interrupt

American Terrorists attempt to stop Chemical Feedstock development.

They are deploying two Special Forces Contingents and two Air-Transport Contingents.

Ascalon meets them with an Armour Contingent and one Infantry Contingent.

At a corporate base in North America, surrounded by the megacity it calls home, skyscrapers and high-rises the only thing for miles, planning is taking place for the construction of massive algae plants as a base for further bio-fuel development. However, planning is stopped due to reports by the security of heat signatures in the air.
Nearby streets filled with the rumbling of tank engines. Blue-white painted vehicles point cannons up as helicopters fly in at high speed, dozens of foot-mobiles preparing to fast-rope from them. One worries the defending commander significantly as a small, black box rolls precariously, hanging off by a steel wire.

The initial engagement occurs as shells are barked out at the incoming craft.

Terrorist Air-Transport Contingents Defensive Manuevers


Ascalon Armour Contingent AA Fire.

Result-Favourable Engagement. Enemy A-T damaged. Enemy SF damaged.

The shells mostly miss, but a few strike home, bringing down helicopters and their unfortunate passengers in flaming, screaming wreckage heaps.

This does not halt their advance, but it does make the coming engagement easier as they fast-rope onto nearby buildings, preparing anti-tank weaponry to engage the vehicles. One squad drops in an alley, carrying that black box that was dropped with them.

Ascalon squads roll out in their own mechanized transport vehicles, moving to engage the enemy in urban combat.

Ascalon Infantry and Vehicles holding the line.


Terrorist SF infiltrating with a nuclear weapon.

Result-Unfavourable Engagement, the enemy holds its advance into your lines, moves special interest deeper in.

The initial firefight is unpleasant, the terrorists displaying exceptional skill and heavy weaponry in engagements, brawling it out with Ascalon infantry and vehicles, destroying vehicles and killing dozens. In the chaos, a few of their squads infiltrate deeper, punching through the battle lines to reach the high-rise which houses the base.

The last possible line of defence, Ascalon infantry, face highly skilled terror agents in close-quarters combat in an attempt to stop their plan from completion.

Ascalon Infantry CQC


Terrorist SF CQC

Result-Ascalon Bare Victory.

It's a bloody mess of hallway fighting, seeing dozens of Ascalon personnel butchered by shotguns, blades and heavy weapons. They overtake the security office, gaining total awareness of the facility, whilst fighting their way to a central location.

It seems all is lost as security footage captures the terror agents planting their nuclear charge in the building, engineers being funnelled out but unlikely to escape the blast range.

However, just before they can complete whatever plan they had in motion, a twist of fate occurs, one Ascalon squad that has survived the fighting regains control of the security office, a brief stint of violence sees them luckily overpower the terrorists, killing them all in legally arguable self-defence, with the cameras back under control, the remaining security organizes and begins winning victories with applied numerical superiority and firepower.

Eventually, they collapse on the would-be demolitioneers. Using grenades to flush them out and engaging in self-defence at a good distance, finally securing the facility.

The rest of the terrorists are pushed out of the building or killed, and eventually, those outside retreat, sensing their failure.

Ascalon pats itself on the back for another successful defensive operation and starts calling in trauma teams.

Chemical Feedstock research continues-70PF+ 30 (EU Grants)-45 (Unsuccessful Terrorist Strike.)
Roll=24 (Success)

The research proceeds apace, engineers and scientists greatly terrified but calming down with time. Eventually, a breakthrough is had with water quality control in seawater, allowing great construction to proceed on large-scale algae plants.

This has a dual effect. Initially, bio-fuel is advanced, giving more leeway in the transference of energy grids from fissile uranium and diminishing fossil fuels to Thorium-based grids.

However, the second effect is the growing popularity of algae as an affordable foodstuff, further damaging the South American economy and causing it to begin an explosive deconstruction, the state barely kept intact by European military presence.

Algae Farms invented, affordable foodstuffs invented, global food supply secured. South American economy crashed.
Civilian Product Sale Profit Factor Increased by 20.

North America
A rash of terror strikes lead to great damages amongst local corporations, but it seems that the terror cells have exhausted themselves for the time being, and need time to recover.

The outcompeting of fossil fuel plants has led to an increase in air quality, making the healthcare system more able to focus on the trauma calls they get.

South America
Whilst projects were being planned by the local governments, this is all arrested by the complete economic collapse.

However, with the situation as it is, the European Union reacts with a decisive occupation of South America, in "peacekeeping" efforts. The Ethics Council is silent on this matter.
With the release of thorium technology providing a burst of good PR, the Union's military actions across the globe acquire some grumbling but otherwise are accepted by their citizens.

With efforts to bring all economies up to snuff somewhat successful and an organized military command created, efforts spread into social programmes, tax reliefs and a minimum universal income.
The Asian situation is fairly stagnant, with communities growing tighter knit and beyond that, crime rates increasing. Ascalon stops a few break-ins and keeps the peace near corporate towns, but otherwise, it's business as usual.
The warzone intensifies as the European Union peacekeeping corps move back into West Africa, bringing order to the local area. PMC's engage them at the behest of hirers, but the stiff resistance of national troops makes the encounter unprofitable.
The industrialization of space is proceeding well, with asteroids regularly pulled down for mining and more construction of orbital yards commencing.

One worrying development is the European Union's programme of increasing their coverage of orbital trajectories by constructing and launching satellites as well as ground-based telescopes. This may put the meeting station in danger.
Profit-Factor-530-25 If Ascalon is kept for the next turn.
Whoah, this one came out a little bigger, huh? As always, congratulations on your successes and better luck next time on your failures.

And also as always, ask any questions you want to be answered and discuss the world events to come up with the best course of action.
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Turn 3 Results/Turn 4
10:15 PM

The activity is a flurry by comparison to previous years, discussion spreading all across the table, some reaching a louder crescendo than usual. The lack of gravity in the room causes them to quickly arrest violent motions, rising slightly off their chairs before settling themselves down.

Eventually, a new agreement is reached, a new plan to account for changes.
And so the world turns, beckoning with the powers that be.
Begin Corporate Stabilisation of Africa and South America-110 PF+120 (European Union Support)-40 (Warzone)
Roll=63 (Critical Success)

The European Unions efforts in both of these regions give fertile ground for development, and their peacekeeping motions in addition to the efforts of the Légion provide the protection needed for explosive development.

The initial mission is well completed as company towns and other commercial endeavours begin to spread across both continents.

However, the most incredible surprise comes not from the rate of development, nor from the populace. The European Union makes an official declaration, finding that private interests seem plenty effective in improving the quality of life, they are going to be remaining in a security aspect alone and supporting those private interests.

And then they push a massive wave of funding and labour across the continents, encouraging immigration and relaxing certain watchdog organizations in the area. This causes corporate development to reach a new height as cities experience rebirth, industries scream to life and quality of life improves massively. Profit is reaching all-time highs whilst the people appreciate the private interests presences.

But what is the Union's plan?

South America, West Africa urbanizing, industrializing.
-60 Military Product Sale Profit Factor.
+50 Civilian Product Sale Profit Factor. +50 additional once per turn, for the next 3 turns. (Turn 4, 5, 6.)

Further Orbital Development For Future Lunar Colonisation-100 PF+60 (European Union Research Breakthrough)
Roll=9 (Critical Success)

The initial reception of the project is fantastic, incredible gains are made as the idea of lunar colonization spreads like wildfire amongst the wealthiest in society. Stations are constructed and assembled entirely in orbit, an event that has never occurred in human history before this point.

The process of colonizing space is well underway when the Union once again provides support to private interests in space, relaxing regulations in space, even repealing some as it encourages massive development in space.

The development of nuclear thermal rocket technology by the European Union's National Science Association is immediately taken advantage of by private interests, causing range for civilian craft to explode, the journey to the lunar orbit becoming a day-long affair. This allows the survey efforts subsidized to take place easily, locating places of minimal airborne regolith and sufficient water supplies.

An issue faced by habitats is keeping healthy, whilst previously astronauts were the only individuals in space, with the civilian sector stretching into this area, exercise routines and carefully controlled diets are falling out of style.

At the end of it all, habitats reach all across the orbit of Earth, stretching to the depths of lunar orbit. All are supplied with regular shipments of oxygen and water, being mostly self-sufficient in food with the hydroponics and aquaponics they carry.
Lunar orbit populated by asteroid miners on months-long shifts, normalizing space life.
Orbital Industry Profit Factor Increased by 20.
Nuclear Thermal Propulsion acquired.

Create Espionage Assets-100 PF
Roll=53 (Success)

The creation of espionage assets is swift, agents trained and loyalty assured via exceptional benefits and holding of personal connections, low-level bureaucrats bribed and infiltrations on a basic level taking place all across the world, infesting everything from corporate environs to governmental offices easily enough.

The infiltration of the European Unions security services is a dangerous, panic-inducing endeavour that barely works, getting agents in the lowest rungs of authority, their care and extreme paranoia getting multiple agents killed or made.

North America is infiltrated easily enough, the terror cells breached and left sleeping, but it is rapidly found out that the terror organizations are practically independent of one another, regional efforts existing, but a continental one not being in place.

The strangest occurrence is the ease with which the Yakuza is infiltrated, it seems all of their experienced members are gone, or unable to react. What is happening here?

Espionage assets developed, news detail level increased.
Acquire Media Influence-85PF-0 (Yakuza Influence strangled)
Roll=76 (Success)

Media assets are controlled carefully, slight influences here or there, having a scandal occur to current CEO's just as controlled human assets come into positions of power. This is combined with direct influence by purchasing stocks culminates into a series of takeovers.

Finally, after significant effort, the corporations that host the most popular media are yours to order, causing anything to be cushioned, spun and rewritten to suit narratives.

This also does increase profits somewhat, targetted advertising coming cheap and easy now.

Media controlled, actions that are obvious acquire a more, palatable spin for the general populace.
Civilian Product Sale Profit Factor Increases by 10.

Focused Education Campaign-80PF+40 (European Union Support)-0 (Yakuza Action Lost)
Roll=31 (Success)

The education efforts spread across the world, private universities offering affordable loan rates for world-class university educations. This effort is supported by the Union granting broad-spanning educational grants, funding worldwide efforts to learn, grow and develop.

And indeed, the effort sees success, no interference is had from local factors as facilities spread across the Americas, newly urbanizing Africa and industrial Asia, the schools are packed to the brim with students desperately wanting a greater station in life, willing to put theirs all into that effort.
Education efforts successful, enhanced results of actions.
North America

The current rash of development, education and control of media has instituted a peace in North America, born partially of the efforts and partially the terror cells being inactive.

The economic exploitation of the populace continues apace with little trouble, a blessed mercy compared to the late 20's and early 30's events.
South America

South America is currently recovering from the economic collapse that occurred, the presence of peacekeeping forces keeping it steady as massive amounts of money are poured in from a thousand different sources.

The sudden indifference of the European Union to the region in terms of governance causes the corporate rule to explode, allowing "economic zones" to begin being created.

Europe continues its development, but its efforts seem to be mostly outward-facing. Armies of diplomats and policymakers attempting to encourage global growth via private endeavour, seeing the success of North America as an economic partner.

The technological side of the Union pushes development once again, coming out with a project over a decade in the making, nuclear thermal propulsion. Learning from the success of releasing thorium technology, they immediately release it to private interests with guidance on forbidden thrust vectors, most of those facing Earth directly.

Finally, a massive espionage effort takes place in the Union, barely noticed by your agents. The process seems to be a planned, careful annihilation of Yakuza assets all across the world. Totalitarian methods are used, murders, blackmail and vicious amounts of interrogation techniques. At the end of their crusade, the organization lies battered and broken. All this is done with practically no attention paid by the public. The distraction of peacekeeping efforts and developing foreign economies plugging their state medias and even private ones.

Asia falls into a long-term peace, with the removal of all authorities other than corporate inside it by the efforts of various intelligence agencies results in a steady stream of life.

The industrial might of Asia creates an independent technical development, after years of experimentation, the efficient creation of carbon nanotubes. Via the construction of town-sized vats and massive amounts of labour dedicated to it, economies of scale have been applied and carbon nanotubes are spreading worldwide, revolutionizing construction and fabrication.

Africa is experiencing another long peace as well, the urbanization affecting it as well as the presence of PMC's and national militaries with actual peace-keeping interests allows the region to quickly begin recovering.

Cities spread across the continent as urbanization sets in and economies reform, universities forming the centre of many company cities. Whilst this does not go as far as the Americas, the Union keeping a much closer eye this close to home, does set the foundation for something like it to develop.

The orbit around Earth is becoming full of objects, stations and habitats, fueled by the economic interest in space. Great leaps are made even further, lunar habitats flying high above in orbit of the Moon, mining the asteroids in its orbit, an inefficient endeavour, but still profitable.
Current Profit Factor-550-25 if Ascalon is kept,-30 if Légion Etrangère is kept.

This one was a doozy, lots of stuff happening and the QM side notes are thrice the size of the update, ugh, the espionage system may be a tiny bit overcomplicated. But it all worked out fine in the end.

Like always, congratulations on your successes and you did not actually have failures this turn! Though perhaps some of the successes didn't quite have the effect you wanted.

Ask your questions and request clarification at will, I'll attempt to answer them as quickly as I can.
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