Vote Tally : Born of the Dunland (LOTR Quest) | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.0
[33] Yes - You will go with this Thorongil south at winter's end, to hunt and search for distant kindred at the behest of the Straw-Heads.
[1] No - You will not go with this Thorongil south at winter's end, to hunt and search for distant kindred at the behest of the Straw-Heads.
-[1] Isengard - Instead you will go east, to the Wizard's valley where you might find succor.
[13] Clan Ewen - "I am of the Ewen, the highland folk who have braved Goblins, Orcs and Wargs to hold our lands. Mine is the axe of Morian make, and the blood it spills of the Shadow's ilk". Effects: Adds Monsters of Misty Mountains as a Favoured Enemy to Character Traits, Adds the One Handed Axeman Weapon Style at Mediocre along with a Dwarfish made Axe as a Possession.
[9] Clan Treforn - "I am of the Treforn, who sold their services to the lords of Cardolan in centuries past. Though I am Daen, I share a drop or two of your kind as well". Effects: Meager Numenorean heritage, known kinship to Clan Treforn, rivalry with Clan Arailt. Select One Weapon Style at Average (One Handed, Two Handed or Ranged) with a Daen Weapon as well (Dagger, Shillelagh, Sling) as a Possession.
[9] Clan Ogaren - "I am of the Ogaren, the spirits makers of Dunfearn and those who still claim the blood of Tharbad as their own". Effects: Adds Dragon's Breath to Character Skills, Adds Literate to Character Skills, Adds Primitive Alchemy to Character Skills.
[2] Clan Feargan - "I am of the Feragan, the masters of Larach Duhnnan and the richest of all the Daen clans in Dunfearn". Effects: Adds Literate to Character Skills, Adds One Handed Sword Weapon Style at Mediocre along with an Dwarfish made Short Sword as a Possession.
[1] Clan Arailt - "I am of the Arailt, who sold their services to the lords of Rhuduar in centuries past. Though I am Daen, I share a drop or two of your kind as well". Effects: Meager Numenorean heritage (possibly Black), known kinship to Clan Arailt, rivalry with Clan Treforn. Select One Weapon Style at Average (One Handed, Two Handed or Ranged) with a Daen Weapon as well (Dagger, Shillelagh, Sling) as a Possession.
[1] Clan Colgar - "I am of the Colgar, those who scavenge the old ruins of Ost-in-Edhil and Amon Lind and see off the Trolls and their ilk". Effects: Adds Monsters of the Troll Shows as a Favoured Enemy to Character Traits, Adds Dagger Fighting Weapon Style at Mediocre along with an Elvish made Dagger as a Possession.
Total No. of Voters: 35