Bloody Evolution (RWBY / LoR)

[X] Keep Him
- [X] Lock to encourage co-operation. Fake murder by butcher.

Understanding long term effects of aura awakening for abnos would be good. In addition, every asset is an asset. Besides, entirely possible to make it assume he's dead- perhaps fake a murder scene by the butcher?
Perhaps might help Love calm down if we can "Redeem" the Merc anyway.
[X] Keep Him
-[X] Use Lock to neutralize damaging secrets he has, if he were to escape.

I am always up for more terify8ng singularity usage from Binah
Hum. Would we be able to Fairy secrets out of him? I'm not sure whether or not you could call them locked away.
[X] Keep Him
-[X] Use Lock to neutralize damaging secrets he has, if he were to escape.

I think we should keep him. If he ever gets too troublesome or rowdy it wouldn't be that hard to get rid of him. Also making fun of Cinder for having disloyal minions might be funny if we could do that.
So, Unsurprisingly, using your soul to touch a abnormalitys soul leads to a mental breakdown.
Surprisingly, it also leads to a synchronization.
Although in this case, one side of them don't know about what's happening next. So they didn't ready up for it. then effectively, his body and mind gets taken over for a few seconds before love, Realizing what is happening, Jumps out of him.
So what he saw will most likely be the shard of agony, the memory of love, lobotomy corporation.
And the queen of hatred, face to face.
Anyway, I suppose we should keep him around. A useful pawn should not be wasted.
Besides. When cinder thinks he is dead and a few chapters later, when we meet her, she says: so you fucker is still alive. It will be a very funny situation to behold.
[X] Keep Him
-[X] Use Lock to neutralize damaging secrets he has, if he were to escape.

changed vote
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[X] Keep Him
-[X] Use Lock to neutralize damaging secrets he has, if he were to escape.

Keep in mind we asked for someone expendable for unlocking Love's aura. Which was this guy. Which is telling of how Cinder sees Mercury. Plus if it looks like he'll cause us trouble to we can just kill him (easily) and he'll know it. The Lock is just a precaution.
[X] Kill him
-[X] After finding out useful secrets from him

Yeah gonna go for this one. Recruitment is not worth pissing off both Love and Roman.
[X] Keep Him
-[X] Use Lock to neutralize damaging secrets he has, if he were to escape.

I think it'd be interesting to see where this goes if he sticks around. (I say this knowing absolutely nothing of RWBY.)
roman is not going to be pissed, he just wants merc out of cinders deck(Preferably by death, but he will go with anything)
and we can tell love that we are giving the bad guys a second chance.
...but if someone have a better argument i will change vote.
[X] Kill him

honestly despite how horrible of a person he i can't help but feel bad for merc and want to help him, but despite this we would be damaging roman's trusts in us if he found out we kept him alive, plus we don't have any use for him with the state he's him.
So i guess we kill him, sorry merc you were disposable.
...but if someone have a better argument i will change vote.
Well my thought process is that:
- first mercury doesn't really offer much Intel of note seeing as cinder has yet to tell or show just about anyone her hand till she gets the maiden power and it all goes to her head
- second cinder has the white fang to look for him and continually obscuring his presence seems annoying
-third he doesn't bring anything to the table we can't get elsewhere
[X] Kill him
-[X] After finding out useful secrets from him
-[X] don't get rid of the corpse, leave a letter besides it that only says "From, The Arbiter"
[X] Kill him
-[X] After finding out useful secrets from him
-[X] don't get rid of the corpse, leave a letter besides it that only says "From, The Arbiter"