Blood Ties (Dresden Files/Hellsing)

I would say it is a fundamental law of Hellsing. There are more practical ways to get things done in a universe like that, but ultimately, if it's an over the top awesome way, that will typically be the way to go about it.
To quote the Abridged, "Give them a real Hellsing Welcome." "You mean a mountain of gunfire, explosions, and over the top screaming?"
I would say it is a fundamental law of Hellsing. There are more practical ways to get things done in a universe like that, but ultimately, if it's an over the top awesome way, that will typically be the way to go about it.
Exactly. Did Seras need to tear an 88mm flak cannon out of the floor and shoot the major with it? Probably not. But it was AWESOME. Does Alucard need to use guns when he is shown to be able to tear any enemy he's fought to pieces with his bare hands? Probably not, but it's cool.
I would say it is a fundamental law of Hellsing. There are more practical ways to get things done in a universe like that, but ultimately, if it's an over the top awesome way, that will typically be the way to go about it.
Are you talking about the villains? Or Alucards hope destruction fetish?
Exactly. Did Seras need to tear an 88mm flak cannon out of the floor and shoot the major with it? Probably not. But it was AWESOME. Does Alucard need to use guns when he is shown to be able to tear any enemy he's fought to pieces with his bare hands? Probably not, but it's cool.
Lies and slander. You could argue that Seras wasn't certain that she could break the glass after being shaken up by the Captain and so she felt the need to go overboard. Also that Alucard gets his jollies from watching a person's head cave in and explode.
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... I may be mistaken, but did Seras not attempt to unload with the shit she already had before ripping the bigass cannon out the floor?
Exactly. Did Seras need to tear an 88mm flak cannon out of the floor and shoot the major with it? Probably not. But it was AWESOME. Does Alucard need to use guns when he is shown to be able to tear any enemy he's fought to pieces with his bare hands? Probably not, but it's cool.
"There is no overkill. There is only 'Fire' and 'I need to reload'".
Well, interesting enough crossover. I keep hoping we'd see more Hellsing crossovers set in the 30-year timeskip period at the end of manga, with Integra and Seras keeping things from falling apart, but apparently Alucard is just too popular with writers. No real clue about timing on the Hellsing side of things yet.

Now, from things said in first chapter, I'd place the time in Dresden Files between Small Favor and Turn Coat. A few reasons for this. First, Harry remarks it's been a few years since the Zombie fiasco. Secondly, he mentions the war with the Reds just evened out in their favor recently, which is consistent somewhat with White Night and Small Favor, since things took a decidedly not-in-their-favor turn in Turn Coat. So before that, probably. What this means is that Harry has most of his late-game goodies already, pretty much everything bar the Mantle. And Molly has been at this for a while also.

Now, to look at the critter side, Dresden's Ghouls and Zombies vastly outperform their Hellsing cousins, in all but reproduction. On the other paw, most Hellsing vampires that even marginally deserve the name outperform the majority of Dresden-side's vampires until you get into the high ranks. And in those, Dresden side's ranks go way the hell higher. To consider, the leaders of the Red Court, the Lords of the Outer Night, are comparable to minor gods like Odin. And these are not really at the top of Dresden's cosmic hierarchy in the long run. Against these, the White Council of Wizards managed a years-long war from a bad position, because while they lose in numbers, their quality makes up for it. Consider that Morgan, a super vanilla combat wizard well into his second century, with no external power boosts, very nearly killed that comparable-to-a-god Red King on the field of battle. The vampire only survived because it managed to run away.

So with that kind of throw weight, even against the likes of Hellsing, the White Council is not exactly something to take lightly. And considering they are headquartered in Britain, I find it implausible in the extreme if they don't know about Hellsing and their type of vampires, if they in fact exist in the same universe. Harry is also on pretty good terms with members of Vatican's church, including the Knights of the Cross, which would be a big deal in a combined world. Also, Michael would probably be the very definition of a 'Real Human' by Alucard.
Well, interesting enough crossover. I keep hoping we'd see more Hellsing crossovers set in the 30-year timeskip period at the end of manga, with Integra and Seras keeping things from falling apart, but apparently Alucard is just too popular with writers. No real clue about timing on the Hellsing side of things yet.

Now, from things said in first chapter, I'd place the time in Dresden Files between Small Favor and Turn Coat. A few reasons for this. First, Harry remarks it's been a few years since the Zombie fiasco. Secondly, he mentions the war with the Reds just evened out in their favor recently, which is consistent somewhat with White Night and Small Favor, since things took a decidedly not-in-their-favor turn in Turn Coat. So before that, probably. What this means is that Harry has most of his late-game goodies already, pretty much everything bar the Mantle. And Molly has been at this for a while also.

Now, to look at the critter side, Dresden's Ghouls and Zombies vastly outperform their Hellsing cousins, in all but reproduction. On the other paw, most Hellsing vampires that even marginally deserve the name outperform the majority of Dresden-side's vampires until you get into the high ranks. And in those, Dresden side's ranks go way the hell higher. To consider, the leaders of the Red Court, the Lords of the Outer Night, are comparable to minor gods like Odin. And these are not really at the top of Dresden's cosmic hierarchy in the long run. Against these, the White Council of Wizards managed a years-long war from a bad position, because while they lose in numbers, their quality makes up for it. Consider that Morgan, a super vanilla combat wizard well into his second century, with no external power boosts, very nearly killed that comparable-to-a-god Red King on the field of battle. The vampire only survived because it managed to run away.

So with that kind of throw weight, even against the likes of Hellsing, the White Council is not exactly something to take lightly. And considering they are headquartered in Britain, I find it implausible in the extreme if they don't know about Hellsing and their type of vampires, if they in fact exist in the same universe. Harry is also on pretty good terms with members of Vatican's church, including the Knights of the Cross, which would be a big deal in a combined world. Also, Michael would probably be the very definition of a 'Real Human' by Alucard.
Did you just compare ODIN to a minor god?

Also, Dresden isn't really on good terms with the Vatican, just with a few members at best, i.e, Father Forthill and Michael, and thats it. And as we know from Michael, the vatican doesn't particularly like Harry for holding onto the sword for so long.

Most of your points though hold up to a cursory inspection, though I think you're overestimating the power of the Red Courts considering how very easily they could be bested. They are certainly powerful yes, but not on the level of even the Fae ladies. Lea made mincemeat out of several of the Lords of Night on her own, and as you said, Morgan chopped through them easily. Also, the White Council isn't located in Britain they're located in Scotland, Edinburgh, which is technically supposed to be outside Hellsings operational authority, not that this has stopped them before.

Plus, the White Council doesn't seem to care much about events that happen 'below membership'.
Also, the White Council isn't located in Britain they're located in Scotland, Edinburgh, which is technically supposed to be outside Hellsings operational authority, not that this has stopped them before.
Inaccurate. Hellsing doesn't have jurisdiction in Ireland, and even that's a grey area. Scotland is part of Britain. (Britain being England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland)

That said... Yea, Odin's by no means a minor deity.

... Also pretty sure it'd take a fairly powerful fae (Like say, Lea) to be really comparable to a True Vampire (by Hellsing standards), but *maybe* I'm wrong there.
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Inaccurate. Hellsing doesn't have jurisdiction in Ireland, and even that's a grey area. Scotland is part of Britain. (Britain being England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland)

That said... Yea, Odin's by no means a minor deity.

... Also pretty sure it'd take a fairly powerful fae (Like say, Lea) to be really comparable to a True Vampire (by Hellsing standards), but *maybe* I'm wrong there.
Why don't ya go and tell someone from Scotland that. Scotland is apart of the UK, NOT Britain.
Hmh, it seems there was a miscommunication about terminology...

Obviously, Odin is a major god of an important pantheon. However, in the larger Dresdenverse, they are of minor status in the current times. Odin himself notes that he's relegated to minor roles these days when speaking with Harry. This conversation is also where Odin himself compares Red King to himself as a similar being of power. As he demostrated that Harry couldn't even stand, let alone act, in his presence if he felt like it. As the counterpoint to this, Morgan had no problem nearly killing Red King with his own power alone, which demonstrates that strong Dresdenverse wizards considerably get stronger with age. Strong enough to go toe to toe with (minor-ish) godlike entities. Faerie Ladies basically also fall into this power category, and Lea after she got boosted by that infected Artifact (and subsequently cleansed Mab-style). Lea was originally already only second to the Ladies in power, which is close to that god-tier cutoff to begin with, the artifact pushed her up there. And it's been seen several times that the actual power difference between the Lady's and Knight's Mantles are not that big, they both basically get to the minor god-tier if they use it smartly. They are just specialized for different roles. This is not to mention the actual Faerie Queens, which are far above most minor-tier gods in Dresdenverse. Though they are also more limited by nature.

And while the wider Vatican may not particularly care about him, he has a good relationship with the Knights of the Cross themselves, which are basically a faction unto themselves. While separate, they are still influential in the wider church in the way of 'Must get any resources or information he needs when asking' though they don't seem to use this much, since when on 'official' duty, they seem to find themselves in the right place anyway...
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Hmh, it seems there was a miscommunication about terminology...

Obviously, Odin is a major god of an important pantheon. However, in the larger Dresdenverse, they are of minor status in the current times. Odin himself notes that he's relegated to minor roles these days when speaking with Harry. This conversation is also where Odin himself compares Red King to himself as a similar being of power. As he demostrated that Harry couldn't even stand, let alone act, in his presence if he felt like it. As the counterpoint to this, Morgan had no problem nearly killing Red King with his own power alone, which demonstrates that strong Dresdenverse wizards considerably get stronger with age. Strong enough to go toe to toe with (minor-ish) godlike entities. Faerie Ladies basically also fall into this power category, and Lea after she got boosted by that infected Artifact (and subsequently cleansed Mab-style). Lea was originally already only second to the Ladies in power, which is close to that god-tier cutoff to begin with, the artifact pushed her up there. And it's been seen several times that the actual power difference between the Lady's and Knight's Mantles are not that big, they both basically get to the minor god-tier if they use it smartly. They are just specialized for different roles. This is not to mention the actual Faerie Queens, which are far above most minor-tier gods in Dresdenverse. Though they are also more limited by nature.

And while the wider Vatican may not particularly care about him, he has a good relationship with the Knights of the Cross themselves, which are basically a faction unto themselves. While separate, they are still influential in the wider church in the way of 'Must get any resources or information he needs when asking' though they don't seem to use this much, since when on 'official' duty, they seem to find themselves in the right place anyway...
Where are you getting the power boost info from? The only thing that happened to Lea was that she was corrupted and attempted to overthrow Mab. It was never said that her power was actually increased. As for the level of power, yes the Fae queens ARE powerful, but there are many entities that match them in power that we know of. The Erlking, Kringle/Odin, and more than likely, Ferrovax. As powerful as the Red King was, he was nowhere NEAR that level of power.

The Knights relationship with the Vatican is... vague. We know Michael is very involved, because of his own faith obviously, but then you have Knights like Sanya and Butters who aren't remotely catholic. Its a very grey area, and while the Church helps the best it can, the two groups seem to operate independently of each other.

Though generally speaking, I think this all speaks more to the innate squishiness of beings in the Dresdenverse than anything else. Compared to say, Alucard, many of them are found rather... wanting. Someone like Mab and Erlking could handle him easily. But I would not be surprised if Alucard could make the entirety of the Red Court his bitches if he wanted.
Why don't ya go and tell someone from Scotland that. Scotland is apart of the UK, NOT Britain.
The UK is literally the exact same thing. The UK stands for "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland." So I was technically wrong in stating North Ireland, as that's separate from Great Britain, but Great Britain nonetheless includes Scotland.
I agree. Nobody in the Wardens really approves but they're not complaining either because it's technically allowed, and saving their asses.