Blood and Secrets (Legend of the Five Rings)


Shin is a little over seventeen years old and it is so very obvious. He's only barely considered an adult, and is still at that stage in his life where he's not entirely comfortable in his own skin. However, he also seems genuinely eager to do his duty even beyond the obligations of society. He's surprised by your presence, but appears excited to do something other than look over reports all day.

He's also just managing to hold back most of a blush as he observes all the women in your group. This is a large town, but it's still in an isolated part of the world and Shin is obviously not well traveled. So many strong, powerful women walking into the office in full armor is exotic and novel to him. As such, you notice he finds everyone save Saburou very attractive. Despite his best efforts, you perceive the faintest hint of a flush on his cheeks and how he's taking quick peaks at you all even as he bows. It's nothing so shameful as making eye contact, of course, but he's definitely stealing glances.
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Saburou tries to calm down the Doshin.

... Alternatively, maybe it would be better to leave the suave courtier skill to another samurai who can into words.

I forgot I was up all this time >.>

But on the plus side I've finally clicked with Saori after a bit away!

The man seems honestly surprised by your presence, and perhaps a tad alarmed. Presumably this is because he just walked in on a bunch of Samurai where he wasn't expecting them and is hoping he hasn't caused offense.

By the looks of things, he appears to be one of the Doshin. The jitte he wears at his belt would signify such. However, there is only one such weapon tucked into his obi, and you've seen both Matsui and Shin wearing two. Instead, he appears to be wielding a tonfa at his other side.

Doshin number three.
What a time for you to come.
The knife has spoken.
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So in order to see what with this man, Saburou employs his Angry Lion's stare™.

Also, there was a reroll because Notice emphasis, but that resulted in a 1.

You see much the same as what Rook did, that this man is surprised a tad alarmed.


You see, however, that he's actually quite a bit more alarmed than he appears and is making an effort to control his emotions. You can tell this by how his hands tremble slightly as he bows, and how stiff his posture is. Apparently your presence is more of a surprise to him than he's letting on.
Very nice rolls! The TN was 25, but you've both exceeded that mark! So, naturally, you find something.

The kid is a young man, not quite on the cusp of adulthood. He's obviously sullen and not bothering to hide it, and this seems to be his default state of being. He's also nervous and is indeed trying to hide that, and while doing a passably good job of such you see through his efforts with ease. From his facial features, you can tell he is related to the woman somehow. Considering her age, it's very likely he is her son.

The woman is in her middle years, but not by too much. From what you can tell she was initially excited from hearing about her knife, but that has died away into a mixture of shock and fear at seeing her property coated in dried blood. Kimiko's comments have not helped matters in this regard, and the woman is making no effort at all to hide her anxiety.
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Well, good news! Kairi's not panicking any more. She's also suffering mood whiplash from being jerked between so many different emotions so quickly, but that's probably understandable considering the situation.
Initially you feel like the boy is telling the truth. After all, maybe he's just worried about his mother and angry that you all upset her so much? There's something in his voice, however, an undercurrent of wariness that seems at odds with such emotions that you just barely make out. You feel that perhaps he is hiding something.

You detect much the same as Gill, though you are a little less distracted by Kairi and focusing more on Ota. The boy is too on edge. You believe he might be hiding something, and you're fairly sure it's information about he knife.

At first glance it seems like Ota is just being sullen and surly, which you've already taken to be his default personality. But as you observe him a bit more carefully, you see that his posture grew slightly tense when you asked him about the knife. You believe he might not be answering truthfully.

You can tell from Ota's tone of his voice and his body language that he is lying like a goddamn rug. You get the impression that Ota has definitely seen the knife after its disappearance and is trying as best he can to deflect. You, however, see through such meager efforts with ease.
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