Blessed Homunculus into the Nexus

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It has no name, no memory; but it has knowledge, it understands.
Trapped and then bound to a Will that is not its own. A small creature must struggle to understand the alien worlds it is forced to venture through on the whims of its merciless taskmaster.
Its captor is arrogant, assuming that what binds it today shall do so tomorrow. Perhaps that is true, but perhaps it is not...
Pre-Game 1 - Skills


I don't like pie.
Pie Shop
EDIT: First Story Chapter has posted if you want to skip the Pre-Game Info Posts

Hello Questers.

Welcome to the Pre-game.

The major world-building is mostly done as well as the starting premise (to be fully revealed at game-start), but I am looking for a some fun ideas to build into the chaotic mess that is the conflicting magic systems of the Nexus.
Over the next few {unknown time units} I'll be putting up information on how the PC's system will work, other than general comments (which are always appreciated) there are two ways you can participate in the pre-game.
1) Suggest additional skills to be added to the existing list.
* May lead parts of or even your entire idea being added into the quest.
2) Discuss possible synergies between skills and what bonuses they may activate.
* I will confirm the existence of any synergy that is described mostly correctly during the discussions, allowing you to make more informed decisions during statgen.
Free Example: (Afn) Pyromancy, (Afn) Sun, (Sem) Fire Magic do unlock bonus perks when leveled together. This is a pretty basic one though, you can do better.

Before getting to the current list, an explanation of the categories;

(Rev) Revelations:
What would be considered generic talents or learnable proficiencies. Within the Nexus, even mundane skill slowly transforms into substantial meta-physical applications the further it is pushed (for lucky people, not for most) eventually starting to bend reality into what is pragmatically a superpower. People describe this shift of when a skill becomes a Skill as a Revelation.
(Afn) Affinities:
Inborn potential that exists to some degree within everyone. Most do not have sufficient affinity to ever learn or do anything useful with it.
Affinities are known for having a clear progression pathway that resembles learning an ordinary skill. Study, practice and experience all improving them. They are also known for being holistic in application, with many instinctive safeguards making them much less dangerous for a practitioner than would otherwise be the case.
They are divided into Internalisms and Esotericisms. Internalisms can be measured from birth and tend to start subtle and abstract, becoming more potent and concrete with time. Esotericisms must be achieved similiar to a Revelation, but tend to be far easier for someone with a matching Internalism. Esotericisms tend to be blunt and basic instruments in the beginning, gaining more finesse and metaphorical applications with time.
(Sem) Semblances:
While a person may have more talent for learning, semblances are unique in that anyone has an equal opportunity to gain them. All Semblances normally have an unlock condition (not for you) to begin progressing in them, afterwards typically requiring nothing more than study and practice to continue. Sometimes they require for specific conditions to progress as well.
Semblances are more arbitrary and less holistic than Affinities. They do what they do within a fairly narrow band and explicitly do nothing outside that. The 'it just works that way' philosophy is in strong effect.
They also tend to have far fewer safeguards on their use, being much easier to accidentally hurt oneself/etc if a practitioner is not careful
(Rch) Reaches:
The rules for Reaches are all over the place. While they have unlock conditions, they are more like unlock possibilities. And people can sometimes gain a Reach when they have clearly do nothing close to the unlock conditions.
Even the same Reach in two individuals will express itself differently, and the safeguards are practically non-existent.
For this reason, many who have unlocked a reach choose not to practice it because of the implicit dangers. But there is no denying that they are quite potent, often interacting with and altering the function of other magics as part of their mechanics or sometimes as their only mechanic.

And finally, check out these amazing stories that I have shamelessly ripped and reassembled entire swaths from. (The actual worlds of these stories will not show up in this Quest, but many of their mechanics do appear in altered forms.)
Worth the Candle - Alexander Wales
The Menocht Loop - Caerulex
The Perfect Run - Void Herald

Current Skills Compendium:

Leap and roll for effect. Accessing hard to reach places and landing with grace where others would fall.
Understand the function of bodies and the importance and limits of their various parts.
Weigh conditions and known knowledge effectively, arrive at detailed conclusions.
Animal Handling:
Intuit and understand the behaviour of unintelligent creatures. Devise methodology by which they might be controlled.
Apply precise measurements and constraints of given materials to accomplish feats that exceed the natural.
Examine and perceive. Learning more from your senses than every before.
Produce works of sublime wonder. Possess a well of creativity that will not run dry.
Move, Jump, Run. Do it better, harder, faster.
Hit the target more often than not.
Apply leverage and strength correctly, fear heights no more.
Deliver the punch line at the right time. Find the silver lining in the storm.
Extrude your presence with confidence onto lesser men.
Both the creation and deciphering of; gain a sense for solving deliberatively obfuscated systems.
Familiarity with the modification and use of augmented body types.
Lose that second left foot. Wow everyone in the ballroom.
Assail them with point after point. Understanding not what is right, but how to convince.
Canny to the tricks of the corrupted. Anticipate the foils of the hellish realms ahead of time.
Exchange and borrow influence or credit for tangible results. Understand how to get what you want and what it will cost you.
The best form of defense is getting out of the way.
Duel Wield:
Reduce penalties and master strange artforms of combat.
Theory and Practice is one. Build solutions to your problems.
Familiarity with digital systems.
Only stand out in ways you want too.
Feng Shui:
Position is key! Arrange things for best effect.
First Aid:
Make use of what is on hand.
Show off to all your friends. Be the greatest.
Make a certain sort of person like you. Understand how to ingratiate yourself without being obvious.
Find all sorts of useful things while spelunking about. Understand where to search in the first place.
Be it a trickery or perhaps a functional imitation, fool the inexperienced eye.
Gem Cutting
Whether its making the perfect fitting or refining the exact reagent, you work with precious rocks like a natural.
Heavy Armour:
Be the beefiest of them all. Move for no man.
Up and up she grows. Make the tallest poppies and select from the best lines.
Improvised Weapons:
When all you have is a hockey puck and a table leg, you'll find a way.
Exert your presence effectively and encourage the right sort of response.
Don't miss important factors, understand where to focus your attentions.
Understand and speak localized languages.
Understand how to raise above the crowd and direct others with or without tyranny.
Make armour and perhaps even civilian clothes of unrivaled cut and class.
Light Armour:
A little padding with plenty of flex, you are prepared and adaptable.
Be it herding or breeding, you can always find the most excellent path.
Both the use of and tendency to not forget. Remain rational when tempted to be otherwise.
Administration and Organization shall be like the air you breathe.
A good poker face and an excellent bluff. Fool even the unnaturally canny.
Mad Science
You don't know what you are doing and neither does anyone else, but sometimes it works.
Direct resources and assets not your own. Make the best of partial liquidity for maximum short or long term benefit.
Essential for nothing. Helpful for almost anything.
Treatment and Creation. You understand how to heal and restore. A Surgeon, Doctor and medical Developer all in one.
Medium Armour:
The healthy middle ground with no significant drawbacks.
The art of good thinking. Often underestimated.
Remember, create and reproduce the greatest works of symphonic flourish.
Apply the right materials and ingredients, recite the correct lines. Call upon outside forces 'safely'.
One-handed Weapons:
You know how to stab and jab.
Interpretation as well as acuity. Resist illusion and process confusing or overstimulating sights.
To block and disarm, a weapon is quite handy.
From cars to planes to mechs, you can find the steering wheel.
Natural talent and marksmanship.
Ability to recall and create novel code for practical purposes. Can be applied to non-electronic contexts.
The art of the projection or reception of minds. Poorly understood.
A quick fix-it or larger scale touch ups. You can do it all.
Sit down with a good coffee and notepad, conduct the best experiments.
From oversized molerats to feisty dragons, you can find the reins.
Look down the scope, annnd pop.
Hugs and kisses. Alls fair in love and war.
Move yourself and others through water like a true veteran.
Shift, divert and resist. You know how to handle a resistive medium.
Not much use for aim, but you can certainly time it right.
Make ears bleed no more. Possess the voice of an angel.
A good night's shut eye can make all the difference.
Sleight of Hand:
For tricks or perhaps to snatch a gem from a pocket. Your hands move with finesse and grace.
To endurance and create something that will last the ages.
Remain unseen and unnoticed.
From treading water to deep-sea diving. You know the strokes.
Weave tapestries worthy for a king.
Thrown Weapons:
Throw for effect. Thread the needle where you need something to land, or just pulverize something out of the way.
Two-Handed Weapons:
You know how to stab and jab.
Unarmed Combat:
When nothings at hand, make your body a weapon.
Naked and alone, resist the ravages of the elements and perhaps even nastier things.
Fashion wooden objects into shapes of master quality. Form and function working in perfect unison.

Light: (Internalism)
Control presence of radiance. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Dark: (Internalism)
Control lack of light, darkness, void. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Life: (Internalism)
Control Life Energy. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Death: (Internalism)
Control Death Energy. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Mountain: (Internalism)
Changing properties of earth. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Cloud: (Internalism)
Changing properties of air. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Sun: (Internalism)
Change the properties of fire. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Moon: (Internalism)
Change the properties of water. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Beginning: (Internalism)
Augury based on the past; very easily pick up on patterns.
End: (Internalism)
Augury based on future; can see threads of fate. Bind people via these threads by manipulating them.
Regret: (Internalism)
Sense of potential paths that events could take and pitfalls to avoid. At higher levels, may create scenarios that branch off from a current moment in reality, effectively seeing into the future. Never 100% reliable.
Remorse: (Internalism)
Psychological healing or damage, with the ability to root through people's memories.
Melody: (Internalism)
Control of Significance. Can make things last longer or wither faster on an abstract level. Sense degrees of importance (provided enough links between individual and observed thing). Allow cooperation between disparate parts.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seismomancy: (Esotericism)
(Earth) Standard Magic Earth bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Aeromancy: (Esotericism)
(Air) Standard Magic Air Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Pyromancy: (Esotericism)
(Fire) Standard Magic Fire Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Hydromancy: (Esotericism)
(Water) Standard Magic Water Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Differentialism: (Esotericism)
(Lightning) Standard Magic Lightning Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Biomancy: (Esotericism)
(Nature) Standard Magic Body Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Contrastimancy: (Esotericism)
(Light and Dark) Standard Magic Light and Dark Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Enchanting: (Esotericism)
Apply and imbue known magics into physical objects and places.
Further Elementomancies: (Esotericism)
Certain individuals gain access to less common forms of elemental summoning and control. Usually by exposure to the even rarer individuals who manifest such a power from nothing. Esoteric applications at high levels.

Astral Magic:
Step beyond the confines of the physical. Interacting with reality both near and far.
Air Magic:
Control the flow and properties of air.
Awe Magic:
Snatch and hold the attention of others. Diminishing returns for sustained effects.
Blood Maigc:
Hyper-realise the tangible and symbolic properties of blood.
Bone Magic:
Draw upon the characteristics of living things from their bones, giving and taking. Heal, Empower, Enhance, Drain.
Bullet Magic:
Rip off tiny segments of your lifeforce and propel them as meta-dimensional projectiles. Largely considered to be practiced only by those with a death-wish.
Butterfly Magic:
Find critical pivot points and create destruction from innocent beginnings.
Carapace Magic:
Sacrificial Magic that uses carapaces as its source material.
Create links between associated things. Mimicking effect and cause. Rainbow splashes that spread Instinctive Collective voting system of where damage/healing finally resides.
Constriction Magic:
Restrain and crush your surrounds.
Crystal Magic:
Imbue crystal with living potential and energy. Poorly understood.
Curse Magic:
Extremely easy to catastrophically backfire. The art of permanent hexes upon locations, objects and people. Most practitioners claim they study it as a form of self-defense… most are lying.
Invest energies into suckion points for later symbolic retrieval.
Divergence Magic:
Split into short-lived duplicates. You are all of them and none them.
Earth Magic:
With effort, you can occupy the same space as soil. Selectively interacting with it. Regenerative effects while touching the ground.
Introspective Magic that interacts with the soul.
Ethereal Magic:
Contact with the dead and inhabitants of the spectral realms.
Familiar Magic:
Bind to a random animal somewhere within the planes of existence. It will begin to make its way towards you to come serve you. You cannot control which animal, save for picking a new one upon the first's death. You can empower your familiar in unique ways.
Fire Magic:
Manifest and control flame.
Flare Magic:
Generate magical flares that rob those exposed of specific senses, talents or capacity for cognition for a time proportional to level of exposure. Difficult to not accidently self-expose.
Forge Magic:
Multiply the results of your own labour. Transfer material properties.
Funnel Magic:
Absorb effects and negate unsubstantiated magics, redeploying them as chaotic implosions nearby. Requires careful use to avoid self-harm.
Gem Magic:
Weaponise hard-light constructs and projections with assistive prisms.
Glass Magic:
Manifest and control glass.
Glow Magic:
(Aura) Extend the impact of your soul, magics and body beyond their usual reach. Draw others influence toward you also.
Gold Magic:
Draw tactile telekinetic potential from the possession of riches.
Gravity Magic:
Alter your interaction with gravity. Temporarily change the direction and strength of gravity in your surrounds (ramp up and down delays).
Gray Magic:
Siphon and mellow the world, whilst juxtapostionally extending it.
Groove Casting:
Apply repeated motions to existing divets in reality to store and delay magics or actions, release for immediate focused effect.
Hair Magic:
Uplift your hair into a semi-sentient entity capable of operating semi-autonomously from you. Other applications unknown.
Ice Magic:
Manifest and control Ice with variable esoteric properties. Natural ice too.
Illusion Magic:
Tricks of sight, sound and other senses; all will slowly fall under your purview.
Ink Magic:
Imagination is the only limit. Create temporary magics to solve problems tangentially. High maintenance and investment limits.
Library Magic:
Sorting magic. Telekinetic control of books and information within them. More useful than would first appear.
Membrane Magic:
Conjure gigantic defensive spheroids that track with your location.
Mirror Magic:
Access the mirror dimension. A dangerous and alien place. Perhaps learn how to utilize some of its secrets here too.
Embody dead forms back into moving objects of utility. More concerned with dead material than departed souls.
Orbit Magic:
Move yourself and another object around your mutual centre of gravity. Control of distance, direction, momentum and maximum mass increase with experience.
Passion Magic:
Draw meta-physical effects from strongly felt emotion. Dampers emotion through use.
Pill Magic:
The creation of small pills which when imbibed grant dramatic benefits and equally dramatic withdrawals.
Plastic Magic:
Alter the shape and flow of bodily joints and features is highly temporary but extremely rapid ways.
Pustule Magic:
Through dedication and effort, store once-off and semi-permanent effects scaled up from microscopic magical bacterium.
Revision Magic:
Undo undesired events and motion nearby, including your own death. Has caveats on affecting foreign magic.
Rune Magic:
Create specific and hardy magical implements. Interacts with other magics in rigid but reliable ways.
Sand Magic:
Build spaces and effects to extend time. Often requires much preparation.
Search and discover what is hidden. Uses large and small.
Severance Magic:
Magical control over concepts of sharpness and cutting.
Silver Magic:
Control Silver into a gas, liquid or solid state. The more gaseous the faster you can telekinetically move it, the more solid the more firmly you can root it in place.
Skin Magic:
Inscribe magical tattoos to harness innate hidden magics within the body. Once-off and semi-permanent effects available.
Smoke Magic:
Generate smoke in which the line between fiction and reality blurs. Superposition becomes a manipulable property as just the beginning.
The use of music and voice to inspire, empower, demoralize and debilitate.
Control the flow of soul-motion. The origin of thought.
Star Magic:
Build permanent connections between different areas and perhaps even worlds.
Still Magic:
Touch based highly potent reinforcement and negation effects. Useful both defensive and offensively.
Tree Magic:
Circumvent circumstances through circuitous cedar connections. Trees can take the fall for your mistakes among other uses.
Velocity Magic:
Accelerate body or mind to incredible speeds for appropriate tradeoffs. React and arrive beyond mortal limits.
Vibrational Magic:
Mastery of sound and eventually more abstract wavelengths.
The creation of conditional barriers to active or potential magics. Can resist, alert, annihilate and many others. Requires preparation time.
Water Magic:
Detect and be aware of water at huge distances. Ability to imbue certain characteristics into water on a wide macro scale.
Wood Magic:
Elevate wood to insane levels of durability and utility. Long preparation times.

Effigy: (Aspect)
Draw from and create Facsimilies. Finding power in liknesses.
Cloy: (Aspect)
Entangle and bind reality itself and all caught within it. Clog the works.
Unity: (Aspect)
Take belief and legend and use them as a ladder to the impossible.
Determinant: (Aspect)
Deduce the direction things are likely to go, then force them to stay that way.
Totem: (Aspect)
Stake your claim in the ground. Build a following.
Memetics: (Aspect)
Master the Meme. Or more likely, die trying.
Gestalt: (Aspect)
Blend and incorporate many disparate forms and magics.
Vital: (Aspect)
Unlock the innate magics of bodies organs.
Blister: (Aspect)
See the walls between reality, poke at the edges.
Abyss: (Aspect)
(Uses Void Element) Render everything into nothing.
Veil: (Aspect)
Hide in a place that is entirely your own, bide your time.
Abandon: (Aspect)
Let go of humanity, become less and more.
Possessor: (Aspect)
Natural mastery of hierarchy and control.
Technopathy: (Aspect)
Control and Extend the function of technology in minor and dramatic ways.
Shear: (Aspect)
Connect to the grinding, slashing spatial jumble of the sheer. Squinch distances and people.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Red – Energy: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Orange – Matter: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Yellow – Concepts: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Green – Life: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Blue – Information: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Violet – Spacetime: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
White – Meta: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence. Particularly geared toward affecting either your own or other's powers in some way.
Black – Inversion: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence. Particularly geared toward massively upscaling risk/reward structures. Highly unstable powers with dramatic effects and little self-protective common.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chastity: (Virtue)
Temperance: (Virtue)
Charity: (Virtue)
Diligence: (Virtue)
Patience: (Virtue)
Kindness: (Virtue)
Humility: (Virtue)
Lust: (Vice)
Gluttony: (Vice)
Greed: (Vice)
Sloth: (Vice)
Wrath: (Vice)
Envy: (Vice)
Pride: (Vice)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Splay: (Context)
Increase conflict between different magics and effects. Force faster resolution.
Reverb: (Context)
Make simultaneous instances of the same magics or effects have a reduced or no interaction with each other.
Revit: (Context)
Make magics or effects 'stick' to what they interact with like glue. Concentrate rather than propagate.
Swish: (Context)
Make magics or effects be unaffected by non-deliberate untargeted obstructions. Generalized barriers or defenses become orders of magnitude less potent.
Solemn: (Context)
Massively extend the duration of any magic or effect so long as it does not need to compete with anything else within the same (or a greater) order of magnitude.
Imply: (Context)
Make certain magics or effects 'always on' at a low level for no cost.
Deny: (Context)
Dissociate magics or effects from their origin. Hiding who created them and foiling many conditional barriers etc.
Line: (Context)
Increase the range at which magics or effects can be applied, whilst also increasing the time and effort necessary to do so.
Relative: (Context)
Apply delays on effects or magics set to manifest later on a timer.

Next Post will outline the stat system and character sheet. Which functions very similar to Worth the Candle with revisions to allow proper integration with the Nexus.
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Pre-Game 2 - Stats & Skills
Okay, onto Stats.

Within the world of the Nexus, stats place a critical role. Not only do they define the maximum cap of their corresponding Skills, but also all Stats have a myriad of effects on the world around them. These come in the form of more obvious effects (like those mentioned in the Stat descriptions) as well as a multitude of hidden benefits. The higher ones Stats, the more unique your specific expression of them can become, sometimes opening up the potential for Skills no one else can possess.

Before we begin, here is the Stat table and basic descriptions.

PHY: Physical - Your body and physical existence in the world. Governing stat for all physical skills and the three physical abilities.
  • POW: Power - How much force you can exert. Used to break down doors, bend rebar, or shove someone out of the way.
  • SPD: Speed - How fast you move. Used to juggle knives, race over rooftops, or do cartwheels.
  • END: Endurance - How much you can physically withstand. Used to prevent poisonings, go on forced marches, or tread water.
MEN: Mental - Your mind and mental existence in the world. Governing stat for all mental skills and all three mental abilities.
  • CUN: Cunning - How smart you are. Used to figure out puzzles, learn new things, or decide which wire to cut.
  • KNO: Knowledge - How much you know. Used to make connections between disparate concepts, dredge up old memories, or memorize a ten digit number.
  • WIS: Wisdom - How much you can mentally withstand. Used to prevent stress reactions, make decisions without emotion, or meditate.
SOC: Social - Your personality and connection to other entities. Governing stat for all relational skills and the three supra-social abilities.
  • CHA: Charm - How much entities like you. Used to convince princesses, barter with barmaids, or plead for your life.
  • INS: Insight - How well you can read entities. Used to uncover a demon's secret, call a bishop's bluff, or avoid being stabbed in the back.
  • POI: Poise - How well you withstand other entities. Used to withstand interrogation, keep a blank face during a hearing, or keep dry eyes during a wedding.
LUK: Luck - Luck is a tangible force with many subtle and dramatic effects. Influences everything, governs nothing.

Now, a breakdown of scale and effect of stat points.

Power (POW)
{POW}=5: Baseline Human
Your throw a punch or lift a weight about as well as your average joe.
{POW}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Power. You can swing a hell of a haymaker and lift more than most would think.
{POW}=15: Natural Peak
Every movement you make is filled with the confidence that more than often than not everyone else will need to move out of the way. You are an instrument of strength, and a dangerous foe to anger within arm's reach.
{POW}=25: Supra-Human
Your bare fist will crack concrete and a single jump can carry you onto the roof of a building. The weapons you wield often need to be specially strengthened so they don't break from the power you put behind every swing. People know not to bind your hands in mere rope, chances are you'll fray and split them through sheer exertion.
{POW}=35: Limit Break
When you choose to impact the world around you, reality notices. Any action that you take that influences your surroundings takes on an almost meta-physical importance. Bones will break even though you only struck the armour they protected. A unrestrained backhand would shatter a layman's skull. If you were to throw a small pebble it would move faster than the eye could see.
Speed (SPD)
{SPD}=5: Baseline Human
Your reactions and reflexes are that of your average individual who played a sport casually growing up.
{SPD}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Speed. People are likely to compliment you and slightly underestimate how quickly you can spring into action and move.
{SPD}=15: Natural Peak
You have the kind of reflexes that would dub you 'quickest draw in the West' in an old-timey movie. Sometimes it feels almost as if you are moving before you even think. Even a professional athlete might struggle to keep pace with you.
{SPD}=25: Supra-Human
Blink and you'll miss it. People frequently fail to react before you have already landed the sucker punch or swiped the card from a pocket. No one has any chance of keeping up with your movements without magical assistance. Your walk is the average man's sprint.
{SPD}=35: Limit Break
While time flows normally for you, sometimes it feels as if everyone else moves in slow motion. With casual grace you can perform tight and complex manoeuvres around people before they really realise what is happening. When you move, you frequently reach your destination faster than the number of steps you took should allow. When drawing a weapon, it is almost as if it were already in your hand as the thought comes.
Endurance (END)
{END}=5: Baseline Human
You can resist and respond to harm in the way typical of your average decently fit bystander.
{END}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Endurance. People are likely to compliment you and slightly underestimate how much punishment you can take.
{END}=15: Natural Peak
You pull off those 'crazy survival story' moments every Tuesday. You are on the edge of the blatantly supernatural even without the benefit of any esotericism. It is not unthinkable for you to be shot a few times and keep on going as if unharmed.
{END}=25: Supra-Human
Deadly poison gives you an upset stomach. A bullet through the eye will only probably kill you. They'd have to cut off both your arms for the blood loss to become an issue. Knives fail to pierce your skin unless they are particularly sharp and weapons frequently penetrate far shallower than expected.
{END}=35: Limit Break
The conventions of what a body can physically survive break down in your case. You are a unique circumstance, bulletproof to small arms fire, essentially tireless. It is reasonable to expect you will survive anything short of your heart or brain being annihilated.
Cunning (CUN)
{CUN}=5: Baseline Human
Your wits are nothing special, nothing shabby.
{CUN}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Cunning. Quick on the uptake, you can rapidly piece together plans and think on your feet in the heat of the moment.
{CUN}=15: Natural Peak
Your mind is a powerhouse of mental gears spinning at breakneck speed. You come to new and novel conclusions when others remain stumped.
{CUN}=25: Supra-Human
There exist mysteries within this world that actively resist discovery. Even with all the information there, most minds are incapable of piercing the veil surrounding them. You stand as one of those few bright sparks capable of shining clear light onto anti-memes.
{CUN}=35: Limit Break
The barriers between what can and cannot be known begin to sunder. The line between how you figure things out is often incomprehensible even to yourself retroactively, picking answers seemingly out of nothing more than the ether. It's not exactly prescience, but it might as well be.
Knowledge (KNO)
{KNO}=5: Baseline Human
Your retention and cycling of information are entirely normal.
{KNO}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Knowledge. Your memory is eidetic and self-indexing. You can quickly glance at all the pages of a book and then take the time to digest its contents hours later.
{KNO}=15: Natural Peak
You possess the capacity to grasp concepts many struggle to hold properly within their heads, successfully keeping hold of all the relevant factors from which to engage in comprehensive deductive reasoning. People call you a quick learner, in many ways it's the opposite, you forget nothing.
{KNO}=25: Supra-Human
The depth and specificity of your knowledge reaches inhuman proportions, allowing you to accomplish otherwise impossible feats such as perfectly repeating various movements or recalling runic diagrams of ridiculously complexity at the drop of a hat. Most forms of mind reading painfully backfire on whoever makes the attempt as they are incapable of handling the bulk of information that resides within you.
{KNO}=35: Limit Break
On a certain meta-physical level, you are knowledge; connected through unseen channels to your surrounds, its history and its future. You will inexplicably find your assumptions things turns out correct more often than statistically possible. It is impossible for you to know nothing on any topic, you will always find you already have at least a starting point from the mere act of pointing your mind that direction.
Wisdom (WIS)
{WIS}=5: Baseline Human
Your stress reactions and determination are a healthy ordinary.
{WIS}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Wisdom. Calm in the middle of the chaos, you have a natural knack for overcoming discomfort and distraction.
{WIS}=15: Natural Peak
A mountain unmoved by trial and tribulation, torture and trauma may rock you deeply but you shall never truly break. Magical effects that distort the mind permanently tend to only harm you in an ephemeral manner.
{WIS}=25: Supra-Human
Your mind has a presence to it that persists even in complete unconsciousness, actively defending and resisting any foreign influence or modification. You are attached to your own 'true self' in a level that even retroactive revisions of reality cannot fully erase your impact upon people and events.
{WIS}=35: Limit Break
In death, your thoughts endure. Even if your body is completely annihilated, your existence can reincarnate in reasonable receptacles or facsimiles. Your mind is essentially a near inviolable part of reality that will persist beyond the worlds you walk upon. Attempts to divert or distract your cognition from its intended path are like a sandcastle standing against an oncoming tsunami.
Charm (CHA)
{CHA}=5: Baseline Human
You are just able as likeable and smooth as everybody else.
{CHA}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Charm. Whether it's not causing offense to someone particularly prickly or impressing a God with just the right amount of praise/boasting, you tend to avoid the guffaws that inevitably follow others around.
{CHA}=15: Natural Peak
The one that everybody else wants to meet. You are at home amongst complicated social and political messes, weaving in and between the pitfalls around you. Your charm is an almost palpably tangible force.
{CHA}=25: Supra-Human
And now it actually is tangible. Your charm is a literal field of influence around yourself convincing wind, bird and man to bend their preferences in your direction. Rain will try to not get you wet, a waiter will make sure you give you the best slice or cake instead of the king, reality loves you.
{CHA}=35: Limit Break
What are people except slightly more complex tools to be used? Free will as a concept doesn't truly exist in your presence, the thin and fragile 'opinions' that others hold often snapping at the exertion of your own. Some would call you a monster, but they just haven't had the chance to meet you yet. When everyone you meet tends to love you, it's probably just because you're an amazing person.
Insight (INS)
{INS}=5: Baseline Human
You are have just about the same instinct for others as anyone else.
{INS}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Insight. Be it superior empathy or just an innate understanding of what makes people tick, you are frequently able to spot the leverage points on what others consider most valuable and what will stir them to action.
{INS}=15: Natural Peak
Before a demon decides to break its contract or a husband decides to disown his wife, you often see it coming beforehand. When there is violence behind someone's eyes, you can frequently anticipate what their first move will be.
{INS}=25: Supra-Human
To try to fight you is to fight against oneself. Your understanding and intuition of the intricacies of other beings allows you to often use their own attempts and movements against them and their allies. You are keenly aware of how much both yourself and others can take, using social credit and mental endurance in perfectly measured allotments.
{INS}=35: Limit Break
You look upon their face, and their secrets are yours to know. Your very presence is a mild memetic effect that loosens lips and encourages boasting. A God may well confide in you what his one true weakness is without every realising they gave you enough tells to figure decipher it. Having spoken with someone it is likely that you can accurately model their actions and decisions for the immediate future.
Poise (POI)
{POI}=5: Baseline Human
You can keep a level head against the wiles of others like your average man.
{POI}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Poise. Thrust into unfamiliar situations with difficult social ramifications, you find it significantly easier to keep a level head and conduct yourself unaffected.
{POI}=15: Natural Peak
Before beings that would make a lesser mortal tremble, you restrain your quivering lip. Gods are impressed by your regal comportment. While torture weakens you, you are expertly defiant in giving away your closely held secrets.
{POI}=25: Supra-Human
When Wills clash, yours remains unaffected. You can argue for days, suffer insults en masse, ignore pain and environment to focus on a singular individual or conversation. People are unsettled by your calm and unbroken manner, you are more likely to simply die before falling to their machinations. Your soul itself holds a level of substantialism making it hard for others to enact even basic modifications.
{POI}=35: Limit Break
From the core of your very being, you are what you choose to be. Making a decision on how to act, you can effectively become that person for a time with perfect acuity. Magics designed to find you frequently fail as they are insufficient to pierce the veil of your existence. Even when you have been harmed or dissuaded from a course of action, your true self can often reach out from the past to enact your Will as if you were unaffected.
Luck (LUK)
{LUK}=0: Baseline Human
Reality does not favour you in any measurable way.
{LUK}=5: Exceptional
Remarkable Luck. You frequently gain an instinct on how to move moments before death, in addition to a more mild general danger sense steering you away from unfavourable places or things.
{LUK}=10: Natural Peak
Luck has become a directable force circulating through you. You frequently gain an instinct on how to avoid harm to your body and mind as well as longer term gut feelings that keep you away from the worst sorts of areas.
{LUK}=15: Supra-Human
It is not future sight, but reality consistently prods and pokes you in beneficial directions as a matter of course. You are never without at least some sense of how to manoeuvre toward more favourable outcomes and this supra-perception becomes increasingly more pronounced the closer to danger or negativity you are.
{LUK}=25: Limit Break
Impossible things happen to you. The bullet passes through your heart without nicking anything important. You find that you already had another copy of the artefact that was stolen. You are the spitting image of the child the person you are trying to impress lost a number of years ago. Luck is like a shroud of benefaction flowing thickly over and around you, pulling events and circumstances like a puppet master pulls upon the strings.

You will start with 30 Stat points to distribute. Increasing PHY/MEN/SOC costs 2 stat points (sub-stats cost 1), but increments all the sub-stats by one.
Thus, 30 stat points is precisely enough for you to raise every Stat to 5 (bar luck), if you wish. Making you regular across the board.
You will receive 2 stat points every time you gain a level, to be distributed as you wish.
The 36 blank spaces are your skill slots, you will be able to select up to 36 Skills to begin with in a near-unlocked state at game-start. It is possible to one day have more than the 36, but that would be a long-term project.

All skills usually have one primary and one secondary stat that they correspond to. A Skill cannot exceed 4 times it's primary stat and 6 times its secondary stat.
This means that your max skill cap if you evenly distribute points among the Base three at the start would be 20 across the board. (Primary Stat Requirements 4x5 = 20)

Skill Thresholds:
(In practice, actual performance exceeds raw skill numbers due to added versatility and enhancement of other skills and raw stats. For example, the likely minimum of 10 in PHY needed to reach a skill of 40 in One-handed would allow you the physical strength to bash through some blocks that your raw skill did not provide a counter for.)
[0] - Neophyte
No actual benefit yet.
[20] - Professional
Standard professional skill. About 4-5 years experience.
[40] - Specialist
Career practitioner, equivalent to someone with at least a decade's dedicated experience.
[60] - Master
One of the top in the field, within the top 10% of all who practice the art.
[80] - Guru
The practical limit even those of incredible talent could reasonably reach in a full lifetime of unerring commitment.
[100] - Peak (Primary at 25)
Once in a generation talent, likely the most skilled practitioner on the planet even if other savants in a related field are actively pursuing excellence.
[150] - Transhuman (Secondary at 25)
A level of skill beyond mortal norms, like something manufactured for this purpose rather than a developed or learnt behaviour. Without the boon of your system, dedicated artefacts of great power would be required for another to naturally reach this level of achievement.
[200+] - Limit Break
Many of the initial restrictions and dynamic limits of the skill break down at 200, physical laws bend and the impossible becomes directly possible. This level is likely completely unattainable for anyone else that is not you, even you would find it incredibly difficult.

Tend to have PHY or SOC as their primary stats. Fairly even distribution among secondaries.
Tend to have MEN as their primary stat and occasionally SOC. Tend to have SOC or PHY as their secondaries.
Frequently have MEN as their primary stat. Fairly even distribution among secondaries.
Almost always have SOC as their primary stat. Slightly skewed toward SOC as their secondaries too.

There will be plenty of chances over the course of the Quest to Respec, so don't bash your head too hard against the wall trying to munchkin stat to skill-category selection ratios.
Just be smart. If you are taking a lot of kinetic Revelation skills, buff up your PHY. If you are taking a lot of Reaches, buff up the SOC, etc.
Or maybe you want to go even stat distribution even if you are favouring certain types of skills, just so that you are not sub-average to regular mortals in an entire Stat Category.

There are dangers to being wildly unbalanced in stat distribution (not super important in the early game, more likely to show up once Stats have differences greater than 10). These are never deal-breakers and can be worked around if the desired min-maxing is considered worth it. It is a balancing act of whether you consider avoiding glaring weak-points others can exploit or hitting high skill-caps to do impressive things earlier to be of greater benefit.

When the time to allocate your stat sheet comes (we are nearly ready honestly), you must assign all Stat Points, but the number of skill slots you choose up to a max of 36 is optional.
This is because any skill you don't choose will be probabilisticily selected. You are throwing your future to the whims of fate.
  • Leave 36 skills unchosen, all will be filled randomly.
  • Leave 27 skills unchosen, each will have a 25% chance of being a good fit/synergy together with your choices and each other.
  • Leave 18 skills unchosen, each will have a 50% chance of being a good fit/synergy together with your choices and each other.
  • Leave 9 skills unchosen, each will have a 75% chance of being a good fit/synergy together with your choices and each other.
  • Leave 1 skill unchosen, it will have a 100% chance of being what the QM considers the best possible fit/synergy with your other 35.
  • Leave 0 unchosen. You may select 37 instead of 36 as reward for your decisiveness. (You must be confident you made the right picks)
/\ These may not be the best synergies, but they are guaranteed to be at least a synergy. /\

Now, responses:
Divergence Magic(Sem) + Mirror Magic(Sem) + Effigy(Reach).
Almost, this is missing one.
Analysis(Rev) + Regret(Affn) +Scrying(Sem)
While they don't have simply attainable discrete system bonus, you probably could still get a lot of mileage out of them together.
Is Sleeping (Rev) a skill that basically everyone maxes out automatically?
It is a skill everyone has, but is quite rare as a Skill.
Blacksmithing (Rev) + Forge Magic (Sem) + Enchanting (Aff)
Almost, this is missing one.
Dibbling (Sem) + Groove Casting (Sem) + Sand Magic (Sem) + Wood Magic (Sem) + Pustule Magic (Sem)
I probably shouldn't give you this one, but Dibbling and Groove Casting have a a Perk when combined with a different Semblance you didn't mention.
In a fight between Vibrational Magic (Sem) and Songcasting (Sem), who wins?
Why does it have to be a fight? Take both and figure out what you can do.
Bone Magic + Vital + Blood Magic
A few more along these lines make one of the most potent synergies that exists.
Beginning + End
Pairing opposite affinities is a fairly basic Synergy that delivers mild but dependable results.

Also, and this is important. Discrete System Synergy bonuses never kick in before a minimum of 20 in all requisite skills, so they will provide zero benefit in the beginning even if you are loaded with tons of them. Don't lose the forest through the trees. Some Skills might just be so immediately and universally helpful that you should pick them regardless of any other factors.
0.1 - It Breathes
EDIT: Info Posts if you want to look at the Pre-Game posts

Chapter 0.1 - - It Breathes

The first time I opened my eye, I was greeted by the harsh white light of the ceiling coming from no particular place.

I was laying on a bare bench in a nondescript white room. The walls, floor and ceiling were all the same clear smooth polish with occasional rectangular indentations I thought might be doors.

I was… I didn't know. It was hard to remember anything, to know if I should be able to remember anything. I felt unnatural, like I shouldn't exist, something about my nature was wrong.

Even if I wanted to sit up, I couldn't. Thin metal straps at multiple points up along my legs, arms and even a few thick collars around my neck held me firmly in place. Didn't stop me from panicking and thrashing anyway, not that it did me any good.

At first, I was scared that someone might be coming for me, that if I didn't escape then they'd perform all sorts of horrible experiments and tests on me. Some part of me felt that that had probably already happened, I felt violated in ways deeper than some abstract fear; My being, my nature, it had been deeply defiled more than scrubbed memories could fully remove.

When no one appeared at first, I began to calm down somewhat, trying to discern anything else I could about my environment.

No such luck. The bench I was on felt like metal, rigid and cold. I assumed the walls were various sorts of plastic polymer with the indentations I could spot composed of a slightly more glossy white metal. I didn't want to assume the worst, but aside my gut feelings there was also the entirely valid question of who straps someone naked to a table for what felt like hours by now and doesn't have sinister plans for them?

The more concerning thoughts were how I knew what metals and plastics and colours and anything even was. I had no name, no history, yet when I looked at things here around me there was clearly some source of information connecting dots within my scrambled mind. I desperately tried pushing and poking and thinking and straining to unlock some buried memories that might explain how I had ended up where I was at this very moment, but besides slightly different impressions and flavours of the increasingly familiar 'wrongness' I felt about myself in general… I found nothing.

- - -

Eventually I began to worry that no one would ever come for me, that I'd been forgotten. It had definitely been several hours by now.

What if there had been some kind of accident? Some kind of memetic hazard leaving behind a building of people unable to remember the codes to get through secure doors. (Also, I guess memes are a thing, thanks memory.) I knew such a thing was possible, and dearly hoped it wasn't the explanation for my situation. Dying of thirst and hunger would be a bad way to go.

- - -

The isolation started to become grueling, not helped at all by how parched my throat had started to feel.

I jolted painfully in my restraints when a grainy voice filled the whole room.

"Marisa slay may tisdo baly se pal golas se nah me se risl."


The voice was loud and I didn't understand a word of it. It sounded dispassionate, as if recited by rote for the hundredth time and then dialed up way louder on a speaker so even someone partially deaf could hear it.

Despite the sudden intrusion into my up until this point 'world of one', I was thankful that perhaps some of my worst flights of fancy were not true. I wasn't doomed to die of exposure, alone, never knowing who I even was.

Although I immediately revised that opinion when a circular indentation in the wall behind me began to spin and the wall inside its circumference was replaced with a different picture entirely.

What had formerly been featureless white, was now an incredibly lifelike portrayal of a swampy forest. Dense collections of trees wove between languid canals of water and soft mushy soil, rot seeping into the roots of many plants as they failed to outcompete their brethren for access to the sun. What I'm saying is I was looking at exactly what you'd picture if someone said the words 'Haunted Marsh', up to and including the light white mist that hovered over various sections of water hiding what may lay beneath.

All my other thoughts had ground to a halt presented with this image and what it might mean. Laying down as I was, it was technically directly above my head instead of 'behind' me. After nothing for so long, why was whoever had put me here (and I had to assume it was them) showing this to me.

Then the spinning circular indentation revealed itself to be a frame when it started slowing sliding out of the wall closer to me. I was briefly perplexed for just a moment before three simultaneous senses gave me the immediate and horrifying answer.

The sound of sploshing water, a twist and ripple in a far-off patch of mist and a cool wet breeze smelling of old wood and stagnant water reached me. It wasn't an image, it was a portal.

In retrospect, I really hope there were not any cameras in my little room, because otherwise there is a rather prolonged recording of me screaming, shrieking and squealing as the portal inched closer to me over the next ten or so seconds.

As the scene of the wooded swamp grew to encompass more of my vision, I felt genuine terror. I couldn't tell you many things about myself, but I could confidently put 'not ready to survive in the middle of the wildness' firmly on that list.

"tishve smlack valoy," the voice boomed at me again as the portal was millimeters from my head.

I wanted to scream words like 'help!' and 'please stop!', but realized in that moment that I didn't know a single spoken language. I could think, I knew of vocabulary, but all the names and small amount of knowledge in my head were formless concepts of pure meaning.

In any other circumstance, I'd have spent time pondering how it was I was able to think clearly at all. As it was, I tried a few more good thrashes to break free before the portal touched me. It didn't help.

It didn't hurt at all, the subtlest sense of weightlessness as my head crossed the threshold and I was now in the middle of a swamp. Or rather my head was. I could still feel the rest of my body laying on the metal bench, despite only seeing swamp in every direction.

Looking down at where my body should be, my neck was slowly appearing followed by my shoulders. It seemed the portal was one-way trip (except when looking at it from the other side?).

At this point I started hoping it would finish quickly, the only thing worse than being alone in a swamp is being 'fixed in place up in the air while half your body materializes' in a swamp. This was made doubly awkward by gravity wanting my head and back to droop down while my legs were still held perfectly flat by the invisible bench a world away from here (or perhaps very close if it was some kind of underground bunker).

I was quite high up, too high to reasonably fall straight down safely, there were a large number of trunks and vines I could see within arms reach just a metre below where I was appearing, the only real danger was if some tree-climbing predator took advantage of my immobility to get an easy snack.

Thankfully though, nothing happened before the process finished, when the portal reached the last of the metal straps holding my ankles to the bench I immediately 'fell' through the rest of the way.

My freefall was easily aborted by reaching out and letting my tendrils (whoops, fingers.) wrap around one of the thinner trunks, which left me hanging by my arms observing my surrounds more closely.

At this point, other than giving a big well earned 'fuck you' to whoever had done this to me, I just wanted to find somewhere safe and preferably high up where nothing large or dangerous would get curious about me.

There were occasional sounds of movement all around the area, calls and groans, splashing water, the occasional snapping of twigs and grasses. Wherever I was, I was under no illusions about whether or not animals were prolific in the area.

I scampered across the branch over to the main trunk of the huge tree I'd tethered myself to and sat down to rest and try to get a proper handle on what I should be doing. My four fingers on each hand retracted back to their ordinary length now that I didn't need them to hang from.

Something about that thought tweaked as strange to me, making me look at my fingers again. But I couldn't think of what would be wrong with them. Four fingers on each of my four hands, matching the four toes on each of my four feet. My eye couldn't spot anything out of place.

Everything worked like it should. I could clench my fists to fuse down into two then one finger on each hand, even pulling pairs of arms together into single stronger limbs (though much more unwieldy) if need be. Or I could relax the other way and split my four into eight and even sixteen thin filaments each; far weaker, but allowing incredibly fine control.

Despite the fact it was around noon, the bleak washed out colour of the swamp made it hard to tell if my skin colouration was a lighter or darker grey than normal, as far as I could tell it was normal too. (I did go ahead and fuse my legs into a thicker pair of two. Who knows if I'd have to run fast on little notice.)

Nope, everything was as expected. The eeriness of my surroundings must have been getting to me.

I was the opposite of keen to leave the canopy, but there was every possibility something even worse than the unknown dangers of the swamp floor could be lurking up here too. I could hide and do nothing, hoping to stay very small and unnoticed… but in reality I knew that would only make things worse. I was hungry, I was thirsty, and I didn't know if anyone was ever going to come for me.

It was all on me.

Standing up in the tree, I began to surveil my surroundings looking for any sorts of landmarks or anything of interest. On the ground level it would have been impossible to see past twenty metres, with some very simple climbing and scampering about I could get a (still spotty, but) much more complete picture.

Off in one direction which I dubbed 'south' because you have to start somewhere, the underbrush became far thicker, vines and bushes merging into a knotted mélange akin to a solid wall. I doubted anything unable to climb would do much moving around that way. I made a mental note, it could be worth fleeing there if hounded by things worse at moving through the trees than me.

Almost in the inverse, to the 'east' the trees became far less thick and while I couldn't make out far enough from here, there was a fair chance it led to far more open ground and perhaps less swampy terrain. That was tempting simply because something was off about this place that kept getting to me like a worm under the skin. Like being watched, but knowing you're alone.

Honestly I'd settle for a pool of water that looked less green and stagnant than the rest, I was coming around to the idea that regular drinking water may not be an option and I may have to lower my standards.

The 'north' was likely a bust. Near the edge of what I could see, it gave way to a large open lake. I could make out the other side of the lake due to the lack of further blockages, but it just looked like more swamp. Putting aside the fact I didn't know if I could swim, I wasn't sure if the situation over there would be any different to where I was right now other than the added danger of moving around.

Then there was 'west', and it peaked my interest a lot. A certain distance off, trees suddenly gave way to a concrete structure of significant size. It was clearly broken down and overgrown, sunken and tilting to the side, but I'd have guessed it was once a two storey building of some sort long ago. I'd have to get closer to know, which would present dangers of its own. The same potential shelter that it promised me could just as easily apply to other things too.


The high-pitched shriek shattered my train of thought; right next to my ear, it was so loud that it rattled my bones.

Jumping in panic, if I hadn't been in a good spot I may well have just started tumbling out of the upper branches of the tree I was in. As it was, I flung my head around in different directions trying to find the source of the noise, arms flinching defensively expecting an attack from any angle.


I definitely wasn't hearing things, that was loud enough to feel the vibration in my chest when i-


This time I swiveled my neck to look directly at the source of the noise, just managing to avoid the reflexive jump the obnoxiously loud screech encouraged. This meant I was able to see it.

The subtlest of distortions in the air for half a second was the only evidence of anything having ever been thing, a sphere floating two metres from me before zipping off so fast I lost track of where it went. I'd wondered what possible reason anyone would have to dump a person in the middle of the wildness to fend for themselves… and I wasn't starting to like the impression forming in my gut.

Rustles through the underbrush mingled amongst smaller vines and the sounds of branches being snapped out of the way began to come from just about every direction. The sheer numbers drowning out any ability I might have had to pick a gap. There were even noises from within the canopy, the groans of thicker branches from heavy weights shifting and moving between them.

The creatures of this swamp knew that sound, knew what it represented. I gave another vigorous 'fuck you' in my heart to the person or people that sent me here.

Whoever they were, the fuckers had just rung the dinner bell.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Choice Time:
They Approach: Out of time and low on options, what are you going to do about the almost certain danger approaching?
[ ] Stand your ground and fight. Animals are prone to flee when disabused of an easy meal.
[ ] Climb up onto the tallest and thinnest branches that can hold your weight. Hope there is nothing well suited to giving chase.
[ ] Race for the thicker underbrush to the south. Surely most things can't climb well?
[ ] Race east for the thinning trees. Bet on being a faster runner than what's coming.
[ ] Race north and hope that you can swim and they can't.
[ ] Race for the building to the west. Hopefully you can block an entrance or something useful like that.
[ ] Write In.

First Build Selection: Right at the critical moment, deliverance. (Plan Votes Only):
* All Stat points must be allocated. (30 Available. PHY/MEN/SOC cost 2, but increment their sub-stats by 1. POW/SPD/END/CUN/KNO/WIS/CHA/INS/POI cost 1 and increment by 1).
* Stats below 5 result in certain impaired functions the closer they are to 0.
* The number of Skill Slots are optional. Unfilled Skills will be automatically allocated uses the distribution method outlined in the informationals.
* All Skills have precisely zero benefit up front, but depending on circumstances, may grow at highly varied speeds.
[ ] [FBS] Write In

Example Plan 1:
[X] [BS] Plan: I trust only the Flesh
- [X] PHY (+7), MEN (+2), SOC (+2), POW (+8)
- [X] Acrobatics, Athletics, Climbing, Dodge, Duel Wield, Heavy Armour, Improvised Weapons, Light Armour, Medium Armour, One-handed Weapons, Parry, Pistols, Rifles, Shields, Shotguns, Thrown Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Unarmed Combat, Unarmoured. 19 Skills Unchosen.
Example Plan 2: Hoping for the hail Mary
[X] [BS] Plan: Hoping for the hail Mary
- [X] PHY (+4), MEN (+4), SOC (+7)
- [X] Splay, Reverb, Revit, Swish, Solemn, Imply, Deny, Line, Relative, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, White, Black, Effigy, Cloy, Unity, Determinant, Totem, Memetics, Gestalt, Vital, Blister, Abyss, Veil, Abandon, Possessor, Shear. 5 Skills Unchosen.
(While both of these plans are at least slightly built to a purpose, I'd say they are quite shoddy compared to what you can accomplish.
Last edited:
0.2 - Cornered
[X] Race for the thicker underbrush to the south. Surely most things can't climb well?
[X] Plan: Body and Soul

Chapter 0.2 - - Cornered

Of the numerous worries I had just been anticipating, suddenly doubting the fundamental nature of my reality was not one of them.

Blessing: 'Game Layer' Awakened
Attributes Allocated: PHY+5 (5) MEN+5 (5) SOC+5 (5)
Skills Selected: Acrobatics, Analysis, Anatomy, Athletics, Climbing, Dodge, Duel Wield, First Aid, Foraging, Improvised Weapons, Investigation, Language, Logic, Mathematics, Mentalism, Perception, Psionics, Sleeping, Stealth, Unarmored, Unarmed Combat, Life, Biomancy, Blood Magic, Bone Magic, Divergence Magic, Essentialism, Plastic Magic, Spirit, Skin Magic, Effigy, Gestalt, Memetics, Vital, Yellow, Green, Blue


Like a hot pike right through the eye, knowledge of what seemed like an entire library of 'Skills' and the basic function of the 'System' filled my mind. I couldn't help but squeal in pain from the blunt insertion.

I had SO MANY questions… but they had to wait. Whatever I might think about whether what was happening to me was actually real, the pain certainly felt real. I had no intention of experiencing a perfectly lifelike simulation of being mauled to death.

I couldn't even try commands or to access anything else in this 'System' because I didn't know any words and the paradox of being able to think that thought anyway was yet another frustrating item on the pile.

I had to focus, I couldn't explain my current circumstances, but I could at least decide how I didn't want them to end.

I reckoned that in a Swamp like this, most animals could get by just fine either walking or swimming, aiming for the one place where both of those were less accessible seemed like my best bet. So, I took off south scrambling across the large branches of overlapping trees, stabilizing myself against others nearby whenever I happened to be going along one of the thinner than usual ones.

Athletics +1 (1)
Athletics +1 (2)
Climbing +1 (1)

I ignored the pings in my head as I kept making my best pace through the canopy. The sounds that had been coming for me had, for the most part, stayed where I'd left them. There was even growls and yips that implied a few predators may have found themselves in a confrontation of their own fighting over a missing meal.

What concerned me however was that some the sounds through the branches hadn't grown more faint, but in fact seemed to be getting rapidly closer. It was hard to make them out, the occasional scritch of a claw against bark, a subtle groaning bend in a branch that couldn't be explained by wind. There were things out there, and they were gaining on me.

Perception +1 (1)
Athletics +1 (3)
Climbing +1 (2)
Climbing +1 (3)

The swampy woods would have been spooky anyway, but something about being literally hunted really brought out the general 'I wish I was anywhere else' vibe in the scenery.

I didn't have a choice but to keep going as fast as was safe, any quicker and I'd risk slipping. I wasn't entirely confident I could climb back up a smooth trunk easily if I ended up below the main canopy, and being stuck on the ground felt like a very bad idea.

Athletics +1 (4)
Climbing +1 (5)
Analysis +1 (1)
Logic +1 (1)

I was most of the way and the underbrush was already growing thicker below me when I started to see and not only hear them.

Perception +1 (2)

If you took a dog and thought that it randomly needed teeth growing out of its skin like a poor man's carapace and also bladed pikes instead of feet… it still wouldn't properly describe how freaking gross and malevolent these things looked.

These were not ordinary animals; they were something else.

Logic +1 (2)
Perception +1 (3)
Analysis +1 (2)

Where their 'feet' touched the branches, the pikes sunk into them like they were mushy soil and not hardened wood. Their movements gibbered left to right ever so slightly for no discernable reason and they seemed to yip and bark at unseen tormentors as they gave chase. They moved through the canopy with effortless grace, perfectly at home skipping from tree to tree. I counted at least four of them.

My situation was much worse than I'd thought. An ordinary swamp was dangerous in the 'you might get unlucky and run into something hungry or get lost' kind of way. But unnatural monsters meant whoever put me here clearly wasn't intending for me to survive.

Athletics +1 (5)

I was getting tired from my constant pace and I realised I wasn't outpacing my pursuers anyway. If anything it seemed they might have been holding off until I got into the thicker parts so that other animals would have a harder time disturbing their free meal. No way out, sooner or later, they would catch me.

It didn't mean I had to be dogpiled though, the 'Mutts' as I chose to dub them looked quite heavy for their small size. If I made my way up to the highest branches, there was every chance they might not feel confident enough to traverse the thinner canopy. At worst, it would limit the number that could surround me at once, it would only take knocking one out of a tree to perhaps convince the others I wasn't worth the effort.

Logic +1 (3)

It was a race against time making my way quickly upwards. What I hadn't realized was that the area with the thicker underbrush also had more significant and taller trees that took longer to ascend and reach the thinner branches. Thankfully when the pursuit turned mostly vertical, I seemed to hold a narrow edge on speed to the Mutts, though they certainly seemed far more full of energy than me and my muscles which were starting to burn.

Climbing +1 (6)
Climbing +1 (7)
Athletics +1 (6)

But I made it though, the Mutts were right on my heels. They split their time evenly between jumping between the largest of the thinning branches, slathering at me hungrily and snarling at each other. Honestly that last part was probably going to be my salvation. These monster dogs might move as a pack, but they seemed incapable of true teamwork, each aggressively posturing when one jumped up to close to another.

Analysis +1 (3)
Perception +1 (4)

So that was how I found myself in the higher branches where even I didn't dare go further. I actually weighed more than the Mutts, but my prehensile tendrils (fingers, why do I keep doing that?) meant I could effectively hold onto any branch thick enough to not simply snap or bend uncomfortably supporting my bulk.

It did mean at least one of my legs and two of my arms had to be used to hold onto branches at all times, which I knew I could not keep up forever, but if I had stopped any further down than I'd have had Mutts coming at me from almost any direction. I considered the effort a worthy trade… and hoped I'd made the right call.

Logic +1 (4)
Climbing +1 (8)
Athletics +1 (7)

I didn't need to wait long, less than a minute, before the seven Mutts I could now count were competing for space beneath me. I witnessed a quick contest of intimidation and posturing to decide the pecking order for who got to make the attempt at me first. It was almost comical watching monster-dogs feint and snarl while standing on branches thin enough they had to frequently scramble and shift to avoid falling off. Except for the fact that I knew what was coming after.

Could I convince them to leave me alone before I died? I felt fairly confident of that. Trouble was that wasn't good enough. I needed to fend them off without taking any sort of injury that would just make me easy prey for the next time that terrible screech called new monsters too me. Because I wasn't an idiot, there were simpler ways to set up one fight than an invisible tracking drone of some sort.

No, I needed to win, and I needed to win so decisively that I wasn't weakened for the next trial. Didn't have much of a plan for that right now, just knew I had to do it.

The contest concluded with its winners and losers, and then they came for me.

I was not a fighter. I knew I wasn't going to be faster or in the right place every time for multiple repeated pounces, so I had to try and take the initiative somehow and not just let the Mutts have at me over and over.

Frankly, I was pretty shocked that my first idea worked. My wings are not sufficient for flying, hell even if I use them to glide (impossible in this kind of canopy) it's a quite steep angle toward the ground. Basically enough to stop me falling to my death if I have the time and space to deploy them. What my wings can do however is reach almost three times as far as my limbs, and they are prehensile. They are comparatively extremely weak, able to give a light shove or moderate squeeze, but they are quick and they are agile.

So when I deployed my right wing from completely folded into my back into a fully stretched slam toward the side of the first Mutt to step up right at the cusp of its pounce… I hoped it might unbalance him a little. It worked much better than I thought.

Somehow I caught the Mutt at the perfect juncture where it was fully committing its strength with no ability to alter course. Its moment of panic as it realized I'd put it into a spin as it launched stopped it from remembering to bite at me. I however definitely did not forget and slammed a merged arm-pair into the side of its temple during the creature's now uncontrolled leap.

Unarmed Combat +1 (1)
Unarmed Combat +1 (2)
Unarmed Combat +1 (3)
Unarmed Combat +1 (4)
Unarmoured +1 (1)

I grunted in pain at the cuts on my fingers from impacting the ragged toothy carapace of the thing as it fell out of the tree dazed, smacking into thick trunks on the way down. Whock Thwawk Fwash Thud

Sharia Shard '4E9QKW' Defeated

Aside from idly noting that it was quite helpful to know when I'd knocked things unconscious, I couldn't spare any time to celebrate, the next Mutt was stepping onto the former's favoured place for its turn.

This time I tried something else, because at this point all I really had was gambles. As the second Mutt was stepping into place, I partially detached from my spot and feinted like I was coming at it with a wing like before. As I expected, such a trick wouldn't work twice, but this time I'd been smarter. While the second Mutt tried to slash at my wing with one of its unnatural sharp blade-feet, my wing pulled away whilst one of my arms reached from the other side to wrap around one of the Mutts idle legs and yank.
Jump. Wing! Avoid. Slash. Surprise! Falling!
With a startled yip, it lurched suddenly, reaching out to regain its purchase. And immediately failed when my wing actually did give it a proper shove while it was distracted.

One more Mutt went tumbling down through the branches, striking them at hard unnatural angles with a wet crunch.

I can't believe I pulled that off!

Climbing +1 (9)
Athletics +1 (8)
Sharia Shard 'EzVDij' Defeated
Unarmed Combat +1 (5)
Unarmed Combat +1 (6)
Level Up! +2 Attribute Points

It was probably just the adrenaline pumping through my veins, but I could swear I actually had a knack for this. I felt full of energy and totally fresh like I hadn't just pushed myself to the limit the past few minutes. Or maybe Unarmed Combat (6) was more impressive than it sounded, now wasn't the time to dwell on it though. Assigning my new stat points would take a short couple seconds of concentration… I wished I had that to spare.

I quickly pulled myself back up the short distance I'd descended to apply my push, just in time too as a new Mutt tried to take advantage of my divided attention to snap at me.

Dodge +1 (1)
Dodge +1 (2)
Unarmed Combat +1 (7)

I'd hardly call pulling myself back up a 'dodge' but I wasn't going to argue. Seeming to judge that one at a time wasn't going to cut it, a fourth Mutt jumped up to join the third, this one on a branch significantly more precarious than the others. I considered what I could do about this and… drew a blank. I just honestly didn't have any more ideas beyond 'whack em if they look distracted and don't get bit'.

I knew I shouldn't hope for otherwise, but both Mutts leapt at the same time. On some reflex I didn't think I had, I attempted to push against their jaws to divert their own mouths from chowing down my arms or legs. I managed to do that for the one that had leapt from the less secure branch, but the other closed around my hand with its mouth instead. And then two of the bladed feet from the Mutt I thought I'd deflected ploughed into my thigh and abdomen…
Leap. Bite. Taste! PAIN!! !AGONY!!
Dodge +1 (3)
Dodge +1 (4)
Unarmed Combat +1 (8)
Unarmoured +1 (2)
Unarmoured +1 (3)
Unarmoured +1 (4)
Unarmoured +1 (5)
Unarmoured +1 (6)
Unarmoured +1 (7)
Unarmoured +1 (8)
Unarmoured +1 (9)
Suffered Critical Hit

"Arrrugghhh!!" I screamed, letting go of my hold on the branches from the sudden flare of pain. There was hissing and screeches all around me as I fell, lost in the stabbing agony rippling through my hand, thigh and stomach.

I hit something hard that bent my back at a horrible angle on the way down, settling off another pulse of wracking pain through my injuries.

Unarmoured +1 (10)
Unarmoured +1 (11)
Acrobatics +1 (1)

Before I slid off, I at least had the presence of mind to blindly hold onto the branch I'd presumably just struck. And then whimper a little wondering why I wasn't being torn apart as the sounds of hissing and mewling cries grew fainter instead of louder.

Sharia Shard '5BFM1Y' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'S0Jpll' Defeated
Unarmed Combat +1 (9)
Unarmed Combat +1 (10)
Unarmed Combat +1 (11)
Unarmoured +1 (12)
Unarmoured +1 (13)

I opened my eyes, feeling absolutely terrible. I'd failed. It didn't matter that I wasn't dead yet, there was no way I'd last long like this anyway. My everything hurt. The less said about the deep pervading coldness slowly seeping into my abdomen, the better.

Looking around, I'd fallen three or four metres before impacting a rather thick branch partway down. The Mutts had all left, I couldn't see them, only hear their alarmed cries and that same constant hissing following them. Perhaps some larger predator was chasing them off? I thanked luck for its small mercies.

Sharia Shard '6bgWbF' Defeated
Unarmoured +1 (14)
Unarmed Combat +1 (12)

Why did that keep happening? It definitely wasn't me, was I getting credit because I'd been a part of the fight?

It didn't matter, I was so tired. I just wanted to sleep.

Craning my neck-stalk to look at my wounds without moving my body, I saw that the stab to my thigh had luckily not gone in that far, my abdomen however looked wickedly deep and I wasn't about to go prodding to check exactly how much. I'd stopped bleeding remarkably quickly, the faint neon glow of the red liquid slowly writhing to pull itself back into my wounds was the only movement in that regard. Not that a meaningful amount would be able to crawl back in with everything already clotted.

Analysis +1 (4) tired.

Maybe I could just sleep? Perhaps I'd gotten supremely unlucky and I had some breathing room before the next disaster.

New Quest! "Survive the Thinnlands"
[It has only just begun and more is on the way. Are you the wheat or the chaff? Last until nightfall and claim the title of Survivor.]
[Reward: '+2 Attribute Points']

…fuck my life.


Choice Time:

Attribute Points: 2 Attribute Points to Allocate.
[ ] [AP] Write In.

What to do Now:
[ ] [WtoN] Sleeping... seemed so desirable right now.
[ ] [WtoN] I saw words like 'Life', 'Biomancy' and 'Vital' on my list of selected Skills. Could I figure out how to use one of them? Could they heal me?
[ ] [WtoN] I should try to climb down into the thick underbrush and hide.
[ ] [WtoN] Write in
Skills Perks and Prestige Skills
Voting is now closed.

The following is meta knowledge the MC does not possess. But for you readers it will give an idea of the general scope that Skill Perks and Prestige Skill Perks (require multiple Skills at a threshold together) can reach.
Skills provide numerous passive and continual benefits, Skill Perks stand atop the usual benefits as bonuses that activate at key thresholds.

Prestige [Parry|'Melee Weapon Skill'|'Armour Skill'|Dodge] (20) Perk: Apprentice of Magnificence
You may spend an hour to bind yourself to a specific weapon and set of armour. Your items become [Parry|'Melee Weapon Skill'|'Armour Skill'|Dodge]% more durable, sharp, protective, maneuverable and you receive an equal bonus to all relevant Skill rolls while using only these items.
Your bound Skills are inactive and offer no bonus if using any unbound armour or weapon.

Climbing (40) Perk: Like a Ninja
You may attempt to run on and jump from impossible surfaces with an exponentially increasing DC depending on how many degrees of reasonableness beyond the possible you are exceeding multiplied by length of the impossible feat in three second increments. (Short stunts feasible, longer feats incredibly hard). At level 80, objects like 'the air' and 'yourself' are considered valid climbing targets for the purposes of this Perk.
Psionics (60) Perk: Innate Reader
You may passively read the surface thoughts of any being with a Psionics Skill level less than half your own. This can be used to anticipate actions or decisions before even an individual is aware they will make them and all the advantages that implies.
If you are four times an individual's Psionics level, you can perfectly spoof a fake mindstate to deceive or misdirection them. Otherwise you must engage in an opposed DC to determine if they see through the projected illusion.

Essentialism (80) Perk: Essential Equivalency
You may substitute meta-physics and magics for related components at an efficiency cost of [Essentialism]%/2 each degree of separation. For example, using blood/bone/skin/carapace magic on blood/bone/skin/carapaces, or using biomancy on mechanical implants and prosthetics or using Remorse and Psionics interchangeably. The degrees of separation for the previous examples would be a half, three and one respectively.
Prestige [Spirit|Mentalism|Essentialism|Psionics] (80) Perk: The Anywhere Self
Your entire being can exist and project separate to your physical body for no penalty. You can use Skills and Magic from either or both as if they were your full self. If you inhabit and destroy the being of another body, you may choose to permanently possess that physical body instead of your own.
You may regenerate your body from your being or your being from body if either are destroyed automatically every (lowest of) 80/[Spirit|Mentalism|Essentialism|Psionics] weeks.

Unarmed Combat (100) Perk: Transcendent Vector
You may directly attack the body, mind or soul (+any other extra-spatial components) with an unarmed strike.
You may ignore redirection or reflective magics when making an unarmed attack.
You may choose to halve your effective Attack on any attempt to inflict curse-wounds instead of natural ones with a DC of UNARMEDLVL/2 to heal. (A Healer's relevant skill level must be equal to your UNARMEDLVL/2 to attempt the heal DC and not auto-fail.) Curse wounds can kill most otherwise immortal beings.

Dodge (125) Perk: Flash Step
You no longer cross the intervening space between the starting and finishing positions of your dodges. You may instantly teleport your SPD/10 metres to any unoccupied location once per second. (You may also teleport into objects and creatures to initiate an Existence Contest).
You may choose to dodge into spaces you can reach but cannot perceive, with all the consequences that may or may not cause.

I deliberately didn't give you any level 20 examples you can achieve soon as that seemed a bit too meta-helpful.

However, speaking of being meta-helpful. Congrats @Silverking you guessed the secret challenge before the conclusion of the first quest.
Reading over the chapters again, I have to think that Homun, or at least his mind, used to be that of either a human or a recognizably humanish mentality.... ....He used to be somebody else, but right now he's just Homun.
The MC now has bonuses to breaking through the Skill Level 0->1 barrier for a certain set of Skills whose common link shall remain unrevealed.
0.3 - A Gamble of Trust
[X] [WtoN] I saw words like 'Life', 'Biomancy' and 'Vital' on my list of selected Skills. Could I figure out how to use one of them? Could they heal me?
[X] [AP] PHY +1

Chapter 0.3 - - A Gamble of Trust

My first hope of feeling less like I was about to die was putting my spare points into raising PHY. How the incredible complexity of a living body could be accurately abstracted into a single integer was a question I pointedly did not waste time hurting my brain over.

PHY +1 (6)

I felt… a little better honestly. The heavy lethargy that seemed to weigh upon my whole body getting just that little bit lighter. Nowhere close to alright though.

It really would come down to a hail Mary gamble, seeing if I could just up and 'magic' on command.

All of the skills I'd seen show up so far had simply happened as I did things, so I reasoned that I must be able to use any of the Skills that had first appeared along with the 'System'. I hoped there wasn't some phrase or incantation necessary to even start, because if so I was out of luck.

So that was how I found myself laying up in the trees, gingerly holding some hands over the gorged opening in my abdomen and trying to think 'healy' thoughts.

Nothing happened.

Pushing down the pang of frustration, I tried coming at things from another angle. Starting with {Life}, I tried reach for anything that felt like 'Life'. Strength, Health, Energy… I really had no idea what I was doing. It didn't help that occasionally when I couldn't help but shift, the movement would send stabbing pain through one of my wounds. I kept pushing through, trying to centre my mind on the singular idea of me living.

Mentalism +1 (1)

It was immediately easier to concentrate.

Thanks. But not what I was going for.

I tried even harder, shifting between subtle nuances of what 'Life' could be represented as. I thought of it as a gift from above, a Well pulled from the centre of my soul, an omnipresent force to exchange with, a raw concept given form; all the while pushing aside any distraction.

Mentalism +1 (2)

With zero results…

This went on for quite some time.

Mentalism +1 (3)

Right when I was ready to give up, something I tried actually worked.

Life +1 (1)
Life +1 (2)
Life +1 (3)

As I was thinking of Life as 'My Life, my state of being alive, able to thrive, change and grow', I felt it. A prickly prodding feeling flowing over my abdomen and immediately dulling the pain. It was deeply uncomfortable, I'd liken it to a sensation of being 'too full', like having eaten two meals and being told you had to eat a third. It was almost intense enough to make me stop save for the next System ping.

First Aid +1 (1)

I couldn't confirm that that was an endorsement of what I was doing as correct, but it didn't matter. Less pain and raising my {First Aid} were two things that easily outweighed the nearly crushing discomfort, even if it honestly made it hard to breathe. I started pushing the prickly healing as hard as I could.

- - -

Life +1 (4)
Life +1 (5)
Life +1 (6)
Life +1 (7)
Life +1 (8)
Life +1 (9)
Life +1 (10)
First Aid +1 (2)
First Aid +1 (3)
First Aid +1 (4)
First Aid +1 (5)
Mentalism +1 (4)
Mentalism +1 (5)
Perception +1 (5)

It was working. As {Life} ticked higher, I began to get a feel for how to direct it properly, like a sleepy muscle waking up for the first time and flexing with unfamiliar strength. My wounds honestly started to feel great so long as I kept the tap open and jamming Life in there. In the end, I had to slow down, not because I couldn't go harder, but because I thought it might be dangerous.

At {Life} 10, I could now push hard enough to actually make it impossible to breathe. However Life worked, it put a pressure on the rest of my body to use which, while temporary, could clearly become harmful if taken too far.

But that was okay, because this was enough.

Gingerly, I slowly sat up, careful not to flex anything too far. I wasn't able to draw from Life and focus on moving without falling out of the branches at the same time, both taking too much concentration on their own. Looking at my wounds, they all looked significantly better. Life didn't magically erase injury, but even the half-hour I'd just spent (where I really only got the hang of it toward the last half) had done what I'd guess to be nearly a week's worth of healing. My thigh wound was completely closed, very tender, but I could place my body weight on the limb with only mild discomfort. Where my hand had been bitten, my fingers were still quite swollen, but did not hurt unless I tried to grip something. My abdomen still felt quite bad and I knew if I tried anything beyond normal walking and some careful climbing it would likely re-tear or something equally undesirable.

I still felt quite weak, whatever power Life drew from, I was able to tell I'd used more than half of its 'reserve', for lack of a better word. What I had left would get me most of the way back to being well. Then I really needed to find something to eat, because another side effect of Life Healing was quite clearly hunger, which I'd been feeling even before everything happened. Plenty of problems, but it looked like I was going to be-



I didn't wait to listen for any noises, I knew they'd be coming.

Instead, I used my three good hands to carry myself back up into the higher rungs of the canopy. I began hearing the same tell-tale sagging and groaning of wood from creatures making there way across branches from multiple directions, it was a good thing I'd started climbing straight away, because I was a fair bit slower in my reduced state than I'd been the first time.

Climbing +1 (10)
Athletics +1 (9)

I could actually perceive what felt like the tinniest increase in my upward speed when {Climbing} and {Athletics} ticked over. Had it always been like that and I was only just noticing? Or did Skills have larger effects at higher numbers?

Perception +1 (6)
Analysis +1 (5)

I wished I had a better plan than the previous one, but none of the important facts had changed about my situation. So "Climb high enough to not be surrounded and then fight back defensively" remained the best of my options. Still, I'd be more aware of the help Skills might be lending me this time; I was at {Unarmed Combat} 12, that had to count for something.

Logic +1 (5)

I hadn't quite caught sight of what was coming by the time I reached my previous perch. It was a decent spot and I was familiar with the placement of the surrounding branches so I didn't see why it couldn't be the place for my 2nd​ stand too.

Logic +1 (6)

Noticing my own darkened maroon blood colouring some of the nearby branches, I pushed aside the fear and focused on being ready.

Mentalism +1 (6)

Snapping off a sharp thin piece of wood, I held my new implement in my hand testing how it felt as a possible weapon to extend my range without putting my own limbs at risk of being bitten again. I immediately dropped it though when I distinctly felt the confidence and grace {Unarmed Combat} 12 was starting to give me vanish. It returned as soon as I was no longer holding a weapon, thank goodness.

Perception +1 (7)
Analysis +1 (6)

Instead, I spent the time I had before the noises tracked me down pushing some more Life into my wounds. Better to have a mostly emptied reserve and live to tell the tale than the alternative. I worked hard to keep an eye out while also devoting the necessary concentration to channel Life.

Mentalism +1 (7)
Life +1 (11)
Life +1 (12)
First Aid +1 (6)
First Aid +1 (7)
First Aid +1 (8)

When I gained sight of them, I briefly got my hopes up. It looked like only two Mutts this time. I wouldn't say I started to relax, but I certainly felt much more confident about my chances.

I nearly missed it.

A slight whistle in the wind, a creak on a nearby branch I'd dismissed as too small for any sort of approach; but I was already in the habit of looking for blurry distortions, that was the only reason I lived.

Perception +1 (8)
Perception +1 (9)
Perception +1 (10)

The nearly invisible creature lunged at me far faster than any Mutt could have managed. Detaching from the branches I was holding onto and twisting in the air, I narrowly avoided its transparent slash through where my head had just been.

Dodge +1 (5)
Dodge +1 (6)
Dodge +1 (7)
Unarmoured +1 (15)

I wasn't done though. Following through on my spin, I did my best to put as much force behind a kick right into the centre of the blurred mass as I fell and it passed over me.

Unarmed Combat +1 (13)
Unarmed Combat +1 (14)

Whatever it was, it was not hardy. I thought I might have felt a bone break under my foot's impact. Though I didn't have long to think on that as I needed to focus on arresting my own fall and landing on the branch below without falling straight off.

Acrobatics +1 (2)
Athletics +1 (10)

As I landed, pain exploded through me as something in my abdomen tore open again from my jerky movements.

But I refused to crumble now at the critical moment, instead focusing hard on ramming down the pain and watching where the nigh-invisible predator landed on the neighboring branch. I couldn't lose track of it.

Mentalism +1 (8)
Logic +1 (5)
Perception +1 (11)
Perception +1 (12)

Finally having time to take in the 'sight' before me, I observed the blur's movements carefully. Although the Mutt sized shape appeared to be busy mewling at the bruise/fracture I'd given its underbelly and wasn't moving toward me immediately, it was nearly impossible to tell if something like that was rearing to pounce or not. Something about it also subtly encouraged you to look away, though it was much less pronounced now that I was well and truly aware of it.

Perception +1 (13)
Perception +1 (14)
Mentalism +1 (9)

It hissed at me, a grating gravely sound. And I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to do so, but I hissed right back. I was just so done with this whole situation, I hated this swamp, I hated whatever the fuck this thing was, I hated it all. If a hiss could sound like a swear, that's the inflection I put in mine.

Psionics +1 (1)
Psionics +1 (2)

I definitely wasn't expecting the blur-mutt to flinch suddenly, letting out a pained howl in response and actually becoming ever so slightly opaque for a moment.

Perception +1 (15)

As I briefly observed the four legged red-scaled thing before its occlusion quickly snapped back into place, I had no idea why me speaking apparently counted as Psionic, but I was not one to look a gifthorse in the mouth. I also had no idea if it would get less effective from repeated exposure, so in the very next moment I raced toward the blur screaming my gills out as loud as I could.

Psionics +1 (3)
Psionics +1 (4)
Psionics +1 (5)

I ignored the pain blossoming through me as I exploded into a lunge. It would be terribly ironic if I'd hesitated to attack because of my preexisting wounds and that was what got me killed. If I was going down, I didn't want to do huddling and afraid. As I hoped, my scream had a profound effect on the creature. It popped fully into my vision, reeling back and mewling in pain from the noise as I took my chance and fell upon it.

Mentalism +1 (10)

I didn't think, I didn't stop, I just kept punching, ducking, stepping, kicking. Spikes of pain rippled through me with each move, but I just kept going. My fists occasionally making wet crunch noises as I got the red-ish Mutt-thing in soft spots.

Mentalism +1 (11)
Dodge +1 (8)
Unarmed Combat +1 (15)
Unarmed Combat +1 (16)
Unarmed Combat +1 (17)

I rained down blow after blow on the disorientated creature, it's invisibility never returned after I starting pummeling its body, it was probably too dazed. A couple times it swiped at me with long scythe like claws, but those I didn't quite dodge seemed to slide across my skin leaving only shallow scratches, they mustn't have been that sharp.

Dodge +1 (9)
Unarmoured +1 (16)
Unarmoured +1 (17)
Athletics +1 (11)

Finally, I managed to get in a truly devastating blow. Bringing two merged pair-arms down on top of its head was accompanied by a wet splintering squelch as its skull partially caved in.

High Sharia Shard '8K3fm2' Defeated
Unarmed Combat +1 (18)
Unarmed Combat +1 (19)
Level up! +2 Attribute Points
Level up! +2 Attribute Points

The red-mutt collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut, sliding bonelessly off the branch. It made wet crunching noises with each impact on its staggered fall down and out of the canopy.

Not that I was paying much attention, instead marveling at how my entire body was immediately hale and whole.

Not a scratch, no lethargy from my climb and vicious melee, just immediately and completely fine. I hadn't noticed it the first time, not properly anyway, caught in the middle of a life and death contest as I was, but Level Ups were apparently a complete restoration to full health. Not just health either, I could feel my 'reserve' of Life fully topped off too.

I felt the most confident about making it through this than I had since I'd seen my first Mutt.

Speaking of which, the previous two Mutts that I'd spotted prior to their invisible cousin trying to ambush me were just arriving on the scene. But unlike the previous gang, these two seemed less inclined to openly attack me.

They sniveled and growled and mewled and snarled, but kept their distance. I didn't take Mutts for timid scavengers; they already proven far too aggressive for that normally. I also didn't think of them as smart enough to run after watching me defeat one of their own. But it seemed that their lesser numbers and my fresh victory had sapped their confidence.

They feinted and snapped at me, but well outside even twice my wings' span. Close enough that I needed to carefully watch them, but not a serious attempt at violence.

Analysis +1 (7)
Logic +1 (6)

A small stupid voice in my head wondered if I might be able to get more levels and Skills by trying to attack them. I crushed that idiotic thought down hard; picking fights was about the last thing I wanted to do.

The standoff between us looked like it wasn't going to end any time soon. I started thinking about how dreadful it was going to be, slowly searching for a way out of this swamp while being literally hounded every step of the way, never able to drop my guard for even a moment.

But as seemed to be the pattern that could sum up my entire existence so far, something unexpected happened.

The two Mutts both peaked their heads, looking behind them further south, before yipping in a high-pitched panic and bolted left and right away from me at a fast clip.

My curiosity and worry were immediately answered not six seconds later when a young girl's voice spoke inside my head.

Gosh not anoth- … Oh my goodness you're intelligent!

I recoiled, not in pain but just shock. Her voice was not loud, it didn't have a volume at all really. But I'd thought I was alone out here and finding out I wasn't via 'unannounced voice-in-mind exclamation' was not something I'd prepared for.

No… I- I'm so sorry. Don't be upset. I'm like you, us, whatever we are.

Like us?

Did she know who I was? How we got here? Now that got me interested. The smart play would still be to run, everything I'd met so far had been different flavours of 'try to kill you', betting on this being the trend-breaker could get me sleeping six feet under.

But… answers. It was hard not to get caught up in the allure they offered.

Logic +1 (7)

My name is Slippy. I made it up since I don't remember anything from before. You should be able to see me in four or five seconds.

Sure enough, the girl, Slippy, soon appeared at the end of what I could see through the canopy, sliding over, under and between the branches in a gyrating slither like a snail on fast forward.

She was… quite beautiful honestly.

Uh… hi.

The girl's tentacles writhed shyly, having stopped once she was in my sight.

…do you have a name?

I considered what I should do.
Tempting as it was, should I really just trust a pretty face?


Choice Time:
Allocate Attribute Points: 4 Total
[ ] [AAP] Write In.

Her Voice in my Ear: She acted gentle and friendly. Did I trust that it wasn't a façade?
[ ] [HVimE] I ran in the opposite direction, the swamp had taught me better than to trust.
[ ] [HVimE] Trust, but Verify. I allowed her to approach, ready to attack at the first sign of treachery.
[ ] [HVimE] Where one falls, two might thrive. I took her word at face value. I suggested we go to the building I'd seen. As a telepath, she could tell me if anything was already inside before we sought shelter.
[ ] [HVimE] Write in.

A Name: The Question was asked, and I honestly hadn't considered. Did I have a name? Did I want one?
[ ] [AN] If she was 'Slippy', then I guess I was 'Splitter'.
[ ] [AN] A name didn't matter. If someone wished, they could come up with one for me.
[ ] [AN] I was just me, I didn't want a title.
[ ] [AN] Write in.
0.4 - The Thrill of Skill
[X] [AAP] +2 PHY (Tie breaker defaults to previous investments)
[X] [HVimE] Where one falls, two might thrive. I took her word at face value. I suggested we go to the building I'd seen. As a telepath, she could tell me if anything was already inside before we sought shelter.
[X] [AN] If she was 'Slippy', then I guess I was 'Splitter'.

Chapter 0.4 - - The Thrill of Skill

The way Slippy's mucosal excretions gently trickled down her exoskeletal membrane had a sublime quality that took my breath away. Her overall bluish hue shyly hid deeper undertones of green and grey overlayed beneath her translucent skin, noticeable mostly from the way her internal organs shifted and squelched asynchronously to her movements.

She looked so fragile, her mostly gelatinous membranes sturdy enough to hold together, but likely to fall apart under even the slightest of traumas.

I realized I was staring, and coughed like I'd been distracted.

+2 PHY (8)

Incrementing {PHY} by a full two points had the desired effect of refocusing me. The first time I'd put a point in, I'd been nearly dead and half delirious. This time I could notice the full effects. Strength filled me all at once. I felt more sturdy, the air felt crisper and less damp; clenching my fists, I was surprised at how firm my grip had become. Clearly even a single point was no joke, and two were immediately noticeable.

'Whoa! How did you do that?' Slippy beamed into my mind, the concept of surprise with subtle undercurrents of concern flavouring her mindtone.

Ah, I didn't think of that.

In truth seeing her fragility had convinced me that being physically faster and stronger might have given me the most advantage if the girl turned out to be hostile or some monster's lure. But seeing her wide-eyed wonder persuaded me that Slippy was probably genuine.

Can you hear me if I think words at you?

I can! Oh it's so good to talk to someone! I've been here for hours.

'My name is Splitter,' I thought, hoping she'd drop the subject of me becoming noticeably more robust, 'Do you know where we are?'

Thankfully, the girl seemed easily distracted. She slunk closer as she answered me.

'Splitter, that's nice,' She answered, her tone turning pained as she continued. 'No idea, I woke up tied to a bench in a clear white room. There were minds all around me, but they never answered any of my questions or even acknowledged I was there. After what felt like an eternity, I got dumped out here through a portal.'

I couldn't help but notice that her leg-tentacles did not actually touch the branches she slid over, instead hovering ever so slightly off them. In the intervening gap, a slight green glow preceded the appearance of a viscous clear slime that held shape so long as she travelled over it, then sloughed off to fall down out of the canopy in liquifying chunks as she moved on. Branches did not sag or bend as she slid over them, not matter how thin they were. Slippy didn't look heavy, but there was obviously some magic at work there.

The more engaging thought that quickly struck me though was that our situations were the same. I'd suspected I'd been being watched in that clear room, Slippy's slightly more informative observations thanks to her innate telepathy all but confirmed that. Of course that begged the question of whether they also intended for us to meet out here, or if random chance and limited space was at play. I certainly considered other directions than south when I'd first ran, any other direction could have had me running into someone/thing else or nothing at all.

So what now?

There… is a place nearby. A building, I was uncertain if it was safe inside.

Really? All I've found was wood wood river wood river wood wood. Oh, and animals about once a minute. There's tons of them here, it was super dangerous until I figured out I could scare them.

Slippy seemed to bob excitedly each time I spoke to her. It was hard to tell, but I was beginning to get the impression she was young, or perhaps just extremely excited to interact with someone.

'How do you do that by the way?' I asked 'Is it Psionics?

'I…' She hesitated, I'd hit of something she didn't like talking about. 'Talking like now is just natural to me, I don't have to try or do anything. But I can push hurt at dumber creatures too. They hate it, they don't understand and it terrifies them… it's pretty terrible feeling their panic so I try to do it as quickly and gently as possible.'

Psionics +1 (6)

Putting aside the bump to Psionics which apparently was slowly ticking up just from talking to Slippy, an idea occurred to me.

It was dumb. I shouldn't do it. But the curiosity gnawed at me the moment it occurred, 'What if?'.

Could you, try and push hurt at me? I want to try something.

Slippy looked a little dumbfounded. 'What? Why… even if I'm gentle it's still horrible. I don't want to do that to you.'

'Trust me,' I said. I had to know.

Slippy stood atop the branches motionless, the seconds stretching out. Her eyes didn't blink, but I could tell she was thinking hard.


I was about to ask when she was going to start when I felt it-

Mentalism +1 (12)
Mentalism +1 (13)
Psionics +1 (7)
Mentalism +1 (14)
Mentalism +1 (15)
Mentalism +1 (16)
Mentalism +1 (17)
Psionics +1 (8)
Mentalism +1 (18)
Mentalism +1 (19)
Mentalism +1 (20) CAP

-drill through my skull and ram hot coals directly inside. Fire filled my nerves as I dropped bonelessly like a ragdoll, utterly unable to even think.

'Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!' Slippy cried, racing forward to stop me from sliding right off the branch I'd crumpled onto.

It was a thousand times worse than what I imagined it would be, but as I blacked out from the pain, I couldn't help but wiggle my face-suckers in a smile.

Mentalism (20) Perk! "Plate Juggler"
[Your working memory is now increased by MENTALISMLVL%x2 and all penalties from multitasking are reduced by MENTALISMLVL%. At level fifty, this boon's multipliers double and at level eighty double again.]
[You may reduce your working memory in a direct tradeoff instead of experiencing mental trauma.]

There was only one word for the sensation of one's mind expanding 40% in an instant… euphoria.

New Quest! "Whip me Harder"
[You've discovered a path to power beyond combat. Convince ten different entities to subject you to harm in your search for the autonomy to defy creation. Grow. Advance. Consume. 1/10]
[Reward: Secret Skill]

- - - - -

You're awake!

Ow. Is this what a hangover feels like?

I ignored the fact that I just remembered what hangovers were. At this point it was obvious I had an entire lifetime of experiences inside my head that only resurfaced when tangential thoughts caused them too.

Life +1 (13)

Taking the edge off with some Life, I pulled myself back up to look around. Slippy and I were still up in the branches together. The girl was standing near me, presumably having held me still so I didn't go over either edge while insensate.

That had been a very dumb idea, but that feeling of gaining a Perk… it had been ecstasy. I'd felt strong, large, substantial. I wanted to feel that way again. I could already tell I was keeping track of more of my surroundings effortlessly than I could before. 'Working Memory' wasn't the same as intelligence, but it could do a reasonable impersonation of it in a lot of situations. The crazy thing was I wasn't even feeling the full effects right now, {Plate Juggler} was automatically exchanging some of the extra mind I'd gained to sooth the trauma of experiencing pure pain for a few seconds so that I felt neutral about the whole thing.

'Please never ask me to do that again,' Slippy said, having slunk a short distance away now that I was conscious. 'You reacted way worse than you should have, I don't think it's healthy.'

Yeah, good idea. Never again.

If I raised my MEN, we were doing that again.

'That building you mentioned, which way was it?' Slippy asked. She seemed eager to move the topic onto something else. In retrospect, I'd been super reckless throwing myself at her mercy like that. Luckily though, she was harmless. Well, friendly perhaps, 'harmless' didn't seem like the right description.

'This way,' I thought, picturing my memory of our surroundings and where I'd come from. 'Can you check the inside?'

My range is over 200 metres, there are one or two animals that direction but as long as your memory is correct then they are not where the building is.

'Impressive,' I thought to myself as I got up to start moving back the way I'd first ran. The way Slippy bobbled shyly and blushed a little green told me she'd heard that, I'd need to be careful about thinking distinct thoughts.

- - -

Athletics +1 (12)
Climbing +1 (11)

[Slippy: Add to Party] Y/N?

The prompt appeared half-way back to the concrete structure I'd originally surveyed. Things were much less tense now and as an unexpected additional boon, the camouflaged drone that drew creatures to me twice before had not made a reappearance. Perhaps it knew that Slippy would simply drive them away long before I even saw them?

I was not sure which to choose. There was no time limit or anything, so I chose to not choose and simply ignore the message; it receded to the periphery of my consciousness where it subtly prodded me for a choice now and then but was otherwise silent.

Aside Slippy playing 'how many questions can I possibly fit into one minute', (which didn't go very far considering neither of us knew anything about ourselves save for the Room and being dumped here) there was only one other thing of note that happened along the way. But boy was it a doozy.

I'd grown curious of clear-mucus that allowed Slippy to live up to her namesake. It had become clear that while it was a slush to anyone else, to Slippy it was as sticky or frictionless or hard or soft as she needed moment to moment. On one occasion she literally went upside-down along a branch next to me without needing to hold onto anything.

Analysis +1 (8)

So I reached out to touch some partway through out trek, not expecting much except the chance to maybe push {Analysis} or {Perception} higher. Instead, when my finger broke the firm yet fragile surface-tension of the mucus trail behind Slippy, I saw GREEN.

Green-Pixie +1 (1)

I immediately was aware of a tiny fleck of green light popping into existence next to me.

Her name was 'Fiesty'.

Gaining a level in {Green} was entirely different to anything else before it. Every other Skill up until now had barely come with instructions, I'd even leveled {Analysis} partly from figuring out things about other Skills that they hadn't told me. But Green was the precise opposite.

I knew Fiesty like I knew my own hand. She was a construct born of my desire to live, a minuscule fairy-like creature no larger than a thumbnail. As the green light faded down to a single pinprick sized mote denoting the location of Fiesty's heart, I could see that she took after the classical fairy trope in every way you'd assume. A porcelain white body adorned in pink tutu and translucent rainbow coloured butterfly wings. A tiara adorning her blue-green streaked blonde hair. Her face looked like a… human, whatever they were, but with four noticeably large razor-sharp fangs. Their placement somehow made her more cute rather than being jarring.

She was not actually alive, or at least, not a separate creature. Fiesty was a reflection of my own soul. So much so that I knew she could borrow any Skill or Magic I ever learned and use them herself with an efficiency equaling her level. Which right now was an abysmal exchange rate, but one day would be profound.

'Oh. My. Goodness. You can see the GREEN!,' Slippy beamed back at me in joy. She giggled as Fiesty began to flitter around her playfully letting off tiny meeps and coos of salutation.

Wow. She's so cool. I thought my 'Anypath' was great, but you got a bonafide little companion out of it.

Normally, my next question would have been what the heck Slippy was talking about. But like I said, the {Green} just made sense on an instinctive level. Just by her talking about it I felt myself become aware of her power the same way she was clearly absorbing information about mine.

Perception +1 (16)
Perception +1 (17)
Analysis +1 (9)
Analysis +1 (10)
Anatomy +1 (1)
Anatomy +1 (2)
Anatomy +1 (3)

The clear-mucus I had been observing was Slippy's Green power in the same way that Fiesty was mine. She could generate it on any surface she was just shy of touching and use it as an intermediary contact medium. It allowed her to move across it as a perfect combination of all material properties, it was perpetually the precisely correct stickiness, viscosity, texture and everything else to aid her movements and branched into outright magical effects such as negating the impact of her weight and momentum on objects she applied it to as well as letting her partially ignore such phenomena like gravity when she was touching it. 'Anypath' was a pretty apt summary, because with it she could climb any object, including those that should have been too fragile or unsteady for anyone to ascend.

Green-Pixie +1 (2)
Green-Pixie +1 (3)
Green-Pixie +1 (4)
Green-Pixie +1 (5)
Green-Pixie +1 (6)

The interaction of our two Green powers synergistically expanded both slightly, the effect being more pronounced on me given that I was starting from close to zero. (Though I knew Slippy had received a bonus of some kind for awakening my Green.)

In a flash of brilliant green light, Feisty ballooned in size, rapidly coming to stop at about the size of a closed fist. The fairy eyed me coyly as I noted the now toothpick sized short-spear held in one of her diminutive arms. In her other arm she held spooled up whip which I knew could extend to three times her body length in a heartbeat to reel her into things. It was clear at this size that her clothing and the items she wielded were all semi-incorporeal, a slight transparency evident in all their textures. Little sparkles of green light flowed from her heart constantly to her extremities, occasionally popping and crackling out around her like tiny fireworks.

The show over, Feisty set about patrolling the nearby surrounds for hidden predators that might have somehow slipped through Slippy's blanket of awareness. I knew Feisty would change her current behavior to whatever I wished at the speed of thought, but I agreed with her first instincts. After all, Feisty herself was an example of something Slippy could not detect, as Feisty had no mind of her own. It was still easier to pretend that she was a real living thing rather than just an incredibly lifelike extension of myself, but she did serve as proof-of-fact that we could still be ambushed by a specific sort of danger. And if there was one hole in Slippy's defence, then there could be others; we should stay at least a little on guard.

'Can you do other magic too?' Slippy asked as she watched Feisty fly off just out of sight. 'Talking and my Paths is it for me.'

'We are nearly there,' I deflected, helped by the fact that it was true. Stepping from the branch of one tree to another and pushing aside some foliage did indeed reveal the same building from my memories. 'Still nothing in there?'

'Yeah, still nothing,' Slippy replied, a little mopey from my non-answer.

- - -

I thought it might have been an office building, a long long time ago.

The glass windows were all long shattered, vines and sometimes entire branches having grown in through them. Whatever facades and signage had once adorned its exterior had crumbled and given way to show the brick veneer or bare concrete beneath. The entire structure was imposingly large up close, it looked like it was actually three storeys with one level nearly entirely sunk beneath the swamp as it angled into the ground. Each level of the building likely contained at least two dozen rooms of various sizes, if not significantly more.

The question I kept asking myself as we walked through what would have formerly been a wide two-door front entrance was 'where the hell did this come from?'. It clearly did not belong where it was.

We found ourselves in what would have once upon a time been a food court. Now all that remained were rotting overturned chairs and tables amongst moldy booths stripped bare of all but the basic fittings. Feisty was quite helpful for quickly checking rooms, zipping inside and sending a mental ping if she found anything interesting… or rather, repeatedly letting me know she'd found nothing.

Investigation +1 (1)
Investigation +1 (2)
Foraging +1 (1)

Altogether I wasn't actually disappointed by this. At the moment, no news was good news. Here I had shelter from the elements and I had Slippy to keep away all the things that go bump in the night. It would take some time to check all the rooms (we really would be dumb not too), but after that was done the only real concern left would be food and water.

When the time came to search for those later, not only would I have Feisty, but also {Foraging} and {Investigation} which would inevitably keep ticking up and helping me. In the absolute worst-case scenario where we really kept finding nothing, I mentally prepared myself for what I called the 'Final Gambit'. The Final Gambit was going out and finding a monster to fight until I either died or leveled up and had my hunger/thirst renewed as a side effect.

For now though, we continued on into what I was now thinking was more of a mall than an office prior to its apparent dislocation into the centre of a swamp.

- - - - -

Perception +1 (18)
Psionics +1 (9)
Athletics +1 (13)
Athletics +1 (14)
Investigation +1 (3)
Investigation +1 (4)
Investigation +1 (5)
Investigation +1 (6)
Foraging +1 (2)
Foraging +1 (3)

The thought just kept prodding me. Not 'Add to Party Y/N', that was also still there. But the Final Gambit.

We'd been searching the rooms of the old shopping mall room by room for what was likely hours (Feisty agreed on that duration via a quick flight outside to check the sun's position). But all we kept finding was emptied rooms and discarded refuse that had withered under the lingering dampness of the swamp over the passage of years.

And when I say emptied I mean it was clear that the entire building had been ransacked for anything of value. Overall, the ambiance felt distinctly like what you'd expect in a typical cliché apocalypse movie.

The bodies didn't help. BLUE

Oh yes, the bodies. It had taken us a while to find the first, but the further in we went and especially on the upper levels after taking the stairs, they were everywhere. Most of them were not whole, but scattered and splintered into parts, the marrow consumed rather than left to rot.

They were gathered in huddles scattered throughout, the ruins of some bedrolls and other living gear sometimes amongst the morbid scenes. Even with the more intact corpses I couldn't tell the men or women apart because of the advanced state of decay… it was easy to recognize children's smaller forms though.

Some rooms were full of them, like impromptu cemeteries, but evidently people had eventually stopped bothering to move the dead. BLUE!

The picture of what happened had started to form the longer we searched.

Investigation +1 (7)
Investigation +1 (8)
Analysis +1 (11)

On a terribly unfortunate day, an entire mall of people suddenly find themselves transported to an unfamiliar place. Lost and alone, they organize and ration what food is available, likely making some very hard choices as supplies ran thin on who gets to eat. They are buying time, waiting for help to arrive…

…but it never does.

Despite what I may be making it sound like, there were less bodies than I'd expect, perhaps it had been close to closing time when the event had happened. More likely, groups had set off into the swamp trying to find their way out. Given the density of creatures that had been close to me and the fact Slippy confirmed she was still regularly deflecting more from her mental perimeter… I didn't like their chances. BLUE!!

It was mulling over these stranger's likely quite brutal fates that what I'd been missing about my Final Gambit clicked. Why wait? What if Slippy let a single Mutt through at a time, or even drew them towards us? We'd have food, and as a not insignificant bonus, my System seemed to love me fighting things (for some reason) so I would only become stronger from it. One day there might be a monster with powers superior or at the very least resistant to Slippy, on that day I wanted the Stats and Skills to get us through (or at least successfully run).

Logic +1 (8)

I was about to ask Slippy what she thought when we came across something quite unexpected down our current corridor.

Having just come around a corner, we were greeted a sight 40 metres in front of us where the dilapidated storefronts jarringly gave way to red rock and sand. The floor level was uneven, sharply rising nearly a metre where the maroon stone began, as if spliced together from two different places.

Analysis +1 (12)

Actually, that was probably exactly what was going on. As we walked closer, it became clear that another 30 or so metres on, the scene returned to that of the mall. Some partial cave system or desert had been transplanted adhoc into the centre of the mall. I reasoned this had happened more recently, there were no bodies or litter at all within the strange transplanted space.

I briefly hopped up to plant my feet on the sand, it was clammy and matted from the humidity of its new environment, likely quite the departure from its original texture. I felt a little lighter standing in this space, the mall had settled a bit of a funk over me as we'd been exploring and it was nice to have a bit of a (literal) change of scenery.

But, it was time to think about what Slippy and I were going to do next. Turning back to look at the girl slinking not far behind me, I took back in the ruined scene of this part of the mall. There was a small pile of child sized bones off to the left. My face-suckers quirked into a frown as I noticed it, and my head felt BLUE.

Blue-Deadthink +1 (1)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (2)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (3)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (4)

9. Was an orphan. Rude and uncooperative. One of the first to be denied rations.

My Blue power had awakened. Unlike Green, which had been light and uplifting, Blue was a heavy weighty thing. The Deadthink, pre and postcognition relating how things had died, would die or could be used to make things die. In its infantile stages as it was now, it was a feed of mostly just tidbits of knowledge. There was the sense that it could take on entirely new dimensions through further growth.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts I turned to lot at Slippy and immediately winced at a new sensation.

Blue-Deadthink +1 (5)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (6)

Has Died. Physically Fragile. Immunocompromised. Developing severe infection.


Are you feeling okay?

…Yeah. Why?

…well great.

We only had a few maybe a quarter hour's worth more rooms to explore, than some choices would need to be made, such as what on earth we were going to do next?


Choice Time:

Bait on the Line: Slippy seemed easily persuaded and inclined to follow my lead. I could likely convince her to lure one Mutt at a time to me for 'self-defence practice' or just straight up for food. The strength defeating lots of the creatures would give me might be the difference between life and death in this horrid place. But I was hardly invincible, and this plan was not without risks… I really wanted the sensation of more Levels and Perks though.
[ ] [BonL] Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And the potential Perks were too good to pass up.
[ ] [BonL] One in the hand is worth two in the bush. We should just hunker down and focus on going unnoticed.
[ ] [BonL] Actually, I had a better idea for what we should be doing to raise my Skills (Write in)

Companion Prompt: Yes or no. And zero information on what either would do. Implicitly I had two choices, but technically I had three.
[ ] [CP] I selected 'Yes'.
[ ] [CP] I selected 'No'.
[ ] [CP] I left the Prompt unanswered. 'Add to Party Y/N' sitting in the periphery of my consciousness.

Extracurricular Study: I was likely going to have time to try and push either new or existing Skills up, but where should my priorities be placed?
(This creates a priority list based on vote numbers. There is no guarantee how many or even if any of these will be attempted or succeed).
(Bonus to rolls with a good idea on how to raise the Skill)
[ ] [ES] My physically inclined Skills seemed easiest to develop. Frankly it was rather silly of me to have not even thought of trying to push up {Stealth} before now.
[ ] [ES] {Psionics} kept ticking up, but aside from a hurtful scream I wasn't actually sure what I could do with it.
[ ] [ES] {Unarmed Combat} and {Unarmoured} were so close to 20. Maybe I could find some way to level them without even having to fight something.
[ ] [ES] I'd discarded {Duel Wield} and {Improvised Weapons} as duds, but now that my life wasn't in immediate danger perhaps I could get them up to something useful.
[ ] [ES] {Life} was a… well it was a lifesaver. I should spend my spare time trying to get it to 20.
[ ] [ES] {Bone Magic} was a thing, and there were a lot of bones around…
[ ] [ES] I should try to find a way to keep improving my {Green-Pixie}
[ ] [ES] {Blue-Deadthink} was mostly not that useful this exact moment, but what if I could get it higher?
[ ] [ES] Think Yellow thoughts. It was be excellent if I could pick up a third supplementary power that I knew I'd immediately have the instincts to use.
[ ] [ES] Actually, I had another Skill in mind. (Write in.)

You show me Yours, I show you Mine: I'd been careful just in case it would be a problem, but I was becoming increasingly sure that my 'System' was not the default way things worked for everyone else. The way Slippy implied an absolute ignorance of such a things existence. I needed to decide how close to keep this secret to my chest.
[ ] [TsmYisyM] Nothing. Slippy seemed trustworthy, but there was literally no benefit to her knowing and plenty of risk.
[ ] [TsmYisyM] Without all the nitty gritty details, it would be helpful to hear Slippy's ideas on how to best ensure our mutual survival. Her having at least a rough idea of how things worked for me was an important part of making that possible.
[ ] [TsmYisyM] Slippy had been nothing but a friend and support. She was naively innocent and genuine. If there was anyone in the world that I could actually trust with the truth, then it was her.
[ ] [TsmYisyM] Write in.


Additional Considerations (Optional): Other things the MC should focus on doing or spend time on. Is only enacted if a sufficient proportion of total voters support it.
[ ] [AC] Write in.
Last edited:
0.5 - Two feet on the Ground.
[X] [BonL] Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And the potential Perks were too good to pass up.
[X] [CP] I selected 'Yes'.
[X] [ES] {Bone Magic} was a thing, and there were a lot of bones around…
[X] [TsmYisyM] Slippy had been nothing but a friend and support. She was naively innocent and genuine. If there was anyone in the world that I could actually trust with the truth, then it was her.
[X] [AC] Meditate on your life, and your Life. Remember what you were thinking of when {Green-Pixie} leveled up, and the significance of what form Green takes for you and Slippy. She isn't dead, and she seems totally fine. There are things you know about without having any idea of why or what they mean. The room, the voice, the portal, the alarm, your body and knowledge, this building and this cave system. Something's going on here.

Chapter 0.5 - - Two feet on the Ground.

Foraging +1 (4)
Athletics +1 (15)

In one of the last rooms we searched, we came across what must have been the last of those who came before to perish in this place. The door had been barricaded by tables and chairs jammed into the frame such that at one point in the past it would have been very difficult to force our way in from the outside.

Time rolls on however. The years since had rotted the formerly firm wood rather thoroughly and it did not take long for me to simply bash at the weaker segments until they dislodged and fell free.

Inside what looked like a lower-end shoe store, there were the typical huddles of bodies. Two stood out to me. One had a hole in their skull.

Woman. Was wife of a trained marshal. Shot in the middle of the night to end her constant coughing and seizures.

The other had a jaw that seemed smashed apart.

Attempted suicide after killing wife. Improper aim due to wracking cough. Bled to death from jaw wound.

Blue-Deadthink +1 (7)
Investigation +1 (9)
Anatomy +1 (4)

What a way to go.

'Hmmm?' Slippy asked, 'You figured out what happened?'

I pondered answering her as I bent down to claim the old weapon beside the skeletal corpse. A pistol, empty.

Foraging +1 (5)

I could evade Slippy's question, deflect. But… I didn't want to. I could admit the fact that she was the only person I could remember ever meeting right now was affecting my judgement, but I really did want someone I could talk to. The fact it would make it so much easier to pool our resources together more effectively was a not insignificant push too.

'Slippy?' I stood and looked directly at my gooey skinned acquaintance.

'Uh… yes?' She replied, shifting somewhat nervously at my formal inflection.

Do you want to join my party?

At that, I beamed my full unreserved understanding of what I was at Slippy. What Skills were, Attributes, the 'System', Caps, the 'Add to Party Y/N' situation, everything.

Psionics +1 (10)
Psionics +1 (11)

She staggered backward, almost knocked off balance by the weight of ideas. I couldn't send thoughts unaided like Slippy could, but I was learning quickly and was no longer limited to letting her only hear words.

So… like I said. Do you want to join my party?

Slippy seemed at a loss for nearly a full minute before she responded. I knew it was going to be an uphill battle to convince her to believe I was telling the truth and not some elaborate lie, but I was willing to take the time to-


Yes? That's it, no more questions?

Slippy's mouth-hole made a cute flapping noise as she breathed in and sighed.

You don't have any answers Splitter. But your tough and strong and smart and… anyway, the point is I want to be a part of whatever it is that is going on.

That was… both easier and more decisive than I was expecting. But, I'd already been leaning toward selecting Yes, Slippy being on board was all the confirmation I needed.

Slippy: Add to Party [Yes]!

Other than the subtlest sensation of some space inside me becoming a little bit used up, there was almost nothing different. Something had changed, but what? It was too soon to know.

'I feel… the same.' She seemed disappointed.

Only time will tell.

It felt a little like cognitive whiplash, I'd built up this idea in my head that telling Slippy about the system and convincing her would be this big thing. But she believed me immediately, not needing convincing, and didn't have any questions, because she knew everything I did.

With that anti-climax past us, all that remained was to finish our search.

- - -

Foraging +1 (6)
Foraging +1 (7)

The only thing of note the two of us found while looking around was a series of improvised weapons in the back of the shoe shop. Someone had somehow sharpened down some steel table legs into points rather than stubs, there was dried residue that looked like it was once blood on their ends, showing they had been used at some point before being abandoned.

Investigation +1 (10)

I considered trying to work upon {Improvised Weapons}, maybe swinging around two or more at once to have a go at {Dual Wield}. But the fact I had to choose between that and my current unarmed Skills made that a secondary priority. I certainly intended to level them when I had the time, but only after getting the level 20 Perks I suspected were waiting just a few Skill levels away.

Logic +1 (9)

The idea of luring monsters to me to essentially grind up my actual Levels remained a tantalizing possibility. But first, I wanted to aim for a lower hanging fruit.

I walked back toward one of the rooms we'd found where large amounts of bones were interred, one of the early makeshift cemeteries set aside before the inhabitants had simply starting leaving the bodies where they expired.

{Bone Magic}. Was what I was trying to do irreverent? I told myself that this is what these people would have wanted, for their deaths to mean something. The only other person here with me didn't argue, though Slippy seemed as uneasy as I was myself.

Kneeling down and laying my hands upon the stacked pile of bones thick enough to nearly obscure my view of the tiled floor, I tried to reach out and access the locked magic.

First, I tried to move them; to sense the bones themselves and perhaps work them to my will. Nothing.

Second, I tried to push energy into them; to make them into more than they were before. Nothing.

Third, I tried to think of who these people had been in life; to restore some semblance of what they once were. Nothing.

Fourth, Getting exasperated, I tried to feel and pull upon what bones represented; the core and foundation of a person. Finally, a tingle.

Bone Magic +1 (1)

It was hard, unfamiliar. Liking guiding myself through a dance I had read the steps to, but never practiced.

Bone Magic +1 (2)

I pulled upon the bones I was touching, sapping something primordial and alive somehow stored within them. I lacked the sense of what to do with it, and after half a minute felt one of bones I'd been touching disintegrate into powder; its potential wasted.

Bone Magic +1 (3)

I redoubled my efforts. I was taking something from these bones, something that could be redirected elsewhere. But what? I tried to feel it out, the energy, the sense of potential thrumming at my fingertips unharnessed.

Bone Magic +1 (4)
Bone Magic +1 (5)

It was several minutes and half a ribcage of powered bone later that I started to gain a sense of direction. If pulling from the foundation of a person was what had activated {Bone Magic}, then that was where the answer lay. What was I pulling this potential toward? What was my foundation? What represented the core of my Strengths?


Bone Magic +3 (8)

The epiphany hit me as a whole femur broke apart from my suddenly increased ability to siphon its essence. Attributes, Stats. I could see the path through the jungle now. For a moment, I could borrow the strength, the wit, the grace that people had had in life.

Power. {POW}. Taking another rib in one of my hands, I siphoned it while focusing on the literal strength they had possessed in life. For the briefest moment I felt raw undiluted force fill me. The full {POW} this individual had once had added atop my own. This wasn't just a guess, my intuitive understanding of my System Interface showed my {POW} stat temporarily raise from eight to fourteen.

Bone Magic +1 (9)

The rib disintegrated into dust a moment later, merely possessing the added strength was enough to powder it in seconds. Had I used it, I knew it would have given only a single punch or kick. I was so not done with this though. I clutched a whole femur between my hands, and pulled on {SPD}.

Bone Magic +1 (10)
Bone Magic +1 (11)

If anything this was even more potent than the last time. In my desperate pulling I had guzzled down on the bone's power, I realized that I could temper or accelerate the process, either savouring or ravishing a bone of its potential. This time I had pulled fast and pulled hard, my {SPD} shot up to nineteen for less than one second. It felt like more than a second though, in that lingering space of stretched time, it almost felt like I could pluck a bullet out of the air. With no reason to stop and a plethora of resources before me, I dove into my practice, spending the next half of an hour extending my new magic as far as it could go.

Bone Magic +1 (12)
Bone Magic +1 (13)
Bone Magic +1 (14)
Bone Magic +1 (15)
Bone Magic +1 (16)
Bone Magic +1 (17)
Bone Magic +1 (18)
Bone Magic +1 (19)

I learned a lot in that heady time of unnatural highs and disappointing lows. {END} felt like I could either briefly extend my overall durability, or have a bone tank part of a hit in my place. It also took longer to dissolve a bone being held on standby than the others. My {MEN} stats didn't feel quite so profound, though do smart people feel smarter? That said, it was during a period of repeatedly hiking up {CUN} that I realized I should take the time to try and push Life energy into Slippy given that I knew she was developing an illness. And use {Deadthink} on myself for that matter.

Life +1 (14)
Life +1 (15)
First Aid +1 (9)
Life +1 (16)
Life +1 (17)
First Aid +1 (10)
Life +1 (18)
First Aid +1 (11)

'Oh wow, that feels so much better,' She'd said after I finished.

Psionics +1 (12)

I'd felt a little foolish for needing to use Bone Magic to come up with that idea. In the end it hadn't even used up my reserve. Slippy had a reserve of her own she was unable to tap without having {Life Magic}, but it was essentially exactly the same as using my own. Deadthink had dropped its lines about infection when I checked again. Then, turning in on myself…

Has died. Central chest cavity highly vulnerable.

Blue-Deadthink +1 (8)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (9)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (10)
Analysis +1 (13)
Anatomy +1 (5)
Anatomy +1 (6)

I looked at myself, and the red opening in the centre of my chest that revealed my innards to the world. Saying I felt vulnerable (and daft for not recognizing such a glaring weakness about myself until now) would be a pretty big understatement. I'd thought being stabbed through my abdomen was bad, but now I had the sense that if that Mutt's bladed leg had gone in just a bit higher I may have outright died without even a gasp.

Anatomy +1 (7)

As far as Bone Magic was concerned, I felt I was getting to the point where I could holistically draw out more broad effects beyond just raw Attributes. Things like health and perhaps one day even lifespan did not seem unreachable. I also had an intuitive sense of the potential within each bone I now held before I starting pulling from it, which was kind of trippy considering I could feel the potential in my own bones too. That didn't seem like a bridge that would be wise to cross though. I hadn't managed to put anything that I took from a bone back even with other bones to drawn from, I didn't want to imagine what draining my own might cause. The only Attribute I hadn't temporarily been able to ramp up was {LUK}, simply because I hadn't found a single bone that had any. In terms of limits, it seemed that even if I ratcheted up my siphoning to its maximum strength, I could not go further than doubling my own attributes or pulling double of the base stats a bone had held in life; the limit was always whichever of those two were lower and at maximum pull a bone lasted less than half a second unless it was something massive like a femur.

The process of leveling had gotten slower and slower the closer I got to {Bone Magic} 20. Though Slippy insisted that it was 'stupidly crazy cool' how quickly I'd been able to pick it up, I still found myself getting frustrated.

When it seemed to stall at 19, I actually resorted to making light cuts in my skin and figuring out how to slowly close them by pulling from bones instead of using Life energy. It was a different process entirely. Whereas Life energy seemed to accelerate the natural healing process orders of magnitude faster, Bone Magic seemed to directly degrade the bone it pulled from to spontaneously manifest undamaged tissue. It was less all encompassing, Life energy for example would easily clear out an infection as part of its healing, whereas with what I pulled from bones it was almost easier to hack out a piece of flesh and regrow it than try and remove any foreign bacteria within.

First Aid +1 (12)
First Aid +1 (13)

Musing aside, my slightly more extreme grinding had the desired result.

Bone Magic +1 (20) CAP

Bone Magic (20) Perk! "Calcium on Tap"
[You may save up to one normal charge of Bone Potential to be released automatically or on command.]
[The exchange rate for replenishing this perk is BONEMAGICLVL% of your normal efficiency.]
[At level 40, you no longer need to pre-specify the type of use prior to reserving Bone Potential.]
[At level 50, you may now save up to two normal charges.]
[At level 100 you may save up to the total equivalent of your body's bone-mass in charges.]

I let the sweet sublime pleasure flow through me. 'Ahhhhhhhhhhh.'

That hit the spot.

With that done, it was time to bring Slippy around on my 'Gaining Levels' plan.

Oh, and go foraging for the best bones I could find.

- - - - -

Foraging +1 (8)
Foraging +1 (9)
Foraging +1 (10)
Investigation +1 (11)
Foraging +1 (11)
Foraging +1 (12)
Foraging +1 (13)
Foraging +1 (14)
Anatomy +1 (8)
Analysis +1 (14)

'Are you absolutely sure about this?' Slippy questioned cautiously as the lone Mutt stepped in through the broken front doors of the food court.

I clenched, ready. We were as prepared as we were ever going to be.

After capping {Bone Magic}, I had sought out and found a large hard-leather backpack that seemed to have weathered the passage of time intact. It was filled to the brim with bones holding the highest stats I could find across all the bone piles we had come across. More specifically, the highest {PHY} stats. It had been hard to find one that fit my back given that I was somewhere in the ballpark of eight feet tall. I had a small bandolier at my waist with some high grade {MEN} and {SOC} bones if I needed them. One of my hands was dedicated to just holding a collection of about 22 ribs entwined beneath my fingers split out into sixteen sub-tendrils to hold them all.

I'd fully charged up {Calcium on Tap} with {END}, focused on tanking a single moderate hit. At {Bone Magic} 20, it still took quite a bit of concentration to pull from a bone at any given moment, but the perk only required active attention during the prep time, making it into a potentially literal life saver. Thanks to the confidence {Unarmed Combat} 19 gave me and the extra thinking space Mentalism's {Plate Juggler} provided, I was just at the point where it was feasible to pull something like {POW} from a bone when I wound up for a punch. I definitely felt like that was my limit right now though. If I'd only had Bone Magic by itself, it wouldn't have been enough. Pulling {SPD} or {END} in the moment was likely not workable, I just didn't have the reaction speed and timing to do it quick enough; focusing on just using {Dodge} with my full attention was still the better bet there.

Feisty was standing by too, ready to play distraction if for whatever reason Slippy could not handle that.

Logic +1 (10)

I'm ready Slippy. Stick to the plan.

The 'Plan' was for Slippy to first lure a single Mutt to us with mental sensations of 'easy dinner' and 'females'. Then when it saw me and became aggressive, she would slam it with as much pain as she could right as I went in for a solid Bone Magic empowered strike.

Honestly, Bone Magic felt like cheating. It was admittedly punching above its weight right now because of the easy access I had to a plethora of the necessary resources, but having the ability to become temporarily superhuman at-will was a heady rush. Comparing my skills in general, at first glance it would seem my more fantastical powers like the Magics or the Colours were far more valuable than regular ones like {Perception} or even {Unarmoured}.

That said, earlier today I had engaged in hand-to-hand combat with an invisible predator and won. It didn't seem that significant at the time, but looking back on that moment, could any other unarmed combatant have even a slim chance of winning an encounter like that? I'd moved and struck with unnatural grace, I'd beat a monster to death with my bare hands.

They were less flashy, but my more 'mundane' Skills had a quality of their own that I shouldn't dismiss.

Analysis +1 (15)

As the Mutt smelled at the air before noticing and then locking its eyes on me, I couldn't help but wonder what pulling from its bones was going to feel like. What a crazy day it had been, that I could feel so confident standing against something that had represented mortal peril hours ago. Speaking of which, I did feel {Plate Juggler} sapping just a bit of my working memory to negate a post-traumatic fear response. I was thankful for the lack of distraction.

The Mutt snarled in my direction, digging the razor sharp points of its feet into the ground ready to propel itself forward and close the twenty or so metres between us. There was an open gap with no tables or chairs between us. I was an equal reflection of the Mutt, flexing and bracing my body and mind for what was coming.

In the best-case scenario, this wouldn't even be a fight. Crippled by Slippy's projected pain, the Mutt should shortly find itself utterly unable to resist in any way. But my desire for Perks and Levels didn't overshadow how dangerous this could be, nor the value of expecting the unexpected. So as four legs pushed and propelled the animal towards me, I was ready for a fight.

The best-case scenario was… entirely accurate. Right at the critical juncture of the Mutt's final bounding leap that would bring it to me, Slippy hit it with everything she had. Its coordinated gait fell apart into a scrambling insensate tumble, leaving the animal completely unprepared. I brought two fists down on its head while it was oblivious, the full force of a {POW} enhanced strike disintegrating two of my reserve ribs in exchange for the strength to create an audible crunch as I impacted its skull. It's bone-plates still dug into my skin as I drove my hands into its head, but not as much as I'd expected. In a single moment, the Mutt was dead.

Unarmed Combat +1 (20)
Unarmoured +1 (18)
Sharia Shard 'XDP9i1' Defeated

Unarmed Combat (20) Perk! "Distributed Load"
[All of your limbs automatically supply UNARMEDLVL% of their Attributes to any other limb (when unoccupied) that requires it. Efficiency of transfer from legs to arms or vice versa is halved until Lvl 50.]
[At Level 40, Armed Limbs can receive this bonus from Unarmed Limbs at half efficiency. Efficiency Malus is removed at Level 80]
[Maximum bonus cannot exceed UNARMEDLVL%x2 on any square inch of flesh.]

I basked in the warm glow of contentment that filled me as the Perk slotted into place. I could feel {Distributed Load} at work already. The Perk neglected to mention something I considered quite important, transferred strength didn't tire the limb that it was transferred from. It was effectively free energy. Even with a 50% malus to transfer between arms and legs, my three unoccupied arms were able to provide a cumulative 15% to my two legs. More than enough to stand up literally forever without tiring. Any time I punched anything while having at least one other empty hand, that was a free 20% harder strike for nothing. If I had to reach quickly to catch something, one of my arms could easily move faster than normally possible to get it in time. These were simple improvements, but collectively I wouldn't have been surprised if they made me twice the fighter I'd been just a single Skill Level ago.

'…Slippy' I beamed hungrily.



- - - - -

-Crunch- … -Splat- … -Splinter- … -Crack- … Squish-

Unarmed Combat +1 (21)
Unarmed Combat +1 (22)
Unarmed Combat +1 (23)
Unarmed Combat +1 (24)
Unarmed Combat +1 (25)
Unarmed Combat +1 (26)
Unarmoured +1 (19)
Unarmoured +1 (20)
Green-Pixie +1 (7)
Green-Pixie +1 (8)
Green-Pixie +1 (9)
Green-Pixie +1 (10)
Anatomy +1 (9)
Anatomy +1 (10)
Anatomy +1 (11)
Anatomy +1 (12)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (11)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (12)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (13)
Sharia Shard '41OuoG' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'iQ9Yld' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'I96oHU' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'itzJ66' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'skhkTc' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'A5002m' Defeated
Sharia Shard '3sA65u' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'b4Pv9T' Defeated
Sharia Shard '4v2ApT' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'xvdEvF' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'r59lmx' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'ICE4fn' Defeated
Sharia Shard '46HXBn' Defeated
Level Up! +2 Attribute Points
Level Up! +2 Attribute Points
Fiat Mutation Available!
Respec-Five Available!

Unarmoured (20) Perk: She's got Gruff

[You no longer suffer the doubled hit penalty from weapon -> flesh strikes and possess dermal layers that are a further UNARMOUREDLVL% tougher overall.]
[Your skin is UNARMOUREDLVL%*5 times more resistant to environmental effects and applied toxins.]
[You are immune to all damage that inflicts less than UNARMOUREDLVL%/10 of your total health pool per second.]

Crushing the last Mutt's foreleg beneath my foot before side-kicking its head in, I reflected on what had brought me to this moment.

It felt too easy. We'd made our plan, we'd executed it, but I'd kept expecting the rug to be pulled out from under me at some point.

It just kept working though. Mutt after Mutt, blow after blow. Just Skills and Perks and Levels, the sweet serenity of what I was collectively naming 'Numbers go Up'.

The 2nd​ to last Mutt had felt like it gave less than the others before it in contribution to leveling up, and the one I had just finished off gave nothing. Evidently, they were too low level for me now. My System seemed like that would be the kind of arbitrary logic it would work off.

Analysis +1 (16)

{Distributed Load} had made what was an already well-working plan into something almost effortless. After the first few Mutts I gave up on the pretense that there was any danger, they never even had a chance to take down my {Calcium on Tap} {END} reserve let alone actually hurt me. {Unarmed Combat} 26 made me feel palpably better prepared. It had taken significantly more effort after 20 to raise each level, but I had the feeling I was stepping into something truly profound.

I'd let Feisty get in on the action herself to try and raise {Green-Pixie} up a bit. Though it stalled at 10, I had the distinct sensation that the lack of any risk or true need for her help was what was capping her there, rather than any innate limit.

From examining the bodies, I had learned a bit from Deadthink on ways to hurt living Mutts easier in the future, pushing both it and {Anatomy} up in the process.

And then there was of course the Perk. {She's Got Gruff} was a tremendous icing on the cake. The best part was that I could feel it perfectly synergize with Bone Magic's {END} boosting, applying its bonuses to my temporary total rather than only my base. I had the distinct sense that {UNARMOURED} made me more resistant to damage as a passive effect anyway, {She's Got Gruff} just had an explicit additional bonus on top of that to my outer layers.

I felt powerful. Like I could take on the world. And this was only the beginning of what I could be capable of.

I'm not saying I was okay with being dumped in this place, but I could appreciate one hell of a silver lining when I found one.

Slippy was handling things decidedly less well. We hadn't taken many breaks, but I could tell she was less eager each time we resumed. To hear here describe it, she got a sense of the Mutts' panic the moment she mentally hit them. She kept saying she was fine when I pried, but I could tell she was building up to a breakdown. So we were taking a 'break' right now, but it was probably time to stop at least for the day.

Perception +1 (19)

Right now she was playing with Feisty, who had sensed by desire to cheer Slippy up. It really was easy to forget the little Fairy was an unconscious reflection.

I sighed, 'Numbers go Up' felt great, but we'd hit almost all the low hanging fruit anyway, at this point I'd need some real risk for most of the rest.

I'd put off allocating my four attribute points. The ease with which our plan had played out meant I'd had time to think rather than having to immediately dump them into what would keep me alive a few minutes longer, now I had decisions to make. There was also the 'Fiat Mutation' and 'Respec' prodding at the back of my mind. Unlike 'Add to Party', these did not feel like they would let me wait forever.

The oddness of my circumstances continued to occasionally strike me. For all I had discovered, for everything Slippy and I had shared, we both knew nothing. I found myself searching back through my memories for something to unearth, the feelings and sensations as each of my Skills had each revealed themselves for the first time. {Deadthink} said Slippy and I had both died, but knowing that fact didn't trigger any other memory in me. On the face of it, it just made no sense. If it meant we'd both been resuscitated from near-death experiences, that seemed like a deliberately obscure way to phrase it. Something more was going on… but I had no idea what that was. I was missing pieces, I was probably missing the pieces needed to even start to find the other pieces. Frustrated, I came to the same conclusion as always, it was a mystery.

Analysis +1 (17)
Investigation +1 (12)
Logic +1 (11)

My ruminations were cut short by a very familiar sound in the distance.


I looked over at Slippy who had previously been examining Feisty's wing, she had stopped with the noise, taking a defensive posture.

I hear it too.

Walking toward the frames that once held windows on the exterior wall of the food court, I looked out into the surrounding swamp. The night was nearly here, perhaps an hour more of proper daylight before it fell below the horizon. I waited, and I listened.


'That's definitely the drone that attracts creatures.' It was closer the second time too.

There is nothing coming. I would feel it by now.

The perpetually sickly wet tangles and knots that the various trees grew into seemed to draw closer and crowd in from the outside as my nerves grew tight. The shadows of the approaching twilight that had begun darkening the woods as the day grew late didn't help at all.


That one was significantly closer, only just beyond where we could see.

'There is definitely nothing there!' Slippy insisted frantically, gesticulating with her hands. I think we both knew the truth.

No, Slippy. Something is coming…

Skillsheet for 0.5

Choice Time:
Approval Voting is allowed.
'Allocate Attribute Points', 'Respec-Five' and 'Fiat-Mutation' must be presented as a Plan together. Other options may be voted on singularly.
Voting will open tomorrow morning GMT+10

Allocate Attribute Points: 4 to Allocate.
[ ] [AAP] Write In.

Respec-Five: You may drop 1-5 Skills, replacing them with an equal number. Dropped Skills are completely removed and reduced to 0, all benefits including Perks are lost. Added Skills start at 0.
[ ] [R5] I decided to leave things as they were, for now
[ ] [R5] Write In. (I.e. Drop: Unarmed, Unarmoured Add: Two-Handed Weapons, Heavy Armour)

Fiat-Mutation: Before investigating this option, I was a little curious. But when I looked into what it actually meant, my eyes boggled at the possabilities. Some of these had the incredible potential.
Robust Carapace: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 10
Your skin grows a thick rubbery scaled exterior carapace. You count as simultaneously unarmoured and lightly armoured (either or both, whichever is more beneficial) for the purposes of Skill use and Perk benefits. You gain an exterior armoured hp-pool that can count as either/both 'you' or 'armour' (whichever is more beneficial).
Superior Wings: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 10
Your wings reinforce and grow the necessary enhanced mass and lift to carry you into the skies.
Claws: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 5
The ends of your tendrils become able to taper off into sharpened tips. You may make piercing, slashing or blunt attacks with your limbs.
Large: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 5
You increase in natural size, adding between 50% to 75% additional mass, gaining all relevant maluses and boons.
Translucent: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 5
Your entire body can become a mostly obscured blurry form. It is easy for others to lose track of exactly how your limbs are moving and be blindsided by unexpected shifts. You have a large bonus to Stealth and other related DCs when sight is the primary detection factor used by an opponent.
Mind like Fire: Prereq: {MEN} ≥ 5
Your mind is innately incompatible with most mortal creatures. Even if your thoughts are successfully read or predicted, it will be a deeply painful experience for the one looking upon them.
Decentralized Consciousness: Prereq: {MEN} ≥ 5
Your mind is no longer housed within a primary organ but as several redundant sub-nodes. Hostile Mind-Altering effects that require direct interface with a brain will likely auto-fail.
Manifest Will: Prereq: {MEN} ≥ 5
Your concentration and focus become discrete forces akin to stamina, allowing you to 'sprint' with your mind for associated bonuses and penalties. Likewise, you can forgo things like sleep/etc indefinitely if you do not over-exert your mind.
Resonant Cadence: Prereq: {SOC} ≥ 5
Your voice sticks in their ear, a worm that cannot be dug out. They'll try to fight it, but no matter how much they resist, your suggestion can never be fully forgotten.
Pheromone Glands: Prereq: {SOC} ≥ 5
You can synthesise and disperse a broad cocktail of scents to encourage certain dispositions and emotions.
Changer: Prereq: {SOC} ≥ 5
You can take the face/form/voice of a person or thing for 24 hours after you eat them. Eating dozens of the same species allows you to mimic a generic example of one (plus any previously eaten forms) with no time limit. Mass must be roughly similar.
Eyes of Fortune: Prereq: {LUK} > 0
You can sense the force of Luck and its flavour as it acts upon the world.
Chaos Factor: Prereq: {LUK} > 0
The force of Luck turns capricious in your presence. Casting both superior and inferior shadows over events according to its fickle whim. (Those with twice your Luck or greater are immune to this effect.)

[ ] [FM] Robust Carapace (Requires {PHY}+2)
[ ] [FM] Superior Wings (Requires {PHY}+2)
[ ] [FM] Claws
[ ] [FM] Large
[ ] [FM] Translucent
[ ] [FM] Mind like Fire
[ ] [FM] Decentralized Consciousness
[ ] [FM] Manifest Will
[ ] [FM] Resonant Cadence
[ ] [FM] Pheromone Glands
[ ] [FM] Changer
[ ] [FM] Eyes of Fortune (Requires {LUK}+1)
[ ] [FM] Chaos Factor (Requires {LUK}+1)

///////////// \/ Plan not Required \/

How to use "Calcium on Tap":
[ ] [CoT] I figured I already had the right idea, being able to negate an unlucky hit was the best use for it.
[ ] [CoT] Actually, I could do better. (Write In.)

They Approach: Whatever was coming, the same thing that had endangered my life twice had chosen this as the third. It would be foolish to think this would be an easy affair. But what would we do?
[ ] [TA] We would stand together
- [ ] [TA-Stand] Trying to head them off at the entrance to the food court from the swamp.
- [ ] [TA-Stand] By retreating to and holding at one of the many stairwells up the highest level.
- [ ] [TA-Stand] Write in.
[ ] [TA] I ran.
- [ ] [TA-Flee] And I left Slippy in the dust. I only had to outrun her…
- [ ] [TA-Flee] And we tried to lose them in the vast complex of rooms and corridors we had explored today.
- [ ] [TA-Flee] Write in.
[ ] [TA] Write In.

Additional Considerations (Optional): Other things the MC should focus on doing or spend time on. Is only enacted if a sufficient proportion of total voters support it.
[ ] [AC] Write in.
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