Blessed Homunculus into the Nexus

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It has no name, no memory; but it has knowledge, it understands.
Trapped and then bound to a Will that is not its own. A small creature must struggle to understand the alien worlds it is forced to venture through on the whims of its merciless taskmaster.
Its captor is arrogant, assuming that what binds it today shall do so tomorrow. Perhaps that is true, but perhaps it is not...
Pre-Game 1 - Skills


I don't like pie.
Pie Shop
EDIT: First Story Chapter has posted if you want to skip the Pre-Game Info Posts

Hello Questers.

Welcome to the Pre-game.

The major world-building is mostly done as well as the starting premise (to be fully revealed at game-start), but I am looking for a some fun ideas to build into the chaotic mess that is the conflicting magic systems of the Nexus.
Over the next few {unknown time units} I'll be putting up information on how the PC's system will work, other than general comments (which are always appreciated) there are two ways you can participate in the pre-game.
1) Suggest additional skills to be added to the existing list.
* May lead parts of or even your entire idea being added into the quest.
2) Discuss possible synergies between skills and what bonuses they may activate.
* I will confirm the existence of any synergy that is described mostly correctly during the discussions, allowing you to make more informed decisions during statgen.
Free Example: (Afn) Pyromancy, (Afn) Sun, (Sem) Fire Magic do unlock bonus perks when leveled together. This is a pretty basic one though, you can do better.

Before getting to the current list, an explanation of the categories;

(Rev) Revelations:
What would be considered generic talents or learnable proficiencies. Within the Nexus, even mundane skill slowly transforms into substantial meta-physical applications the further it is pushed (for lucky people, not for most) eventually starting to bend reality into what is pragmatically a superpower. People describe this shift of when a skill becomes a Skill as a Revelation.
(Afn) Affinities:
Inborn potential that exists to some degree within everyone. Most do not have sufficient affinity to ever learn or do anything useful with it.
Affinities are known for having a clear progression pathway that resembles learning an ordinary skill. Study, practice and experience all improving them. They are also known for being holistic in application, with many instinctive safeguards making them much less dangerous for a practitioner than would otherwise be the case.
They are divided into Internalisms and Esotericisms. Internalisms can be measured from birth and tend to start subtle and abstract, becoming more potent and concrete with time. Esotericisms must be achieved similiar to a Revelation, but tend to be far easier for someone with a matching Internalism. Esotericisms tend to be blunt and basic instruments in the beginning, gaining more finesse and metaphorical applications with time.
(Sem) Semblances:
While a person may have more talent for learning, semblances are unique in that anyone has an equal opportunity to gain them. All Semblances normally have an unlock condition (not for you) to begin progressing in them, afterwards typically requiring nothing more than study and practice to continue. Sometimes they require for specific conditions to progress as well.
Semblances are more arbitrary and less holistic than Affinities. They do what they do within a fairly narrow band and explicitly do nothing outside that. The 'it just works that way' philosophy is in strong effect.
They also tend to have far fewer safeguards on their use, being much easier to accidentally hurt oneself/etc if a practitioner is not careful
(Rch) Reaches:
The rules for Reaches are all over the place. While they have unlock conditions, they are more like unlock possibilities. And people can sometimes gain a Reach when they have clearly do nothing close to the unlock conditions.
Even the same Reach in two individuals will express itself differently, and the safeguards are practically non-existent.
For this reason, many who have unlocked a reach choose not to practice it because of the implicit dangers. But there is no denying that they are quite potent, often interacting with and altering the function of other magics as part of their mechanics or sometimes as their only mechanic.

And finally, check out these amazing stories that I have shamelessly ripped and reassembled entire swaths from. (The actual worlds of these stories will not show up in this Quest, but many of their mechanics do appear in altered forms.)
Worth the Candle - Alexander Wales
The Menocht Loop - Caerulex
The Perfect Run - Void Herald

Current Skills Compendium:

Leap and roll for effect. Accessing hard to reach places and landing with grace where others would fall.
Understand the function of bodies and the importance and limits of their various parts.
Weigh conditions and known knowledge effectively, arrive at detailed conclusions.
Animal Handling:
Intuit and understand the behaviour of unintelligent creatures. Devise methodology by which they might be controlled.
Apply precise measurements and constraints of given materials to accomplish feats that exceed the natural.
Examine and perceive. Learning more from your senses than every before.
Produce works of sublime wonder. Possess a well of creativity that will not run dry.
Move, Jump, Run. Do it better, harder, faster.
Hit the target more often than not.
Apply leverage and strength correctly, fear heights no more.
Deliver the punch line at the right time. Find the silver lining in the storm.
Extrude your presence with confidence onto lesser men.
Both the creation and deciphering of; gain a sense for solving deliberatively obfuscated systems.
Familiarity with the modification and use of augmented body types.
Lose that second left foot. Wow everyone in the ballroom.
Assail them with point after point. Understanding not what is right, but how to convince.
Canny to the tricks of the corrupted. Anticipate the foils of the hellish realms ahead of time.
Exchange and borrow influence or credit for tangible results. Understand how to get what you want and what it will cost you.
The best form of defense is getting out of the way.
Duel Wield:
Reduce penalties and master strange artforms of combat.
Theory and Practice is one. Build solutions to your problems.
Familiarity with digital systems.
Only stand out in ways you want too.
Feng Shui:
Position is key! Arrange things for best effect.
First Aid:
Make use of what is on hand.
Show off to all your friends. Be the greatest.
Make a certain sort of person like you. Understand how to ingratiate yourself without being obvious.
Find all sorts of useful things while spelunking about. Understand where to search in the first place.
Be it a trickery or perhaps a functional imitation, fool the inexperienced eye.
Gem Cutting
Whether its making the perfect fitting or refining the exact reagent, you work with precious rocks like a natural.
Heavy Armour:
Be the beefiest of them all. Move for no man.
Up and up she grows. Make the tallest poppies and select from the best lines.
Improvised Weapons:
When all you have is a hockey puck and a table leg, you'll find a way.
Exert your presence effectively and encourage the right sort of response.
Don't miss important factors, understand where to focus your attentions.
Understand and speak localized languages.
Understand how to raise above the crowd and direct others with or without tyranny.
Make armour and perhaps even civilian clothes of unrivaled cut and class.
Light Armour:
A little padding with plenty of flex, you are prepared and adaptable.
Be it herding or breeding, you can always find the most excellent path.
Both the use of and tendency to not forget. Remain rational when tempted to be otherwise.
Administration and Organization shall be like the air you breathe.
A good poker face and an excellent bluff. Fool even the unnaturally canny.
Mad Science
You don't know what you are doing and neither does anyone else, but sometimes it works.
Direct resources and assets not your own. Make the best of partial liquidity for maximum short or long term benefit.
Essential for nothing. Helpful for almost anything.
Treatment and Creation. You understand how to heal and restore. A Surgeon, Doctor and medical Developer all in one.
Medium Armour:
The healthy middle ground with no significant drawbacks.
The art of good thinking. Often underestimated.
Remember, create and reproduce the greatest works of symphonic flourish.
Apply the right materials and ingredients, recite the correct lines. Call upon outside forces 'safely'.
One-handed Weapons:
You know how to stab and jab.
Interpretation as well as acuity. Resist illusion and process confusing or overstimulating sights.
To block and disarm, a weapon is quite handy.
From cars to planes to mechs, you can find the steering wheel.
Natural talent and marksmanship.
Ability to recall and create novel code for practical purposes. Can be applied to non-electronic contexts.
The art of the projection or reception of minds. Poorly understood.
A quick fix-it or larger scale touch ups. You can do it all.
Sit down with a good coffee and notepad, conduct the best experiments.
From oversized molerats to feisty dragons, you can find the reins.
Look down the scope, annnd pop.
Hugs and kisses. Alls fair in love and war.
Move yourself and others through water like a true veteran.
Shift, divert and resist. You know how to handle a resistive medium.
Not much use for aim, but you can certainly time it right.
Make ears bleed no more. Possess the voice of an angel.
A good night's shut eye can make all the difference.
Sleight of Hand:
For tricks or perhaps to snatch a gem from a pocket. Your hands move with finesse and grace.
To endurance and create something that will last the ages.
Remain unseen and unnoticed.
From treading water to deep-sea diving. You know the strokes.
Weave tapestries worthy for a king.
Thrown Weapons:
Throw for effect. Thread the needle where you need something to land, or just pulverize something out of the way.
Two-Handed Weapons:
You know how to stab and jab.
Unarmed Combat:
When nothings at hand, make your body a weapon.
Naked and alone, resist the ravages of the elements and perhaps even nastier things.
Fashion wooden objects into shapes of master quality. Form and function working in perfect unison.

Light: (Internalism)
Control presence of radiance. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Dark: (Internalism)
Control lack of light, darkness, void. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Life: (Internalism)
Control Life Energy. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Death: (Internalism)
Control Death Energy. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Mountain: (Internalism)
Changing properties of earth. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Cloud: (Internalism)
Changing properties of air. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Sun: (Internalism)
Change the properties of fire. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Moon: (Internalism)
Change the properties of water. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Beginning: (Internalism)
Augury based on the past; very easily pick up on patterns.
End: (Internalism)
Augury based on future; can see threads of fate. Bind people via these threads by manipulating them.
Regret: (Internalism)
Sense of potential paths that events could take and pitfalls to avoid. At higher levels, may create scenarios that branch off from a current moment in reality, effectively seeing into the future. Never 100% reliable.
Remorse: (Internalism)
Psychological healing or damage, with the ability to root through people's memories.
Melody: (Internalism)
Control of Significance. Can make things last longer or wither faster on an abstract level. Sense degrees of importance (provided enough links between individual and observed thing). Allow cooperation between disparate parts.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seismomancy: (Esotericism)
(Earth) Standard Magic Earth bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Aeromancy: (Esotericism)
(Air) Standard Magic Air Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Pyromancy: (Esotericism)
(Fire) Standard Magic Fire Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Hydromancy: (Esotericism)
(Water) Standard Magic Water Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Differentialism: (Esotericism)
(Lightning) Standard Magic Lightning Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Biomancy: (Esotericism)
(Nature) Standard Magic Body Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Contrastimancy: (Esotericism)
(Light and Dark) Standard Magic Light and Dark Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Enchanting: (Esotericism)
Apply and imbue known magics into physical objects and places.
Further Elementomancies: (Esotericism)
Certain individuals gain access to less common forms of elemental summoning and control. Usually by exposure to the even rarer individuals who manifest such a power from nothing. Esoteric applications at high levels.

Astral Magic:
Step beyond the confines of the physical. Interacting with reality both near and far.
Air Magic:
Control the flow and properties of air.
Awe Magic:
Snatch and hold the attention of others. Diminishing returns for sustained effects.
Blood Maigc:
Hyper-realise the tangible and symbolic properties of blood.
Bone Magic:
Draw upon the characteristics of living things from their bones, giving and taking. Heal, Empower, Enhance, Drain.
Bullet Magic:
Rip off tiny segments of your lifeforce and propel them as meta-dimensional projectiles. Largely considered to be practiced only by those with a death-wish.
Butterfly Magic:
Find critical pivot points and create destruction from innocent beginnings.
Carapace Magic:
Sacrificial Magic that uses carapaces as its source material.
Create links between associated things. Mimicking effect and cause. Rainbow splashes that spread Instinctive Collective voting system of where damage/healing finally resides.
Constriction Magic:
Restrain and crush your surrounds.
Crystal Magic:
Imbue crystal with living potential and energy. Poorly understood.
Curse Magic:
Extremely easy to catastrophically backfire. The art of permanent hexes upon locations, objects and people. Most practitioners claim they study it as a form of self-defense… most are lying.
Invest energies into suckion points for later symbolic retrieval.
Divergence Magic:
Split into short-lived duplicates. You are all of them and none them.
Earth Magic:
With effort, you can occupy the same space as soil. Selectively interacting with it. Regenerative effects while touching the ground.
Introspective Magic that interacts with the soul.
Ethereal Magic:
Contact with the dead and inhabitants of the spectral realms.
Familiar Magic:
Bind to a random animal somewhere within the planes of existence. It will begin to make its way towards you to come serve you. You cannot control which animal, save for picking a new one upon the first's death. You can empower your familiar in unique ways.
Fire Magic:
Manifest and control flame.
Flare Magic:
Generate magical flares that rob those exposed of specific senses, talents or capacity for cognition for a time proportional to level of exposure. Difficult to not accidently self-expose.
Forge Magic:
Multiply the results of your own labour. Transfer material properties.
Funnel Magic:
Absorb effects and negate unsubstantiated magics, redeploying them as chaotic implosions nearby. Requires careful use to avoid self-harm.
Gem Magic:
Weaponise hard-light constructs and projections with assistive prisms.
Glass Magic:
Manifest and control glass.
Glow Magic:
(Aura) Extend the impact of your soul, magics and body beyond their usual reach. Draw others influence toward you also.
Gold Magic:
Draw tactile telekinetic potential from the possession of riches.
Gravity Magic:
Alter your interaction with gravity. Temporarily change the direction and strength of gravity in your surrounds (ramp up and down delays).
Gray Magic:
Siphon and mellow the world, whilst juxtapostionally extending it.
Groove Casting:
Apply repeated motions to existing divets in reality to store and delay magics or actions, release for immediate focused effect.
Hair Magic:
Uplift your hair into a semi-sentient entity capable of operating semi-autonomously from you. Other applications unknown.
Ice Magic:
Manifest and control Ice with variable esoteric properties. Natural ice too.
Illusion Magic:
Tricks of sight, sound and other senses; all will slowly fall under your purview.
Ink Magic:
Imagination is the only limit. Create temporary magics to solve problems tangentially. High maintenance and investment limits.
Library Magic:
Sorting magic. Telekinetic control of books and information within them. More useful than would first appear.
Membrane Magic:
Conjure gigantic defensive spheroids that track with your location.
Mirror Magic:
Access the mirror dimension. A dangerous and alien place. Perhaps learn how to utilize some of its secrets here too.
Embody dead forms back into moving objects of utility. More concerned with dead material than departed souls.
Orbit Magic:
Move yourself and another object around your mutual centre of gravity. Control of distance, direction, momentum and maximum mass increase with experience.
Passion Magic:
Draw meta-physical effects from strongly felt emotion. Dampers emotion through use.
Pill Magic:
The creation of small pills which when imbibed grant dramatic benefits and equally dramatic withdrawals.
Plastic Magic:
Alter the shape and flow of bodily joints and features is highly temporary but extremely rapid ways.
Pustule Magic:
Through dedication and effort, store once-off and semi-permanent effects scaled up from microscopic magical bacterium.
Revision Magic:
Undo undesired events and motion nearby, including your own death. Has caveats on affecting foreign magic.
Rune Magic:
Create specific and hardy magical implements. Interacts with other magics in rigid but reliable ways.
Sand Magic:
Build spaces and effects to extend time. Often requires much preparation.
Search and discover what is hidden. Uses large and small.
Severance Magic:
Magical control over concepts of sharpness and cutting.
Silver Magic:
Control Silver into a gas, liquid or solid state. The more gaseous the faster you can telekinetically move it, the more solid the more firmly you can root it in place.
Skin Magic:
Inscribe magical tattoos to harness innate hidden magics within the body. Once-off and semi-permanent effects available.
Smoke Magic:
Generate smoke in which the line between fiction and reality blurs. Superposition becomes a manipulable property as just the beginning.
The use of music and voice to inspire, empower, demoralize and debilitate.
Control the flow of soul-motion. The origin of thought.
Star Magic:
Build permanent connections between different areas and perhaps even worlds.
Still Magic:
Touch based highly potent reinforcement and negation effects. Useful both defensive and offensively.
Tree Magic:
Circumvent circumstances through circuitous cedar connections. Trees can take the fall for your mistakes among other uses.
Velocity Magic:
Accelerate body or mind to incredible speeds for appropriate tradeoffs. React and arrive beyond mortal limits.
Vibrational Magic:
Mastery of sound and eventually more abstract wavelengths.
The creation of conditional barriers to active or potential magics. Can resist, alert, annihilate and many others. Requires preparation time.
Water Magic:
Detect and be aware of water at huge distances. Ability to imbue certain characteristics into water on a wide macro scale.
Wood Magic:
Elevate wood to insane levels of durability and utility. Long preparation times.

Effigy: (Aspect)
Draw from and create Facsimilies. Finding power in liknesses.
Cloy: (Aspect)
Entangle and bind reality itself and all caught within it. Clog the works.
Unity: (Aspect)
Take belief and legend and use them as a ladder to the impossible.
Determinant: (Aspect)
Deduce the direction things are likely to go, then force them to stay that way.
Totem: (Aspect)
Stake your claim in the ground. Build a following.
Memetics: (Aspect)
Master the Meme. Or more likely, die trying.
Gestalt: (Aspect)
Blend and incorporate many disparate forms and magics.
Vital: (Aspect)
Unlock the innate magics of bodies organs.
Blister: (Aspect)
See the walls between reality, poke at the edges.
Abyss: (Aspect)
(Uses Void Element) Render everything into nothing.
Veil: (Aspect)
Hide in a place that is entirely your own, bide your time.
Abandon: (Aspect)
Let go of humanity, become less and more.
Possessor: (Aspect)
Natural mastery of hierarchy and control.
Technopathy: (Aspect)
Control and Extend the function of technology in minor and dramatic ways.
Shear: (Aspect)
Connect to the grinding, slashing spatial jumble of the sheer. Squinch distances and people.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Red – Energy: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Orange – Matter: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Yellow – Concepts: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Green – Life: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Blue – Information: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Violet – Spacetime: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
White – Meta: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence. Particularly geared toward affecting either your own or other's powers in some way.
Black – Inversion: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence. Particularly geared toward massively upscaling risk/reward structures. Highly unstable powers with dramatic effects and little self-protective common.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chastity: (Virtue)
Temperance: (Virtue)
Charity: (Virtue)
Diligence: (Virtue)
Patience: (Virtue)
Kindness: (Virtue)
Humility: (Virtue)
Lust: (Vice)
Gluttony: (Vice)
Greed: (Vice)
Sloth: (Vice)
Wrath: (Vice)
Envy: (Vice)
Pride: (Vice)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Splay: (Context)
Increase conflict between different magics and effects. Force faster resolution.
Reverb: (Context)
Make simultaneous instances of the same magics or effects have a reduced or no interaction with each other.
Revit: (Context)
Make magics or effects 'stick' to what they interact with like glue. Concentrate rather than propagate.
Swish: (Context)
Make magics or effects be unaffected by non-deliberate untargeted obstructions. Generalized barriers or defenses become orders of magnitude less potent.
Solemn: (Context)
Massively extend the duration of any magic or effect so long as it does not need to compete with anything else within the same (or a greater) order of magnitude.
Imply: (Context)
Make certain magics or effects 'always on' at a low level for no cost.
Deny: (Context)
Dissociate magics or effects from their origin. Hiding who created them and foiling many conditional barriers etc.
Line: (Context)
Increase the range at which magics or effects can be applied, whilst also increasing the time and effort necessary to do so.
Relative: (Context)
Apply delays on effects or magics set to manifest later on a timer.

Next Post will outline the stat system and character sheet. Which functions very similar to Worth the Candle with revisions to allow proper integration with the Nexus.
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Analysis(Rev) + Regret(Affn) +Scrying(Sem) = Perfect Path
Divergence Magic(Sem) + Mirror Magic(Sem) + Effigy(Reach) = I am legion
Awe Magic(Sem) + Glow Magic(Sem) + Unity(Reach) = I am legend

I have no clue if I am even on the right track with any of these.
> Slyvena quest
> Based on Worth the Candle (amongst other things)
Oh boy.

I imagine stuff like Woodworking 100 perk: [make literally anything out of wood] is something more likely to show up here than original WtC... unless Exclusions are a thing here too.

Really though, I just want to see what Sleeping could do, when taken to it's furthermost potential:
- Expanding the very reach of the concept of sleep, allowing user to put to sleep... anything. Make a machine shut-down (or go into stand-by), put out flames, make a nation go into a (restorative?) lull in activity.
- Make your sleeping self completely invulnerable to outside harm or anything else that may wake you up (then combine it with sleepwalking for hilarity).
Though thinking of likely perks, probably stuff like "Can fall asleep in completely uncomfy positions and still wake up after half the usual time, fully refreshed."
Ah, so we're speculating on combinations that would have a DM throw their arms up in disgust? Let's see.

  • Is Sleeping (Rev) a skill that basically everyone maxes out automatically, or do you need special pillows or breathing techniques? Does leveling up make it so you need less sleep? Is getting a high level in Sleep a prereq for Sloth (Reach)?
  • Regret (Aff) + Butterfly Magic (Sem): "I shall toss this marble into the street. In two weeks, I shall be king."
  • In a fight between Vibrational Magic (Sem) and Songcasting (Sem), who wins? I mean, Songcasting probably has more esoteric effects, but Vibrational could potentially just cancel it out AND be used offensively. Songcasting's a nice boat, but Vibrational controls the water it needs to move in.
  • Library Magic (Sem) + Essentialism (Sem) + Blue – Information (Reach): The information compiled into one's soul is vast and varied. Trying to isolate any part of it would be like trying to find which strand of DNA determines your eye color…unless you have a search engine, of course.
  • Blacksmithing (Rev) + Forge Magic (Sem) + Enchanting (Aff): I feel like crafting Excalibur today.
  • Anatomy (Rev) + Pistols (Rev) + Bone Magic (Sem) + Bullet Magic (Sem) + Vital (Reach): "A gun's only useless if you run out of bullets. Same thing with Bullet Magic."
  • Music (Rev) + Sing (Rev) + Awe Magic (Sem) + Passion Magic (Sem): "I can make everybody love me, and I will turn that love into a thermonuclear warhead."
  • Dibbling (Sem) + Groove Casting (Sem) + Sand Magic (Sem) + Wood Magic (Sem) + Pustule Magic (Sem): "That's right, your spies didn't see me do much, huh? Just going on walks, watering my garden, moving some sand around. That doesn't mean I'm not ready to bury you."
Pre-Game 2 - Stats & Skills
Okay, onto Stats.

Within the world of the Nexus, stats place a critical role. Not only do they define the maximum cap of their corresponding Skills, but also all Stats have a myriad of effects on the world around them. These come in the form of more obvious effects (like those mentioned in the Stat descriptions) as well as a multitude of hidden benefits. The higher ones Stats, the more unique your specific expression of them can become, sometimes opening up the potential for Skills no one else can possess.

Before we begin, here is the Stat table and basic descriptions.

PHY: Physical - Your body and physical existence in the world. Governing stat for all physical skills and the three physical abilities.
  • POW: Power - How much force you can exert. Used to break down doors, bend rebar, or shove someone out of the way.
  • SPD: Speed - How fast you move. Used to juggle knives, race over rooftops, or do cartwheels.
  • END: Endurance - How much you can physically withstand. Used to prevent poisonings, go on forced marches, or tread water.
MEN: Mental - Your mind and mental existence in the world. Governing stat for all mental skills and all three mental abilities.
  • CUN: Cunning - How smart you are. Used to figure out puzzles, learn new things, or decide which wire to cut.
  • KNO: Knowledge - How much you know. Used to make connections between disparate concepts, dredge up old memories, or memorize a ten digit number.
  • WIS: Wisdom - How much you can mentally withstand. Used to prevent stress reactions, make decisions without emotion, or meditate.
SOC: Social - Your personality and connection to other entities. Governing stat for all relational skills and the three supra-social abilities.
  • CHA: Charm - How much entities like you. Used to convince princesses, barter with barmaids, or plead for your life.
  • INS: Insight - How well you can read entities. Used to uncover a demon's secret, call a bishop's bluff, or avoid being stabbed in the back.
  • POI: Poise - How well you withstand other entities. Used to withstand interrogation, keep a blank face during a hearing, or keep dry eyes during a wedding.
LUK: Luck - Luck is a tangible force with many subtle and dramatic effects. Influences everything, governs nothing.

Now, a breakdown of scale and effect of stat points.

Power (POW)
{POW}=5: Baseline Human
Your throw a punch or lift a weight about as well as your average joe.
{POW}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Power. You can swing a hell of a haymaker and lift more than most would think.
{POW}=15: Natural Peak
Every movement you make is filled with the confidence that more than often than not everyone else will need to move out of the way. You are an instrument of strength, and a dangerous foe to anger within arm's reach.
{POW}=25: Supra-Human
Your bare fist will crack concrete and a single jump can carry you onto the roof of a building. The weapons you wield often need to be specially strengthened so they don't break from the power you put behind every swing. People know not to bind your hands in mere rope, chances are you'll fray and split them through sheer exertion.
{POW}=35: Limit Break
When you choose to impact the world around you, reality notices. Any action that you take that influences your surroundings takes on an almost meta-physical importance. Bones will break even though you only struck the armour they protected. A unrestrained backhand would shatter a layman's skull. If you were to throw a small pebble it would move faster than the eye could see.
Speed (SPD)
{SPD}=5: Baseline Human
Your reactions and reflexes are that of your average individual who played a sport casually growing up.
{SPD}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Speed. People are likely to compliment you and slightly underestimate how quickly you can spring into action and move.
{SPD}=15: Natural Peak
You have the kind of reflexes that would dub you 'quickest draw in the West' in an old-timey movie. Sometimes it feels almost as if you are moving before you even think. Even a professional athlete might struggle to keep pace with you.
{SPD}=25: Supra-Human
Blink and you'll miss it. People frequently fail to react before you have already landed the sucker punch or swiped the card from a pocket. No one has any chance of keeping up with your movements without magical assistance. Your walk is the average man's sprint.
{SPD}=35: Limit Break
While time flows normally for you, sometimes it feels as if everyone else moves in slow motion. With casual grace you can perform tight and complex manoeuvres around people before they really realise what is happening. When you move, you frequently reach your destination faster than the number of steps you took should allow. When drawing a weapon, it is almost as if it were already in your hand as the thought comes.
Endurance (END)
{END}=5: Baseline Human
You can resist and respond to harm in the way typical of your average decently fit bystander.
{END}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Endurance. People are likely to compliment you and slightly underestimate how much punishment you can take.
{END}=15: Natural Peak
You pull off those 'crazy survival story' moments every Tuesday. You are on the edge of the blatantly supernatural even without the benefit of any esotericism. It is not unthinkable for you to be shot a few times and keep on going as if unharmed.
{END}=25: Supra-Human
Deadly poison gives you an upset stomach. A bullet through the eye will only probably kill you. They'd have to cut off both your arms for the blood loss to become an issue. Knives fail to pierce your skin unless they are particularly sharp and weapons frequently penetrate far shallower than expected.
{END}=35: Limit Break
The conventions of what a body can physically survive break down in your case. You are a unique circumstance, bulletproof to small arms fire, essentially tireless. It is reasonable to expect you will survive anything short of your heart or brain being annihilated.
Cunning (CUN)
{CUN}=5: Baseline Human
Your wits are nothing special, nothing shabby.
{CUN}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Cunning. Quick on the uptake, you can rapidly piece together plans and think on your feet in the heat of the moment.
{CUN}=15: Natural Peak
Your mind is a powerhouse of mental gears spinning at breakneck speed. You come to new and novel conclusions when others remain stumped.
{CUN}=25: Supra-Human
There exist mysteries within this world that actively resist discovery. Even with all the information there, most minds are incapable of piercing the veil surrounding them. You stand as one of those few bright sparks capable of shining clear light onto anti-memes.
{CUN}=35: Limit Break
The barriers between what can and cannot be known begin to sunder. The line between how you figure things out is often incomprehensible even to yourself retroactively, picking answers seemingly out of nothing more than the ether. It's not exactly prescience, but it might as well be.
Knowledge (KNO)
{KNO}=5: Baseline Human
Your retention and cycling of information are entirely normal.
{KNO}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Knowledge. Your memory is eidetic and self-indexing. You can quickly glance at all the pages of a book and then take the time to digest its contents hours later.
{KNO}=15: Natural Peak
You possess the capacity to grasp concepts many struggle to hold properly within their heads, successfully keeping hold of all the relevant factors from which to engage in comprehensive deductive reasoning. People call you a quick learner, in many ways it's the opposite, you forget nothing.
{KNO}=25: Supra-Human
The depth and specificity of your knowledge reaches inhuman proportions, allowing you to accomplish otherwise impossible feats such as perfectly repeating various movements or recalling runic diagrams of ridiculously complexity at the drop of a hat. Most forms of mind reading painfully backfire on whoever makes the attempt as they are incapable of handling the bulk of information that resides within you.
{KNO}=35: Limit Break
On a certain meta-physical level, you are knowledge; connected through unseen channels to your surrounds, its history and its future. You will inexplicably find your assumptions things turns out correct more often than statistically possible. It is impossible for you to know nothing on any topic, you will always find you already have at least a starting point from the mere act of pointing your mind that direction.
Wisdom (WIS)
{WIS}=5: Baseline Human
Your stress reactions and determination are a healthy ordinary.
{WIS}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Wisdom. Calm in the middle of the chaos, you have a natural knack for overcoming discomfort and distraction.
{WIS}=15: Natural Peak
A mountain unmoved by trial and tribulation, torture and trauma may rock you deeply but you shall never truly break. Magical effects that distort the mind permanently tend to only harm you in an ephemeral manner.
{WIS}=25: Supra-Human
Your mind has a presence to it that persists even in complete unconsciousness, actively defending and resisting any foreign influence or modification. You are attached to your own 'true self' in a level that even retroactive revisions of reality cannot fully erase your impact upon people and events.
{WIS}=35: Limit Break
In death, your thoughts endure. Even if your body is completely annihilated, your existence can reincarnate in reasonable receptacles or facsimiles. Your mind is essentially a near inviolable part of reality that will persist beyond the worlds you walk upon. Attempts to divert or distract your cognition from its intended path are like a sandcastle standing against an oncoming tsunami.
Charm (CHA)
{CHA}=5: Baseline Human
You are just able as likeable and smooth as everybody else.
{CHA}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Charm. Whether it's not causing offense to someone particularly prickly or impressing a God with just the right amount of praise/boasting, you tend to avoid the guffaws that inevitably follow others around.
{CHA}=15: Natural Peak
The one that everybody else wants to meet. You are at home amongst complicated social and political messes, weaving in and between the pitfalls around you. Your charm is an almost palpably tangible force.
{CHA}=25: Supra-Human
And now it actually is tangible. Your charm is a literal field of influence around yourself convincing wind, bird and man to bend their preferences in your direction. Rain will try to not get you wet, a waiter will make sure you give you the best slice or cake instead of the king, reality loves you.
{CHA}=35: Limit Break
What are people except slightly more complex tools to be used? Free will as a concept doesn't truly exist in your presence, the thin and fragile 'opinions' that others hold often snapping at the exertion of your own. Some would call you a monster, but they just haven't had the chance to meet you yet. When everyone you meet tends to love you, it's probably just because you're an amazing person.
Insight (INS)
{INS}=5: Baseline Human
You are have just about the same instinct for others as anyone else.
{INS}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Insight. Be it superior empathy or just an innate understanding of what makes people tick, you are frequently able to spot the leverage points on what others consider most valuable and what will stir them to action.
{INS}=15: Natural Peak
Before a demon decides to break its contract or a husband decides to disown his wife, you often see it coming beforehand. When there is violence behind someone's eyes, you can frequently anticipate what their first move will be.
{INS}=25: Supra-Human
To try to fight you is to fight against oneself. Your understanding and intuition of the intricacies of other beings allows you to often use their own attempts and movements against them and their allies. You are keenly aware of how much both yourself and others can take, using social credit and mental endurance in perfectly measured allotments.
{INS}=35: Limit Break
You look upon their face, and their secrets are yours to know. Your very presence is a mild memetic effect that loosens lips and encourages boasting. A God may well confide in you what his one true weakness is without every realising they gave you enough tells to figure decipher it. Having spoken with someone it is likely that you can accurately model their actions and decisions for the immediate future.
Poise (POI)
{POI}=5: Baseline Human
You can keep a level head against the wiles of others like your average man.
{POI}=10: Exceptional
Remarkable Poise. Thrust into unfamiliar situations with difficult social ramifications, you find it significantly easier to keep a level head and conduct yourself unaffected.
{POI}=15: Natural Peak
Before beings that would make a lesser mortal tremble, you restrain your quivering lip. Gods are impressed by your regal comportment. While torture weakens you, you are expertly defiant in giving away your closely held secrets.
{POI}=25: Supra-Human
When Wills clash, yours remains unaffected. You can argue for days, suffer insults en masse, ignore pain and environment to focus on a singular individual or conversation. People are unsettled by your calm and unbroken manner, you are more likely to simply die before falling to their machinations. Your soul itself holds a level of substantialism making it hard for others to enact even basic modifications.
{POI}=35: Limit Break
From the core of your very being, you are what you choose to be. Making a decision on how to act, you can effectively become that person for a time with perfect acuity. Magics designed to find you frequently fail as they are insufficient to pierce the veil of your existence. Even when you have been harmed or dissuaded from a course of action, your true self can often reach out from the past to enact your Will as if you were unaffected.
Luck (LUK)
{LUK}=0: Baseline Human
Reality does not favour you in any measurable way.
{LUK}=5: Exceptional
Remarkable Luck. You frequently gain an instinct on how to move moments before death, in addition to a more mild general danger sense steering you away from unfavourable places or things.
{LUK}=10: Natural Peak
Luck has become a directable force circulating through you. You frequently gain an instinct on how to avoid harm to your body and mind as well as longer term gut feelings that keep you away from the worst sorts of areas.
{LUK}=15: Supra-Human
It is not future sight, but reality consistently prods and pokes you in beneficial directions as a matter of course. You are never without at least some sense of how to manoeuvre toward more favourable outcomes and this supra-perception becomes increasingly more pronounced the closer to danger or negativity you are.
{LUK}=25: Limit Break
Impossible things happen to you. The bullet passes through your heart without nicking anything important. You find that you already had another copy of the artefact that was stolen. You are the spitting image of the child the person you are trying to impress lost a number of years ago. Luck is like a shroud of benefaction flowing thickly over and around you, pulling events and circumstances like a puppet master pulls upon the strings.

You will start with 30 Stat points to distribute. Increasing PHY/MEN/SOC costs 2 stat points (sub-stats cost 1), but increments all the sub-stats by one.
Thus, 30 stat points is precisely enough for you to raise every Stat to 5 (bar luck), if you wish. Making you regular across the board.
You will receive 2 stat points every time you gain a level, to be distributed as you wish.
The 36 blank spaces are your skill slots, you will be able to select up to 36 Skills to begin with in a near-unlocked state at game-start. It is possible to one day have more than the 36, but that would be a long-term project.

All skills usually have one primary and one secondary stat that they correspond to. A Skill cannot exceed 4 times it's primary stat and 6 times its secondary stat.
This means that your max skill cap if you evenly distribute points among the Base three at the start would be 20 across the board. (Primary Stat Requirements 4x5 = 20)

Skill Thresholds:
(In practice, actual performance exceeds raw skill numbers due to added versatility and enhancement of other skills and raw stats. For example, the likely minimum of 10 in PHY needed to reach a skill of 40 in One-handed would allow you the physical strength to bash through some blocks that your raw skill did not provide a counter for.)
[0] - Neophyte
No actual benefit yet.
[20] - Professional
Standard professional skill. About 4-5 years experience.
[40] - Specialist
Career practitioner, equivalent to someone with at least a decade's dedicated experience.
[60] - Master
One of the top in the field, within the top 10% of all who practice the art.
[80] - Guru
The practical limit even those of incredible talent could reasonably reach in a full lifetime of unerring commitment.
[100] - Peak (Primary at 25)
Once in a generation talent, likely the most skilled practitioner on the planet even if other savants in a related field are actively pursuing excellence.
[150] - Transhuman (Secondary at 25)
A level of skill beyond mortal norms, like something manufactured for this purpose rather than a developed or learnt behaviour. Without the boon of your system, dedicated artefacts of great power would be required for another to naturally reach this level of achievement.
[200+] - Limit Break
Many of the initial restrictions and dynamic limits of the skill break down at 200, physical laws bend and the impossible becomes directly possible. This level is likely completely unattainable for anyone else that is not you, even you would find it incredibly difficult.

Tend to have PHY or SOC as their primary stats. Fairly even distribution among secondaries.
Tend to have MEN as their primary stat and occasionally SOC. Tend to have SOC or PHY as their secondaries.
Frequently have MEN as their primary stat. Fairly even distribution among secondaries.
Almost always have SOC as their primary stat. Slightly skewed toward SOC as their secondaries too.

There will be plenty of chances over the course of the Quest to Respec, so don't bash your head too hard against the wall trying to munchkin stat to skill-category selection ratios.
Just be smart. If you are taking a lot of kinetic Revelation skills, buff up your PHY. If you are taking a lot of Reaches, buff up the SOC, etc.
Or maybe you want to go even stat distribution even if you are favouring certain types of skills, just so that you are not sub-average to regular mortals in an entire Stat Category.

There are dangers to being wildly unbalanced in stat distribution (not super important in the early game, more likely to show up once Stats have differences greater than 10). These are never deal-breakers and can be worked around if the desired min-maxing is considered worth it. It is a balancing act of whether you consider avoiding glaring weak-points others can exploit or hitting high skill-caps to do impressive things earlier to be of greater benefit.

When the time to allocate your stat sheet comes (we are nearly ready honestly), you must assign all Stat Points, but the number of skill slots you choose up to a max of 36 is optional.
This is because any skill you don't choose will be probabilisticily selected. You are throwing your future to the whims of fate.
  • Leave 36 skills unchosen, all will be filled randomly.
  • Leave 27 skills unchosen, each will have a 25% chance of being a good fit/synergy together with your choices and each other.
  • Leave 18 skills unchosen, each will have a 50% chance of being a good fit/synergy together with your choices and each other.
  • Leave 9 skills unchosen, each will have a 75% chance of being a good fit/synergy together with your choices and each other.
  • Leave 1 skill unchosen, it will have a 100% chance of being what the QM considers the best possible fit/synergy with your other 35.
  • Leave 0 unchosen. You may select 37 instead of 36 as reward for your decisiveness. (You must be confident you made the right picks)
/\ These may not be the best synergies, but they are guaranteed to be at least a synergy. /\

Now, responses:
Divergence Magic(Sem) + Mirror Magic(Sem) + Effigy(Reach).
Almost, this is missing one.
Analysis(Rev) + Regret(Affn) +Scrying(Sem)
While they don't have simply attainable discrete system bonus, you probably could still get a lot of mileage out of them together.
Is Sleeping (Rev) a skill that basically everyone maxes out automatically?
It is a skill everyone has, but is quite rare as a Skill.
Blacksmithing (Rev) + Forge Magic (Sem) + Enchanting (Aff)
Almost, this is missing one.
Dibbling (Sem) + Groove Casting (Sem) + Sand Magic (Sem) + Wood Magic (Sem) + Pustule Magic (Sem)
I probably shouldn't give you this one, but Dibbling and Groove Casting have a a Perk when combined with a different Semblance you didn't mention.
In a fight between Vibrational Magic (Sem) and Songcasting (Sem), who wins?
Why does it have to be a fight? Take both and figure out what you can do.
Bone Magic + Vital + Blood Magic
A few more along these lines make one of the most potent synergies that exists.
Beginning + End
Pairing opposite affinities is a fairly basic Synergy that delivers mild but dependable results.

Also, and this is important. Discrete System Synergy bonuses never kick in before a minimum of 20 in all requisite skills, so they will provide zero benefit in the beginning even if you are loaded with tons of them. Don't lose the forest through the trees. Some Skills might just be so immediately and universally helpful that you should pick them regardless of any other factors.
Hi I come from the SB thread, and since I think this is important I'm gonna post it on both threads, Slyvena let me know if you are not ok with this.

So here are some ideas on Skills by powerset or by theme, I'm guessing most of these will use Men or Soc as a core and/or as a secondary:
For crafting:--> Art + Enchanting + Rune Magic + Engeniring + Smithing + Seismomancy: (Esotericism)/Further Elementomancies: (Esotericism)(metal) + Forge Magic + Orange – Matter: (Spectrum) + Tailoring(if we want to go full crafter) + Feng Shui(Maybe, could be really strong or really weak)

Quality of life--> Language + logic + Lying(to deceive our "master") + Research(to learn thing we both have and don't have a Skill for) + Stealth(let's face it we will probably be squishy and hiding helps) + Warding(this will help us protect our base A LOT) + Deny: (Context)(should help to free our mind from outside influence) + Light Armour/Medium Armour(you know, so that we don't DIE) + Mentalism(mental fortress is a go) + Psionics(same as Mentalism) + Spirit(will probably help free us)

Because it seemed like you guys liked them--> Sleeping + music + singing + Songcasting + Vibrational Magic +End: (Internalism) + Beginning: (Internalism) + Melody: (Internalism) + Bone Magic + Blood Maigc + Vital + Divergence Magic

Its just cool or seems really strong--> Solemn: (Context) + Totem: (Aspect) + Memetics: (Aspect)(be the meme) + Gestalt: (Aspect)(this should help a lot for synergies) + Conjoinery(we can do voodoo) + Effigy: (Aspect)(voodoo) + Gravity Magic(this bad boi is soooo strong is not even funny) + Star Magic(planeswalker?) + Yellow – Concepts: (Spectrum)(should combo well with mind magics) + Green – Life: (Spectrum)(should combo well with Duplication and body modification)

Maybe pile-->occultism

some possible combos with the things here:
--Sleep Magic: Sleeping + Mentalism + Psionics + Spirit + Yellow – Concepts: (Spectrum). Song magic might combo with this
--Song Magic: music + singing + Songcasting + Vibrational Magic +End: (Internalism) + Yellow – Concepts: (Spectrum)
--Duplication and body modification: Bone Magic + Vital + Blood Magic + Green – Life: (Spectrum)
--Probably strong combo no idea of what: End: (Internalism) + Beginning: (Internalism)
--Voodoo: Conjoinery + Effigy: (Aspect) +Bone Magic + Blood Maigc + Vital
--Fortify a location: Feng Shui + Solemn: (Context) + Totem: (Aspect)
--Forging badass Swords and shit: Art + Enchanting + Rune Magic + Smithing + Seismomancy: (Esotericism)/Further Elementomancies: (Esotericism)(metal) + Forge Magic + Orange – Matter: (Spectrum)

there are probably more but these are the big combos I could think of and the rest of the Skills are explained why I think they are important next to them
Bone Magic + Vital + Blood Magic+ Skin Magic + Gesalt + Anatomy

I'm unsure how many this one would be or if I am close. Basically all the body enhancers + Gesalt to get them working as a greater whole + Anatomy to increase understanding of what we are doing? Tempted to put White in there too, but I'm not sure.
Acrobatics: + Appraisal: + Research: + Regret: (Internalism)+ Remorse: (Internalism)+ Melody: (Internalism) + Library Magic
Not really a concrete combo here, but combining lots of stuff that that's good at dealing with information, plus a little stuff that needs information, has to have some value.
0.1 - It Breathes
EDIT: Info Posts if you want to look at the Pre-Game posts

Chapter 0.1 - - It Breathes

The first time I opened my eye, I was greeted by the harsh white light of the ceiling coming from no particular place.

I was laying on a bare bench in a nondescript white room. The walls, floor and ceiling were all the same clear smooth polish with occasional rectangular indentations I thought might be doors.

I was… I didn't know. It was hard to remember anything, to know if I should be able to remember anything. I felt unnatural, like I shouldn't exist, something about my nature was wrong.

Even if I wanted to sit up, I couldn't. Thin metal straps at multiple points up along my legs, arms and even a few thick collars around my neck held me firmly in place. Didn't stop me from panicking and thrashing anyway, not that it did me any good.

At first, I was scared that someone might be coming for me, that if I didn't escape then they'd perform all sorts of horrible experiments and tests on me. Some part of me felt that that had probably already happened, I felt violated in ways deeper than some abstract fear; My being, my nature, it had been deeply defiled more than scrubbed memories could fully remove.

When no one appeared at first, I began to calm down somewhat, trying to discern anything else I could about my environment.

No such luck. The bench I was on felt like metal, rigid and cold. I assumed the walls were various sorts of plastic polymer with the indentations I could spot composed of a slightly more glossy white metal. I didn't want to assume the worst, but aside my gut feelings there was also the entirely valid question of who straps someone naked to a table for what felt like hours by now and doesn't have sinister plans for them?

The more concerning thoughts were how I knew what metals and plastics and colours and anything even was. I had no name, no history, yet when I looked at things here around me there was clearly some source of information connecting dots within my scrambled mind. I desperately tried pushing and poking and thinking and straining to unlock some buried memories that might explain how I had ended up where I was at this very moment, but besides slightly different impressions and flavours of the increasingly familiar 'wrongness' I felt about myself in general… I found nothing.

- - -

Eventually I began to worry that no one would ever come for me, that I'd been forgotten. It had definitely been several hours by now.

What if there had been some kind of accident? Some kind of memetic hazard leaving behind a building of people unable to remember the codes to get through secure doors. (Also, I guess memes are a thing, thanks memory.) I knew such a thing was possible, and dearly hoped it wasn't the explanation for my situation. Dying of thirst and hunger would be a bad way to go.

- - -

The isolation started to become grueling, not helped at all by how parched my throat had started to feel.

I jolted painfully in my restraints when a grainy voice filled the whole room.

"Marisa slay may tisdo baly se pal golas se nah me se risl."


The voice was loud and I didn't understand a word of it. It sounded dispassionate, as if recited by rote for the hundredth time and then dialed up way louder on a speaker so even someone partially deaf could hear it.

Despite the sudden intrusion into my up until this point 'world of one', I was thankful that perhaps some of my worst flights of fancy were not true. I wasn't doomed to die of exposure, alone, never knowing who I even was.

Although I immediately revised that opinion when a circular indentation in the wall behind me began to spin and the wall inside its circumference was replaced with a different picture entirely.

What had formerly been featureless white, was now an incredibly lifelike portrayal of a swampy forest. Dense collections of trees wove between languid canals of water and soft mushy soil, rot seeping into the roots of many plants as they failed to outcompete their brethren for access to the sun. What I'm saying is I was looking at exactly what you'd picture if someone said the words 'Haunted Marsh', up to and including the light white mist that hovered over various sections of water hiding what may lay beneath.

All my other thoughts had ground to a halt presented with this image and what it might mean. Laying down as I was, it was technically directly above my head instead of 'behind' me. After nothing for so long, why was whoever had put me here (and I had to assume it was them) showing this to me.

Then the spinning circular indentation revealed itself to be a frame when it started slowing sliding out of the wall closer to me. I was briefly perplexed for just a moment before three simultaneous senses gave me the immediate and horrifying answer.

The sound of sploshing water, a twist and ripple in a far-off patch of mist and a cool wet breeze smelling of old wood and stagnant water reached me. It wasn't an image, it was a portal.

In retrospect, I really hope there were not any cameras in my little room, because otherwise there is a rather prolonged recording of me screaming, shrieking and squealing as the portal inched closer to me over the next ten or so seconds.

As the scene of the wooded swamp grew to encompass more of my vision, I felt genuine terror. I couldn't tell you many things about myself, but I could confidently put 'not ready to survive in the middle of the wildness' firmly on that list.

"tishve smlack valoy," the voice boomed at me again as the portal was millimeters from my head.

I wanted to scream words like 'help!' and 'please stop!', but realized in that moment that I didn't know a single spoken language. I could think, I knew of vocabulary, but all the names and small amount of knowledge in my head were formless concepts of pure meaning.

In any other circumstance, I'd have spent time pondering how it was I was able to think clearly at all. As it was, I tried a few more good thrashes to break free before the portal touched me. It didn't help.

It didn't hurt at all, the subtlest sense of weightlessness as my head crossed the threshold and I was now in the middle of a swamp. Or rather my head was. I could still feel the rest of my body laying on the metal bench, despite only seeing swamp in every direction.

Looking down at where my body should be, my neck was slowly appearing followed by my shoulders. It seemed the portal was one-way trip (except when looking at it from the other side?).

At this point I started hoping it would finish quickly, the only thing worse than being alone in a swamp is being 'fixed in place up in the air while half your body materializes' in a swamp. This was made doubly awkward by gravity wanting my head and back to droop down while my legs were still held perfectly flat by the invisible bench a world away from here (or perhaps very close if it was some kind of underground bunker).

I was quite high up, too high to reasonably fall straight down safely, there were a large number of trunks and vines I could see within arms reach just a metre below where I was appearing, the only real danger was if some tree-climbing predator took advantage of my immobility to get an easy snack.

Thankfully though, nothing happened before the process finished, when the portal reached the last of the metal straps holding my ankles to the bench I immediately 'fell' through the rest of the way.

My freefall was easily aborted by reaching out and letting my tendrils (whoops, fingers.) wrap around one of the thinner trunks, which left me hanging by my arms observing my surrounds more closely.

At this point, other than giving a big well earned 'fuck you' to whoever had done this to me, I just wanted to find somewhere safe and preferably high up where nothing large or dangerous would get curious about me.

There were occasional sounds of movement all around the area, calls and groans, splashing water, the occasional snapping of twigs and grasses. Wherever I was, I was under no illusions about whether or not animals were prolific in the area.

I scampered across the branch over to the main trunk of the huge tree I'd tethered myself to and sat down to rest and try to get a proper handle on what I should be doing. My four fingers on each hand retracted back to their ordinary length now that I didn't need them to hang from.

Something about that thought tweaked as strange to me, making me look at my fingers again. But I couldn't think of what would be wrong with them. Four fingers on each of my four hands, matching the four toes on each of my four feet. My eye couldn't spot anything out of place.

Everything worked like it should. I could clench my fists to fuse down into two then one finger on each hand, even pulling pairs of arms together into single stronger limbs (though much more unwieldy) if need be. Or I could relax the other way and split my four into eight and even sixteen thin filaments each; far weaker, but allowing incredibly fine control.

Despite the fact it was around noon, the bleak washed out colour of the swamp made it hard to tell if my skin colouration was a lighter or darker grey than normal, as far as I could tell it was normal too. (I did go ahead and fuse my legs into a thicker pair of two. Who knows if I'd have to run fast on little notice.)

Nope, everything was as expected. The eeriness of my surroundings must have been getting to me.

I was the opposite of keen to leave the canopy, but there was every possibility something even worse than the unknown dangers of the swamp floor could be lurking up here too. I could hide and do nothing, hoping to stay very small and unnoticed… but in reality I knew that would only make things worse. I was hungry, I was thirsty, and I didn't know if anyone was ever going to come for me.

It was all on me.

Standing up in the tree, I began to surveil my surroundings looking for any sorts of landmarks or anything of interest. On the ground level it would have been impossible to see past twenty metres, with some very simple climbing and scampering about I could get a (still spotty, but) much more complete picture.

Off in one direction which I dubbed 'south' because you have to start somewhere, the underbrush became far thicker, vines and bushes merging into a knotted mélange akin to a solid wall. I doubted anything unable to climb would do much moving around that way. I made a mental note, it could be worth fleeing there if hounded by things worse at moving through the trees than me.

Almost in the inverse, to the 'east' the trees became far less thick and while I couldn't make out far enough from here, there was a fair chance it led to far more open ground and perhaps less swampy terrain. That was tempting simply because something was off about this place that kept getting to me like a worm under the skin. Like being watched, but knowing you're alone.

Honestly I'd settle for a pool of water that looked less green and stagnant than the rest, I was coming around to the idea that regular drinking water may not be an option and I may have to lower my standards.

The 'north' was likely a bust. Near the edge of what I could see, it gave way to a large open lake. I could make out the other side of the lake due to the lack of further blockages, but it just looked like more swamp. Putting aside the fact I didn't know if I could swim, I wasn't sure if the situation over there would be any different to where I was right now other than the added danger of moving around.

Then there was 'west', and it peaked my interest a lot. A certain distance off, trees suddenly gave way to a concrete structure of significant size. It was clearly broken down and overgrown, sunken and tilting to the side, but I'd have guessed it was once a two storey building of some sort long ago. I'd have to get closer to know, which would present dangers of its own. The same potential shelter that it promised me could just as easily apply to other things too.


The high-pitched shriek shattered my train of thought; right next to my ear, it was so loud that it rattled my bones.

Jumping in panic, if I hadn't been in a good spot I may well have just started tumbling out of the upper branches of the tree I was in. As it was, I flung my head around in different directions trying to find the source of the noise, arms flinching defensively expecting an attack from any angle.


I definitely wasn't hearing things, that was loud enough to feel the vibration in my chest when i-


This time I swiveled my neck to look directly at the source of the noise, just managing to avoid the reflexive jump the obnoxiously loud screech encouraged. This meant I was able to see it.

The subtlest of distortions in the air for half a second was the only evidence of anything having ever been thing, a sphere floating two metres from me before zipping off so fast I lost track of where it went. I'd wondered what possible reason anyone would have to dump a person in the middle of the wildness to fend for themselves… and I wasn't starting to like the impression forming in my gut.

Rustles through the underbrush mingled amongst smaller vines and the sounds of branches being snapped out of the way began to come from just about every direction. The sheer numbers drowning out any ability I might have had to pick a gap. There were even noises from within the canopy, the groans of thicker branches from heavy weights shifting and moving between them.

The creatures of this swamp knew that sound, knew what it represented. I gave another vigorous 'fuck you' in my heart to the person or people that sent me here.

Whoever they were, the fuckers had just rung the dinner bell.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Choice Time:
They Approach: Out of time and low on options, what are you going to do about the almost certain danger approaching?
[ ] Stand your ground and fight. Animals are prone to flee when disabused of an easy meal.
[ ] Climb up onto the tallest and thinnest branches that can hold your weight. Hope there is nothing well suited to giving chase.
[ ] Race for the thicker underbrush to the south. Surely most things can't climb well?
[ ] Race east for the thinning trees. Bet on being a faster runner than what's coming.
[ ] Race north and hope that you can swim and they can't.
[ ] Race for the building to the west. Hopefully you can block an entrance or something useful like that.
[ ] Write In.

First Build Selection: Right at the critical moment, deliverance. (Plan Votes Only):
* All Stat points must be allocated. (30 Available. PHY/MEN/SOC cost 2, but increment their sub-stats by 1. POW/SPD/END/CUN/KNO/WIS/CHA/INS/POI cost 1 and increment by 1).
* Stats below 5 result in certain impaired functions the closer they are to 0.
* The number of Skill Slots are optional. Unfilled Skills will be automatically allocated uses the distribution method outlined in the informationals.
* All Skills have precisely zero benefit up front, but depending on circumstances, may grow at highly varied speeds.
[ ] [FBS] Write In

Example Plan 1:
[X] [BS] Plan: I trust only the Flesh
- [X] PHY (+7), MEN (+2), SOC (+2), POW (+8)
- [X] Acrobatics, Athletics, Climbing, Dodge, Duel Wield, Heavy Armour, Improvised Weapons, Light Armour, Medium Armour, One-handed Weapons, Parry, Pistols, Rifles, Shields, Shotguns, Thrown Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Unarmed Combat, Unarmoured. 19 Skills Unchosen.
Example Plan 2: Hoping for the hail Mary
[X] [BS] Plan: Hoping for the hail Mary
- [X] PHY (+4), MEN (+4), SOC (+7)
- [X] Splay, Reverb, Revit, Swish, Solemn, Imply, Deny, Line, Relative, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, White, Black, Effigy, Cloy, Unity, Determinant, Totem, Memetics, Gestalt, Vital, Blister, Abyss, Veil, Abandon, Possessor, Shear. 5 Skills Unchosen.
(While both of these plans are at least slightly built to a purpose, I'd say they are quite shoddy compared to what you can accomplish.
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[X] Race for the thicker underbrush to the south. Surely most things can't climb well?

[X] Plan: Body and Soul
- [X] PHY (+5), MEN (+5), SOC (+5)
- [X] Acrobatics, Analysis, Anatomy, Athletics, Climbing, Dodge, Duel Wield, First Aid, Foraging, Improvised Weapons, Investigation, Language, Logic, Mathematics, Mentalism, Perception, Psionics, Sleeping, Stealth, Unarmored, Unarmed Combat, Life, Biomancy, Blood Magic, Bone Magic, Divergence Magic, Essentialism, Plastic Magic, Spirit, Skin Magic, Effigy, Gestalt, Memetics, Vital, Yellow, Green, Blue

Alright, I'll be back when I wake up to answer any questions and explain my decisions in more detail later but I'll give my general perspective. No matter what we choose, we should be paying a lot of attention to survival right now. All the crazy combos and Magic will come once we make it through this ordeal. That's why I chose what Revelations I did, and why I allocated the stats as I did. There's a lot here to talk about, but I really do need to go to sleep.

E: Altered stat distribution for the thresholds. I think they'll be more important to have right now, compared to being a bit closer to the next threshold for PHY.

E2: Fixed some things, and readjusted the Skills.

E3: This time, please.
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[X] Stand your ground and fight. Animals are prone to flee when disabused of an easy meal.

[X] Plan: Even Martial
- [X] PHY (+5), MEN (+5), SOC (+5)
- [X] Unarmored, Unarmed Combat, Logic, Sleeping, Perception, Art , Foraging, Diplomacy , Dodge, Research , Athletics, Anatomy, Acrobatics, Dancing, Analysis, Intimidation, Animal Handling, Language, Lying, Mathematics, Mentalism, Regret, Biomancy, Blood Magic, Bone Magic, Butterfly Magic, Divergence Magic, Essentialism, Familiar Magic, Illusion Magic, Pill Magic, Skin Magic, Gesalt, White, Violet, Still Magic, Plastic Magic

Even split on stats so that we don't take any negatives. Basically going a skill heavy martial arts path, body refined to perfection and then things like butterfly magic to amplify effects if we need to, Divergence and Illusion so they never know if they are fighting something real or a clone and Still magic to break through defenses.

For a plan I took skills to help use in a situation like this, Animal Handling and Intimidation hopefully they level fast and help us here.
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Alright, I'm back. In order to explain why I picked what I did, I feel like it's necessary to explain my perspective of the current situation.

The mc is kind of like a tentacle person. They've just been dropped into what seems to functionally be a Hell World, with an unknown amount of almost assuredly aggressive creatures coming their way.

I feel like fighting isn't really an option, because even if we spent all 30 stat points out PHY our abilities would 'only' be peak human. This might allow us to beat the incoming beasts, assuming they aren't high level and don't have anything tricky about them, but it leaves all of our other stats at 0. It's for this reason that I'm focused on survival.

Unarmored, Unarmed Combat, Logic, Perception, Improvised Weapons, Foraging, Dodge, Climbing, Athletics, and Acrobatics.

That's 10/15 of my Revelation choices that will help us in this situation. I do have a rough theme in mind though.

With the mc's tentacular physique, I figured it would be a good idea to lean into Life. Also because it can be used on others, and:
Bone Magic + Vital + Blood Magic
A few more along these lines make one of the most potent synergies that exists.
So, the list:

Life, Biomancy, Blood Magic, Bone Magic, Plastic Magic, Pustule Magic, Skin Magic, Vital, and Green.

This is all life, and I have hopes that they'll not only synergize with each other but also with Skills.

Unarmored, Unarmed Combat, Improvised Weapons, Duel Wield, and Anatomy.

With all of these together, on top of already being something of a shapeshifter, I'm imagining something that can become a living weapon. Changing and enhancing it's own body as the circumstances dictate as a biological horror that has command over their surroundings and their enemies.

I take this even further with a focus on the connection between Mind, Body, and Soul.

Psionics, Mentalism, Essentialism, Spirit, Bullet Magic, Divergence Magic, Glow Magic, Mirror Magic, Effigy, Memetics, Yellow, Blue, and Reverb.

Then, in an attempt to bring these concepts into a more cohesive whole I have two more abilities.

Gestalt, and White.

This is also working with this:
Divergence Magic(Sem) + Mirror Magic(Sem) + Effigy(Reach).
Almost, this is missing one.
I even have Sleeping, because it might help us survive better but also because it might have some potential with the Mind and Consciousness.

So I have a good feeling that I've really got something going here, and that it has the potential to be BIG. Touching on what Life is, what Consciousness is, and even the Soul.The thing about my plan is that I'm initially investing primarily in PHY. This is because we need to survive, and find the time to learn and practice these magics.

This is why I'm gonna vote to prioritize escape over trying to defeat everything this soon. Please though, let me know what you think.

So to wrap up, even if I don't get some sort of Super-Mega combo with all of these I feel there is enough opportunities for smaller batches to have their own synergies. With enough skills and the appropriate stat allocation to carry us through the short term.

- [X] PHY (+5), MEN (+5), SOC (+5)
Sly probably gets what you mean, but that's only using 15 of the points. 10 in each would result in 5, and use all of the points.

Edit: I'll copy and paste the entirety of the skill descriptions that I use here.

Leap and roll for effect. Accessing hard to reach places and landing with grace where others would fall.
Understand the function of bodies and the importance and limits of their various parts.
Move, Jump, Run. Do it better, harder, faster.
Apply leverage and strength correctly, fear heights no more.
The best form of defense is getting out of the way.
Duel Wield:
Reduce penalties and master strange artforms of combat.
Find all sorts of useful things while spelunking about. Understand where to search in the first place.
Improvised Weapons:
When all you have is a hockey puck and a table leg, you'll find a way.
Both the use of and tendency to not forget. Remain rational when tempted to be otherwise.
The art of good thinking. Often underestimated.
Interpretation as well as acuity. Resist illusion and process confusing or overstimulating sights.
The art of the projection or reception of minds. Poorly understood.
A good night's shut eye can make all the difference.
Unarmed Combat:
When nothings at hand, make your body a weapon.
Naked and alone, resist the ravages of the elements and perhaps even nastier things.

Life: (Internalism)
Control Life Energy. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Biomancy: (Esotericism)
(Nature) Standard Magic Body Bending. Esoteric applications at high levels.

Blood Maigc:
Hyper-realise the tangible and symbolic properties of blood.
Bone Magic:
Draw upon the characteristics of living things from their bones, giving and taking. Heal, Empower, Enhance, Drain.
Bullet Magic:
Rip off tiny segments of your lifeforce and propel them as meta-dimensional projectiles. Largely considered to be practiced only by those with a death-wish.
Divergence Magic:
Split into short-lived duplicates. You are all of them and none them.
Introspective Magic that interacts with the soul.
Glow Magic:
(Aura) Extend the impact of your soul, magics and body beyond their usual reach. Draw others influence toward you also.
Mirror Magic:
Access the mirror dimension. A dangerous and alien place. Perhaps learn how to utilize some of its secrets here too.
Plastic Magic:
Alter the shape and flow of bodily joints and features is highly temporary but extremely rapid ways.
Pustule Magic:
Through dedication and effort, store once-off and semi-permanent effects scaled up from microscopic magical bacterium.
Skin Magic:
Inscribe magical tattoos to harness innate hidden magics within the body. Once-off and semi-permanent effects available.
Control the flow of soul-motion. The origin of thought.

Effigy: (Aspect)
Draw from and create Facsimilies. Finding power in liknesses.
Memetics: (Aspect)
Master the Meme. Or more likely, die trying.
Gestalt: (Aspect)
Blend and incorporate many disparate forms and magics.
Vital: (Aspect)
Unlock the innate magics of bodies organs.

Yellow – Concepts: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Green – Life: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Blue – Information: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
White – Meta: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence. Particularly geared toward affecting either your own or other's powers in some way.

Reverb: (Context)
Make simultaneous instances of the same magics or effects have a reduced or no interaction with each other.
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Hmm. Can skills clash as well as synergise?
Well, there is this:
Beginning + End
Pairing opposite affinities is a fairly basic Synergy that delivers mild but dependable results.
This seems like it could go for pretty much all of the Internalisms. Light/Dark, Life/Death, Mountain/Cloud, Sun/Moon, and so on.

You might be able to get fancy with this if you delve into Reaches. Aspects, Spectrum, Context. But working with these are interesting in own right if you include Semblances.

Like, check this out:

Sun+Pyromancy+Fire Magic+Smoke Magic+Air Magic+Aeromancy+Cloud+Mountain+Seismomancy+Earth Magic+Sand Magic+Glass Magic

This is just 11, and you could do more.

Ice Magic+Water Magic+Hydromancy+Moon.

This could be an entire theme for a build, and you could throw in stuff like Tree Magic and Wood Magic. But I think, if you were treating this seriously, you'd sacrifice those two for other skills.

But with that cycle going, I figure Red and Orange would be great. Maybe Gestalt, Abandon, Possesor, and White as options.

That's only 21 if we count those last three, and I'm not even so sure of that. You could get pretty crazy if you added started adding Space and Dimensional stuff, but I feel like that would probably really eat away at how many slots you'd have for Revelations. And depending on how Reaches you get, that's like up to 19 different Revelations you could pick. Which is half the entire build. You could fit in the Wood Magic and Tree Magic, and Revelations like Foraging, Unarmored, Horticulture, and Woodworking maybe something like a 'One with the World' kind of deal.
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Starting from cybernetics, and trying to focus on things that lean towards technology, crafting, and self-modification with a few survival/social skills thrown in. Still quite a ways from trimming it down into something remotely useable but I'm somewhat curious if different methods of altering the body might overwrite/interfere with each other. There's a couple different magical options/skills that do so.
Starting from cybernetics, and trying to focus on things that lean towards technology, crafting, and self-modification with a few survival/social skills thrown in. Still quite a ways from trimming it down into something remotely useable but I'm somewhat curious if different methods of altering the body might overwrite/interfere with each other. There's a couple different magical options/skills that do so.
My first idea was kind of similar, with me focusing as a kind of biology scientist type deal. Research, Mad Science, Medicine, Investigation, Language, Animal Handling, Horticulture, Live Stock, Cybernetics, and so on. But I got distracted by the magic, and fell into the current build I have.
My first idea was kind of similar, with me focusing as a kind of biology scientist type deal. Research, Mad Science, Medicine, Investigation, Language, Animal Handling, Horticulture, Live Stock, Cybernetics, and so on. But I got distracted by the magic, and fell into the current build I have.

Magic is cool, I won't be disappointed if that's what we end up with. But cybernetics kind of grabbed me, so I'll at least give it a shot.
Sly probably gets what you mean, but that's only using 15 of the points. 10 in each would result in 5, and use all of the points.
Mine matches the way the example plan is done.

I'd like to find a way to add Spirit Magic to my plan of making a badass magic martial artist, but I am having trouble trimming skills. I might overvalue the Revs as I see something like Art and the "well of creativity" and I see it as something useful for pretty much all novel uses of magic.
Sly probably gets what you mean, but that's only using 15 of the points. 10 in each would result in 5, and use all of the points.
Mine matches the way the example plan is done.
Either way is fine since I know what you both mean. I will always write it as [Final Result] as opposed to [Points Invested], but as long as a plan is clear I can run with it.

Also, @Vokivas, your plan is munted currently cutting off halfway through allocating to SOC.
Mine matches the way the example plan is done.

I'd like to find a way to add Spirit Magic to my plan of making a badass magic martial artist, but I am having trouble trimming skills. I might overvalue the Revs as I see something like Art and the "well of creativity" and I see it as something useful for pretty much all novel uses of magic.
Ah my bad on that, I think it was Example 1 with the 8 points in POW that threw me.

As for your picks, I'd say try and balance your 'theme' with what we need practically in this moment and the near future. I'm sure that the creativity from Art will be crazy at higher levels, and likely synergize with Illusion Magic and maybe with White have some effects for your other skills. But your 'theme' seems to be more of a Jack. Which is valid in it's own right, but I don't think it can really hyper focus into really esoteric concepts. So it might be better to focus on having multiple different synergies made with groups of skills. As with Art and Illusion Magic. With Regret and Butterfly Magic. With
Anatomy, Biomancy, Blood Magic, Bone Magic, Skin Magic, and Plastic Magic.

So maybe leave a potential synergy if it has more than 5? Not necessarily what you have to do, but it's a thought. Though I don't envy the amount of analysis required to really work through all of the skills like that.

Can I ask what you think of my build? I'm currently wishing I had more space.

I'm uncertain about White, but it just seems so good. Bullet Magic as well, because dimensional stuff isn't what I'm focusing on, but it does primarily involve Soul stuff which I am looking for. Similarly with Mirror Magic, but it's a part of a combo with Divergence and Effigy. Pustule Magic I'm uncertain about, I'm very interested in the whole magic bacteria thing but I feel like it's a part of a combo with Dibbling and Groove which I don't have. Those are my biggest thoughts right now.
Also, @Vokivas, your plan is munted currently cutting off halfway through allocating to SOC.
I'll try and fix that, and align my stat allocations with what's normal.
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Also, Respecs will be a thing. You will likely never be able to reallocate Stats, but at various times it will be possible to reshuffle Skills.
Also, Respecs will be a thing. You will likely never be able to reallocate Stats, but at various times it will be possible to reshuffle Skills.
Huh, I must have misread because I was under the impression that it was the reverse. With us being able to reapply Stats, but being locked into Skills. I guess the Stat thing isn't as important now, and just means to be mindful for the future?

Edit: Mindful about the Primary and Secondary attributes of our skills and what synergies we have or want.
Yeah, I think I might change some of my Revs around, I think I have too much invested there. It's also kind of crazy for me to have so many skills and not have things like First Aid, which could be critical early on.

My concept is basically Magic Cultivator, and I think there are Synergies for sure with something like Still Magic that requires touch. I'm less sure about Butterfly Magic, but I see something like acupuncture or pressure points to use them to great effect if we have a problem we cant just punch out. Maybe it's greedy to take like Familiar Magic, but I imagine that is very useful especially early and Animal Handling also seems useful to me early on like the exact situation we are in. Another thing I struggled with was if the Life magics would help with biomancy body combo, I was unsure enough to not add them.
Huh, I must have misread because I was under the impression that it was the reverse. With us being able to reapply Stats, but being locked into Skills. I guess the Stat thing isn't as important now, and just means to be mindful for the future?
Hmm, strange, maybe my wording was a little off.
You won't be able to switch around Skills all willy-nilly at the drop of a hat. But I anticipate several total redesigns over the course of the Quest as you gain increasing knowledge on the capacities and synergies between Skills.
There is also the facet that some Skills may not have much use together at low levels, but once you can get both up into the 40s/60s they suddenly have tremendous utility, so pathetic Skills right now may become 'Must haves' down the line.