Strange Things on the Open Sea, Part II
[X] Try to convince Halna to let you accompany Solyn.

'I would accompany Solyn onshore', you volunteer. On either side of you, many of the crew start throwing down walkways to the stone shore, and you're soon left alone under Halna's surprised yet suspect gaze.

You seize the moment as all four of the ship's commanding crew turn to focus on you, raising a silver rune in your left.
'As an able fighter not under anyone's command, I would volunteer to aid the Champion in his task.'

'Are you a scout?', the captain retorts.

'No, but I've worked as a bodyguard for over half a decade. Wouldn't it be easier with another spear to watch your back?'

'He's not wrong', the Champion - scout in question admits. 'If he can keep his mouth shut, he shouldn't harm more than he helps. Plus', he slips in with a shark-toothed grin, 'I find all the mystery curious.'

'…There's something here, more than sandcrawlers and drowning rays. Bring the extra blade.' You stifle your surprise as the normally dour third-in-command suddenly deems fit to remark. 'Permission to divert hands to man a broadside?'

At her warmaster's remark, the captain's suspicion gives way to real concern. Glancing up at the shipwreck, at her sailors fanning out across the beach, then at your gleaming steel, you can practically read her answer through amber eyes full seconds before she speaks.

'Go ahead, both of you. But Geln, you're under Solyn's command.'
Geln keeps watch.
DC 4
+Guard (+2)
DC 6

1, 4, 8, 9

Solyn does a spot of foraging.
DC 2
+Pillage (+1)
+Perceptive (+1)
DC 4
5, 8, 10, 4

Some metal salvage, and very odd corpses. (~2 Silver Rings for you)

Solyn Perceives
DC 4
+ Scout (+2)
+ Perceptive (+2)
3, 5, 7, 7

Verdict: This place is weird.


'Alright, so there's nothing on the beach except some dying bluebottles- and if that manages to put someone down, they deserve it.

I'm going to climb up to the top of that shipwreck, while you watch my back. If it's all good, I'll throw a rope down for you. If it goes to shit, cover me while I slide back down. Cleared?'


At that, the chatty scout takes a handful of long strides, before easily vaulting up the crumbling wood- leaping off crumbling edifices one moment, hauling himself up with an archer's strength the next. It's only four or so metres, and he makes it easily- but something strikes you as wrong.

One of his footholds was at first seemingly a collection of molluscs, stuck high and dry- but as he pushes off it, you could swear it deformed under his weight, if only by a fraction. When the Snaga throws down a rope for you, you take advantage of the climb to draw your seax and test a theory of yours.

As you slam your sword into the mass, it hisses. You twist and pull, almost cutting the almost dirt-like substance into half, and steaming like soup the strange child-sized blob falls into the sands.

When you climb to the ruined top deck, Solyn is staring at where his foothold was, utterly perplexed. You note in one his side-satchels is several bronzed spear tips.

Said spear tips are soon explained as you see the remnants on deck. Several corpses lie astrew- four in all. One seems like a hybrid mix between a slim human and an enormous fish's tail. The other three are bulky, with rough limbs and a shark's maw.

Most disturbingly, the bodies don't even seem that old. Not because the flesh is still there, but because the remains glimmer with something acidic- like someone chewing food off the bone.

Solyn breaks your focus by gesturing onwards, onto the centre of the island. Amongst slumped kelp forests and the half charred, half boiled burns of battle magic, some kind of coral and driftwood barricade has been erected on the peak of the island- too small for any real force, but just tall enough to completely conceal whatever handful of people could hide within. Around it stalks eight child sized globules of water, dirt and acid, seemingly lead by a coral spined elemental awkwardly toting a freshly looted bronze sword and hide shield. The faceless hunters speak no words and face no foe, yet some of them seem slashed and damaged nonetheless.

'Someone's in there', your comrade rather obviously concludes. 'And they need help, and need it soon… steep odds for the two of us, though.'

'Those are Sahuagin bodies. If there are slavers in there, we may as well kill them ourselves.'

'How do we know it's not their slaves in there?', he counters.
'…Shit, I may have gambled 15 rings on your survival, but I don't know if we can get all of them.
And what about the ones we aren't seeing?'

You and Solyn, the Champion/ scout/ archer/ fencer, are standing atop the shipwreck, some distance away from 8 minor elementals and 1 coral elemental circling a tiny makeshift palisade in the middle of the island. It looks like a skirmish between some group of Tritons and the hated Sahuagin occured here, though you see neither. The elementals haven't noticed you, and are easily within arrow range, or for you to jump down and make a sudden charge.

Four to one is a lot, though, and you don't know how many more are hidden around the island, or what they even are.

The people inside might not last that long, though.

[] Attack!
—--[] Open fire, try to draw them to you.
——[] Solyn opens fire, and you assault them under his cover.
—— [] You both move into shock combat, and hope the hidden peoples aid you.
——[] Your own plan.

The above is a very violent option.

[] Withdraw, and tell the others. Hope they hold out.

[] Write in?

After centuries of warfare both within and without, the prevailing theory amongst the Islefolk is that all adults must strive for proficiency in five martial arts- skill with their limbs, their knives, a side arm, the vicious melee and the wild skirmish. You are no exception in this.

Pick one melee outfit:

[] Shield & Sword
Versatile and convenient. Excellent for holding ground.
[] Shield & Axe
Good for an armoured brawl, or fighting smaller monsters.
[] Shield & Spear
Reach, defence, throwable and straightforward. Extremely popular, rather bulky.
[] Bardiche
Strike far, strike first, strike hardest, don't strike twice.
[] Longsword
A weapon for a bodyguard or duellist. Versatile, agile, excels at controlling space.
[] Glaive
A professional hunter's weapon, made for open air, sweeping strikes and precise jabs.

Pick one ranged weapon:

[] Sling
Mostly used to kill birds nowadays. It'll struggle against heavy armour, but is easily replaced, hidden or adapted to throw stranger projectiles.
[] Throwing Weapons
Most popular option by far. Used for darts, spears, axes, knives and the occasional head.
[] Arbalest
The crossbow is generally unpopular in Haven, but especially in Harrow and Tallow.
[] Greatbow
(Unlocked by Powerful). A bow taller than you are, capable of striking with terrifying force, range and swiftness in the hands of an expert.

It's the bane of many Islefolk to be drawn to the most visceral, crushing combat styles, only to recall they then have to carry their weapons as well. Try not to make the same mistake.
All three of the votes are separate.
I will count Attack versus Withdraw, and then take the most popular plan of attack if the former wins.
Vote open for two days.

Congratulations! This is the end of character creation.
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Blunt weapons generally have an evil reputation amongst the Islefolk, so don't ask me if you're allowed to have any.

Edit: Extra questions welcome.
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Alright let's get the show on the road. I'm really curious to see what combat mechanics are like so.
[X] Attack!
-[X] Open fire, try to draw them too you.

If we choose Greatbow (don't see why not, other than taste) I think we could draw them away

[X] Longsword

I do love my Longswords, and I've seen the size of Greatbows. They are big with a capital b. Feel like any weapons choice we take with shouldn't include a shield because it's alot of encumbrance.
[X] Greatbow

Big and powerful, lots of range. Not much to say. I think it's great.
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[X] Shield & Spear

The spear is the King of the Battlefield! Swords are cool and all but a well trained spearmen beats a well trained swordsman readily and often. Plus don't see many MCs wielding spears.
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The spear, shield, and bow combination is going to be very bulky. We'll probably have to leave certain items behind at some points in the quest.
The spear, shield, and bow combination is going to be very bulky. We'll probably have to leave certain items behind at some points in the quest.
Meh it depends, spears are usually around six feet or at least slightly taller than the wielder. If it was a pike then yes, it would be unwieldy, but with a spear you can actually sling it across the back and whip it out quickly because you don't need to carry a sheathe around like a sword. Longsword is also going to suffer from that depending on how big the one we have is.

@Shine will the bulk of our loadout be something we'll have to consider?
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It's the bane of many Islefolk to be drawn to the most visceral, crushing combat styles, only to recall they then have to carry their weapons as well. Try not to make the same mistake.
@Shine will the bulk of our loadout be something we'll have to consider?


The longsword I'm imagining is somewhere between four to five feet long. Geln is a pretty big man.

Edit: To better clarify, being a big man, he'd wear it on a swordbelt hitched around his waist, a bit like a samurai with a katana in some old film.

Question: are elementals people?

The only elementals who were reasonably people Geln knows of appeared in stories and songs. The few he met were all basically dogs or less.
This is quite impressive, considering Haven dogs are duller than a bag of hammers.
Mind, if they were people you'd probably not feel too bad about shooting them anyways. The Islefolk are pretty violent when their morality can justify it.

Edit: The main reason you wouldn't take a Greatbow is because they're two metres long.
That's pretty big.
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Now that I have more mental bandwidth to explain my choices: The bow is kinda bulky but not too heavy. I chose a relatively light and defensive melee combo as a kind of counterbalance and because we hit plenty hard already, I'd rather focus on not taking damage.
All the melee weapon options paired with the Bow are gonna be super unwieldy and awkward to travel with an fight. Shield, weapons, bow, and then quiver. And the options without shields are also pretty bulky and long.

But really it's a price I'll gladly pay for an item like the greatbow lol. Hopefully once we reach our destination we can get some help with carrying stuff more efficiently.
[X] Throwing Weapons

Submitting Throwing Weapons as an alternative to the Greatbow. As much as I would love to start with a huge ass bow to pick off enemies from range, I realized Geln is incredibly well built for melee combat. Something he can use while closing distance and also still useful when caught in close range is pretty optimal for him. The sling, greatbow and arbalest aren't things he can whip out fast, and depending on the size of the throwing weapon, he can carry a lot in many places on his person, which is good if he needs a holdout weapon.

This also synergizes with my spear and shield pick because we can throw the spear. Oh and because we're powerful we might be able to throw things at range farther than usual.

That being said
[X] Attack!
-[X] Solyn opens fire, and you assault them under his cover.

Getting in the thick of things is what Geln does best.
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Look on the bright side; at least you don't have wings.
Halna can't even hang things off her hips. She doesn't even have legs!

Truly, we are blessed to have shoulders to carry things on.

(Her lower body is that of a sea serpent.
About a quarter of the crew are various shades of mutant.
To Geln, this is pretty unremarkable.)
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Vote closed.

I hope you people went and looked up what a Bardiche is first. You may have guessed it's a two handed axe, but if you did so I would question why you'd pair it with an enormous bow.

Perhaps you lot simply despise armour.

Almost all Haven martial arts were designed to fight regenerating monsters, many larger than people. The best techniques to do so involved either horrific slashes or precise and vital strikes, making most bludgeoning weapons sub par versus, say, a sword or an axe.

However, blunt weapons are excellent for crushing skulls and shattering bones, and that has given blunt weapons an evil association with blood feuds, revenge and murder over the centuries.

In distant times, some vengeful souls would commission metal staves, to kill their feuding enemies in particularly painful fashion. Nowadays, with feuds largely extinct under Her Grace, Islefolk attempt not to use these inauspicious weapons at all (excepting slings).

Scheduled vote count started by Shine on Jan 6, 2023 at 7:52 AM, finished with 19 posts and 8 votes.
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Yeah ngl. At the next chance I'll probably vote to commission/buy some medium sized sword (arming sword) and ditch the Bardiche.
Strange Things on the Open Sea Part III
[X] Attack!
-[X] Open fire, try to draw them too you.
[X] Bardiche
[X] Greatbow

'We have the advantage up here, and they're half our size. Let's use our bows!'

Your confident assertion sways Solyn to your perspective, and both of you produce your greatbows- taking aim at the largest, most well armed of their number.

This system has no complex initiative system. People act in sequential order, typically going either a-> b-> c for skirmishes, or one side -> other side-> and so on.

Your great bows have range brackets of 50 metres. The DCs are
8 (point blank), 6 (close). 4 (moderate), 2 (Far), 0 (Very Far), so on and so forth.

On 0 and 1 success, it's a miss and a close miss. On 2, you deal 1 damage; on 3 you deal 2, on 4 you deal 4. Your weapon's tags apply here- for example, Greatbows have Overwhelming and Sunder- but generally not as much as in close combat.

Most person-scaled entities have four hit points.

Your side has initiative.

Solyn fires on B-Type Elemental.
DC 4 (Moderate Range)
+Adept Archer (+2)
+Perceptive & Deft (+2)
+Time to Aim (+1)
-Agile Target (-1)
DC 8
4, 2, 9, 7
2 damage

Armour works on a d10 system too. If armour is higher than Pierce, equal to or lower than the difference blocks damage. If it's less, equal to or lower than the difference doubles the resulting damage via horrific injury.

Armour Value 5, Pierce 2
3, 9
1 wound

Geln targets B-Type Elemental
DC 4 (Moderate Range)
+Novice Archer (+1)
+Time to Aim (+1)
-Agile Target (-1)
8, 6, 1, 7

Surprise round over.

B-Type Elemental prepares Alert Lymphatic System

Solyn targets B-Type Elemental
DC 4
+Adept Archer, Perceptive, Deft (+2, 1, 1)
-Agile, Inferior Shield (-1, 1)
DC 6
10, 3, 6, 7
Solyn grazes
1 damage
1 wounds

Geln targets B-Type Elemental
DC 4
+Novice Archer (+1)
-Agile, Inferior Shield (-1)
2, 9, 8, 7

B-Type Elemental finishes summoning.
7 (!) Antibodies and 1 B-Type Elemental reinforce!
One Antibody is on the shipwreck you are on, crawling onto top deck.
The others crawl from the two shipwrecks on the far side of the island.
A B-Type pops up on the shipwreck adjacent to yours, brandishing a two handed bronze sabre.

Geln swaps to his Bardiche.

Warmaster Talyn's Perception?
DC 4
+Adept Guard (+2)
-Obscured (-2)
10, 6, 7, 9
All seems well on the other side.

Twin shots soar from your distant vantage point, but to your shame and slight embarrassment, one of them veers overhead with excess force. More surprising to see, however, is Solyn's own shot tearing through the larger elemental's 'shoulder'- to seemingly no reaction.

Alerted by your attack, the entire mob pivots to face you. As the smaller elementals surge ahead, almost as fast as a running man despite their size, their alleged leader starts to wriggle and glow an ominous red.

Neither of you need a pointer on the danger of allowing whatever it's doing to go through. Once again, you both draw and fire, ignoring the oncoming crowd with steady discipline- and once again, to your rising embarrassment, it's your arrow that only almost hits.

Despite having been pierced by two arrows longer than your forearm, its insensate gelatinous nature seems hardly bothered. Before you could draw again, it suddenly flexes, 'limbs' splayed out- and you watch the colour fade from its body to form a fading red wave along the stone 'ground'. The effects of this ritual soon become evident, as you hear something animate below you.

A smaller elemental bursts out from a weakened patch of wood only metres away; one of its larger kin contorts through broken planks to reform on the haphazard path between your shipwreck and its neighbours. Worse, in the distance another mob of elementals boils out of the two furthest shipwrecks, that together complete a morbid encirclement around the island's centre.

You throw down your bow and take your axe to hand. It seems to you rather too late to flee regardless.

Solyn shoots
DC 8 (Point Blank)
+Adept Archer, Perceptive, Deft (+4)
-Small Target (-2)
5, 5, 3, 7
4 damage
2 Armour, 2 Pierce
Instant Kill

Melee combat also rolls four dice, but against 2 DCs. The lowest DC is to hit your opponent without being hit; after that is mutual injury, and higher than that your opponent strikes you without being hit.

A 1 always has you strike your enemy; a 10 always has them strike you. Luck is the Queen of close combat.

Your weapons tags matter here even more. A Bardiche has Reach and Sunder; their Longsword equivalent Convenient, Sunder, Versatile and Grapple. Sunder means Geln could try to shatter their equipment, or incidentally do so on 1s; Reach (a very powerful trait) enables him to deal his damage before a non-Reach opponent on the first round, crippling or killing them before they can strike back. This does come at the cost of extreme inconvenience in certain scenarios, though.

Geln charges second B-Type Elemental
+Adept Heavy Impact, Powerful, War Is, Medium Armour, Bardiche
-Novice Heavy Swords, Strong, Agile, Medium Armour, Longsword
DC 4/8
8, 2, 4, 8
4 Damage/ 2 Damage
Reach: Hit First.
Armour 5- Pierce 5
Instant Kill

If there was another enemy within reach, Geln could Cleave. If you engage and defeat an enemy (or enemies) in one round, you can choose to immediately engage another enemy close by, and keep doing it as you keep killing. This is what stops skilled warriors being automatically drowned in minions.

First 3 Antibodies climb aboard.
The other 5 are still climbing. They are damaged, and slower.
B-Type Elemental moves to Close range.
6 Antibodies move to Far range.

Seeing Solyn turn towards the smaller threat, arrow in hand, you pivot towards the oncoming fencer. They countercharge with some skill, but a feint and an upwards stroke promptly ends their singular assault- the heavy head of your axe unceremoniously splitting them in two.

You turn away from dying wails and boiling life fluids to face a second threat- the vanguard of the elementals swiftly scrambling onto the deck, scaling vertically with the same ease as you would walk on land.

Solyn targets B-Type Elemental
DC 6 (Close Range)
+Adept Archer, Perceptive, Deft (+2, 1, 1)
-Agile, Inferior Shield (-1, 1)
DC 8
2, 4, 6, 6
4 Damage, Overpowered
Armour 5-2
2, 3, 8, 5
2 Wounds, dead.

Solyn draws his sword.

Glen charges an Antibody.
+Adept Heavy Impact, Powerful, War Is, Medium Armour, Bardiche
-Small Target, Novice Unarmed, Psuedopod, Light Armour
DC 7/ 9
5, 8, 10, 8
3 Damage/ 3 Damage
2 Armour, 5 Pierce
3, 2, 1
6 Wounds. Extremely dead.

Glen cleaves an Antibody
DC 7/9
2, 5, 7, 10
3 Damage/ 2 Damage
2, 5, 5
4 Wounds, Dead.

Glen cleaves an Antibody
DC 7/9
4, 6, 8, 10
3 Damage/ 2 Damage
1, 4, 4
4 Wounds. Dead.

Your entire world narrows to your smaller counterparts- but it's frankly focus wasted. A strike, a cleave, a lunge- three textbook moves to shatter through any guard their morphing appendages could possibly produce. Within seconds, all lie slain, their viscous innards thick enough to be visibly melting the edge of the deck.

Solyn comes up by your side, appreciating the carnage as you simply breathe, when the rest of the elementals promptly vault over their dead.

Four lightly wounded elementals come over the top, charge, two each.

Geln against two Antibodies.
+Adept Heavy Impact, Powerful, War Is, Medium Armour, Bardiche
-Small Target, Novice Unarmed, Psuedopod, Light Armour, Swarmed
DC 6/8
1, 7. 8. 1
4 Damage/ 2 Damage
2 Armour, 5 Pierce
3, 4, 7, 10
5 Wounds

Lower DC moves up to 8 (-outnumber, +wound). Enemy too crippled to hit.

Solyn against two Antibodies.
+Veteran Heavy Blades, Powerful, Agile, Perceptive, Deft, Longsword, Medium Armour
-Small Target, Novice Unarmed, Psuedopod, Light Armour, Swarmed
DC 9/10
7, 9, 6, 5
4 damage
2 Armour, 3 Pierce
8, 4, 8,10
4 Wounds, 1 Dead

6 Antibodies come to Moderate Range
1 very wounded Antibody charges Geln.

Geln against two wounded Antibodies.
DC 7/9
1, 9, 3, 9
4 Damage, 2 Damage.
Antibodies Dead.
5 Armour. 0 Pierce
1, 1
No Wounds.

Solyn trivially executes the last.

6 Elementals, seeing this, scatter and retreat back to the ships.

D2= 1
Kua Toa rush towards their saviours not to die.
D2= 1
Elementals let them go. Something is moving.

Rewards: 9 silver rings loot.
⅕ Veteran Heavy Impact XP
Solyn is impressed.
You own the field. (?)


No word is needed for the both of you to square off against your foes. You swirl your axe in dizzying arcs in front of you, and their instinctually aversion to whistling death is all you need to break their momentum. Seizing the moment, you tighten your grip and chop off the top third of the first elemental, before crushing the other with the haft. You move in to finish the job, your target twitching, clearly dazed, faceless or not-

And you twist, almost too late, as the last and slowest of the pack scores the mail on your legs with sizzling acid. The two savaged elementals take the moment to try to swarm you anew, but their injuries prove their undoing.

You recover quicker, and hew them both apart.

Your foes dead, you scan about for more before Solyn promptly claps you on the back, apparently untouched.

'Well fought! I told them you were a fell handed sort, but it's good to see I was right on target there. I shot the big one; the rest are fleeing.'

'If you were gambling on my survival, why would you take me with you?'

Before Solyn can give a reasonable answer, the palisade suddenly collapses. Almost half a dozen Kua Toa scrabble towards you. You've not a clue how the stunted fish peoples survived while Sahuagin and Triton corpses both are littered about, but as the elementals pause in their retreat, you reach for your bow to cover them, regardless.

Quicker to draw and fire, Solyn's arrow punctures the elemental's leader, and the entire group slows, as if reconsidering. Just as you're about to do the same, however, you notice something askance. Perhaps it's merely a trick of the sun's glare, but just behind the group's rearguard, where two of them support a third with a wounded leg, you could have sworn one of the stone mounds just… moved.

It was touch and go, but congratulations on a fight fairly won!

The Kua Toa have made it to within thirty metres of your ship, presumably gambling on the protection of the terrifying land-walkers over the merciless elemental swarms. Three of them are closer, another three are lagging behind. One of the rearguard is notably better dressed and armoured than the others, and carries a stave that's far too big for them, (and so likely both precious and pillaged).

Six elementals are about twenty metres behind the rear, but are hesitating after Solyn tagged the leader.
You're pretty sure something is beneath the 'ground', right between the Kua Toa and the elementals, however.

Everyone else is still unaware of your frantic skirmish. No matter what, you will point out what you saw to Solyn.

[] Prepare to shoot whatever appears, if something does appear.
[] Vault down onto the ground and personally escort the Kua Toa to safety.
[] Let Solyn take over; go back and tell the others this island is actually quite dangerous.
[] Write in?

You have two days to vote. I would like you to discuss and justify.
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