[X] Fight with Aurora, attack the Syndicate.
[X] Try to separate and/ or disarm both sides by force. (Very Dangerous!)
Voting Closed.

Time to Negotiate (???)

I've reworked crossbows and some ranged weapons a little bit.

Those reload times are painful.

Scheduled vote count started by Shine on Mar 29, 2023 at 1:26 PM, finished with 30 posts and 6 votes.
crazy. I like Heart, I hope this doesn't end up with her dead. She deserves better than a devil worship syndicate tho

edit: I want her and Glen to form a dnd party and slay some dragon or something idk..... maybe aurora as our paladin to tag along. Fun Times!
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[X] Press more. Ask Heart.. is she telling the truth? Diabolism? Daemons?

You step in front of Heart, turning to the side to keep both groups in your peripheral vision- and yourself in the line of fire. To your left, crossbows waver in confusion, suddenly uncertain. To your right, Aurora smoothly equips her kite shield- not quite suicidal, it seems.

'Geln? Wha- what the fuck? That was the chance!'

'I'm not finished.', you reprimand her. 'That was the deal we made.' You doubt the others would care, foreign criminals as they likely are.. but it matters to you. With your intent suddenly vague, the tension's tangibly thick in the air... before someone can do so with a blade, you cut it with your words.

'Can you prove this? That the Eyes are in league with daemons?'

Shifting slight, Aurora brings her shield about one-handed, and with the other reaches into her belt. She draws a knife of blue stained iron, etched and jagged beyond any real function, and Heart's bronzed pallor turns almost white.

You'll never get used to how suddenly a bolt can fire.

Daniel -> Ophelia -> Aurora -> Geln -> Heart

Daniel shoots Aurora.
DC 6 (Close Range)
+4 (Novice Archer (1), Accurate (1), Aim (1), Perceptive (1))
-7 (Partial Cover (1), Shield (2), Swift (2), Soul Sworn (2), Transcendant (1), Dawn Pact (1), Hollow (-2))
DC 3
5, 7, 7, 8

Ophelia Shoots Aurora
DC 6 (Close Range)
+4 ( Proficient (0), Accurate (1), Aim (1), Deft (1), Perceptive (1))

DC 3
9, 7, 5, 10

Who even needs shields?

Daniel throws aside the crossbow and draws a pair of dirks; Ophelia starts reloading (and panicking).

Aurora starts channeling MANIFEST (0/1)

Geln is about to charge Heart, before remembering they still technically have a truce. Unwilling to just leave Aurora behind, he retreats to guard her.

Heart opens fire.
DC 6 (Close Range)
+6 ( Veteran Archer (3), Accurate (1), Aim (1), Deft (1))
-5 (Partial Cover (1), Shield (2), Swift (2), Soul Sworn (2), Transcendant (1), Dawn Pact (1), Hollow (-2), Vulnerable (-2))
DC 6
9, 8, 2, 10

It turns out, your aid was entirely unecessary.

She yells at you in frustration, drops the crossbow, draws a longsword, and knocks back the other kind of potion.

Two bolts whistle past you, and you neither see nor hear their impact- their target sways, ever so slightly, and both simply score off the rim of her shield. Your efforts at peace, it seems, were for nought…

You make eye contact with the sin eater, who nods to you- once, abruptly- before going slack on her feet. She tilts her head back, her posture loosens, and the world around her seems to dim as if she were drawing in the light around her. Untrained mage as you are, it's clear as day what she is doing, and you make your choice.

You rush to her side, to defend Aurora while she's vulnerable, facing down the trio who not a moment ago had carried you here in their own vehicle. Heart's bolt, as well, misses just barely- skimming past her seemingly defenceless counterpart, unable to get a good shot with you in the line- as she gives a worldless cry of frustration.

'Stand down! Back off, and we won't-'

Heart produces the second kind of potion from her belt, and in a single motion drains the vial. The effects are instant, and she wails in pain- even darker lines scoring across her skin, frame suddenly twisting and flexing with untapped power. Bones crack and realign audibly, her posture folds in wracks of transformative agony, and then it's over as swiftly as she begun.

Her hands spasm, and her crossbow shatters in her grip.

Daniel prepares to go in with Heart, not being suicidal.
Ophelia continues to reload.

Aurora finishes channeling MANIFEST, and jumps the spears by taunting out and engaging Heart.
+8/ 18 (Elite Light Blades (4/4), Medium Armour (2/2), Tiefling (1/1), Soul Sworn (0/2), Shield & Sword (1/3), Transcendant (1/1), Dawn Pact (1/1), Kindled (0/0), Strong (1/0), Swift (0/2), Defensive Stance (-3/2))
+14/ 7 (Elite Heavy Blades (4/4), Medium Armour (2/2), Tiefling (1/1), HATE HATE HATE (1/-5), Incredible Strength (3/0), Artificial Swiftness (0/3), Longsword (2/2), Deft (1/0))
DC 4/9
10 (!), 3, 10 (!), 9
That shield is …. Gone.
Heart deals 2 Damage, Aurora deals 1.
Armour 6, Piercing 7
2, 6
2 Wounds.
Armour 6, Piercing 1
Heart shrugs it off.

Geln sees it's going pretty badly, and moves to back her up.
Daniel initially looks like he's going to try and stop him.. before thinking better of it, and instead hurls a dirk at him.
DC 6
+1 (Novice Throwing (1), Deft (1), Bad Balance (-1))
DC 7
2, 5, 2, 8
2 Damage.
Armour 5, Piercing -2-1.
2, 10
Geln takes 1 Wound, and ignores it. Daniel decides to back off; Geln takes a swing.

DC 6
+1 (War Is)
+1 (Rune of Impact)
+2 (Powerful)
+3 (Veteran Heavy Blades)
-2 (Adept Unarmed)
DC 6
1 (!), 3, 6, 4
Heart takes 2 Wounds, both tieflings are knocked prone, but separated.

The Heart that looks up at you is not the Heart you knew.

Trembling hands unsheathe a longsword; veins and muscles spasm erratically as she stares straight ahead- not at you, but at Aurora, gaze focused like an arrow, like a spear- eyes suddenly, unnervingly human, the void black shrunken inwards, replaced at the edges with white.. something. She takes one step forwards, then another, as if relearning how to walk- and then she lunges.

There's a grey-bronze blur, the reckless fencer turned into something less and more, and despite yourself you're already stepping in the way- but not quite fast enough.

Aurora steps past you, shield high, undaunted, and a strike more like a giant's wrath than any mortal swing is caught perfectly against her shield, a marvellous demonstration of timing and precision, force bleeding out against the sidewards angle….

Not enough force.

Her shield folds, wood and iron shattering inwards as Heart (?), twitching and frothing and shrieking, flexes and drives her blade clean though shield and stance alike. Your ally by happenstance is hurled clean off her feet, her defence turned into a lethal trap- you hear iron groan and bones fracture from even the indirect impact. Heart doesn't stop, leaping onto her off-balanced foe, mouth unhinged further than any man could hope to match, an endless wave of berserk sound scoring across the clearing as she tries to crush Aurora under sheer, impossible strength.

You step forwards, and in the corner of your eye see Daniel think better of engaging in a melee far beyond him. Instead, he hurls a long knife like a dart and backs up, slicing into your boot and calf, but the pain seems a distant thing.

You swing and connect, Heart not even glancing your way into far too late. The axe head strikes across her upper chest, and although her potion made her strong beyond strong, it hadn't made her heavier. Iron ringlets burst under pressure, black pitched blood joins the stained grass, and she tumbles, head over heels, several metres away, bone and skin and flesh lacerated by your axe and chain shrapnel alike….

Daniel throws an actual throwing knife at you, before turning around and running.
Ophelia joins him. She's not getting paid enough for this…

DC 6
+2 (Novice Throwing (1), Deft (1))
DC 8
3, 4, 6, 7
4 Damage
Armour 5, Piercing -2-1
1, 9, 6, 7
You take another point of damage, but with your high Ignore Wounds, it doesn't bother you.

Aurora stands up, and you tell her to run down the others.
You've got this.

You step forwards and finish her off.
+11/7 (Islefolk (1/1), Veteran Heavy Impact (3/3), Medium Armour (2/2), War Is (1/1), Bardiche (2/0), Powerful (2/0))
+13/ 8 (Elite Heavy Blades (4/4), Medium Armour (2/2), Tiefling (1/1), HATE (1/-3), Incredible Strength (3/0), Artificial Swiftness (0/3), Longsword (2/2), Deft (1/0)), Prone (-1/-1))
DC 0/8
6, 7, 6, 7
Armour 6-1, Pierce 6

DC 3
+5 (Swift (2), Strong (1), Transcendant (1), Dawn Pact (1), Defy Wound (1), Medium Armour (-1))
+1 (Agile)
DC 7
6, 7, 2, 4

Daniel and Ophelia throw themselves at your mercy.

Another flash of pain and heat from your other calf, the beating of feet, shouts of panic, sudden barking- you shove it aside as Aurora vaults her feet, impressively still able despite her injuries. Heart is more sluggishly rising only three, four metres away, and you have moments to make a choice. You've decided already, however.

'Capture the others. I'll deal with Heart.'

Blessedly, she doesn't argue, shrugging off unseen injuries as she darts to the side. You step forwards, bardiche levelled like a spear, and place the edge against her forehead as Heart struggles to her hands and knees, breathing like a hummingbird.

'Stand down', you hald-command, half-plead, forcing down the blood-red fire in your veins. 'Noone has t-'

She never lets you finish.

One hand swats your bardiche aside and away, as she flexes and leaps towards you- wailing, reaching, eyes blown and maw wide, and you don't even think.

A step back, a shift sidewards, and her own momentum drives your blade straight through the ruins of her chest.

It's not a quick end, even with the blade clean through. Blood and acid and viscera and fluids you've not a clue to what they are spill out, and even then you have to shake her off the blade before she starts pulling herself up towards you. Heart crumples in a pool of her own blood, still thrashing, still trying to force one more breath of life, one more hateful blow, one more death out of an utterly broken frame.

You rush over, dropping the axe, kicking the sword out of her hands, but as you lean over her and see just how dead she is and just hasn't realised it yet… it's too late.

Whatever impossible vigour possessed her finally gives out. Heart dies without even knowing it, dies while not herself- overtaken by whatever concoction her masters bound her with.

When Aurora and Kora return, prisoners in tow, she sees you standing over your victim, and says nothing at all.

Victory is sweet, and violence ever bitter.

Vote open for at least another two days.

This is a pretty complex vote!

First, and most important… Geln just killed someone. Again. With Yonai, he didn't regret it.. but Heart was, for all her flaws, someone Geln didn't hate, nor hold any special grudge against except for her admittedly ruthless tendencies.

You'll regret Heart had to die either way, but how do you feel about killing in general?

[]… You suddenly understand why foreigners fear you. This.. is wrong.
[] You feel terrible. Not because of what you did.. but because you realise you feel nothing about it.
[] Crown help you, but you can't help but hide the thrill of one of the closest battles in your life… how can wild strength challenge like mortal desperation?

What to do with the body? The Eyes have no set way to discard of them…

[] Bury her, with all her belongings.
[] Burn her, and whatever's left, you share with Aurora. (Preferred by Aurora)
[] Strip her down for valuables, then burn her.

What questions do you ask Aurora, or your prisoners? You should, at least now, have all the time in the world…

[] Write in.

Do you accept Aurora's offer to work with her more, to sweep out the rest of the Syndicate, or stay separate a bit longer?
[] …sure.
[] Thank you, but not today.

Finally.. Aurora will have some questions of her own.
[] Shut her down.
[] Answer guardedly.
[] Answer openly.

If you choose the latter, she'll tell you how to contact her in the near future.

Questions always welcome.

This is not a plan vote!
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[X]… You suddenly understand why foreigners fear you. This.. is wrong.

[X] Bury her, with all her belongings.

I'm actually really really sad rn. I liked Heart a lot, and I had hoped she somehow lived. I'm actually sad....

idk what to do with the rest but I disliked the other options that were available for us to pick. I don't ever want Geln to be a unfeeling monster, and Heart was possibly the first foreigner who he got to know even a little bit. :cry::cry::cry:
[X] You feel terrible. Not because of what you did.. but because you realise you feel nothing about it.
[X] Burn her, and whatever's left, you share with Aurora. (Preferred by Aurora)

[X] Thank you, but not today.
[X] Answer guardedly.

I don't think Geln would necessarily feel anything about killing someone he only met in battle, but Heart was someone he'd talked to, shared food with, made jokes with. He'd feel bad. I hope this is more nuanced than him hating all killing, though...it's the knowing her that makes this seem like something he should feel bad about, not just 'killed someone'.

He's also a pragmatic guy in terms of physical stuff I feel.

As for Aurora...we got interrupted before we could really get much out of her and I don't actually trust her or her God at all (being of a different faith and unwilling to convert makes me very leery of working for anyone whose faith is so exclusionary). Working with her does not actually seem like something we necessarily want to do. Talking to her to get more information, sure, but carefully.

I'll add votes for questions that seem good, but I'm drawing a blank right now.

EDIT: With changed question wording, changed vote on death thing. Questions also added:

[X] What was that potion? Why did she drink it?
[X] Someone explain this thing with the fucking demons.
-[X] Did the prisoners know, where they duped? Why would someone work with demons?
[X] How would Heart like to be put to rest? Do you know how to contact her sister?
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I hope this is more nuanced than him hating all killing, though...it's the knowing her that makes this seem like something he should feel bad about, not just 'killed someone'.

Geln's not going to become a pacifist by any means; the first option is more or less having a normal adjacent reaction to lethal violence, with each option after that becoming increasingly blood-knight.

Like, the first and second is:
'This enemy is armed and trying to kill me, but realistically is extremely outmatched. I'll try to take them alive.'


'This enemy is armed and trying to kill me, and even though they're extremely outmatched, might succeed. I won't screw around, and instead will just chop then in two. If they did, they die.'
Can I test a write in for how we feel about killing.

[ ] As the thrill of combat fades you regret it. Heart didn't need to die, and she was good to talk to and now she has a sister out there somewhere who doesn't know she's alone. But you also don't know what you could have done differently, Heart drank the potion, Heart worked with demons, you still would have spared her if she'd accepted.

First time dealing with the moral quandry of "But I liked that person.", I don't think we'd be as concerned if we killed a Hoklin during that ambush. E: Hell given our archery we certainly did, although that's more surgical due to the distance. So maybe wouldn't prompt this realisation.
We killed our brothers abuser and were explicitly unrepentant.
Geln is apparently a guy who did buy a dog because it had no where else to go... And also use that dog as a poison tester. And he has a big family. So I think he's going to be sympathetic here.
And also dealing with the fact that theres no obvious way he could have talked her down.
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Can I test a write in for how we feel about killing.

[ ] As the thrill of combat fades you regret it. Heart didn't need to die, and she was good to talk to and now she has a sister out there somewhere who doesn't know she's alone. But you also don't know what you could have done differently, Heart drank the potion, Heart worked with demons, you still would have spared her if she'd accepted.

First time dealing with the moral quandry of "But I liked that person.", I don't think we'd be as concerned if we killed a Hoklin during that ambush.
Geln is apparently a guy who did buy a dog because it had no where else to go... And also use that dog as a poison tester. And he has a big family.

I don't really see how that greatly differs from the first option, I think.

Regarding the killing people thing: This would have triggered the first time Geln (knowingly) killed any actual person. He's pretty desensitised to violence, because of the land he grew up in, but most Islefolk don't realise that in most places, the primary use of their violent skills is killing other people, and making that connection can be.. jarring.

Regarding the whole 'feed it to the dog first'- Geln likes Kora and normally treats her quite well, but

A. Islefolk don't put nearly as much value in animal life as in mortal life, even for their pets. Animal rights isn't really a thing, and they're not like, say, Tulane, Sarvoras or Hasamir, who absolutely dote on their horses. If Kora died, he'd be a bit sad, but not teribly so. All of their interactions are kind of underscored by the knowledge that Kora isn't really a Person.

B. He still hasn't internalised that Tyr was easily two or three times as resilient as Kora, due to having a healing factor.
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First time dealing with the moral quandry of "But I liked that person.", I don't think we'd be as concerned if we killed a Hoklin during that ambush.

This is the core issue for me. I feel like Geln's response to Heart would be feeling bad, but that that's actually not very indicative of how he feels in general. Like, he'd have Response #1 (or something like the write-in) to killing Heart because he knew her (or at least felt like he did), but Response #2 (feels nothing at all) if he killed someone he hadn't actually hung out with, or even the other Syndicate people (who he only met briefly).

The question of how he feels when he kills someone he knew and liked is super different from how he'd feel killing a stranger but they're being equated here in a way I don't feel is accurate to most real people, or how I, at least, perceive Geln's character.

Like, it seemed like he felt an actual camaraderie with Heart which is why it seems like killing her would hurt him. Killing people whose names he doesn't know (yes, I know Heart wasn't her real name...that's not the point)? Or had just been introduced to? I don't think he'd care at all.
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I don't really see how that greatly differs from the first option, I think.
If thats the case then fine. I added more words to be (hopefully) more clear however if the first one does that then fine.
If I had to say the difference is here:
Whereas mine is
Heart didn't need to die, and she was good to talk to and now she has a sister out there somewhere who doesn't know she's alone.
Yours is a global statement that I assumed to be about killing in general, mine is a specific statement about someone Geln sympathised with.
Like, it seemed like he felt an actual camaraderie with Heart which is why it seems like killing her would hurt him. Killing people whose names he doesn't know? I don't think he'd care at all.

I think that matches closer to the second then. This vote is meant to cover how Geln feels about killing people in general, not Heart specifically.

Live and learn with vote wording, and such.

Yours is a global statement that I assumed to be about killing in general, mine is a specific statement about someone Geln sympathised with.
yeah, in that case, see above.

I didn't actually expect this would trigger with Heart. I thought you'd trip it earlier. I'll edit it to make the choice clearer.
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I think that matches closer to the second then. This vote is meant to cover how Geln feels about killing people in general, not Heart specifically.

Live and learn with vote wording, and such.

Yeah, that's kind of the issue though. I feel like he'd sincerely regret Heart's death and feel bad...I can't in good conscience vote for him to not care at all about killing someone he knew and liked.

Which makes this difficult. Would this write-in work?

[] You feel nothing much about killing itself, but feel a sense of loss that you will never get to know Heart or her story any better, and guilt that you were the one responsible for that.

I dunno if that's phrased quite right, but something emphasizing Geln feels bad about Heart specifically, but fine about killing more generally.
Its a bit unfortunate that the general vote is occurring on a the time when we think we have a specific exception.
Maybe this should have happened after the Hoklins however the archery didn't prompt the visceral response I guess.
Is there a reason for the bury her/burn her thing? Honestly not certain I want anything of hers

What questions do you ask Aurora, or your prisoners? You should, at least now, have all the time in the world…
[] What was that potion? Why did she drink it?
[] Someone explain this thing with the fucking demons.
-[] Did the prisoners know, where they duped? Why would someone work with demons?
[] How would Heart like to be put to rest? Do you know how to contact her sister?

I do want to ask about Aurora's god, however right now I want to keep questions specifically related to what just happened. So leaving that for tommorrow.
[X] Crown help you, but you can't help but hide the thrill of one of the closest battles in your life… how can wild strength challenge like mortal desperation?
Geln was awesome!

[X] Burn her, and whatever's left, you share with Aurora. (Preferred by Aurora)
I'm not sure of my choice here, what are the customs of death in this continent?

[X] …sure.
Unavoidable really

[X] Answer openly.
I don't think we know anything sensitive
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I'm not sure of my choice here, what are the customs of death in this continent?

Presumably, every culture is different. The Eyes don't have any standard method, and Silver is proposing to just ask what Heart would want.

That vote is more about loot splitting, anyways… I should double check my vote wording as well, not just the story.
Presumably, every culture is different. The Eyes don't have any standard method, and Silver is proposing to just ask what Heart would want.

That vote is more about loot splitting, anyways… I should double check my vote wording as well, not just the story.
Well, I did want some of that loot because she tried to kill us twice now, but Geln did talk with Heart and saw that she had good tendencies (even though she kept choosing to be bad, so I'm not going to weep over her death)

I've got no idea for the questions for now, I'll come back and post another vote or edit later
You rush over, dropping the axe, kicking the sword out of her hands, but as you lean over her and see just how dead she is and just hasn't realised it yet… it's too late.

Heart, why did you have to push the max violence button huh? We haven't even rushed you yet!?

[X] You feel terrible. Not because of what you did.. but because you realise you feel nothing about it.

One hand swats your bardiche aside and away, as she flexes and leaps towards you- wailing, reaching, eyes blown and maw wide, and you don't even think.

Curse our weakness and the next time, fireman carry into SUPLEX CITY! At least then she's going out through stylish yet ambiguous blunt force trauma instead of a lethal blade straight to the heart! Heck, this is a lesson to next time buy sleep potion/tranquillisers.


[X] What was that potion? Why did she drink it?

Shifting slight, Aurora brings her shield about one-handed, and with the other reaches into her belt. She draws a knife of blue stained iron, etched and jagged beyond any real function, and Heart's bronzed pallor turns almost white.

You'll never get used to how suddenly a bolt can fire.

[X] Someone explain this thing with the fucking demons. And why was my question not answered promptly.
-[X] Did the prisoners know, where they duped? Why would someone work with demons?
[X] How would Heart like to be put to rest? Do you know how to contact her sister?
-[X] If put to rest was answered, put Heart to rest as recommended.

If not:

[X] Burn her, and whatever's left, you share with Aurora. (Preferred by Aurora)

Loot is loot. 🤷

Any mementos we take from her, we may want to personally keep until we give to her sister ourselves- because let's face it, she'll certainly be coming after us anyway.

On Aurora's:

[X] Thank you, but not today.
[X] Answer guardedly.

We just killed someone we personally took care of, some days ago- and despite her sudden switch to violence after refusing to clarify she was still someone I knew. Give Geln some space.
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[X] You feel terrible. Not because of what you did.. but because you realise you feel nothing about it.
[X] Bury her, with all her belongings.

[X] Thank you, but not today.
[X] Answer guardedly.