[X] ….You.. you think she's telling the truth. Side with Aurora.

We know the Syndicate is sketchy. Aurora's words make sense. Heart has made it clear we are carrying the corpses of their victims or becoming one if their org had their way and it's not something I want to do for them.
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'We ice this bitch, get paid, and stuff your fucked up delusions through your own corpse.'

Aurora never even turns to face her- gaze unshifted, unchanging,

Hmm, riled up this easy does she? Something tells me our paladin might've hit something good. But I am real hesitant loosing our current friendo though!

[X] Press more. Ask Heart.. is she telling the truth? Diabolism? Daemons?

Still, we've got one daemon that has tried to carve its way through us and it won't be by backstabbing us with its pawns this time!

Hold up.

Is this a glitch?

Who the hell wrote this?

Why does it say I wrote this?

Checks date

….while I was asleep?


Re: mysterious post

Someone in Queensland hacked my account, but thankfully don't seem to have done anything.

Deleting relevant posts, changing p/w. Hope that doesn't happen again.
I'm convinced Aurora and Geln are not going to clash anytime soon, but Geln is definitely going to clash with the syndicate. I don't like the sound of meeting Heart's boss and if that's a demon, it's going to be pretty bad.

Bail now

Convince Heart to join ship! At least we don't have to chain her with potions to keep her on us.

Free yourself, horni halfelfu!
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Re: mysterious post

Someone in Queensland hacked my account, but thankfully don't seem to have done anything.

Deleting relevant posts, changing p/w. Hope that doesn't happen again.
Are you sure it wasn't someone going to the same college pranking you lol
Convince Heart to join ship! At least we don't have to chain her with potions to keep her on us.

Free yourself, horni halfelfu!
Yeah, I'm open to convincing Heart. I don't think she's a good person, but she's a decent one.
Are you sure it wasn't someone going to the same college pranking you lol

Yeah, I'm open to convincing Heart. I don't think she's a good person, but she's a decent one.

Or your roomate ransacking your laptop
You might want to read the Sapient Mortals post, again.

And… Heart doesn't have horns. Where did I write she had horns?

Ah, shit. My image of tieflings keep pinging up that they have horns prolly why i keep stating that.

edit: Oh, so they arent under changelings… huh.
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Out of curiosity.

Do you actually believe Aurora can fight all four of you at once?

She, visibly, is a tall and stoic woman, clad in worn and well used Medium Armour. Her bow is unstrung, her sword is sheathed, her shield resting loose against her hip and the grass, her back to the sun.

You've seen how strong Heart is; Daniel and Ophelia aren't professional fighters.

How strong do you think a sin-eater is?
Out of curiosity.

Do you actually believe Aurora can fight all four of you at once?

She, visibly, is a tall and stoic woman, clad in worn and well used Medium Armour. Her bow is unstrung, her sword is sheathed, her shield resting loose against her hip and the grass, her back to the sun.

You've seen how strong Heart is; Daniel and Ophelia aren't professional fighters.

How strong do you think a sin-eater is?

With the sun on her back?

Prolly enough to tank us to a stalemate accounting for day magicks. But with Heart and co, we can overcome that with the dice.
So, does Geln know how the Queen communicates with people, generally Kolo and priests. Do they hear words, get dreams or just sort of know?
Wait I missed it. Tell me your secrets
Do you actually believe Aurora can fight all four of you at once?
I think she thinks she can, and from a meta game perspective I think its an approx equal fight. I think she's stronger than that Beserker we tried to duel certainly.
I'm putting a lot more faith in what the others are saying about her speed and miracles than what Geln is doing.
Bow being unstrung is hardly a handicap, she was never going to use it in a melee against Geln.
We saw from the previous ambush that the syndicate members are pretty fragile and fled as soon as resistance seemed to be more than they'd bargained for.
Sun to her back is preferable for anyone who isn't relying on some kind of solar magic as it means the sun is in our eyes, so if this is a handicap I guess you're showing a card there.
Do you actually believe Aurora can fight all four of you at once?

Yes. Unlike Geln I don't doubt she can cut arrows out of the air. She's riding high on her God's power and can absolutely fight like at least three people while under the sun.

Can the lot of us beat her? Probably, with a little luck. Is it gonna be a one sided fight? No.
Well then.

So, does Geln know how the Queen communicates with people, generally Kolo and priests. Do they hear words, get dreams or just sort of know?

Priests can meditate for direction, and do so regularly. Actual response tends to come in the form of dreams or fully formed ideas, and in truth are actually quite uncommon.. hopefully, anyways.

Additionally, every large settlement sometimes have direct written messages manifest in some Very Well Guarded Books. The overwhelming majority of these are legislative; she rewrites your legal code every 25 years exactly.

Lastly… in the deepest, most sacred parts of the Isle of Regrets, the highest clergy, the Peerage and a very rare, special few talk to her directly.

The experience never leaves then quite the same, even after they recover.
Well then.

Priests can meditate for direction, and do so regularly. Actual response tends to come in the form of dreams or fully formed ideas, and in truth are actually quite uncommon.. hopefully, anyways.

Additionally, every large settlement sometimes have direct written messages manifest in some Very Well Guarded Books. The overwhelming majority of these are legislative; she rewrites your legal code every 25 years exactly.

Lastly… in the deepest, most sacred parts of the Isle of Regrets, the highest clergy, the Peerage and a very rare, special few talk to her directly.

The experience never leaves then quite the same, even after they recover.
Thanks, so this familiarity is probably not her trying to signal us.
I think I can see the way the wind is blowing, and I do have a slight issue that needs solving, so consider this part of the vote closed.


There is a chance the Charisma check fails. (You're really getting a lot of use out of that trait pick).

If, Crown forbid, that does happen, I need to know what Geln does next.

[] Fight with the Syndicate, attack Aurora.
[] Fight with Aurora, attack the Syndicate.
[] Try to stay out of it.
[] Try to separate and/ or disarm both sides by force. (Very Dangerous!)

Sorry about that. Questions still welcome; voting period extended for another day and a half after this. Next time, I'll try to remember the sub votes.

Although your skirmishes have demonstrated the clear advantage of polearms over swords, there are some redeeming features for the latter. One is being useful in much closer quarters; another is being just generally far more convenient to carry and conceal.

Fortunately, Geln hasn't yet run into native peoples insisting he can't go somewhere while carrying a two handed axe.

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Fortunately, Geln hasn't yet run into native peoples insisting he can't go somewhere while carrying a two handed axe.
We just need to keep our intimidation check ahead of their reluctance. :p

[X] Fight with Aurora, attack the Syndicate.
[X] Try to separate and/ or disarm both sides by force. (Very Dangerous!)

Happy to try separating them but given the danger I don't want to risk it unless others are confident.
[X] Fight with Aurora, attack the Syndicate.
Only one of these groups has previously tried to kill us and demons are bad news.
Have my lazy meme:

Daniel: Are you sure bringing in the crazy unpredictable Corpse Smith is a good idea?
Heart: Things are already fucked, how much worse can they get.