Birthright: A Muggleborn Quest

But keeping it as a separate skill and making it something you have to learn on you own, it also tracks Ashton's foray into the "Dark" side.
I'm sorry to be a bother about this, but now I'm confused about whether "Dark Arts" is meant to be a skill in the same way as potions is a skill, and if so why it's listed alongside things like the Magical History knowledge skill? I had thought it was supposed to represent, like, an academic understanding of what kinds of things the Dark Arts were comprised of, knowing what spells are illegal, etc.
I'm sorry to be a bother about this, but now I'm confused about whether "Dark Arts" is meant to be a skill in the same way as potions is a skill, and if so why it's listed alongside things like the Magical History knowledge skill? I had thought it was supposed to represent, like, an academic understanding of what kinds of things the Dark Arts were comprised of, knowing what spells are illegal, etc.

There's Dark Arts under Knowledge, which is what DADA teaches, and Dark Arts under Skill, which is actually acquiring and using the illegal stuff.

Really, "Defense against the Dark Arts" is kinda a minsomer, as you're not really learning how to defend against the Dark Arts, it's mostly just defense.

I think I'll change the name from Dark Arts to Defense then, might help with the confusion.
Still worth it.
We will need to figure out how to get these books and Dark artefacts from Knockturn and not be found out, but it opens a great deal of opportunities for us.
I have always wanted to try magical criminal quest.
The problem with this kind of skill system is that the magical categories are very, very broad. It wouldn't be quite as bad as assuming that all STEM subjects are the same, but "Charms" is merely a catch-all for several branches of magic, some of whom have overlap, granted, but that's akin to saying that Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry all use Mathematics, so it's the same.

Some of the categories (mind, this is all head-canon, but I like to think that it's the constructive kind):
  • Mind-affecting Magic: At the low level, there's Cheering Charms, while higher levels have Memory Charms, or even Occlumency and Legilimency.
  • Illusions: The Disillusionment Charm is likely the most well-known, but we know that there's spells to make things looks like something else, like walls pretending they're doors from Hogwarts itself.
  • Elemental Spells: Aguamenti should technically be Conjuration, but it is classified as a Charm, and we've seen spells related to fire (especially fire), ice, and lightning, so I put them into one category in my mind, though it's more of a "the thing they've got in common is that they don't really fit well other places", in that I believe that being truly good at a branch of elemental spells require some affinity with it. Dumbledore's pretty good with fire, for example, which fits well with his having a Phoenix as a familiar.
  • Divination Spells: No, not telling the future, but rather getting information. The Four-Point Spell would be here, as would age lines.
  • Environmental-affecting Spells: This one is fairly obvious. Making space larger or smaller, making an entrance magically locked, shrinking or engorging things. In short, adding properties to an area.
  • Object-affecting Spells: Lots of overlap with the category above, but I chose to make the distinction. Summoning and banishing are affecting the environment, but you can hardly summon a whole room; you need at least one target for it to work properly.
There can easily be overlap between them, of course. But tell me, how many of these categories could have spells in them that's considered dark? Legilimency would likely be heavily restricted, if not outright forbidden, a person with a strong affinity for fire spells would likely have greater control over Fiendfyre, and most Curses could be said to be affecting an object, or even an environment.

Having a Dark Arts skill is... I don't really know. Dark Arts isn't just a bunch of incantations that just require an incantation and some negative emotion to achieve results to achieve results much quicker. I subscribe to the thought that negative emotions is what separates "true Dark Magic" (as opposed to magic restricted by the ministry), in that it has a cost to your soul/sanity to use. We know that murder tears the soul, but that powerful magic can be performed by making use of this tear, likely to a rather permanent detriment, so I don't think that it's a stretch to say that lower-level Dark Magic exists that make use of the same.

I'm rambling a bit, but my point is that Dark Arts can't really be adequately represented by one skill. Being good at, say, a bunch of nasty curses wouldn't translate to proficiency with the Imperius skill, for example.
Dark Arts here is just the skill that gives us knowledge of, and how to acquire and use illegal stuff from what I can glean here.

Even stuff like the Hand of Glory would require some Dark knowledge to know of it and that is where the skill comes in.

You know how in the lower grades, there's a "Science" subject and it only splits up into Biology, Physics, Chemistry in high school? Yeah, it's like that. Well, that's what Ashton thinks at any rate.

In a mechanical sense, I did give some consideration to those "fields" you described when I originally though up this quest, and I decided that any specializations/affinities that you have would go under the "Traits" list, or another list altogether. It's a bit in flux, as that's a ways away and I doubt you'll hit that point within the first two years of Hogwarts. The early years in Hogwarts are focused in instilling a basic and broad level of competence in the required fields of magic.

Ashton doesn't really know much about how the Dark Arts work, mechanically speaking.
If we do make a horcrux we should send it into space. Less chance of Wizards knowing that we made one and no chance of it being destroyed by Magical means.
Still worth it.
We will need to figure out how to get these books and Dark artefacts from Knockturn and not be found out, but it opens a great deal of opportunities for us.
I have always wanted to try magical criminal quest.
Uh look not be a party pooper but we're kinda new at this magic thing and I believe fiddling with Dark artifacts or even studying Dark arts before you know the basics might not be the best move.
Might want to learn a thing or two once we know more a little bit about magic though like how to protect yourself, healing and counter-curse etc.
EDIT: Rereading your post you didn't seem to push to learn Dark arts right away so ignore this post.
If we do make a horcrux we should send it into space. Less chance of Wizards knowing that we made one and no chance of it being destroyed by Magical means.
This might be a bad idea?
Launching a piece of your soul into a space while making it difficult to find also make it difficult to secure.
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If we do make a horcrux we should send it into space. Less chance of Wizards knowing that we made one and no chance of it being destroyed by Magical means.
It still won't beat the Pioneer plaque Horcrux, so I don't particularly want to do it.
How about making a Phoenix the Horcrux? Immortal + Killing Curse Resistance + Fire Immunity.
How about making a Phoenix the Horcrux? Immortal + Killing Curse Resistance + Fire Immunity.

Is somehow that works then we would have made the Worlds first Dark/Evil Phoenix.
Phoenix's are Light aligned.
To do something like that means to other people that we are the next Dark Lord. No matter our intentions.
[X] Plan Dark Abstraction, we're not special ourselves? Then any importance we have is probably entirely due to our circumstances- whatever plan Hermione's cooked up, it's probably only possible because of that registration glitch. We're just someone in the right place at the right time.
Is somehow that works then we would have made the Worlds first Dark/Evil Phoenix.
Phoenix's are Light aligned.
To do something like that means to other people that we are the next Dark Lord. No matter our intentions.
There is no such thing as Light magic, or Light alignment, in Harry Potter. Dark magic, Dark lords, those terms are titles, political distinctions. Light is not a term that is used, however, in-universe. It's fanon.
Dang, if I had found this sooner we could've been a super hot witch instead!:p Ah well, Ashton is still cool. Watched!
There is no such thing as Light magic, or Light alignment, in Harry Potter. Dark magic, Dark lords, those terms are titles, political distinctions. Light is not a term that is used, however, in-universe. It's fanon.
Eeeeeh, there is a case for "dark magic" existing. We are told explicitly that for some of the higher level stuff, you have to mean it. The best example is the Cruciatus Curse, and Harry's proficiency - or lack thereof, initially - with it. Wanting to see... Amycus, or Alecto, I can't remember which, but I'm leaning towards the former, but wanting to see the Carrow twin in the Ravenclaw tower suffer meant that he could cast it.

I don't particularly consider him a bad person overall for doing this, though it was far from his finest hour, using such a spell often? It'd skew your worldview, I imagine, and it may even have a corrosive effect on the soul/sanity. The last bit is only an indirect observation, as Bellatrix and Tom Riddle - who I view as the greatest at the "Dark Arts" - both seem more than a bit insane.

As for light magic... Unicorns seem like very, very pure creatures, though one might argue that their defense mechanism makes them a dark creature.
As for light magic... Unicorns seem like very, very pure creatures, though one might argue that their defense mechanism makes them a dark creature.
The thing is, seeming pure doesn't negate the fact that unicorns are beasts and can be violent: they have a XXXX classification as of Fantastic Beasts. Just see GoF, one of them almost gored Ollivander.

And on magic being based on meaning it: the Patronus Charm is very intent based. This seems applicable to all powerful magic. While I think that I don't want us to use Crucio too much, if there is a lot of conflict coming up we should try and develop some killing intent.

Given that the Ministry has legalised the use of Unforgivables before, I think its not as dark and light as you thinķ. Just a bunch of tools they don't want civilians to use. Some with good reason, and others (like the Hand of Glory) not so much.
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The Hand of Glory is made by cutting off the hand of a corpse after it has been hanged, and then having it dried and pickled, plus magic. That is why it is banned. The Ministry would prefer it if civilians did not desecrate the dead.
But it is an advancement of magic, is dead useful and doesn't hurt anything other than sentiments.

Like, I get why they banned it, but given the dead aren't using that hand, I don't really want to comply.

Plus, that was in response to a post that was implying all Dark Arts do bad shit to the psyche of a person, not on why or why not it should be banned.
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[X] Plan Dark Abstraction

I feel like not only am I late to the party, but that the party may in fact be over...
Still ongoing! Haven't had that much time to myself, as I've had several tests in the past weeks, but there should be an update within a week (no promises).
Awesome! Because this looks like it could get interesting.

I'm personally on board with Dark Wizard path. I just don't know what to have for a goal. Voldemort-style genocidal spree doesn't appeal too greatly to me and Grindelwald's quest for world domination... a lot of work and people skills. Also, are we in med school primarily for the money or mainly because we're compassionate? I didn't sift through the posts too much there, but going by our character's personality I'm assuming the former. Also, I agree on waiting, until at least third year, before delving into the forbidden magics so that we lull our watchful headmistress into a false sense of security and actually get some spells down to help us keep such activities a secret.

Edit: One step at time I guess, no need to make insidious plans before we're even capable of Occlumency.
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Just found this.
what about Transfiguration?
making stuff fetch things to you? creating chairs and stuff? creating awesome costumes...
not to mention self transfiguration and shapeshifting...
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Just found this.
what about Transfiguration?
making stuff fetch things to you? creating chairs and stuff? creating awesome costumes...
not to mention self transfiguration and shapeshifting...
Those should be the first things mentioned. Too bad we can't double major.
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