Birth of Modernity (Riot Quest)

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Simulation of the early modern era.
Opening post
Inspired by Victoria 2 from Paradox Interactive I have decided to create a SV riot Quest version of it.

Each turn you will write what one nation's governing body(s) will do. Obviously you can't write about all the minutes nor are you expected to. Where I come in is writing more about the details of the action, how it came to pass, and what it's consequences might be.

Before you go about creating a communist utopia or a fascist hellhole though note that you cannot control how your citizens directly react. If you outlaw slavery in the US in 1841 without properly preparing don't be surprised if you kickstart the civil war 20 years early

Stats issues and other statistics will be added along as the game progresses. We will start in 1836 each turn will last a year.

Vote format:

[] Nation: Action
[X] Sweden: covert all Land Pattern Musket's to use percussion lock's and rifled barrel's, fund Baron Martin von Wahrendorff's research into cannons.
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I'm not opposed to the actions proposed thus far, but know that I intend to take them seriously, perhaps moreso than the posters intended. Think of this quest as a grand strategy roleplaying thread with far less effort required on your part.
I'm not opposed to the actions proposed thus far, but know that I intend to take them seriously, perhaps moreso than the posters intended. Think of this quest as a grand strategy roleplaying thread with far less effort required on your part.
Please do. I want to see what comes from a Japan that emphasizes Greater Martial Teachings.
[X] Qing Dynasty: Begin cracking down on corruption throughout the bureaucracy. Aim to diminish the power of the conservative factions within the bureaucracy as well with this anti-corruption campaign using false charges and planted evidence if needed so that the groundwork may be laid for modernization and industrialization.

I wonder if I'll make the Qing Dynasty explode faster or slower than it did in reality.
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I think we should call the vote now since i don't think anyone else is going to vote.
The game is still in an early enough point to where a single nation's actions interfering with another's is unlikely so I've been working on the update since the votes started to come in. The update should be done and posted in a few hours.

EDIT: Finished update a lot earlier than I thought.
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After the Napoleonic era, Sweden's foriegn policy could best be described as dedicated neutrality. As a result of this neutrality, Sweden's King Karl XIV Johan reduced the nation's military budget for a time. This would not be the case for his entire reign however. During the 1830's, the king's popularity plummeted due to various causes. On February 13 1836, a local insane asylum patient named Orvar Östberg escaped from Danviken hospital and attempted to take the life of the king during one of his tours of Stockholm. The attack seemed to be carried out on a whim. Witnesses, including the king himself, saw Östberg charging at the king's guard with a pocket knife before being cut down by a volley of bullets. While this attempt had a negligible chance of success and was caused more by the assailant's mental instability than any real grievance, it nonetheless shook Karl.

Karl XIV Johan feared that if enough popular feeling was turned against him, the military would not be above deposing him in a coup. This was not a necessarily irrational fear as the Swedish King Gustav IV was deposed by just such a method only 27 years prior. Thus to ensure that another coup would not take place, Karl XIV Johan decided to buy the loyalty of the military. However, the increased army budget was not only spent on enlarging officer's wallets but rather also for modernizing the military equipment already available and funding esteemed members of the Military-Industrial complex such as Baron Martin Von Wahrendorff so they could produce new military innovations.


In the 1830's, Japan experienced a devastating environmental crisis known as the Great Tenpō Famine. During this time all classes of society suffered but the hardest hit were of course the peasantry, who were not able to grow the food needed to sell and eat. By 1836, the famine had reached its peak and even some loyal members of the ruling caste became radicalized. One such man was Ōshio Heihachirō, a Samurai and police officer in Osaka who attempted to solicit the movers and shakers of society to do something to ease the burdens of the peasantry. These efforts offended the wealthy merchant Ujie Takemoro, who hired a group of thugs to murder Ōshio Heihachirō on March 5. After the deed was done, Takemoro was arrested, but being wealthy as he was gave him connections, which he skillfully used to avoid punishment. Ujie Takemoro was allowed to go free even though every person, highborn and low, knew of Takemoro's guilt.

This infuriated the lower classes and several rebellions broke out all over Japan in what have collectively become known as the Koroshōnin rebellions. During these rebellions, members of the lower class would destroy tax offices and wealthy merchant's homes, often with the occupants still inside. Even though these were basically peasant revolts the Shogunate's troops performed relatively poorly, having become unused to putting down revolts and unrest. Upon the destruction of the last rebel stronghold, Tokugawa Ienari, the Shogun of Japan at the time, decided to reform the Shogunate forces as one of his last acts as Shogun before retiring. He ordered increased training of his own military forces and the mandatory dedication of a small percentage of the feudal lords' revenues for the year to the maintenance and training of their own military forces. One notable feature of the training programs were the relatively high number of close-combat techniques being taught. The age of the Sengoku Jidai was long over, and the main military threats the Shogun was worried about came from his own people. Swords were more popular than guns in Japan during this time, and so the troops learned how to fight in close combat more than how to shoot at the enemy.

On April 15 1836, the Daoguang emperor of China had a sudden heart attack and died. This came as a shock to the nation as he had apparently been in good health right up until the moment of his death. His death also came at a poor time, succession-wise. His oldest living son and next in line for the dragon throne, Yizhu, was only 5 years old. And so Yizhu, now known as the Xianfeng Emperor to the history books, became ruler of all of China, at least in name.

In reality, the Qing court became a hotbed of intrigue and power struggles. The royal family attempted to keep everything under control by delegating more power to the provinces and promoting competent Governor-generals to them. One such official was a man known as Lin Zexu, who gained the office of the viceroy of Huguang in this manner. Lin Zexu was a conservative who strongly opposed the opium trade and western influence in general. However, his focus was shifted to anti-corruption campaigns when he began to gain influence in the imperial court. He hoped that when the state was purged of corruption, ordinances against opium and the west would be much more effective. However, as the campaign went on, the distinction between individuals who were corrupt and individuals who happened to be Lin Zexu's political opponents became blurred, and many people who were in fact innocent of any wrongdoing nonetheless found themselves declared guilty of some corruption charge or another. To Lin Zexu's credit, the punishments for false corruption were often more lenient than the punishments for real ones.
Holy sh!t, Japan!....Noice.
Well, looks like focused agriculture is my next vote. Hahaha!

I wonder happened in the other nations though?

Everything else that happened went mostly OTL historically. Of course as the game goes on, butterflies will start to add up... At any rate, don't feel stuck to the nations you voted for, it's perfectly all right to switch nations every turn if you so desire.

Could Sweden help Japan with their famine? Because I would certainly like to.

At this point in time Japan is strongly isolationist. Not much news from the outside world goes out or in. Of course, if you or the other players change that, any aid you are willing to give might be more effective.

At any rate, voting is open again. It wouldn't really make sense to keep it closed for any real length of time at this point.
[X] Sweden: adopt the Dreyse Model 1835 Needlefire Breechloading pistol, adopt a 152mm and 210mm breech-loading Wahrendorff gun, build a 20 ship merchant fleet armed with 20 152mm and 10 210mm Wahrendorff cannons for trade with China, increase the potatoe harvest to feed half the population, build forts on Gotland, create a department to crack down on corruption, send Baron Martin von Wahrendorff to establish diplomatic channels with the Chinese, modernise the iron industry, help China modernise, and finally centralised the police force.
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[X] Prussia: Rise of the Eagle
-[X]Invest in better ways to build ships, both in size and in speed of production to better exert Prussia's will on its surrounding waters for defense or, if it is the will of the Kaiser, offensive purposes.
-[X]Begin restructuring laws around industry to increase worker safety, minimum wage, and minimum age of workers
-[X]Begin reviewing current taxes to close loopholes, remove harmful taxes, and remove harmful tariffs
-[X]Start to modernize the army to a more professional standard by conducting drills, having more modern equipment designed and produced, and raising the standing military from 158,000 to 200,000.
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[X] Japan: Repeal of the Edict to Repel Foreign Vessels.
-[X] Agriculture research. To avoid future crisis.
-[X] In the hopes of solving future crisis of agriculture, by opening the borders the hope some merchants selling their products, such as food, to us. (Don't want another riot)
-[X] In action immediately is the Study of Combat for the Repeal of Repelling forces. Don't want any foreign dogs getting ideas of weakness.
-[X] Ranged Weapon training needed immediately.