4. Chinatown Procedural
Chapter 4: Chinatown Procedural

ABB gang members lined both sides of the derelict apartment that has been formed into a makeshift courtroom. The Asian warriors wore white wife beaters and had scarves of red and green- they wielded stainless steel pipes and baseball bats.

Ando roared. "All hail for the honourable Lord Lung, county magistrate of the Brockton Bay Chinatown Area."

The gang members roared and began to bang their weapons on the concrete floor, creating echoes around the hall.

Ando raised an arm and the hall became silent. He spoke again.

"Bring in the accused!"

Oni Lee smacked a brass gong with a wooden spatula. GOOOOONG. There was a mighty clang as the sound echoes all around.

Gang Members pushed the large double doors open and dragged in a bound Taylor, Fat Cho and Grace, who struggle in their restraints. Grace was the most agitated, while Cho and Taylor were somewhat mellow.

Grace roared angrily, "Unhand me you peasant, don't you know who I am!?"

Cho merely sighed and muttered underneath his breath, "Here we go again. Everytime something happens in my restaurant."

Taylor merely stared straight ahead, at the large mahogany desk at the end of the Hall. The masked visage of Lung sat behind a grand throne behind that mighty desk. Behind him, the Chinese Characters, "Great Dragon Under the Heaven" was displayed proudly upon a carved banner.

Grace growled, "Do you fuckers know who I am, and Lung, what the hell!?"


An ABB gang member shoved a struggling Grace to her knees and snarled at her. "That's right bitch, kneel!"

Cho and Taylor did not resist.

Lung spoke for the first time.

"Fat Cho...whatever your surname was. Taylor...Hebert. And Grace Ozawa- wait, are you related to that pornstar?"

"What!? No!….at least...I don't think so."

Lung chuckled and raised a reassuring hand, "It wasn't her real name anyway. Jeez, relax.Not that there is anything wrong with-"

"Dammit, Lung!" Grace all but shouted, "Why are you doing this to me!?"

Lung growled, his eyes glowing. "If you speak out of turn again, you're going to be punished!" He stroked an imaginary beard sagely as he continued. "In court, there must be etiquette."

Ando bowed his head and agreed, "Well said my lord! Well said."

"This isn't funny, Lung!" Grace was not amused at this joke of a court. Something that was straight out of a cheap Chinese historical drama.

Lung roared and smacked his hand against his desk, his whole body quivering with restrained fury. "How dare you!? Ten smacks on the bum!"

He drew a wooden token- inscribed on it was the Chinese characters, "Ten Smacks on the Bum"- and threw it onto the floor with a bang.

Ando roared, "So the command has been issued, so it shall be done."

Two ABB gangsters stalked over to Grace and shoved her to the ground.

"What are you do- HOLY FUCKING SHIT! AAAAGH!"

The two raised their pipes and began to beat on the girl's buttocks and lower legs. After exactly ten smacks on the bum, they desisted and allowed a groaning Grace to get back up on a kneeling position.

"Holy fuc-"

Lung interrupted her tirade. "Do you need more smacks on the bum Miss Ozawa, or are we good?"

Grace remained silent, but glared at the stoic gang leader.

"If we're all done, let us review the case. Cho-

Taylor raised a hand. There was a moment of silence as some of the ABB members marveled at the sheer balls that the girl must possessed. Some gripped their pipes tighter in anticipation of another smacking of the bums.

Lung growled and pointed an index finger at the white girl. "Yes, white girl?"

"You said that you're an Imperial Magistrate? Isn't that only applicable in the C.U.I?"

Lung gestured at Ando who immediately produced a document sealed in a glass display case. He brought it towards the kneeling suspects so they could lean in and look at it.

It was all written in Chinese. Which Grace could apparently read, because she began to recite it out loud.

"By the authority of his divine majesty, The Emperor of the Chinese Union Imperial hereby recognizes [Redacted], codename 'Number Thirty-Nine', as a special agent of the Yangban with the corresponding rank of County Magistrate to act as Judge, Jury and Executioner in the maintenance of Imperial Law and the pursuit of justice. May the Emperor live and reign for ten thousand years, ten thousand years, ten thousand of ten thousand years. Unauthorized holders of this document is punished with painful death and the immediate execution of extended families. Issued January 1995. License expires... December 2008."

Graced looked up at Lung. "This is expired."

Lung sounded smug as he retorted. "And who's gonna arrest me? The Yangban?"

Taylor coughed. "But this is America. C.U.I. laws don't apply. You don't have jurisdiction."

Lung looked down at her. "Are you a lawyer?"


"Good. Because as County Magistrate, I am the only qualified lawman here. And I say I am legitimate. This is Chinatown. America has no authority here."

Taylor opened her mouth. Then she closed her mouth. Then she opened her mouth again- but Lung had ran out of patience with their impudence.

"Enough questions! Cho, tell us your story."

Cho wasn't at all surprised by the proceedings thus far and quickly summarized the events of this morning for the court to hear.

"And that's when other people showed up and someone must have reported to you."

Lung nodded. He turned towards Ando and the two whispered furiously back and forth before he seemed to have come to a decision.

"It would appear that there is insufficient evidence to convict the three of you for murder at this time. However, you're all under arrest until we can at least determine your innocence. You are confined to the dungeons, meals are free, but no coffee."

Ando was quick to follow with another: "So it is spoken, so it shall be done!"

Lung drew another wooden token and threw it on the floor. The Chinese Characters stated: "Jailed in Dungeons. With Meal Coupons. Coffee Forbidden."

"Court dismissed!"

"Weiwooooooo!" The ABB gangbangers chanted and slammed their weapons on the concrete floor again. The three suspects were grabbed by six other gangsters who dragged them away out of the hall of Chinatown justice.


Grace paced in jail and moaned. She was so pissed. That mockery of a trial and their detention was entirely unnecessary. She was Bakuda. Lung knows who she is. What the hell was this farce even!?

She glanced over at the relatively much more calm Taylor, who fidgeted as she sat on the wooden bench of their "jail cell." It was basically an abandoned basement somewhere in the apartment complex.

Taylor looked like she was really worried about something. She kept glancing up.

Grace went over and clasped a hand on the other girl's shoulder. "Hey it's gonna be alright. What you so worried about? Leave your stove on or something?"

Because if it wasn't alright, Grace was going to tear Lung a new asshole. Fat Cho was snoring, he didn't seemed worried about it all- so this was probably a common occurrence. Was this seriously how they dealt with crime in Chinatown internally? Report to Lung and get him to sort it out? That did make sense. In a twisted, gangster ghetto sort of way.

Taylor shook her head. "It's nothing. Just worried."

Grace nodded her head, not prying any further. She was probably just nervous because- hello, the Asian supremacist gangsters were holding them hostage. Taylor probably thought they were going to end up in a brothel. Or worse.

There was the thump thump thump of footsteps and suddenly a massive hulk of a man opened the door and walked in, followed by a smaller man. The hulk was wearing a trenchcoat. Grace noticed that the man forgoed a shirt entirely, opting to go topless and showing off his impressive (albeit slightly familiar) dragon tattoo.

She gulped. That was one hot guy. The guy following behind him wasn't too bad on the eyes either, he had a buzzcut and a mustache that looked like he had forgotten to shave for over three months.

The hulk nodded at them. "I am chief inspector Kenta."

He gestured behind him, "And that's my assistant, Lieutenant Lee."

"Uh, are you the police?" Taylor asked.

Cho, now woken by the intruder's entrance, snorted at Taylor's questions.

Kenta chuckled, a deep laugh. His accent had a vague Asian twang to it that somehow made him more attractive. Of course, according to Grace's ovaries, Kenta could be blind and mute and it wouldn't matter.

Shut up ovaries! Just shut up!"

She tried to imagine Michael Croft's hairy balls and immediately became disgusted enough to calm down and pay attention to what the Inspector was saying.

"I am not an American Chief Inspector. I am a Chinatown Chief Inspector, empowered by County Magistrate Lung to carry out criminal investigations as necessary."

Grace gaped at the insanity she was hearing. That didn't make any sense whatsoever.

"You can't do this to me! I am Baku- I mean I am an American Citizen and I have rights."

Kenta snorted. "Legitimate Citizens have rights. It remains to be seen if you are Asian enough."

"What kind of a Nationalistic Liberal crap is that-"

The Inspector held up a hand in a placating gesture. He looked at the three of them. "I am not without a measure of mercy. I will allow one of you to accompany us and help us investigate. I understand that you are an accomplished student of the chemical sciences? Perhaps you can help us, Miss Ozawa."

Grace bit her lips and glanced over at Taylor. The younger girl smiled and patted Grace on the shoulders.

"I trust you to clear our name, Grace. Go!"

She nodded and turned back to Kenta. "Okay. I will help. Even though we're all technically innocent-"

"Confessions can be legally acquired through torture under the Confucian judicial system."

"Uh…" Grace shook her head, resigned at the insanity around her. "You know what. Nevermind. Let's go solve a murder case."

She followed the two lawman out the door and the steel door clanged shut again. Taylor's eyes shifted up towards the ceiling again and she sat back down with a huff.

"God, what a mess."

Fat Cho laughed and tried to reassure her. "It's alright white girl. I've been jailed dozens of times. It will be fine. Lung is strict but fair. If you can handle threats of torture and keep your mouth shut, you actually could get away with murder. This is gangland afterall, however much we pretend Civil Law is actually in effect."

Taylor muttered underneath her breath. "It's not me I am worried about."

"Okay, so what do we know?"

Ando pointed towards the wheelchair outside the Dumpling Bar entrance. "That thing has some of the plastic cords that hung Annie tied to it."

Grace examined the wheelchair and nodded her head. "Seems like it. Taylor and I saw it this morning, but we didn't pay it much mind."

Kenta nodded and added another clue. "Cho also saw the wheelchair when he opened up the bar, so we can assume that the wheelchair and by extension the murder took place sometime at night."

Kai Lee came back from where he was investigating the stairs. "I found traces of blood- recent- on the stairways."


"All of them, seemed to go up several floors. I am not sure where it originated."

Kenta sniffed the air. Grace thought that was odd- but she was more surprised when Kenta began to walk over towards the stairs, sniffing the whole way. Lee and Ando seemed perfectly unsurprised by this behaviour and followed after the Chief Inspector.

Kenta looked up and gestured at them. "Lee is right, the scent of blood is thick on the stairs. Come on!"

They walked up the flight of stairs, Grace panting the whole way.

"Fucking. Ass. Stairs. Why can't we take the elevator?"

"Obviously, because we wouldn't be able to investigate the blood scent...wait!"

Kenta pointed towards someone's panty that was caught on the branches of a pot of a small tree that someone was growing outside their door.

"I think that's Annie's panties."

"Oh, how do you know?" Ando nudged Kenta on the ribs and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "I mean, did you and her-?"

"No! Definitely not!" Kenta denied immediately. He muttered underneath his breath. "Smells like her."

Grace suddenly shouted and drew their attention to the skirt and torn blouse that was scattered up the next flight of stairs. Several footprints seemed to have trampled over the evidence.

Kenta growled, "Stupid residents, stepping over important evidence."

Ando laughed. "It's weird how no one seemed bothered by the fact there was torn women's clothing everywhere."

Grace felt that was kind of disturbing- was Chinatown residents really that jaded?

Kenta was thinking- then he looked up and seemed to squint into a corner of the balcony ceiling. He pointed up and asked Ando. "Hey, is that a camera?"

Ando nodded. "Yeah. There's a couple of those around here."

"We have cameras?"

"Yeah. Lung asked to have them installed."

"Did he? Really?" Kenta asked dubiously.

Ando nodded, "He was especially adamant that multiple cameras were installed outside Cho's dumpling bar….oh shit."

Kenta muttered underneath his breath again. "Dammit Cho. Installing cameras without telling me?"

Outloud he berated Ando. "You didn't think to tell us that there was cameras outside of Cho's bar?"

He smacked the Japanese man on the head and nodded to Lee. "We need those footages. Both the ones along this flight of stairs all the way down to the ground floor and the ones outside of the bar. Go!"

On the static filled black and white monitor, Annie Kim bent down to tie her shoes when she suddenly looked up. She seemed to jump in fright, mouth open in a sudden scream as a wheelchair barreled into her.

The monitor switched to another camera, this time showing the next set of stairs. A wheelchair roared down the stairs, plastic cords tied to the vehicle and behind was a struggling Annie, whose long legs were kicking in the air as she was slammed repeatedly into the sides of balconies and stone stair edges leaving bloody stains behind.

Another view switch. The wheelchair inexplicably turned sharply around a corner and disappeared underneath another set of stairs, slamming Annie into a clothesline, scattering some granny's underwear everywhere.

The monitor switched again, Annie Kim had lost her clothing, her dress long since torn off of her by being caught in wires, clothes lines and other obstacles. She was raked over several pots of plants, one of which managed to tear off her panties with a branch.

The view changed again- this time showing a slowing wheelchair rolled across the screen to stop outside Cho's dumpling bar, plastic cords fluttering in the wind, but Annie nowhere to be seen.

Grace looked up and turned to stare at the rest of the investigative party. Everyone was staring with their jaws hanging open.

Ando was the first to speak.

"What the fuck."

Kenta rewinded the footage back to the second floor, when the wheelchair dragged a naked Annie around another corner and paused as the wheelchair was entering the view on the ground floor camera.

"Somewhere between the footage of her on the second floor stairs and the ground floor- her body disappeared...and what? Magically reappeared inside the freezer? That doesn't make any sense."

Grace raised a hand. "Not that I think we're jumping ahead a bit too far or anything-"

Her tone was entirely sarcastic. "-But I think maybe we should figure out where the hell the creepy death wheelchair came from. I mean, the ability to turn around multiple flights of stairs is not natural."

Kenta growled in frustration. "Are you sure we don't have any footages of the stair that connects the ground floor and the second floor?"

Lee shook his head. "None. I double checked. I even gave Indian burns to the tech boys responsible. They aren't hiding anything. I think."

At Grace's disbelieving look, Kai Lee felt the need to defend himself further. "They were nerds."

Kenta's eyes suddenly widened. He rewinded the footage again. Second floor corner. Wheelchair entering the view on the ground floor.

Grace was trying to see whatever it was Kenta had apparently found- but she wasn't seeing it.

Kenta pointed towards the timestamp. He rewinded the footage again.

"The timestamp."

Grace gasped.

"Holy shit."

Kenta nodded his head in agreement, eyes wide with disbelief. "When the wheelchair was dragging Annie around the second floor corner, the time was 04:51:07."

He fast forwarded the footage as the wheelchair reached the ground floor.

"When it reached the ground floor, the time was 06:03:29".

"Over a whole hour's difference…" Grace did the math in her head. She turned to Kenta, who was still rewinding the footage.

"What does that mean, Kenta?"

"It means that Annie's body didn't enter the ground floor through the stairs. The Wheelchair took her somewhere else, and then went down to the ground floor a whole hour later- like a murder weapon that was thrown away long after after the deed was done.

Kenta turned to Kai Lee. "Go back to the tech boys. I want the entire footage of the moments between 4:50 AM to 6:05 AM. It this wasn't tampered with- then we have a serious mystery on our hands."

He gestured to Ando. "Check the elevators. That's conceivably the only other conventional way Annie's body could have been brought down to the ground floor."

Grace thought of the bullshit parahumans could do and couldn't help but add. "What about unconventional ways?"

Kenta grimaced. "That's what I am worried about."

With a swoosh of his beige trench coat, the chief inspector stalked out of the security footage room, his team on his heels. They have a killer to catch.

A/N: Yeah, was really busy for the past couple days. Sorry for the delay.
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5. Annette
Chapter 5: Annette

The Brockton Daily

Tragedy and Missing Body of Brockton Hero

Special Correspondent Sarah Cheng

The BBPD announced today that the corpse of Daniel Hebert, the late head of the dockworkers union was missing from the morgue.

"We're working on the case, it could have been simply grave robbers- people who drudge up biomaterial for tinkers or the black market. It's not the first time this has happened in this city." BBPD representative, detective Miles Johnson has stated in today's announcement.

Daniel "Danny" Hebert was a beloved figure with many supporters from the working class. A friend and fellow Dockworker, Tom Shaw stated that Daniel committed suicide a couple weeks ago. An obituary was printed but the cause of death was kept confidential at the time.

"The death of his wife shook him bad and he had a daughter to take care of too. With the stress and financial situation of the Union and the Bay in general, it was probably too much too soon. He probably ignored the fact he had depression and didn't seek help- that's our Danny, always thinking of others instead of himself."

Alan Barnes, senior lawyer of Barnes, Dallons & Kyles is also a close family friend. He was comforting his sobbing daughter who was equally distraught at the news.

"His daughter was my daughter's best friend. I honestly don't know why he did it. He didn't tell anyone anything. I can tell you one thing though, I'll bury whoever stole his body underneath a pile of lawsuits so thick they'll never see the light of day."

Barnes also expressed concern at Hebert's missing daughter, Taylor, 15, who authorities believed ran away from home shortly after Hebert passed.

"We're looking." Detective Johnson assures the public. He has asked that anyone with information on the whereabouts of Taylor Hebert to come forward. "Brockton Bay is a dangerous place for runaways. They could end up sucked into a gang or victimized by the merchants or worse."

For the history of the DWU, see page A5.
For the details of the memorial service to Daniel Hebert, opened to the public at large, see page A2


In an act of mercy, Lung has released Cho and Taylor from jail citing lack of progress on the case.

"He probably wouldn't want to wake up and not have Cho be running the dumpling bar." Kenta explained Lung's real reasoning as he lead the suspects (they were still suspects) down the hall and up the stairs towards the first floor.

Taylor stared at Kenta for a bit, examining his facial features with her uncharacteristically expressive eyes.

"You're a good man, Kenta."

Grace choked on the soymilk she was drinking.

Kenta started laughing. "So I convinced Lung. I can so do that. I am his kind-of-second in command. Besides, I want dumpling just as much as he does for breakfast."

"That doesn't actually explain why the white girl got let out too." Taylor continued.

Grace sighed. A smart person wouldn't ask why a good thing was happening. If Taylor continued mouthing off like that, she'll end up back in jail.

Kenta pointed to Grace. "You can thank her. Helping with a police investigation gives you street creds."

Provided the police was the Chinatown Gang Police was left unsaid but understood by all.

"Aren't you worried we would try and sabotage the investigation?" Taylor continued demonstrating that she would be terrible at politics.

Grace glared at Taylor. "If you caused me to go back to jail, I will fla-"

Taylor suddenly shoot out her hands and covered Grace's mouth while looking up and down. This pissed off Grace even more and she started sputtering in outrage.

"Unhand me you-"

"Peasant. Yes I get it. Gee, I was just messing around."

Kenta was just looking at the two of them oddly. "I think you two need to unwind a bit."

"That's a terrible pickup line." Grace give Kenta a deadpan look and gestured at Taylor. "Also she's underage."

Taylor glared at Grace. The older woman stuck out her tongue and pulled one eyelid down. "Blgggh!"

"Alright you two, chill! We're going to the karaoke bar. Lee you coming?"

Lee was staring at a crack in the wall the entire time and he looked up and frowned.

"Is the Karaoke bar in that brothel in the block over by Dong's?"


"Brothel!?" Grace sputtered in outrage.

"Brothel?" Taylor asked, her tone curious.

"A magical place." Kenta assured them. "My treat. But we're actually just singing and drinking. Prostitutes are too expensive."

There was mummers of mixed relief and disappointment.

"Look at it this way, usually white women end up working there. The two of you should feel special."

Lee spoke up. "I want to sing Hokkien songs again."

Grace perked up an ear, "You're Fujianese?"

"Taiwanese actually."

Kenta coughed. "Let's go. I need a drink."


Grace somehow roped Lee into a duet, a song that features both Mandarin (which Grace spoke) and Hokkien (which was Lee's native tongue).

"It's a love song, very tragic and full of yearning and about getting cold in Taipei or something. My Mandarin and Hokkien isn't that good". Kenta unhelpfully explained to Taylor who was eyeing his sake cup with envy.


"Excuse me?" Taylor's voice became sharp.

"No alcohol. You're underage."

Taylor stared at him. "Seriously?"

Kenta took a long sip and didn't reply. Taylor huffed in annoyance and continued sipping her hot Oolong tea.

As the dynamic harmony of Grace and Lee filled the small bar, Kenta allowed his mind to wander. As he started on another cup of spirits, the slightly turned shape of Taylor began to morph before his inebriated eyes. Her tall and tomboyish looks reminded him so much of her. Funny how he never noticed that.

His mind went back to those days of his youth. A happier time, when dreams were still possible and the future hadn't been torn apart and he hadn't been forced to become Lung.

As his mind grew fuzzier, he mumbled half drunkenly.


He closed his eyes and remembered.

It was the Fall of 1992.
A/N: The next couple chapters will set a totally new tone and complete the third emotional element aside from horror and comedy. I wrote this chapter on my phone while out vacationing (again). Sorry for the shorter wordcount.
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6. Days of Our Youth
Chapter 6: Days of Our Youth

"Kenta! Run!"

He scrambled after her as explosions sounded behind them. The drone of fighter jets and mechs in the sky drowned the entire town. He looked up and saw soldiers parachuting down.

Missiles flew over the sky and blasted Japanese military craft out of the air. A flying Sentai Ranger was caught by nets launched from bazookas held by parachuting soldiers. The ranger crashed to the ground. A massive transport craft hang over the city, the symbol of the Chinese Union-Imperial painted with pride on it's side.

"It's a goddamned invasion."

She turned back to him, hands outstretched. "Come on, Kenta. There's nothing you can do."

"There is." He turned back to face the burning town centre . Determination in his eyes and steam drifting out of his mouth.

"No! They'll know what you are then. You can't beat back the entire Yangban!"

Reluctantly he let her guide him away.

"I have to report to my new branch manager right away. You know which route to take right?"

The girl nodded her head, "Yeah big bro, I know. I memorized the whole route, and I have my tinkertech phone with that GPS thing."

The slightly older man chuckled, pushed up his glasses and hurried out the small apartment, suitcase in hand.

The apartment was suddenly much more lonesome. And quieter and dim and blue in the early morning light. So early, one could barely make out much details of the kitchen, which was lit by a small lamp.

School wasn't until another two hours, but she was quite nervous. She checked herself out in the mirror quickly- she read that the Japanese were big on makeup and looking professional, so much so that they woke up at least an extra hour earlier just to do so. It was a bit daunting, but she felt should at least make an effort of it.

Gazing back at her from the crystalline surface of the glass was a waif of a figure, stick thin- honestly, she wouldn't have looked out of place in this place's body type. She was taller than most of the Japanese she had seen when she came here though, but not by much, which she was thankful for. Talking to boys would have been slightly awkward then now wouldn't it?

She adjusted her new bright red glasses and tucked a piece of stray hair deliberately down. Now she looked like she had edge- that was always a good thing. She planned to play the exotic sexy foreign exchange student up the wazoo.

And damn, her blue and white themed sailor fuku was sexy. That was like, half the reason to go to school in Japan.

Maybe if someone catch a glimpse of her left inner thigh, they'll see the butterfly tattoo she got her friend Hannah to do for her. Well, she'll let some girls see it in the change rooms. No boys yet- but rumours will spread. She was going to be so cool. Which is exactly the image she wanted to craft.

Giving herself a thumbs up, she gave herself the pep talk of all pep talks. "Kick ass and take names."

Her brother Percival had generously taken her along to Japan. It was the opportunity of a life time for Annette Rose and she was extremely grateful.

She wasn't sure if she could handle being in the same house as her crazy alcoholic stepfather or her conservative and disapproving mother for a whole year. So when Percival told her he was temporarily being reassigned to Japan with free lodging, she jumped at the chance.

She studied some Japanese on her own time, she was sure she could handle the language barrier just fine. And anime had taught her all the cultural quirks she needed to know.

Of course, her mentor also wanted her to get in touch with the local chapter of the Sisterhood. So she was obligated on the basis of her gender to come here anyway.

"Oh crap, it's already 6:30?"

Annette hurriedly grabbed a slice of toast and stuffed it in her mouth- she'd seen enough anime to know that was how it was done and hurried out.
She hurried back in and turned off the lamp and then hopped out of the apartment, slamming the door shut and locking it with one smooth move.

A man in sunglasses and a dark suit bumped into Percival who grunted in pain. The man turned and frowned at the foreigner. "Watch your step, gaijin."

"Gomenasai", Percival apologized. Inwardly though, he thought that the sunglasses guy was a bastard- but he was built like a very dangerous secret service agent, so he thought better than to pick a fight. Besides, he was going to be late for the job.

He walked away and forgot all about the rude man in sunglasses.

A disgruntled grunt. "Hey Nee-san, I am going to borrow your bike."

An older gruffer voice replied. "Fix your own or buy a new one, baka."

"Hn. Sure whatever, Daichi."

Slamming the door shut, Kenta Kikuchi hurried down the wooden steps to the lower level where the garage was. It wasn't even locked- really who was gonna fuck with his brother?

Grabbing his brother's bike he hurried out of the garage and down the drive and onto the streets. A couple students were out and about, most of them going to Tenryuu Senior High judging by their blue and white themed school uniforms.


Stupid school. It was kinda pointless. He much preferred drawing things, but his teachers didn't like that at all.

Kenta was honestly a bit confused. Japan was a country that praised artists and yet somehow seemed wholly unprepared to accept that a student wanted to go into design or arts or something.

That was fine. Kenta didn't need to be an artist anyway.

He could be a superhero. Or a supervillain more likely. Cause the Sentai-Teams were a bit over the top. Briefly he considered what if a supervillain was over the top? What would that be like?

Probably really fun. But it's all moot if I don't have superpowers anyway.

"Watch out!"

Someone yelled something in a foreign language- English?- and rammed into Kenta who screamed and fell, his bag flying from his hands and landing on the street. He cracked his head against the pavement and yelped in pain.

Groaning, he got onto his knees. Wait there's something wet on his face. His hand came away, revealing fresh red blood. He hissed in outrage. "Son of a bitch! I am going to kill you, you motherfuck-"

He got up on his feet and spotted his assailant, some foreign looking girl hurrying back up on her bike and hightailing it out of there without looking back.


He huffed, turned around and promptly froze.

An Obasan stood behind him, disapproval in her eyes. "Good Heavens. Young people these days! No manners!"

Kenta nodded. "Yes, she was quite rude."

"I meant you."

Kenta was bewildered. "Me?"

"Yes. You threatened to kill her! The poor dear was frightened out of her minds and that's why she ran away. It was an accident. If you can't treat girls well, even foreign girls, you'll never get a girlfriend."

Kenta groaned. Now was not the time for a lecture from a random granny! He was going to be late.

"Oh shit!"

"Young man, get that forehead of yours looked at! You look ghastly!"

He checked the time and scrambled to grab his things.

Annette was biking fast. She had ran over some scrawny kid, which was kind of embarrassing, but she was gonna be late, so too bad so sad.

With luck, he'll never ever recognize her, or which school she goes too. He might not even notice that she wasn't Japanese. And if he did, how will he know which white girl it was? Don't all white people look the same to Japanese people?

"Yeah. I am sure he'll think it was some other white girl who ran him over. No problem."

A couple other girls near the gates of the school stared at her oddly. She was after all, a foreigner that was speaking to herself in English.

Like a crazy person.

This was turning out to be a great first day.


2A-39. Aha!

"There we go!" She slid the door open- just like in an anime!- and waltzed in. The talking and babbling of friends reconnecting with each other over the holidays suddenly quieted as they stared at the sole foreigner in their school.

The teacher looked up from his laptop, back down and then suddenly back up again, mouth agape.

Annette walked over and bowed- not too lowly, she read about this on the internet- and handed the Sensei (yes, no more teachers, they're called Sensei's. So decreed Anime) a note from the principal's office along with a copy of her transfer documentation.

"Ah, I see. Thank you."

Annette nearly screamed out loud that she understood what he just said and bowed back, muttering a semi-hesitant. "Eh, y-you welcome."

"Why won't you introduce yourself to the class Rose-san?"

"Okay. I do."

"I will."

Blushing, she corrected herself. "I will. Got it, thank you."

She turned around and opened her mouth. Then closed it. She gestured at the black board. "Should I write name on board?"

The teacher nodded. "Yes please do Rose-san! It'll help. Their English isn't very good, so if you spell it out, it'll help."

She wrote. A-N-N-E-T-T-E on the board. And below that she wrote R-O-S-E.

Turning around she spoke to the class of maybe thirty-something students.

"Hello everyone. My name is Annette Rose. I transferred in today. Please forgive. I Japanese no very good. Want to be friends with everyone. Please take care of me."

She bowed.

The class clapped politely. One of the girls gushed. "Her surname means rose! That's so romantic."

The teacher stood up and addressed the class. "I expect everyone to represent Japan and to show utmost hospitality to Rose-san while she is with us. Rose-san, why don' you answer a couple questions from the class so they can know you better? Many of the students here are all in the same homeroom class every year since the first year of high school. They know everything there is to know about each other, but nothing at all about you!"

Annette nodded her. That made sense. "Alright. Who has questions?"

"Appropriate questions," The teacher interjected.

A boy pushed up his glasses and asked. "How old are you."

Wow, forward. Annette composed herself quickly.


The boy nodded. "Makes sense. This is our senior year."

A girl's hand went up. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Er, no."


"Mako-san, sit down!" Another girl yelled angrily, "You're never going to get a girlfriend if you act so desperate all the time. It scares people!"

Kenta glance left and right warily for the school disciplinarian and walked up to a section of the school walls. With a mighty huff he threw his bag over the walls.

He parked his bike in some alley and locked it- it'll do for now and he couldn't sneak his bike into the school.

"Alright. I've done this enough times. No problem."

He gripped the walls and began to scale up. Finally he got atop of the walls and jumped down the other side.

Picking up his bags, he hurried towards his class. With luck, class wouldn't have started yet and the teacher would be too busy checking his email to notice him sneak in during the chaos. His classmates wouldn't tattle (in accordance to the secret sacred covenant on no-tattling invoked in first year), so it was all good.

Let's see…




He heard talking and yelling behind the door and grinned. That meant class hasn't started yet. He slid the door open and came face to face with the grey eyes of a pale and sharp face.

He gasped and marched over, looming over her menacingly with his greater height.


The girl gaped at him. She narrowed her eyes and then they widen in recognition.


"You ran me over!"

"You almost made me late!"

"You did make me late!"

Sensei suddenly yelled. "Alright! Time out! What the hell is going on here? Kenta-kun, Rose-san, you've got some explaining to do!"

"Hn." She crossed her arms.

"Hn." He crossed his arms.

"HN." She glared at him.

"HN." He glared at her.

"Stop copying me!"

"How dare you?" Kenta pointed a thumb at himself, "I, Kenta-sama's trademark growl is known to all. My classmates will attest to it."

A female classmate spoke what the whole class was thinking. "Wow. There's two of them."

Sensei slammed his fist on the table, face red with outrage. And suddenly he deflated and sat back down with a sigh. "Guys, please. It's 7am. I haven't even had coffee yet. Just sit down and stop fighting. Act like the 17 year olds I know you are."

Time moved quickly and Annette settled into a routine. Wake up, go to school, gossip with the girls and arrange dates to do homework together. Get into clubs. Promote feminism and gender equality. Go home. Repeat.

Her brother Percival often kept himself busy at work. An "exclusive contract" was all he would say. Something that his company, DRAGLE was negotiating with the Kobayashi Zaibatsu.

Annette quickly integrated herself into the class, picking up the Japanese language with incredible speed, as she befriended and hung out with many of the girls and held polite conversations with the boys.

She and Kenta still sniped at each other occasionally, but all in all, it was a functioning class that moved into winter. Some of the girls remarked how readily Annette became a part of their class- as if she was there with them in first year all along.

Another thing that the students of Tenryuu noticed was that their only foreign exchange student was quite the feminist. She regularly promoted female empowerment and was not ashamed of holding acerbic views regarding Japan's traditional patriarchal culture. Coming from other students, this may be seen as dangerously subversive or 'delinquent' behaviour. But coming from the exotic and sexy 'Rose-san', most regarded it as her 'sharing' her culture- which in a sense, she was.

Kenta was sipping soymilk from a carton through a straw. He grumbled and glance outside at the winter weather. As is typical for Kyushu winter, it wasn't exactly cold, but there was definitely more precipitation. Everything was quite rainy and wet even though the sun was clearly shining.

A couple girls behind him were giggling and gossiping about something.

"Are you for real?"

"I saw it up close, she showed me! Rose-san had a butterfly tattoo on her inner thigh!"

Kenta choked and milk squirted out of his nose as he coughed violently.

He stood up and coughed his way outside.

Quite honestly, he wasn't sure about Rose-san. She was…strange. Forward. Blunt. Good enough to tolerate- which he did, but not someone he would ever really call a friend. Very few people are truly his friends anyway. He was a delinquent, good students should stay away from him, but he was also the Bancho. They rely on him to protect them from the assholes of other schools.

Fumbling around, he felt a pack of cigarettes he always carried with him and he hurried up to the roof where he can smoke in peace.

Lighting one up, he stared out at the pristine landscape. It was so beautiful. Ruined by the familiar backside of Rose-san sitting on the edge of some kind of large pipe that went into the roof.


She looked up and frowned. Surprisingly, Kenta noted that she had a surprisingly tomboyish look. Very badass. The light hair colour gave a delinquent air to her looks. Wonder what she looks like out of the uniform.

In jeans. Yes. That would do it. Jeans and a wife-beater maybe? With a black bra? Yeah that's a pretty good look. I still got my designer sensibilities I guess.

Unbidden his subconsciousness suddenly piped up with: How about naked?

No Kenta. Don't go there! She's the devil!"

"Kikuchi-san. What do you want?"

Shrugging, he pointed to the cancerstick hanging from his lips. "Just smoking. What you doing this time? Drugs? A pregnancy test?"

She held up a middle finger. In the same hand, her index finger and thumb gripped a lit cigarette.

He grunted. A fellow smoker. So that's why she enjoyed going to the roofs so much. He figured as much, she had a smoke-scent on her, but he figured that might have been her brother or one of her girlfriends.

"You know Rose-san, most girls, hell, few boys even, appreciate banter. They can't take it. But you? I can be as rough as I like, and you just strike back. You always this delinquent back in America?"

There was a pause and she took a long drag and blew it out. The breeze carried the smoke away towards the west.

"I didn't have much friends back home."


"I like Japan though. Here I am exotic and special. Back home….well, people can be cruel."

Kenta nodded. "Yeah. They can be."

She stood up and grind her cigarette butt into the ground with her foot. "So I've heard rumours about you Kenta."

Kenta raised an eyebrow in what he hope was a cool manner. "Yeah? About what exactly?"

"Apparently you have a small dick."


She began to laugh. It was a thrilling sound- rough and barbaric. Like a girl who just saw her best friend got nailed in the balls while drunk and couldn't help herself. She may have spit.

Kenta winced. That was one rowdy woman.

"You idiot. Obviously I meant that you're a bit involved."

"Involved? Like uh, romantically? You've heard wrong then."

"No you idiot. With the thug-life. Gangs. Know what I am saying?"

Kenta shrugged. "That's mostly my brother though. I do a bit of this and that for him."

"Just this and that, huh?" She sounded unconvinced.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Just this and that."

She nodded. "Yeah, I did a bit of this and that too. Heard of Lustrum? I did all kinds of this and that for her. She's the future. You just wait for it. "

Suddenly, it occurred to Kenta just why Annette was so keen on the feminism thing. Of course the only thing out of his mouth was: "Hn."

She walked pass him and whispered in his ear. "Treat girls well Kenta-kun."

She patted him on the cheek.

Kenta threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. "Femnazis huh? Wouldn't have expected that."

Shit just got interesting, because Kenta knew for a fact that the rival gang to his brother's dealt in human trafficking and sexual slavery. He wondered if Annette was crazy enough to get involved. But of course she was already involved wasn't she? Lustrum wasn't just a radical feminist, she's a bonafide supervillain. Minor- but strong enough to command henchmen. Or henchwomen to be precise.

Let's see the Super Sentai Teams deal with an Evil Feminist. Nah. That shit wouldn't fly- not in today's television let alone the Sentai PR machine.
He also belatedly realized that he may have a fetish for dominant woman. Because that whole whispering threats in his ear thing? That was hot.

He paused.

"Wait. Did she call me Kenta-kun?"

He couldn't help but smirk. Maybe they could be friends after all. It wasn't every day you met another thug who called you by your first name.

In a dark office room, an elderly man in an expensive kimono knelt down on the cushion in front of the large table. The curtains were drawn and only a lamp provided illumination.

A man in sunglasses and a dark suit walked up to him and dropped a single photograph onto the table.

"That him?" The elderly man pointed to the photograph of a Gaijin working over a desk, surrounded by Japanese co-workers.

"Yeah, Percival Rose. The specialist that they called in. He's the main negotiator for contract with Kobayashi." Sunglasses-man confirmed.

"Well, we can't let them get the contract. It'll ruin our control of the region."

"What do you suggest we do?"

"Give me a background check on that man. I want to know what leverage we can apply over him."

"Hai, Yamaguchi-sama."
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I could read a whole fucking fic with young Kenta and Annette in Japan getting into and out of trouble...and bed, because I'm a pervert like that.
I could read a whole fucking fic with young Kenta and Annette in Japan getting into and out of trouble...and bed, because I'm a pervert like that.

Surprisingly, that almost happened, but then I questioned why I would write a fanfic of that and instead, just write an original fic and convert it into a webcomic or a visual novel instead.
EDIT: Albeit, having them be Kenta and Annette offers unique storytelling opportunities. Hmmm. Consider it lodged in the idea bin.
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7. Hava Nagila
A/N: I had a chapter that continued Kenta/Annette's flashback adventure, but it's on my laptop at home. So I wrote this instead. Chapter 8 will continue Kenta and Annette's story.

Chapter 7: Hava Nagila

Oni Lee climbed into the large prayer truck with the miniature temple mounted in the back. It was an ostentatious thing, with blinking LED lighting and the chanting of Buddhist monks in multiple Asian languages blasted out of large stereos mounted on all sides. Large banners in English proclaiming the colonial evils of the guailo fluttered in the wind.

Lung stood nearby and give him an encouraging nod. "Now, Lee, you carry the shrine of our glorious Guan Shen Di Jun into battle. Don't fail us."

Oni Lee grunted affirmatively. "Accidents don't happen to people who take accidents as a personal insult."

Bakuda held out her hands in confusion. "What, that doesn't even make any sense!"

Lung waved off her concerns and simply said. "He's quoting the Godfather, don't worry about it."

Bakuda grunted and got into the passenger seat. "Alright, you remember how to work my bombs right?"

The Demon grunted.

Bakuda gave Lung a thumbs up and Lee drove the truck down the street and out of Chinatown. Lung waved goodbye. This was a most important mission- today they deliver a message to the Nazi fucks that they were messing with the wrong hood.

Lung wasn't even going to participate. He had soap operas to watch.


Max Anders stared out of his office window and at the evening skyline of the Bay. Behind him, gathered the leadership of the Empire Eighty Eight. It was ballsy meeting in Medhall like this, but who would dare try and assault a major corporation and a key business of the Bay?

They were all but protected because the PRT could not abide anyone targeting Medhall and the Empire never would because they ran it. A win-win scenario.

"Krieg, what's this I hear about the Jew-filth making a documentary about historical lies that they're trying to film in Brockton Bay?"

The cape in question, Krieg slammed a fist over his chest- what a drama queen!- and proudly recited all that he knew. "The inferior races seek to document the history of the so called Neonazi movement. Because Brockton Bay is the Nazi Capital of the USA, they wanted to film segments here."

"We're not Nazis though", Hookwolf said with conviction. "We're the heritage alliance."

"Yes. We're scholars and protectors of white history and culture." Rune agreed. "But they don't know that. The Jewish conspiracy has placed liberals in our schools and media, and they're trying to paint us as extremists, meanwhile, they keep giving concessions and protection to the other races. But no, white people can't have a culture!"

"We should do something about that. Can't have them be spreading propaganda about our noble cause and race." Victor piped up.

Max grunted in agreement, even though he didn't give one shit about some nonsensical racial supremacy protectionism crap. Conservative bullshit. He was secretly a liberal, but he had to pretend to be an ultranationalist in front of his men- didn't stop him from voting Democrat though.

Outloud he said. "Yes. We should. What's this I hear about our drug trade in Chinatown getting cockblocked?"

Cricket took up this one. "It's that degenerate filth, Lung. That blasted chink had stamped out our operatives amongst the Mongoloid hordes. He's enforcing his claim on the drug trade within his territory. They're peddling some crap heroin. Some type of China White- but the quality is really bad."

Victor piped in again. "If only he wasn't illegally manipulating the market- otherwise, the consumer base will always choose the superior product- ours. Unfortunately, Lung doesn't play fair."

Max sighed. There he goes again. Ever since Victor stole the business skills of that prominent CEO from Canada, he's being all "market penetration" this, "open information" that, and so on and so forth.

The man that was also Kaiser slammed his fist down on the table. "Okay. We're going to go to Chinatown, and do a bit of culling. That'll teach the yellow monkeys a lesson!'

There was choruses of agreement.

There was the distant roar of an explosion and Max turned around to look outside in shock. "What the fuck-"

A plume of fire somewhere in the Medhall parking lot hurled a metallic object up several stories. As it came closer and closer, Max could hear the faint sounds of prayer music.

"Max, watch out!" Hookwolf roared as Max began to cover himself with metal.

And then a blue truck carrying a fucking temple on it's back slammed through the windows and into the office.

The conference table was smashed into splinters as capes screamed and dove for cover. The wrecked truck came to a rolling stop halfway through the walls and into the hallway.

Max groaned and sat up- that truck missed his head by inches! Holy shit.

Stormtiger sent a blade of air to silence the blaring prayer chantings and spat blood and dust flakes out of his mouth. "Fuck!"

Rune was crying and whimpering about her broken leg.


The two security guards dropped dead, their throat slit and blood spraying everywhere as Oni Lee stepped into the room. He nodded to Bakuda who withdrew a CD and popped it into the broadcasting system.

After slicing up and reconnecting a few wires, she made sure the music was blasting throughout the entirety of Medhall.

She grinned in satisfaction. "That'll piss off the Nazi fucks for sure."

She knelt down on the ground and began to tape a small bomb to the corner of a desk. Looking up she ordered Oni Lee. "Go distract them."

"Don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever."

Bakuda sighed. "You're a bit of a loose screw huh, Lee?"

Without answering, the demon of Chinatown slipped away into the darkness.


"Who would dare attack us?" Storm Tiger questioned furiously.

Suddenly the mic crackled to life and began to blare the familiar voice of Harry Belafonte. He was singing….no. He couldn't be! They wouldn't dare!

"Those Zionist bastards!" Alabaster gasped in outrage from the spike of metal he was impaled on when the truck knocked him over into the wall. He kept resetting himself so the wound didn't get any worse. However, he was definitely wounded, which meant he needed Othala to heal him. He looked over at the woman besides Victor, who was nursing a broken hand.

"Hey Othala! I am going to need some healing."

She looked up and grimaced. "Shut up,I am gonna need to heal my hands first, I-"

A demon suddenly stood in front of them, flak jacket strapped with obvious explosive devices.

"Oh shit."


"Terrorist attack on Medhall. Potential parahuman involvement."

"Armsmaster en route."

The tinker revved his bike and made an illegal U-turn. As he sped towards Medhall, he saw a brilliant explosion lit up the horizon.

Kaiser screamed in outrage as his metallic form and pieces of the building's roof was flung into the night sky in the display of pyrotechnic terrorism- a sudden chain wrapped around his waist as Oni Lee appeared behind him.

He spoke with a deadpan voice, with a hint of some sort of Asian accent. "You've gotta ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"

Before Kaiser could reply to that nonsensical question, the Demon crumbled into particles of ash and appeared several feet below him. Oni Lee gripped the chain and pulled with all of his might.

Kaiser screamed as gravity and the strength of the pull lurched him down at shocking speeds to smack through the non-existent roof the Medhall building, resulting in a small explosion of dust.

Lee crumbled into dust again, like a ghost and a bad dream.

Moments later, everything exploded.
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Such beauty...

That Lung and Annette thing is pretty hilarious too... he's going to end up saving her when that rival gang kidnaps her isn't he.
8. Love and War
LITERAL TRIGGER WARNINGS: I try to keep it relatively clean, but there's going to be some horrific torture. Also wild mood whiplashes. And music. Be ready.

Chapter 8: Love and War

1992, Kyushu

Kenta entered the Hospital and quickly cut across the lobby to the elevators. He pressed the up button and waited. Other patients and a nurse with a large cart full of cartons of something stood nearby, also waiting for one of the two elevators to come down from the top floors.

To his brief annoyance, he noted that both elevators tend to be up at the same time, it wasn't ever that one was at the bottom floor- they always cycle to the very bottom before moving to the very top. He supposed that only made logical sense, it would certainly piss off many people who arrive a second late on the middle floors and see that the elevator had suddenly went back up or down before they had a chance to hail it.


The elevator in front of him opened and he squeezed with the many bustling folks and the occasional old person. He pitied them- hospital visits must be terrifyingly uncertain for them.

But then again, wasn't life and death uncertain for everyone? There was no guarantee that younger folks would live longer. Kenta could leave this hospital and be run over by a car later today.

The elevator doors slid open and he hurried out and down the hall of the long-term care ward, looking for the only room number that mattered to him.


He opened the door gently and entered the air conditioned room. The sudden rush of cold air tingled his skin. In the dim light, he saw the curtains were drawn so the sunlight didn't bother the slowly breathing figure lying on the bed in the orange blankets.

He walked over and gazed at her unconscious face- she looked so peaceful sleeping like this.

He gripped a hand that had IV drips connected to them. Just yesterday, she had another major surgery. They removed another tumor. But Kenta knew that it was only a matter of time before more came.


He sat in the nearby metal chair and waited. He knew that she would want him to be here when she wakes up. Daichi couldn't do it, he was too busy…doing business.
So that left Kenta.

His Chinese mother, who moved to Japan years ago after getting hitched to their father…learning Japanese and learning how to thrive in a totally an alien culture. Their father died early, so their mother had to raise them by herself, she worked herself to exhaustion each night. She was so busying trying to put food on the table, she couldn't raise her children right.

So her children became delinquents…and Daichi eventually became a full blown Yakuza. She still held out hope for Kenta. But Kenta knew that all he would do was disappoint his mother.

"I didn't choose the thug-life. The thug-life chose me." He said to her sleeping form.

It was two hours later when she opened her eyes. "Hmmm, Kenta-kun, Is that you?"

"Hai, it's me, Kaasan."

"How was school?"

"It went well."

A pause. Honestly, he wasn't sure what to say. Telling her about the fights he got into didn't seem like a wise thing to do.

Then suddenly, he felt compelled to share something else that had happened to him.

"Well…Kaasan. I met this girl."


"She's kinda crazy. But I think we're friends? Kind of. Maybe."

"I am glad. Is she beautiful?"

He didn't want to answer that, but he didn't have the heart to lie to his mother. "……Yes."

She smiled. "Well, go and make me some grandchildren. After you're hitched of course."

Kenta's face burned and he sputtered in outrage. "W-what? I am not- we're not…NO!"

"Wow. With a denial that strong, you must really like her then."


She smirked knowingly. "Admit it, Kenta-kun."

"Okay. But there's no way she likes me back."

His mother rolled her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. "Kenta-kun, if you don't try, you'll never know if it'll work out. And then you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"But Kaasan, she's a gaijin."

"What does that matter? I am a gaijin."


"Don't you dare 'Hn' me, young man!"

Kenta pondered on what his mother had said. She did have a good point. If he didn't try, how would he know? Well, he supposed he could try and put the ol' Kikuchi charm on her. His moves were super strong. Annette-chan will have to submit then, right?

Anette grappled the other girl and pushed her onto the ground, climbing atop of her, she swung her legs around Aki-chan's waist. And began to choke her.
"Halt! Annette-chan, that's enough!"

With a huff, Annette eased off and stood up. She frowned at the girl below her and spat on her face. "That'll teach you to spread rumours about me. Bitch."

The referee, captain of the wrestling team, nodded her head and turned to the small audience of women in the crowd. "And that ends the duel. Annette-chan is the winner and Aki-chan agrees to take back her comments about Annette-chan's apparent promiscuity. Apologize Aki-chan!"

Aki-chan nodded her head, coughed a few times and said in a hoarse voice. "I am s-sorry, Annette-chan. I won't spread rumours about you being a sl- about you being promiscuous ever again."

"Whiny spineless bitch." Was Annette's only reply. "Being accused of being a slut is a big deal. Don't do it again."

Everyone nodded. Justice was served. Even though the wrestling match didn't exactly followed legal rules, but the devil is in the details and nobody cared.

"Cool, now I am going to take a shower. Interrupt me at your own peril." Annette stalked off and headed towards the change rooms.

Granted, no one was quite sure just what being a slut entailed or what one had to do to become one. It's just generally a label teenage girls don't want to be associated with, but liberally apply to anyone they hate or that they're jealous of. A definition that doesn't hold up to any close examination. Annette often questioned just how many boys you were supposed to sleep with in order to be a slut- or does it just take one? Or does it take just one boy that another girl already marked as theirs for you to become a slut? She had been called a slut for no reason whatsoever before too- so who the hell knows the criteria, really?

The ontological nature of being a slut aside, another thing bothering her lately was Kenta-baka. That guy…was a bad boy. A bad bad boy. And dreamy.
Which is like kryptonite to teenage women. She really didn't want to find him attractive, but she kind of did. Maybe it was the environment she was in, but status and rank was a very real psychological thing and in a rather hierarchal society, there was no question which student was the boss. He was the Bancho. That was like, top dog. The alpha. The guy too dangerous to date, who was a rebel against the entire system and who no parents wanted around their baby girl. In other words, he was the perfect boyfriend material.

He was almost as perfect as a hot young male teacher, but Annette didn't think she was rebellious enough to find that palatable- and all the teachers at Tenryuu were either old or married. So yeah, it was a moot point.

She may have a fetish for men in positions of power. Christ- what does that say about her?

Getting out of the shower and dressed, she grabbed her gym bag and headed home. Only a few girls were left, but they gave her polite nods. As she left the school gates, she saw the very man she was thinking about.

"Speak of the Devil…"

Kenta-kun looked up from the porn magazine he was shamelessly reading in full view of the public. Annette began to walk faster to try and get away from the Bancho.
He rolled up his dirty magazine and stuffed it in his school bag. Swinging it over his shoulder, he grinned at her and quickly caught up to her.

"So, Annette-chan."

"Don't call me that."

He rolled his eyes. "You called me Kenta-kun. Please. I thought our relationship had moved on to the next level."

She replied with her trademark attitude. "Hn." That she shared with Kenta, however much it annoyed her.

"How about you and me go to the movies?" Kenta suddenly asked out of the blue.

She blinked and turned to face him, but continued walking. "Wow. That's forward."

"Guys should be forward. Make their intentions clear. And have an actual plan in mind." He declared confidently. Like reciting some ancient wisdom or proverb.

"That ever worked for you?"

"Not really, no. I think that might be more the fault of the reputation I have than the methods involved."

"Well, why'd you think it worked on me then?" She was actually curious.

"The sheer audacity."

Annette paused. He was right, that was audacious. Would it be so bad just to go on a date with him? She would never know whether he was a viable boyfriend if she didn't give it a try? Right?

Besides she wasn't likely to get another opportunity once she leaves Japan- back home she's kind of ordinary and there were girls more desirable and less zealous on the gender equality thing for boys to gun for.

Here in Japan though, she could play the field! She could almost hear Lustrum's disapproving voice chastising her over her fraternizing with the enemy.

"Alright. A movie date. But as friends. And if you try to touch me, I will rip off your balls and use it as a ball-gag."

He raised an eyebrow at that mental image. "You want to use my balls as a ball-gag?"

She grimaced in disgust. Oh god no. "Yes. For you. Not me."

"Okay, just clarifying. Because I was kinda okay with the latter."

"Did not need that mental image. Now scram, boy."

"Sure sure. So what's this I hear through the grapevine about you challenging Aki-chan to a wrestling duel?"

"She called me a slut."

"Aren't you though?"

She glared at him and hissed in a warning tone. "Kenta…"

He made the exaggerated motions of checking his non-existent wristwatch. "Welp, gotta go. See you…hmmm. Saturday? How about that?"

"Sure. 10am, we'll meet here right at the school gate."

He frowned. "Can't I come pick you up at your place?"

"I am not sure I want you to know where I live…," she said hesitantly.

He grinned. "Too late, I snuck into the main office and looked up your address when the secretary was out."

Annette wondered how this man wasn't expelled yet.

"Wow, you weren't afraid of getting caught?"

"I spiked her drink. She had a bad diarrhea."

Scratch that, she wondered how he wasn't arrested yet.

"Kenta! That's outrageous!"

"Saturday. Your place. See ya, darling."

"Don't call me darling."

"Okay, honey. Goddess. Beautiful hot sexy foreign exchange student."

She blushed furiously.

She watched Kenta walked away, a spring in his steps.

Annette scowled. "Son of a bitch. He made me blush."

She was trying to play hard to get- but damn that took basically no effort on his part whatsoever. Oh he was good.

Saturday morning, there was knocking on the door.

Annette crawled out of bed and stood up to rub her eyes. "What the hell?"

Who the hell could it be? Her brother already left for work. She ambled over to open the door.

Kenta stood there, and looked down…and down… and whistled. "Wow. Those are impressive."

She looked down and saw that she was wearing a sheer white undershirt. With no bra. She screamed in embarrassment and outrage.


She slammed the door shut in his face, her face red. He cried in pain from the other side.

"That wasn't my fault. You were the one who forgot to wear something more substantial before opening that door." Kenta argued as he walked besides her.

Annette wasn't accepting that argument. "You still looked!"

"Well, I saw them accidentally. What was I supposed to do, look and then look away? I came clean and acknowledged that I saw it, that's what a man's supposed to do, right?"


"So they're supposed to look and then pretend they didn't see anything even though it's obvious that you know that I saw?"

She nodded her head. "Yes."

"Wow. Women are crazy. Or is that just you?"

She held up a middle finger and walked faster. Rushing, she had quickly thrown on a dress and didn't bother with the makeup. Or brushing her teeth. She was too embarrassed- both at the "twin peaks" incident and at over sleeping- to prepare herself adequately.

She glanced over and saw Kenta hurrying up match her pace. He looked good dressed casually- well, actually, he looked pretty much the same. Khakis and an unbuttoned school uniform- because school uniforms unbuttoned is like a necessity for delinquents. She can dig that.

What was a different was the wife beater under the jacket, it accentuated his muscles quite nicely- usually he would at least bother to wear a barely collared shirt under there.

Was white wife beaters the unofficial Asian uniform or something? Maybe she should give it a try- maybe match it with a black bra? That would be a good look.
She could imagine her mother sputtering in outrage. And didn't that thought warm her cold little heart?

She grinned at the mental images.

"Um, are you okay, Annette-chan? You're just staring off into space and grinning like a loon."

"Shut up! Baka!"
The bickering couple to be failed to notice a black limousine following closely behind them. The rear window rolled down and a man in a dark suit and sunglasses tapped an earphone in his right ear.

"Target in sight. Unknown Japanese male- maybe a boyfriend- escorting her. Orders?"

There was a crackle, and the voice of Yamaguchi-sama came through.

"Take the boy too- it'll add to the psychological terror."


Yamaguchi muttered gleefully over the phone. "I want that blasted gaijin to be afraid. To know we aren't joking. We're going to hand her over to the production team."
"You want to live stream it, sir?"

"Yes. And we'll send him an email with the website link so he can watch in real time and decide whether he wants to go ahead and sign that contract this evening or not."

"Hai. Acknowledged."
Annette was blushing furiously as she watched the film up on the big screen. She glared at Kenta, who grinned at her in the dim lighting.

He did this on purpose! I know he did!

She was quite suspicious when the movie was named Castles of Forbidden Desire, but Kenta assured her that it was a psychological thriller and art film.
It was indeed a psychological thriller and art film. It also made her question her sexuality.

The accursed movie was basically a lesbian BDSM erotica, disguised as an art film based on some best-selling novel by some perverted male Japanese author from a decade ago.

A moan resounded throughout the theatre and Annette blushed even more.

Kenta suddenly touched her hand.

She glared at him. And mimed her hands grabbing something and tearing it off and stuffing it in his mouth.

He let go.

Ten minutes later, during a particularly gymnastic scene in the film, Kenta touched her hand again.

She slapped it.

He let go.

Ten minutes later he touched her hand again! That baka son of a-

Eventually, she gave up and just let him grab her hand. His hands were rough- calloused, from running and picking fights maybe?

How soft her hands must be in comparison! She was a thug yes, but she never really fought anyone with the intensity of a real fight. She was an internet warrior and occasional peddler of illegal drugs. But that was it.

Sometimes she choked a bitch, but that was different. They tend to not see it coming and were usually one of those stuck up bitches who didn't understand that in the real world, people choke you for the shit that they spew. That didn't really rough up your hands however.

Finally the end credits rolled, and she could stop distracting herself with the warm and burning hand that gripped her own. It was like an embarrassing sensation that she couldn't ignore.

Wait, was he pumping her hand? Oh god.

Uh. I can't possibly be this easy to fluster!

But she was. Seventeen and tomboyish. Little friends. Troubled home life. In none of that did she really have an opportunity to date or interact with boys or whatever.

Which base did she made it to? The spin the bottle base. That was which base she made it too. While drunk. And surrounded by only women. And she definitely wasn't gay. She was a total noob and Kenta was playing her like a fiddle.

"You know Annette-chan." Kenta spoke up. "I think you're overthinking things. Was your life in America that competitive and contentious? I am a straightforward and practical guy. I am at the movies. I am holding your hand. I like you. This is date, not a fight. Nobody needs to win. Chill, okay?"

She visibly relaxed and breathed in- she forgot to breathe again. Was she that obvious?

She replied the only way she could. "Hn."

Somehow, she was sure Kenta knew exactly what she meant by that.

The two of them left, Annette waited patiently while Kenta went to the bathroom.

"Wash your hands afterwards!" She called to his back as he walked to the boy's lavatory. A couple people stared at them bewilderedly as Kenta blushed in embarrassment and outrage.

Annette smirked. Vengeance was mine!

They walked out of the theatre and down the street- and suddenly, many hands grabbed the two of them and pulled them into the alley they were passing through.
Something was pressed over Annette's mouth and she lost consciousness immediately, her body becoming slack in the arms of her assailant. The last thing she saw was Kenta struggling in someone's grip and screaming her name.

"Annette! Annette!"
Annette jerked awake. Groaning, she took in her environment and immediately summed up her situation.


It was a dark and shady warehouse. There was a camera on a tripod in front of her, and several masked man standing in front of her. Empty cages lined the walls.
And the scent of blood and fear was strong. The floor was slick with something. She desperately hoped it wasn't blood.

She tried to move and noticed strong ropes had tied her to the chair.

Her only source of comfort was that to her left, Kenta was unconscious and tied up as well. With some worry, she noted that his forehead was bleeding and there was a nasty bruise on his lower jaw.

She whimpered when one of the masked man approach.

"Hello you little slut."

"W-what do you want with me?" She managed to ask. She didn't want to know the answer. She really really didn't want to know.

"Oh, we're just sending a message to our brother."

She gulped. "Percival?"

The man nodded, his voice mocking. "Yes. You see, he's going to signing an exclusive contract tonight. But we're going to convince him why that's a bad idea."

The masked man behind the camera looked up from his phone and grunted at the person talking to Annette. "Boss. The gaijin has opened the email link, I am going to start streaming."

"Go ahead."

The camera was turned on.
Percival was surprised to receive a phone call while he was in the final stages of negotiations.

"Rose-san, please check your email. Otherwise, we can't promise your sister's safety."

His face rapidly paled. Apologizing profusely to the other negotiators, he stood up to take the call outside. Fear gripped his heart as he hurried to comply with the instructions. When he click on the link in the email, he was taken to a web page with a loading screen.

He frowned in confusion, then the stream started.

In the dark room, he could make out his sister tied up to a chair and a masked man stood over her. The man turned towards the camera and chuckled.

The phone rang again. Pressing it to his ears, the same voice spoke. "Rose-san, if you sign that contract tonight, your sister will die in the most horrific, humiliating way possible. Her life is in your hands. And trust me, we'll know if you don't comply."

The call hang up and Percival was taken back to the webpage. On screen, the masked man tore off Annette's shirt.

Percival gasped in horror. Nearby, a bodyguard with a dark suit and sunglasses smirked. However, he tightened his fist, which glowed subtly- just in case he needed to take out the gaijin if he was defiant.
Annette screamed when her shirt was torn off, revealing her lacy pink bra to the world. Oh god, this is not happening to me!

Kenta groaned and jerked awake. He looked over and saw what was happening.

"Annette! Unhand her!" He snarled at the assailant, who promptly backhanded Kenta across the face.

The man sneered. "Shut up, boy."

Another man walked forward and raised a baseball bat. He smacked Kenta across his legs, shattering both of his kneecaps.


Annette screamed. "Kenta!" Turning to their assailants, she begged. "Please, stop, don't do this!"

The man slapped Annette across the face. "Shut up bitch. It's going to be your turn to scream soon enough."

He turned to the others and barked out an order. "Take the boy to the room over, I want this girl to hear his screams."

Two men walked over, untied Kenta and dragged his bleeding form out of the room and through a door.

Annette sobbed as the man grabbed her hair and pulled her head back.

"It's not every day I get to break a gaijin. I will enjoy this. And we will sell this video for big bucks on the dark web. I am seeing profits in the millions. Either that, or the Yakuza pay us millions if we succeed in getting your brother to back off from signing that contract. Either way, it's just business."

He tore off her brassiere. In the room over, Kenta began to scream as Annette begged for mercy.

The two began to hammer him with nail bats as soon they dropped in the middle of the room, some kind of storage unit for cocaine.

Kenta groaned weakly as he was literally being reduced to a human mush from all the hits he was taking. This wasn't a fight. It was a slaughter. It was total and utter brutality, the likes of which he had never experienced.

Still, he was only concerned about one person. Annette.


One of the man kicked him in the head, and he jerked back in pain. "Your girlfriends going to be whoring herself to us all soon enough. But don't worry, maybe I'll rip off your head and show it to her, do you think that'll turn her on?"

Kenta gripped his broken fingers in fury.

And then suddenly, there was a flash of light as a tear in the air appeared in front of them. One of the assailants muttered in confusion.



He jerked back and dropped dead. The other assailant raised his nail bat in terror, but a second gunshot splattered his brain all over the wall and onto some of the packs of cocaine.

A woman dressed in a smart designer business suit stepped out of the rift in high heels. She wore a fedora and her dark hair spilled across her shoulders.
She looked down at the boy impassively.

"Kenta Kikikuchi. You have a destiny."

She grabbed him the back of his shirt collar and dragged him over to the packs of cocaine. She fired on the bag and blasted the bag open, sending white powder flying everywhere in the room.

Kenta tried to struggle, but he couldn't do anything with his broken body. His face was shoved into the pile of cocaine and he began to suffocate as he struggled to brief. He inhaled the white powder and gasped as the drug began to take effect.

Between struggling to breath, the pleasurable high, the unending high and the intense pain wracking his entire body he only felt anger. Unbelievable amounts of fury as he swore to kill everyone responsible for today.

"I 'ill' 'kill' 'U!" He managed to utter out before he lost consciousness. And then he saw them.

The giant shapes.

The gods.




He roared as fire exploded from his body and silver scales burst from underneath his healed skin. Bones cracked as they snapped back into the correct shape.
His red eyes blazed with fury.

When the man began groping her bared breasts, Annette refused to scream. She glared at him in defiance. When Kenta started screaming like some kind of dying animal, Annette begged for mercy.

Not for herself. For Kenta.

"Please, let him go."

He slapped her again. "Shut up."

"Please, let him g-."

Another slap. He grabbed her mouth and shook her violently. "I SAID SHUT UP!"

Another man stepped up. "Maybe it's time to plug her whore mouth shut. Or wire it shut."

"I agree. Surely, as long she's not dead, we still have leverage over the gaijin."


"What was that?"


"Is that gunshots?"


"Did they shoot the boy? What a waste of fine meat. We should've filmed his execution."

Another man shrugged. "I will go check."

He opened the door and left. The lead assailant looked back down at Annette and spat on her face. "Hear that, gaijin slut? Your boyfriend is dead."

Annette cried in denial. "No. He can't be. KENTA!"


The walls exploded in a furious flaming conflagration as the man who went to check on the boy flew back out to crash into the warehouse walls. He was a destroyed thing, with his head angled the wrong way.

In the ruins of the wall, flames burned everything and standing in the eye of the storm, a terrifying visage stood up slowly.
A dragon was born.

The man standing over Annette released his bowels when Kenta grabbed him by the face and separated his jaw from his head. The dragon set fire to the jaw and threw it away. It smashed into the tripod holding the camera and exploded.

There was screams, but a flutter of claws and whip of fire silenced the rest of their tormentors. Annette looked up at the familiar yet alien face of the dragon staring down at her.

She swallowed nervously, and wetted her lip, which was cracking from all the stress and the heat in the room.

"K-Kenta-kun? Is that you?"

He held up a hand and smiled, showing a mouth full of sharp teeth. "Come on Annette-chan. Follow me."

She did.

The man in sunglasses and a dark suit picked up the phone on the first ring. "Yes?"

"His sister is escaping! Her boyfriend fucking triggered! Shoot the gaijin. Then silence the boy and the girl. We'll do damage control later."


Kicking open the door to the conference room, he pointed his gun at Percival Rose, who was doing his best to try and sabotage his own negotiation in order to save his sister.

Percival turned around, eyes wide in shock right before a hole was drilled through his forehead by a speeding bullet. His body slumped in his seat.

The assassin turned and ran as the shocked negotiators screamed in horror.

He quickly left the building and entered the dark alley. With a dramatic pose and a tap of his tinkertech watch, he quickly yelled.

"Solar Ranger Green, Transform!"

There was a flare of prismatic light and suddenly, the Green Solar Ranger stood in the alley, skin tight bodysuit hugged his muscled frame and a metallic mouth and dark visor completed his attire. He quickly teleported away with a crack of displaced air.

Annette struggled to keep up with the silver dragonoid that Kenta had become. The dragon slaughtered gangsters as he smashed through walls and guided her slowly out of wherever they are. It seemed like they were in some kind of large complex. Maybe a factory?

A group of man on balconies opened fire with machine guns and Annette screamed. But Kenta stood in front of her, arms outstretched, soaking up the bullets and laughing.

"Eat this, fuckers!"

He launched a wave of fire that incinerated the shooters. Their scream was music to Annette's ears. More gangsters poured out of doors and from behind industrial machines, firing at Kenta.

There was sparks everywhere as the bullets ricocheted off the metallic scales now covering the boy she knew.

At that moment, standing behind the shadow cast by Kenta as he took literal bullets for her, surrounded by Yakuza, with her torso completely bare to the world and her face bruised, Annette realized something: Amidst all of the coursing adrenaline and emotional terror of the last hour, she had fallen in love.

Suddenly, there was a crack and a….a Green Power Ranger was standing in front of her.

"Is that…is that a power ranger?"

Kenta growled. "It's the Green Solar Ranger- you can tell by the insignia. But…there is no such thing as a Green Solar Ranger. At least, not for the last couple of years. Who the fuck are you?"

The Ranger raised a tinkertech raygun and posed dramatically.

"I am the Hitman."

When all four Solar Rangers gathered in front of the factory owned by the Yamaguchi Zaibatsu, they stared in awe at the exploding building and the thing that was roaring and moving within the ruins.

"Is that…a Baby Kaiju?" The Pink Solar Ranger asked.

"Uh. I hope not. Maybe it's a Case-53?" Was the Black Solar Ranger's reply.

The creature suddenly burst out, in his arms was…was that a half-naked white girl?

Before any of the Rangers could react, the monster galloped away at shocking speeds and disappeared into the woods, leaving behind trails of literal fire in its wake.

Red Ranger pointed dramatically towards the forest. "Come on Rangers. We should hunt it down!"

With a flutter of poses and yells of youthful spirit, the Solar Rangers began to run towards the woods.

Fifteen minutes into the chase, they were panting and leaning against trees.

"I think…I think I am going to puke." Blue Ranger admitted as he panted like a dying man.

"You need to exercise more, baka!"

"Dammit, we need a mover in this team!"

Red Ranger groaned. His team sucked. This was why the other Red Rangers always laugh at him at the biannual Super Sentai Convention.

An explosion up ahead suddenly grabbed their attention and the Rangers hurried to investigate. They came upon a clearing where a figure was shooting beams of lasers at the creature.

Red Ranger gaped and pointed. "Is that..."

Blue Ranger growled in fury. "It is. Green Ranger. That traitor!"

The Green Solar Ranger looked up and did a double take. He clenched his fist and pointed at his former team-mates dramatically.

"Oh. It's you losers. Stay out of my way."

"Green, surrender now, and you might end up going to jail alive." Black threatened, raising a glowing sword of light.

Green Ranger gave them the one fingered salute.

"Okay." Red Ranger shrugged and fired a beam of crimson light at the Green Ranger, but the other Ranger dropped into a roll and stood up a couple feet away, firing back with his raygun.

The Solar Rangers leapt aside as the deadly lasers peppered holes in the ground behind them.

Red Ranger looked back up and noticed that the Green Ranger was dodging the waves of fire that the now much larger creature was throwing around. The girl he was carrying was hiding behind a tree.

He pointed towards Pink Ranger. "Pink Ranger! Secure the civilian!"


He turned back to the fight, only to see the creature suddenly grew a long serpentine tail, which he used to wrap around the Green Ranger that had just teleported behind him.

With lightning speed, the creature brought Green to his front and sank his really thick talons into the Ranger, who grunted in pain.

Red Ranger was conflicted now. On one hand, he should probably stop a murder that's happening. On the other hand, the Green Ranger might finally die and remove the taint on the reputation of the Solar Rangers.

"Red…" Blue began.

"Shut up, Blue. Don't ruin this for me."

The creature suddenly roared and tore Green Ranger apart in a spray of intestines and organs. He turned to glare at the rest of the Solar Ranger.

It didn't escape Red's attention that the creature now sported two bumps on its shoulders- was that wings?

Pink Ranger jogged back from where the half-naked civilian was and nodded at him. "The civilian claims that the creature is her boyfriend and is protecting her from kidnappers."

Red thought about this for a bit. He held up a thumb.

"Cool. So not the bad guys. Do they need an ambulance?"

"I think so. She seems to be in shock."

Red raised his arms in the surrender position and began to walk towards the creature. Hopefully they could get it to calm down a bit- it was just attacked by a Ranger after all, it would be bad if it decided that all Super Sentai were the bad guys.

Then he had a crazy idea. He turned to Blue who was in a classic Kamehameha position facing the creature, just in case.

"Hey Blue."

"Yeah, Red?"

"I think we finally found a replacement for Green."
A/N: Deciding where to place that song was a chore. Please refresh if you want to see it timed right. More or less.

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