Should there be Exploding Dice?

  • Yes! Bring on the Crazy rolls!

    Votes: 35 83.3%
  • No. Keep it normal.

    Votes: 7 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Turn 1
It didn't take long for the child's unique circumstance to become public knowledge among the various god fearing organizations across the world. From America to Ireland, news of "God's Angel" was on the lips of everyone who was important, had enough connections or enough spies in the right places. And, as Integra feared, it wasn't long before many of the more Catholic-leaning groups started to lobby for the Queen to bequeath the child to them.

Which is why she thoroughly enjoyed their reactions when the Queen herself personally approved the child being adopted as the Heir to the Hellsing line.

The look on Maxwell's face was priceless.

The paperwork itself wasn't that difficult or time-consuming. Though that may have been a side effect of Integra handling matters such as these countless times before. Just a few signatures here, some fake birth certificates there, and to the untrained eye the child had just been born on this day to Integra Hellsing. His father had disappeared sometime before he was born and that left her as the child's sole guardian.

Now the hard part; actually raising the child.

While the Crown has given her blessing to this decision, she expects constant updates on the child's development and that the child will be raised "properly". Which can mean a number of things. Some good, some bad. After all, this has placed a large target on the Hellsing Organization and the Queen herself. If a literal Angel ends up "falling" while under the care of an Organization that has been given custody of it with the Queen's backing, it will be grounds to not only "Excommunicate" Hellsing but possibly the Queen herself.

And by "Excommunicate", they mean "people like Maxwell getting together and throwing civil discourse to the wind".

And there are many who would wish to see both parties exiled or worse.

However, Hellsing has had the odds stacked against it before. This will be no different.

Integra will see to that.

Turn 1 (4 Turns until Toddler Age):

These first few years will be some of the most formative in the child's life. Though it is too young to possibly understand some of the finer points of certain subjects, it can be taught more general things.

First, the child will require a name. A few have been put forward by those part of Hellsing, though it is ultimately up to his "mother" Integra:

[] Gawain (Walter's Suggestion)
[] Michael (Alucard' Suggestion)
[] Gavin (Seras' Suggestion)

[X] Arthur

Next, it will do to make sure the child is overseen by as many members of Hellsing as possible, to establish familiarity and a sense of familial bonds (Choose 1):

[X] Walter (Locked in due to Heir to Hellsing)
[X] Integra (Locked in due to Heir to Hellsing)
[X] Seras Victoria
[] Alucard
[] One of the Special Forces

Next, while the child will be given the basics of all subjects available, there are a few that can be chosen to focus on for the foreseeable future (Choose 4):

[X] Martial
[X] Diplomacy
[X] Intrigue
[] Stewardship
[] Learning

[X] Piety

Lastly, bringing the child out on visits to specific places in England should improve its development in certain areas. It might even have a profound effect on them (Choose 2):

[] The Church of England - Bring the child to see and learn about our Lord in Heaven. They shall learn what it means to be His child in more ways than one. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 30)

[X] The Training Grounds - Though the child will not be expected to actively participate in battles, getting them used to the sound of gunfire and injuries will be essential for when they must lead their soldiers into battle. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 45)

[] The Hellsing Library - Have the child learn about the history of its adoptive bloodline. It wouldn't do for one who must fight the Supernatural to know next to nothing about its lineage, and what it means to be a Hellsing. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 45)

[X] Alucard's Basement - The child will inherit everything that the Hellsing family has, this includes the darker parts of it. Alucard himself has expressed much interest in seeing the child and would be "delighted" to meet it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: DC 65)

Vote Closed
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If a literal Angel ends up "falling" while under the care of an Organization that has been given custody of it with the Queen's backing, it will be grounds to not only Excommunicate Hellsing but possibly the Queen herself.
Wait, what? We're Anglican, not Catholic. Why do we give a shit about the Catholic Church's opinion? Hell, it's a major plot point in canon Hellsing that the Pope has no power in England.
[X] Plan Ze Angel!
-[X] Michael (Alucard' Suggestion)
-[X] Walter (Locked in due to Heir to Hellsing)
-[X] Integra (Locked in due to Heir to Hellsing)
-[X] One of the Special Forces
-[X] Diplomacy
-[X] Stewardship
-[X] Learning
-[X] Piety
-[X] The Church of England - Bring the child to see and learn about our Lord in Heaven. They shall learn what it means to be His child in more ways than one. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 30%)
-[X] Alucard's Basement - The child will inherit everything that the Hellsing family has, this includes the darker parts of it. Alucard himself has expressed much interest in seeing the child and would be "delighted" to meet it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 65%)
[X] Plan Bookworm
-[X] Michael (Alucard' Suggestion)
-[X] Seras Victoria
-[X] Diplomacy
-[X] Intrigue
-[X] Stewardship
-[X] Learning
-[X] The Hellsing Library - Have the child learn about the history of its adoptive bloodline. It wouldn't do for one who must fight the Supernatural to know next to nothing about its lineage, and what it means to be a Hellsing. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 45%)
-[X] Alucard's Basement - The child will inherit everything that the Hellsing family has, this includes the darker parts of it. Alucard himself has expressed much interest in seeing the child and would be "delighted" to meet it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 65%)
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[X]Plan:Hellguard's Heir
[X] Arthur
[X]Seras Victoria
[X] Martial
[X] Diplomacy

[X] The training grounds
[X] Alucards Basement

Arthur for that King Arthur reference and prophecy.

Seras because our little Primarch needs someone who's not super hard boiled around him to ironically teach him humanity and get him more comfortable with the idea of Vampire auxiliaries. I also kinda want to see what Primarch blood will do to vampire that has not taken any other fresh blood before. Arthur might just ruin her for unlife :p

Martial training is a given you don't not train a Primarch how to whoop ass and take names.

Diplomacy is another lock in

Intrigue because we're the heir to a black ops group it would only make sense for them to teach him black ops stuff.

Pieity because fuck chaos with a rusty metal spoon. Also yonking holy magic and shit will be useful.

Training grounds because again Primarch. We need to be good at the whole murdering thing

Alucard because he's the one thing on the planet that has a shot at killing us. We need him on our side. Also learning the Hellsing dark arts is very important.
Really suggest we get one martial action at the least so that we can actually defend ourselves. Being a Primarch doesn't mean as much when you are still a baby and there are beings strong enough to cut down buildings around.
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[X] Plan Leader in Progress
-[X] Michael (Alucard' Suggestion)
-[X] Walter (Locked in due to Heir to Hellsing)
-[X] Integra (Locked in due to Heir to Hellsing)
-[X] Alucard
-[X] Martial
-[X] Diplomacy
-[X] Intrigue
-[X] Stewardship
-[X] Alucard's Basement - The child will inherit everything that the Hellsing family has, this includes the darker parts of it. Alucard himself has expressed much interest in seeing the child and would be "delighted" to meet it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 65%)
-[X] The Hellsing Library - Have the child learn about the history of its adoptive bloodline. It wouldn't do for one who must fight the Supernatural to know next to nothing about its lineage, and what it means to be a Hellsing. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 45%)
[X] Michael (Alucard' Suggestion)
[X] Seras Victoria
[X] Martial
[X] Diplomacy
[X] Intrigue
[X] Learning
[X] The Hellsing Library - Have the child learn about the history of its adoptive bloodline. It wouldn't do for one who must fight the Supernatural to know next to nothing about its lineage, and what it means to be a Hellsing. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 45%)
[X] Alucard's Basement - The child will inherit everything that the Hellsing family has, this includes the darker parts of it. Alucard himself has expressed much interest in seeing the child and would be "delighted" to meet it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 65%)
[X] Michael (Alucard' Suggestion)
[X] Seras Victoria
[X] Martial
[X] Diplomacy
[X] Intrigue
[X] Learning
[X] The Hellsing Library - Have the child learn about the history of its adoptive bloodline. It wouldn't do for one who must fight the Supernatural to know next to nothing about its lineage, and what it means to be a Hellsing. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 45%)
[X] Alucard's Basement - The child will inherit everything that the Hellsing family has, this includes the darker parts of it. Alucard himself has expressed much interest in seeing the child and would be "delighted" to meet it. (Chance to obtain Perk/Trait: 65%)
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[X] Plan Ze Angel!

This will be hilarious once Big E shows up!!

If he ever does...but considering demons exist in Hellsing why not angels and the The Good lord?

Plus it will be hilarious in a number of other ways, considering out of all the primarchs sanguinus has a heck of a reputation, though I hope we can cure the blood thirst from him...

It would be great though if we do so!
[X]Plan:Hellguard's Heir
Because Ze Angel is stupid for having nhim go to church when our Father is going to viciously murder every trace of religion from the face of the planet
This will be hilarious once Big E shows up!!

If he ever does...but considering demons exist in Hellsing why not angels and the The Good lord?

Plus it will be hilarious in a number of other ways, considering out of all the primarchs sanguinus has a heck of a reputation, though I hope we can cure the blood thirst from him...

It would be great though if we do so!

Big E was constantly worshipped as a god which he just found annoying so he'd probably wouldn't even bat an eye. Not to mention that Lorgar exists and his whole bit was being religious.
Big E was constantly worshipped as a god which he just found annoying so he'd probably wouldn't even bat an eye. Not to mention that Lorgar exists and his whole bit was being religious.
Plus the Aforementioned murdering of religion. Plus if we go Pious WITHOUT church maybe we have a pious faith in the Better Nature of Mankind rather than a Deity that doesnt exist in Warhammer because if so Whut the Fuck has it been doing for 20 thousand Plus years Starting from the Age of Strife
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