Between Heaven and Earth
Part 7
Planets are a thing of the world of matter and stars, where they calmly orbit something greater than themselves, as it is in accordance to the universal laws of physics. In the Warp however, they are very much considered alien things who follow alien laws. Spherical objects of great size and mass in the Materium, they become hybrids of sorts in the Empyrean plane, but even as they are twisted by the currents of the warp and the will of the Powers that swim in its ineffable spatial membranes, they still retain a form that one can speak of them as planetary.
Daemons and Empyrean predators that have learned and specialized in preying on upon Material beings have grown accustomed to the pseudo-rigidity of such objects and know how to navigate their non-mazes.
So when objects of such mass enter their native plane of reality they can find refuge in there from beings who are far more esoteric in nature and struggle to make sense of a half logical existence.
Descending through the atmosphere towards the planet's surface a pair of wings beat the non-existent air as they made their way towards their destination.
The creature was a hideous amalgam of avian and invertebrate body parts painted with impossible hues, at least to a mortal's limited senses. In truth, what it was, was far a stranger visage of things that had no name in a world that followed a logical decree.
The Herald of Tzeentch descended down and as a new constant started to take hold its wings took on a less bizarre design and started forming an archetype that would actually allow it to swim through the skies of the Materium.
Becoming larger and greater, with the ideas of muscles and tendons and bones taking root and shaping its Imago, the azure and violet abomination now resembled a great mutated bird.
Its flight down onto the surface of the planet took it mere minutes of controlled descent through a sky filled with horrors and blood rain storms.
Upon touching the ground, its form shifted slightly once more, the wings becoming akin to a long cloak that trailed off and floated just behind, much like how long drapes wave around underneath the waves.
Its neck engorged itself, growing massive and bloated, and then its beak opened and from its cavernous maw emerged a fully grown and red armoured Astartes.
Kyras landed on the geometric ground covered in ectoplasmic saliva and mucus, but he did not pay any attention to that, instead he looked up at the Tzeentchian herald that he apparently was spat out of and frowned.
Tired as he was, his mind was still sharp, and centuries of war and conflict has made it pretty fast to react to the environment. He had lost consciousness for a moment during that trip, but only instants after being brought back he immediately recognized the presence in front of him. "God Emperor, that is disgusting!"
He willed the etheric slime to be cast off by a mantle of fire rippling over his red armor, cleansing it in its heat. He then glared at the daemon for a moment as he stood, the true form underneath the Herald disguise beginning to tear its way free from its false skin.
"Why did you have to spit me out like that?"
"Sorry about that." It said as the yellow and black demonic dog like mask started poking out from underneath the cloth skins. "Wearing any of the Four's masks influences me. The Tzeenchian one makes me a bit random."
Kyras looked at the warp creature for a moment, worry slowly mounting in his mind. "They influence you?"
A nod. "Not that they would ever make me start eating children or go on a murder orgy and bathe in the blood of virgins, but I do need to act the part when I am in disguise. I am passingly good at acting, but not so that I would be able to play the part of a daemon of the Four Cancer freaks without messing it up every now and then." It explained, tapping the Slaaneshi mask held loosely somewhere on its right shoulder. "Especially these freaks, they disgust me on a fundamental level. So the masks helps out a lot to sell the act."
Kyras nodded in understanding. It made sense, as daemons of the Dark Gods would regularly commit heinous acts whenever they could. It would be challenging to follow their deeds when one is opposed to their very act.
The Astartes looked away from the Painter, and started observing his surroundings and found that while they were not as bizarre as the rest of the Warp places he has been, this one had an entirely distinct and strange air to it.
In his short time in the Warp, Kyras had grown accustomed to the sanitized view of ever shifting landscapes of body parts, gaseous metal, glassy wind, liquid fire and all manner of things that had no business being a physical component of a landscape. The sight of distant protean horrors flying afar, the constant cacophony of laughter and screams intermixed with the sounds of alien throats, the horrific perfumes and sweet stenches that assaulted his nose in spite of his helmet, the colours that he still could not pronounce the names off no matter how much the Painter tried to teach it to him, or the utter sense of wrongness and hostility that came off from everywhere and everywhen. The pressure at the back of his eyes and the slowly growing uneasy feeling that the more he looked into the impossible landscapes the more he was starting to make sense of it.
But this place? It felt eerie. Abandoned and forgotten but not empty. Wherever he looked, his vision could not decide it he was seeing an endless road, or a series of monochromatic rooms that stretched for infinity, or a maze of colourless obsidian cobblestone or just a straight set of halls separated by a countless amount of doors.
This place felt like if it was somewhere mid transition. A place that he walked through without thought and had no purpose past that. A waiting moment, a passing from one place to the next, an action in-between the intent and the result. All of that converted and compressed into a singular physical constant that could not be satisfied with the transition into his mind and had to continue doing so eternally.
A eternal liminal space.
Kyras shook his head and regarded the warp spawn once more, noticing that it too was taking in the scenery. "So where are we?" He asked it.
"Uralan." It replied without looking back, but Kyras felt weight in his hearts when he heard that name. There was importance in it, in the name of wherever they were. He just did not know what. The Painter turned back from its site seeing and expanded upon the name given to the librarian. "A middle ground of sorts. A neutral territory for all beings in the Empyrean, provided they follow its rules. A planet wide liminal space that is essentially the only safe space in the Milky Way's Warp. A place where violence of any kind enacted by you would subject you to a powerful malediction that would allow even a mere fury to fight off an empowered greater daemon of the Powers of Chaos." The Painter began walking off, gesturing to the marine to follow, who did as he listened to the warp creature's explanation of their current location.
And then it delivered the most damning declaration.
"That means that you are not allowed to initiate hostilities with anyone here." It stressed giving the astartes a very stern glare, one that brokered no rebuttal and no objections. "Not one single being. Does not matter what they are or who. Be they Traitor or Neverborn, you will obey the laws of this land. You could even be in front of Abaddon himself, and you would be forced to not even lay a finger on him. Is that understood?"
Kyras growled in his deep voice, anger and shock clearly noticeable in his tone. "You cannot expect me to be friendly with the scum here?! Do you?"
"No I don't, and I don't want you to." It assured. "You can make your hatred and hostility towards a second party be openly known, but you are not allowed to act on it at all. Keep it stern, unwelcoming, but also calm, collected and, above all, peaceful." The Painter declared. "Daemons of Chaos will try to tempt you to start physical hostilities, but so long as you do nothing to them they won't even be able to lay their Taint on you. So keep a lid on your aggression, your powers and your blade. Is that clear." It wasn't a statement.
The epistolary gave a long, hard look at the yellow and black faced devil in front of him. His fists were bawled so tightly that he knew they knuckles were turning white underneath his blue gauntlets. Eventually though, he sighed. "Very well. I shall follow your lead." Not that he has much choice on the matter.
Immediately, the warp creature's expression softened and its shoulders sagged in a mimicry of relief. "Good." It said, nodding satisfied. "I know of a section that I have…" Uncertainty, looking up at the sky as its face's expression turned into one of diffidence and confusion. "…Not sure I can call it claimed actually. Its more like… rented? I think…?" It turned to the marine, meeting his helmeted visage that hid the man's own confusion at the statement the creature just said. "Well, anyway, I have a 'rented' place that we can rest in and not be bothered by unwanted nuisances."
Kyras just kept staring for several, long awkward moments more. "Can daemons even provide… renting services?" Kyras was sure that everything he had seen up to this point somehow did not hold a candle in surrealism to the bizarre idea in his head about a Khornate daemon on a clerk seat providing hosts rooms in a hotel.
It just… it did not make any sense!
"Like I said, not sure I can even call it that." The Painter said, looking at the watery asphalt that the floor had become. "This planet's weird."
Weird was an understatement! Kyras clearly thought. "This entire plane of reality is weird!"
A grin from the warp creature, and they continued off in their trek.
Their walk was slow. Both having to stop every few moments, seemingly to orientate themselves. Or rather, the Painter was the one trying to orientate itself, as apparently it knew the way, just that it was confusing and the path was never the same each time.
Kyras was inclined to believe it. Somehow, these walls and roads seem to be more obtuse than anything his mind tried to make sense of. And he was observing it all through illusionary lenses to diminish the sensory input his mind is forced to experience. He would not want to imagine just how strange it would be to observe this place without such filter. He tried a couple of times to peer through the illusions and every time he started gleaming a bit more than what the creature permitted him, his sense of balance would go meet the Emperor and he would realize only after it had happened that he was walking on the ceiling. Much to the amusement of the daemon and the man's own personal annoyance.
A question popped up in his mind though as they both passed a strange alien statue that seemed… too real and too 'logical' to be just some fluke.
"Painter." At its name the creature's ears perked up.
"Yes? What is it?" It asked, almost instantly.
Kyras frowned thoughtfully at that. The creature was… surprisingly amicable. He knew that it wasn't to be trusted, not that he had any choice in that matter, but the bizarre being was… strangely accommodating.
And not in a Tzeentchian sort of way.
It would answer questions without asking anything in return and oftentimes, it was something that Kyras could somewhat wrap his mind around, even when it was speaking of strange and esoteric concepts that most librarians at times would struggle to make sense of. Perhaps being in the Warp, and under the creature's protection, was slowly opening up Kyras' senses to the currents of the Empyrean. Maybe it was the Painter's manipulations and he was being set up to fail in the end. In the end, the creature was completely casual in how it spoke to the man. Not speaking directly down to him, or making itself seem greater than any man at all.
In fact, it more or less treated Kyras closer to an equal. No… not an equal… someone that could become so in some future, but is not there yet… not by a long margin. Like an apprentice that has some passing talent maybe?
Kyras found himself finding many parallels between this creature and late Chief Librarian Erandes. He hated that, but he was self aware enough, and still of enough a waking state, that he was forced to recognize it.
Erandes would always make time to answer most questions Kyras, and the rest of their battle brothers, presented the late Librarian, provided that he was not too busy himself or deemed a subject ill advised to teach. He found… or at least, seemed to appear, that the creature found some joy in explaining things. That it enjoyed teaching. Much like his own mentor.
Kyras frowned.
Yes. Because even though it taught some things that Radical Inquisitors would love to sell their souls for, it also bore horrible revelations that Kyras… just… didn't want to acknowledge. Even though there was a dark voice in the deep reseses of his mind that was whispering at him to accept what the Painter said. Trying to convince the man that what it was saying was true.
Everything it had said. About the Emperor, his Primarch, his future that it supposedly never will be anymore.
He tried hard to hide it. He tried deeply to fall back on those mental rituals he was taught as an initiate to steady his mind. He tried to disregard it, to disbelieve it, or at least see it from another perspective.
But he couldn't deny the fact that it left him troubled. Deeply so. But…
He looked at the creature that he was following, because he had no other choice, and as much as he hated to think about it… he was thankful that it had not brought up those topics again. Though a part of him wondered what other forbidden secrets it knew. And he dreaded to know when and if it would reveal them to him. And what was it gaining from it?
Regardless, Kyras pressed on. "We passed a statue a while back. I did not fully notice it before, but there were others that vaguely resembled it that we passed."
A smile tugged at the fanged lips of the Painter. "A yes, good eye!" It praised, much to Kyras' ever present frown. "What you see there is one of the few depictions of the original makers of this world."
One of the astartes' brow slowly moved up to the man's hairline. Or what little he had of it. His hair loss wasn't as severe as the rest of his battle brothers', but it still happened and Kyras felt that every time he looked at his own reflection he found a few strands of hair missing. Not that he put much stock in appearances, but he liked his hair. He enjoyed braiding it and placing simple decorations on it. Made him feel impressions he no longer recalled. Faded memories that he was certain were from before his transformation into one of the Emperor's Angels of Death. Sigh, more things to fade away in time. He shook his head, pushing those thoughts aside. "This world is artificial?"
He did not know much of how exactly planets were affected by the Warp during a Warp Storm, or what happened when they were absorbed into the Empyrean itself. But from what he had read, the effects were as varied and as horrific as anything he had ever come to associate with the Empyrean. But this planet felt odd for some inexplicable reason.
Fixed. Stable. Grounded. Like a monolithic rock against a raging storm, resisting the wrath of the elements as it remained there, unmoving, unchanging. A island of strange stability amid a cataclysmic sea.
The devil faced Painter nodded. "Correct. This world was created by a…" It paused, then immediately started frowning, venomously so. "Shit."
That immediately got the astartes on edge. "What is it?"
"There are Neverborn between us and the… rental." Kyras stiffed. The Painter looked back at him. "Remember what I said?"
Kyras would have been insulted if it were anyone else asking that question. Both he and it knew that he knew, but the severity of the situation merited the unnecessary question. As to reinforce the laws that must be obeyed.
Kyras nodded, and the Painter nodded back before reaching a hand out to a door that was not there before. "Don't talk to anyone. Don't pay attention to anyone. Don't look them in the eye if you can help it. And most of all…" It said, getting close to Kyras' face. "…Don't touch anyone. You'll die if you enact any violence here. I may want to help you out of the Warp, but I am not going to throw my life away to save someone with a death wish, is that clear?"
One final nod from the marine, and the Warp creature turned back to the door which now seemed like long flowing drapes, just waiting to be pushed aside.
It let out a deep, deep sigh. A very human gesture. "Here goes nothing." It said, and then pulled the gates open, and walked through.
The Epistolary breathed in a calming breath before steadying himself. And then… he followed through after.
When Kyras passed the threshold into this potentially dangerous place, he was not sure what to expect. He pictured in his mind a room full of all the horrors of the Warp just standing there, trying to avoid each other, or something.
He did not expect it to look like the inside of a bar.
Not at all.
It was strange, the walls were off, in both colour and texture. The patrons were everything that could be placed between impossible and horrifying, and yet they seated upon stools with things in hand and intermingled with each other in ways that would not be out of place in an underhive's bar. Except with the complete exclusion of any violence. But the sense of danger never left. Every eye in the room was staring at the two arrivals, but they did nothing beyond that.
Everything was quiet and uncomfortably so. There was a tension in the air so thick that Kyras could reach out and cut it with his dagger.
That quiet however, was cut by Painter's soft voice interrupting the tension with an observation that Kyras was not aware of. "Huh… I wasn't expecting a Notion-from-Above to manifest here so… well defined."
"Notion from Above?" The space marine whispered just behind the warp spawn, wondering what the heck was a Notion from Above and what it meant here and if he should know of it.
But the Painter cut off any conversations. "Later." It said, then gestured with its eyes to a pathway just beyond the horrors in the bar. "Let's get moving!"
Kyras did not nod, but he agreed entirely, so they both began to make their way through the bar. Kyras in particular making sure he did not meet any of the abomination's stares head on. His mind and eye focusing solely upon the entrance that the Painter was walking towards at a hasty, yet calm pace.
Just ignore their stares.
Just ignore their hungering gazes.
So close.
Ignore their choking presences of bottomless evil.
Almost there.
Ignore their wide grinning jaws full of teeth and promises of pain.
Nearly there!
And then… Azariah Kyras, heard a voice.
"Oooh, if it isn't one of Magnus' little birdies!" Kyras froze at the words that he instinctively knew were directed at him, before slowly turning back and laying his eyes upon the creature that had said that.
A pink mass of shifting flesh with limbs, tentacles and wings emerging and being absorbed back to and from the mass. A pink horror of Tzeentch. Bot one that was so much more.
"You are far from your nest." Its grin grew wider. "But at the same time… you are so close…" And then its form began to melt away, slowly coming to reveal something else taking shape underneath.
A humanoid form.
Dark rusted red armor. Blackened horns upon shoulder plates. A librarian's psychic hood. The badge and cape of a Chapter Master.
His own face.
Smiling darkly back at him.
" close… to your Destiny."
It was himself.
"So tell me Azariah Kyras, what does it feel to turn your back upon your Emperor?"
To be Continued.
AN: Whooo… took a while to write this one. Between studying for my last exam and my drawings… well. Yeah, its been slow writing. Glad that the muse is still up and healthy, so there is that.