Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Just a quick warning about posting any pictures on Jack and Abby. Even the official art has been banned over on the type moon image thread, so tread cautiously.
I normally keep the tally open for Servant choices for two days instead of one, but yeah, this isn't as close as the others. I'll start writing later today when everything I have to do today is complete (in like five or six hours).
ROMA IS THE WORLD BECAUSE ROMA IS THE WORLD! THE WORLD IS ROMA! 「ROMA」! Shove an Aquila up those Gaul's asses, make them burp out Jove's holy lightning- FOR 'MERICA ROMA!

Siegfried lost at the start!
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That awkward moment when a session of D&D goes long because the 3 foot 8 inch tall Artificer decides she would rather seduce and then bed the Medusa rather than fight it.

Welp, a bit later than I intended to, but I'm going to start writing now. Probably won't be ready to be posted until early tomorrow morning. Romulus has won the vote, so it looks like Theo will be embracing ROMA.

I'm going to eat first though. I doubt the vote is going to swing within the next hour though, but who knows. Hahaha
That awkward moment when a session of D&D goes long because the 3 foot 8 inch tall Artificer decides she would rather seduce and then bed the Medusa rather than fight it.

Welp, a bit later than I intended to, but I'm going to start writing now. Probably won't be ready to be posted until early tomorrow morning. Romulus has won the vote, so it looks like Theo will be embracing ROMA.

I'm going to eat first though. I doubt the vote is going to swing within the next hour though, but who knows. Hahaha

Am I the only person who's table top groups are more interested in stealing everything than seduction. Because I feel like these sort of things always happen to everyone else.
My players are selectively loot crazy. One player has decided they want all the dragon shit, so anything that looks like a dragon they loot. The Sorcerer loots things that can help him summon shit ("I want to summon a demon to protect my gold"). The Ranger is more the monetary sort (they recently came across 2.4 million GP, and cried because they couldn't take it all with them). The Cleric just gets dragged around. The Artificer keeps trying to seduce monsters.
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My players are selectively loot crazy. One player has decided they want all the dragon shit, so anything that looks like a dragon they loot. The Sorcerer loots things that can help him summon shit ("I want to summon a demon to protect my gold"). The Ranger is more the monetary sort (they recently came across 2.4 million GP, and cried because they couldn't take it all with them). The Cleric just gets dragged around. The Artificer keeps trying to seduce monsters.
I can't pin down why, but sometimes our sessions also get really crazy.

So we for example fail to prevent a civil war, because our group is too preoccupied with tracking down and painting our ork, the PC of a fellow player, neon pink as punishment for something (I can't remember what it was though).
And the time my group decided the carpet in the living room of an apartment, rented by the teacher of my character and temporarily left to his care, was the perfect place to hack apart the corpse of a burglar and make his skull into a drinking cup.
Ah, and the time we made a fellow player believe his character got a STD, because he annoyed us by delaying our group through his need to screw every girl he could.
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The campaign I'm in with my friends right now has a had a lot of weird sidetracks. I think the earliest thing was that we noticed that the pine cones on the trees in the forest we were walking in disappeared as soon as anything touched them. The DM culled them Puffcones because they made a poof noise when they disappeared. Our bard flipped his shit and we got sidetracked trying to figure out why they disappeared. We were way too invested in this one side detail and the DM was laughing his ass off the whole time. Someone finally got a good nature check and figured out that they teleport underground to grow into new trees.

The other memorable thing is we were in a desert on a sand ship when we spot this cactus. We haven't seen fuck all else growing in this desert so we stop to check it out. When we get off the ship and get close it turns out to be a goddamn sapient cactus named Lord Prickulous and it's got the biggest ego. It makes some offhand comment about us "sampling his greatness" and then the bard (this guy is the source of many a shenanigan XD) says he wants in. So then the DM gets to say "You get on your knees before Lord Prickulous to sample his greatness". Prickulous just poses harder and the bard stabs him and kills him in one hit. Now there's just a random tombstone in the desert that says "Here lies Lord Prickulous".
If we're talking about D&D sessions, the first and only session I played I had joined in in the middle of the group's campaign, and they were on a ship. Then they were attacked by pirates, and instead of doing anything, they just stood there and sang the Pirate Song from Lazy Town before the sorcerer used her magic to throw about half the party onto the other ship.
The Artificer keeps trying to seduce monsters
Can't really blame them, all they get to interact with is sexbots and now a Medusa shows up so might as well see if you can make her want to kill you less and get laid.
Someone finally got a good nature check and figured out that they teleport underground to grow into new trees.
That... Highly efficient for a Setting with magic and makes perfect sense. Huh.

If we're talking about D&D sessions, the first and only session I played I had joined in in the middle of the group's campaign, and they were on a ship. Then they were attacked by pirates, and instead of doing anything, they just stood there and sang the Pirate Song from Lazy Town before the sorcerer used her magic to throw about half the party onto the other ship.
At least they didn't song about being Majors Generals (FK GRAMMAR!).
(forgot to celebrate till just now)
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