Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] "Overseer, we require a scooter and a megaphone."

It's not like it's that bad of a way to spread the word. We're very noticeable, and word will quickly be spread through middlemen.
It's not like it's that bad of a way to spread the word. We're very noticeable, and word will quickly be spread through middlemen.
Why would we want civilians to know that they should hide out for a few days cause there's a war coming? Makes it less likely that they can be used as collateral, tools, hostages, or even food if the Servant is feeling hungry.
Why would we want civilians to know that they should hide out for a few days cause there's a war coming? Makes it less likely that they can be used as collateral, tools, hostages, or even food if the Servant is feeling hungry.
If it comes down to the point where civvies are involved at that level, there's nothing they can do to run or hide. Alocked and barred door wouldn't stop a Servant.
Labyrinth just got her Servant. Why not let them get somewhat settled before we show up yelling that the game has started and they're the only ones who get no grace period. Also BB still needs to finish up with Vista and whatever else she's doing. It be kinda a dick move to just move ahead and do her own freaking job without informing her.
[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

If BB were a good Ruler, she would stop Mephistopheles like Jeanne stopped Jack in Apocrypha. Or Accord should call a truce like in Zero. I guess the War is already basically public knowledge anyway, so they don't really need to be concerned. It'll just be written off as parahuman stuff. I expect hero reinforcements will be called in to deal with Mephistopheles soon. He's doing S9 level shit.
If BB were a good Ruler, she would stop Mephistopheles like Jeanne stopped Jack in Apocrypha. Or Accord should call a truce like in Zero. I guess the War is already basically public knowledge anyway, so they don't really need to be concerned. It'll just be written off as parahuman stuff. I expect hero reinforcements will be called in to deal with Mephistopheles soon. He's doing S9 level shit.
actually, she is a good ruler. both of those things are something rulers shouldn't do at all. that's why we didn't get jeanne.
If BB were a good Ruler, she would stop Mephistopheles like Jeanne stopped Jack in Apocrypha.
Jeanne didn't really do her job right. She was supposed to be a neutral referee who's main job is to act in the interest of the Grail. Jeanne was unable to maintain her impartial stance because of her morals. Also BB doesn't know what Caster is currently up to, cause we haven't said anything about checking in on him. If we decide Caster's actions are interfering with the War to the point where it can't continue properly than she will act accordingly, and since the War hasn't even started for it to be interfered with she can't do a thing to him.
Are people actually thinking anyone would take us seriously on the scooter? I mean, it's an obvious route to get us kidnapped.

we're gonna get kidnapped by cauldron again, aren't we?
Watch us get accosted by some Merchants who heard about the cape that gives out badass projections for free. Then we get kidnapped by a rabid Musashi. Cauldren would probably want to keep the Grail right by their side until it's time to make the wish. Cheaters.
[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

Because scootering around telling people 'the war is now on' is a good way to run into the protectorate. Plus, patience. A story is more than back-to-back action. I happen to really enjoy the quiet scenes.

That said, if starting the war guarantees Caster dying as soon as possible I could be convinced.
Is this a bad idea? Yes. But I think it's one that's worth using because of the attention that this is going to get from the authorities. After all, the PRT already know about the war thanks to Jekyll (and us). However, I still want to know how they'll react to us announcing that the war is officially on. Will they conclude that more of the servants than the ones they know about (Assassin, Lancer, Archer) are in Brockton Bay? Will this mean that they make the connection that the ABB's activities might be connected to a Servant? Are they going to evacuate the city, or try to treat this like just another grudge match between villains? Inquiring minds want to know.

[X] Overseer we require a scooter and a megaphone!

Oh, and I'd say there's a non-zero chance that even if this plan wins, Accord will just shoot it down by refusing to supply the needed materials, which will still be almost as funny.
Is this a bad idea? Yes. But I think it's one that's worth using because of the attention that this is going to get from the authorities. After all, the PRT already know about the war thanks to Jekyll (and us). However, I still want to know how they'll react to us announcing that the war is officially on. Will they conclude that more of the servants than the ones they know about (Assassin, Lancer, Archer) are in Brockton Bay? Will this mean that they make the connection that the ABB's activities might be connected to a Servant? Are they going to evacuate the city, or try to treat this like just another grudge match between villains? Inquiring minds want to know.
We would get the same information by having BB do the announcement. Plus it'd be far more intimidating if BB hacked Armsmaster's personal computer instead of us cruising up to the Rig on a cute little scooter and shouting at people through a megaphone.