Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

Did Accord bring pur tiger? Also we have, obviously, made the best choices.

Edit: I didn't mean to do it but I love it anyway.
Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Apr 28, 2018 at 6:21 PM, finished with 183 posts and 115 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Apr 28, 2018 at 6:59 PM, finished with 38 posts and 33 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Apr 28, 2018 at 7:53 PM, finished with 47 posts and 42 votes.
Last edited:
[X] "Overseer, we require a scooter and a megaphone."

The sheer contrast between this and Emma's scene is making my head spin. This is the best quest.
Adding a checklist on why I feel waiting is a better option.
What do we gain from going around on a scooter and megaphone? Besides immediate gratification. Would it funny? Yes. In a cracky omake kinda way.
  • First we would have to find the Masters again.
  • Second we have Ruler for this very reason. This is her job.
  • Third, having the Grail Party(Grail/Overseer/Ruler) scattered instead of presenting a united front at the opening of the War just shows to both the Master and Servants that we don't have our shit together, and that they have a chance at giving us the run around.
And it kinda just gives the impression that the War is just a fun thing to do instead of a Battle Royale to the death.
Also, ironically, both figures are described to be incredibly beautiful (which Gregor isn't know).
Ehh Gods and Goddess don't always have attractive demigod kids/grandkids. To Atalanta, all Case 53s might as well be demigods that weren't blessed with their sire's looks. Unfortunate, but very common.
Leuce's name literally means "white", though she has no actual connection to Gregor beyond color just as how Gregor had no connection to Nerites beyond that there is also a type of snail called that too. Also, ironically, both figures are described to be incredibly beautiful (which Gregor isn't know).

EDIT: In essence, it is a joke so intelligent that it is dumb. Incredibly so. Haha.
Oh, didn't remember Gregor being white, I always imagined him brownish.
The beautiful thing confused me as well.
Giggles to self quietly in the corner.

(Note: I'm not giggling because of the chapter, even though it was greatly entertaining. I'm giggling from the options)
[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

Guys? Remember what happened with the Simurgh, fun choices are not always good choices.
A megaphone and scooter will not get much coverage, will attract non master attention in a bad way, and generally make us look like a crazy person. Probably annoy Accord as well

Sidenote: When I typed Simurgh, autocorrect changed it to Dominique
Adhoc vote count started by Azerick01 on Apr 28, 2018 at 7:02 PM, finished with 39 posts and 34 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Azerick01 on Apr 28, 2018 at 7:03 PM, finished with 39 posts and 34 votes.
[X] "Overseer, we require a scooter and a megaphone."

One choice to rule them all, One choice to find them. One choice to summon them all and in the bay define them.
Dinah bit her lip as she listened to Emma talk to herself. She slowly got up and walked over to the redhead, sitting next to her and pulling her into a hug. Emma didn't seem to notice, simply continuing her chant.
Hug her, Dinah. She needs hugs.

Labyrinth stood up and, leaning down a bit, she rested a hand on Berserker's head.

She gently stroked her Servant's hair, scratching behind her ears. "Good kitty."
Best kitty.

The Grail blinked. Was Accord pouting? "I bet I could make her a way better mask…"

...their overseer was weird.
The best kind of overseer.

"Master! Say 'ahh'..."

Alec twitched. "I can eat by myself."

"Oh! But we are Master and Servant, non? I saw on my novella that this is the perfect way to bond and grow closer!"

"...I don't even know what you are eating."

Marie smiled as she held up a spoon full of some sort of brown meat stuffed with some wrinkled sort of different brown meat. "It is andouillette!"

"...that doesn't help me at all."

"It is sausage!"

"That doesn't look like sausage."

"Eat it!"


"Eat it!"

Lisa walked in the room, grabbed the spoon, and put it in her mouth. She paused. "God damnit, Endbringer-lite! Stop that!"

"You ate my Master's food!"

"You did that voice thing again!"

Marie opened her mouth to say something but stopped as she heard a soft exhale of air. She turned to her Master, her eyes wide with wonder. "Did Master just laugh?"

Alec schooled his features. "No."

"You did!"

"No I didn't!" Before the argument could continue there was a loud knocking on the door. Alec leapt to his feet (using his power to make Lisa trip so she wouldn't get there before him) as he used this as an escape.

Only for him to find Marie's hand already on the doorknob when he reached out to open it.

Rider swung the door open with a wide smile on her face. "Bonjour! Welcome to...oh no! Master get back!"

Chiron sighed as Rider jumped back...behind her Master who was currently stuck blinking at the odd sight before him. BB smiled, an unconscious Vista slung over her shoulder. "Hello! I am Ruler, but please, call me BB. It seems my healing ability has a bit of a limit on how far back the things it heals are. Could you help us out?"
Now we just need background laughter tracks and the Undersiders base will become a full sitcon.

Lancer looked at his Master curiously. "What is that thing in your mouth?"

Theo swallowed. "Andouillette." Lancer did not seem any less confused. "A type of sausage."

"That does not look like sausage."

"It is made with pork, intestines, onions, wine and other seasonings. It is quite good. Want to try some?"

"I need not be fed."

"But should Rome not indulge in the finest of cuisine?"

Romulus paused. "...I concede your point, and accept your offering."
Now I got curious....

It's like a really weird sausage, but it looks delicious.

Wikipedia said:
True andouillette is rarely seen outside France

There's only one option!

[X] "Overseer, we require a scooter and a megaphone."
[X] "We shall await the return of Ruler patiently and with grace."

as much as the stupid option sounds like fun, it doesn't sound like a good idea.
[X] "Overseer, we require a scooter and a megaphone."

it's like a giant red button with a skull on it... we can't not go for it.

Hell, it'll probably have the same result, too.