Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Leave Canary behind

I usually don't vote unless it's really close or I really like the vote. Unfortunately, I just find Canary boring and don't really want her to be a master.
I usually don't vote unless it's really close or I really like the vote. Unfortunately, I just find Canary boring and don't really want her to be a master.
Have you seen this?
As some people have pointed out, yes, this choice does not determine if she is made into a Master. You can debate her, break down her faith in the legal system, and then not make her a Master, in which case she'd just break out on her own since we have a distraction going and security is down ("I'm not leaving with you, we are just going in the same direction"). After that she is probably a mostly non factor under the care of Dragon (and by extension BB). I had hoped my AN would have made that somewhat clear...
Talking to her doesn't mean we make her a Master.
I usually don't vote unless it's really close or I really like the vote. Unfortunately, I just find Canary boring and don't really want her to be a master.

This vote isn't about her being a master or not so if your voting for that reason you don't need to worry. This vote is basically about either wasting our time even coming here by leaving or actually do something before leaving.
Haha mecha Liz? BB you're the best for making that happen with Dragon. It was a great distraction and it was fun seeing her bounce off (literally in some cases) with the heroes in New York.

[X] Debate with Canary

As for voting, well I'm a little bit impressed by Canary. She has more conviction than I imagined and is willing to follow it even if it leads to her downfall. Now while I'm unsure if that makes her a good Master (I prefer Sveta), I would like to continue the philosophical debate with her. I kinda like how principled she is in comparison to our other potential Masters which is why I want to see what will make her compromise her ideals.
Ah, yes I did read that. It's just a vote to debate with her means spending more time with her meaning waiting for one or two more updates to move on to someone else, plus it means there might be a chance that she does become a master. It's just I'd rather the grail move on now. I hope my explanation makes sense.
[X] Debate with Canary
I don't want to make her a Master, but I do want to traumatize her since we're already here. Plus I don't think Mecha Eli's gonna make it out of this anyway. It's a fun one off thing, and if there's another, neat, but I'm not gonna make a decision just for her sake. Besides I think it's a waste of time to just leave now. I want to make some kind of impact besides just attacking. Also, against making Dinah a Master now. I want to see Meph's contingency follow it's course. Which leaves room for someone from Faultline's crew and one other. Maybe Sveta, maybe a Traveler. My preference as of now is someone from Faultline's Crew and a Traveler.
[X] Debate with Canary
I'm all for debates. I don't even care about whether or not she ends up a master, or how much time it took to get here, or the cost of Mecha-Eli or anything, I just want to hear out this debate. is apparently my birthday. Kind of forgot until I picked up my phone and saw my messages. Well, between my suddenly more full schedule and how close these votes are, I'll hold off on writing the next chapter until tomorrow.

...yay? Haha.
Ah! Do we need to repeat it each time really? This vote won't determine if Canary is going to be a Master or not.
No, but every time we've explicitly voted to spend time with someone like this, we've ended up making them a Master in the next vote (except when we've talked to a group, like the Undersiders or Lung + Bakuda, and only given one a Servant). Might as well nip it in the bud.
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